Transformations - Naughty vs. Nice Ch. 02


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"What the fu...?" His eyes rolled back in his head, and he collapsed to his knees.

"Jesus! Oh, my God!" Gina said.

"I... I thought I grabbed a blue one!" Honey said as she stared at her hand.

Joey's eyes snapped open. "Specify caste."


"What do we do?" Patricia asked.

Honey shrugged. "First, Richie? Get rid of that gun."

"Umm, what should I do with it?" Richie asked.

"Break it. I hate guns," Honey said. "And knives and pointy sticks and rocks... whenever they're around people just get hurt." She was pacing back and forth.

Carter handed it to Richie.

"I mean... how do I? It's made out of steel..."

Honey rolled her eyes. "You're super strong now, silly. Just break it."

Richie shrugged and took it in both hands.

He twisted and the gun broke in two, the bullets tumbling on the kitchen floor.

"Specify caste. Default parameters will be chosen in sixty seconds if there is no response," Joey said in a calm voice.

Brenda walked around Joey as he knelt on the floor. "Can't you turn it off or something?"

"No," Honey said. "It can't be turned off. Once it starts, it can't be shut down."

"Can you make him a Whore Master or something?" Carter asked.

"It was a pink capsule not a blue."

Patricia shook her head. "Just try."

Honey shrugged. "Whore Caste."

"Designation?" Joey said.

"Whore Master."

"Option not available. Designation?"

"Um, Junior Whore Master," Honey said.

"Option not available. Designation?"

"Street Stud?"

"Option not available. Designation?"

Honey sighed. "It's no use."

"Street Whore," Gina said.

Everyone stared at her in shock.

"Gina, what are you doing?" Patricia whispered.


"Default parameters?" Joey asked.

"No. Manual mode. Breast size L cup."

"Holy shit, Gina," Honey whispered.

"Double slutifier... I remember some of my attempted programming," Gina said with a smile. "And a lot of ass. Oh, corset waist, please, and really long hair... he loves long hair."

Honey looked at her. "Might want to rethink the boobs. She'll have trouble walking with those jugs."

"It's okay. He like big tits. Told me so last night. I think he'll look great with a nice set of bolt ons."


Willy crawled through the snow that was now stained red with his blood.

"Whore Master, huh? Not so tough," Santa said as he put his foot on the small of Willy's back and pressed him into the snow.

Willy struggled and tried to roll but he was pinned.

"Santa, remember Demonica wanted us to run some tests," Mrs. Claus said.


"I can't run tests on a dead transformed. I need him alive."

The foot came off Willy's back and then returned to kick him in the ribs.

"Get him out of here then," Santa said from somewhere above him.

A hand closed on his arm and Willy groaned as Mrs. Claus rolled him onto his back. She stared down at him. "Carry him back to the hotel."

He could hear the elves laughing.

Dozens of small hands slid beneath him, and he rose painfully.

Willy stared up at the cloudy sky as the elves carried him up the slope.


Gina and Honey stripped Joey naked and lay his body on the kitchen table.

He was already changing: the sharp angle of his chin was softer now. The hair on his head was growing and the hair on his body was falling off.

His breasts were forming, and his cock was growing smaller every minute.

Patricia stood beside Drew and shook her head. "How could she do that to him?" She whispered.

"He was abusing her," Drew said. "And he held us at gunpoint. There is a sort of justice to it."

"I know but... Jesus, Drew."

Drew put his arm around her. "I know. This 'transformation' seems to be much more than physical."

She stared at him. "It's mental as well, isn't it? We're capable of... monstrous things."

Drew nodded. "I think so."

"Oh, my God, what are we going to do?"

"Hey, you're capable of wonderful things as well. Did you see them when they identified Joey as a threat? They formulated a plan without a single word - Carter knew I was moving to flank the boy and he mirrored my movements. Richie immediately threw himself in the line of fire and then Gina distracted Joey. And, Honey? My God, she could have freed herself at any moment, but she waited till she needed the element of surprise the most and then she acted. Nobody ran, nobody panicked - Patricia, people don't do that. Every one of them was concerned about the others and not themselves." Drew smiled. "Maybe they really are the next step in human evolution - a human who cares more about those they love than about themselves. A human that loves unconditionally."

She picked up the Mason jar. The silver centipede scurried around the inside of the jar and pointed itself directly toward Drew.

"It's fixated on me. I think when the capsule bonded to my skin it sampled my DNA. That thing is like a Drew-seeking missile."

"We should destroy it."

Drew took the jar from her. "Not till I figure out everything about it - where is it getting its power? How is it creating these changes in its target? The processor inside it alone is more advanced than anything out there."

"Drew? Tell me you're focusing on how to reverse what it did to me! That's all that matters right now!" She grabbed his shoulders.

He cupped her face with his hands. "Yes, I promise you I am, Patricia. I have to understand everything about it in order to do that."


Brenda sat on the living room couch with Carter. She held his hand tight. "I've never been so scared in my life."

"Me too."

Brenda laughed. "No, you weren't. None of you were. Taking that gun away from him? That was amazing!"

He shrugged. "I was just so scared somebody was going to get hurt. I just... I had to get it away from him."

She leaned her head against him.

Honey came in and sat down beside them. "You two okay?" She took Brenda's other hand.

"Yeah," Carter said. "We're okay. How is...?"

"Josie? She's coming along nicely. Really big tatas - we don't usually make them that big on account of the lowered IQ."

Brenda looked at her in horror.

"Yeah," Honey said. "As Titty Grow dosage is increased, brains go bye bye. When you go from nothing to a rack of L's? Wow..."

"Oh, my God," Brenda whispered.

"Don't worry, she'll be totes fine. She'll just need constant help with things like... you know, math. Big words. Um, crossing the street."

Brenda and Carter stared at each other.

Honey laughed. "Seriously, stop worrying. We take care of each other. Some Whore Master or White Witch will fall madly in love with her, and she'll be all set. Imagine her as a stripper? She'll be famous."

"But, I mean, it'll still be Joey though, inside?" Carter asked.

"Oh, no. That's a complete brain wipe. When she wakes up? She'll be Josie - different brain, different DNA. She'll be genetically female... a lot of genetic female."

"That's... awful," Brenda said. "Joey wouldn't want..."

"Joey should have thought about that before he pulled a gun on us," Carter said. "What if he killed Richie or Gina? Or... you?" He held Brenda tight.

Honey smiled. "Things never turn out perfect the way you want them to. Sometimes life gives you lemons and you have to make lemonade. Pink lemonade in the case of Josie in there."

Brenda began to giggle.

"What?" Honey asked. "Did I say something funny?"

"A little," Carter said.

Honey nodded. "So what are you two going to do about Hannah?"

Brenda stopped laughing. "What do you mean?"

"Hannah's heart is broken," Honey said.

Brenda stared at her. "That's not our fault."

"No, it isn't," Honey said. "But you can fix her broken heart. You can make her happy. You can love her."

"Whoa, wait a second," Carter said.

Honey smiled. "Brenda, when you went to try to make Hannah feel better before? What did you feel?"

"I... I felt sorry for her."

"Go on."

"I didn't want her to be sad. I know if I was in her place I'd feel really sad, and I wanted to make her feel better."

"Why?" Honey asked.

"I... I don't know... I just did."

"And when you got close to her? What did you feel?"

Brenda blinked. "I... that was confusing..."

Carter stroked Brenda's hair. "It's okay, Brenda. You can say it."

"I... I wanted... Don't make me say it."

Honey leaned forward and kissed her.

"Why did you do that?" Brenda whispered. She was staring at Honey's full lips.

Honey just smiled. Then she leaned up and kissed Carter.

The boy closed his eyes.

She sat back and both Brenda and Carter looked at her. "Is that what you wanted to do to Hannah, Brenda?"

Brenda nodded.

Honey took both of their hands. "We are full of possibilities. The old jealousies and taboos? They don't have a place with us. You wanted to kiss Hannah because you're attracted to her, Brenda. Ask yourself if you've always been?"

"I think... maybe... maybe I have been."

Honey smiled. "Two people can be a coven. Or three. Or a dozen. And covens can be drawn together to become even larger groups. There's nothing wrong with loving Hannah but there's a lot wrong with denying it. Don't leave her out in the cold. Trust me, I know about being alone in the cold."

Honey stood up and opened her purse. She reached inside and pulled out a capsule.

She laid the pink capsule in Brenda's hand.


"I can't believe that's Joey," Richie whispered as he stood beside Gina, and they looked down at the kitchen table.

"Shh - Josie. Don't call her that other name," Gina whispered. "When she wakes up, we need to make sure we don't confuse her."

The woman on the table had olive skin and every trace of hair below her eyelashes was gone. Her raven hair spread out on the table and flowed over the sides.

The face was delicate with exotic eyes and an Italian nose.

The breasts were enormous, bigger than anything Richie had even seen in fetish pictures and the nipples were thick and long - and dripping with Ambrosia.

The cinched in waist flared out and became large, rounded hips before becoming long, shapely legs.

"I'm a little jealous," Gina whispered.

Richie laughed. "Don't be ridiculous. You're the most beautiful woman on earth."

She turned and smiled up at him. "You can't say that once she's awake. I won't have our mate thinking she's less than me."

Richie stared at her. "I'm sorry... what?"

Gina took a deep breath. "I fucked up, Richie. I got so mad. All those years of taking shit from him? I saw the gun and I thought, all that mattered to him was destroying my happiness. He knew I was happy with you, he could see it, and all he wanted to do was destroy that. I hated him for that, Richie. For an instant, I hated him."

"That's understandable. Gina, nobody has the right to hurt you."

"I know that, Richie. But we can't hate. That's why we are the way we are. If we hate? Oh, Richie, the world won't survive if we hate. We have to love everyone."

"Even Joey?"


"Fine, Josie. Even someone who hurt you? Someone who almost killed us?"

Gina nodded. "Joey paid for that. I don't hate him, Richie. And I absolutely don't hate her." She reached down and caressed Josie's thigh. "I'm responsible for creating her. That makes me responsible for her happiness." She took a deep breath and put her arms around his neck. "And, since you're stuck with me?"

Richie sighed and closed his eyes. "Really?"

Gina shrugged.


Gina stared at him.

"Okay, fine. But if she comes out of this talking with Joey's stupid voice? All bets are off."


Willy opened his eyes and stared up at a ceiling of acoustic tiles.

He should have been in pain, but he wasn't.

He just couldn't move his arms or legs.

He turned his neck to the side.

His arms were stretched out perpendicular to his body and his hands were held fast inside a contraption that looked like it was made of old car wheel rims welded to steel I-beams.

"What the fuck?" He whispered. He craned his neck and looked down his body. He was naked and his feet were caught in the same type of contraption.

"We tested this on Santa. We figured a Whore Master wouldn't be any stronger than he is. He can't break it, and neither can you," Mrs. Claus said as she appeared beside him. She looked up and down his body. "I have to say you are impressive."

"He broke my ribs. I should have internal bleeding," Willy said.

"Insta-Heal. A gift from your Church. We've been exchanging some technologies."

"No. No, they wouldn't..."

"Oh, they would." She leaned down and ran her long red nail down Willy's chest. "They don't like you - Whore Caste, I mean. I think the Church is afraid of you."

Willy strained against the bonds, but they didn't budge.

"You might try gnawing off your arms and legs, but I don't think you'd get far," Mrs. Claus said. She ran her finger down his hard abs and then grasped the thick root of his cock. "You're bigger than him. Thicker."


"Bigger than Santa. I swear if he came in here and saw this? He'd probably cut it off for spite." She worked her hand up and down. "That would be a real shame."

Willy groaned. "You... bring me in here... for a hand job?"

Mrs. Claus laughed. "No." She let go of his dick and turned around. "We're going to start with a vampire serum."

"A what?!"

"Relax, cowboy. You're just going to grow some fangs and have a taste for blood." She turned back and put a needle to his neck.

"It won't work. I'm transformed. My body will reject anything like that."

"Maybe," she said as she pushed the needle into his neck. "Only one way to find out." She reached out and stroked his cock as the liquid flowed into his neck.


Hannah sat on her bed with her back against the headboard and stared at the wall. There was still no phone or internet. No way to call an Uber and get the hell out of this mad house.

Her mind rebelled at what she had seen.

She had gone back downstairs after the yelling had stopped earlier to find Joey in the midst of a sex-change.

Hannah had run back upstairs and locked herself in her room.

She almost jumped out of her skin when someone knocked.

"Go away."

"Hannah? It's me, can I come in?" Brenda asked.

"No. No, please go away." Hannah stood up and started pulling on her snow suit. She would go out the window and walk into town if she had to.

"Hannah, I know you're scared. Carter and I just want to talk to you."

She paused when she heard Carter's name. She shook her head. "No. I want you to go away, Brenda. You scare me. Both of you scare me."

"I know. But, Hannah, we don't want to scare you. Please let us in so we can explain."

"I don't want to be like you! Can't you understand that? I'm the only one left, aren't I?"

Brenda was quiet for a moment. "No. Professor Combs is still human."

Hannah pulled on her boots.

"You're going out the window, aren't you?" Brenda said.

Hannah froze. "No."

"You can go out the front door instead. That way you won't break your neck falling off the porch roof," Brenda said. "Nobody will stop you, Hannah."

Hannah's lip quivered. "You're lying."

"We're not lying," Carter said. "I'm still me, Hannah. Same guy I was yesterday. And Brenda is still the same person she was as well. We would never hurt you. We like you."

Brenda laughed. "Maybe let me talk, Carter."


"You just said we wouldn't hurt her because we like her which implies we might hurt someone we didn't like."

"Fuck. You're right, I did."

Hannah laughed in spite of herself.

"I think that's why Hannah likes you, Carter: you're smooth."

"Smart ass," Carter laughed.

Hannah laughed out loud. "Guys? I'm really scared."

"Sweetheart, I know you are," Brenda said. "That's why we came up here. Please open the door?"

Hannah walked over to the door and sat down in front of it. "Just talk to me through it?"

She heard them sit down on the other side.

"Is Joey going to be okay?"

"Josie? Yeah," Brenda said. "Glad you weren't down there. He went a little nuts."

Hannah could see light through the keyhole on the door. It was blocked out for a moment.

A warm smell came from the door. It reminded Hannah of butterscotch.

"What... is that?"

"What's what?" Brenda said.

"That... smell?"

"Never mind that. It's nothing for you to worry about. Everything's going to be fine. Come closer to the door."

She got closer. She wanted to be closer to the smell.

There was a gentle draft blowing through the keyhole.

She breathed deep.

"Carter and I made love last night, Hannah."

"You... did? Yeah, of course." Hannah felt drowsy.

"It was beautiful. He's amazing. That's him that you smell. He's blowing his breath through the keyhole. Get closer it's almost like kissing him."

Hannah leaned her face against the door, her nose beside the keyhole. She breathed deep.

"Nice, deep breaths," Brenda whispered.

"What... are you doing to me?"

Brenda laughed gently. "Making you fall in love. Is it working?"

"I... no... stop. It's the pheromones..."

"Don't be afraid. I thought you liked Carter."

"I... do. It's just."

"They say chemicals are a lot of the reason we fall in love - even humans."

"I guess. Smells so good." She closed her eyes and just breathed.

"Hannah? Unlock the door."

"No," she whispered.

"Come on. Unlock the door," Brenda whispered. "We want to make love to you."

Hannah continued to breathe in. "Wait... did you say we?"

"Yes, Hannah. I've never done that before, with a girl. Have you?"

"No. I don't..."

"But I want to try with you. I want the three of us to just try and see if we like it."

"I don't know."

"I really like you, Hannah."

"Oh... I like you too, Brenda."

"I think you're really pretty."

Hannah smiled. "I think you're pretty too."

"I'll tell you something you probably suspected is true."

Hannah snuggled against the door. "What's that?"

"He's huge. Enormous. Scared me to death when I saw it."

Hannah giggled.

"Unlock the door, Hannah."

Hannah stood up and turned to the dresser.

The old fashioned iron key sat on the edge.

She put her hand on it. "I... you're confusing me."

"I'm so sorry about that, Hannah. We wish things could be different. Please just open the door and let us in."

Hannah picked up the key. She looked behind her at the window. Part of her wanted to drop the key and run, open the window, and take her chances on the drop down to the ground. Her head was clearing. If she opened the door, they would win.

The problem was? She felt like if she ran? She would lose.

Something terrifying was on the other side of that door. Something different, something completely alien to everything she had known before and, if she embraced it? She would never be the same.

But would that be so horrible? Because part of her knew that the terrifying thing on the other side of that door was also wonderful and sensual and warm.

They were influencing her, trying to seduce her in ways that didn't seem possible in a sane world.

But that seduction wasn't just lust. There was love as well.

So, when she turned around and unlocked the door, it wasn't possession or coercion or mind control - it was a choice. It was facing her fear and hoping it became something wonderful.

Hannah opened the door.

Brenda and Carter stood in the doorway and smiled.

They put their arms around her, and she reveled in the warmth, breathing in their smell, giving in to the feeling.

"She's... overdressed," Brenda laughed.

"We can take care of that," Carter said.

He kissed Hannah and she let them guide her back to the bed, not caring the door was still open and that anyone could see.
