Travis's Tale Ch. 02


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"I'm going to have to go to Dallas for three days next week." Courtney had informed me on Thursday. Thursday wasn't one of the days we went into town to the office so she, Alex and I were home, even though I was trying to get some things done in my office.

"What for?" I wondered.

"It's a work thing. Not your work, but the Bureau." She stuttered a bit, I think she had almost forgotten that technically she was only on a leave of absence from the TBI.

"So what do you have to do?" Alex had joined in the conversation.

"It's a bunch of stupid stuff. I wish I didn't have to go." She had said matter of factly.

"You sound just like Alex does every time I tell her we have to go get a summary of the past year's business from Lewis." I chuckled.

"I don't really sound that whiny do I?" Alex said with a grin.

"Up yours!." Courtney said with a laugh.

"Really, what do you have to do in Dallas?" I asked her.

"Like I said, it's a bunch of stupid stuff. I have to qualify on the range and I have to take a physical and a drug test. Then there's going to be debriefing about what went on two months ago and any changes there might be and anything I might need to be aware of. It's a lot of bureaucracy and I hate it."

"It's all part of the job I guess." Alex had said, still smiling at Courtney's discomfort.

"I'll remember that next time you have to go in to see Lewis and have him fill your head with facts and figures for an hour or two."

"You're probably going to be at the next meeting yourself Courtney." I reminded her, she was now technically one of our employees and I thought it appropriate that she learned some of the inner workings of the company.

"Aww shit!" she muttered as Alex and I each laughed.

It was Monday morning and Courtney had left for Dallas early, she had taken Alex's Lexus. It was almost a six hour drive and she had no car, the one she had been driving for the past two years had been part of her cover from the TBI and now that the assignment was over, anything associated with that cover was gone.

"I don't even own a car anymore." She had complained as she asked Alex to borrow her car.

"Don't worry about it, you're welcome to take mine. One of these days we'll go into town and find something for you." Alex had reassured her.

"I'm going to miss you, I know it's only three days but it's going to be a long three days." I had told her before giving her a long kiss.

"He's not the only one Cort, I'll miss you too." Alex added, giving her friend a tight hug.

We had watched her drive away, it felt sad but then I knew she would be back before much longer.

I was in my swim trunks and just ready to go out the back door to the pool and get in my laps when Alex came out of her room in her own suit. I was surprised, she was actually wearing a top with it today.

"Mind if I join you in the pool?" She asked.

"It's your pool too, I guess I've just never seen you in it very much." I said, she hadn't really spent much time in it since we were younger.

"Yeah, I think I got out of the habit but I'd like to get back and start swimming again." She said, opening the door and walking out. I followed her to the pool and we each jumped in, the water felt good this morning. I knew it wouldn't be much longer before the weather got too cool to spend time out here so I was going to take advantage for as long as I could. I started doing my laps and watched as Alex tried to emulate me although she gave up before I had done half of what I planned to do myself. She got out of the pool and sat in one of the chairs, watching me as I continued swimming. Maybe 15 minutes later I had done all of my laps and got out as well, I sat down beside her to catch my breath.

"I really miss them you know." Alex started.

"Who? Courtney? Liz and Ellen?" I asked her in reply.

"No, mom and dad." She said softly. I hadn't even thought about that, I missed them as well but I didn't think about them as often as I used to. I guess Alex must think about them more regularly, the question had surprised me.

"I miss them too Alex, it's a lot different without them here." I expected she would be crying but she wasn't, although I didn't think she was far from it either. We sat there in silence for several more minutes, each of us looking into our minds and remembering different parts of our lives when our parents had been there for us.

"I'm going to get a shower, I need to rinse the chlorine off me." I announced to Alex as I stood and walked toward the pool house. She got up and walked behind me, following me inside. I went to the shower and stripped off my trunks and then turned on the water and was surprised when the door opened behind me, Alex had taken off her suit already when she got in with me.


"I've got chlorine on me too, I need to wash it off." Was her simple answer. I shrugged my shoulders, I had seen her naked many times before but this was a bit different. It was even more different when she hugged me, pulling herself tight against me.

"Thanks for being here for me Travis. I know you've done a lot over the years and I may not have said it enough, but I do appreciate it."

"It's what big brothers are for sis." I tried making light of it, but she was still holding onto me tightly and I could feel her bare breasts crushed between us, she was still pulling herself against me.

"I know that, but I think you've probably done more than what most brothers would have. I just wanted to say thank you." She said softly, lifting up her face to kiss me on the cheek.

"You're welcome Alex, you're always welcome." I said as I wrapped my arms around her and returned her hug.

Alex continued to hold me longer than I would've expected, it certainly was a little more than a brief thank you hug should've taken.

"Hey Travis, how's it going this morning?" JoAnn's voice interrupted us as she opened the door.

"Oops! Sorry Travis, I didn't realize you had someone here with you." JoAnn said, her face had gotten very red.

"Morning Jo. This is..."

"Alex." My sister added before I could finish. She reached out her hand to JoAnn who took it cautiously. I think she was still embarrassed about finding us here, but Alex didn't seem to be bothered in the least.

"I'll just get to work." JoAnn said, starting to back out.

"You don't have to, I know how much Travis enjoys your visits with him." Alex said with a wink, she hadn't let go of JoAnn's hand and was pulling her back in.

"You were here a couple of months ago weren't you?" JoAnn said to Alex, recognizing her as one of the women who had been here with me when she and Courtney had shared my cock.

"Yeah, I was here that time that you and Travis's girlfriend took care of him." Alex confirmed.

"Are you sure you don't mind?" JoAnn asked, she was still a little nervous.

"Not at all. Here, let me help." Alex said, and then she totally surprised me as she reached out with her other hand and wrapped it around my cock. She started stroking and it didn't take long, I was already slightly aroused from our hug and now that slight arousal became much more pronounced. Soon my cock was rock hard and pointing upward, Alex still stroking me as JoAnn watched hungrily.

"I think he's ready JoAnn, he's all yours." Alex said, letting go my cock and taking a step back to give JoAnn room. JoAnn didn't need any more coaxing, she dropped to her knees in front of me and took my cock into her hand, looking up at me and then over to Alex before looking back at me. She took me into her mouth and gave a few gentle licks and sucks on the head, but then pulled off

"I know you want some of this too honey, but you need to come down here with me." JoAnn said to Alex, wrapping an arm around Alex's waist and pulling her down to the ground. Alex didn't resist, next thing I know she was kneeling beside JoAnn as I stood in front of them, my hard cock pulsing and throbbing as JoAnn continued to hold it. She didn't hold it for long, she nudged Alex and next thing I knew she and Alex had swapped it between them, Alex had her hand around it and my cock head disappeared into my sister's mouth.

Her actions totally surprised me but the feel of her lips and tongue on my cock was so amazing I had to forget anything but what I was experiencing below my waist. I looked down and saw Alex looking back at me, looking into my eyes to gauge my reaction. She was slowly sucking me into her mouth and then pulling back, doing marvelous things to the underside of my cock with her tongue. I could see her eyes sparkling, and except for the fact that her mouth was filled with my hard shaft, I guessed I would see her smiling up at me. Bizarre! I couldn't think about it too much longer, Alex pulled off and JoAnn took her turn, she too had wrapped her lips around my cock and as she took Alex's place, I could hardly tell the difference between the two. Of course the fact that my sister had been sucking my cock had added to the feel, I'm sure a lot of it had to do with some of the improper thoughts I had been thinking about her over the past months but right now all I knew is that two beautiful women were sharing my cock here in the shower. JoAnn had been watching me for reaction too, I think she was still a little concerned about finding me in the shower with another woman but that soon left, she was sucking me just as expertly as she ever had.

JoAnn let me go, pointing my cock over toward Alex who eagerly took her turn. She swallowed me expertly, I had no doubt in my mind that she had done this before. I know she had been wild and I had seen some of that wildness over the years, but I guess I shouldn't have been too surprised by what she was doing. She was 25 and had been on her own for quite a while when a brief thought crossed my mind that perhaps I should have taken more control over her life but then I realized it was her life to live and I couldn't dictate what she did or didn't do. Right now what she was doing was driving me crazy, I could feel her flattening her tongue against the underside of my cock as she slid it in and out of her mouth, she was watching me as I watched her and I was confident she enjoyed every minute of what she was doing to me. She and JoAnn continued to swap back and forth, each of them taking me into her mouth for a minute or two before giving me up and allowing the other to take a turn again. I knew I couldn't take much more of this, not only the feel but the thought that this was my own sister doing this to me had me on the edge as I fought hard to postpone my climax, I really wanted to enjoy the feel of each of them for as long as possible. I knew that couldn't happen, having two beautiful women blowing me in the shower was just too much of a turn on not to let go. JoAnn felt it first, I was in her mouth and she could feel the swelling, the head nearly ready to burst as my semen was racing up through my cock, looking for an exit.

"Here he comes Alex, where do you want it?" JoAnn said as she pulled me out of her mouth. Without a word, Alex grabbed my cock and pointed it toward her own face, sucking me into her mouth for a quick slurp all the way down and then she pulled back to the head, sucking furiously as I exploded. She took several shots and swallowed before allowing my cock to pull out and then she aimed the few last dribbles over toward JoAnn who moved in close and allowed them to splatter across her chest. Alex was looking at me for my reaction but I really had none, I had lost my ability to speak and could only stare down and wonder what she had done. I looked at JoAnn who was looking between the two of us, a smile on her face as she started toying with the goo that had coated her tits, playing with the sticky fluid as it started running down her chest. I reached down and helped each to her feet, soon the three of us were rinsing off under the water that had continued to run. I helped JoAnn rinse my cream off of her breasts by rubbing them vigorously but since Alex had none on her, I didn't offer her the same service.

"You forgot something Travis." Alex said with a grin.

"What's that Alex?" I wondered, Alex was looking at me and grinning evilly.

"You need to help me rinse off my tits." She said calmly, looking directly into my eyes.

"You really don't need it, but if you insist..." I added, not certain exactly what she was expecting but I ran my hands over her bare breasts for the first time, feeling their heft and their firmness as she sighed softly. The thoughts of continuing to do this ran through my head but I decided it probably would be better to let those thoughts go, we had already crossed more than a few boundaries and I wasn't sure how much further things might go if I continued. JoAnn watched as we kept up our play, I don't think she knew Alex was my sister and I wasn't going to tell her.

"Will I see you here again?" JoAnn asked as she started to leave the shower, she had directed her question to Alex.

"Probably." Was all Alex said as JoAnn closed the door behind her. She left the two of us standing naked in the shower, I wondered what was next. Alex reached up and kissed me on the cheek again, whispering "thanks." In my ear before turning off the water so we could get out. It had been a strange experience to say the least but I wasn't sure how I felt about what had just happened. I would certainly need to give it some thought.


"You have everything packed?" I asked Alex, it was the first thing I had said to her since our encounter in the shower an hour earlier.

"I don't think I'll need much, but yeah I got a bag packed." She answered. With Courtney away in Dallas for three days, I had decided to take Alex to see the herd. My father had diversified his holdings a number of years ago and we ran about 12,000 head of cattle on the southern part of our property. She had never been there to see what went on and it'd been better than a year since I had been down there myself. I thought it a good chance to give her more experience with different parts of the business. There really wasn't a lot involved in managing this part but still, it was something she needed to be aware of and possibly be involved in at some point in the future.

"This might sound a little weird Travis but how would you like to ride in?" Alex asked as we were driving down the back roads in the pickup.

"What do you mean ride in?" I wondered.

"On horses. Remember when we were younger and dad used to take us hunting and camping with him? How about if we stop and pick up some horses and take the final few miles on horseback and then we can ride out the next day??"

"I think that might be fun. It's been a while since either one of us has been on horseback, you think you still remember how?" She said, I knew she was busting on me.

"I can manage, can you?" I knew she was never going to admit that she couldn't and I didn't think she would have any trouble but I still had to bust on her for it.

"I'll be on my horse a long time after you've fallen off of yours." She answered with a laugh, we were starting to loosen up. I still had thoughts in the back of my head about what we had done earlier this morning, but apparently it wasn't bothering Alex or at least not enough to get in the way of us having a normal conversation as we drove.

We had been in the truck for about three hours when we got to the ranch of one of my father's friends, Eli. Eli was an old Indian who made his living catching wild horses on the range and breaking them and then selling them. I hadn't seen him for several years, but had always liked him when our father was still alive and we would see him a few times a year.

"Eli, how are you?" I said as I got out of the truck, he was a tall man with a big smile on his face as he saw us approaching.

"You two can't be Travis and Alexis!" He said, it had been a while.

"Yes, it's us." I answered, but Alex rushed toward him to give him a hug.

"And what brings you to my little ranch?" He asked after greetings had been given all around.

"Alex and I are going to inspect the herd and we would like to borrow some horses. Is that possible?" I asked, I knew it wouldn't be a problem but the polite thing to do was to ask the question anyway.

"You're welcome to anything I have Travis. How long will you need them?"

"I'm thinking two, maybe three days. Will that be a problem?"

"No problem at all. I'll find you two good horses and we can get you fixed up with anything else you might need. How does that sound?" I knew we would need supplies and hadn't thought about it too much but really there wasn't that much to worry about for just a couple of days. I knew he would have everything we needed, he was pretty much self-sufficient on his ranch and could take care of himself or any others if need be.


Eli found two mares for us. There was a smaller one for Alex and the larger one was mine. Each was dark brown but Alex's had a white blaze across her forehead. Besides that, except for the size they could've been twins. Eli guaranteed me they were each good horses and we wouldn't have a bit of trouble with them, something I was completely certain of. Eli knew his horses and if he said they were good, that was enough for me. We hadn't expected to be on horseback when we first left our ranch so we ended up taking about half of the things we had each packed into our own bags to put into the saddlebags that would be with us on the horses. We got food and water for ourselves and the horses from Eli along with some bed rolls. We didn't need a lot for two days on the plains and didn't want to be loaded down with a lot of unnecessary stuff. Eli looked surprised when I strapped on my holster but said nothing, he understood life on the range. I did too, but my more immediate concern was being able to protect us against those crazies if they might be nearby somehow.

Neither of us had been on a horse for several years but we quickly got re-accustomed. We had ridden enough in our youth that we each were confident in our abilities, and as Eli had promised, the horses were well trained and suited to our riding styles. The temperature was close to 80 when we left, not truly hot but warm enough that we would be comfortable during our ride. If we had continued our journey in the truck, we probably could've made the base camp within an hour but once on horseback, it took us almost 4 to reach our destination. We stopped once about halfway, we didn't want to push the horses too hard and with the heat we and they each needed water. We found a stream running among some trees, the horses appreciated both the shade and the cool water. Alex and I had water in our canteens, we each made certain to drink enough since we did not want to become dehydrated.


It was almost 5 in the afternoon when we reached the base camp. You might think back to John Wayne or Clint Eastwood herding cattle from old movies, but this was anything but. The drovers used dirt bikes and four-wheel ATVs to get around and herd the cattle, even though there were horses available if necessary. The old-fashioned chuck wagon was actually a well equipped Winnebago. There were two other full sized RVs parked alongside, this is where the hands slept as well as entertaining themselves while not out with the cattle. Each one was equipped with a large screen TV and a satellite on the roof for entertainment. They could also use satellite telephone as well as Internet access. It was a lot more modern than things had been 100 years ago, but that also meant it was more efficient to manage.

"It's been a long time Travis." The greeting came from Butch, he was the trail boss here.

"Probably too long, but I thought we would come out and see how things are coming along." I answered, reaching to shake his hand.

"Looks to me more like a pleasure trip." He said with a smile, checking out Alex as she stood beside me, waiting to be introduced. I didn't think Alex liked his tone, but before she could say anything I decided I probably ought to let him know.