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As if to add to her horror, another snake rose up not two feet from her. Victoria saw it immediately, her fear instantly forcing her to flee. She ran as fast as she could, hoping her father would be able to help, after all, he always had the answers, and even if he didn't, he was there. He was family, he was her comfort. The thought kept her going, even though the sudden run had her side flaring in pain, and the image of her pets... her friends being devoured alive forcing itself into her mind, almost had her puking up her dinner. She caught sight of a light in the distance, and pushed herself even faster... then she was stopped suddenly.

Victoria looked behind her as she struggled. She saw a single snake reaching through the trees to her, its slimy body wrapped around her waist, the fluid it secreted already soaking through her shirt to her skin. Before she could scream, the snake pulled her away. The trees flew by even faster than when she ran, the speed that she was being pulled so great that, even if she could, she dared not grab onto anything, for fear it would harm her. Instead, she tried to punch the snake, but her fists might as well have belonged to a child for how effective they were. She soon exited the woods into the crater, where she saw the object.

It was glowing now, illuminating the area around it. She saw now the 'snakes' were rising from a large rock of sorts, holes seeming to open up as more exited, and she was being dragged towards it. Victoria looked around her, for any sign of help or a weapon, but only saw three massive bulging tentacles. She couldn't hold back the sobs as she saw each of them squirm briefly, before her animals ceased all movement, whether they suffocated or were crushed, she had no idea. She hoped they'd at least passed painlessly. Victoria turned her sight back to the meteor, in time to see three tentacles fly at her.

Before she could react, one had rammed itself into her mouth. Victoria screamed in surprise, the sound muffled to the point that it barely registered with her own ears, as the girth of the tentacle seemed to increase, forcing her jaw to open uncomfortably far. She was about to reach up and try to remove it, her mind so preoccupied with the sheer invasion that she had yet to taste it, but was stopped. The tentacle around her waist shifted itself, entrapping her arms within its multiple coils, the slime causing her skin to crawl in disgust. The other two merely hovered at her lower body, as if unsure how to proceed. That was answered when another pair appeared and tore away her pants in a single move.

Victoria wasn't sure how to take what was happening. A part of her insisted that it was all a dream, that she had eaten one too many sugar treats before bed, but another, the defiantly fear stricken side, cried that she was in real danger. Given the two options presented by her mind, Victoria decided it was a dream, even as she felt a slimy, fleshy tentacle running over her virgin labia.

It was all a dream... she thought again.

Another tentacle licked at her rosebud, the cool feeling of its slime sending a chill of both strange desire and disgust up her spine.

It had to be a dream... she said in her own.

Both tendrils left her skin, only to ram against her.

It wasn't a dream. The pain was like a supernova exploding within her mind, her body seized and she couldn't even think about anything besides what just happened. The agony was real, her mind knew it. Not even the most vivid dreams were like this, even if they were, Victoria would have woken up by now. The tentacles had taken her vaginal and anal virginity in one go, her hymen torn in a single thrust, while the ring of muscles protecting her anus were forced apart. Victoria tried to scream, but no sound escaped her lips, stretched around the first tentacle, its girth easily greater than her wrist or even her forearm. They had all ceased moving at least, but that seemed to be out of curiosity.

Once the pain had faded to the point where Victoria relaxed, they moved again. The two at her lower orifices speared forth, sinking inch upon inch of ever thickening flesh into her formerly pure holes. Her body once more seized up in pain, but the tentacles new better now, and simply continued, until the once in her vagina mashed against her cervix. It didn't stop, no, it only pushed harder, seeking to bury more of its demented flesh inside her. Victoria couldn't think anymore, she simply hung their, her arms hanging by her sides as three tentacles stole everything she was brought up to hold sacred. Her mind had instinctively cut off all sensations, hoping to spare her the pain she no doubt would have felt.

Even her instincts were overwhelmed however. The squirming flesh in her vagina pulled away almost an entire foot, only to ram back in, charging pass the only protection to her womb. Victoria threw back her head in an attempt to scream for help, but it turned into a loud gag as the tentacle gagging her went further, trying to enter her tight throat. In a final bid to escape, Victoria began to thrash about wildly, hoping to break the grip on her, or at least free her mouth long enough to scream for help. As she did so, her eyes caught sight of the first three tentacles she had seen, each one retracting to the meteor. She only realised at that moment that she was being carried, slowly, closer towards it.

Victoria struggled harder. She tried to bite the appendage in her mouth, but could do nothing, her jaw having come unhinged from the tentacle's sheer size. It didn't come to her mind that she had felt no pain from it. She reached out with her fingers, hoping to sink her nails into one, but none were in reach. Her legs kicked, but the slimy limbs stayed away. As she grew exhausted, Victoria, exhausted, glared at the meteor, as it came closer and closer, all while blocking out the feeling of the tentacles inside of her. It was the best she could do at that time, her every instinct straining to protect her from the torment, but it was a futile effort. She was human and tired easily, but the... thing, did not it seemed.

As she came within a foot of the meteor, Victoria felt something new. It wasn't the same feeling as before, one of penetration or utter humiliation, but rather... one that she actually enjoyed. Her vagina had begun to radiate kind of warmth, one that made her screams mostly cease, turning to muffled sounds of confusion as her mind tried to comprehend what was happening. A taste suddenly registered, one that shamed even the most extravagant, and delicious meal her mother had ever cooked. And, despite her hope, Victoria knew it came from the tentacle currently trying its best to sink into her throat.

Even in her rear, she could feel actual pleasure emanating from the tentacle still stuffing itself into her. The strange, new sensations distracted her from the meteor, her attention returning when she was suddenly turned around so her back pressed against it. The rock was warm, almost hot, where her skin touched it. She tried to recoil, but the tentacle holding her was tight as ever. Victoria continued to struggle, but her attempts at freedom were quickly becoming half-hearted, to the point where she was barely kicking out. The slime was affecting her as well now.

Wherever it touched her bare skin, Victoria felt that part of her feel... good. There was no other way her overwhelmed mind could think to describe it, her arms, already soaked in the stuff, felt like her vagina on the extremely rare times that she actually touched herself, but even that was starting to pale in comparison. Every slight movement of the tentacle in her... her pussy, sent shivers of pleasure through her body. Victoria had never even thought to use the term for her genitals, but now, with her body on the verge of what felt to be an orgasm, her mind threw all of her parents' teaching aside. She wanted to be fucked, she wanted to cum, she wanted her pussy to be used until she was screaming in bliss. The thoughts came in waves, each one greater than the last.

Her ass was just as good. The tentacles, all three of them, were at least twice as thick as her biceps. Victoria was good with estimates, and she was certain each appendage was easily twenty inches around, whereas their lengths seemed limitless. As she began to lose herself to the incredible sensations coursing through her veins, Victoria almost missed it as her body began to sink into the meteor, the strange rock seeming to turn into a thick liquid as her arms were taken inside, the tentacle releasing her now. She didn't notice, nor would she have cared, her pussy was actually dripping now, her moans mixing with gags as the tendril in her mouth made its way down her gullet into her body proper. As her legs were taken inside up to the knees, Victoria experienced her first of many orgasms.

It was unlike anything she had felt before. Those rare masturbation sessions were nothing in comparison as her body shook violently, her pussy clenching around the invader lustfully, while she attempted to scream her joy to the world, only for the sound to turn into gargled moans and gags. Each tentacle was well over a foot inside her now, the one in her pussy coiling around inside her womb, while the invader inside her ass had begun to curve its way through her insides. Her throat bulged as it too was taken by this alien. Victoria couldn't even think of what had transpired before, as her body was quickly pushed to another orgasm directly after the first faded.

Her body was almost entirely inside the rock now. Her chest and head were all that remained in the outside world, but she didn't care, the feeling of more and more tentacle meat ramming into her formerly virgin holes eviscerating any concerns she may have had. As her third or fourth, Victoria had no idea anymore, her head was engulfed. The sudden change to her surroundings was finally enough to renew her fear of what was happening, she looked around, seeing walls of a fleshy pink colour, offset by the orange tinged fluid all around her. She tried to raise her arm, but it felt like trying to move through tar.

Every motion was slowed, with the exception of the tentacles. They seemed to move through it like a hot knife through butter, as dozens began to swarm her. Victoria tried to scream again, but couldn't as she suddenly felt the tentacles inside her thicken incredibly, each one doubling or even tripling. Something in the slime they were coated in, or the fluid that now surrounded her, must have altered her body, otherwise she was certain her pussy, anus and jaw would have been torn apart, but instead they stretched effortlessly, only causing a mild discomfort that soon faded. Two new tentacles ventured near her face, Victoria staring that them in bug eyed fear, assuming they would try to enter her mouth alongside the impossible one already there. Instead they moved lower.

Before Victoria could imagine what they were doing, she felt her shirt being torn off. She tried to cover herself, but the tar like fluid made that impossible before the new tentacles reached their goal. They were different, in that they opened at the tips, almost like a flowers petals, but inside, instead of a beautiful flower, were hair thin versions of the limbs already inside her. Victoria felt them on her skin as they neared her, before the tentacles that housed them suddenly lurched forward, latching onto her breasts. Pleasure returned immediately, almost like a freight train derailing, her next orgasm crashing into her. Victoria went limp in the fluid, suspended by the tentacles in and on her body.

She couldn't even find the will to move anymore. The pleasure was overwhelming, every little movement by the tentacles sent her hurtling into a full blown climax, even though they should have torn her apart long ago. As she basked in the forced ecstasy, Victoria felt the tentacles heating up, the temperature change rushing along their lengths like water through a hose, even the ones that were simply hanging around her had thickened. In some corner of her mind that still functioned, Victoria knew what was coming, but could do nothing except cum yet again. She felt the first flood gush inside her womb, the shape of the enormous tentacle vanishing as her belly rounded out to hide it. In that first release, she already looked heavy with child.

Of course that was far from the end. The next spurt came down her throat, the tentacle suddenly rushing forward to enter her oesophagus where it released its own load, flooding her stomach instantly,but none escaped up her throat or through her intestines, as the appendage in her ass rapidly made its way to the organ from the wrong end. It also released its own spurt into her. Victoria's eyes shut at the onslaught of bliss, every litre... no, every gallon that was pumped into her was like a series of orgasms in a single moment. The tentacles around her all released as well, turning the orange fluid a off white colour.

Each one seemed to release several gallons for every spurt. Victoria half expected that they only did it once, but that idea was soon eliminated as they all sprayed in and onto her, inflating her body until she looked like an oversized party balloon with a human attached. Even so, she never once felt the walls around her. More and more was pumped into her, Victoria's orgasms never ended, one merely faded into a constant bliss, before ascending to an even greater plain of ecstasy. As they seemed to reach the end of their long, oceanic climax, Victoria finally passed out. On the outside, the three bulging tentacles were once again flat and returning to the meteor.

There was no way to determine how long she was in there. Victoria woke from time to time, however she only did so in response to the tentacles, as they once more pumped her to the point where she should have burst open, and then beyond. She fell asleep as they finished however, though not before she caught sight of her stomach, now several times bigger than her father. Eventually, Victoria awoke completely, no longer inside the meteor.

The sun was blazing at its apex in the sky. The wind swept through the trees, the sound being one of the first things Victoria registered as she opened her eyes. Where was she? That was the first question that came to mind, one that she couldn't answer, no matter how hard she tried. Victoria looked around, seeing walls of earth around her, almost like a natural dam of sorts, before raising her gaze to see a line of trees all around her, swaying gently with the breeze. She breathed in deeply, taking in the scent of the forest, something that calmed her as she recognised it. Still uncertain where she was exactly, Victoria stood, or rather, tried to.

When she attempted to rise to her feet, she fell. Had she been unconscious so long her legs were weak? She questioned herself, and looked back, having fallen on her front. What she saw should have shocked her, no, it should have made her scream in horror. Yet, Victoria only stared with terrified, but curious, eyes. She turned her gaze to her upper body, seeing that her torso was indeed still human, before looking to her legs, or rather, the new horse half of her body. The fur, or rather, her fur was a deep blue in colour, matching her dyed hair, though it looked strangely natural on her. She tried once more to stand, taking great care with her weight.

She had no trouble controlling her actions. It was like she had been born with this body, only her legs weren't so developed, as her stance was shaky at best. Victoria had seen many foals in their early days try to walk, how hard it had been for them, and knew to take it slow. It never came to mind that she was completely calm about this, treating almost as if she were helping a young animal to walk for the first time, the only difference was that she was the animal this time. Her equine half was fully formed, as such her muscles were already there, they just needed to get used to standing and walking. In under half an hour, Victoria took her first steps.

Now that she was able to stand, for the most part, she took stock of her body. While she had no idea what had happened while she was asleep, Victoria was certain more than just her legs had changed, something that was quickly proven when she looked down at her chest. She'd had no need for bras since puberty started, however now... she wasn't even certain a bra could fit her. Her breasts had exploded on her chest, each one perfectly shaped as they hung to her navel, looking perfectly natural despite their obscene size. She reached up with a hand, something she was glad hadn't changed, her palms and fingers were still calloused, though when she touched her breast her hand felt as soft as marshmallows. Aside from that, she nearly fell down again as pleasure shot through her like lightning.

Victoria pulled her hand away immediately. Her breast quivered like jelly from the brief touch, but soon stopped. It was firm to the eye, but incredibly soft to the touch. Experimenting, Victoria took another step forward, keeping her eyes on her chest, and saw them bounce lightly with slight movement. To her surprise, Victoria was sort of disappointed by this, having a slight affection for how fake breast implants looked. As if in response to her thought, her breasts shifted slightly, sitting slightly higher on her chest, looking slightly rounded now as if they were indeed implants, yet still retaining enough sag to appear natural. Like with her new equine half, Victoria didn't show any real surprise at this.

It was like she knew all about these changes, but had forgotten. She touched her breast again, moaning at the sensation, but also noting how soft it was to her hand, even as she took another step, seeing them quiver ever so slightly. She looked to her nipples, each one erect as possible and easily jutting a full two inches from her engorged areolae, now the size of a silver dollar. When she moved on from her breasts, though she did note how good the breeze felt on her hard nipples, she looked past them, seeing something that had no business on her feminine form, even if she felt her desire burn at the sight. Where her human skin met her fur, Victoria saw a flaccid cock, easily a foot in length despite its state.

As before, it didn't shock her as it should, however the changes were mounting. Even if she was somehow already accustomed to the transformation her body had gone through, Victoria could only take so much, however the question that came to her mind was as to why the penis wasn't located where it would on a horse. As in answer, the wind blew hard, and she felt it against her equine stomach, however it also met something else, sending a small shudder though her. Twisting her upper body as best she could, Victoria managed to briefly glance what she knew was a sheath, used for protecting a stallion's phallus, and it was massive. They were often bigger a human male's erection, but her's was twice that, if not more.

Beyond that, she caught sight of something she had partially hoped wouldn't be there. Hanging low on her horse half, were a pair of balls, each one bigger than her head. The sac was taut around them, free of hair and wrinkles, almost as if it were somehow feminine. That wasn't all, as she looked and moved slightly, she spotted another sac behind the first, just as big, but slightly misshapen. It looked like the orbs were bulging all over their vast expanse, however Victoria wasn't sure from her view point. She couldn't even begin to guess how much sperm each pair housed.

Victoria wasn't sure if the thought of how big her cocks were when erect, had her mouth watering or her mind reeling in terror. As she tried not to ponder this, she felt a strange muscle moving, almost of its own volition. Victoria felt it from behind her, and looked around, shock finally showing on her face as she saw a tail, snake-like in appearance, but capped by what was unmistakably the head of a penis. It was covered in scales, with an oily sheen to it and, as Victoria looked at it transfixed, she saw a drop of moisture fall to the earth. Snake scales are watertight, meant to keep the moisture in, but this was clearly different. She didn't know what to say, let alone think at that time.