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I noticed her car was gone from the garage when I got home, so I assumed she'd been over to pick it up and probably taken some clothes and other personal items away with her.

I'd barely gotten in the door when my cell phone rang. Looking at it I saw it was Lynn and decided to answer.

"What is it Lynn?"

"Jack, can I come over so we can talk? I was there earlier and picked up my car. Dad drove me over and I took some clothes and other things. I'm staying with my folks for now."

"I don't see that there's much to talk about or I'd care to listen to right now, Lynn."

"I'm really sorry Jack. I know I've hurt you badly, but we need to try to give our marriage a chance. I know if we could talk I'm sure we could work something out to your satisfaction that would save our relationship."

"You broke the contract of commitment we had Lynn. Right now I'm too angry to consider any thought of staying together. I suggest you not contact me again. When I'm ready to talk I'll call you."

I heard a sigh of resignation.

"All right Jack. I'll wait, but can you make it soon? You should know that mom and dad are not too happy with me either."

"Lynn, I'll tell you what You can come over Thursday evening about 7:00 and do your thing. I'll be able to give you an idea on my position then."

I didn't plan to be there, but I'd be leaving her a message that would express my feelings. I just have to work out what the 'message' would be.

"Okay Jack. Thank you. I love you."

I felt I had to get a crack in before hanging up even though I felt it was a little childish, "You can also bring your fuck buddy and have a good time in what was our bed if that turns you on."

"Jack, it was a one time thing and I will never, never do that again. You can be assured of that."

"I don't know how I'm supposed to be assured or believe you or whether it was even the first time. When we get together to talk you'd better be prepared to address the issue of trust because right now your rating on that is zero. How do you expect me to agree to raising a family together if I can't trust you?"

"I understand Jack and I can't say I blame you. Please, just give me a chance. I'll.........."

"Good bye Lynn."

I hung up; I was done talking to her.


The next day I was busy. I made an appointment to see a divorce lawyer for the next morning (Wednesday) and then I spent the day packing my all my clothes, except what I needed for my trip to Seattle, and all my personal possessions and then moving them to a storage locker. It took most of the day. I didn't know whether I'd ever come back to this home because it held too many happy memories of our times here together that could never be forgotten, but were now tarnished by her duplicity.

I then checked into a motel near the airport for the next two nights.


On the way to the appointment at the divorce attorney's the following morning, I stopped at the office and picked up my travel itinerary and had a last talk with my boss.

"Well Jack, have a good time out there and say hello to Maureen for me. She's quite a gal. I think they're grooming her for bigger and better things."

"I met her once at a corporate retreat and I was impressed with her. Not only is she smart and personable; she's not bad looking either."

"Well, she must be married now if she's having a child. Anyway, say hello to her for me. You never know, she might be our boss someday."

"Will do. Take care and I'll see you in a couple of months."

We shook hands, and I left the office heading to the divorce attorney.

I was right on time for my appointment and I was ushered in as soon as I arrived. The attorney was an older woman, who no doubt had handled many divorce cases, and she first asked me to explain my problem and to tell her what I wanted.

I related to her about my discovery of Lynn's infidelity and then told her about accepting a transfer out of state for a couple of months. "As far as what I want to do, I need to know what options I have."

"You have several options. First, you can do nothing for your time away and continue your marriage when you return. That would be accepting her adultery, and I don't think you would want that without undergoing extensive counseling. Another option would be to file for a legal separation to see if the time away from each other will allow the marriage to heal. Finally, just go for a divorce."

"In your case, since you'll be gone for a while, I would recommend that if you still love your wife, you can create a separation agreement which you can be used as the basis for a divorce in the future and it protects your assets while you're apart. It can also be used to require things of the other party. In your case you could require her to see a psychoanalyst to see what caused your wife to commit adultery and whether it's predetermined she will do it again. However, you may have to promise to give the marriage a chance afterward for some amount of time. If it still doesn't work the settlement terms of the agreement are the basis for a divorce."

I thought for a few minutes about my love for her and how I'd enjoyed living with her before and then told her to go ahead and draw up a separation agreement based on her recommendation. I laid out what I wanted in terms of a split of assets, which included giving Lynn the heavily mortgaged condo and contents except my personal items and a few other articles that might still be there. I'd already made a 50/50 split of our finances and she documented that in the agreement.

I did not want to resume the marriage without some indication that would provide me some assurances that our marriage had a reasonable chance of succeeding after psychotherapy. The duration of the therapy would be determined by the therapist. Lynn also needed to document for me how many times she had been with her lover and how many lovers there had been since we were married. I think there was only the one, but I wanted it from her in writing so that if something turned up later that hadn't been noted by her we would proceed with the divorce. The lawyer listened to my conditions; taking notes as I rambled on,.When I was through she told me she could have it written up and ready for my signature that afternoon. I told her that would be acceptable although I was a little nervous about what I would do if she told me she had taken several lovers while we were married, and that I was a cuckold several times over.

After leaving the attorney's office I called my friend Nick and asked if I could come around that evening to talk with him and Nadine. He told me they would both be home that evening and I told the I'd stop by about 7:30.

After lunch I stopped back at the lawyers office. She had the separation agreement ready for my review. After looking it over I asked for a couple of small changes to my conditions, which her secretary quickly incorporated, and I signed it. I asked if she could have it given to my wife tomorrow evening about 7:00 at our house. She'd be there expecting to talk with me but I thought the separation agreement would provide everything I wanted to interface with her about. I'm sure she'd get the message. The lawyer told me it could be done for an extra charge that I agreed to. She also told me she would keep me posted on the legal aspects while I was away. I made sure she had my cell number to call me.

After leaving the lawyers office I decided I had one more thing to do. I placed a call to Bill Johnson, Lynn's boss.

"Bill, this is Jack Lancaster."

"Oh, hi Jack; what can I do for you?"

"Bill, there's something I think you need to know. Lynn and I are separating, and its because I discovered she's been sleeping with your other employee, Ralph Marietta, while they were traveling together."

There was a stunned silence for a moment.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, Jack. I don't know whether you know it or not but we have an anti- fraternization policy for company employees, and both Lynn and Ralph signed on to it when they were hired. Can you provide proof of this?"

Just a witness that saw Lynn leaving Marietta's hotel room at 6AM in Atlanta on Monday and Lynn admitted it to me. Plus, I have photos of them kissing inappropriately in the airport Monday evening."

"That certainly indicates some degree of intimacy that shouldn't have occurred. I'd like to talk with our HR department and then I'll have a talk with Lynn."

"Okay Bill."

I felt a little better after hanging up that I'd done something about Ralphie Boy. I'd be interested in what came out of it.


That evening at Nick's home, I explained to them what was going on between Lynn and myself. They were sorry to hear about our separation and that I would be away for so long.

"I think a couple of months apart will give us both time to reflect on our marriage and where we want it to go if we stayed together on a trial basis."

"You might be right, Jack." Nick told me. "We're going to miss getting together. You guys have been our best buds for a long time. I don't know what the hell we're going to do without you both."

"Let's hope Lynn and I are back together in a couple of months. I'll be counting on you two to help our marriage heal if it can be done."

"You can count on it Jack." Nadine told me. "I'll call Lynn and talk with her. Do you know where she's staying? I'm sure she's devastated about this."

"At her parents' she told me. Do you have her cell?

"Oh yes. I'll call her tonight."

"Well, I must be going. I'd appreciate hearing from you guys while I'm gone and letting me know what Lynn's doing. If she's still seeing that guy or any guy while I'm gone there won't be a snow ball's chance in hell that we'll have a marriage.

"We'll do what we can, Jack. So long and have a good trip."

I left them and went back to my motel. When I went to bed that night I felt I'd tied up as many loose ends as I could before leaving for Seattle in the morning.


The trip to Seattle was uneventful and after picking up the rental car at the airport I headed to my extended-stay hotel. The hotel was located about two blocks from the office and I could see that it would be an easy walk every day if the weather cooperated.

After checking in and unpacking, my stomach said it was time to eat. But since I was tired after so many hours of travel I opted to use the hotel dining room. Looking at my watch as I ate I noted that the time back home would be 8:00 and Lynn ought to have my message by now. I'd left my cell off all day and I turned it on to see if she had tried to call me. I wasn't surprised that there were four calls from her in my message file and one from Maureen. I listened to the one from Maureen first:

"Jack, welcome to Seattle. I'm looking forward to seeing you in the morning. Come in early and we'll go to breakfast together. Call me on my cell if that's a problem. See you tomorrow anyway. Bye."

The calls from Lynn were pretty much all duplicates of each other. She was most desirous for me to call her as soon as possible. I decided to wait till I finished eating and return to my room before responding.

I ate a leisurely meal followed with a cup of coffee before heading up to my room. Once there, I got myself comfortable and then placed the call to Lynn. I wanted to keep my conversation with her as emotionless as possible and not let my anger govern our talk.

"I received your messages Lynn. Did you get the separation papers at the house?"

"Yes I did. I wanted desperately to let you know how much I appreciate that you're giving our marriage another chance. Can you tell me where you're at and when will you be coming home?"

"I'm in Seattle taking over the office here for the manager while she's on maternity leave. I'll probably be here a couple of months. That will give you a chance to get into therapy and maybe we can discover what your problem is."

"I've already been researching the subject, honey, and I hope to have the name of a psychotherapist in a couple of days that will see me as soon as possible."

"Would you please keep me posted on what you're doing?"

"I'll call every evening Jack, and let you know."

"All right. I'm tired and need to go to bed. Good night."

"Before you go, I had a talk with my boss, Bill Johnson, today. I guess you talked to him and he was definitely unhappy with me for my actions with Ralph. An official reprimand has gone into my file and I won't be traveling for the company anymore. I've been transferred to the Finance department. Because Ralph was still on probation he was fired. I feel really bad about the whole thing but mostly about the hurt I've caused you. I'm considering quitting work because the reason for my transfer will certainly leak out and I couldn't face my co-workers."

"I'm sorry Lynn, but I don't feel too much sympathy. Good night."

"Good night, Jack. I love you."

I didn't respond but just hung up. From that I hope she knew I was still very upset with her. I was satisfied that I'd gotten a little revenge on Ralphie and, Lynn too for that matter.


I had a good night's sleep and next morning was out early after showering and walked down to the office; arriving there at 8:00. The office didn't open until 9, but there was a car in the manager's parking place so I knew Maureen was there as I entered.

As the office door closed behind me she came out of her office smiling with her hand reaching out.

"Hi, Jack. It's been awhile. Welcome to Seattle."

I was awe-struck momentarily as I took her hand. She was almost as tall as I with shoulder length, red hair and looking very pregnant. She had the happy glow of impending motherhood. With intelligent, green eyes looking out at me, I was enthralled.

"Maureen, it's good to see you again."

"Are you ready to go for breakfast?"

"I'm starved."

"Let's go then." She told me as she headed for the door I'd just entered. I fell in behind her and waited as she locked the door behind us.

"We don't have to rush back." she told me. "Laurie, my assistant, will be along shortly and she'll be looking after things. Are you in the mood for pancakes?"

"Sounds good."

"Let's go to IHOP then."

Getting in her car, I was impressed with her take-charge demeanor. This was a person who knew who she was and what she wanted. After squeezing her belly behind the wheel of her car, she drove competently and smoothly to our destination. We chatted about the weather and the traffic as we drove.

When we got into the restaurant, she led the way to a booth at the back and after placing our orders and getting our coffee, I noticed for the first time that she didn't have a wedding ring on her finger. She had a beautiful diamond, engagement ring but no wedding ring. I wondered about it but there was no way I was going to ask her about anything so personal. I may find out someday but I wasn't about to even hint about her private life. However, she did ask me about mine.

"What does you're wife think about you spending time out here, Jack? I assume she must be okay with it."

"I guess it doesn't matter because we're separated right now, and are using my time away from home to give us both time to think about our marriage."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I didn't mean to pry into your private life. I notice you're still wearing your wedding ring."

"I'll leave the ring on until our marriage is formally dissolved by court decree."

"I'm sorry about your marriage. I hope it all works out for you. While we're on the subject of personal lives I think we should clear the air on my status."

"You don't have to do that," I blurted out.

I'm pregnant and I suppose you noticed that I have an engagement ring and no wedding band. My fianc‚ was in the active army reserve when he was called up and sent to Iraq and I didn't discover I was pregnant until after he left. Somehow the birth control pills didn't work for me, so here I am, a bloated cow."

"You don't look like a bloated cow. I don't think there's anything more beautiful than a pregnant woman. When do you expect your fianc‚ back?"

"He's back and buried in the Tahoma National Cemetery in Kent, Washington. He was killed by an IED after being there just three months."

"Oh, my gosh!! I'm so sorry." I exclaimed as I unconsciously reached over to grasp her hand. That must have been devastating for you."

"I've done my crying and now I want to live for our child. It's a boy and he's going to be named after his father."

"Wow, that's awesome!! When is he due?"

"The official date is two weeks from yesterday, but that can be plus or minus a few days. That's why I need to get you up to speed on our operations here as soon as possible. I've been sweating bullets until they found someone to fill in for me."

"Well I'm here now so we can get started whenever you're ready."

We'd been talking while we were eating and were now just sitting enjoying our coffee.

"Before we go," she told me, "I'd like to make you aware that my assistant, Laurie, had been hoping she'd be taking over the office while I was gone. She's very ambitious but has only been working with me about six months. I hired her right out of college and she's smart enough but, like I said, inexperienced. She'd be fine if she had a couple of years or so under her belt. That's why I asked for someone who had experience in the corporation and a little more maturity. Anyway, she felt a little put out when I didn't offer her the job, so you might find her a little resentful at first until she accepts you as boss. She's a good worker, knows her job as assistant and she'll be invaluable to you. I doubt she is resentful enough to sabotage you."

"Well, thanks for the heads-up. I appreciate it."

"That's one reason I wanted to have breakfast away from the office. The other reason was I wanted to get to know you before you start. So, are you ready to go to work?"

"I'm ready. I think I'm going to enjoy working with you even if its only for a week or so."

We left the restaurant and headed back to her office. She was right, the office was open when we got there and a young woman was standing, talking to a secretary outside Maureen's office. When she saw us come in she came over to meet us. She didn't look too happy.

"Laurie, I like you to meet Jack Lancaster. He's the one who'll be filling in for me while I'm gone."

I received a grimace instead of a smile so I knew Maureen was probably right in her assessment of Laurie's attitude toward me. She was a brunette with the most beautiful blue eyes, a nicely proportioned, slim figure and good looking legs.

"Nice to meet you Mister Lancaster." She told me as she shook my hand.

"Its Jack, Laurie, and its nice to meet you too. Maureen has been telling me what a fine job you do here. I'm going to be depending on you to keep the office going while Maureen is gone. She's going to have enough on her hands without worrying about me."

She flushed at my remark and commented, "Why thank you. I'll do my best. I know Maureen will be counting on us to keep things under control unti she gets back."

Maureen, who'd been watching Laurie and getting acquainted, smilingly told her, "Laurie, I'll be in my office with Jack going over some things to bring him up to speed on our operations. Afterward, why don't you take him around and introduce him to everyone and then the three of us can go to lunch."

"Okay, I'll see you later Mr.... Jack." She said with a little smile.

Maybe she was warming up; I hoped anyway. Maureen confirmed it after we went into her office and closed the door. "I think I see a little thawing from Laurie. Let's hope it continues. Now let's get down to business. Once you're tuned in I'll breathe a big sigh of relief."