Total Woman Requests 07


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"Are you awake, sir?"

Gavin whispered back "Yesss."

"Do you want to interview me now or do you want to rest a little longer?"


Gavin wanted both. He curled an arm around her torso and hauled her up to lay on top of him. She was almost tiny. He had lifted her with only one arm. She put her ear against his breast bone. Her hips barely reached past his belly button. Her legs divided over his stomach, not his hips.

Gavin closed his eyes and drew lazy finger circles all over Ananya's arms, ass, thighs, back and scalp. Ananya circled his nipples with her fingers and tongue. The nipple play felt to Gavin like the transfer of mild static electricity. He was relaxed. Neither Gavin nor Ananya had moved or shifted. Yet he felt warm moistness on the tip of his cock. Gavin checked with a prostate muscle clench and found his erection refilled and knocking at Ananya's door to paradise. She felt his tip tickle her pink portal.

After he levered her torso to vertical, Gavin was tired enough to let Ananya take charge. She got the message. She rose up and shuffled down, spreading her legs wider to accommodate his wider hips. Gavin palmed her knees, some to steady her, but more just to give his own hands a place to park.

Ananya elevated her hips and her hand held Gavin's prick at vertical. This was going to be a chore. She was tiny and Gavin was not. Her cunt would stretch to accommodate his bulk and length but it would take time. It was going to be very tight throughout. Fortunately, she had lubed her tube heavily after her shower. That should help.

It was finally time to go downtown. Ananya pressed down and covered a half inch of Gavin's knob. She pulled up and pressed again. A full inch entered this time but the corona was still exposed. Up and down again and she felt the wide part of his knob just barely pass her pink fleshy flaps. So far so good.

Gavin had set his mind to letting Ananya drive the pace on this one. He was okay with the little play around her cunt lips but sought to get his whole cock inside her hotness soon. He bopped his hips to signal her to get on with it already.

Ananya sensed Gavin's impatience. He had indicated she would be the leader but he was also signaling his preferences. He was the interviewer and she the interviewee. She needed to take care of his desires. Ananya took a deep breath and pushed down hard. The heavy lubrication reduced the static friction but her tube was slow to grow. Gavin felt crushed by the constriction on his bulk.

"Ananya, honey, lighten up on the squeeze. My prick might slide in easier."

"I'm sorry, sir, but I'm not squeezing. You're very big. I just need a few more moments to expand. Be patient, please, my cunt will slacken enough soon and then we will have a really good fuck."

This was a new experience for Gavin. He had never been inside a woman this small before. He needed to be tolerant and accept the circumstances. He would learn how to respond during comparable future encounters.

Ananya did begin to noticeably work loose, not too much but enough for the sex companions to chance some long slow strokes. Gavin was amazed at how his corona seemed to plow her tube wide and then she would shrink back behind the mass to scour his shaft or knob with her enjoyable slick walls.

The action went on for a long time. Gavin was resting on his back and Ananya was doing most of the hard work. Still she showed no signs of fatigue. This was Gavin's third round but it was probably Ananya's second after being evaluated by Kai earlier. Yet she went on and on and on. That was noteworthy.

Also noteworthy was the heat building in Gavin's core. It was not like the hot rush caused by his first two orgasms tonight. It was more like an electric vibration skipping out to his extremities and echoing back to his core.

Gavin's spontaneous discharge was not accompanied by the usual crashing burst of power but more of a soft pulsation. It felt like the pleasure/pain response to a deep tissue massage. You felt the blood oozing in to sooth and repair the released knots of muscle.

Ananya felt Gavin's dick emit his essence into her womb but wondered about the lack of yelps and rough spasms that usually accompanied the male's orgasmic ecstasy. She hoped it was not a bad sign.

"How are you feeling, sir?"

"Tired...satisfied...drained...exhilarated...sleepy...content..." Gavin's voice trailed off.

Gavin was losing his hardness and Ananya was able to ease him out. She returned to lie atop his chest. Gavin was asleep again. She would wait to be sure he was resting peacefully and then pack his things for the trip home to the mainland.


Gavin woke in an empty room. His bags were packed and ready for his trip to the airport and the long flight to the mainland.

His Blackberry beeped. He had a text message from Kai.

'Which one should we hire?'

Gavin texted back 'All three'.

These three weeks had been a fantasy dream. But he was awake in the real world now and headed back to his corporate existence. He was saddened by the thought of leaving this world and returning to the long, crowded train commutes, the grubby office environments and the pedestrian work tasks. He wondered what his life would be like if he resigned and found a less demanding job, where he could enjoy periods of quality time and the vitality to seek out more escapades like this.

It would be a very dicey risk. He could lose a lot. But his family had deserted him and his daily life was a hell-hole of commuting and office drudgery. What did he have that was too important to lose?


When Gavin arrived Monday morning at the office tower entrance, security took him in hand and escorted him straight to his boss's office.

Gavin had called his boss the night before and stated his intension to resign from the corporation. These past three weeks had changed Gavin's view on his stale corporate existence. He wanted the freedom to explore more of the greater exotic world outside of his house, commute and office.

Left alone to wait, Gavin placed his neatly typed resignation letter in the center of his boss's desk, right where the tapping finger three weeks ago had pointed. He sat in the same 'hot seat', the cushioned office chair facing the front of the boss's massive oak desk. He waited uncertainly for the coming confrontation.

His boss entered brusquely. He sat down and fingered the resignation letter on his desk. Without any pleasantries, he got right down to the business at hand.

"Gavin, you are the smartest chief executive HR leader in the industry, probably the country, possibly the world. You have our HR functions running like a Swiss watch but your immediate staff is just awful! They have conditioned you to make their decisions for them, a safe course of action for them and hectic as hell for you. You are too involved in too many petty day to day details. You need to let go of the reins and let them run the department. They are capable of independent action and you should only be reviewing their finished work on occasion. There are finer subjects that should perk your interest and deeper issues that merit your personal attention.

"Sometimes you need a boss, or a friend, or a combination of both like me, to help you see the forest instead of the trees. While you were away, I examined your staffing organization. I found it shockingly deficient. So during your assignment, I exercised my authority as the boss and rearranged some positions and locations in your department headquarters.

"Before I accept your resignation, please give me 30 minutes, just 30 minutes from the rest of your life. Come see the modifications I have made. I have been your employer and your friend for 30 years. I'm begging you to give me 30 more minutes of your time. I feel you owe me that much.

"If you still want to resign, I will take it like a man and we will shake hands and part ways amicably. But later on, I will cry like a baby because I don't want you to leave. You are too valuable to the company, but particularly to me, old friend."

Gavin was touched by his unusual openness and agreed to take a look at the changes. He was skeptical. Rearranging reporting lines never changed the overall outlook of things. But he did owe his boss, and his old friend, one last consideration.

He followed his boss to the elevator and they descended the two floors to Gavin's office. When they entered the reception area, Gavin saw that it was cleared of his subordinates' cramped desks and had been stylishly redecorated. It was brightly lit and colorfully cheerful. There were three neat and fully equipped but unoccupied desks arranged as 'gate-keepers' to his office. Those employees had not yet arrived this morning.

His boss guided Gavin through the corner office door. Inside Gavin was confronted with more changes. His office had been remodeled, doubled in size and tastefully decorated with the same cheery colors and spacious new furnishings. There was a large uncluttered desk, a conference table and chairs, a casual seating area with massive sofa and a private washroom. Gavin walked around fingering the new furniture and beholding, almost for the first time, his 'power-view' of the city far below.

They heard the clatter of the three 'gate-keepers' arriving at their desks. Gavin's boss blocked the office door.

"Let me explain that this remodeling was necessary to accommodate the personnel changes I have made to your staff. No one has been fired. I have rearranged the office layouts. The senior managers have been moved farther away so they are less inclined to bother you with the small stuff. They are fully competent to carry out their functions day to day without your constant oversight. They only need to report their summary results. That should lighten your work stress.

"You have effective 'gate-keepers' now. They will ensure your quality time. You will be undisturbed to fully engage in vital affairs more appropriate to your skills and abilities."

Gavin was beginning to think he might be able to make this work.

"Okay, let's meet your new employees."

Gavin's boss poked his head out the door. "Please come in and meet your new boss."

They entered. The floor seemed to fall from beneath Gavin's feet and his head was floating in a cloud. His heart almost stopped then revved up to a greater speed. There stood his new very personal assistants: Attyka, Ashley and Ananya.

"Good morning, sir." They said in unison.

"These ladies are your new personal assistants. They have very simple job descriptions: augment your quality time and ease your stress. We will call them your 'proficiency specialists'. I trust you will find exceptional ways for them to accomplish those ill-defined but broad ranging responsibilities.

"I have also purchased the top two floors of a nearby condominium tower. No more long commutes. Your new residence is the penthouse suite. Your 'specialists' will occupy the floor below. They will attend to all your household chores: laundry, meals and, of course, special security. They will assure that you are securely tucked into bed every night."

Gavin's boss held out the resignation letter in his hand.

"Now, what are we going to do about this?"

Gavin took the letter and tore it into little pieces. Gavin's boss laughed.

"I was hoping you would do that. I will leave my newest executive team to get better acquainted and elaborate a plan to implement their new 'proficiency' program."

Gavin's 'proficiency specialists' led him to the sofa to inaugurate their distinctive team-building program. They would develop a daily schedule of activities. Gavin envisioned stress relief as a recurring event. At the door, Gavin's boss turned to view the undulating mound of females over Gavin.

"By the way, Gavin, I need your help. I have a personal schedule conflict. I can't tend to a particular scholastic obligation this weekend and was hoping you could take my slot on the coaching roster. The students would be quite disappointed if their slots aren't completely filled. I think you will perform superbly as my substitute."

Gavin waved a hand above the giggling mélange of 'proficiency specialists' under which he was presently submerged.

"Sure, sure... whatever I can do to help."

"Thanks a lot, buddy. It's an exclusive college academy where all the scholars are intelligent, beautiful and poised. They cherish any tutelage that a guest coach trainer chooses to unveil. The event is called Freewill Weekend and I think you're going to like it."

Gavin's boss closed the door as he left. His step was light and his heart filled with goodwill. The old Gavin was getting 'back in the saddle' and was going to be even more effective, and more profitable, than ever before. He had just needed a little 'shock to the system' to discover the real-world of Very Personal Human Resources.

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