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We spent the next couple of hours going through operations and getting a feel for the biggest, most important customers and suppliers, and learning a little more about the office staff members. When we were done she called Laurie and had her introduce me to the staff. After that, we headed to lunch where we continued to talk about operations peculiar to this office and Seattle. Laurie joined us, and I subtly tried to make sure she had a major role in the conversation.

Maureen was right though. Laurie was a smart girl and competent with lots of potential. She was very feminine but also aggressive to the point of being domineering. It gave me a little thrill to interface with her. I noticed that she didn't have any rings on her left hand and thought to myself that if I wasn't so much older and still married, I might be tempted. Oh well. After lunch we went back to the office where I resumed my review of office operational procedures with Maureen. I knew the procedures since most of the material was documented in the company's management guidelines. However, Maureen seemed determined that there would be no problems while she was gone. It was also apparent that she had incorporated some of her own ideas in the company guidelines for her office that could be applied to our other offices. I was beginning to think that my time here would prove very interesting and educational with two ambitious, smart women directing and watching my every move.

Later in the afternoon Maureen seemed to be getting tired and I asked her if she wanted to go home and rest. I knew she was fighting exhaustion and I insisted, with backing from Laurie, that she go home. Finally, she reluctantly agreed and prepared to leave. Thinking to give her a break from preparing a meal I asked if she wanted to go out for pizza that evening. That I would be facing a lonely meal by myself and she would not have to prepare a meal. She brightened up after that and told me okay. I got her home address and telephone number and promised to pick her up about 7. Laurie looked pleased at my invitation to Maureen. After she was gone Laurie explained about Maureen's life.

"I'm glad you asked her. She's been awfully lonely since her fianc‚ left and I know she's been burying herself here at work since she got word he'd been killed. Its long past due that she back off and start thinking about her baby."

"Does she have friends or relatives nearby who can help her?"

"Her parents live in San Diego and she was an only child. I believe her mother will be coming up after the baby is born to help her. Her fiance's best friend has been checking on her but he's gone for awhile; other than him she has few friends. I live too far away to be of much help to her, so that's why I was glad you'll be close and offered to take her to dinner."

"Well, I'll see if I can be a little more helpful as I get better acquainted with workings of the office and our clientele. Between the two of us we should be able to take the load off her shoulders and allow her to concentrate on getting ready for the birth. Now, what say you update me on office finances?"

We spent the rest of the afternoon reviewing finances, and then I left at closing time to go back to my hotel. Before I left, Laurie told me about Maureen's plans for my continued orientation.

"We'll be going out to lunch every day with some of our important clients and suppliers. Maureen wants to get you up to speed as soon as possible in case she has to go in early. We've made appointments with most of them for next week. Think you're up to that? She asked with a grin.

"I guess I can stand it." I responded

"Okay, see you tomorrow."

We left together and I waited until she locked the door and got into her car. She waved as she drove off. I was thinking, there's someone I'd like to get to know better even if she is a little young.

Back at the hotel I had a shower and then laid down on the bed thinking I'd just have a short nap. Just in case I set the alarm and it's a good thing I did because the alarm woke me up from a deep sleep an hour later. I guess I was more tired than I thought. Dressing quickly with slacks and a polo shirt, I headed over to the address Maureen had given to me. The rental car had a GPS that took me right to her place. It turned out that she had a condo in an upscale complex with a pool and tennis courts. It was just 7 PM when I knocked on her door, and she looked rested when she opened it. She was dressed informally in maternity slacks and top.

"Wow!!" I told her.

"I usually don't get that reaction out of people ." she said with a smile.

"You're beautiful." I told her.

"Well, thank you Jack. I don't believe a girl in my condition gets told that too often and I certainly appreciate the boost to my ego. Come in."

I entered her condo and walked into her living room.

"Don't worry, Maureen. Your condition just enhances you." "I think you and I are going to get along fine. Now I'm worried that I won't be as beautiful as you imply I am after I have the baby. Sit down. Can I get you a drink?"

"I'm driving so I guess I'll just have coke if you have it."

"I have diet Pepsi. Is that alright."

"That's fine."

She moved off into the adjoining kitchen but we continued to talk.

"What did you think about Laurie? I noticed you seemed to get along quite well. I think she thought you were going to impose your own ideas on running the office and I'm glad you were including her in the discussions. She does have a lot to offer."

"I don't think you have to worry when you're gone from the office. She and I should be able to take care of business okay. Besides, if we run into a problem, you're only a phone call away."

She was laughing as she brought back our drinks. I noticed she had a Pepsi too.

"I think I'm going to be too busy to worry too much about the office. I'll be new at motherhood and it will be a whole new learning experience for me."

I was looking at a couple of pictures on the table. One was of her standing next to a man in an army uniform. I noticed he was a captain, handsome, had blond hair, and they stood with his arm about her shoulders. Both were smiling happily. Their baby would probably be really beautiful, I thought. The other was a picture of her with the same blonde headed guy, but in casual clothes, together with Maureen and a tall black man.

"That's a picture of me and Bill, my fianc‚." She indicated and pointing at her and the man in an army uniform. "The other one is me and Bill with his best friend, Darren Pearson."

"Say, while I'm thinking about it, if you need anything at any time just call me. The hotel is only about ten minutes away and I'll be available 24/7. I love calls at 3AM." I told her.

She laughed again.

"I just may take you up on that. I've been wondering who I could call in case something happened when the baby decided it was time. Darren was supposed to be here to help, but he's on assignment for the Air Force in Germany. He expects to be back in a month. He's tried to be there with a shoulder to cry on when I get depressed after I got word Bill had been killed."

"That's settled then. I'm your backup."

I wondered about her relationship with her missing friend, Darren, but decided it was not my business to pry since she didn't discuss him further.

We finished our drinks and headed off to the mom and pop pizzeria down the street. We talked for hours, bringing each other up to date on our histories and private lives. Maureen just seemed to be someone I could confide in and I told her about my current situation with my wife. She was sorry to hear my sad tale and I was sad when she talked about her fianc‚. She'd received the word on his death from his parents because she wasn't listed as next of kin. Shortly thereafter she'd discovered she was pregnant.

By this time we'd been talking about two hours and I could see she was getting tired. Also, the owners of the restaurant were making signs of closing so I took Maureen back to her condo. I walked her to the door of her condo and she kissed me on the cheek before getting on the elevator. I waved goodbye and headed back to my hotel.

When I got into my room the blinking light on the phone told I'd had a call. The voice message said was from Lynn, asking me to call whenever I got in. I placed the call right away.

"Jack?" she answered.

"Yes Lynn, its me. You said to call when I got in. Is there a problem?"

"No, no. I just wanted to hear your voice. I'm so sorry about my actions with Ralph. I know I've hurt you very much and I just had to tell you how much I hate myself and how sorry I am. I don't know why I did it; I'd had a couple of drinks after dinner to help wind down after a hard day with the supplier and the next thing I knew I was in Ralph's bed. I don't know what came over me."

I didn't want to get into it with her now. That would come later.

"Did you review the separation papers? Do you have any questions?"

"No, and that's something else I wanted to tell you. I hate it that the separation papers take us one step away from a divorce but I will agree to everything you want. Especially if it saves our marriage in the long run. I love you so much. Why I could separate myself from my love for you to having sex with another man, I may never know. However, I have an appointment with a psychologist next week to try to find out why. Also I have scheduled to take a lie detector test next week to confirm that the night I spent with Ralph in Atlanta was the only time that I ever cheated on you. I hope that will satisfy your condition in the separation agreement, and it will help us to move on."

"Alright, Lynn. I'm not going to tell you I love you because I'm not sure if I do any more. We'll just have to see if time will help heal the hurt you've caused. I'll be talking with you soon. Goodnight."

I heard her sob as I hung up.


The next few days I continued at the office and Maureen slowly let Laurie and me take charge. She would usually come in about mid-morning and leave about mid-afternoon She was starting to look a little more rested after a few days. We had luncheon appointments with the officers of our more important clients and suppliers and I think they were pleased that operations could continue as normal while Maureen was away. Her due date was approaching rapidly and things at the office were settling into a routine with me in charge, but Laurie doing most of the interface with the staff.

Maureen and I continued to get together for dinner most nights as it provided her with company and I didn't have to eat dinner by myself. Most nights I would bring take-out pizza or chicken and we would enjoy it in her condo.

When we were together for dinner we talked about many things and I was amazed at her knowledge of the things I was interested in. When it was time to leave she'd give me a kiss on the cheek. It was definitely not a work site moment but told me she enjoyed my company. Let it be said that I enjoyed her company too.

My evening calls to Lynn continued. Our conversations were limited. She'd tell me again how stupid she'd been and how sorry she was. I finally told her to stop telling me how sorry she was, that I was not sure whether she was sorry she did it or sorry she got caught, so to please stop.

She did tell me she had started to see a psychologist and was starting to make some headway in sorting out her problem.

I did check periodically with Nick and Nadine. They reported that Lynn was sticking pretty close to home and had confessed her indiscretion to Nadine. Nadine told me that Lynn seemed genuinely regretful of what she'd done and was worried sick about losing me. It was hard not to feel some compassion for her.


It was about 4AM in the morning about ten days after I'd arrived in Seattle when the phone in my room rang."

"Hello," I answered groggily.

"Jack, its Maureen. I think its time to go to the hospital."

I was instantly alert.

"I'll be there in about ten minutes. Be ready to go."

"I'll be ready."

I'd been leaving clothes out ready to slip on quickly so it only took a minute to dress and head for the rental car. In eight minutes after she called I pulled up at the front of her condo building. She was waiting with her small suitcase in the lobby. It only took a few seconds to get her into the car and we were on our way to the hospital. She told me her contractions were a few minutes apart so I knew it was going to be close.

I'd already been over the route to the hospital and at that time of the morning we arrived at the emergency entrance very quickly. I ran in and told the girl at the desk what was happening and she had an orderly move a wheelchair out and help Maureen into it. She had pre-registered so she could by-pass the paperwork and go directly to the delivery area. I tagged along behind as she was wheeled along. After finding out I wasn't the father they directed me to a waiting room where I spent the next two hours. While I was waiting I called Laurie and let her know what had occurred.

I finally got tired of waiting and went up to the desk to ask about Maureen.

"Hi, do you have any word on Maureen Mitchell?"

"Oh, she had a baby boy and she and the baby are doing fine."

"Can I see her?"

I was puzzled as to why I wasn't told before.

"I'm sorry, she's given instructions that she didn't want visitors."

Strange, I thought.

"Is the baby alright? Can I see HIM."

"The baby's fine. You should be able to see him in the nursery down the hall."

"Thank you."

Wandering down the hall I found the nursery and peered through the plate glass window trying to find her baby son. There were several babies there and I scanned each trying to find a surname Mitchell on each bassinet. I finally spotted it and thought at first that there might be a mistake The baby in the bassinet was obviously black. It was then that a horrible moment of truth hit me. My god!! No wonder she doesn't want visitors. How is she going to face the world with this?

While I was standing there staring at Maureen's little boy Laurie came up beside me all excited.

"Which one is he? She's not seeing visitors right now."

I pointed to the bassinet with the Mitchell name on it.

She gasped as she saw what I had just seen.

"Oh my!! I wonder what happened. Are you sure it isn't some mistake?"

In response I went down and knocked on the door to the nursery. A pretty, little aide answered, and I asked her if she could confirm the identity of the Mitchell baby.

She went over to the bassinet and looked at the tag on the baby's ankle then turned and nodded to me as she pointed to the surname on the bassinet. I heard Laurie behind me.

"Oh no. She must be devastated. I've got to see her."

She turned and headed back up the hall. I followed.

"I saw what room she's in at the nurse's station," she looked over her shoulder to tell me. "Let me talk to her alone."

I nodded my acquiescence. This was something that a woman could do better than me, a mere male. I suddenly remembered about the office and that no one would be there to open up.

"You go ahead and talk with her. I'll head over and open the office." I told her. "I'll see you later."

She nodded and went into Maureen's room, ignoring the No Visitors sign.


It was almost lunch time when Laurie got to the office. She came into Maureen's office, where I was sitting, and closed the door.

"So, what's the story?" I asked.

"The father is Darren. She claims she was so distraught when Bill left for Iraq, that she didn't know what she was doing. She and Bill had sex several times the night before he left and hoped that the baby was his. Now she doesn't know what to do, and she's thinking seriously about putting the baby up for adoption."

"I think she should talk to the father before she does that."

"I know and I mentioned that to her."

"Well, I hate to say it or even think it, but if Bill had come home to find her with another man's baby I don't think there would have been a happy ending for her."

"No, I don't think so either. Its amazing to me how screwed up we can make our lives, and we can only blame it on ourselves."

"How was she when you left?"

"Calmed down some, but she's got to get her emotions under control and work this all out. Darren is supposed to be back in a couple of weeks and we'll have to let them work it out about the baby."

I was amazed at how mature Laurie was at this time. I would expect someone of her age would be baffled by all this. When I told her this she exploded.

"How old do you think I am?"

I felt myself slipping on ice as I responded with some hesitation.

"Errr....twenty two?"

"I'm twenty-six!!"

"Oh, I'm sorry. You look so young and Maureen said you were a recent college graduate so I just assumed...."\

She laughed before responding.

"I like the part about looking young, but I graduated recently from Wharton with an MBA."

I felt like sliding under the desk for a moment before blurting out my apologies. "I'm terribly sorry. Wow!! I feel really embarrassed."

"This is going to cost you a dinner. When do you want to pay up?"

I was starting to get myself under control as I responded.

"I recognize my error so if you're not doing anything tonight we can do it then."

"That sounds good to me, but I think it should be after we go in to see Maureen. She said they'd be sending her home tomorrow with the baby. She called her mother while I was there and she'll be flying in tomorrow morning. I promised to pick her up at the airport."

"That sounds good. We can both go in right after work to see her and then go to dinner."

"All right, I need to get to work now. I had lunch at the hospital before I came in." She told me as she opened my office door and stepped out.

The rest of the day went smoothly, and we got together at 5PM to head to the hospital.


The No Visitors sign was gone from Maureen's door. Laurie went in after asking me to wait outside while she checked to see what Maureen was doing. She was back quickly and waved me inside. I went in a little hesitantly but found Maureen sitting up in bed smiling. Her eyes were a little red, probably from crying earlier, but she seemed cheerful now. She was holding her son in her arms.

"How are you doing Maureen?" I asked.

"Better now, thanks. I guess I decided that I have someone that needs me, and I'd better get my act together so I can look after him. Would you like to see him?" She asked as she folded back the blanket that covered his head.

I saw the black hair on the top of the head and the olive complexion that was so different than Maureen's. He was sleeping peacefully and seemed content.

"He looks beautiful, Maureen," I told her.

"Thank you. I'm very proud of him. All the nurses think he's beautiful too."

Maybe I was being forward when I asked her, "Have you named him yet?"

"Yes, he's going to be Arnold Darren Mitchell. I named him after my father and the baby's father."

"That's an impressive name." I gently smiled at her.

"How are you feeling now?" Laurie asked. "Do you think you'll be ready to go home tomorrow?"

"I'm feeling pretty good although I'm still a little sore down there." She blushed with a look at me.

We sat and talked for awhile until Maureen started to get tired. The baby continued to sleep on her breast, and when Maureen called the nurse to take the baby back to the nursery Laurie and I made our excuses and left.

There were a bunch of unanswered questions surrounding us as we chatted with Maureen but we decided to leave them for another day. Laurie and I seemed to have an unspoken understanding that we would not put any pressure on Maureen until she was ready to talk.