All Comments on 'Traitor's Daughter Ch. 04'

by OwnedbyConway

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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Another fantastic chapter.

I adore this story. You're an exceptional writer. Dimitry is irresistible, I'll be eagerly awaiting your next instalment!

jennyb2492jennyb2492over 10 years ago

Wowza. What a ride. The chapter was worth waiting for, that's for sure. I absolutely love the line, "the only person that gives you reason to live is the one person that wants to see you die"

I know you were probably taking a breather from writing while waiting for this to post - all I can say is please don't!

One of my two favorite stories running right now.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Dmitry is a sadist

Please don't do this.Alex is so weak.She should hate Dmitry.

small_town_girlsmall_town_girlover 10 years ago
wow... what a chapter!

@OBC - this story is gut-wrenching, and i mean it as the highest compliment. You manage to create a sense of empathy and compassion towards a brutal rapist - and not by pasting in a sob story as a flimsy excuse either (ahm.. did someone say 50 shades?) but by giving us a real in-depth look into his tormented psyche. And Lexy's emotions are just as real and raw and i love that line too - about the only person who cares if you're alive is the one who wants you to die. Nailed it.

I also loved the scene with Nadja and how you made her character 'round' too - no she's not a cartoonish Cruella DeVille; she is a real person with her own baggage to carry. I still hate her of course but i pity her too.

Amazing story. 5 stars and please please keep it going!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Oh what a twist!!

Her mother is alive? I wonder who that man is. I hope Alex and Dmitry are not related, and it is not his father who is also Alex's real dad. I can't wait for the next chapter.

ObscurelogicObscurelogicover 10 years ago

This story is getting better and better. Dmitry is my new imaginary crush :) I like the fact that you haven't softened him immediately and that his probable transformation is gradual and beset with setbacks rather than inexplicably immediate. I like the edginess in his character. The shower scene was one of the hottest I've read in this site. Good Job!

MaynessMaynessover 10 years ago

Well this was worth waiting for sure, one of the best chapters I have read. The tumultuous emotions, plot and character development are utterly riveting. I wonder how these two will make their peace, or maybe they won't. Dmitry has got to pay a price for what he has done and I just hope its not poor Alex that pays it for him. I can't wait for the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Fascinated with Dimitri, yet so repulsed with him

Urghh!!!! Can't get over the fact that Dimitri viciously beat the crap out of Alex, humiliated her and she still have the hots for this ever possible in real life?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I agree with anonymous there is no way in real life that alex would have the hots for him, she would be to scared by the abuse to relax enough to have an orgasm. also being beaten and kicked would have meant she'd be in a lot of pain not an ideal situation to be feeling warm and fuzzy. the writing is very good though. A bit more reality though please.

FA_JFFA_JFover 10 years ago

I am continuous dazzled that this is your first story. Each chapter shows your writing becoming stronger and stronger.

We are accustomed to heroes who are ass-hats and just need an epiphany and some redemptive groveling. Or bad guys who are simply straight up evil fucks needing a sharp shiv to the ribcage. You have given us something unique here. These are DAMAGED people, and not just Dmitri. The question is not can he be softened, but can he be salvaged? The war inside his mind is fierce. Alex/Lexi is not some pollyanna who will contract magic cock syndrome, but she is using a lifetime of mixed coping skills to try to survive this. Fight, surrender, withdraw, check out of uses what they have and know.

interweb88interweb88over 10 years ago
wow ..wait what just happened

Soooo I liked that she finally told him that what he doing is the same crap that happened to him maybe she screw with his head a little.I can't believe she stabbed him! Who the heck is the person/guy at the end! So her mom is not dead that adds a new dimension!! Her explaining the tattoo was just plain sad.Put it made its point..its interesting that her Stockholm syrdrome is kicking in early,but he is being ass.Good job keep writing your doing a great job!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
holy shit....

This is so fucking good... EASILY one of the best

FA_JFFA_JFover 10 years ago
Gasp! How could she feel anything remotely positive about him!

Dmitry is seriously messed up and did unforgivable things to Alex-that is a given.

I would argue that before they ever met, each had a unilateral relationship with the other. Not between them...independent of each other. Within the bad acid trip that was her life, Dmitry (or at least the idea of him) had become her emotional anchor. She clearly stated this and it is reinforced by the tattoo over the scar. As twisted as it is, that is a strong bond. As horrible as what he actually did was, a part of her had been preparing for it and accepting the inevitability of it. That is not the same as magical cock acceptance of it happening, but enough to establish dueling reactions. He is both savior and executioner.

Additionally, he had come to her coffee spot numerous times, and established himself as an attractive and decent person. Remnants of that are added into the previous mix and sprinkled with his now conflicting behavior. All of this is spooned onto Alex's own damaged self defense mechanisms.

Thus her grab bag of responses to him are not unexpected or surprising.

In closing...don't expect linear and logical behavior from f'd up people. :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
I hope it's constructive

I like this specific genre within non-consent. But I don't think Dmytri's emotions are realistic. If he cares about her, even one iota, he could not do what he has done to her and what he apparently has plans to do. The "OMG, she's beautiful, I'm crazy about her, she's innocent and been through as much hell as I did" but 2 seconds later, he's like "I've got to torture her. Make her pay, even though I know it wasn't her fault". It doesn't jive. The only way perhaps if he was a complete psychopath. But not merely if he's a misunderstood Dominant who's gone through some bad times. He wouldn't act that way. Just saying.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I stayed up till 5a.m. just to read all 4 parts of this story! I really hope you will write more! PLEASE! I can't wait to see what will she do when she finds out her mother is alive and left her... and secretly hoping Anton is't her father but her mother's love (I know, hopeless romantic xD ).

But never mind that, I think it would be really interesting to see Dmitry finding out she isn't the traitor's daughter!

OwnedbyConwayOwnedbyConwayover 10 years agoAuthor
Story Update

Oh and yes I am already working on Ch 5 and thanks to a nice and helpful ANON and her amazing ideas....I am working away!!! -thanks -Tatum

cvchick93cvchick93over 10 years ago
Love Love Love!

Can't wait for more!! I love this story and can't wait for more! Such emotions between Dmitry and Alex! I felt the emotions along with them!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

WOW this is deep. I feel so conflicted due to living in Dmitry's thoughts AND Lexi's.

Great job!

tati89tati89over 10 years ago
5 foot against 6 foot 6

Their height difference is kinda I can imagine him having to stoop everytime to kiss her. Thank you for making Dmitri not your typical softie dominant wannabe (he actually beats and forces her which is why it makes this story stand out a bit more..the fact that we kinda hate him instead of just meh) and that there's some real conflict of interest going on. His treating her like crap makes a possible redemption more interesting. There's a lot of good stories here (I've been reading for more than 6 years already), but it does get rather cliche and boring after a while when the antagonist is way too soft that I dont hate or love him and just feel meh/indifferent..and the story is just blah to me. Somewhere along the lines of he takes her, but is just so gentle with her that she falls in love with him immediately, *yawns* So predicable as good as it is. I like it more when they both really hate each other and want to hold each other at the same time, that's the kind of story that really pulls me in. Thanks for making this story like that. I know that most likely Dmitri will soften towards Lexi, but your story is still a nice break from way too soft bland keep it up!

Nice twist at the end. Her mother is alive then? Yeah!

FindmywayFindmywayover 10 years ago
Love /Hate Dmitry!

My thoughts regarding Dmitry are love/hate - he is so conflicted and yet in his twisted mind he really cares. Your character development rocks in addition to your ability to weave their past into the story is remarkable - not to mention some of the one liners.

Based on my interpretation you have given Alex a unique inner strength that I hope continues to flourish....but your ending really through me for a loop! Great job!

Holding my breath for your next chapter

WaterBurnWaterBurnover 10 years ago
An emotionally jam packed ride, indeed.

I don't know if I qualify as 'on the fence' about Dimitri, but I have to say you've done a fantastic job with their inner conflict. They are both tortured souls, with horrible pasts they can do nothing about. Ugh, the emotions! The conflict! It's all twisted and dark, and I don't know how it's going to end. :) But I hope the future looks a little brighter for them, even if they don't end up together.

I also think this is a wonderful first attempt at wordsmithery Tatum. I'm really looking forward to future stories that come out of your crazy-pants-talented noggin. :)


Irishlass1662Irishlass1662over 10 years ago

This is an amazing story I love it as much as Possession but for different reasons. I look for updates regularly. Keep writing!!!!

EveEdenEveEdenover 10 years ago

I love her T-shirts (and Dimitri of course)! Keep it up and would love more regular updates, this could really be one of my top five on this site!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

just please dont let him rape her again. thats twisted and sick. please ok? :(

spearishspearishover 10 years ago
More pleeeeeeease

This is such a great story .I'm as torn as dimitri .Was his father Helens lover ? who knows but please update soon !

MEWatcherMEWatcherover 10 years ago
Bravo !!

You have turned what could have been only a rape "vignette" into a story with teeth. Mere revenge is simple, but this is a whole story I want to read more about, Poor Alex and Dmitry. All I'm asking her is that this: Please don't let them turn out to be siblings, just..idk .. from the way it seems to be working out...just.. let Dmitry and Alex have something they can hold for all their misery.

It seems there is much Dmitry doesn't know, and how much does Nadja know too?

I also feel sad for Nadja as she may be in love with Dmitry. And that Dr. wth will happen with him wanting Alex as well. ~sighs~ Oh well. There is a lot to be fleshed out, but I will be here waiting for the next installement, Again,..Bravo.. Thanx.

OwnedbyConwayOwnedbyConwayover 10 years agoAuthor

Hi All!

Just wanted to express my thanks for all the feedback and support. To answer questions regarding the story.....I promise they are not siblings :)

Manuel Farrera is a sex god, High Tension is a brilliant scary movie, and Alex may be down but not out :)

Working hard on TD 5!!!! - thanks

wildxalaskawildxalaskaover 10 years ago
You are the reason

I made an account on here! I have creeped around on this site for over 5 years, and your series is the only one I've wanted to follow so closely that I made an account today! I loved it.

joodlejoodleover 10 years ago

I am a non-con story fan, and a bdsm fan. This story is different and hot. The fire in Dmitry is thrilling. His desire for her and the way you convey his emotions is fantastic. I love the inner monologue you feature for both Dmitry and Alex. I hope that he continues to take her and while I am normally a major beating fan, it won't help him to win her trust in this case. I want the HEA and I am sure you will give it to me. Looking forward to chapter 5!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Eek! You finally updated! I love this a story so much. That's pretty fucked up what her mom did, leaving her, thinking that she'll be safe. If she were there maybe Lexi wouldn't have tried to kill herself. I just feel like putting your wants over a child's needs is selfish and maybe she deserves to be happy after suffering under Anton but still.

MasterfuljimMasterfuljimover 10 years ago

Time for my twopence worth.

The author and her story have both grown in stature since that first edition.

I remember reading that and thinking OMG. How dark and un entertaining is this going to become ?

Well Tatum, I am glad to say that the power of your writing combined with the depth of the story has put this firmly in the " must read until the end " category.

A fantastic 5/5 to you.

And congrats also go to Jenny for her inspiration.

Roll on TD 4

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Annoyingly submissive:(

Her weakness is killing me.I agree with the other comments.I really like this story and i have been checking updates regularly but i am so confused about Alex.How can she have any positive feelings for Dmitry after what he did to her?Of course i want a love between them in the upcoming chapters but first Dmitry should feel REAL sorry for her while she show her confidence to him.I want a confident and strong Alex and a really jealous Dmitry (of course because of Dr.Vascak:) ).

You are very talented and i really enjoy this story.Hope you consider these advices.

evonnaevonnaover 10 years ago
Wow! the sex is BEYOND hot..

.. and wild and disturbing and primal etc. good stuff.. i'm completely blown away by the way you write his feelings and urges for her. that and the sex are soooo yummy and right up my alley.. and refreshingly crazy, non-pc and bravely written... and his history makes it all make sense, as we can expect him to be a bit of a loose cannon.... oh and I love all the guilt! and the possessiveness! what don't I love, haha, you've rolled up my favourite non-con things into one fic... wheew! can't wait for more.

(P.S. this is just a little detail, as the sex and all the feelings and angst are just *perfect*, but it did strike me a bit odd that less than 24 hours after the horrifying rape and abuse, she goes into a bit of a teenagey fangirl/groupie mode on her abuser, chatting to him about the way she thought he was beautiful etc. and comfortably telling him long stories about her life and feelings. it just seemed a bit too soon to me (unless she was meant to be babbling due to the drugs, or regressing into a younger, sillier, illogical version of herself due to all the stress or some such... I did find her story about her time with the families and the tattoo etc. to be a lot more in line with the spoiled, silly, self-absorbed, petulant -type poor little rich girl he initially thought she was, which was funny :) as one of her major depression -causes was that she didn't get to have her 16th b-day party LOL... (and I would have thought her mother would have been a reason for her to want to live) she certainly came across more mature and grounded before.... but it's only a little detail anyway.. perhaps we are used to quite ballsy, level-headed female leads here in non-con, and this one is still a teenager, so maybe she can be allowed her moments of silly teenage angst, and feelings of being the centre of the world :) ... so this is not a criticism, really, just my rambling thoughts, as the story is so brilliant I thought i'd mention.

Very powerful writing, LOVE IT, can't wait for more! xxx

jaafrica73jaafrica73over 10 years ago
I like your style.....

Keep it coming in your style, I understand we all have opinions but Our individual style is what separate us...... Loving your work OwnedbyConway.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
So erotic

I never really get wet reading stories here, but I did during this one.

tina623tina623over 10 years ago

Your writing is wonderful and I love this story! So hot yet so interesting. I kind of want Alex and Dmitry to get together, but Dmitry's going to have to change or show show a different side of himself to earn my respect. Haha, I'm so hypocritical because I think he's so hot right now but he's definitely not love or relationship material yet. Obviously I don't know if that's where you're going with this story, maybe she gets rescued by an equally hot but nicer guy. No matter what, there's no denying the attraction between them!

evonnaevonnaover 10 years ago
the mum..

.. sorry, my bad, just re-read this chapter and i see now that the mum was dead when she tried to kill herself, as she talks about joining her.. I wonder when and how she found out.. as that wasn't mentioned in the story she told, but it must have hit her hard..

Dmitri's confused emotions are a joy to read, I like how he's basically 1) trying to hate her due to a promise, the idea of retribution and family obligation, and through that 2) trying to incite himself to do physical and sexual violence to her, at the same time as he's 3) feeling crazily attracted to her sexually on a non-violent, let's both enjoy it -level, 4) while that attraction is tinged with the fact that he's naturally dominant and seems to like slightly rough dom/sub (perhaps near-rape/rape role-play) scenarios, which links to the initial rape being the hottest thing he's done (which may be due to her, more than the very violent events), but he naturally 5) feels incredibly guilty for his violent actions (and the fact that the idea of it still makes him hard), because he's a baseline good person, who feels empathy and knows right from wrong, but who 6) might have tons of defense mechanisms, anger and control-freakery issues due to his childhood abuse, but he can't seem to run from his 7) strong feelings of tenderness, protectiveness and care for Alex and the need to be physically near her (love in the making..?), perhaps for the first time in his life, and of course there's also 8) a good helping of possessiveness, jealousy, and anger towards other men who ever thought of her or touched her, adding to the mix, and a general sense of ownership over her.

No wonder the boy feels like he's going through some mindfuck! LOL

I loved reading how he was posing her in different positions in bed after the bath, thinking "I would hold her like this." And he was actually thinking 'if I could love her..' It was so incredibly sweet and kind of heart-breaking to read, as it seemed as though he was like a young boy imagining the loving things he would do with his first girlfriend, whom he'd really care for, if he were to be lucky enough to have one. and specifically having that girlfriend be her... and how that moment of her unconsciousness made him able to safely access those parts of his feelings and thoughts, in a way.... very sad and beautiful. Brilliantly done.

WhatdidJanetdoWhatdidJanetdoover 10 years ago

What an absolutely fantastic chapter. Your writing is beautiful. The explanation of the tattoo was so moving it made me cry. Both of your main characters are so beautifully damaged that I can only hope that they find some happiness together. After many many wonderfully written chapters obviously!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Can't stand it anymore:(

i loved this story at first but now i can't stand Alex anymore.She is a joke really.What is this?Stockholm syndrome?This story ended for me..

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
update please

I love this story.Please imform us about chapter 5.I can't wait :)))

OwnedbyConwayOwnedbyConwayover 10 years agoAuthor

Hi Everyone!

Thanks for all the feedback!! I am working hard on chapter 5, lots to do. I will keep you posted- thanks - Tatum

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
If anyone is entitled to revenge it is Lexi

There isn't enough grovelling in the world that will make up for the torture and pain this pathetic abusive asshole has inflicted on this innocent woman, she isn't even related to the dead man he want revenge on.

So far Dmitri and his happy band of psychos are guilty of:  Kidnapping, assault and battery, torture, rape, unwilling sodomy, more assault and battery, sexual battery, false imprisonment and I'm sure I missed a few others.

He has only now just begun to question his despicable actions and his shoddy incorrect research information. But he still gets off on the memory of brutally raping her. He promises Lexi/Alex he won't hurt her then proceeds to do just that. He gets off on her destroyed helplessness and terrifies, assaults and chokes her in the shower. 

HOW in the name of all that is holy would she ever even begin to have feelings other than blind terror and hatred towards him? To have her fall so readily into the role of compliant nympho who excuses his crimes and blindly accepts his abuses is an insult to Lexi.

He. Is. A. Monster. He shows no true remorse - if he did he would STOP. He enjoys brutalising her, and still gets off on the memories of attacking and raping her in the most brutal of ways. No matter his perceived justification, what this loathesome 'man' has done and continues to do to his shell-shocked victim is unforgivable.  

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Loved it! I've been waiting patiently for chapter 4 and you didn't disappoint. Both characters are so damaged and their angst is portrayed beautifully. Keep up the good work.

tina623tina623over 10 years ago

This chapter was so hot! I loved it! You are amazing, keep up the great work!

evonnaevonnaover 10 years ago

Thanks for the update, can't wait! xxx

evonnaevonnaover 10 years ago
@FA_JF - Alex's behaviour

Nice analysis & good points about Alex's coping mechanisms, thoughts and the previous connection between them etc.. Yup, yup, her actions do make more sense in light of your comments.

You've made me realise I'm probably a bit unfairly harsh on these female leads who show quite a bit of weakness (as clearly there are good reasons for them showing it and feeling it!), and for me it's not even so much about "fight the bastard, show HIM some pain!" as it is about "no, make him work for it, he doesn't deserve it yet!"... LOL... which might not have that much to do with the actual events the characters are experiencing, haha :)..

interweb88interweb88over 10 years ago
just checking

I keep checking every other day just in case there is an update I am so excited for the next chapter

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Please hurry!

I love this story. Please post the next chapter quickly!

MEWatcherMEWatcherover 10 years ago
Thank you again OwnedbyConway

Thank you again, OwnedbyConway, for answering my question concerning siblings and its a good rewrite. I only hope you give us the next chapter quickly, I am always looking for the next installment :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

This is amazing. Just amazing...can't wait until.the next chapter!

OwnedbyConwayOwnedbyConwayover 10 years agoAuthor

Hello!!! :)

Just want to provide an update. I made some progress on TD5 this week hoping to have it to my brilliant wonderful editor by next weekend. Thanks for reading :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Anything new?

i need an update:)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Penny for your thoughts?

Any updates on your amazing story?

I'll accept anything ;)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I am in desperate need of another chapter. I hope it comes soon

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Too slow

You are too slow.Now i need to read chapter 4 again to remember details.I started to lose interest for this story.

MasterfuljimMasterfuljimabout 10 years ago
Hi anon

Would you be happier if the story was a load of crap churned out once a week ?

Nope ..thought not.

I too am eagerly awaiting an update to this wonderful story, but I have both the patience and faith in the author to get it right, and that can take time.

Deep breaths and love and calm will descend upon you and forgiveness to all authors will follow.....or so my Gran once said when grandad was about to...:-)

MasterfuljimMasterfuljimabout 10 years ago

It's probably quite difficult to type when tied to a spanking bench 16 hours a day.

Blame Conway lol

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Please update

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
All Consuming!!!

Normally I don't write comments, however, this story is so engrossing. I'm hoping there will be another chapter. My emotions have been thrown all over the place. It makes me wonder about the author "OwnedbyConway" and what trials and tribulations she's been through in order to write with such descriptive feelings. Wow! Very Good! Hope you continue...please continue : )

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Are you allright?

OwnedbyConway i am worried about you.What's going on?Are you allright?

Kbaker1983Kbaker1983about 10 years ago

I really like this site but its sad when good stories go unfinished I think they need stricter rules

devilsmusedevilsmuseabout 10 years ago

OwnedbyConway, I LOVE this story. I'm completely hooked honestly. Can't wait to read the next chapter!! Take your time, but PLEASE come back to this eventually!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Please let us hear more of this story. it's very interesting!

interweb88interweb88about 10 years ago
Just so know everyone

I talked to Ownedbyconway recently and she is writing the next chapter she just has a demanding job and its been a little stressful but I do believe she will be back soon

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Please hurry

I love your story so i'm a little bit impatient to read the next chapter.I know you probably have a busy life but i'm sick and tired.I come here to check update from you everyday but there is nothing new:/ I hope you are fine.Take care and give us chapter 5 anytime soon.:)

evonnaevonnaabout 10 years ago
thanks interweb

for the update. Good to hear all is well with OwnedByConway and that the chapter is in the works. Can't wait to read more of this! xxx

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I want someone to do that to me. I love being overpowered. Please finish this chapter ASAP!! :) I check every day.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Please update . Why do all the best stories go so long between chapters, or worse, unfinished.

interweb88interweb88about 10 years ago
writers block

I talked to her again and she is working on the chapter! She is experiencing a little writers block due to someone writing her nasty (not in a good way) letters. So I think we should get together and pm her to let her know we love what she writes

OwnedbyConwayOwnedbyConwayabout 10 years agoAuthor
Update and Thanks

I want to thank everyone who messaged me with words of encouragement!!! I appreciate all of your messages. You're the best! Interweb88 you are the!

I don't think anyone can fully comprehend the courage it takes to post a story. You really are putting yourself out there for all kinds of feedback. This is my first attempt at writing anything (besides APA formatted healthcare admin papers, snore) so when I receive feedback calling me names, saying I have no skills or talent as a writer, and stating that I condone violence towards women is it very discouraging. I can handle criticism but not blatant character and story bashing. Plus it is always sent from an anon and I have no way of responding to ask what I can improve or apologize if my story offends them or explain why the story is violent. It's just really hard to deal with sometimes and you end up wanting to throw in the towel...or delete over half of what you have created :(

Enough with me being a brat and having a pity party (Conway would never approve)...the TD5 rewrite is in the works!!! I can't give a specific completion date but I want to let everyone know that I am scribbling away and will be finishing this story. :)

Now to my adorable, brilliant, funny, handsome, supportive know who you are. I owe you this story. Without you TD4 would still read like TD1, my relationship would be a wreck and I would have quit along time ago. You are an amazing person and your opinion means the world to me. I am so lucky and blessed to get to call you a friend. -thank you. :)

For everyone in the Lit world I can't express how supportive my editor is for all the writers on Literotica...always going above and beyond for us!!!

I will update again with my progress. Thanks you for reading TD :) - Tatum

MaynessMaynessabout 10 years ago

Thank you so much for the update. Keep going, don't let other people drag to unhappy places. It makes me irritated (mad) when people overtly critise, especially when it's an anon. People are entitled to their opinion but there are ways to convey that without being rude! Really looking forward to the update. : ).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
love it

This story is very well written. I waded through a ton of crap to find this well written story that invites the needed suspension of disbelief.

It is a sad truth that well written stories are rare in this genre. Don't you dare stop writing this tale. It is too good and that is too rare.

Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Don't Listen to silly Anons

Honestly this is one of my alltime favorite stories on this site! you are such an amazing and talented writer. its an unfortunate truth that ppl in the noncon/reluctance category often get bashed for condoning violence towards women and all that grbage, but it happens to all the best authors, so plz just ignore them. i look forward to reading ch 5! :DDD

tati89tati89about 10 years ago

Hello there,

Please don't heed the haters. Anons are usu. the ones who hide behind computer screens to criticize others. Why not just post your real username or make one, are you so scared? I don't get it.

Thank you for updating us of your progress. It makes me feel a bit sad when authors just abandon readers months upon months. :( cannot wait for the next chapter! :D

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Just an advice :)

OwnedbyConway, thank god you didn't stop writing!!:) I was waiting for your update hopelessly.This is your story and you will write what you want but i have an advice if you don't mind.I want to see Lexi less submissive in the next chapters :) Just an advice;) ok? Don't be mad at me:) I loved only 3 stories in this site; "The last tritan,Stolen Slave and your story." I check for updates from you and waterburn everyday.Yes I'm addicted:) I hope you keep writing.Take care.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
You are good, do not listen to the naysayers!

OwnedbyConway, Your story is good, and the negative feedback from those anons? Do not pay attention to them. This is fantasy world, story world. Where everything is possible and anything can happen. Like being abducted by a handsome Russian :)) Next they will start calling to apprehend Zorro.

If they find your subject too tough for their tender hearts, they have no place coming to Literotica anyway. The rest of us love you and your story, so keep writing! :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Can you please post chapter 5 ?

small_town_girlsmall_town_girlabout 10 years ago
please, please, please don't let the haters win...!

@OBC / Tatum,

while we don't know each other at all, i feel like i know *exactly* what you're going through; maybe because i've been there myself. it just so happens that when writing in a public forum, and especially in these non-mainstream categories, we make ourselves easy target to the haters. and boy, but they are a merciless, sadist bunch!

(don't you find it ironic that the exact same people who condemn violence in fiction demonstrate the most violent behaviors towards *real people* on this website?)

anyways, my point is - please, don't let the haters win. you are SUCH AN OUTSTANDING WRITER. you're right about the courage it takes to post any story. but you - you are the bravest author i've read yet here on Lit. you took on a story as dark as they come and have made us - me - not only notice, but fully appreciate the different shades of black (ahm. no pun intended...).

you have such a unique voice. please, don't let anyone silence you. least of all the haters.

consider this: try to find compassion in your heart towards them - they must have some real bad issues of their own to say those things to you when they don't even know you. like Nadja. she's a sadistic bitch, but she was an innocent, cute little baby once, too... something happened to her. something happened to your anon haters, too. forgive them in your heart, and move on. please?


FA_JFFA_JFabout 10 years ago
What STG said!

The force is strong in you, young padawan. Do not let the darkside overwhelm you.

To have created such a stir is an outcome many can only dream of achieving. So many stories pass through un-noticed. You have many who stand with you and your story. (Of course our legs are getting a wee bit tired stand around here, but hey, worth it! ;D)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Please please please please please write more.

I love watching Dmitry battle with that darkness that all damaged souls carry. This is an extreme story, sure, but you have a beautiful and acurate understanding of the warring emotions both sides carry in these circumstances. I want to see how Alex grows into living as a slave. The shower scene was by far the most true thing I have read in a long time regarding dominant behavior in a long time.

I implore you, don't deny these characters their story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Awesome story! Love to see your new chapter soon! Would love to see our leading lady pregnant. By dmitry?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Any news on if OwnedbyConway is going to update this story sometime in the near future? This is one of my favorite stories, and I check back weekly. It's been almost a month since the writer said they would be working on Chapter 5. Please don't leave us hanging!!!! You are a talented writer with compelling characters, and an intriguing, original plot. Please keep going!!!! Hope you are well!

All the Best

StageFiveStageFiveabout 10 years ago

Please continue! I love the turmoil in their minds. You deliver a chaotic plot so perfectly- I have to know what happens!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Like this story, but 4 months between chapters is killing it :(

You said you were going to send chapter 5 to your editor a long time ago. What happened? Seemed that you had it complete, why did you decide to abandon that draft? At this point I wish we would just get something already. It is a shame such a nice story is now stuck in the middle :(

OwnedbyConwayOwnedbyConwayabout 10 years agoAuthor

Hello All!!!

Just checking in and wanted to let you know that I am still working on TD5 just very busy at work and each weekend has been packed with grad parties and family gatherings. I will not leave this story unfinished...I love you all and the characters too much to stop!!! :) I can not give a specific time frame for the next chapter just yet but things should be slowing down for me next week allowing for writing time. - thanks for all your comments and for reading TD. - Tatum

mystic5mystic5about 10 years ago
So well written

I have really enjoyed your story and would love it if you'd continue it! The complex emotions between Alex and Dmitry are well done!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

woohoo thank you for the update, hope all is well :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Best Story!

Please update soon! Favorite story !

rbjrw1030rbjrw1030almost 10 years ago
Can't wait!

Pls have pity on me and update soon. I am addicted to this story I always reread it.

DeathAndTaxesDeathAndTaxesalmost 10 years ago
"You can breathe when you cum."

You know, I'm not normally someone who seeks out breath play, but I'll admit that was a hot line. ;) Good work, ObC

OwnedbyConwayOwnedbyConwayalmost 10 years agoAuthor
TD5 Teaser

It was suggested by a friend and TD reader that I post a teaser to show that I am still working hard on here goes. It's still a work in progress but I'm scribbling away. :) - Tatum

Here goes....

Dmitry’s lips twitched and started forming a smile he hadn’t worn in over a decade causing unused facial muscles to rise up from atrophy, to awaken and stretch from years of being buried under six feet of hurt, anger and loneliness. He felt it, the foreign and forgotten expression, the arch and curve of his lips as they moved to reveal his teeth, cheeks flexing and accepting the surge of movement…he was fucking smiling. Dmitry’s chest tightened as he stared at the little girl, the innocent little girl that grew up in torment to only end up in his cruel hands. The more photos… the more real she became, a real human being, a real person, not just atoms and cells bound together to form a unending obsession…a girl…Alex.

- thanks for reading :)

Irishlass1662Irishlass1662almost 10 years ago
Thank you

I was afraid like some you had abandoned this story as it is one of my favourites

verbicideverbicidealmost 10 years ago
Well written

Easily a five star effort, it's just tragic that except for Alex (and possibly Helen, assuming she's actually alive), every character in this story is a worthless piece of garbage. I know Dmitry is being written as (barely) sympathetic, but being a tragic character and a character who deserves to live are two different things. Still, I'm interested to see how this all turns out, so I'm pleased you're still working on the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Favorite Story

Thank you for the treaser and the update :)

Please don't give up on this story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
love it

I love it. Its very true the build up, the preconceived notions you have for someone you don't know. I think all the emotions that Alex and Dmitry express can be very conceivable. I'm interested to see how this story will progress but am a little discouraged with your breaks between the chapters. I hope I don't have to wait another year. At least give me four to five pages to sate the hunger

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I hope you continue it is one of the best things I have ever read. Please DON'T LEAVE ME HANGING

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Another worthless author who deletes comments

And yes, I agree with the anon who said that this was a satirical piece. I read it again, and it is a joke. Girl hides from a Russian yet she can't see that one is tailing her???? How dumb you gotta be, and that, as a girl??? Bam, in the face, and oops, I'm running from you, so now kill me? and I'm crying cuz you're gonna rape me yet I was dumb enough to step into your car without using my brains? Got a tattoo and fucking excess baggage to carry, but I'm too dumb anyways. Hahahaha, now I see it. Remember Thomas Edison? This girl could use one of his brightest inventions. Thanks for the laugh, though. I love it how you make girls look dumb. That's what bitches deserve.

PS: Let's not nitpick about raping her ass dry, because you haven't done your research. I've dealt with real life cases, and yours is well...ugh

small_town_girlsmall_town_girlalmost 10 years ago

Gosh, @OBC - I cannot freakin' WAIT!

I just went back to re-read the last 4 chapters and ended up 5-starring and favoriting all of them (again, i think. but Lit let me do it so why not? :-P). such outstanding writing. love, love, love this story!

MasterfuljimMasterfuljimalmost 10 years ago

Sometimes the dumb angry anon comments are better than watching the clowns at the circus..

Hilarious, and that's obviously why OBC has left this one up to give us all a good laugh.

Never mind anon...mummy will soon be home to make your dinner.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Caught the comment on "last 15 comments made". Always have to chuckle when I read the outrage at anonymous comments, such as Masterwhatever made. Guys like him comment on almost every story posted regardless of category, whining like a baby about the angry anonymous comments. They're the angry ones, always bitching about others. Take a deep breath Masters and let others have their say. I know it's difficult for your kind to keep your mouth shut, but try for your own sake. lolol

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