Tormented Ch. 15


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"Do you know what you are to Lily?"

Lucy shook her head and Aaron took a breath. "She's never had anyone, never let herself get close enough to anyone to form a real friendship. Everyone she's ever known has either left or been killed and when she wasn't with Ryan she was all alone, even her mother had left her before all of this, everything her life has taught her has made her careful about who she trusts but she trusts you. Even Ryan has never seen her this close to someone but him and me and we're bonded, she has to trust us. You were a stranger, she knew nothing of you before this and now she thinks of you as family. Do you know what it would do to her if you left? What it would do to Ryan? To me?" He paused and she heard the emotion in his voice and the soft tremble of his breath. "You are so important to everyone here, she loves you more than anyone because of what you have given her, you cant take that from her, she wont have anything left."

"I didn't know." Lucy looked away and swallowed. "I didn't know any of that."

"She would never tell anyone she would never let anyone know that she was lonely, she's too strong for that. You just need to know that you being here is the only thing that keeps her going sometimes, she needs you Luce."

She wrapped her arms around the Followers waist and buried her face in his neck, he held her tightly stroking his hand down her back and kissed her hair.

"I love you, all of you. Don't let me forget and think that again ok?"

They heard the door open from the front of the house and she quickly wiped her eyes that were filling with tears. "And never tell her I said that ok?"

He nodded and they walked back into the kitchen, Lily and Ryan stood at the counter, Ryan twisted the top of a huge bottle of champagne while Lily reached on tiptoe to pull glasses out of a cupboard, she placed them on the table and smiled at the two of them as they walked in.

"Come sit we're celebrating!" Her voice was filled with excitement and she practically bounced up and down on the spot, the Elf looked at the brightness in the Demons eyes and couldn't help her own smile. They sat at the table and Ryan poured each of them a glass of champagne before pulling Lily to sit on his lap.

"What we celebrating?" Aaron asked looking at them with a raised eyebrow, they smiled at each other before she turned back to him.

"We have a date."

Lucy shrieked. "You finally picked one!"

Lily nodded. "I know, 17th of July, the day we met."

Ryan shrugged one broad shoulder. "It's kind of cheesy I know but seemed fitting," he kissed his mates shoulder. "The church is booked, the reception, the invitations have been sent. All that's left is the dress and suits but we'll need you guys for that."

"But wait," Lucy looked confused. "That's less than a month away, how will you get everything else ready in time?"

"We'll do it," Lily smiled. "I'm taking you dress shopping tomorrow and then we're planning the hen do."

"Can't ever do things the easy way can you little lady?"

She shook her head and drained her glass. "Its part of my adorable nature and effortless charm."

They laughed and for the next couple of hours they drank and talked together until the sound of Mae crying brought them back. Lily laughed her cheeks flushed from drink and stood. "I'll get her then I'm going to bed," she looked back to Lucy. "Remember dress shopping tomorrow, I'll want to leave early."

"You got it." Lily walked from the kitchen and Ryan watched after her.

"Fucking dress shopping, who would have thought we would ever get this far?" He leant and kissed Lucy on the cheek before clapping Aaron's shoulder. "Suits tomorrow mate, don't think that you're getting out of this."

"Can't wait."

Ryan disappeared through the door leaving the two of them alone in the kitchen, she watched after them with a sad smile before turning back to Aaron.

"How do they do it?"

"Do what baby?" Aaron took hold of her hand and brought it to his lips kissing her soft skin.

"Stay so positive, so happy through everything that's happened?"

"They're together. That's all they've ever wanted. Nothing has been easy for them so this is the best things has ever been."

"But so many things have gone wrong, what if something else happens?"

He stood and lifted her into his arms, walking through to their bedroom he pushed the door closed with his foot and dropped her onto the bed, she grinned at the look on his face and crawled backwards until his hand around her ankle stopped her and he pulled her back towards him. Quickly he stripped her clothes from her and kneeling between her legs he kissed the inside of her thigh, she sighed and keeping herself upright with one hand on the bed behind her while her other hand rested on the back of his head trying to pull him closer. He resisted and she laughed in frustration as he kissed her thigh again before running his tongue upwards, stopping just before his lips reached her pussy. He pulled her legs to hang over his shoulders and ran his tongue along her pussy tasting her before spreading her wider and thrusting his tongue deep inside her.

"Oh fuck," she fell back against the bed with one hand over her face. He moved his tongue back up to press gently against her clit and sliding one finger into her tight pussy, she arched her back pressing her pussy harder against his face and he sucked on her clit and began to move his finger inside her. "Aaron." Her voice was a soft plea but he waited, not giving her what she wanted, drawing out her pleasure until she was shaking and her breathing ragged, soft moans came from her throat and finally he gave her what she wanted and twisted his fingers inside her hitting the nerves and she came undone her back arching and her nails digging into the sheets.

He stood and stripped his clothes off before kneeling back on the bed and crawling between her legs, he held her to his chest with one muscled arm and crawled up the bed until he lay her head on the pillows before settling himself back between her thighs and kissing her. She moaned as she tasted herself on his mouth, he pushed inside her slowly until he was buried to the hilt and felt her pussy tightened around his hard length. He stayed like that for a moment before pulling out until just the tip remained inside her before slamming back in, he pulled back and she laughed in frustration.

"You're teasing me."

His body shook with the effort of holding still and he leant down to kiss her, slowly he began to thrust into her, taking her wrists in his hands he held them against the bed either side of her head. Her knees came up to hug his hips drawing him deeper and he groaned his eyes sliding shut, his hips moved quicker, pushing in deep he felt the tight walls of her pussy massage his cock and she wrapped her legs around his waist trying to speed up his thrusts. He pushed her wrists harder against the bed immobilising her and sped up the thrusting of his hips, he could feel his orgasm building but gritted his teeth, keeping it back as he slammed into her.

"Oh fuck Aaron, I'm gonna cum."

He leant his head down bringing his lips to her ear. "Not yet."

She moaned and bit her lip, her stomach tensed as she fought to keep her orgasm back and she began to tremble violently, he kept up his slow deliberate thrusts watching the pleasure build on her face until her eyes flew open and she looked at him with a desperate light in the blue depths.

"Aaron please." Her voice broke as she begged him and he smiled leaning down to speak against her lips.

"Cum for me Elf."

She screamed as her orgasm ripped through her body and he covered her mouth with his muffling the sound and his own orgasm hit, making him tense against her as he spilled into her tight pussy. He released her wrists, stroking the skin gently and holding her to his chest sat back against her pillows with her on his lap, his cock still buried inside her.

She dropped her head to rest on his shoulder and they stayed silent for a moment.

"Have you ever thought about getting married?" His question startled her and she sat back to look into his eyes.

"When I was a kid, I used to dream about my wedding day but it was different back home. It was a mating ceremony where two elves shared their life force, it's similar to when an angel finds their mate, we become practically immortal. Have you ever thought about it?"

"No, I never thought I would get married, have kids, be part of a family." He swallowed and looked down. "My parents died when I was a baby, I grew up on the streets, I had to learn to take care of myself. I hated the idea of families because I never had one, but since I met you..." He paused and she stroked his cheek tilting his head back up to look at her.

"I didn't know that."

"Only Ryan knows, Lily doesn't even know. But since I met you its different, I can see myself spending the rest of my life with you."

"You can."

"Yeah," he smiled. "Who wouldn't want to spend their life with you Luce?"

"We could," she blushed but continued. "There is a way that we can complete the ceremony."

"But I thought you said only Elves could do it?"

"An Elf can take a human for their mate, like when a Demon or an Angel make a Follower, we give you our life force and they become one of us."

"A human but not a Follower?"

She looked into his eyes with a strange expression, her mouth opened but not words came out, instead she shook her head and dropped her eyes.

"What is it?" He searched her face.

"There is a way. Your master would have to release you and you would become human again, then the ceremony would have to be completed within three days otherwise your years would catch up to you and you would waste away. It is something that the Follower must be completely sure about, your master cannot take you back once they have released you."

"I wouldn't be Ryan's Follower anymore?" He took a moment to let it sink in. "That's all I've been for so long I cant imagine myself without him."

"I'm sorry, I never should have brought it up."

He stopped her words with a kiss. "I'll do it."

Her eyes widened. "You will?"

"Whenever you'll have me Elf."

He kissed her again and she held him tightly.

Without warning his eyes opened, flashing dangerously and he pulled away his staring at the window.

"What is it?" She asked sounding worried.

"It's an Angel, I can feel it." He tipped her off his lap and stepped into his jeans, opening the door he met Ryan as he ran down the stairs. "You feel that?"

Ryan nodded, Lily stood on the stairs behind him holding Mae to her chest and Lucy, after pulling her clothes back on, ran up to stand beside her.

"What's going on?" She leant down to speak into the Demons ear.

"There's an Angel here."

"Is it Abdiel?"

Lily shook her head, holding Mae closer to her chest. "No, I would know if it was him."

Ryan opened the door slowly and looked out into the darkness, he couldn't see a thing. Turning back to Lily he spoke seriously.

"Stay here."

She nodded and he took a step outside, Aaron followed and together they walked out into the night air. It was silent, the darkness pressing around them and they stared round looking for any sign of movement.

"See anything?" Aaron asked and Ryan shook his head.

"Where the fuck are they?"

"Can you feel them anymore?"

"Nothing," Ryan kicked the floor angrily with a feeling of dread deep in his stomach. Pushing it down he turned back to Aaron who was looking at him with a knowing look.

"You know who it was don't you?" Aaron watched his master.

"Shh, Lily cant know." Ryan pulled his Follower further away from the house, his green eyes flashed as he looked around.

"Who was it?"

"I don't know, I've felt them before but not for a long time. Not since the war." He took a deep breath and ran his hands through his hair. "Whoever it was they're gone now. We should go back, we'll know if they come back before they get too close."

"Ryan?" Aaron stayed where he was watching the Demon. "I'm not asking you to tell me who it was if you don't want to I just want to know how dangerous they are."

Ryan shrugged his shoulder. "I don't know, I haven't seen them they could be anyone by now. They wont be the person I remember. But they wont touch Lily, they wont touch Mae or Lucy. I'll make sure of that."

Aaron nodded and walked back into the house, Ryan stayed where he was staring out at the dark hills of Purgatory. His head swam and his heart pounded as he thought about the presence he had felt.

Turning he followed Aaron inside, he and Lucy had disappeared and Lily had gone back upstairs, he locked the door and followed her up. Climbing back into bed he rested his head on one arm and stared up at the ceiling, Lily slid under the covers beside him, she rested her head on his chest, sliding her arm across his muscled stomach she cuddled close.

"What was that?"

"I don't know poppet, whoever it was they've gone now."

"We're meant to be safe here, they're not meant to come here."

"They're just trying to scare us, its not going to work. I'm going to look after you."

She said nothing but moved closer, neither of them slept, each feeling the others fear through their bond. He stroked her hair trying to soothe her and when the sun finally came through the window she rolled over and stood, disappearing into the bathroom he listened as the shower came on and sat up his head in his hands. The memory of last night still weighed heavily on his mind and he took a deep breath to calm himself, walking though to the bathroom he leant against the wall watching her through the glass. She felt his eyes on her and turned, beckoning him she waited until he joined her in the shower, he still wore his jeans and as he stepped under the water he stared down at her naked body. She shivered at the feel of his eyes on her and reached out to touch his chest running her fingers over the scars there, he took her face in his hands and leant down to kiss her, she tried to press her body against him but he shook his head not opening his eyes.

"Stay still." His voice was low and she froze. His eyes opened and he reached behind her to pick up the soap, lathering his hands he ran them down her arms, lifting them above her head he did the same until he reached her armpits them down her waist his fingers just brushing her breasts. Dropping to his knees he washed her legs, starting at her ankles, smoothing his hands up her legs to her hips then back down her inner thighs just missing her pussy. A shudder ran through her and she looked down at him, he ran his hands up the back of her legs to cup her ass and kissed her stomach, she rested her hands on his blonde curls and he looked up her body to met her eyes.

For a moment they did nothing but watch each other, her chest rose and fell quickly with her breathing, her eyes grew even darker flashing down at him. He kissed her abdomen before trailing his lips downwards to kiss the soft skin of her thighs, flicking out his tongue he tasted her juices before plunging it deep into her pussy. She moaned and he lifted her and pulled her legs over his shoulders taking her weight, flicking his tongue over her clit he kissed her soft pussy and felt her fingers tighten in his hair. He pressed his face into her pussy lapping at her clit listening to her soft mewls of pleasure before taking the small nub into his lips and sucking gently.

She felt her orgasm building and arched her back, pulling him closer with her legs against his back and her hands in his hair, he moved one hand under her and slowly pushed two fingers into her tight heat. Moving the slowly he pushed upwards hitting against the sweet spot inside her and sucked hard on her clit and she cried out, the sound of the water drowned out her sounds of pleasure and she slumped back against the cool tiles and he smiled kissing her thigh. He let her slip down his body until she straddled his legs and settled himself back against the wall of the shower, he wriggled out of his jeans and she felt his hard cock against her pussy as it sprang free. She rose up and reached between them and positioned him at her entrance before sinking down slowly until he was buried deep inside her. His eyes closed in pleasure and his fingers dug into her ass as he slammed his hips upwards and she whimpered as he hit against her cervix in a mix of pleasure and pain. He kissed her and waited until she began to move, her hips rising and falling coating his cock in her juices and the tight walls of her pussy massaging his thick length. Placing her hands on his thighs behind her she leant back allowing him to look down at his cock as she fucked herself on him, he leant back and allowed her to do as she wanted, his fingers dug into her thighs bruising the skin and he gritted his teeth against a growl that rumbled through his broad chest.

"Faster." Something in his voice made her falter and she looked into his eyes with fear. They had darkened into two red and the blonde of his hair was gone replaced with glossy black curls, his teeth had lengthened and sharpened into fangs and she shuddered as he looked at her. His nails sharpened into black claws and they dug into her skin drawling blood and she hissed in a pained breath. She started to move her hips again, faster feeling his cock hit deep inside her and he leant forward to take a nipple into his mouth, the sharp points of his fangs scraped across the sensitive skin and he tasted her blood in his mouth. Throwing her backwards he turned her onto her stomach before straddling he ass and pushing his cock back into her, leaning forward he rested his weight on his hands either side of her shoulders and began to pound his hips against her, her tight pussy gripped his cock and she threw her head backwards sending her long hair cascading down his back. She bit her lip trying to keep her screams of pleasure in but when he leant down and bit her neck her whole body shook and she cried out as she came again. He kept up his hard rhythm drawing her orgasm out until he came deep inside her filling her before dropping his head to rest between her shoulder blades.

For a moment they stayed where they were breathing heavily until he rose to his knees allowing his cock to slip out of her and gathered her onto his lap. Kissing her shoulder he waited until his heart had slowed before speaking.

"What are you doing today?"

"Me and Lucy are going to look at dresses, we should start soon otherwise we'll run out of time." She turned her head to look up at him, his eyes had returned to their bright green and she reached up to touch his stubbled cheek. "Are you ok?"

He nodded. "I'm fine, go get ready."

She stared at him for a moment before standing and walking from the shower, wrapping herself in a towel she disappeared into their room and he felt guilt weighing on him, keeping it down he stopped it seeping through their bond and stood. Throwing his wet jeans into the hamper he tied a towel around his waist and followed her into their room, she sat at the dresser brushing her long hair and he sat on the edge of the bed watching her. She wore a blue bra and thong and he clenched his fists to stop himself going over to her.

"What are you going to do today?" She stood and walked to the wardrobe, pulling a red silk dress with a square neck she dressed and stepped into heeled red shoes.

"I don't know yet."

He said nothing else and she watched him with a concerned look on her face. "Are you sure you're ok?" She reached out to him but he pulled away.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'll see you later ok?" He couldn't look at the hurt in her dark eyes and she walked from the room without another word, downstairs Lucy waited for her and they left the house and crossed the gap between Purgatory and the regular world. They spent their day trying on countless dresses in countless shops, each had champagne on ice waiting for them by Ryan's request and by the time they left the tenth they were light headed and giggling.