Transformations - Dr. De-Mona Ch. 01


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Sorenson stood up abruptly, and the blanket fell away, exposing Evelyn's widespread thighs and hiked up skirt.

She jerked upright in her seat, smoothing her skirt.

She looked around, expecting everyone to be looking at her and laughing.

Nobody was looking at her.

Outside the bus, giants, all over seven feet tall, toiled, carrying huge rocks and pushing wheelbarrows bigger than a human should be able to move. They were all bald with dull, lifeless eyes.

Sorenson looked down at her and giggled. Then she held up the finger that had given Evelyn so much pleasure. Sorenson sucked it into her mouth and licked off Evelyn's juices. "Don't be afraid, Evelyn. It's wonderful." She spun around and turned off the bus ignition, taking the keys as she did.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" The driver yelled.

Sorenson just laughed and opened the door.

She jumped off the steps and ran away from the bus, ripping off her clothes as she did so.

Sorenson wasn't wearing underwear.

She ran past the giants who appeared to take no notice.

Then she dropped to her knees in front of a tall redhead in white latex.

Evelyn stared as Sorenson began kissing the woman's white latex boots.


"What did you bring me, professor?" Sugar asked.

The naked middle-aged woman looked up at her and smiled. "Cunts and cocks, Mistress. They won't be missed for days."

Sugar squatted on her heels, spreading her legs. She grasped the woman's black hair and pulled her forward.

Professor Sorenson laughed and began kissing Sugar's pussy.

"Such a good, obedient girl."

"Can I be transformed now, Mistress?" Sorenson begged, her face slick with Sugar's juices.

"Of course, darling. That was our deal, and I will never lie to you. What do you want to be?"

"Tall with long, gorgeous hair. I want my breasts high and firm. I want to be..." She burst into tears.

"Young and beautiful?"

She nodded and went back to licking and sucking Sugar's pussy.

"And you will be, I promise." She pulled the professor away from her cunt. "Now, go find Ray. We'll transform you first."

Sorenson hugged Sugar's waist and sobbed against her breasts.

Sugar stroked her hair and looked at the bus.

Sugar smiled.


"What the fuck is going on?" The bus driver said.

'Fuck' seemed to be his 'go to' word.

Evelyn peered out the bus window.

They were at a construction site, albeit one that was being worked by giants. A plain, white cinderblock building sat at the center of the construction.

A neon sign on the outside read Stallion's Adult Video.

And, in the middle of it all, Professor Sorenson was naked and eating out a tall redhead in white latex on the muddy ground.

"Get us out of here!" A coed screamed.

Her scream caused Evelyn to come back to life - whatever the strange perfume was that made her docile and compliant left along with Professor Sorenson.

"I... can't," Ben the bus driver said. "That crazy slut took the keys."

"I can't get a cell signal," a boy said behind her.

Evelyn turned and walked down the aisle toward the back of the bus.

"Oh, my God. That woman..." Someone said.

Evelyn turned and looked out the window.

The woman in white was walking toward the bus, her body swaying as she walked.

Her body looked like an adolescent's wet dream. She was tall with long legs poured into white stiletto boots. The short, white rubber skirt hugged the sensuous curves of her wide hips like a second skin. Above that was a waist that looked like it was formed from decades of tiny corsets.

Her breasts were huge, bigger even than Evelyn's own. And, they rode high on her chest, encased in a white latex halter.

A silver pentagram glimmered at her neck.

She had the face of a classic beauty, her eyes huge and green above sky high cheekbones and full red lips. Shoulder length red hair completed the look.

She was, quite simply, the most beautiful woman Evelyn had ever seen.

And, she was also terrifying.

"The door! Close the door!" A girl screamed.

Evelyn walked farther back through the bus.

Ben shook himself as if he had been asleep. He reached out and pulled the lever, closing the door.

The woman was two feet away from it, still smiling.


Sugar found it amusing. "Open the door," she said.

The man in the driver's seat couldn't hear her words, not with his ears anyway.

But, his mind heard the words.

And, his mind obeyed.

He reached out and opened the door as the bus broke into a chorus of screams.

"Good boy," Sugar said as she stepped onto the bus.

She saw the lump in the man's pants rise as she spoke, and she smirked.

Sugar looked through the bus at the screaming college students. "Shh. Quiet."

The bus immediately went silent as the students found to their horror they couldn't speak above a whisper.

"Be calm," Sugar said.

They settled back in their seats.

Sugar smiled. "Better." She looked at the bus driver intently. "I can read some people easier than others - like you, jailbird. Not who you say you are, are you? Naughty boy."

Ben Kelly went pale, but the lump in his pants was growing.

Sugar peered deeper and smiled. "Not exactly a model citizen, but you do have skills. We have need of someone who can drive a semi. Want a job?"

"Look, lady, I don't know what's..."

"There are fringe benefits," Sugar said. She turned to look at two girls sitting side by side in a seat. "Stand."

The girl's looked panicked, but they stood up - they had no choice.

"Hmm, a blonde and a brunette. Do you like variety, Ben?" Sugar said as she looked lasciviously at the pair of coeds.


Sugar reached out and put her hands on the girls' foreheads. "Liberal arts. Good. No loss," Sugar laughed. "Best friends and lovers. Kelly and Kathy..."

"N... no..." The brunette said. "My name is..."

Sugar frowned and the girls began to tremble like they were hooked up to electricity. "Don't interrupt, Kelly and Kathy. Strippers. Ben here owns you - until he gets tired of you. Then you'll go wherever we say, understood?"

Sugar took her hands away.

The two girls stopped shaking.

Then they kissed, each tearing off the clothes of the other until they stood naked, making out in the bus aisle.

The other students began to scramble, trying to get away from the two women who had suddenly been transformed into sluts.

But, mostly trying to get away from the witch in white rubber.

The girls stopped kissing and dove on Ben, smothering his face with kisses before going for his crotch.

"There now," Sugar said. "You think about that job offer. We'll talk later."

Sugar began walking down the aisle as the students tried to scream but found all they could do was whisper.

She looked at a boy and a girl sitting to her left. "Fuck."

They immediately started tearing at each other's clothes.

She winked at two girls to her right. "Fuck."

The girls smiled and began making out.

Then Sugar locked eyes with two boys sitting together.

The boy in the aisle seat got up and literally jumped on top of the closest girl before Sugar could say a word.

Sugar burst out laughing. "That's the spirit."

The emergency exit on the back of the bus swung open and a tall, chunky girl in a sweater and skirt leaped out.

"Oh, for fuck's sake," Sugar said and rolled her eyes.

The other students near the back moved for the door.

"No, no," Sugar said. "Sit. Stay. Orgy time."

The students' eyes rolled back in their hands and then the entire bus turned into a sea of arms and legs and exposed body parts.

The entire Astronomy class had turned into a very enthusiastic orgy.

Sugar turned around and went out the front door of the bus..

The chunky girl was fifty yards away and running.

"This is a construction zone, young lady!" Sugar yelled. "Don't run, you'll get hurt!"


Mind control! Hypnosis! Some kind of nerve gas?!

Evelyn's mind was moving a mile a minute as she ran.

She ran past the giants who treated her like she wasn't even there.

Evelyn's biggest fear was that she was going to be trampled.

She kept looking over her shoulder.

How did the woman move so fast in those skyscraper heels? She was gaining on Evelyn.

"Please don't run, Evelyn. You don't have to be afraid," the woman called.

Other men began to exit the cinderblock building to her left - they weren't giants, they were bald men in black suits. They were all staring at her and running toward her.

"No," the woman said. "She isn't going anywhere. Keep your distance. I'll handle this."

The men stopped.

Evelyn was watching the men.

The toe of her left sneaker dug under a heavy rock and she lurched forward.

Her shin hit the rock and she felt her skin tear.

She fell face first into a deep mud puddle.

Her face burrowed in the mud, driving it into her mouth and nose.

Strong hands gripped her under her arms and lifted.

"Poor thing, I told you not to run."

Evelyn fought and screamed, spitting the mud out of her mouth as the woman in white lifted her as if she was an infant.

The woman cradled her in her arms and smiled down at her as she knelt beside the puddle. "Now, now, stop. I won't hurt you." She wiped the mud off Evelyn's face.

"You're very pretty," the woman in white said. The woman looked down Evelyn's body and gasped. "Oh, that's a bad cut."

Evelyn looked down to see red blood pouring down her shin mixing with the brown mud.

The woman stood up and carried Evelyn. "Well, let's get you cleaned up... both of us, actually. I'm a mess now as well."


Naked, the woman in white was even more impressive. Breasts weren't supposed to float in midair like that.

But, this woman, she called herself Sugar, seemed to have been carved from flesh colored stone by some insane fetishist.

The breasts didn't sag, there were no wrinkles anywhere on the woman's body, not a single blemish.

She had led Evelyn into the cinderblock sex store and into a back room shower that could easily accommodate thirty or more.

Evelyn hadn't put up a fight when the goddess stripped her bare, and then she had stood mesmerized in the steamy shower as the woman had taken off her own clothes.

Sugar caught her staring. "I know. Almost more than you can comprehend, isn't it?"

Evelyn nodded slowly.

"You don't talk much, do you?" Sugar said as she stripped off the latex boots.

Her feet looked painfully arched and contorted.

Sugar moaned and stretched her toes. Her feet popped and cracked as they took on a more natural shape. "I won't lie, the shoes suck. Once they're on, it doesn't hurt. Oddly comfortable. But, when you take them off? Shit." She took off the other boot and stretched her toes loudly. Then she smiled. "Much better."

She padded naked across the tile, and Evelyn couldn't help but stare.

"It's okay. We were designed to make you stare. It's all part of the plan, you see?" She knelt in front of Evelyn and gently caressed the bloody shin.

The water from the shower rinsed away the blood and mud.

Sugar picked up a spray bottle. "This doesn't hurt at all. You'll see." She sprayed the wound.

Evelyn gasped as she felt her skin tingle.

The bleeding stopped, and, when the water from the shower hit her leg, the dried blood and mud slid away.

The wound was gone.

Sugar ran a long red nail down the side of Evelyn's left hip. "Magic."

Evelyn shivered despite the warm water. "What are you doing to me?" She whispered.

Sugar smiled up at her. "Keeping you calm. I can do that. I just push the calm into your mind, make you tranquil, relaxed." She stood up slowly, towering over Evelyn - Evelyn found herself on eye level with the woman's huge breasts. Each nipple was clamped with strange star shaped plastic clip.

"Stop," Evelyn whispered.

Sugar moved Evelyn's hair away from her temples and smiled. "The greatest cruelty is loneliness, isn't it?"

Evelyn gasped.

And, Sugar began to cry though she continued to smile. "It comes off you in waves. Waves of loneliness. When Professor Sorenson touched you, you wanted it, didn't you?"

Evelyn shook her head.

Sugar touched Evelyn's chin. "Don't lie. I'm deep inside your mind. Deeper than the professor's finger was inside your pussy. Her touch was the intimacy that you've longed for."

"You're... confusing me."

"Am I? Or, am I freeing you?"

"I'm not gay," Evelyn whispered.

Sugar laughed gently. "Oh, sweetheart. I never said you were." She picked up a bottle of green liquid. It was a squeeze bottle and she squirted some into her hands. "Stand still."

Evelyn went rigid and tried to cry out through gritted teeth. She was paralyzed!

"No, no, darling. Relax. I will not hurt you, I promise." She ran her finger gently over Evelyn's upper lip, coating it with the green liquid. "The Church could rule the world by selling this stuff alone.

Sugar began to massage the green liquid into Evelyn's body.

Evelyn stared into Sugar's eyes intently.

She moaned as the woman's long fingers began to coat her pubic hair, massaging her pussy - only the second person to ever touch her there. Then her eyes grew wide as Sugar slipped her fingers between Evelyn's buttocks, coating her even there.

Sugar giggled. "You like that?" She leaned down and whispered in Evelyn's ear. "So do I."

Sugar nudged Evelyn under the powerful shower spray.

She gasped as her body hair began to slide off her skin. In seconds, everything below her eyelashes was completely hairless.

"It's a requirement. Not sure why," Sugar said. She pulled Evelyn against her, pressing her curves against Evelyn. "I'm going to kiss you. I can make you want that. But, do I have to?"

Evelyn shook her head.

Sugar smiled and kissed her.

Evelyn let herself be drawn into the kiss. The goddess's mouth was sweet and warm. She felt herself lean back in Sugar's arms.

After the kiss, she just hung motionless in Sugar's embrace, eyes closed.

When she opened her eyes, Sugar was smiling down at her.

"What did... you do... to me?" Evelyn moaned.

"Made a few minor changes. I made you more confident and relaxed. Opened your mind to... possibilities."

Evelyn smiled.

"Oh! There it is! My smile. I was hoping for a smile."

"This is insane," Evelyn said. "I can't believe this is happening."

"I can't believe you haven't noticed the outside wall isn't finished," Sugar giggled.

Evelyn blinked and turned her head to the left.

The cinderblock wall was unfinished, and anyone bothering to look could see her locked in a sapphic embrace with Sugar.

And, Evelyn didn't care! Her insecurities were gone. Let them look.

She smiled at one of the bald men in black suits who stood watching outside the wall.

His face was expressionless.

"Come here," Sugar said.

Evelyn watched in amazement as the bald man stepped over the unfinished wall and into the shower room.

"Strip," Sugar said.

Evelyn watched as the man began taking off his suit.

"Church agent. Very obedient - to us, anyway. He won't do what you tell him... yet."

The man's body was tall and powerful, and Evelyn watched as he bared it.

He was completely hairless, muscles rippling as he bent removing his pants.

There was a tattoo of an inverted pentagram below his navel that ended at his cock.

It was the biggest penis Evelyn had ever seen even in pornos. It dangled almost to his knees.

She gasped.

"Twelve inches - standard," Sugar whispered. "Though, I think somebody fudged a little when they made him. I'd put that at closer to thirteen."

"Made? What do you mean made?" Evelyn whispered as the man stepped closer into the spray.

"You'll find out soon," Sugar said. She reached down and grasped the man's thick shaft.

It grew erect, the head becoming thick and purple as the shaft rose and curved.

The piss slit was big enough that Evelyn could put her little finger in the hole - and part of her wanted to do just that!

"Do you like him?" Sugar asked.


"The agent, darling. Do you like him?"

She looked into the man's eyes. They had been expressionless before, but now they seemed warm. "Y... Yes. I like him."

Sugar giggled. "Then show him, silly."

"Does he... want me?"

Sugar answered by taking Evelyn's right hand and wrapping it around the agent's thick cock.

It was so hard! And, his body was hot to the touch.

"Stroke it. Don't be gentle."

Evelyn gripped the thick shaft and began to stroke his wet skin.

His cock grew even harder, and now thick precum was flowing from the piss slit.

"What's your name?" Evelyn asked.

He looked confused.

"Your number, agent," Sugar said.

"8213," the agent said. "Church Security detail. Professional Caste."

Evelyn looked at Sugar. "He doesn't have a name?"

"He doesn't need one. Identity is a distraction. He lives to serve."

"That's horrible," Evelyn said.

"He's still a man, don't you think?" Sugar asked with a smile.

Evelyn could only nod. It was difficult to think. She should be totally confused by what was going on around her, but all that mattered to her was the thick cock in her hand. She wanted to...

"Suck it?" Sugar asked.

Evelyn stared into Sugar's eyes and blinked.

"Yes, I'm reading your mind, Evelyn," Sugar said as she gently guided Evelyn down to her knees.

"I... don't know how," Evelyn whispered as she looked up into 8213's eyes.

"I'll tell you a secret about men," Sugar said as she knelt beside her. "You can't do this wrong. Just, don't bite it off."

Evelyn giggled. It was insane. All of this was insane. It couldn't be real.

Sugar leaned forward and ran her long tongue along the underside of the man's cock while Evelyn continued to stroke him.

The precum flowed from 8213's dick.

Sugar winked at her, and then she put her hand on the back of Evelyn's head, pushing her toward the dripping head.

Evelyn moaned as she tasted precum for the first time. Slick, salty and a little sweet.

Sugar guided her closer.

Evelyn kissed the hot, bulbous head and let it slide between her lips.

"That's it. Use your tongue."

The thick precum flowed into her mouth and she swallowed.

Sugar took her hand away and Evelyn took the head deeper.

She heard him moan again and it sent a thrill through her. She was pleasing him! A complete stranger was moaning because she was using her mouth on him.

He touched her hair with his right hand.

She expected him to push deeper into her mouth, but instead he just caressed her hair.

Evelyn reached up and put her hand on his. She pushed herself forward.

She wanted him to force it deeper.

"Be careful with her, it's her first time," Sugar said.

"Yes, Mistress." He pushed his cock deeper in her mouth.

Evelyn reached down and fingered her now bare sex.

"Now, you're getting it. That turns him on as much as the blowjob," Sugar laughed.


Mona threaded her way through the crowded Manhattan streets, her mind humming with Detective Kennedy's conspiracy theories. Organized, multi-national, white slavery rings? It was insane, the stuff of pulp novels.

She felt eyes on her, but then she always did. Mona Karnes had a brilliant mind and a lithe, athletic body. And, though she was the least vain person she knew, she had a face that turned heads.

Men in business suits checked her out as she passed by.

Nowadays, she was getting an almost equal number of looks from women.

Changing times, she thought.

She had always known she was a lesbian, but unlike many, she wasn't annoyed by the stares she got from men. And, because of Butch, she wasn't tempted by the stares she got from women.

Mona was happy.

But, that happiness was tainted by the knowledge Aunt Melanie was out there somewhere alone and frightened.

She walked through the glass doors at Genetic Revolutions and smiled at the guard behind the black marble desk. "Morning, Joe."