All Comments on 'Trials of Love Pt. 02'

by Andyhm

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WyldcardWyldcardover 7 years ago

Well paced for the most part.

I'd have been a good bit more upset with Caroline, good intentions or not.

There aren't many new story elements to be found in the genre, and this does re-use the meds and hormones off balance. The hidden marriage is less common though.

In the end, it still seems odd from Stephen's reactions and hers. Her story is internally consistent, but it certainly doesn't fit Occam's Razor. He had to be overlooked too often, and it makes no sense she'd let herself be whisked away without him to this party/reception after having made his presence so important otherwise.

That said, thanks for the submission and I'll certainly be reading chapter 3.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
That was among the stupidest things I've ever skimmed.

Jesus Christ that was inane. Such a lame explanation and plot line. That was just embarrassing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
a bit too laid back

Well written but I feel his reaction too tempered. He feels she is lying yet has been considerate, understanding to a degree most men couldn't be and too damned nice about it all.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 7 years ago
Predictable absurd and idiotic

Really. Of course there's a perfectly plausible explanation for all of this... if you are an idiot.

The wife is pregnant? Geez what a surprise! We didn't see that coming !! Total shock. Water is wet and the sky is blue

The marriage is not going to be saved because the wife and the husband are talking on a boat and she's explaining to him about her favorite sex toy

Even if one is stupid enough to believe is ridiculous hormone argument.... given that even though she was married to this idiot she decided not to inform her own husband about some medical condition she was suffering from it was affecting her sexuality. That decision speaks of a much deeper problem to marriage and symptomatic of the marriage in that it does not actually operate.

Finally publishing open letters to fans and the media that she's actually married to someone is a really silly futile gesture.. .. and it certainly does not change what has actually happened

kdcee79kdcee79over 7 years ago
What a pity

First chapter - very good, this one- not so much. Felt flat, especially the dialogue. 2nd chapter syndrome. What a shame. 3***

WilsonMeisterWilsonMeisterover 7 years ago
DON'T Believe Her for one moment

There is still Anal & Oral, that Nigel obviously has enjoyed with Her

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

"I just changed his contact back to Diamond Records and got rid of the custom ring tone. I called him back while you were in the shower and I realised how his conversation would have sounded to you. Yes, I know you answered it. Why didn't you tell me, I would have explained."

How much hope could there be for this marriage if she's STILL lying like that?

Any explanation would have been a lie. Hell, she told him it was a woman who called at the time.

Also, talk about some rude, nosey, pushy hosts. This character really is a doormat, letting everyone walk all over him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Again, words that shouldn't be in sentences, for example: 'when I finally get in finally'

Though no surprising if romantic1 is still 'editing' for you, just tried to read something of his today, exact same problems in his as yours have.

You need to look up the definition of 'Yah' it doesn't mean what you think it does, or get used in the context you've used it. The word you wanted was 'yeah'.

Also these words are not hyphenated.





I've also read all of your other stories, they're basically the same with names changed and wimpy husbands.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Infidelity by stupidity again *rolls eyes*

How is it that Kayla starts feeling like a nymphomaniac after starting to take some new drugs and doesn't question that it may have been the drugs causing it?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I didn't like it, it was a little too unrealistic and forced imo. Both wife and husband were unlikable in this, just because she didn't have sex doesn't mean she didn't betray him and her husband was way to wimpy, i mean after she humiliated him in chapter 1 he siad that he was hiding so that she couldn't divorce him, just too wimpy and reconciliation also feels forced.

PearDrop3PearDrop3over 7 years ago
Five Stars

I like it, and it seems real to me. I will be looking forward to Pt 03, Thank you for a very good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
once again

Once again women, the equal gender, are lead astray by their hormones and or a hormonal drug interaction. Their behavior is excused as anything from their cycle to post partum depression to menopause. All should be forgiven and they should be allowed to run a country. Meanwhile militant feminism complains of "toxic" masculinity. 1*

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 7 years ago

It seems to lose something here. Even in fiction her story is preposterous. One more chapter...

JayHaileyJayHaileyover 7 years ago
Those other women need to mind their own business

So they just but in and its OK?

CrkcpprCrkcpprover 7 years ago
I feel like a Tiger just as the bamboo gives way and falling into the pit below

And it doesn't bring me any joy , I must tell you.

I usually try my best to give the author a chance to convince me , after all its coming from his mind. It's his and his alone , that he places it here for our entertainment is a blessing . But occasionally , it can be a curse !

So far , Kay as written , I wouldn't trust in a Shit House if I placed the muzzle on her. Her telling him that she'd rather not tell him the specifics of her "Almost " affair says all that needs saying .

I'll give this Author props for making this story engaging , but I smell some literary license straight ahead !

Will wait to score.

MullendersMullendersover 7 years ago

taking drugs being horny sure is hell aint no exuse of cheating i am horny all the time you dont see me humping the first women who shows a bit of interest i wonder why people think having a hormonal inbalence is a valid exuse to cheat becouze it sure as hell is not

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Hating this

You are making this guy more and more of a dumb wimp. I could understand a divorce and a clean break, but he just run away like a fucking coward, having discovered nothing and resolved nothing.

And don't tell me for one second that they could not have found him in FOUR MOUNTHS if they wanted - dude ain't fucking Jason Bourne.

Plot holes keep growing bigger, action and justifications are more and more contrived. And she DID cheat.

Shitty editing, too.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 7 years ago
I stated that if you gave her

reasonable, logical reasons for her actions, I would marvel. Well, I am not very impressed. There are so many odd things here. Patching up a marriage in front of strangers is odd. The constant dildo and vibrator talk with each other and strangers seems strange and inappropriate for the situation. She is super horny and dry humping some random guy but is afraid to tell her husband even as everyone sees her having the affair? She lies to him constantly and makes out with the other guy and now she explains it from her point of view and it makes sense to her? She is actually telling him that she is insane, or very close to it, and so is he.

She decides to take birth control and fertility drugs at the same time, begins to act strangely, and continues to take the drug cocktail? A real doctor prescribes fertility drugs to a woman on birth control simply because she asks? The husband has a great malpractice suit opportunity. That is simply not done. If she wanted medicine for a bad prostrate, the doctor would have prescribed it?

There are so many words missing, or used incorrectly, that it lessens the readers' enjoyment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

The sequel, middle chapter is always the worst.

Looking forward to the end. Gave you 3*s.

Thanks again for the story.


Impo_64Impo_64over 7 years ago
I agree with @kdcee79...

I agree with @kdcee79...After a very good part 1, we expected more! This part was good until he talked with the woman about what happened...Then came the excuses for what happened. The weak one and the one that she could never explain? She knew hwe husband was going to meet her at backstage and she forgot that and went to the party, just like that? "I found myself in the limousine"...Really? the pills cocktail is also a weak point in the story, but even being weak we can accept it...So let's see how the writer will solve this story...3* for this part...

silentsoundsilentsoundover 7 years ago
Srill good reading

But not as good as the first chapter.

I don't think she will have to atone for her cheating and lying. She is still lying.

I also cannot sympathize with Peter. I can read about him but he is too cowardly and wimpy for my liking.

Still good writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Several people spotted the upcoming pregnancy cliche in the comments of part one ... Can't you at least avoid the bleeding obvious devices ?

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 7 years ago
Why does this need another chapter?

There's obviously SOMETHING she's not telling him!

"But she's not married." = Apparently she didn’t marry Stephen?

“All the innuendos and speculation about her and other men caused him to have a mental breakdown." – I have to repeat what I said in Ch 1: How has her “not being married” stopped the speculation about other men?

While I can MAYBE buy that her smile was at seeing him, though it seemed to come right after the proposal, I still don’t understand her lies about the call from “D”. “Why didn't you tell me, I would have explained” – Oh, by saying it was from Laine, flat-out lie! Even if she wanted privacy to tell him off, why? Why not have Paul hear her tell Nigel “No?” And if she did, why is he proposing the next night?

"You couldn't leave it alone could you," – He already knew that she had Emailed and been contacted by Kayla’s people, and told them where she was. Her “leaving it alone” wasn’t going to keep Kayla away.

“She loves you and while she may have briefly fallen for his charms and played around a bit” – So that’s not bad enough, even without fucking?!

“I didn't know my body was betraying me." - I’m sorry, I realize I’m not a woman, so I can’t speak knowledgably about hormones, but that is SUCH a convenient excuse!

mike9698mike9698over 7 years ago
I don't need to read anymore to rate

1*. I wish I could give it less. So much crap it's depressing. It's so clichés to have him meet a strange women who he will open up to. Have her tell him he is an idiot and have her get his head on straight. What a complete load of bullshit. I'm so fucking tired of these limp dicked male characters. Doesn't any authors on this site have any balls. I mise JPB. Half of his stories sucked but at least the other half had a MC with some self-respect. I'm sure my rating of 1* will mysteriously disappeare but I don't care.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 7 years ago
Further Thoughts

It's not often that I agree with Harry, but she's have problems with her sexual responses and it NEVER even occurs to her to call her husband? Even if she ultimately decides not to, it seems that here it never even occurred to her.

Knowing this author there will probably a reconciliation, against all logic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Worse than I feared.

Not just miscommunication or lack of communication, but drug induced adultery. With a battery starter, how convenient. Lame, contrived, and embarrassing.

You obviously want to write well, and have a lot of energy and enthusiasm. But you need to treat your characters more like real people, and have their motives and actions Make Sense! Smart people don't act stupid repeatedly and without plausible explanation. She couldn't play the fucking concert until she sees him sitting in the audience, but she has no trouble forgetting about him when she gets whisked off to the reception. She has irrepressible sexual urges, but not particularly for her husband, just whatever man happens to be charming and within reach. He's a fucking writer and can arrange his schedule to be with her on her tours, but she says Nothing to her husband and starts getting physical with Nigel, and hubby is supposed to believe they never actually physically fucked. We are supposed to believe that Nigel proposed marriage to a woman who never said she loved him nor accepted and encouraged his declarations of love. The whole plot just gets more stupid the more I think about it.

I appreciate your efforts. But your plot is silly and your characters simply unbelievable. Maybe, maybe, high school lovers might act this moronic, but successful professional adults, who have been ardently and loyally married for 8 years? Oh, I just forgot. Oh, I thought I told you about that. Oh, I wanted to fuck you so bad but you weren't there so I just threw my attention toward this other guy who I never told you about but he means nothing except I shared my body and mind with him to such an extent that he thought I loved him enough to accept a public proposal of marriage. And, OH, I'm pregnant, but its yours, after one night's fuck, even though I've been snogging with Nigel for four months, hornier than a goat.

OK, you've got one more chapter to pull this out. But I would bet it only gets more stupid, and more contrived. I hope I'm wrong.

PolyLvrPolyLvrover 7 years ago

Smart people act stupidly all the time. What you do now might not even make sense to you 5 years ago or 5 months from now . It's what makes humanity so fucking sad sometimes

xtchrxtchrover 7 years ago
I Agree!

I agree with Anonymous 12/06/16. He said it all. A well written pile of unbelievable things and actions by supposedly intelligent people. You are really stretching the credibility of their actions. I will try to read the third part but I really don't think I can finish this story.

MattblackUKMattblackUKover 7 years ago

But there's something that doesn't ring true, as Pete suspects...

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Recent research has found that women who regularly use vibes report a loss of satisfaction with regular sex over time. They get desensitized. Maybe she didn't cheat on you, bro, but you'll always be second best to SOMETHING, based on what she's described.

bruce22bruce22over 7 years ago
It held my attention

and caused me to do a lot of thinking. First I repeat my standard emotional infidelity is equal to physical infidelity. So for me she has commited a violation of her marriage.

Secondly she is sure that DNA will show that her husband is the father of her baby. That seems to validate most of what she said but she is guilty. Thirdly I believe in hormones and their effects but think she was incredibly stupid to take the drugs without discussing it with her husband, but failure to communicate is the normal element to feed to these stories. I really do not know what I would do if I believed that she was telling the truth.

In another vein, it looks to me as if Stephen and his greed were behind most of the happenings, especially in whisking her away.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 7 years ago
I made a really stupid mistake when

stupidly wrote" Bad prostrate" in a comment on this chapter. WTF? Why didn't someone call me out for being so dumb? I obviously meant bad prostate! I just read my comment again and cringed!

EddboyEddboyover 7 years ago
kind of a let down

now that there's no adultery the story has lost its emotional edge for me. i suppose she still betrayed him but it seems like chapter 3 will just be a reconciliation and one i have no problem with. I guess for me the betrayal is what makes these stories great in the LW genre, the greater the betrayal the more engaged i am... this seems like she didnt really do anything that wrong but i will read the final chapter and see whats up.

good story

Rockyderek_caRockyderek_caover 7 years ago

The night of the gala still smells rotten, Nigel baby was up to no good with help ... our hero needs to keep digging. Paternity test is a must

GuentharGuentharover 7 years ago
Great Suspense

There are too many unanswered questions, Stephen seems very suspicious.

I would also be very pissed at the nosy neighbors.

MajorRewriteMajorRewriteover 7 years ago
A series of unbelievable events.

I'm sorry, but the plot is horrendously implausible.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Too predictable. I could have predicted this. Well written but disappointing. Still better than most of stuff nowadays.


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
"When I was at my worst, I wanted his hands and mouth on me."

And where were Kayla's hands and mouth. Just when Peter is getting into the critical moments of his inquiry she distracts him with tits and bits. What did Kay do for Nigel? Send him home with blue balls each time?

Yes, we were warned about long involved conversations and you play them out very well. But Peter went from being very decisive and a chump in the length of few words. I hope you gave him his balls back. And this suddenly revealed pregnancy is a worn out tool.

And nosey ass Caroline is the same yenta you used before as "Carol" in The Weekend. None of their personal business should have been discussed with strangers. After Caroline sent the email to the website blowing the whistle on Peter I'd have cast-off and motored down the canal away from them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
forget the other comments

You have crafted a great story. So often on this site the stores are predictable but yours has depth and feelings that come through to the reader. Please continue writing as you have a talent.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Pretty sure she's liar and hope he get confirmation about it and a DNA test. Way to all over the place with no real answers.

Richie4110Richie4110over 7 years ago
Great story telling

Loved it and look forward to the rest of the story.


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Like the story.

Good story.

Ignore the BTB crowd, as they only accept one type of ending. You left enough clues in the first story to know that something happened when he left the club. Upon completion of part one, my sense was that she had some kind of relationship, but she was not expecting a proposal from Nigel. I suspected that she did not want to use the reception to announce that she was already married because she did not want ruin Nigels moment.

One thing that did surprise me, know some very good musicians, they can be high maintenance, Some need constant re-assurance and a entourage of people who ensure they get their practicing done (hours a day) let alone the media appearances and other demand on their time.

Kayla most likely is the type that avoids conflict at all cost, otherwise why not call and ask him to drop everything and be with her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Good Follow

What a convoluted story you are telling. Part II lived up to my expectations as a very good story. Looking forward to the next chapter and the unraveling of (I hope) the underlying answers to questions not yet fully addressed. The pregnancy adds to the complexity and potential tie that might bind. Carry on McDuff!


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
This reminds me of

one of those cute kid videos.

Mom: Did you touch mommies lipstick after I said you couldn't?

Child: No mommy! I never touched it.

Mother laughs because child's face is covered with the mentioned lipstick. So obviously the child touched the lipstick. Like those videos you story is full of ridiculousness and BS. May have fared better if story was in humor category.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Very good story!! please keep writing

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 7 years ago

If something fairly rare has a one in ten chance of happening, that is self-explanatory. But, if then, a subsequent rare thing (also one in ten) might also happen, then the chances of both things happening is one in a hundred (one tenth times one tenth)! In this Marital Miscommunication Melee, there are a dozen or so independent unlikely things stacked one after the other. This poor rubber band got strerched about nine or ten 'unlikelies' too many. LW relies heavily on Hubbies doing something (logical under the circumstances) he has never had the occasion to do before, and busts Sweetie getting rogered, so a fairly generous suspention of disbelief is required of We-The-Readers. But, there comes a point where WTR roll our eyeballs up and say GMAFBreak!

That having been said, I now see why Romance was contemplated. Several of the twists I was expecting (if Sweetie HAD been an LW, instead of a TrueLW under chemical pressure) would have been tough to reconcile, so this DOES make (stretchy) sense. I did like it'

davwoodavwooover 7 years ago

Sorry can't accept the hormone drug thing. If she was in a committed relationship with her HUSBAND how could she contemplate playing around? She needs ditching for her emotional 'affair'. She's a cheat and need to go, baby or no baby.

patilliepatillieover 7 years ago
So disappointing

Started as a classic 5* potboiler, but in this chapter degenerated into a middle school he said, she said back and forth. Why should he believe anything she says? Oh, the pills made me so horny! But I didnt fuck him.

If any combo of pills/hormones worked to turn women into bitches in heat, it would be the greatest selling drug cocktail of all time. They couldn't make enough of them.

It just kills the credibility of the story, much like foot long cocks. You really lost me with this installment.

kjohns2001kjohns2001over 7 years ago
Truth is stranger than fiction

What a mess of a relationship. Life is messy though, and if you accept the results of mixing the two medications you also need to understand that she was warned not to take them at the same time. I rather suspect the author was expecting readers to consider several possible drug interaction side effects to exist as a reason that this would not be a viable female aphrodisiac.

That aside, I can see where both of them screwed up. He should never allowed her to hide their marriage to the extent that she did. She on the other hand should have turned to her husband rather than another man when she first started feeling the effects of the medications. She should have never allowed another man to take liberties as that constitutes an emotional affair, the physical liberties, even if no intercourse occurred, firmly estab!ish her actions as an affair, albeit a limited one.

Given the totality of the circumstances I guess it all depends on how forgiving the husband is as to what would happen to this marriage.

As I said, a very messy situation for all involved. But not an impossible one for the husband to deal with, especially when you toss a child into the middle of the mess.

DicktwatDicktwatover 7 years ago
2 *

Part 1 had so much to offer.

Part 2 patter down to a high school creative writing exercise.

cap5356cap5356over 7 years ago
close to reality

this story is so close to something that could happen in real life. mixing drugs can cause strange side affects in people and for every person it is a different affect. but for her to not tell her husband about it puts a big strain on the relationship for both of them. as the story goes u can see where she was headed with the other guy and how he could be leaded to believe that she felt something for him. they should have never kept the marriage a secret. and she should have at least told him about how the other guy was really pushing her. it all comes down to the main problem in most marriages. communication

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
It's only close to reality if your British

We all know Britain has no men just sissy wimps. Pathetic crap.

Ib_SaysIb_Saysover 7 years ago

As I suspected, a fair amount of BS, but I think the biggest problem I had, was how affable they acted in between the recriminations and poor excuses, their characterisations were all over the place.

It made no sense to me why Peter wanted a nice dinner with company while having a talk with his wife about her infidelity, or let strangers have any say in the conversation, or why he would feel comfortable having her cosy up to him, If I were Peter I would definitely not be in a mood to even touch her.

If I were Peter I would also have trouble believing that Nigel hadn't gotten further than touching her breasts, for Peter to just accept that boggles the mind.

And all that grinning about the vibrator just sounded stupid, as if a few jokes could smooth out things. Really, neither of them had anything to laugh about.

Another thing that comes to mind is about that guy Stephen. From how I understand things, he had a hand in pushing Nigel and Kayla together, seemingly even after he believed she was having an affair.

Hopefully Peter won't be all forgiving and will sell once again, and this time make it stick, or just force out Stephen. As well as not bending over in gratitude forgiving and forgetting immediately just because Kayla is presumably carrying his child

aptonthe503aptonthe503over 7 years ago
Solid Second Chapter

Again, well done.

Thanks and keep writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Yep, you can write, but trite excuses, and

Your DEM. Pregnancy to try and bind him to her. Three

But thanks for an engaging yarnA828


paulsubpaulsubover 7 years ago
A Romantic Tale

It has great character development with a complex plot with plenty of intriguing twists.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Disappointing, unrealistic discussion.

Agreed with everything IB_Says. She had clearly had sexual contact with Nigel on many occasions. Even if her hormones were all over the place with the drugs, she had a brain and should have had enough morality to stop it especially when she was not in his presence. She could have called her husband or walked away but instead she flaunted her affair in front of everyone. I usually like reconciliation but this does not work for me.

The giggles, laughter, presence of others is just totally unreal in the circumstances of such a betrayal.

Denny CraneDenny Craneover 7 years ago

"You can call me a coward, but I really didn't want to know anything about Kay. If I knew nothing, then nothing could happen"

Schrodinger's Dutch barge? ;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

A good out come if he has any doubt about the baby there always DNA but I believe her story even if she had sex with Nigel she was already pregnant. But she is adamant it didn't she was tempted by the charmer but ran away.

Good Tale of a loving wife who resisted the temptation to cheat. Enjoyed it very much please keep on writing. Five Stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

This part 2 doesn't even make sense. Part 1 was great, then this one is like flat.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
What a cunt!

Too bad it looks like he's going to get back with her for the sake of a child.

I am a woman who is really tired of reading about all you wusses letting women run your lives. It seems as if American women help your wife to cheat and English women push a reconciliation on you. Oh, America the whole FAMILY gangs up on you to force a reconciliation.

SMLlewellyn7SMLlewellyn7about 7 years ago
Great first two chapters, but ...

I have really enjoyed the first two chapters. I gave them both 5 stars out of 5.

But, and this is a big but, I agree with other comments that Kayla's dialogue in Ch. 2 is weird. She laughs at the wrong time. One moment she is laughing and teasing and the next moment she is sobbing.

She chastises Pete at the wrong time. She blames him when clearly she is to blame. Then she says she is to blame.

For this type of story she should be crawling and begging for forgiveness and offering atonement.

Perhaps she needs to say her emotions are all over the map. Or she is telling it wrong or something.

Some of this may be cultural - the old British stiff upper lip. But it seems very strange to me.

And, boy, did she ever get to France fast. I guess theoretically if you have money and no regular day job you can drop everything and move fairly fast. But confirm the info, make a decision, grab a trans Atlantic flight and then a taxi ride into the country? All in 24 hours? Maybe she should be exhausted from the trip. Or maybe she should have been in England for some other reason. That would be more believable.

Having said that I like the overall structure of the very much story. and I like everything about Pete. His reactions are very believable. It's a "runaway man" but I'm ok with those sometimes if the shock is big enough to warrant running away and this one was.

The open letters on her web site was a nice touch. I saw the pregnancy coming so that was no big surprise. The drugs made me do it is hard to believe but I will accept it for now.

The buy back of his management company shares sold to a rival is also hard to accept.

I am truly curious how the story continues. I agree with Pete that something still doesn't add up. She's not telling the whole truth yet and their manager and so-called friend is also hiding something. Be careful Pete. Trust but confirm.



Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 7 years ago
Loving it

Five stars. Could go any number of ways. Clearly she wasn't planning on leaving hubby, or she would have been gone. So, she is probably being truthful in that the proposal was a surprise to her. However, there is too much wiggle room in her story. Very well developed. I found the dialogue authentic.

payenbrantpayenbrantabout 7 years ago
Very good and so deliciously twisted.

I am not sure if she is telling the truth or not. So many statements she is saying are out of place and don't make sense. Would be handy to record her and then transcribe what she is saying. The odd thing is that I beleive she does love her husband. Except in the European fashion of love, not the American version. Very different those two.

After listening to her arguments and explanations there is a major component we are missing.

1. You will find it in this quote here..."We didn't... we really didn't, please believe me. By that last week the hormones were no longer affecting me and I was just so embarrassed. I just wanted to forget the whole thing. How could I stand up in front of all those people and tell them that we'd been married for the past eight years after some of them had seen what I'd been like around him? You would have heard the rumors about my behavior, it would have sounded like I'd been having an affair."

That whole paragraph does not make sense. If she hadn't been having her affair then she could have easily told her loving husband what was going on. That is why we know that she wasn't under the influence of any medication. We can read right there and tell that she is very much a liar.

2. The other thing we need is Stephen, the supposed mutual friend. He had been acting more than suspicious. It might be time to clean house.

On to the next chapter...



AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Screwed it all up

I loved the first part , the tension, the intrigue was all done wonderfully.....and you fucked it up, what were you on a deadline or something?, even if you are going for a reconciliation there are better ways to go about it.its like these characters are not from the same story. And the meddling couple, and the forced, and i mean FORCED humor where none was short i am DONE not reading the last part, my advice purely as a reader ,,remove it and rewrite the last two have the makings of a classic on your hands with the first part.

SigintSigintalmost 7 years ago
I've Become Quite The Fan

But the drug excuse is quite a put off. I was involved in this story, then I suddenly felt as if Bugs Bunny walked into the scene, winked at the audience and asked, "Ain't I a stinka?" before chewing his carrot as he walked off.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
I "strongly" suggest Andyhm you look up the meaning of ....

.... RAAC! For such a talented writer, the stench of "forced" reconciliation (yes .... using pregnancy to tie him to her "is" forced) is not only disappointing .... it is truly appalling! Weak male characters permeate your stories almost as much as pseudo cheating spouses (to use the phrase "wife" would be an insult to all the women who truly love, respect and honor their husbands). And as far hormones, pms or the fickle mind of females.... those tired reasons to excuse bad behavior have been abused by writers with far less skill than you. But here's a thought .... how about applying Self Responsibility to your female characters. While this concept is apparently foreign to you since it neither exist in your female characters or your own vocabulary .... it would bring credibility to your submissions and appreciation from your readers. In sum, your writing skills are impressive BUT your apologist agenda to defend your female characters only undercuts your argument for reconciliation in the end.

OnethirdOnethirdalmost 7 years ago

Yes, the previous brave anon has pointed out the use of a dictionary. Perhaps he/she should look up prig, pedant, etc... moving on: I am happy I guessed right- I thought the mysterious "N" was going to propose, and the husband was going to take a runner. The wife always winds up pregnant when the husband runs away for a suitable gestation period. Really, though, I don't care: I just like reading this. Now, I guess I can kibbitz since everyone else seems to want to: you don't need the drug angle to get into infidelity. Separation and loneliness, plus slow seduction works just fine. At least the wife is aware of what she's done, for the most part. And now, on to the recrimination section of the story. Not really erotic and fun, but it's good for all of us.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 6 years ago
And she

plays the trump card. Baby...contest over. Sucks.

Pappy7Pappy7over 6 years ago
Well I don't believe her for a minute.

And like someone posted as soon as the meddling Ausie bitch told me about the email I would have been sailing away, post haste. Bitch wife lied to him their whole marriage about why she didn't want people to know they were married. She obviously liked the attention and the touching of men other than her husband. And I bet there were blow jobs involved in all of the cases. The shit you have her telling him and all of the misdirection and out right lying show that she is hiding a deal breaker or two from her husband. I might have put her off the boat and still sailed away after putting a hole below the water line on the other ship. Not a likable character in the bunch unless it's Tom. Won't vote so I won't lower the score.

kuroneko_dkkuroneko_dkover 6 years ago

Why do all the characters use the word “Christ” 24/7

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

one point never reconciled. ...why did she lie about the "N" phone call the morning her hubby found her new/secret phone. If this isn't addressed in the last chapter I'll give the story a 1* for a glaring (to me) plot hole.

Tali (sometimes Talis)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

He should have given Caroline a lot more hell and stood his ground rather than buckling down to a meddling bitch.

Basically he should have just left.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Always the lack of communication

I have not gotten to part 03, but I am tiring of the same plot line in so many stories in LW, The husband leaves and disappears without giving the wife to explain. A real man would always have the balls to at least get all the facts before making any decision. People like this husband are pure wimps who have to hide, because they are to weak to deal with real life.

wanderer63wanderer63about 5 years ago
why is it always

Why can't a women ever take responsibility for her actions. Its always someone else that's to blame, or its the hormones. For heaven's sake, men have hormones as well, and yes we are programed to go after anything with her legs open. But we still have to pay for that. Take responsibility for our actions, but for the fairer sex, nope. Doesn't happen, and it sickens me to always hear the same ole tired excuse, hormones, or she couldn't resist, or whatever excuse that relieves her of responsibility.

xtchrxtchralmost 5 years ago
I Agree!

With Wanderer63. It is never the girl's fault, someone or something made her do it.

First off, I don't think this was any kind of marriage. It was a marriage of convenience for her, it was a marriage only when she wanted it to be. When he brought her a drink early on, she said he was nobody. She brought too little too late. The kid is only going to complicate matters.

However, I do see a RAAC coming. Hope not!

On to next section.

Raleighman53Raleighman53over 4 years ago
A ltiile weak on this chapter

As much as I liked the 1st chapter and the depth you put into it, this one is a little weak. As for the hormones, if a man has ever lived with a woman with hormones out of balance, they can attest to her loss of reason and sensibility. Where I have issue is that someone in Nigel's position would never have proposed in a situation such as this unless he was sure. And can you really tell me that a record executive would be that naive? Oh well, off to chapter 3.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 3 years ago
Reading again

Helluva yarn. Quite an imagination to come up with all this

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Paternity test needed in last chapter.

Probably not his.

thedayafterthedayafterover 3 years ago

Story is excellent. It's hard to believe that Pete could be so incredibly childish but I guess that had he acted like any normal man would then there'd be no story. Any normal man would have rushed to the stage at the venue grabbed the mike and proclaimed that he was married to Kayla, not run off in a hissy fit.

Still I am enjoying the story as is...

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Not buying her story

First off "Kayla saw the report from your last big medical," she added." There is no jedical exam where a sperm check is standard. None.

For four months she had an affair but did not have sex? Come on. Not plausible. Adults have sex. They don't pet each other.

He could never trust her again. She lied to his face when he went to see her. If he digs there would be other men. Or women. The drugs caused it is bs reason.

AngelRiderAngelRiderover 3 years ago

The argument that repetition and drawn out nonsense in writing should be used because that is real life is dumb. Stories should gave verisimilitude. Even if the story is based upon real life, you reduce your writing to only what is needed. Repetition kills the plot and ruins character development. One can repeat dialogue and setting if new information is presented to the reader. If you have an editor, they ought to have pushed back extremely hard on this.

AngelRiderAngelRiderover 3 years ago

Oh, and I forgot. I am a nurse, there are no drugs on the planet that make women cheat. It's a convenient narrative for lazy writing or to give a woman an out. I thought this story had so much promise. You clearly had a great concept but how you handled it is a disaster. You tried to answer questions but none of it is logical.

She had a full blown physical and emotional affair. She carried it on for months. She lied about all of it. I usually kind of root for reconciliation where it's warranted and the wife is contrite but man, Kay is kind of a garbage person.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Story went off rails

Chapter one was great

Chapter two entered into the fantasy RAAC realm. Drugs that made her cheat? All those "mistakes" and "misunderstandings? Andf he "claiming" her body?

And now... suprise suprise... You're a daddy.. of a bastard!

She lies and lies and lies. And him, like the cuck cum eater he is instead of making her sweat and kick her out of the boat is listening all her bs.

Not enough of anything.

Chapter one was a 5. Chapter two is a minus 5.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Loved part 1, but as others have said the contrived drugs made her do it excuse really doesn’t wash, but let’s see what part 3 brings, fingers crossed a return to something more believable

OnethirdOnethirdabout 3 years ago

Take your meds responsibly. This story closely parallels some of the author’s other ones, but I am glad she hasn’t a teenaged low child in tow this time. A smaller bump in the road.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Well, if she tells me she never fucked him and it was just the meds that made her behave that way, and it's confirmed by an unknown woman I just met two hours ago, who also assures me she's not lying, then it must be true I guess.

Not to mention the "proof": the fertility pills she carries with her.... being pregnant??!

Can't wait to read the next chapter and see how her tower of lies is demolished.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Enjoyed the first chapter and drama within, the second not so much. Way too much stretching of the story/tale to be believable. Hope the author can wrap this story up in some way to salvage reality and believably from where the second chapter took the whole situation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Not as good as the first, just don't believe that she is worth taking back. She still hasn't said what all she did with Nigel, cheating isn't just fucking - emotional cheating for example. I don't believe that any man would be limited to some tit play only and then propose to her. Just ridiculous to think a man could think he's in love with her when all they've done is fondle some tits and kiss, at least in this day and age.

invisible_bridgesinvisible_bridgesover 2 years ago

A big let-down after a cracker of a Pt. 1. Structurally, it's a disaster : just folks sitting around chatting about the events from the first part.


And then there's the motivation problem. Kayla loves Pete, and she's happy in their marriage. Why then does she cheat? The medication explains her increase in sexual desire, but the desire is physical, with an obvious physical treatment --- namely, her vibrator. Why is Nigel required?


Seems that this not so much a case of a need for purely physical gratification, but rather a case of emotional inconstancy. As the old hippie song goes, "if you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with". I think that's what's really going on with Kayla.

nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

4 stars - you are starting to stretch credibility with this second chapter. I agree with other commenters that Kayla must have had Nigel's cock in at least one or two of her orifices, in order for him to make the grande gesture to ask her to marry him. I do not believe any man in this century would offer to marry a woman they had not put their cock inside at least one of her openings - mouth, ass or vagina - NO WAY.

WetheNorthWetheNorthover 2 years ago
Its the old 'The Devil Made Me Do It' defence

To trite to be believed

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Utter crap only an idiot believe. Another cuck champion.

Marklynda2Marklynda2about 2 years ago

And the winner is...

Yes it would be hard to accept with all the 'evidence' to the contrary. I guess the big question is where does fooling around end and infidelity begin? Thank you again for sharing your vision and talents.

MasterKoteMasterKoteabout 2 years ago

What if she gave him a handjob or BJ? She technically wasn't lying when she said she didn't sleep with him but there are other things she could've done also that would be cheating or not pass the spouse test.

underdog1underdog1about 2 years ago

FYI, a BJ isn't sexual relations. Well, that's what Bill Clinton said anyway, sounds right to me.

BrentJWBrentJWabout 2 years ago

Second read and very well written. I don’t care how much she explains, there is no way that was not an affair even if there was no actual fucking.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Ummm...sounds like a load of shit.

At this point if he does not go below, grab her suitcase, carry it and her off of the boat and then unplug and sail away? Then this is a complete load of bullshit.

Nobody is going to be in this situation and just accept that the kid is his. NOBODY.

Here's how it should go for the MC.

Grab your hair brush. Put it into a ziplock baggie. Hand it to her. As you put under way and pull away from the dock...this unfaithful woman will be jabbering and crying.

All you have to do is say "I'll keep my phone on from now on. Call me when you have the results from an invitro DNA test proving it's mine. I ONLY want to hear from you AFTER the test results are in. We can talk more then. The results have to be from a reputable and verifiable laboratory and I'm only going to believe it when I speak to someone from the lab on my phone.

By the way. Stephen is fired. As of yesterday. I'm calling my attorney and dissolving the company and corporation immediately. That fucking asshat can look for a other job. Maybe he'll be more successful at manipulating his bosses there?

Until then. I do not trust you. I do not believe you. And I certainly don't want to hear anymore of the bullshit about how pills made you do it. Leave me alone until you have the results."

And I would have sailed on. She's a wealthy, world renowned musician. She'll find a hotel to stay in.

And when this character runs into Caroline again in a week or two on the boat...he better tell her to go fuck herself. If she says anything else? He should be telling her he hopes her boat springs a leak, it sinks and she drowns and dies.

My guess is that'd keep the cunt from flapping her lips at him some more.

No way anyone would ever let virtual strangers arrange to ambush him like that. Most people would be pissed beyond comprehension and wouldn't care one fucking bit if the busy body bitch and her husband were offended. They are from the other side of the world and don't mean anything to him or his life.

People like that NEED to be told to fuck right off or they don't get the message.

This is how normal and well adjusted men react to betrayals by their spouse and business partner. Very public betrayals as well. This is not violent. It's not absurd. It's not over the top. It's simply losing trust and respect for a woman with whom you have sacrificed a great deal for...for a decade no less and then had that sacrifice betrayed in a horrible manner by her and a bunch of lackeys that work for you and should have had your back!

You dismiss the disloyal employees. And you do not speak another word to your spouse until you are certain the child is actually yours. That's it. It's how it should end.

My guess? How this story ends? He's gonna tuck his balls in. Hand in his man card and just roll over because he loves her SO SO MUCH. And thank everyone for treating him like the world's biggest chump and simply accept that the child is his. That's my guess. We'll see.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 2 years ago

"Not in so many words, but I was sure he knew." - Let's see, you're SECRETLY married, you've never TOLD him you're married, in "so many words," but you were sure he knew?


Stephen and the recording company knew that WE were taking a two-year break, yet Nigel, the VP for the classical records division didn't know that there was a "we?"


"When he told me what he'd said" "Why didn't you tell me, I would have explained?" - She KNEW that he had heard Nigel, but she had told him it was a woman, why didn't she "explain" he came out of the shower?


"You knew I would be joining you backstage." - That's another HUGE one. Why didn't she say, "I'm NOT leaving until Peter is here?"


Better to have left the pregnancy out, makes the divorce option much less likely, lessens the suspense.

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Jan 2023 I’m afraid that for the foreseeable future I’ve had to put hold any work on current and future stories on this site. There is so much going on in my life currently that I’m unable to justify the time I spend writing short stories. Hopefully this will be a temporary h...