Tree Change Pt. 06

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The inevitable happens.
13k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 03/06/2024
Created 11/26/2023
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G'day again,

The first five parts of this story were posted prior to Christmas. Reading them would help you follow this chapter but it's not mandatory. Here is a brief synopsis of what has happened to refresh readers memories.

A young couple moved out of the city to a newly purchased house on the Central Coast. The first weekend they observed their older neighbours having sex in a spa from their side window. It was the start of a series of events beginning with finding their neighbour's old phone with various sex clips on it. This led them to the realisation their new neighbours were swingers. A weekend away at a camp ground confirmed it as they witnessed some of their neighbour's friends openly swapping partners. All of this had the effect of turbo charging the couple's own sex life. The culmination of part five saw the young couple invited over for an evening with their neighbours. There were two other couples in attendance. When the party took a decadent turn the young couple bailed out. But not before they both indulged in some foreplay with their neighbours partners. Afterwards some new details from their weekend away were revealed that made the young couple reassess their relationship.

Pt 6 continues on from there. The end of this part lends itself to a natural break in the storyline. I have some other ideas to continue it but they haven't gone beyond an outline. To give you an indication of the direction I've included at the end a few thousand words from the first part of a sequel. Let me know what you think in the comments.

Lastly in the comments of my last story @RanDog025 suggested a way to improve my editing would be to get a text to speech app and listen to what I've written. This is the first time I've tried it so let me know if you think it's improved my story. It's been a great help picking up missed or wrong words. Of course you still have to put up with my mangled grammar, spelling and sentence structure...



Tree Change Pt 6

Tags. Voyeurism, Oral sex, Big dick, Sex.

I don't know if it was a deliberate plan or just another example of the randomness of life but it was three weeks before we even saw our neighbours again. After our discussion we'd both admitted our interest in taking things further with Zac and Johanna. It seemed to be a predetermined spot in our future that whatever decision we made was unavoidable. From my point of view it was like we were approaching it with equal parts of anxiety and excitement. And the longer it took to get to there meant more room for anxiety and doubt.

For the next week the first topic of conversation between us was, have you seen the neighbours? Like we were expecting their every waking moment to be dedicated to our moral degradation. By the end of the second week a slither of glumness descended on our mood whenever Zac or Johanna were mentioned. To bastardise an Oscar Wilde quote, the only thing worse than being desired was not to be desired.

When we did finally bump into them it was in the most unlikely of places. A Saturday afternoon grocery shop. We were exiting from the chips, sweets and chocolate aisle near the dairy section and they were right in front of us. It was clear we were all caught off guard. There was restrained greetings from both sides. Then we moved on.

"Gee, that was awkward." Alena whispered as we made our way up the soft drink aisle.

Shopping continued and as often happens when you see someone you know in these cavernous supermarkets we kept passing each other. Each time there would be another nod of recognition or a casual verbal aside.

"Fancy coming all this way to meet our neighbours..."

When we got close to the end of our shopping we split up. I went to the frozen section for some ice cream while Alena realised we had forgotten toilet paper. I'd gotten our favourite selection and was heading to the exit when I passed the toilet paper section. Alena was still there talking to Johanna. Our neighbour saw me and waved. Alena turned around with a slightly guilty expression that she quickly hid behind a smile. The supermarket check out wasn't the appropriate place to quiz my wife about what was said so I waited until we'd loaded the car.


"Well what?" My wife was playing hard to get.

"What did Johanna say?"

"She apologised, for showing you the photos. Said she realised after it was like a betrayal of trust and she hoped it didn't cause a rift."

"What did you tell her?"

"That we talked about it. That I'd felt bad for not telling you earlier."

"Anything else?"

"No, just um she wanted to know if you were angry about it. I said, a bit, at first, but you know we got it sorted and then..." Alena stopped abruptly and went quiet.

"Come on, out with it. And then what?"

"She asked if I um, if I liked holding Zac's cock."

"And what did you say?"

"I didn't get a chance to reply. You appeared and Johanna waved at you."

"So she didn't say anything about inviting us over again?"

"No," I could tell Alena was getting irritated with my questions. "She just said we'll have to catch up."

I resisted asking more questions until we were almost home.

"So, what were you going to say about holding Zac's cock?"

"I don't know Lachlan. Look if you are that obsessed with fucking Johanna just go over and ask her. I'm sure she'll be happy to oblige you like she does the rest of the country."

"Hey don't start on me little Miss Innocent who's had Zac's cock in her mouth and Lin's cum on her face."

"Oh fuck off!"

Needless to say I took the groceries inside and put them away by myself. It wasn't till that evening that Alena spoke to me again. A gruff question about what I wanted for dinner. My suggestion of takeaway was accepted. When I asked what she wanted she said she didn't care.

I ordered at the local Indian restaurant we frequented then went to the bottle shop four doors down. I was looking for a Pinot Noir I knew Alena liked. As part of our budgeting we'd only been getting the no labels stuff. I thought it might be a nice peace offering. I went around the end of one of the display shelves into the next aisle and there was Johanna. She was crouching down reaching for a bottle on a lower shelf so she didn't see me at first.

"We've got to stop meeting like this," she said when she looked up.

"I'm beginning to think you've got a tracker on me."

"This was our local bottle shop long before you came here Lachlan." Johanna was clearly a little peeved by my remark.

"I didn't mean that in a bad way."

Johanna's face softened and she came towards me.

"You know we would never had dropped the two of you in the deep end, so to speak, if we had known. It was just after seeing the photos of Alena with the others..." She put her hand gently on my forearm. "Have you and Alena had a chance to process it?"

"Yes, no lasting damage." Johanna hand gave a little squeeze as she smiled at me to let me know she was pleased.

"Would you maybe like, to come over again? Just the two of you?"

"That's a little more tricky." I couldn't help doing a quick scan of our surroundings for people within earshot. "We had a long talk straight after. The up shot of that was yes, but since then we've had a few blues about it."

"So that's a maybe. A maybe no? Or a maybe yes?" Johanna's hand slid a little further down my arm and her index finger toyed with the waistband of my shorts.

"Maybe yes, I think. It just can't come from me. Alena, she's interested but she doubts my motivation. She thinks I'll say anything because I'm desperate to get with you."

"She showed more than a passing interest in my husband last time."

"I get into trouble for saying things like that."

"I understand," Johanna said with a conspiratorial glint in her eyes. "Leave it to me handsome."

"And this conversation didn't happen."

Johanna winked at me then went to the counter to buy her wine. I half expected her to be laying in wait outside but I didn't see her again that evening. Nor for the rest of the week. The mood between Alena and I improved greatly though. To the point that we had sex on Thursday and Friday night. Just our normal married variety. The truth of the matter was as we lay intertwined in bed on Friday night I was beginning to think that this was enough. Any deviation from this was only going to cause trouble.

I had to go into work on Saturday morning. It wasn't something I'd done since we moved to the central coast. When I'd lived in Sydney and I was only new at the job I'd often gone to the office on the weekend. The overtime and brownie points with the boss made it an attractive option. Now the travel meant I lost too much of my weekend so I'd resisted the corporate demands. A fast approaching deadline meant I couldn't squib it this time.

It was close to three in the afternoon before I got home. Alena was just back from the beach. We stayed in the rest of the afternoon. Had tacos for dinner then watched some Netflix. I was tired so I went to bed first. I felt Alena get into bed when I was just at the point of falling asleep. She moved close and put her arm around me. I put my hand on hers and lent back into her a little. A silent way to say goodnight and I love you. I'd almost drifted back into the sandman's arms when my wife whispered.

"I had coffee with Johanna this morning."

Perhaps it was lucky I was not completely with it because my noncommittal grunt was entirely spontaneous. When she repeated herself I willed my body to stay relaxed and not give a clue as to my internal thoughts.

"That's nice," I mumbled then I moved my pillow slightly like I was settling in for sleep.

"We talked about what happened." When my wife paused I didn't respond. "She, um, she invited us over tomorrow afternoon."

This statement warranted some action so I half rolled back towards her so I could swing my arm back to put my hand on her hip and turn my head so my ear was facing her mouth.

"For drinks?"

"Yes," Alena said quickly.

"Okay," I went back to my starting position as if I was going back to sleep.

It took some willpower to stay there and not say anymore. There was no way I wanted to be the instigator of anything.

"Okay? Is that all you're going to say?" Alena sounded exasperated.

It was time to show my own mock frustration so I sighed and manoeuvred my body so I could roll back one eighty degrees and face her.

"Drinks is okay isn't it?" I kept my tired disinterested demeanour.

"Yeah but what if they, you know, want more?"

"Did Johanna say that they did?"

"No, no, but, I mean when we talked about it after, we said..."

"That was weeks ago. They apologised and really haven't shown any interest since."

"She did today. She was asking me about the weekend we went camping."

"About the pictures?"

"No she didn't mention them today..." You could almost hear Alena's teeth snap together as she tried to stop the last word coming out.

"Today? So she mentioned them before?"

"Yeah, um, when I finished work on Friday, it was like a coincidence. She was across the road coming out of a shop and she offered me a lift home but that was the only other time."

Johanna seemed to be very good at these coincidental meetings. Not that I should have expected anything else when I had pointed her in my wife's direction. There was some more back and forward about the meetings until we got to the nitty gritty.

"So what else was she asking about the camping weekend?"

"Um, about us watching Lin, Catherine and Julia. One of the girls had told her about that. She wanted to know if we enjoyed watching."

"And you said?"

"Well, um, I said that we had, that we did, it, um more in intensely after watching."

"Did she say anything after that."

"She sort of made a joke. About coming over to watch her and Zac if we wanted. It wasn't like an offer, you know, come over. It was like you should come over and watch us then she laughed."

"And then she invited us over."

"Yeah but just for drinks. That was a while after we talked about the other stuff."

"Okay then what do we do?"

"I don't know that's why I'm telling you." Alena was starting to get upset so I pulled her close into an embrace.

"Hey, we're just talking about it. Nothings happened."

"You're not mad that I didn't tell you earlier?" That little question made me feel like a bit of a prick.

"No, no," I kissed her on the forehead. I felt I needed to let her off the hook and Johanna's questions gave me an idea. "Maybe we could just go and watch. We've already done that with the others and the sky didn't fall."

"But she was joking when she said that." Alena moved back a bit.

"So we go for a drink then we come home. No harm no foul."

"She really was pretty nice about it."

"Okay we'll leave it at that. Now it's time to go to sleep."

"Right." Alena said then she moved her face forward and kissed my lips.

The kiss lingered, then became full on. We fucked, not completely uninhibited but not married sex either. The next morning we had a lazy Sunday in bed reading. We got up around ten thirty, had some bacon and eggs for brunch. The washing up was done when Alena's phone rang. She answered and emphasised who was calling.

"Hello... oh hi Johanna."

"Oh right, I mentioned it to Lachlan yesterday and I think we can come over. I'll just check."

She took the phone away from her ear then mouthed what do I say? I gave a non committal shrug then when her exasperation was obvious changed it to a cautious nod. Alena bought the phone back up to her ear.

"Yes, we can come. What time?"

"Yeah that's fine, do I need to bring anything?"

"Okay we'll see you a bit later."

She finished the call.

"What time?"

"Any time after three, just bring our swimmers and ourselves." Alena put her phone down on the bench. "What time are we going to go?"

"Three thirty? Don't want to appear to eager."

We agreed on the timing. We had four hours to kill till then and it dragged along very slowly. For me anyway. I guess I had more than an inkling of what Johanna and Zac might have planned for us after my encounter with Johanna in the bottle shop. Then again I only had Alena's version of what was discussed in the car and over coffee. What happened in the shower at the caravan park showed me that wasn't always one hundred percent accurate.

As we got closer to three thirty Alena became a little manic. She had a shower then was coming in and out of the living room modelling her swimwear and summer dresses. The question was always the same.

"Is this too revealing? I don't want to send the wrong signals."

It was a miracle she was able to decide by the time we had to leave. As we walked across to the neighbours front door the swimwear debate seemed a mote point. I could see to the south of us black clouds boiling up. A classic southerly buster weather event was racing towards us up the coast. Bringing welcome relief from the stifling heat and humidity but not very conducive to swimming.

Johanna opened the door for us before we got to it. She was wearing another flimsy pink bikini but had a light Japanese print robe on as well. She closed and fastened it around her waist before she drew first Alena and then me into an embrace.

"So nice to see you both again. Come in come in before the storm hits."

We didn't see Zac until we got into the living area. He was outside on the deck moving some of the furniture. I went out to help him.

"Looks like it's going to get wild so I thought I'd move this stuff and keep it dry." He explained.

After we'd finished he shook my hand and we went inside. He also embraced Alena but not in an overtly sexual way. In fact there seemed to be a change in his attitude towards both of us. Previously I felt he had focused most of his energy to interacting with Alena when we visited. Always sitting close to her and engaging her in one on one conversations. Today he was more the magnanimous host and spent most of his time with his wife.

The previous party and our early exit were not discussed at all. Perhaps it was the distraction of the weather. Pretty much as soon as we had got inside off the deck the first fat drops of rain began splashing in the pool. By the time we'd got a drink the storm was putting on a show that drew all of us to watch through the glass doors. Lightening flashed followed by rolling thunder. Wind tore at the trees in their backyard. A brief curtain of hail gave way to thick, seemingly impenetrable rain that was so loud on the corrugated iron roof it made conversation difficult. So we watched and marvelled at nature's fury.

As is the way with these weather events it was short lived. Twenty minutes of torrential rain then it reduced to lighter showers for another ten. The sun appeared and the boom crash opera kept on barrelling north. Zac and I went out the back door to check for any damage. The most obvious change was the temperature. It was probably ten degrees cooler and the brisk southerly wind made it feel even colder. Zac's yard escaped unscathed. He went into his back shed and came out with two rural fire service jackets.

"I'm hereby deputising you so you can come with me and check on the street."

Much as we had when the water main burst we went up and down the street checking everyone was okay. They had power, no leaks in the roof or other storm damage. Luckily apart from a limb off a tree on one old ladies fence everything was okay. Zac went back to his place and came back with a chainsaw. We had the wood cut up and the bent fence propped up pretty quickly.

Back at the house Alena and Johanna were deep in conversation and the bottle of white wine they'd opened. We took our shoes and jackets off. I went to get another of the mid strength beers I'd bought with me but Zac took it out of my hand.

"Leave that shit, I found a lovely WA IPA when I was in Perth last week and the local bottlo had a case."

I chosen the mid strength deliberately so I could keep my wits about me. When I got a bottle from Zac I glanced at the side of the label and saw it was six point five per cent alcohol. Oh well, so much for that plan.

"Get that into to ya," Zac said putting on a strong Aussie accent.

We joined the girls on the sumptuous and no doubt very expensive leather lounges. Zac sat next to his wife and put his arm around her. When I sat next to Alena she put her hand on my leg. We gave the girls a run down on what we had been doing then the conversation petered out.

"Looks like the swimming is finished for today." I said.

"Yes it's so cold outside." Alena said as she snuggled up close to me.

"Well the pool is out of the question," Johanna agreed. "But Zac thought the weather might turn nasty so he flicked the solar heater on for the spa this morning. It should be a pleasant thirty two degrees."

The mention of the spa took my mind straight back to the first night we had watched Zac and Johanna's X rated performance in it. I think it did the same for Alena as well because she pressed that little bit closer to me.

"We'll go and make up a cheese platter then we can go out. Come on," Johanna said standing up and holding out her hand to her husband. "I meant you, we are the hosts and they are the guests."

Zac grumbled in a good natured way and followed his wife to the kitchen area. He did manage to get in a playful slap on Johanna's bottom as they went though. I looked down at Alena and whispered.

"You okay?"

She nodded, "I'm feeling a bit light headed though."

As if on queue Zac came over with a fresh bottle of beer for me and topped up Alena's wine as well. I still had a third of mine to go. Zac stayed close to take my 'empty' away so I sculled what was left and passed it to him. There was a bit of banter between us and them as they worked on the platter. The distance made it hard and Alena made no move to go closer. It did give me a chance to observe the interaction between Johanna and Zac more closely. There was no doubt in my mind he was being way more attentive and affectionate towards her than he had in previous visits. I wondered whether Alena noticed as well.