Transformations - Naughty vs. Nice Ch. 02


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"So, being transformed, we're not... human anymore?" Brenda asked.

"Umm, not that simple," Honey said. "Richie and Gina and I are all completely transformed - we've had finishing ambrosia. We're not human. Patricia and Carter and you, Brenda? You haven't had the final dose of ambrosia, so you're partly human."

Patricia smiled. "Maybe that means we can be changed back?"

Honey rolled her eyes. "Why? Why would you want to do that?"

"I don't want to be a f... transformed."

Honey frowned. "You're not a freak. None of us are freaks. Is Brenda a freak? Or, Richie?"

Patricia shook her head. "That's not what I mean, and you know it! I don't want to be... this way." She was staring at the massive lump in Richie's pants.

Honey followed her gaze. "It's normal, Patricia. He's a Whore Master and you need to be part of a coven..."

Patricia turned away. "Stop... just stop."

Drew looked back and forth between Honey and Patricia.

Then Richie turned red and tried to look away.

"You... want him?" Drew asked.

Patricia squeezed her eyes shut. "N... No... it's not..."

"Of course, she wants him. Brenda wants him too."

Brenda's mouth dropped open. "No, I don't!"

"Yes, you do," Honey said. "It's natural now. We all want to belong. I remember when I was newly transformed, standing at the auction waiting for a Whore Master to claim me..."

"Jesus," Patricia growled. "Do you have any idea how sick that sounds?"

Honey smiled. "No. I don't. I just know I love Willy with every bit of my heart, and he loves me." She looked at Gina and smiled. "Gina knows what I mean, don't you?"

Gina nodded and smiled. She put her arm around Richie's waist. "Yeah, I know exactly what you mean."

"What the fuck is going on?" Joey asked.

Everyone turned as Joey and Hannah walked into the kitchen.

Joey looked at Gina and Richie. He staggered back. "What... the fuck?"


Willy was in a dilemma. Whatever these elf things were that were squeezing under the door? They weren't human. They seemed to be made out of jelly covered in skin.

He didn't want to hurt them - Willy had never wanted to hurt anyone in his life, much less Santa's elves.

Even if they had sharp teeth and claws and wanted to tear him to pieces.

His blood dripped on the carpet from numerous gashes on his legs and arms.

Willy would force them back under the door, but they just kept coming.

The one trapped in the bathroom screamed and tried to squeeze under the bathroom door, so Willy stepped on its squishy face with his foot.

"Loretta Luvzit, Whore Caste, designation Girlfriend Experience Whore," Loretta said from the bed. She rolled onto her stomach and smiled at him. "Come... to... bed," she laughed.

Then she frowned.

Willy dragged one of the elves out from under the door and held it by the throat as it snarled and slashed at him. Willy looked at Loretta. "Get dressed! Shit's getting weird!"

Loretta stared at him. "Is that... an elf?"

"Loretta! Get dressed! We have to get the fuck out of this hotel!"

"You didn't say there would be elves. I'm not sure I'm into elves, Willy." She got to her feet and grabbed the clothes he had laid out.

"Baby, please just get dressed. I'll explain." He stomped down with his left foot and an elf retreated.


"What the fuck did you do?!" Joey bellowed as he stared at Gina and Richie.

"Joey, things have changed," Gina said as she stepped in front of Richie.

The Whore Master was having none of that - he was in full on protection mode and put himself between Gina and Joey. "Joey, just calm down, okay?"

"Calm down?! What the fuck... those fucking tits... Gina, how the fuck did you get that rack?"

"Joey, things happened last night..." Richie said.

"Shut up, fatso! I'm talking to Gina..."

"Everybody needs to use their inside voice," Honey said. "And, 'fatso' is a hurtful word - besides Richie isn't fat anymore."

"Gina!" Joey growled. "Are you... with him?"

"Jesus, Joey! We broke up. Richie's... things have changed, Joey," Gina said.

Hannah was cowering against the wall. "Can somebody please tell me what is going on?"

Drew stood up. "Honey did a sort of experiment on Patricia, Richie, Gina, and Brenda... it's complicated, but everyone is okay. We're going to get all of this sorted out."


"How are we going to get past them?" Loretta asked as she finished dressing. She stomped one of the elves trying to wiggle under the door and it yelped.

"Through the window."

"Willy? We're on the third floor."

Willy smiled and kicked an elf. "I haven't told you everything yet."


It wasn't just the boobs. It wasn't just the lean muscles under Loretta's now flawless skin.

It was the fact her body instinctively how to use those new muscles.

She'd had dreams in which she could fly.

That dream became a reality as she dove out the window alongside Willy.

Her body somersaulted and she twisted, landing feet first in a crouch on the powdery snow.

Willy smiled beside her as he stood up straight.

She looked up at the open third floor window. "I'm a fucking superhero," she whispered.

A torrent of naked elves poured over the windowsill.

Willy shook his head. "Yeah, well, superhero or not? You still bleed. Run!" He pointed toward the side of the building. "My truck is... aw, hell."

More elves were running toward them from the direction of the parking lot.

Willy grabbed her arm and they sprinted down the mountain as the plump elves landed in the snow and made craters. "Change of plan! We're on foot."

She looked over her shoulder as the elves recovered and loped toward them on all fours. "What the fuck are they?"

"Monsters. There's this... well, she's a demon goddess. She's running her own experiment here," Willy said as they ran.

"Demon goddess? You've been holding things back, Willy!"

"I didn't even know she was here until five minutes after you went under, okay? Anyway, there are elves and evidently a monster Santa Claus..."

"Santa?! The fuck...?"

"Just run, will you?"

Loretta almost ran face first into a naked man who ran toward them out of the woods beside the slope.

Her feet went out from under her, and she landed on her ass in a snow drift.

The naked man with rust colored skin was hairless and his ears were pointed.

"Holy fuck," Loretta said.

Willy threw a punch and the man tumbled end over end into the woods beyond the ski slope.

Loretta got to her feet.

Dozens of naked people were running toward them from the woods, men and women alike.

The closest ran directly into Willy's fist and went sprawling on the ground.

Willy looked at Loretta and back at the approaching crowd. "Goddamn it. Run. Get to Honey." He started lumbering toward the crowd.

"What about you?"

"Right behind you." He reached down and wrapped his hand around a small pine tree. He ripped it out roots and all.

"Willy! I'm not leaving you!" She yelled.

He smiled at her. "This is my job. Get to Honey. I'll be fine." He ran toward the approaching horde and swung the tree.

Most of the crowd scattered, those that didn't flew through the air and buried up in the snow.


"Morpheus made the Whore Masters to protect Whore Caste," Honey said. Class was in session - if her transformed hadn't been programmed, she was going to program them herself. "They also recruit - humans can't resist a Whore Master. They have pheromones and some psychic powers. You feeling any tingly brain things, Richie?"

The others stood around the kitchen. She was still tied to the chair, but they were her captive audience.

"No... I don't think so," Richie said. He was still quiet and a little shy even after being transformed. He held Gina's small hand, but Honey thought it was more for his own comfort than anything else - he was clinging to her.

"Some don't. My Willy, though? He's a real mind bender. Almost like a White Witch. He can make a human fall asleep with a single word or make you cum with a whisper."

"So, he's your pimp?" Patricia asked.

Honey laughed. "That's a human concept, Tricia. He makes sure I'm safe."

"But, you're a prostitute, right?" Brenda asked.

"Yes. We are," Honey said with a wink.

Brenda blushed. "No, wait... I'm not..."

"Yes, you are. So's Gina. We fuck to make people happy. When we take over? There won't be any more wars or crime or loneliness..."

Drew shook his head. "The world's a little more complicated than that, Honey."

"No, it isn't. Not really. People do bad things because they aren't happy. When enough people who aren't happy get together they start a war. All of Whore Caste and Professional Caste love each other. I couldn't dream of hurting people I love..."

"But, I thought there were other castes as well?" Drew asked.

Honey frowned. "Yeah. No system is perfect. It's... a work in progress."

Drew opened a cabinet door and pulled out a Mason jar. "All systems are a work in progress, Honey. Yours might seem better to you but to others? It'll be a nightmare." He looked at Richie. "I'm going to need your help."

Richie let go of Gina's hand reluctantly. He looked warily at Joey and then walked to Drew.

"Think fast," Drew said. He tossed the Mason jar toward Richie.

Richie caught it one-handed.

"I thought so - your reflexes are faster than normal. Good, I'm going to need them." He took the Mason jar from Richie and opened the lid. "Honey, you're sure Richie can touch the transformation capsule and not be harmed?"



Patricia stared at Drew. "What are you going to do?"

"I need to see this thing out of its cocoon. Richie, pick up the capsule, please?"

He reached down and retrieved the blue capsule from the table.

Drew sat down in a kitchen chair. "Now, when I tell you, I want you to press the capsule against the top of my left hand."

"Drew!" Patricia yelled. "No!"

"Once the robot emerges, Richie? I need you to grab it and put it in the Mason jar. Then put the lid on, understand?"

"Yes, professor."

"Drew, don't," Patricia said. "It's too dangerous."

He smiled. "If we can't study it, I can't find a way to undo what it does." He laid his hand palm down on the table. "Ready when you are, Richie."

"Don't worry, Drew," Honey said. "If Richie can't catch it? You'll be Drew the Dominator."

Drew laughed. "He'll catch it, won't you, Richie?"

"I'll do my best."

"Good man. All right."

Richie put the capsule on the back of Drew's hand.

"The adhesive comes out immediately. I can feel it bonding to my skin like super glue..."

The capsule split down the back.

"Shit," Richie whispered. He tried to grab it, but it emerged from the split capsule and ran directly up Drew's arm.

Richie caught the back end of the centipede, but it wriggled free.

Patricia was faster. She snatched the centipede off Drew's arm and dropped it squirming into the jar.

Richie slammed the lid down and screwed it in place.

Drew stared at the jar.

"Are you okay?" Patricia asked.

"That's... the most terrifying goddamned thing I've ever seen." Drew watched as the split capsule fell off his hand.

Inside the jar, the centipede robot stared at him with red, glowing eyes.


This is wrong, it's all wrong! Loretta thought as she ran down the slope.

Behind her, a half dozen naked people followed her.

She wanted to turn and fight.

Willy was alone and she wasn't supposed to leave him.

But, Honey was still in the house with other transformed. Together, they stood a better chance of saving Willy.

The boots on her feet felt wrong.

She almost thought she could have run faster if the boots had heels. It was a ridiculous thought - no one could run fast in heels.

But, somehow she knew she could.

She could hear the hard panting of one of the naked pursuers close behind her. He was gaining.

Loretta didn't think. She didn't have to. Her body knew what to do.

She brought her right foot down and turned it inward. She pivoted her body, spinning around on her planted foot.

Her left arm went straight out, and she made a fist.

Her spinning backfist caught the naked man behind her in the left side of his jaw.

Blood erupted from his mouth, and he crumpled to the ground.

A hairless woman shrieked behind him.

Loretta planted her left foot and raised her right.

She landed a kick to the woman's ribs and felt them give.

Then Loretta drew her leg back and kicked again, higher this time. Her snow boot clubbed the woman in the left ear, and she tumbled to the ground on top of the man.

A third man jumped over the woman's limp body, but Loretta was already in motion.

Her long right leg extended straight out as she did a backward somersault.

The toe of her right boot caught the man under his chin and lifted him straight off the ground to fall on top of the unconscious woman.

Loretta continued to somersault away until she landed on her feet ten yards away.

The other pursuers slowed and looked down at their fallen comrades.

Loretta smiled and winked.

They knelt beside their fallen friends and Loretta sprinted away.

She ran on her toes, raising her heels and found that she actually could run faster that way.


Willy had swapped ends with the uprooted tree, swinging it by the top and wielding the root ball like a mace.

It was devastatingly effective - the naked bodies were piling up.

The only problem was the elves were too quick for him to swat.

They ducked under the swinging tree and slashed at him.

His pants had been reduced to bloody ribbons.

The naked, hairless people retreated and licked their wounds while the elves surrounded him. He turned slowly in a circle in the middle of a sea of tiny monsters.

"Come on! What are you waiting for?" He heaved the tree back on his shoulder.

"They're waiting for me," a voice said.

Willy spun around.

A big man in a red leather Santa suit was smiling at him.

A tall, dark eyed redhead followed along behind him in a red latex, fur trimmed dress. She smiled as well as her eyes traveled up and down Willy's body.

The sea of elves parted so Santa and Mrs. Claus could pass.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Me? I'm Santa Claus, motherfucker."

Mrs. Claus laughed.

Willy let the tree's root ball rest on the frozen ground and leaned on it. "Look, I don't want any trouble. I'm just trying to get the transformed out of the area. The Church says you're free to run your experiment. We'll leave you in peace."

"Is that right? Well, the way I see it: you're right in the middle of our fucking experiment, limp dick. So, you're part of it." Santa took off his jacket and handed it to Mrs. Claus. "Tell you what: you get past me, and you can collect your pussy posse and leave. How's that?"

Willy held up the tree one-handed and pointed it at Santa. "I told you: I don't want any trouble."

"Yeah, I get that. Problem is? I want trouble." He grabbed the root ball and ripped the tree out of Willy's hand.

Then he threw it into the woods.

"Be serious. I've got a foot and a half on you, probably a hundred pounds," Willy said as they began to circle each other.

"Tell you the truth, I was hoping for that big white haired bitch. She'd be a real contest."

"Maria Marapova?"

"You know her? Hope she likes you. I'm going to send you to her in a couple of garbage bags." He charged forward and Willy sidestepped.

Willy hit him with a left jab.

Santa just smiled.

"Yeah, the bitch hits harder." Then he threw a right hook that sent Willy staggering back.


Back at the house, Hannah was still standing with her back against the wall. Joey had stalked away back to his room right after they trapped the centipede and now everyone else was gathered around the Mason jar as Professor Combs pointed out features of the robot.

Honey sat tied to her chair and smiled at Hannah.

Brenda stepped away from the group and walked up to Hannah. "Crazy, huh?"

Hannah nodded and tore her gaze away from the blonde bimbo in bondage who just kept grinning at her.

Hannah sighed. "So, you and Carter are... like a thing now?"

Brenda nodded. "I am so sorry, Hannah. I know you liked him too."

She looked over at Carter. "It's okay."

Brenda took a step toward her, and Hannah shrank back.

Brenda stepped back. "Are you... afraid of me?"

Hannah shrugged. "I'm sorry. It's just... this whole thing has me freaked out."

"I know. But you don't have to be afraid of me," Brenda said as she got closer.

Hannah stared at Brenda's lips. They seemed... fuller. She had never really noticed how pretty Brenda was until now.

Honey began to giggle.

Hannah blinked and stared at the giggling blonde.

"Kiss her," Honey whispered. "You'll really like it."

Hannah looked at Brenda in horror.

Brenda backed away slowly. "I... I'm sorry, Hannah. I didn't mean to..."

Hannah shook her head. "Stay away from me! God, I can't think straight when you get close to me."

"Pheromones," Honey said and shrugged.

Hannah ran out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

She passed Joey who was coming down.


"What happened?" Brenda asked as she stood beside Honey.

"Your pheromones. You were seducing her. You would have totally had her if I hadn't laughed. Sorry."

"Had her? Are you saying I'm some kind of predator?!"

Honey smiled. "No, it's not like that. Hannah's an emotional wreck. Lonely, depressed... human. We're programmed to fix that."

"Get away from her!" Joey yelled.

Everyone turned.

Joey was standing in the kitchen doorway with a gun in his hand.

He held it leveled on Richie.

"Richie! Put that down!" Gina said as she tried to step in front of Richie.

Richie pushed her behind him.

"You people brainwashed her - he brainwashed her. She don't love him!"

"Joey, put the gun down," Drew said. "Nobody is at fault here."

"Come on, man. Put it down," Carter said.

Carter and Drew were moving to flank Joey from two sides.

"Stay back. He got inside her head!" Joey said.

"No, he didn't," Gina said and, this time, she pushed Richie aside. "You're the one who was inside my head, Joey." She gritted her teeth and balled her fists. "I was an idiot. All those years. Those times when you'd hit me, and I'd just say: 'He won't do it again. I know he loves me.'"

"What?!" Richie said. He glared at Joey.

She took Richie's hand and held it. "I knew there was something wrong with you, Joey. But, worse, I knew there was something wrong with me. I let it happen over and over again. I should have walked away then. Now, I'm strong, Joey. And I'm not afraid of you."

"You love me! I know you love me!" Joey said. The gun trembled in his hand.

"You're right. I did. But now I love me a little more, Joey."

Joey gritted his teeth and glared at Richie.

What happened next was too fast for the human eyes in the room to register.

First, Honey raised her arms and tore her hands free of the rope as if it were made of tissue paper. She dove for her bag and put in her hand.

An instant later she was flinging a transformation capsule toward Joey.

It tumbled end over end toward his face.

He turned toward it.

Carter and Gina were in motion.

Carter reached Joey first and grabbed the short barrel of the gun, twisting it out of Joey's hand.

Gina drew back to punch Joey with her right fist.

She stopped, her eyes wide as the capsule struck his left cheek and stuck in place.

Joey tried to see the thing stuck on his face.

The pink capsule split open, and the centipede disappeared up his left nostril.
