All Comments on 'Transformations - Travelers Ch. 04'

by wayneandanntriskelion

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traskentraskenover 1 year ago

Fucking brilliant! This was amazing!

That ending... completely unexpected!

KellvallonKellvallonover 1 year ago

Nice work. I'm looking forward to the conflict progressing between religious cast and whore cast.

draco352draco352over 1 year ago


redheadslut32redheadslut32over 1 year ago

Another great chapter in the long Transformations saga! I hope you both have happy holidays and a happy new year! Can't for 2023's release of the next chapter!

MCmstrMCmstrover 1 year ago

This was my favorite chapter in the Travelers series- well worth the wait.

I don't know if I'll be able to survive waiting on the new year for the next, but I'll do my best to resist checking your page daily- the watched pot and all that ;)

robbygelwoodv10robbygelwoodv10over 1 year ago

Omg! So worth the wait! I love the new bimbo type

Ravey19Ravey19over 1 year ago

Firstly, hope you're both well, have a great hristmas and look forward to the next instalment.

Secondly, anothrr brilliant instalment. Love the way you're sliwly pulling together some very diverse strands. Maybe we can now see the beginning of the plan for the end. So many characters in the opposition have such loveable characters that you don't want any to suffer; then you throw in that curved ball of Sister calling in Nancy and now Nancy feels sorry for her but is it all a bluff by Sister, or will it be Hecate???

5⛤ once again.

noahbudienoahbudieover 1 year ago

I don’t know how you do it, but please, keep doing it. This was one of your best chapters ever.

ambernight3ambernight3over 1 year ago

All I can say is wow!!! Well, ok, I can say more; this was amazing and darkly beautiful. Your work is truly both a love story and a dark horror story. All in one, I love it! Thank you both for sharing this world with us!

The_Crazy_OneThe_Crazy_Oneover 1 year ago

After two days of re-reading the first three chapters than this one, holy-lee-shit was it worth the wait.

kansaibboykansaibboyover 1 year ago

I want to not care about this story anymore as the waits have gotten longer... but it is so GOOD! Thanks for all the time you take to write it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I can’t believe how much you put into every single chapter. I understand that it takes time and while it is frustrating, as they say The proof is in the pudding. You come up with different Points Of View and they are all so seamlessly interconnected while still managing to build a story that has been incredible from the start and hasn’t crashed and burned in the slightest. I am completely clueless to what that actually takes in the scope of time or talent but I do look forward to ever piece of your work. Thank you for posting this spectacular chapter and giving me something to look forward to in the future.


wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 1 year agoAuthor

Thanks, everyone, for the kind comments. We look forward to continuing the saga with Transformations: Latigo Key.

Jack506Jack506over 1 year ago

Once again excellent storytelling. I’m impressed with the improvements in structure and editing from your earliest installments. Looking forward to the next chapters.

JamieCTaylorJamieCTaylorover 1 year ago

I am literally one year back in my re-read, just starting Book Of Adam. Taking my time the amount of foreshadowing is staggering. I figure I will end up back here after the first of the year.

Can't wait.

zesstrazesstraover 1 year ago

I was wondering if you can answer a question.. How do you say Dr. Demona's name. Is it De Mona or is it Demon ah?

JamieCTaylorJamieCTaylorover 1 year ago

IMO it De- Mona as in no longer Mona. No longer Wendy Whitebread

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 1 year agoAuthor

@jamiectaylor: gold star! She is the transformed version of Mona but she is also the ‘deconstructed’ Mona, having been emotionally shattered by the ordeal of losing her wife.

zesstrazesstraover 1 year ago

I thought it was De-mona but wasn't sure. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It's been a long road to get to this point on the TRANSFORMATIONS journey, and I'm fully onboard this train, or more likely strapped down to a gurney, staring into a white operating from light and anxiously awaiting the next injection (in keeping with the theme), and ready/willing to accept whatever comes next. This has been a brilliant story line and amazing adventure beyond anything I could have IMAGINEd.

Although we still have to work on your approach to nuclear planes, supersonic travel, and weather-related impacts – but we are working that out in our offline discussion.

So, I went back and re-read WITNESSES and SOCCER MOM just to refresh my memories on a few things and to understand what got me here in the first place. And in re-re-reading those chapters I felt everything I experienced the first time I read them. That whole initial “WTF IS THIS!?!?” emotion.

And just like the first time when reading that first chapter, something called to me to continue reading each new chapter. Thankfully there was no need to wait for the new chapters to arrive and I could just binge it all. But it was a joy to re-experience that shift of mind set from WTF, to “Hrmmm, okay whatever”, to an open willingness to suspend disbelief, to “where the hell (literally!?!?) did that idea come from”, to actively participating emotionally with the story, cheering or jeering or laughing with or fearing for or so many other emotions…the characters in the story. None of whom are the traditional definition of “the good guys”. In fact, to a very large degree they are ALL bad. Not evil, just bad. A story filled with antiheroes who put Deadpool, Venom, and The Punisher to shame.

You have built something amazing here. I truly feel a part of it. Thank you for freely sharing it with us.

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you, IMAGINE :)

JamieCTaylorJamieCTaylorover 1 year ago

Hope Y'all had a great holiday. Starting to get wound up for the next installment!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Hey, I was looking through the 3D artwork gallery and saw an old concept image for a transformations short story called the "The New Madam." I was curious was that story intergrated with one of the longer stories, or did it just not make the cut?

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 1 year agoAuthor

Jamie, thanks for the well wishes!

Ahh, the new madam… elements from that concept went into both Sinful Suburbia and its sequel. The story was about a milf and her stepdaughter who get transformed into a madam and her best whore respectively. The problem with the story was it was a little repetitive with the other storylines - as we’re already looking at somewhere in the neighborhood of 21 novels in Transformations, we decided to cut it. Still love the image of Ray creating her with that machine, though :). BTW, Ann is still creating lots of artwork both for Transformations and our other work if you look around.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Have we got an ETA on Latigo Key?

JamieCTaylorJamieCTaylorover 1 year ago

Good question. What do you say?

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 1 year agoAuthor

It will start dropping about two weeks from now. Lots of craziness going on around here, sorry :).

JamieCTaylorJamieCTaylorover 1 year ago

Quivering with antici................pation

Forward into the past!

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 1 year agoAuthor

Latigo Key Chapter one is at about 3000 words… getting there. ;)

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 1 year agoAuthor

Chapter 1 is getting close. Should go into the queue before Friday, Feb. 10. The first 5,000 words will be available on Fet that day. If you look in our profile, the l i n k there will take you to the latest information about Transformations.

JamieCTaylorJamieCTaylorover 1 year ago

Oooh, maybe a good weekend?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

There doesn't appear to be a working link in your profile here, FYI.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very good stories, my only comment is that the stories are not presented in chronological order, literotica places them in alphabetical order, would there be some way to have them in chronological order, thank you very much

Terra_LupisTerra_Lupisover 1 year ago

I'm not expecting it anytime soon but would love to catch up with Madam Agnes and her convent of converted nuns from The New Normal. Would be nice for Asmodea to have some rubber nun support on the side of the Whore Caste.

JamieCTaylorJamieCTaylorover 1 year ago

Yo Anon, The publishing dates are on the far right.

On the other hand the stories list is in need of clean up.

LitterateurLitterateurover 1 year ago

I’m guessing the new story did not go into the queue on Friday ….

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The one down point from these astonishing stories is the persistent over-promising and under-delivering when it comes to publication dates. Just be honest and realistic (and NOT acting in the manner of a teasing street-whore?)

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 1 year agoAuthor

Sorry, we had a medical situation here that gummed up the works. Let's just say it involved projectile vomiting and two bags of lactated Ringers and leave it at that. Chapter One will go in the queue tomorrow.

Hey, Anonymous, sorry about the over-promising. We do the best we can but life happens in the interim.

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 1 year agoAuthor

The link does appear to be working. Click on our profile and go to 'Contact'. You should see a 'Webpage' link there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The two virtues of transformations fans are lust and patience.

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 1 year agoAuthor

The first chapter of Latigo Key is in the queue and should go live in a few days. Also, the first 5,000 words are available now on fet. Sorry for the delay - it should go smoother now that I no longer have to play orderly here at Chez Triskelion ;).

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionover 1 year agoAuthor

Literotica is showing a publish date of 2/24 for Latigo Key so sometime on Friday. Hard at work on chapter 2.

Expect to see a lot of characters you might remember in Latigo Key and the resolution of some previous threads.

Alejandro_sFORZANDsoAlejandro_sFORZANDsoabout 1 year ago

I've been torn about your work. When you go balls to the walls crazy it fun, but then you add some kinda subplot and inter group faction fighting. I'm sorry but is Morpheus just an idiot? Why the hell would he make two sections with two totally different outlooks. Is he completely ignorant of what's happening. At what point exactly would humanity be saved, and why a the stupid fucking finery. Also, why should we cheer for the whore cast and boo the religious cast, both are rapists but one feels a little bad about the rape? If anything the whore cast is worst, the religious caste is at least honest about what it does. It feels like the only reason you give us to care is to tell us we are suppose to care.

Alejandro_sFORZANDsoAlejandro_sFORZANDsoabout 1 year ago

All in all though, great, A-grade writing, but the story (and thus the series) just isnt for me .

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionabout 1 year agoAuthor

…I can’t imagine why a god would create a world in which there were different factions, seemingly at odds with one another, but all believing they were saving that world. Madness… it’s all madness…

wayneandanntriskelionwayneandanntriskelionabout 1 year agoAuthor

Okay, my previous answer was flippant - sorry, I couldn't resist :) Alejandro, your questions were very good and very well thought out and they deserve a better answer than: isn't that what gods do?

Ann and I spend a lot of time discussing characters and why they do the things they do. Morpheus is probably the toughest one but he's also the one we've spent the most time on philosophically.

We were planning on writing a book called 'The Philosophy of Whore Caste' or something like that once the novel saga is complete. Don't know why anybody would want to read it because it will just be a lot of navel contemplation, but, who knows?

Morpheus as we imagined him is a product of his time. He grew up in the 1940s / 1950s and then finds himself a pseudo-hippie in the Summer of Love. The world then was very different than it is now. Death was constant on the nightly news and on the TV shows that came on after it. The times were violent on a macro as well as a micro level.

So Morpheus is a non-violent, free love kind of guy - an artist, and suddenly he becomes a demi-god. He's thrust into a new life where he literally holds the fate of the world in his still very human hands. And he is growing more powerful by the second.

This is a very anti-establishment guy. He doesn't trust the military types around him and the feeling is mutual. After he begins building his 'coven', he decides it is time to leave and, when they try to leave, Melanie is killed.

"You fool! Don't you realize she was the only thing keeping him human?" Dr. Thompson says. At that point, Morpheus is enraged and everything changes. He represses his regard for humanity and adopts a policy of 'the end justifies the means'. He even moulds and reforms his own coven members. From Transformations: De-Mona we know he even dabbles in creating monsters to end the human race outright, hence Demonica and her 'children'.

When Lilith joins Morpheus, things begin to change again. We've always believed in the 'memento humani' concept. Every powerful person needs an Enkidu to their Gilgamesh, a Brittney to their Maria - someone to remind them they are still human even if they have the power of a god. If the world is saved in the end, a great deal of the credit will go to Lilith.

By the late 80s, Morpheus no longer trusts himself. Is he really trying to save the world or is he simply living out his lust for vengeance? Does he love humanity or hate it? Does he want to be the saviour or the destroyer of everything around him?

So, Morpheus decides to hedge his bets. On the one hand he creates the Religious Caste who believe that mankind can only be saved through their submission to the Church’s authority. On the other, he creates Whore Caste who love unconditionally making most of them incapable of killing - even though they think nothing (in the beginning) of trampling human will to save the world. He makes one the servant of the other and then sits back to see what happens. Survival of the fittest, natural selection. It is cold and inhumane but he is no longer very human, is he?

He creates other forces to shape the conflict as well: SlutzNet who has his own ideas and who seems to be deciding which faction to support. Demonica who couldn’t give a damn about humanity itself and only seeks to save the world by taking it for herself and her children. Menser and the NRO are simply trying to stop them all and hold the world together in all its current ‘splendor’.

All of this simply because the ‘god’ cannot trust his own motivations to be pure. There was a wonderful episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation about a god masquerading as a human who, in a fit of rage, annhilates an entire species. He simply wipes them from existence in his fury. Morpheus is afraid he may have good intentions but, in the end, might still destroy the entire human race. There’s still a spark of humanity in him.

Therefore, Morpheus makes mistakes. Lots of them, piled one upon another.

Now as far as who’s correct, Religious Caste or Whore Caste? That’s a question for the reader. Are both of them equally damned? Maybe. Would a world of perfect order be better than a world of free love? It’s up to the individual to decide that - many Star Wars fans root for the Empire over the Rebels :). So, no, we’re not asking you to think Whore Caste is better. We write more from the point of view of Whore Caste, that’s all.

As far as the finery goes in Religious Caste and Maria’s sanctimonious attitude? Well, that sort of goes along with most religions. I’ve been to many cathedrals and I’ve never seen one that wasn’t ornate.

I completely understand your giving up on Transformations. We didn’t set out to create a ‘good guys vs. bad guys’ saga. ‘Bad guys vs. bad guys’ is probably closer to accurate with the hope of redemption somewhere in the future. Maria Marapova isn’t a hero as someone near her will say soon in the stories. But sometimes bad guys can do good things in the end.

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Wayne and Ann Triskelion are a married couple in a BDSM relationship who write erotic novels and short stories. Our work spans several different kinks including erotic horror, BDSM, mind control, and bimbification. Send us email if you like: wayneandanntriskelion at gmail. Als...