Transformations - Dr. De-Mona Ch. 02


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A blonde knelt behind him, tonguing his balls and ass, her slender fingers plunging in and out of her own dripping snatch.

A naked boy abruptly scooted on his back under the blonde's thighs and replaced her masturbating fingers with his lips and tongue.

Evelyn smiled and began rubbing her own clit. Watching was almost as much fun as participating.

Sugar had done something to her, to all of them - Evelyn knew this. But, she was fairly certain she had done less to Evelyn than to the other people.

Had this always been who she was deep inside? She had always had a high sex drive, she had simply not had the courage to explore it other than with herself.

Now, she had plenty of courage. She was literally oozing with it.

Someone touched her face - a college boy with a long, thin cock stood up from the seat beside her and held the tip near her mouth.

She smiled and nodded, taking him between her lips and sucking him in.

She could taste him and the girl he had been fucking a few minutes before.

Evelyn closed her eyes and sucked, focusing on maximizing the boy's pleasure, and he began fucking her throat in long, slow strokes.

She felt a warm hand on her hip. "Somebody's getting into the swing of things," Sugar said.

Evelyn pulled the cock from her mouth and stroked him with her hand, licking the tip seductively. "I love this."

"We have to move the party underground, unfortunately," Sugar whispered as her hand trailed down Evelyn's buttocks and explored between her cheeks. She made lazy circles around Evelyn's asshole with her lacquered nail.

Evelyn moaned and sucked the cock again.

"You, driver?" Sugar said out loud.

The bus driver turned and smiled.

"Drive the bus around the back of the building. You need to unload... both the cargo and your balls."

The bus driver groaned and pumped jizz into the brunette as Sugar giggled.


"We're a bit like cowgirls," Sugar said.

"Hmm?" Evelyn asked licking the boy's cum from her lips. They were following the crowd of students onto a loading dock and into the back of the porn store.

Sugar stopped and pulled a boy and girl to their feet - they had stopped to try doggy style on the concrete. She shooed them forward into the store. "You know? Herding them - they are a bit like cattle in this state."

Evelyn laughed as a thin redhead wrapped her arms around her neck and French kissed her. She had the initials 'CW' written on her forehead written in grease pencil courtesy of Sugar before they left the bus.

"I've always liked you, Evelyn," the girl moaned.

Evelyn was shocked - first that the girl had been attacted to her before all this, and second because she had no idea what the girl's name was. She lowered her hands to the girl's thin buttocks. "I... always thought you were hot too."

Sugar laughed.

The girl held her hand and followed along beside Evelyn contentedly.

"Her name is Ciara," Sugar said.

"I... knew that," Evelyn whispered.

"No, you didn't... don't lie to a telepath, dear," Sugar whispered and laughed.

"She might hear," Evelyn whispered.

"Ciara can barely understand words spoken directly to her at the moment. You, the bus driver, and Professor Sorenson are the only one's with a clear mind. The rest think they are having a vivid sex dream."

Evelyn smiled at Ciara and she smiled sleepily back. "I... never noticed her before. And, I mean, I wasn't bi before..."

"Well, she was. You think you had the corner on the loneliness market, Evelyn? Think again. Ciara there was attracted to you but too shy and damaged to even talk to you. Poor thing would have gone through her entire life without acting on her impulses, same as you."

Evelyn put her arm around Ciara's waist and pulled her close as they walked. The girl snuggled against her. "What's going to happen to her?"

"I wrote codes on each of their foreheads - Ciara is a 'CW': Cheerleader Whore. We're going to fill out her body with a tight little ass and canteloupe sized tits, raise the cheekbones, enlarge the eyes, make that red hair thicker and longer. She'll be quite the little sex kitten when we're done."

Evelyn felt suddenly protective of the girl.

"Relax, she'll be incredibly happy - you can keep her if you want. We sometimes assign Whore Caste to Professional Caste on a permanent basis. You could keep her as long as you want. Make a proper little wife out of her if you like, until you tire of her, of course."

Evelyn stared at Sugar in horror.

Sugar laughed. "I know. It's terrifying how easily we objectify them. But, you'll accept it in time."

The corridor beyond the loading bay led to a large elevator.

Sugar pressed the button and the doors hissed open.


In her dream, Demonica opened her eyes. She was in the dark cathedral from her vision, lying on her back as she had when she was first transformed in the farm house basement.

It felt like a lifetime ago, though it had only been a few months.

He lay beside her, naked, propped on his elbow. He smiled down at her and she smiled back.

"It's nice to see you again, Demonica," he said and brushed her hair out of her eyes.


"No, don't call me Master."

"But, you're Satan..."

He laughed and shook his head. "Am I? Maybe... things are so confusing sometimes. I get unstuck in time. Sometimes I'm not sure which me I am."

She laughed. "I don't understand."

He frowned slightly. "I'm sorry, Melanie. I'm sorry for everything. This me is anyway at whatever time I'm talking to you. For what that's worth."

"I'm not Melanie anymore, I'm Demonica," she whispered.

He nodded. "You will always be Melanie, and Melanie was always Demonica. And, for that, I'm sorry."

She tried to raise up, but her head spun.

"Shh, relax. It's okay. Rest."

"I'm... not sorry you made me Demonica. I love being her."

He gave her a weak smile. "I know. But, all the same, I'm sorry. It's all predestiny, you see. Decided before you were born. This is necessary, but it doesn't mean I have to enjoy it."

"You made me a goddess," she whispered and put her arms around his neck.

"Yes, but sometimes goddesses are cruel. I just need Melanie to remember that I made her evil. She didn't start out that way." He smiled at her. "You are all the victims of a god's plans. You are the extension of my will, and you are blameless. What's left of Melanie might find comfort in that."

He kissed her. "Goodbye, Demonica."

"Goodbye? Won't I see you again?"

He shook his head. "You no longer need me. You won't need my guidance. You will follow your own path through dark places."


Ten floors beneath Stallion's Adult Video, the orgy started anew.

Ciara knelt in front of Evelyn, looking up into her eyes as she kissed and licked Evelyn's pussy.

Evelyn ran her fingers through the girl's red hair as she worked.

Evelyn knew Ciara was swallowing her juices mixed with the agents' cum, and that thought made her quiver inside.

Sugar touched Evelyn's hip. "Enjoy yourself." She nodded toward the strange, gimp suited woman who was leading one of the coeds to an operating table. "When she comes for Ciara, tell Kimiko what you want for your friend - breast size, hair color, height, weight. The machines can do anything you want. Even her personality: she can be made sultry and soft spoken, giggly, anything you like."

"I... she's perfect the way she is," Evelyn breathed as her knees began to tremble from the tender ministrations.

Sugar kissed her cheek. "Don't be silly. Transform her. Get a feel for the power. You might find it addictive." She stepped away.

"Where are you going?" Evelyn gasped.

"Back upstairs. I'm expecting a visitor."


After leaving the UPS warehouse, Mona drove directly to Stallion's Adult Video west of Ithaca. It was the next to last stop on Angela Owens's route that fateful day.

She hadn't bothered stopping at the pizzeria - it was boarded up and closed now, soon to be sold. She would find nothing there.

Her heart dropped when she saw the construction fence surrounding Stallion's and the heavy equipment parked all around it.

Closed. Another dead end, Mona thought.

Then she saw the neon sign was lit and soft light filtered through the front door.

She parked beside a construction truck and walked across the muddy parking lot to the front door.

"Welcome to Stallion's Adult Video, where your erotic dreams come true," a bored sounding college girl said from a small desk inside the entry.

Mona did a double take. The girl was wearing a pink plastic body suit under her blue Stallion's short dress. Her electric pink hair and plastic doll mask completed the look: she looked like a sex robot in a dress.

"I... I need to speak to the manager," Mona said.

"Inside. Big guy. You can't miss him," the girl said. It sounded like her voice was coming from a speaker in her throat.

The inner door buzzed and clicked open.

Mona put her hand on the door handle.

"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here," the robot girl said.


The girl shrugged and looked away.

Mona stepped into the brightly lit interior.

A tall redhead in a white rubber halter top and mini skirt was stocking shelves.

Behind the counter, a huge man with brown hair smiled down at her. "Hiya, what can we do ya for?"

Mona shrank back a little. "Are you the manager?"

He nodded. "Sure am."

"I..." And, Mona blacked out.


Sugar stood behind the thin blonde with her fingers on the woman's temples. "Oh, Ray, look at her! I want this one!"

Ray's eyes traveled up and down the blonde who was literally sleeping standing up. "Grab her ID."

Sugar eased the woman's handbag off her shoulder and tossed it to Ray.

She ran her fingers gently down the woman's sides. "Look at that face."

Ray opened her purse and held up her ID. "Dr. Mona Karnes, lives in Manhattan..."

"A doctor? I never saw a doctor who looked like this." Sugar closed her eyes as she delved into Mona's mind. "Fuck. Oh, my God, Ray."

"What's wrong?"

Sugar shook her head. "Most people's minds are like little houses they live in... this is like standing in a cathedral... no, not a cathedral - a library! A huge library filled with books." She laughed. "I can't even understand half the words going through her head."

Ray looked down at his smartphone. "Not surprising - she's a surgeon and a scientist. Genetics expert. She's got degrees from half a dozen universities, all of them Ivy League."

Sugar gasped as she explored Mona's mind. "Ooo, lesbian. I thought she was checking me out when she came through the door." Sugar laughed. "Married..."

"Yeah," Ray said. "Wife's name is Bobbie..."

"But, she calls her Butch," Sugar giggled.

"SlutzNet don't have that much detail."

"She's really in love," Sugar said. "We have to take them both..."

Ray shook his head. "I just got a priority message." He waved the cellphone at Sugar. "Church says to stand down. Let her go. She's a VIP, and they plan to take her in voluntarily to Professional Caste. They want that mumbo jumbo in her brain."

"Aww, come on..."


"But, she's so cute, Ray." Sugar eased her hand into Mona's pants. "Tiny little panties. Lace. Mmm, all shaved and wet."

Ray laughed. "Church says no. I thought you already picked out a toy?"

Sugar rolled her eyes. "I could have two toys in one day..."

"Not that one. Too expensive."

"Fine." She kissed Mona deep with her fingers still buried in Mona's snatch.

Mona leaned back when Sugar broke the kiss.

"Now, cum for me," Sugar whispered.

"Jesus," Ray groaned as he rubbed the long, hard lump extending down the leg of his pants.

Sugar winked at him as Mona cried out in her sleep, collapsing against Sugar as the psychic induced orgasm engulfed her.

Sugar held her in one arm as she slowly drew her hand from the woman's soaked crotch. Sugar licked and sucked the nectar from her fingers. "Mmm, honey, you are definitely coming back to visit me."


Mona was sitting in her car. She felt warm and content.

She was wet, like she had been in bed with Butch that morning.

Mona blinked and stared out the window at the concrete facade of Stallion's Adult Video. As she watched, the lights went off inside.

She stared at the store for a minute.

Had she gone inside? Yes! She had. She had gone inside and talked to the manager and learned nothing. And, now it was time to go to her hotel.

She nodded. Yes, that was right. Stallion's was a dead end, and now it was time to go to the hotel.

She smiled thinking about the tall redhead in the porn store. She liked tall girls, tough girls like Bobbie. The redhead certainly fit that description. She felt a surge through her pussy at the thought of kissing the redhead.

She shook her head. Mona would never do that, of course. Butch was all she wanted.

Still. Maybe the three of them?

She felt a tremor go through her at the thought of a menage a trois with Butch and the redhead. Maybe they could both use strapons on her...

Mona jumped as if she had been electrocuted.

What was wrong with her?

She never had those kind of fantasies.

Did she?

She shook her head and pulled out of the parking lot, unable to see the redhead smiling at her from the other side of the glass door.


"Tits, big?" The strange gimp suited woman asked. She was standing behind Ciara with her hands cupping Ciara's perky breasts.

Ciara moaned as she was fondled.

"What?" Evelyn asked.

"Tits, big? Tits, small?"

Evelyn shook her head, finally understanding the question. "Can't you just... leave her the way she is?"

"No. Ambrosia titties. Like this." Kimiko squeezed her own latex covered left nipple. A jet of white milk sprayed out and struck Ciara's hip.

The redhead cried out and fell to her knees. "Fuck me! Oh, please, God, somebody fuck me!"

Evelyn stumbled back - Ciara had been reduced to a groveling sex toy by the Ambrosia landing on her skin.

Kimiko giggled and pushed Ciara onto her hands and knees.

She held up two of her rubberized fingers, licked them, and then pushed them up Ciara's ass from behind.

Ciara murmured and laid her face on the lab floor as Kimiko ass fucked her.

"Titties, big? Titties, small? Choose," Kimiko said.

"Big... bigger... just a little," Evelyn said.

Kimiko pulled out her fingers and slapped Ciara's ass, causing the girl to yelp. "You, up."

Ciara stood up on wobbly legs and turned toward Kimiko.

Evelyn stumbled backward at the sight of Kimiko driving two syringes into Ciara's nipples.

"Hey! Don't be so rough!" Evelyn yelled and balled up her fists.

"You. Too soft," Kimiko hissed.

Ciara just stared down at her chest, the long needles embedded in her nipples, the syringes emptying into her breasts.

Ciara passed out and fell back into Evelyn's arms. The needles slid out of her rapidly swelling breasts.

Kimiko laughed and dropped the needles into a sharps container.

"Goddamn it! You didn't have to do that! Are you some kind of sadist?" Evelyn grumbled as she struggled to hold the dead weight of Ciara on her feet.

"Sadist. Masochist. Sub slut. Pain slut. Slave to my beloved," Kimiko said as she took hold of a yellow box with red and green buttons that hung from the high ceiling. She pressed a green button and machinery groaned to life high above.

Evelyn looked up to see a metal winch moving on a track in the ceiling.

A cable descended from it. A black harness dangled from the cable.

"Harness her," Kimiko said. "Then, the mask. Over her mouth and nose."

Evelyn worked the harness onto Ciara's thin body, fitting her arms into the vest and clipping it closed around her waist. Two straps fit around her upper thighs. The black rubber mask fit over her mouth and nose and fastened behind her head.

Kimiko pressed a button and the cable to the ceiling drew tight.

Evelyn felt Ciara's weight lifted away from her and the girl rose into the air.

"What are you going to do with her?" Evelyn asked as she watched the redhead rise higher and higher above the steel grate floor.

Kimiko said nothing, but the winch began to crawl back long it's track. It carried Ciara over a clear cylinder filled with pink liquid near the back of the room.

Her feet dangled over the open top of the cylinder.

"What... is that?"

"Transformation tube," Kimiko said and pressed another button.

Ciara slid gently down, her legs entering the pink fluid.

It didn't have the consistency of water - it was thicker, almost like a gel.

Ciara's eyes opened wide as her hips slid under. She cried out behind the gag.

"Concentrated Ambrosia," Kimiko said. "Pleasure."

Ciara's eyes rolled back in her head as she descended, her body racked by intense orgasms.

Evelyn watched mesmerized as Ciara slid completely into the pink goo.

Her hair was fanned out around her face and Ciara stared out through the pink liquid at Evelyn.

A headset descended into the tube. Goggles slid over her eyes and headphones closed over her ears.

Mechanical tentacles rose from the floor.

"Jesus," Evelyn whispered.

Two of the tentacles were equipped with dildos and they quickly pushed up into her pussy and ass.

Ciara jerked and writhed as she was penetrated.

Two suction cups closed on her nipples and Evelyn could see them undulating as they sucked rhythmically on Ciara's swelling breasts.

"Hair red?" Kimiko asked as she slid her finger on a tablet computer.

"Yes... only..." Could she do this? Could she change Ciara against her will? Evelyn sighed. "I want it thicker and longer. All the way to her ass."

Kimiko smiled and nodded, her rubber fingers moving on the screen.

Evelyn felt a quiver of excitement. "How big will her breasts be?"

"36 DDD."

Evelyn smiled. "And, her waist..."

"You want it small? Corset small?" Kimiko asked with a sly grin.

Evelyn licked her lips. "How small?"

"Nineteen inches?"

Evelyn gasped. "But, wide hips?"

"36. Full. Nice round ass?"

Evelyn just nodded. "Higher cheekbones? And, her nose, a little more upturned?"

Kimiko stepped closer and turned the tablet toward Evelyn. "Like this?"

Evelyn laughed. A perfected version of Ciara's face was on the screen.

"You want her double slutified? A real whore for you?" Kimiko asked. She reached out with her free hand and stroked Evelyn's clit.

This new world was unbelievable! She smiled and nodded. "Yes."

In the tube, two needles rose up on tentacles and pressed into Ciara's abdomen.

"Standard Cheerleader Whore programming?" Kimiko asked as she leaned up and whispered into Evelyn's ear, her finger still working on Evelyn's now erect and throbbing clit.

"What is that?" Evelyn whispered back.

"She will think she is a college cheerleader. Bubbly. Happy. Completely in love with you. Athletic... limber," Kimiko said and kissed Evelyn's neck. "Like this..."

She held up the tablet.

A computer generated model of Ciara appeared on the screen, her body transformed to Evelyn's specifications, wearing a tight, short, blue and white rubber cheerleader outfit and matching ankle boots with heels. Her eyes were huge and bright, her expression vapid, long red hair in a single braid down her back, breasts straining against the uniform emblazened with the word SLUTZ across them.

Evelyn almost laughed. It was absurd, and, at the same time, completely erotic.

And, then Kimiko screamed.

She was looking behind Evelyn and she stumbled back, falling to her knees on the steel grate, the tablet clattering away from her.

Evelyn turned slowly.