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Victoria almost couldn't believe how soft they were. To the eye they looked to sit proudly on her chest, as if daring gravity to push them down, however they may as well have been the world's most comfortable pillows. She rolled them around in her hands, moving her fingers to further stimulate the sensitive flesh, quickly moving to the tips, where Jane's nipples were beginning to rise. Victoria gripped the hardening nubs between her thumb and forefinger, lightly pinching and pulling, not stopping even when Jane moaned in her unconscious state, shifting slightly and raising her chest against Victoria's hands. The centaur could feel her mother's nipples were at full size, poking into her palm.

She pulled away, her eyes all but glowing with her lust as she took in the hard peaks. They were as she remembered; large, puffy and begging to be suckled, something Victoria promptly did. She leaned down and attached her lips to one, tasting her mother's strawberry body wash as she took a long draw on the teat. Her hands made their way down Jane's body, meeting the near offensive pants that shielded Victoria's main goal, and promptly began to remove them, even as she continued to lash her tongue over her mother's oversized nipple. When Jane's sweatpants and underwear were around her ankles, Victoria put her long tail to work, pulling them away and throwing them aside. Without any clothing to block it, she could practically smell her mother's still ripe pussy.

Victoria felt her cocks throb with every breath. Her lust rising with every inhale, turning her already crumbling control to dust as she pulled back. Her mother was defenceless, her body completely open for Victoria to do with as she wished, her pussy, untouched for years would cum in moments from the pleasure it received. Then it was ruined as Jane opened her eyes, instantly seeing her daughter's face looking down at her with an expression of inhuman lust, something she could relate to. Neither said anything, nor did they move, simply staring at one another, waiting to see what might happen. Jane broke the silence first.

"I feel... so strange, honey." She said, her brow furrowing in confusion. She had never felt like this before, though it was familiar, almost like on her wedding night, when her virginity had been taken by her dear husband, resulting in Victoria, though it had never happened since then, the experience painful and mostly unpleasant to her. Now, she wanted to redo that night, again and again. Jane knew something must be wrong with her, especially when she looked to her daughter and wondered what it would be like with her, however she couldn't find the will to reprimand herself, or even consider her thoughts to be wrong. Her eyes travelled over Victoria's face, taking in the gorgeous features, before moving down to her incredible bust.

"V-Vicky? You're... you're breasts?" She managed to say, almost mesmerised by them, gulping as she did so. Her throat suddenly felt almost painfully dry.

"I went through some changes, Mama." Victoria explained, as she pointed downward, bringing her mother's gaze to her most unbelievable change. Jane's eyes all but popped from their sockets, taking in the impossible visage of two phalli, each one far, far beyond what John's was. Not only that, but she recognised the distinct shape of the lower one as that of a horse, only it was far bigger than any stallion she had seen before. Even as she took them in, her mind racing with how unnatural it was, she couldn't help but lick her lips in want, seeing a near constant stream of a semi-clear fluid all but gushing from the tips. Her crotch suddenly felt as if it were on fire.

Victoria could see everything playing across her mother's face. The surprise, the horror, the sudden turn into unknown desire, and of course, the surrender. Jane reached out, hesitantly taking hold of the cock, her hand failing miserably to wrap around it. She could feel the slimy pre on the shaft, making her hand slip slightly, earning a sudden moan from Victoria, who had yet to even touch them herself. Her mother looked up in surprise, instinctively knowing the difference between a moan of delight and one of pain, seeing her daughter nod in encouragement. Jane gulped deep and sat up, never moving her hand.

She sat on the bed, looking almost directly at a massive cock. Pre dripped from its head, either falling to the floor or running down its length and onto her hand. The lower dick was forgotten, as she leaned in, taking a deep breath through her nose on a sudden desire, instantly being met by musk that had her head reeling in want, her body turning into an inferno of desire. No longer thinking straight, she opened her mouth and let her tongue loll out, leaning in closer until the glans met her lips. Her tongue ran over it, tasting the pre and sending bolts of pleasure and lust through her already burning body. Almost frenzied now, Jane began to lick at the head, almost like a dog.

Victoria almost couldn't believe what was happening, let alone what she was feeling. Her mother was actively licking at her first cock, moaning at the taste like a common whore, and only seemed to want more as she began to kiss along the shape, running her lips over the thick veins. As it continued however, Victoria felt it was lacking, though she was still completely inexperienced about sex, having tuned out almost everything in her sex ed classes, though she doubted they taught anything like this. Her body, on the other hand, seemed to know what to do, as her hand moved, seemingly of its own accord, to place itself on Jane's head. She pulled back and looked up, before Victoria pulled her closer, Jane's mouth aimed directly at her frontal cock head. Her lips parted in surprise, giving her daughter the perfect opening.

Victoria couldn't hold herself back and released a loud cry. The feeling of her massive tip being entrapped in a tight, moist warmth, while full lips massaged her shaft and a tongue flailed about uselessly, all serving to send streaks of blinding ecstasy through her. Jane looked up with wide eyes, but didn't fight back, now tasting the exquisite pre as it was churned out, all the while her nose took in the mind numbing drug that was Victoria's musk. Every millilitre of pre she tasted, every slight inhale, every moan her daughter made all joined together, making her want more. It was wrong, she knew it was, however she was brought up to believe that doing good things was the best, if so, then what she did now was clearly good. She was making her child feel good, comforting her, while she, herself was given something that put even the richest chocolate to shame. Victoria knew she wanted more, and she was given it.

In an effort to attain more pleasure, Victoria pulled harder. She felt her mother's mouth sinking down her shaft, more and more of the slick length being encased in her inviting maw, all the while her lower cock was pressed against by Jane's body, its own pre leaking to coat her bared chest. Then she heard a loud, violent gag, however she paid it no mind, or rather, her lust did. Victoria looked down to see her mother's tear filled eyes, looking up at her in discomfort and pain, even as she continued to gently, yet forcefully pull her closer and closer. Every inch became a strange mix of agony and bliss, of desire and fear, yet Jane felt the former always bring itself to the forefront of her consciousness. Her daughter would pull further, and she would always want more even as tears streamed down her face.

Over a foot of cock now violated her throat. Victoria almost couldn't believe how good it was, that this was how men felt when they talked about such disgusting things, and that it would only get better when she finally took her mother's cunt. The thoughts almost stopped her actions, however any and all ideas that involved ending the pleasure were thrown aside. Victoria couldn't care less if she was doing something morally wrong, or if she was breaking every rule she had been brought up on since birth. All that mattered was pleasure, and as her mother reached a foot and a half of her upper erection, Victoria knew it would only get better. She grunted as she gave a sudden, strong pull.

Jane attempted to scream from the abrupt force used, but all that came out was a severely muffled gurgle. Her nose connected at last with Victoria's crotch, her sinuses almost immediately becoming overwhelmed by the masculine scent, comprised of all consuming pheromones, even if neither knew it. Jane wanted nothing more than to love her daughter, no matter how she changed, and now she could truly do it, all she had to do was make her cum. Victoria released her grip, something telling her that her mother's every urge to flee had ceased, replaced by an untameable need to pleasure the futanari centaur. The mother began to pull away, actually moaning at the feeling of Victoria's tumescent shaft scraping the walls of her oesophagus and throat. As she moved, Jane actively began to suck, almost as if she were trying to draw out Victoria's cum.

When only the massive head remained past her lips, Jane began to lather it in her tongue's affection. The pre-cum only seemed to get better the more she did, each drop seeming thicker than the last. Victoria's horse shaft throbbed powerfully against her chest, almost seeming outraged from the lack stimulation, something Jane was quick to remedy, as she reached down to heft it in her hands. The weight was incredible, almost like she were holding a large child, however her desire to please fuelled her strength, as Jane began to stroke the impossibly thick cock as best she could, wrapping both of her hands around it, her fingers falling well over two feet short, however that didn't stop her. She pumped the bottom shaft as she suckled from the first, suddenly diving down to drive the upper cock deep into her throat once more.

The pleasure only escalated. Victoria couldn't hold back the sounds of her ecstasy, feeling hands on her gigantic horse dick while her human shaft received its first blowjob. She couldn't tear her gaze from Jane, who's throat visibly bulged obscenely around the cock buried within it, however she only looked up at her daughter in complete and utter adoration. Her spit had splattered onto her face, saliva dripping from her spread lips in an effort to pleasure Victoria further, her eyes lighting up as it throbbed in delight. Wanting more, Victoria ran her hands over her torso, traversing her toned abdomen, her skin feeling like fire where she touched it, before coming to her breasts. It might have been the mind numbing sensations, but she swore they felt bigger than before.

Their size only altered when she turned human. She knew this from several attempts on her way back, and failing miserably, however their shape and consistency was another matter, as she could make them appear like the worst boob job in history, or make them flop uselessly on her chest, however she had settled on their current state. She turned her sights to her breasts, keeping part of her mother in view, seeing Jane take another dive with a gagged cry of delight, the pre thickening and turning opaque with every slight release. Back to her breasts, Victoria could see that they were bigger and... growing ever so slightly. It was almost impossible to tell looking at them, similar to watching hair grow.

The confusion brought on by this, while significant, wasn't anywhere near close enough to distract her from the bliss. She could feel it, a pressure building in her stomach, wherever that was now, joined by flames of desire licking across her skin, setting alight to her every nerve and bringing her moans into the realm of cries, words rarely passing her lips as she placed her hands back on Jane's head, pulling her back and forth with all the power her impossible body could muster, her mother's face going slack in response, letting her only child have her way. Victoria had never wanted siblings, enjoying the quiet life with her parents, however, children on the other hand was an entirely different matter. The image of her mother, pregnant once again, flashed through her mind.

It was all it took to push her over the knife's edge. Victoria's cries turned to soundless screams as she slammed her mother's face into her crotch, her balls pulsating with new seed as her cock thickened even further, preparing for cum to race through the incredible length. Jane never stopped stroking her horse cock, eager for the load to douse her entire body, to mark her as Victoria's, however she ceased her movement as she felt something new. With her mouth pressed firmly to Victoria's groin, she couldn't see what was happening, however the base of the upper cock felt like ti was becoming larger and larger, turning into a strange ball shape. Despite the impossibility of it, Jane knew this was how a canines cock functioned, creating a large knot to tie the mates to each other, keeping its sperm where it was meant to be. The ball swelled rapidly, forcing her jaw to open even further than should be possible, even in dreams.

Jane felt heat rushing through the knotted shaft, her own ecstasy reigniting as she felt the seed race towards her penetrated stomach. Her hands resumed their movement on the horse shaft, finding its own knot, however not just one. She felt several, massive balls growing along its length, each one over a foot larger in girth than normal, and only expanding further. The head had also exploded in size, easily twice as wide as Jane's head now. Nothing made sense, but it didn't have to, as cum blasted into her stomach and onto her chest, the viscous fluid so thick it may as well have been jelly. It stuck fast to her flesh, rolling down in painfully slow rivers.

Her stomach turned from a slightly pudgy belly, into that of a woman who ate a whole turkey in one bite. Her flesh stretched as if it were nothing, no stretch marks or even discomfort, even as another spurt flooded the overfilled organ, making her look pregnant, only too far up. Cum pushed its way through her insides, the pressure so great that, while Jane felt every inch of the journey, it happened almost instantly, cum gushing from her rear. There was no faecal matter to both of their later relief, Victoria's pre-cum having acted as a type of acid, dissolving any offending matter as it flooded Jane's body. Another spurt blasted into her, forcing her stomach to expand even further.

The cum was so thick and Jane's rear so tight, that it couldn't escape quickly enough. For ever litre that poured onto the ground from her asshole, gallons replaced it, her belly growing with every spurt. She looked to have gorged herself on a banquet fit for a king, then fell pregnant with quadruplets, and even that failed to full describe her appearance. Her horse cock was spraying much more however, unloading over a dozen gallons with every release, making sure to keep her taut flesh painted in seed. Victoria was lightly thrusting forward now, her bliss taking control of her climax exhausted body to attain more pleasure. Jane was in her own throes of orgasm, spasms rocking her body.

It was almost like a competition between the two. Each one's orgasm trying to outlast the other, however it was a lost cause, as Victoria's went on and on, forcing Jane into her second climax just as the first came to its end. Her gagged cries only sent more pleasure through Victoria's, whose hands remained clasped around her mother's head, making every ounce of seed entered her body, even if it inevitably came out again, however that was of no concern to her, even as a waterfall of cum formed, pouring to the floor, creating a quickly expanding pool of thick seed. Eventually, Victoria could feel her orgasm beginning to fade.

As she finished, she released her mother's head, who remained where she was. Victoria's knots were still completely engorged, the balls lining her horse cock like oversized anal beads, each orb almost twice as thick as her shaft, as big around as she was tall. As Victoria stood there, her knot binding her and Jane together, she let out a shocked gasp, as memories came flooding back, somehow starting in chronological order: first she'd been taken by a tentacle monster of some kind, her dogs and horse were somehow combined with her own body to make her as she was now. There had been other human victims as well, teenage campers or adventurous girls who came too close to the meteor, their own bodies merging with Victoria's. She had remained the main body however, thus only attributes were added to her.

Like when she woke up to find all of these changes, Victoria didn't feel horrified at the memories. She was shocked, yes, but everything made sense now, and she could actually remember her pets, something she was truly grateful for as she sent a silent prayer of thanks to them. Even though her body and even her mind to some extent, had been forever altered into a strange, mutant centaur, Victoria couldn't find it in her heart to truly hate the alien. A reminder of why came when her mother's hand ran over her slowly shrinking knots, sending small bolts of pleasure up her spine. When she had returned to normal, Jane fell back.

Victoria let out a gasp as the air met her spit and cum slicked cock. It was still hard, as was her horse dick, each one twitching in desire. Victoria no longer fought against herself, all too eager to cum again, and this time lose her new virginity in the process as her mother was inseminated by her virile sperm. Jane laid on her back, panting as she shovelled handfuls of Victoria's wasted seed into her mouth, moaning wantonly at the taste, even as Victoria reached down to pick her up by hips. Jane's swollen stomach was shrinking extremely slowly, still giving her the appearance of a heavily pregnant woman, ready to drop sextuplets any moment. Victoria ignored it as she placed her mother's drooling snatch at the tip of her monstrous horse cock.

Nothing that happened next should have been possible. Victoria knew this, however she would come to learn that she made the impossible, possible, and could break the unbreakable. Acting entirely out of instinct and desire, she moved her tail to rub against Jane's leaking asshole, spearing between the soft, shapely cheeks. Its own tip was leaking a transparent fluid, however it was more like an oil rather than pre-cum, as it mixed with the semen slowly pouring out. Jane moaned at this new sensation, having never felt anything like it before, only to cry out soundlessly, as her anal virginity was taken, Victoria's tail suddenly thrusting up into her depths, just as the centaur pulled her mother down, impaling her cunt on her otherworldly dick. Inch after inch of both slid in, each millimetre as pleasurable as the last.

Jane was breathless as tidal waves of strange ecstasy washed over her. She had expected pain, agony, from the penetrations, but only pleasure existed, so great that even her memories of being harmed faded into her subconscious. More and more of Victoria's shafts sunk into her, the horse cock reaching her cervix little under a foot in, while the tail continued its journey, snaking through her guts to her unimaginable joy. It seemed to be sucking up the cum as it made its way through, her massively swollen belly shrinking rapidly, until the shape of it twisting through her intestines was visible even through her flesh. Victoria pulled her mother away several inches, before slamming her down, ramming through the only defence her womb had.

Nothing could hope to match this ever, Jane thought as a reality bending climax shot through her. Victoria continued to pull her down without rest, simply forcing inch upon inch inside, meeting the walls of Jane's womb, but only continuing from there, even pushing aside her insides to her delight. She would be screaming in her bliss, however her vocal chords refused to work, as if her mind knew any sound she made would be completely insufficient to describe the sensations crashing into her mind with every centimetre that entered her. Even through the overwhelming storm of elation, Jane felt Victoria's upper cock poking against her open lips, seeking entry once more. She wasn't going to deny and promptly opened wide, letting it slide inside.