Treasure Ch. 26-30


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Tonight, they were in the Pack kitchen. All of the stoves, fryers and other equipment had been moved away from the walls. The three were scrubbing the walls and floors underneath them, removing years of buildup of gunk and stains. It was nasty work, perfect for their punishment. They didn't grumble or argue; in a hearing, the Alpha had sentenced them to fifty lashes and ten years hard labor, all suspended pending the results of their next year of training. If they didn't do everything they are told to the best of their abilities, their next stop is the punishment pole.

"Beta Coral, report to the Alpha's conference room immediately," Beta Carlson said over the bond. "Karsten will replace you on the extra duty supervision."

"Yes Beta," she said. "Make sure you get the brush into the corner," she said as she turned around. A few minutes later, she knocked on the conference room door.

Beta Carlson was there with the other instructors, and quickly explained what was going on. "I will be working with the American Alphas, enlisting their help in investigating, tracking, surveilling and retrieving Rori King," he said. "The Alpha has directed me to pass off duties here to focus solely on the search effort. As a result, Beta Coral will take over as lead combat instructor until I can return."

Coral's jaw dropped, she never expected this. Only twenty-four, she was by far the youngest in the room. The four other Betas on staff were retired Pack Betas or Gammas and had actual combat experience, and all were more than a century old. They had a similar reaction to the announcement. "Me, Beta?"

"Yes. You are young, but your combat skills are superior, a testament to your bloodline and training. You are also Alpha-born, so you are naturally more dominant." She sat up a little straighter. "The Chairman agrees. After all, he was the one who scored your combat evaluation."

"Thank you, Beta. I won't let you down."

"I know you won't. I have been impressed by your ability to teach and inspire the class, and that is what I am looking for here. You have four other instructors, with lots of experience and varied talents, use them for their strengths. A lot of leadership is just putting the right people in the right spots and motivating them to excel." He looked at his instructors. "Get some rest, after breakfast we will meet in my office to turn over the training schedule and some other matters. I expect to be on the road by lunchtime, so I hope you're a quick study."

"Of course, Beta. I look forward to it."

Meanwhile, back in the Pack Clinic, Doctor Phillips had brought Chase into his office for a similar discussion. "We have a very interesting case to prepare for," he told the student doctor. "A young werewolf female will be brought to us soon, and it's something I've never seen. She appears to have no connection to her wolf, it has been completely suppressed through use of psychotrophic drugs."

"Drugs? What pack would use those to suppress a wolf?"

"It isn't a Pack, she's been raised completely among humans." His eyes got big, wolves lived together for a number of good reasons, among them the need for an Alpha and the support of a Pack. He was well aware of how packless wolves could struggle, and the mess they left behind if their wolves went feral. He listened as the Doctor explained what he knew of her case.

"Where is she now?" His heart went out for her, not even an adult yet and already her life had been filled with so much loneliness, rejection and pain.

"We don't know. Beta Carlson is leading a team to find her, and when he does, she will be brought here. You only have a short time here before you return to school, so I want you to research this when not working in the Clinic. I don't know of any cases like this personally, so you will need to talk to every Pack Doctor you can, retired and active. Have them search the archives of their Packs."

He thought about it, there had to be something out there that could help her. "Of course."

"Before you leave, you will be the expert in the Werewolf universe on Human-Wolf Separation. I expect a well-researched report, with case studies and recommended treatment options. Get busy, because if she shows up tomorrow, we have to be ready to help her."

Chase looked through the folder he was handed with the briefing materials on her. The cover showed a young girl with red hair, athletic build and mesmerizing eyes. "She's beautiful," his wolf said. Flipping through the pages, his anger surged forward as he read of her Pack. "She's the daughter of the Arrowhead Pack Alphas? They were wiped out when I was a young boy," he said sadly.

"She is also a direct descendant on the female side of King Lycanos, the ONLY remaining descendent."

That made her a baby-making machine, something that in their world was worth going to war for. "Killing the Pack was cover for taking her?"

"We think that was the plan, but they didn't capture her. Take the folder back to your office, study it, and start your research. I'll cover sick call in the morning, unless there is an emergency you keep working on this."

"Of course, Doctor." He closed the folder and walked back to his room. An hour later, he was in wolf form running off his anger over what he had learned.


Three months later, Rori had settled in well to her life at the Manchester chapter of the Steel Brotherhood. She had customized five motorcycles already, with a waiting list of four more, and was working on a mural for the conference room they used for Church. She hadn't had any other episodes since the party early in her time there, which was a relief.

She set her paint palette down and grabbed her Mountain Dew, taking a drink. The painting work had to happen during the day as the room could be used at night. She liked the subject; she had photographs of the Club riders in their two-wide formation, moving through the mountains in the fall. The mural had a lot of color, and she did her best to capture the people she now loved as her own. There was a knock on the door. "Come in," she said.

Bear opened the door, letting Howler walk in ahead of her, then locked the door again. "Good, you're on break, we need to talk," Howler said.

"I hate it when a woman says that," Bear muttered to himself. "But, she's right. We need to talk, and the news isn't good."

"What's happening?" Rori nervously wiped her hands, trying to get the rest of the paint off.

"We think the bad guys know you're here," he said.

Her gut dropped, and she thought back to the warnings the voice in her head had given her last night, the voice that told her to stay in her room and spray Febreeze around. "How?"

"We don't know, but this afternoon the Regional President had a conference call with all the Chapter Presidents. Five chapters have been approached already by bikers without cuts, showing pictures of you and asking if you've been seen around."

"Did they say anything?"

He laughed. "Fuck no, we don't say anything to anyone outside the Club, especially if they look like cops," he said. "You're under our protection, Rori, we're never gonna give you up."

"Never gonna let you down," Howler added.

"If you say you're never gonna run around and desert you, I'll have to smack you with a paintbrush," she said with a laugh.

"Damn, can't even Rick Roll her," Bear said with a laugh. "It's just a matter of time until they show up here, and all it takes is one person to confirm you are here or see you. They aren't saying who they are or why they want you, and we're not going to wait."

She looked at the mural, it was a good thing it was almost done. "What's the plan?"

"Next week, some of us are heading down south for a rally in Panama City. We'll be taking about a dozen patched members and a support van. You and your motorcycle will be in the van," he said.

"Where am I going?"

"You can't stay in Florida, even though it's a good seven-hour drive to Orlando. I've talked to a brother in Fort Worth, he's going to bring you back to his Chapter at the end of the rally."

She thought about it, then something clicked. "I'm not going to go to the rally, am I."

He shook his head. "We can't let you be seen there, it's too dangerous when we don't know who is around. The local Chapter is hosting us, you'll stay with one of the Old Ladies at their house until you're picked up for the trip west."

She slumped in her seat. "This sucks." She looked at the mural, she'd have time to finish it, but she loved it here and didn't want to leave. "I can't even ride?"

"We don't want you seen," Bear said. "All this is for nothing if the people looking for you track you to your new Chapter. I don't trust anyone outside the Club." He leaned forward and looked at her. "On the good side, it's new people who haven't seen you fight. I bet you can make some money before they figure you out."

She laughed to herself, thinking back to how Taco and Smoke had hustled Reaper after their first spar. He came down the next morning and Taco started teasing their Master-At-Arms about slacking off in his training. "Hell, I bet you a hundred bucks any one of us down here can go three rounds with you," he said. Taco had just smiled, then looked over at Rori as she jumped rope in the corner. "No, not her," they said in a panic, but he had them. The whole Club had shown up that night for the fight, and they made a bunch of bets at 10-1 odds or better on Rori to make it. She was able to use her speed to stay out of trouble and go the distance, gaining the respect of every man in the Club. Reaper and the others had trained her for hours each day on different fighting styles, making her an even tougher opponent. With her age and innocent looks, it would be easy money. "We can't do it with a bunch of Chapters there, word will spread too fast," she laughed.

"That wouldn't be as much fun," Bear laughed with her. He was one of the few who had taken her side of the bet. "I don't want anyone to see you. The Club isn't going to be open to anyone but patched members and prospects until seven at night, and I want you in your room after that. No going outside, either, not even to a place like the garage where someone might spot you. One of the chapters reported someone was staked out on their clubhouse with a spotting scope and a big-ass camera."

It was like being grounded, but after three kidnapping attempts on her, she wasn't going for four. "I understand. I'll do whatever you think is best."

"There is some good news," Howler said.

"I spoke to Mongo this afternoon. Apparently, Dawn has hit it off with Roadkill and they are dating seriously." Her eyes got big, her Mom was dating again? "The Orlando club is coming up to the Panama City rally, and your Mom is riding on the back of Roadkill's Harley."

"I get to see her?"

"Damn right. They're staying at a hotel on the beach, but we'll get you some time together. It's easy to sneak people off. Mongo and Three Tequila want to see you, and if there is anyone else you want to see, we can find a way."

She would see her Mom again, after almost four months apart, not even talking directly. Tears were going down her face, and Howler pulled her into a hug. "It's going to be all right. Look at the bright side, you avoid the winter up here!"

Ch. 30

The rally in Florida was a welcome relief for Rori. She didn't have the heart to paint over the designs she had on her motorcycle, but she used logo stickers to cover them up. The Old Lady at the house she stayed at was a hairdresser and gave her a complete makeover- her long red hair was trimmed into a layered cut to her shoulders, then dyed black with a hint of blue. It still wasn't enough to fool her Mom or her friends, but she wouldn't stick out like she did before.

She spent two days with her Mom, and both cried when she had to go. Donna feared for her, she wanted her around but knew from Roadkill and Mongo that this was the best way for her to stay safe. The Club still didn't know exactly who was behind the attempts on her, but the people up in the Adirondacks were the leading suspects. Ashley and her father had not been seen since she fled from their compound, and neither side wanted the police involved.

The next ten months flew by like a blur for Rori. She never got to return to the Orlando or Manchester chapters, but she made new friends in Fort Worth, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Sacramento and now Seattle, where she was staying with the local chapter in Renton. The Club decided it was best if she didn't stay in one place more than three months, and if people asked around for her, they would move her immediately. Things had calmed down, and she had been with Renton chapter for over two months.

She had seen her mother twice, once at the rally in Florida the last November and again in May when she flew to Kansas City, and it wasn't enough. Her life was a whirlwind of art, clubs and fighting, all tempered by the need to remain out of sight. Only on Club property or the private property of patched members could she be herself.

This would be a weekend of firsts, she thought as she tried on her bridesmaid's outfit again. It was going to be a biker wedding, so no skirts or dresses. Instead, there was a pair of skin-tight black jeans, high-heeled ankle boots, and a light blue silk blouse with no sleeves and a halter top. The color complimented her raven-black hair with the blue highlights. It was open in the back nearly to the top of her toned butt, and the design wouldn't allow a bra. Rori didn't need one; she wasn't buxom like some of the other ladies, she had firm B-cups with no sag. She frowned as she checked her reflection, she might have to put tape on to keep her nipples from poking out through the thin fabric.

She loved the look of the outfit, it clung to her athletic curves and showed off the tattoo on her back. She smiled as she looked at the wolves on her back; in exchange for some tattoo designs and bike customization work in Las Vegas, she now wore her favorite painting on her back. The big rust-colored wolf was lying on the rock outcropping, looking out over the field, with the black, grey and white wolf sitting protectively over her. The wolf had been in her mind for years, and now it lived and moved on her back. She had more of her art on her upper arms, and the outfit highlighted it.

There was a knock on the door. "Decent?"

"Come in, Nuke." The door opened and Johnny "Nuke" LaLuce came in. He was her closest friend in the chapter, a patched member since shortly after he left the Navy. He was still young, only twenty-five, and he preferred wearing a wifebeater shirt under his cut to show off his broad shoulders and bulging biceps. He was a state champion wrestler in high school, still solidly built at five-foot-ten and a hundred and eighty pounds. He was popular with the younger women that hung around the Club, and a frequent workout and sparring partner.

"Damn, girl, you're tempting the hell out of me to ignore Wolfman's edict and just toss you down on the bed and screw you until you can't remember your name."

"You realize that you end would be long and painful. Wolfman isn't the only one who'd want a piece of you before you were buried in an unmarked grave." Wolfman was the Chapter President and had laid down the law regarding her when she arrived from Sacramento. Her status as de facto daughter of a fellow Club Member (Mongo and Three Tequila from Orlando, among others) meant that she was untouchable. Dating her could not happen without permission, and that wasn't coming.

"I know, but you're making the decision really hard." He sat on the end of her bed as she looked at the dress in the mirror. "Plus, you're going to be eighteen in three days. They can't stop you from doing what you want when you are of legal age."

Rori just laughed. "I might get my Steel Ladies cut, but do you really think Mongo will give you permission to date me? You're a nice guy, Nuke. I'd hate to have you disappear without a trace." She turned back to him. "What do you think?"

"I think your mom and everyone else will figure out you're all grown up now. You look fantastic, Rori."

"Thank you." She went over to her suitcase, where her carry-on bag carried all they would need for the three-day trip to Orlando. The Club had kept the nuptials secret, and the non-Club guests were told it was going to be a surprise party for Donna. When they showed up at the bar, they would be taken by bus to the Clubhouse for the wedding. "I'm so excited to for her."

"Finish packing, we leave in two hours."

"Remind me again why we're taking the redeye?"

"Wolfman said it's easier to sneak you out of town if it's dark out at the time, and we get to Orlando while normal people are still sleeping," he said. "Maybe you can sleep on the plane."

"Only if I'm able to use the Mighty Elk's pillows," I said with a reply. Wolfman's Old Lady, Mighty Elk, got her Club name because of her magnificent rack. She was a real-life version of Jessica Rabbit.

"Just change, then come down and play some pool with me until we have to leave," he said.

A few games and some beer sounded good to her. She changed when he left into a pair of jeans, cross-training shoes and a T-shirt with hoodie that would be good for the cross-country flight. A few more hours and she'd see her Mom and Grandma, plus all her Orlando friends. She couldn't wait.


Coral walked into the hospital carrying the bag of takeout food. Eyes turned towards her as she walked to the elevator, but she hardly noticed anymore. She was a striking young woman, but she was deep in human territory and her wolf knew her mate was not around. She entered the elevator of the Fairfax Behavioral Health Center in Kirkland, twenty minutes east of Seattle, and pressed the button for the second floor.

The elevator opened into a waiting area with a secure visiting room on the other side of the security station. She walked to the guard and smiled. "I'm here to see Doctor Nygaard, he's expecting me," she said.

"I'll see if he's available," the young man said as he checked her out. Her werewolf genes combined with her training schedule left her with a killer body, not that she'd let anyone else enjoy it. She wanted her mate, she'd wanted him since she first shifted at fourteen, and so far, no luck in finding him. Her current assignment, trying to get into Steel Brotherhood clubhouses to look for traces of the elusive Rori King, wasn't helping. She had to fend off all the horny and drunken men she could meet at these clubs, the whole time knowing she was NOT finding the man she was meant for.

She understood it was important to the Council to do this, she'd just rather be back doing combat training. Beta Carlson had failed time and again over his first six months; they tracked her down a few times, but the Brotherhood moved her away and they had to start over again. There were over a hundred chapters in the United States and keeping surveillance on one took a lot of resources. After failure after failure, the Alpha had changed tactics.

He sent in Coral.

The Clubs were private, and they didn't have the time for male werewolves to go through the process of getting to know a member and getting invited to be a hangaround. Women, however, would get invited back to party at the Clubs in a heartbeat if they showed interest in one of the single men. She'd been hanging around biker bars in the Seattle area, trolling for Steel Brotherhood members, but she was hungry, and her twin brother was always working. So, she texted him that she would bring him dinner.

There was the click of a door unlocking, and Chase walked into the room. "You're a lifesaver, sis," he said as he sat down next to her. As wolves, they liked meals heavy on rare, red meat, something difficult to find on any hospital menu. He unwrapped the prime rib sandwich, groaning with the first bite as the taste of the beef and raw horseradish hit him.