Traitor's Daughter Ch. 04


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Dmitry walked Lexi back to her room after reassuring her that he would not hurt her... for now. She was still very apprehensive and weary but what choice did she have; no energy, no escape, no savior, no guardian angel, she didn't even know where she was. "Sit on the bed Alex." Lexi immediately complied not wanting to give him any reason to change his mind about hurting her. "Alex, I know you don't want to believe this and it will be difficult to accept but you will never leave here. You are mine and escape is impossible. I found you once. I can find you again. Your quality of life here depends on your behavior and actions." Lexi tensed and Dmitry could see the panic rising in her expression, needing to assuage her before the dread and fear consumed her thought process. "Alex, I will not rape you again and I will never beat you like I did last night. But I will punish you in the future for any infractions." Scowling, Dmitry lifted his wrapped wounded arm as an example. "Alex-

"Please don't call me Alex". Lexi's hushed defeated tone interrupted his insensitive dialogue. "I am no longer Alex Winters. Alex had a beautiful mother and a cruel father. There is no one left to know her. You and your friends made sure of that. All that's left is this mess you created, Lexi Evans." Her tone wasn't belligerent or antagonistic; she was sad and emotionally trampled, barely holding on. "She was beautiful you know that. My mom was a bright light in this dark destructive world. And killed her." Dmitry started to move closer wanting to explain that he was not the one behind her mother's murder, to explain that he hadn't even ordered Helen's capture.

"Alex, and yes I will only call you Alex. That is your name, you are his daughter. Lexi is fictional, a cover, camouflage, something to hide behind and you can no longer hide. Alex, I did not kill your mother. What happened to your mother was someone else's decision." Dmitry could feel an apology for her loss creeping along his vocal cords but forced it down. No one apologized for my losses. Sympathy is nonexistent now, and pity is superficial.

"Then why did that woman say that you killed her? Why did she say that my mother was tortured and begged for my life?" Dmitry didn't want to rehash the details of her mother's death so he kept it as simple and as curt as possible.

"Alex, your mother's death was a suicide. That is all you need to know." Alex stared up into his piercing blue eyes looking for any signs of deceptions or lies but he just stared calmly back at her. Dmitry's dirty blonde hair was still sleep tousled and his bare broad chest was covered in red marks from her struggles, highlights from their aggressive deranged morning.

Alex couldn't help the thoughts of somewhere people were living normal lives; grocery shopping, soccer games, picking kids up from school, watching movies, walking down a busy street, people watching, every mundane action she would never experience ever or again. And there she sat in a foreign room, her remaining belongings in boxes, a future abruptly interrupted, dreams deferred and terminated, and a powerful man telling her she is mere property. I never had a chance.

"Alex, when did you try to commit suicide and why is my name covering the scar?" Dmitry's voice halted her daydreams, the question forcing her to remember past anguish, desolation and hopelessness, the moment she never liked to remember. "Alex, you need to answer me."


"Before you killed my father he arranged for me to live with "friendly" families. People he hadn't had a chance to betray yet. They kept me safe but never acknowledged me. I was a burden, especially after my father's betrayal became common knowledge. The families knew you were looking for me and I was moved around from house to house, city to city. The last family I was with kept me in a separate wing of their house. At first it was fine, I didn't mind being on my own; meals arrived, I was allowed outside, and tutors came everyday for a few hours. But that was my only contact. After a while I could not take the loneliness. I couldn't make friends or date anyone because I wasn't allowed off the property and I was afraid you would hurt any friends I made if you found me." Alex looked up at Dmitry with an anxious expression but he just nodded for her to continue.

"It was my 16th birthday, which is supposed to be a big deal. No one told me happy birthday, no one even cared if I was alive. I couldn't fight the emptiness any longer and I just wanted to be with my mom, so I tried to join her. I guess I wasn't welcome because I remember waking in the ICU to a doctor saying, 'The world still needs me.' Whatever that meant." Alex shrugged. "No matter what the therapists told me or what anti-depressants I was put on, nothing could erase, fill or remove the loneliness. I was discharged back to my own personal solitude, back to the family that didn't want me. That was what kept running through my mind, no one wanted me. Except you." Alex wrapped her arms around herself and tried to keep her emotions hidden.

"You see, when I would be at my lowest I would think about how at least you wanted me. You cared if I was alive. You were looking for me even if you just wanted to hurt me. It was the only thing that got me through each day. When I turned 18 I moved to Scotland, the only place my father's legacy hadn't tainted, got a flat, a job, and the tattoo. Your name over my scar, you were looking for me, I was not alone." Alex sucked in a deep breath, the last 24 hours exhausting her, pushed to her limits.

"Do you have any idea what that is like...the only person that gives you a reason to live is the one person that wants to see you die?" She looked at Dmitry and for a brief moment their pained expressions collided before he quickly looked away. He stood abruptly as if running from her words or the uncomfortable silence.

"I will have breakfast prepared. You need to shower and take your medication." He walked to her boxes and pulled out panties, bra, skinny jeans and another lame-tastic t-shirt with the words DON'T STOP BELIEVING next to a picture of Bigfoot.

Alex watched him walk away and she didn't know why she couldn't stop herself from speaking and the words flew out of her mouth. "I saw your picture when I was 17. It was sent to the family so they knew who to look for, even though it was dated and old, the description helped. You were a lot younger in the photo and I studied your features for hours... I thought you were the most beautiful boy I had ever seen." It was the truth she just wished it hadn't slipped out.

Dmitry was beautiful, tall rugged yet edgy, deep tranquil blue eyes, full lips, chiseled features, and a cool confident bravado. The tension in the room paralleled the previous hours of confusion and pain. "I should have known it was you that kept coming back to the coffee shop. Your accent, your size, your eyes. I kept thinking such a beautiful man could go anywhere for black coffee and ice water but you kept coming in and talking to me. I would see you smile at me sometimes and it seemed so real. Was there anything I could have done differently to make you change your mind about me, about who I am? To make you see that I am not my father?" He froze in his step and the muscles on his expansive toned back tensed.

"Get in the shower Alex."


Standing under the steaming water Alex wanted to kick herself in the shins for letting an adolescent ideal of Dmitry slip out of her mouth. He is no longer the beautiful young man from the photo. He is her rapist, her abuser, and now her owner. What is wrong with me? I should hate him? Why do I have a distorted version of who he is burned in my brain? Was it the residual attraction from the moment she met him in the coffee shop? Was it an adolescent fantasy that she clung to? Is it the abuse he suffered? Doesn't matter, he has taken me and tortured me. You will never leave here. You are mine and escape is impossible. Alex had no other choice but to believe him, he will never let her go. She will never go to college, have a career, fall in love, marry or raise a family; this is where her life will end. No Valentines Day, no New Years Eve kiss, no promises of trips to Paris, no white dress. Alex had been alone for years only to be faced with the reality of never being loved again. Only to be hated.

Alex curled into a ball on the bathtub floor and wept.


Leaning close to the monitor Dmitry watched Alex appraise and inspect her injuries in the bathroom mirror. She pressed around her bruised eye and fiddled with the sutures in her lip, a deep frown marring her face. Her lip would scar and hopefully so would his arm, he deserved it. Dmitry was surprised at his ability to push his fury away once she stabbed him, a superficial wound but her shocked and scared expression halted his anger.

Dmitry needed all the facts before he continued to hurt her emotionally and physically. He knew that Nadja had doctored Alex's records; he knew that Alex has suffered under Anton and abandonment, but he also knew that she was his daughter...a fact that he would never forget. At the moment he was able to stomp out his anger but he didn't know for how long. She is Alex Winters, his daughter, the traitor's daughter. The years of abuse he suffered would never allow him to see past her last name, her genetics, her relation to the man who was responsible for the death of his parents. Roughly running his fingers through his thick blonde hair, he didn't want to think about the pain. Right now he just wanted to get lost in watching Alex shower and bathe herself.

Dmitry groaned when Alex leaned down to turn on the water for the shower, giving him a perfect view of her firm little rounded ass in the mirror. She climbed into the shower, pulling the curtain closed. Standing directly under the spray but keeping her face down, she let the water run all over her body for mere seconds before she sank to the floor, hugged her knees and started to cry. Her whimpers were faint, defeated, and her body shook with her quiet sobs; reality sinking in.

She was crying, bruised and welted and Dmitry was hard as ice. Fuck!

Well she is mine.


Alex's head shot up as the shower curtain was yanked open. Dmitry towered over her, a naked imposing giant. "Stand up Alex." She wiped her tears off her cheeks with the back of her hands and stood shakily.

" are naked? said you wouldn't hurt me."

"I know what I said Alex." Dmitry stepped into the shower invading her space and pressing up against her, his swollen shaft pushing into her. Lifting her chin he examined her bruised swollen eye and split lip, moving her face from side to side. "Turn around."

Alex started to tremble as her mind raced with memories of the dark room, the unbearable pain, crawling to her cell as he kicked her. " said you wouldn't hurt me."

Leaning down, getting in her face Dmitry growled, "Turn. Around. Now." Alex stared into his eyes too terrified to move, frozen in fear and confusion. Grabbing her shoulders he whipped her around, "Put your hands on the wall." Alex obeyed immediately, not that she had a choice in the matter, he's too big, too strong, and too ruthless.

"Please Dmitry, don't do this. I...I hurt. I can't take it. Please." She continued to shake and beg in every way possible but he said nothing. Alex screamed when he grabbed her hips and pulled her back towards him, resting his engorged cock between her cheeks.

Dmitry spread her open and began gliding his shaft back and forth over her traumatized little hole. "Do you hurt here Alex?"

"YES! Please don't do this Dmitry! Please!" He pushed and ground against her a few more times before guiding the swollen head to her sex entry. "Do you hurt here Alex?"

"YES! stop." Too afraid to cry, too scared to move, she could only beg for a nonexistent mercy that she would never be granted. Dmitry left his cock in the threatening position and began gliding his hands up and down her hips and ribs, softly almost gently...possessively. He liked watching his huge hands roam her tiny frame, gliding over his marks, his bruises. So fucking hard. Dmitry hated the fact that he beat her so savagely but could not deny the powerful aphrodisiac the marks ignited within him.

He slowly moved his hand over her tummy down to her abused flesh, "Spread your legs Alex." Hoping if she complied he wouldn't slam into her again Alex widened her stance, her legs a little more than shoulder width apart.

" said-

"Do you hurt here Alex?" Dmitry cut her off as his long fingers applied pressure to her clit and circled slowly. She was tender but not to the point of irritation or pain, just a dull ache, a constant pulse. Alex yelped the second his fingers pinched her clit. "Answer."

"No, not there." Bending over her, he bit into Alex's shoulder causing her to cry out and jerk away.

"Good." Dmitry yanked her back and spun her around to face him. Heat and a boiling fever spread throughout his body. Growling like a deranged rabid animal he picked her up and shoved her into the hard tile wall, the surprise ripping the air from her lungs. "Wrap your legs around me Alex." Trying to catch her breath and get a grip on what was happening she failed to follow his command. Pulling her away from the wall he smacked her back against it, shocking and jarring her senses. "Your fucking legs! Now!" This time Alex did not hesitate. She wrapped her legs around his hips as her head dropped to his shoulder.

One arm under her ass supporting her, Dmitry aligned his length against her outer flesh. When he raped her it was out of anger and pain, this was different, uncontrollable; raw, primal and aggressive. He wanted to bite her, lick her, spank her, kiss her, smack her, grab her, shake her, whip her, impregnate her, FUCKING RUT HER! Dmitry could hear his growls of agony and lust bouncing off the walls in fierce echoes but did nothing to stop it. Using his other hand he gripped Alex's hip holding her in place and he started moving against her clit. "Ah! Dmitry!"

Dmitry tucked her body into him moving her up and down his shaft, forcing himself not to enter her. He could feel the hard little ridge of her clit as he ground into her over and over again. Too soon! Too fucking close!

Alex's legs started clenching his waist tighter and tighter and he could hear her pants as they mimicked her breaths from the night before. She's close. Oh fuck she's wet. So fucking sweet. The idea of Alex taking any enjoyment from his rough treatment spurred him on pushing him off the cliff of rationality. My body to use. My prisoner. My fucking property.Wrapping his large hand around her throat he pinned her back against the wall. Squeezing her neck, "You can breathe when you cum." Lexi's eyes widened in terror and she began scratching at his wrists and hands, her actions only increasing his urgent movements. Dmitry was the ultimate predator and his prey had eluded him for too long, he would no longer hide in the grass, now he would devour her. Staring into her eyes he tightened his grip again, cutting off her air supply completely. "Cum Alex and I will let you breathe." Dmitry powered into her, grinding hard and fast, relentless.

Dmitry had never felt so out of control, never been this hungry for someone, never wanted to claim someone so desperately. He was growling and grunting through each thrust pushing harder and harder.

Alex's whole body tensed, her knee caps tucking up against his ribs as she exploded, her body convulsing and shuttering against him. Dmitry released her throat and instantly began licking and biting her neck giving praise as she gasped for air. "Such a good little girl covering my cock in all your cum."

Alex collapsed into his body as he gripped under her knees spreading her wide and pressing her legs towards the wall. "Put your back against the wall NOW!" Using the last of her strength Alex sat up straight and pressed her back into the cold tile. Pinning her and holding her completely still Dmitry pumped against her, cum racing up his cock. "Alex, Oh fuck Alex." Dmitry's vision blurred and his legs shook with the intensity of his orgasm, cum landing on her collarbone, the shower wall, her neck and breasts. He wanted to howl his release at the moon, he wanted his cum to stain and tattoo her body, he wanted his seed to burn into her flesh; his in every way.

His body suddenly weak completely drained, his legs began to give out and he lowered them to the shower floor, his arms now wrapped tightly around her.

The room spun, Alex had nothing left and she slowly passed out nuzzling into his chest. Dmitry's Adrenaline slowly tapered off leaving a faint simmering friction that poked at his warring emotions. He wouldn't think about it now, she is Alex in this moment and Traitor's Daughter was an afterthought...for now. Do you know what that is like....the only person that gives you reason to live is the one person that wants to see you die?

Deciding that Alex had taken all she could and had given everything she had in the last 24 hours, he began rocking her back and forth, holding her close as the water poured over them. Mine.



"I knew you would come. I knew you would find me." Helen wept into his shoulder. "She is safe my Love, she is safe. Anton let us leave." He cupped her face as tears spilled from her eyes. Swallowing past the lump in his throat he kissed her forehead and finally exhaled. She was here in his arms again, his again. "We have to leave now Helen, we have to leave her behind. I can't fake both your deaths and I can't hide both of you." Helen struggled against his broad chest and tried to push out of his embrace. "Then you should have chosen her. She's a defenseless child. How could you leave her behind?" Pulling her back into his body he tried to explain. "She is safe with a new identity. They are still looking for Alex Winters. You would have been dead by morning. We have time to figure out how to get her and continue to hide her. I can't live without either of you but I had to save you tonight. She has time. You do not. Please understand. I can't lose you again and I can't make it another 13 years without you." Realizing he was right and trusting him to save Alex, Helen burrowed back into his chest, "I have missed you so much. I can't survive another day without you." He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed. "It is done. Leaving now."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

sad for najda dmitry took advantage of her love

also is helen still alive?was her sucide or muder fake?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

to Manuel Ferrara the fucking guts out of her.

Hahaahahha that cracked me

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

So happy you're picking this up again!

I looked for the next chapter a long time before thinking you gave up on this.

Don't give up!

You're writing a great story. It's harsh and raw and soooooo much better than all the fairy-tale pink ribbon style of non-consent we get buried with.

Don't stop writing and especially don't stop writing this story!

Rawmaster50Rawmaster50over 9 years ago

Another 5 star vote. Not surprised you are being attacked by haters, the story is very hard for some people to like. To me, well it is no longer crunch.

NOW it is crunch, twist, crunch again....

Awesome, thank you. You show us so much with this twisted tale

bags123bags123over 9 years ago
so excited

OMG! Just happened to randomly come across this story again today and was wondering if it would ever be continued. Decided to go back and check comments. Was so excited to learn that another chapter would be posted very soon. Thanks for continuing to work on this story.

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