Total Woman Requests 07


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The target company was a wide ranging distributor of personal products. This weekend the best sales teams were gathered for a retreat. There were a dozen senior salesmen and a near equal number of saleswomen in attendance.

In the world marketplace, sales encounters cover a waterfront of situations but generally fall into three categories.

The first category is cold calls requiring a lot of 'chat up' to establish rapport with new potential clients. A good salesman spends time getting to know the client's personal details through conversation and social interactions. They try to discover how they can best serve the client's needs, even needs the client is shy to acknowledge. These were the playful 'get to know you' situations.

The next step and second category is client maintenance; serving existing clients as trusted advisors to keep them up-to-date with new products and services. These are the in-depth trial and error situations, trying to maximize the long term contentment of both parties.

The worst category is client retention. The client is disappointed with the relationship and emotionally cold. The vendor's salesmen have to submit themselves to the client's wrath, trying to prove their devotion to the client's best interests. These were the dark situations, almost brutal.

A final twist is variety. Salesmen court the clients they were assigned. It is the salesman's job to stretch his facilities and adapt to the variety of clients' wishes and desires.

The retreat would include group and breakout exercises to simulate best practices. Other activities would infuse the retreat with realism.

Ashley handled the conference check-in and then escorted Gavin to his room. The large suite contained a small efficiency with bath, kitchenette, and separated sitting, office and bed rooms in one large area. She made sure he was settled and said the pre-conference cocktail hour was at 6 o'clock and the welcome and kickoff dinner at 7 o'clock in the main dining room. Dress was daily business formal.

Gavin wandered to the cocktail area at the appointed time. The hostess at the door had his nametag. It said 'Gavin, No. 4'. She explained that his dinner table was No 4. Gavin mingled with the conferees but many were old chums and he was new on the block. He mostly admired the female sale staff. Every one of them was a knockout wearing fashionable business attire. They all appeared to be in their 20's and were brightly conversing with the other attendees.

The overhead speakers announced dinner and everyone headed to their tables in the dining room. Gavin found Ashley already seated at No 4 and they were joined by a salesman and a female staff wearing a tag that said 'Aurora, No 4'. He was enthralled with her. She was a brunette with hair that brushed her shoulders. Her Jewelry and makeup set off her perfect high-boned cheeks with almond shaped brown eyes. She fit well into her tailored wool business suit with the alluring insinuation of sexiness in a professional setting.

The four made small talk. Ashley seemed to spend more time getting to know the other salesman at their table while Aurora seemed to focus on him. As the table was cleared, the retreat facilitator mounted the podium.

"Good evening and welcome to our annual retreat. For those who have been with us before, welcome back. For the newbies, welcome and get ready to enjoy the next few days. The retreat will focus on the three typical sales situations. We will listen to experts and practice some best practices in class. Pay attention, there will be homework and grades. High score wins a prize.

"Check with the dining room hostess for your new name tag each evening. It will show your new table assignment. We want to help you practice flexibility and adaptability in client relations. Okay, that's all for now. See you at breakfast, 8 o'clock sharp. Swap partners and have a very pleasant evening."

Gavin was still absorbing the 'swap partners' phrase when Ashley leaned in and pecked his cheek before clutching the other salesman's arm and departing the room. Gavin felt abandoned until he realized that the other female at his table was still there with him.

"This is your first retreat, isn't it" Aurora said. Gavin nodded. She continued.

"You will be assigned a new table number tomorrow evening for dinner. There will be a random rotation of seating pairs among the tables. After dinner, we swap with the other couple and she will be your partner until the next dinner. Until then, you and I are assigned as team partners for all retreat activities. It forces you to get flexible and accept dictated variety."

Aurora rose and said she looked forward to being his partner. She sashayed from the room. Gavin looked around the dining room and saw most of the tables were empty. He departed for his suite.

He had barely gotten settled in his room when there was a knock. He opened the door to find Aurora. She was still dressed in her business suit and carrying her feminine brief case.

"I thought we could get a good start to getting a high score by really working hard on tonight's homework assignment. There really is homework, it's graded and there are prizes and punishments. The high 10% of the scores get company paid vacations. The bottom 10% of the scores gets fired. I want to stay above that bottom 10%. It would be nice to get the top 10% but the competition is pretty fierce. Do you have anything to drink?"

Gavin found the bar frig had a couple bottles of wine.

"Red or white?" he asked. The female always picks white and so did Aurora. Gavin was already in his shirt sleeves so Aurora doffed her jacket as well. Her breasts strained the silk blouse. The 'team' settled into the sofa and Aurora got out her conference workbook and schedule packet.

"Tomorrow, we will be doing the 'cold call / chat up' workshops. Our homework is due at the beginning of class. Then we will spend all day as a team performing the exercises."

"What's our homework?"

"Everyone has to submit a written description of their team partner."

Gavin laughed. "That will be easy. I'm just going to write 'charming, smart and beautiful'."

Aurora smiled and touched his arm. Gavin felt an electric sparkle run to his brain.

"That's sweet, Gavin, but homework is graded and there's a long list of formatted standard questions to answer. Take a look."

Gavin took the multi-page form. The questions seemed pretty standard; almost like the job applications he crafted for the conglomerate's many divisions.

Name, age, place of birth, education... He flipped the page...

Marital status, children's name and ages, siblings, parents, pets, hobbies ...he flipped another page...

Height, weight, hair color, eye color, favorite clothing colors, favorite foods, favorite sports, favorite vacation venue...he turned another page.

Shoe size, pants waist and inseam, shirt/blouse size...he flipped to the final page.

Briefs, nut-bag, panties, thong or commando...length and diameter of cock (flaccid / erect)...circumcised...knob diameter...larger gonad-left/right...

Bra size...diameter of nipples...shade of nipples...full bush, trimmed or shaved bare...depth of vagina...cunt tightness scale (1-10)...

Favorite arousal method... favorite fucking position...time to orgasm (average of 3 trials)...spits or swallows...cuddles or dozes afterwards...

Gavin looked up at Aurora. She rummaged a cloth measuring tape from her brief case.

"Morning will be here sooner than you think and there's a lot of material to gather and exchange. It usually takes all night, so let's get started."

Aurora started at the collar and unbuttoned Gavin's shirt. When she reached the bottom one, she continued to his belt and zipper. Gavin didn't protest. He stood to let her take off his shoes, sox and pants. He doffed his shirt. Aurora looked him over and noted his underwear choice.

"Well, I'll answer 'briefs'. Most men like to strip the female and take size and color notes as they go. I think you might find it interesting but if it doesn't sound attractive to you, I can undress myself."

Gavin simply picked at Aurora's top blouse button and performed the same pre-survey duties on her. The answer to one question was 'thong' and another might be 'lime green' but he would confirm that with her later. After unhitching the bra, he noted a good 36-C on the tag. The tape read 1-3/4 inches for nipple diameter. He wasn't good with color shades so he wrote 'dark rosy pink'. Then he found another answer was 'shaved bare'.

Aurora discovered 'oral' was his favorite arousal method. 4 to 6 inches long, 1-1/4 to 2-1/2 inch circumference, 'quick' (about 10 minutes for the first trial). Gavin could report that Aurora 'swallows'.

After a little cool off and recuperation time, Gavin found more answers. Aurora favored seated vaginal with deep kissing with lots of tongue. He would ask her later about the heavenly perfume on her neck and hair. Her first / his second trial went 20 minutes. Gavin could honestly report 'tight' and 'deep enough'.

Aurora stayed the night and in the wee hours of the morning, the team got their final answers. Her two next orgasms went 15 minutes each; Gavin's third took 30 minutes. Both teammates averaged 20 minutes each. Aurora discovered Gavin liked her in the 'cowgirl' position.

They showered separately but filled out their homework forms at the kitchenette bar in terry robes over coffee. Then they dressed and were out the door and at their pre-session breakfast by 8 o'clock.

Ashley was on time with her teammate. He strutted with a chest full of pride and she radiated an 'all fucked out' glow.

Gavin handed in his homework at the start of class. The rest of the day was spent on exercises in greetings, chit-chat, rapport building and uncovering clients' needs. By the end of the day, the team of Gavin and Aurora were clicking and they were almost reading each other's thoughts as they simulated sales calls with the other teams. At the end of the last class, the retreat facilitator reminded everyone that dinner was at 7 o'clock and dress was social formal.

Gavin arrived at dinner in his tuxedo. Aurora strolled in wearing a dynamite floor length, strapless gown. Their new nametags read 'No. 7'. As they promenaded to Table 7, Gavin again admired the racked up cleavage that he had methodically measured the night before.

Their new tablemates / swapmates arrived and if first impressions were any good, Gavin was going to enjoy homework, no matter what it was. Her nametag read Amanda. She had straight platinum blond hair that hung to mid-back. She stood almost Gavin's height in her heels. She wore a red cocktail dress with a hem well above the knees and a cleavage exposing keyhole design held by a neck strap. Large silver hoops glittered at her earlobes.

Over dinner, the table mates talked shop and exchanged chit-chat. During coffee and dessert, the retreat facilitator mounted the podium.

"Well, is everyone having a good time?" There was a general murmur of approval and light applause.

"Great! So, let's get right to our next homework assignment. There's a note card at your place. Answer the question, in writing, without disclosing your answer to the others and seal it in the envelope. Men exchange sealed note cards and women exchange sealed note cards. Open them later before doing your homework. Breakfast is at 7 o'clock. Your homework report is due at the beginning of class tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock. Classes and exercises tomorrow are 'client maintenance'. Have a pleasant evening."

Gavin opened the note card which had one question: Favorite fucking position of partner last night?

Gavin wrote 'seated vaginal' and sealed the envelope. His male table mate exchanged envelopes with him and then departed the dining room arm in arm with Aurora.

Amanda held Gavin's hand and offered her invitation.

"Come by my suite later and we will do our homework."

Gavin was agreeable to that.

He strolled to his room and changed to more casual attire. Shortly thereafter, he found Amanda's room and knocked. In his hand were two envelopes: the notecard and the homework assignment. Amanda opened the door still dressed as she had been for dinner. There was a red wine already opened on the kitchenette bar and two waiting stemware glasses.

"Welcome, Gavin, please come in. I hope red wine is okay."

Gavin entered and said that would be fine. He sat on the sofa and Amanda poured the wine. She folded her legs beside her for a sideways sit and leaned against his shoulder. They opened the one page homework form and read it together. There were three short essay questions: What was your current partner's favorite fucking position? What modifications/enhancements to that position were you able to deliver? What were the results of integrating the modifications / enhansements?

Gavin looked at Amanda. She waggled her sealed envelopes in her hand. Gavin dug his out of his pocket. They opened them. Amanda read: 'cowgirl'. Gavin read 'missionary'.

They read each other's cards and agreed they were correct. Gavin asked Amanda a few general questions.

"How long does it take you to orgasm?"

"About 20 minutes."

"20 minutes each?"

"Only once."

"Then we should explore ways to increase your yield. I might be able to help with that."

"Okay. How about you? Why 'cowgirl'?"

"I can close my eyes and relax. I drift away in my fantasies."

"Let me show you ways to stay in the moment with me."

Having agreed to the exchange of ideas, Gavin and Amanda finished their wine.

"Who goes first?"

Gavin offered to commence the homework assignment by helping Amanda increase her orgasmic production. They moved to the bed area and unhurriedly removed each other's clothes. The discovery process was a pleasant interchange of giggles, kisses, caresses and hugs. Then it was time to turn to the real work at hand. His demeanor became more serious, business-like, focused on performing the tasks necessary to complete the homework assignment.

Gavin cupped Amanda's cheeks in his hands and kissed her deeply. Amanda responded invitingly, protruding her own tongue to taste a lingering hint of the wine Gavin's mouth. She stepped back and let him view her full breasts. Gavin did not take time to examine the exposed flesh. He scooped Amanda into his arms and piled her on the bed. Laying her face up, he squared her in the center of the bed. He bunched her hair and arranged it in a golden halo about her head.

Gavin lifted Amanda's at the knees to bend her legs and bow them wide to the sides. He mounted the bed and stood knee tall between them. Gavin took Amanda's palm and showed her a way to cup his cock. She fingered it gently as she gazed into Gavin's face.

Gavin now put his attention on his newest discoveries. He placed his hands around each of Amanda's boobs and squeezed, not hard, but a kneading action that was both firm and gentle. He ran his index fingers across the nipple's top disk and white flesh boundary. The center nubs obediently hardened and he captured them between thumb and finger, twisting and pulling just enough to make the jellied supporting mounds ripple. Putting fingers down the sides, he fluttered them making larger ripples bounce around in the playful flesh.

His hand swept down her abdomen, going all the way to cup her vulva. He inserted his middle finger in the moist opening, rooted around, sought her G- spot. A quick breath from Amanda announced that he had found his target. He lightly caressed it with his finger pad until her breath sharpened and her face flushed. Indecisive, Gavin wondered whether to quit or continue. If he continued, Amanda would have her first orgasm and he would have free rein to experiment with other techniques to find the best practices. He continued and Amanda arched her back and cried out. He kept his hand tight against her vulva and his finger embedded, waiting until she relaxed her back and regained her breath. Although Amanda still gripped Gavin's cock, she had somehow managed to maintain hand control and not injure him.

"Well, Amanda, we have gotten that first one out of the way. Let's search for the rest."

Gavin removed her hand from his cock. He moved himself to between her legs and dipped down. He ran his coarse tongue once, slowly up the entire length of her gash. He continued the upward move, stretching his body above hers. Coming face to face again, he dipped his head and kissed deeply, letting her taste a different wine on his lips.

Holding the lip lock, Amanda reached between their groins and placed Gavin for insertion. Gavin lifted his face just above hers and they locked eyes. Gavin pushed the knob halfway in leaving the rim still exposed outside her. He jabbed small taps, massaging her outer lips. Amanda suppressed a moan. Gavin pushed further, far enough to get the rim just inside. He push-pulled, stimulating her cunt lips with his corona. Amanda didn't suppress the moan this time but it was subtle none the less. Gavin pushed further still. His shaft was half in and the crown found her G-spot. Push-pulls garnered a louder moan from Amanda and her eyes dilated.

Gavin reared back before springing in and burying his cock as deep as it would go. He felt Amanda's flesh covered pubis bone meet his flesh covered pubis bone and he squiggled around to massage her upper vaginal nerves. Simultaneously, the tip of Gavin's dick massaged her cervix and they both felt the sensations of the contact. Gavin made one, two, three butts against her cervix and bone, then a long full stroke almost withdrawing the swollen shaft completely. Buried again, he gave it one, two, three more bumps and another withdrawal. Each long stroke massaged Amanda's G-spot twice, once coming out and once again travelling in.

Amanda was moaning in staccato bursts of breath. Gavin liked the sound and knew he was being effective. Finally, as he tried to withdraw a long stroke, something happened and he stayed buried despite his movement. Amanda's back arched and her hips joined his upswing as she screamed out in ecstasy, eyes screwed shut. Gavin simply hung on, suspended, supported by her.

Amanda came down from the ecstatic peak. Gavin laid still, his cock still swollen and buried. That was two so far.

Gavin's cock tingled but he was not ready to ejaculate just yet. He began the three count and stroke rhythm again. Before long, the deep massages had Amanda peaking again and Gavin paused again and waited her out. That was Number Three.

Now his cock was very sensitized and he felt he couldn't last through another of her peaks. He started the rhythm again but this time, as Amanda lifted her hips for her fourth ecstasy, Gavin joined her, stayed buried and pulsed his sperm deep into her snatch. The partners collapsed in a heap on the mattress, too drained to immediately decouple. They dozed.

Gavin awoke still lying in her saddle but his cock had deflated and fallen out. He rolled over and Amanda stirred. Her hand stroked his chest and arm. She lazed like that awhile, and then sat up.

"That was the first time I have ever had multiples. I had heard of them but never thought that I would have any, just a fact of my life. Your upgrade package has me very intrigued. I would love to keep you company whenever we can. "

"You are a very sensuous woman, Amanda, and no one deserves happiness more than you. It's a shame that you weren't introduced to these techniques early on when you first became sexually active. Someone should start a school or something and teach young people the full fundamentals."

"Maybe someday they will. But now we need to start on your homework. Think you can manage that?"

"I can try. What do you have in mind?"

"In order to stay in the moment, you need to consciously keep track of what is happening to you and around you. Don't wonder off mentally; stay with me. If I ask you little intimate questions during our fuck, you will have to pay attention to our activities in order to provide the answers."