All Comments on 'Trust Left Out'

by juanwildone

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Great, But

Your writing, as always, is first rate. You picked up the story from Sir S. very well. My only objection is that even with a marriage counselor, your hero and Doris have yet to discuss the "Why" question he highlighted, nor the "What did you do with Kevin", nor"Were there any others?" Surely the counselor would have probed these issues and we readers would be interested in the discussion. Thanks though for your excellent work over the course of your stories!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
It's Terrible...

...horrible to suddenly find your heart and your love destroyed. Burying the hurt and not trying to rectify it only deepens and expands the pain and eventually - heart attack .

Unfortunately, she didn't show any sign of wanting to come clean with him and that, that is the show stopper. Typically, she would be trying to think about how little she might have to confess...why, partly from shame and to lessen the hurt and also not wanting to deal with the memories, hers and his.

To some credit she tried to comfort him but it comes across as a dodge to evade any confession of the why's, how and her lack of respect for him or their marriage at that time.

Something she is/was doing currently reminded him of her past dalliance and he believes, probably correctly, that she was unfaithful again.

Going through all these emotions and subsequent conduct - simple, he loved her...but could no longer trust!

Thanks for the story.

zed0zed0about 13 years ago
Glad I didn't read original. . .

. . . sad I read the sequel!

Your character asks; "Am I a walking, talking catalog of crazy contradictions"

Lemme answer that for you; "NO! You're a fucking WIMP!"

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
just me

maybe it is just me but i couldn't stay in the same room with her let alone start fucking her again.

mike2710mike2710about 13 years ago

you can love them... without trust you can not stay with them.

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007about 13 years ago

This story was well written and the husband did man up at the end. However, I can't understand why and how he lived with the knowledge of his wife's betrayal for so long. I damn sure wouldn't have!

SKHPSKHPabout 13 years ago
I could not find the original story...

...that this should refer to as a sequel.

But I think it can stand alone...

Really good writing - but once again: I miss the POV of the wife!

5 / 5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Original is on SOL

The original, and Sir Smegma's follow-up, are posted on Storiesonline.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 13 years ago
Very well done.... really... BUT...

The author does a great job showing his deep mental anguish of being a... well a weak man and a coward.

The WHY is sooooo all important in all of these LW stories because it sets the foundation for ANY possible reconciliation.

The wife's reluctance to talk her affair openly and honestly probably does steem froim the fact that has been #1 in the marriage for a while .... since the hushand was willing to do anything to " save it" . She simply does not know HOW to not "spin" it.

But that is ony Half the issue. The husband knows what he did in terms of how HE dealt with her affair. But he does not know WHY he buried it. He does not know WHY he thought that not confronting the wife was the best course of action. WHY did he think pretending it never happened.... was good idea. ?

However at the end of the story we still dont WHY. Maybe he learned from his wife in the therapy why she stepped out. But the husband has NO answers for himself.

Because of that I dont see why ...given the husband's words and mental state... why he would occassionally go back and fuck Doris. He was still getting sex from other women... so WHY?

RePhilRePhilabout 13 years ago
Very well written story

I really enjoyed your story and your writing is easy to read and follow looking forwad to your next story in this catagory. Maybe alittle more on the impact to the cheating wife. Amlittle more payback I guess is what I was looking for but in the end your story was well balanced

BigJohn601BigJohn601about 13 years ago
I did not get the impression that the husband ever really faced the problem.....

While I could understand his initial reluctance to face down his wife's infidelity with Sanders, I can't understand his failure to force the issue of his wife's continued violation of his trust. He wimped out then and is still wimping out if he does not make a clean and total break from the faithless slut. A well written and very enjoyable story.

bigguy323bigguy323about 13 years ago
Your boy is a pussy. He was as pussy and he remains one.

I'm okay with him fucking the cheating bitch; a piece of ass is a piece of ass after all. But, this eternal hand wringing is a turn off and a big sign of weakness of personality and spirit.

I just don't like him....

cloacascloacasabout 13 years ago
Thoughtful but rushed

You are a thoughtful writer and have written a few terrific pieces. This one had some nice moments but you seem to have forgotten why the story began: his fear that history was repeating. It's like you became ensnared in reliving past events and left out the present: it's like the present has evaporated.

You are very good at portraying inner thoughts but plotting is not your strongest suit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
THe others said it, except..

Your story need pay no deference to Sir Semega. Other than names, there's nothing identifiable you're quoting.

Responses to stories on other websites probably should best be published on those websites. If Sir Semega wanted to be on LE, he could have posted here as well.

You probably didnt' mean it, but it looks like you're shilling for him and the other website.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Well Written, Frustrating as all get out!

We never know why she cheated. She may be cheating with the new guy that she has been teasing her husband about recently. We really don't know much about her, but the evidence that we do have points in the direction of her being a cheating slut. Ok? Send her on down the road and move on for crying out loud!

Instead our hero trades in his old "life of chains" for a new "life of chains". In the end he is still hanging on to something that is not worth his effort. His wife is not worth the effort! He has doesn't have the balls to force her to come clean and he doesn't have the balls to walk away from her.

I am not a wimp-a-phobe. I am a good-story-a-phobe. It would have been a better story if he just walks away at the end.

SELSTIMSELSTIMabout 13 years ago

Your command of vocabulary and your ability to express feelings and thoughts into words is very impressive. Your story drew me in to the extent that I actually felt like I was dealing with a cheating wife along with all the conflicting emotions that accompany that scenario. I noticed that some other readers commented that your story floundered or was rushed and lost it’s original direction and goal. This might be the case but it also shows exactly how the thought process can occur when the human mind is dealing with this type of situation and a possible outcome. Your skills accurately portraying this were exemplary. However, I too would have liked to know if Doris was having another affair even though your ending made that fact superfluous. Your writing is an inspiration. Thank you I really enjoyed it.

warthog50warthog50about 13 years ago
Never having to say you're sorry

I may have missed it, but the wife here seems to come across as being sorry she "hurt" him and sorry she got caught, but I never got the impression that she was really sorry for what she did. Would have loved to have seen more discussion of their counseling sessions...did they never address why she did this??? Seems that was one of the big stumbling blocks to the husband. Also, really would like to know whether there was anything to her recent flirtations before the blowup?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
within the context of the original...

it just doesn't work for me. I am familiar with both the original and with Sir Smega's follow up.

With this follow up there were too many unanswered questions, too little information from the wife.

close but no cigar.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Pretty good tale ....

But as Harry pointed out, a lot of questions that cause the flow of the story to be erratic. Furthermore, she most likely is cheating again with the client because "once a cheater, always a cheater". Unfortunately, we will have to put up with shoe-no-IQ's convoluted ramblings of how she did not cheat, it was just sex & had no impact on how much she supposedly loved him and it must have been the husbands fault again. Christ, what a loser that idiot is. On a lighter note, we appreciate the author's time & effort!

HarryHaversackersHarryHaversackersabout 13 years ago
Best I've read in a while

Your polished writing style aside, you've managed to mess with my emotions by expressing your character's so well. To me, that's a prime feature of a well written, entertaining piece of fiction.

juanwildonejuanwildoneabout 13 years agoAuthor
Trust Left Out...oh my

It's a little early in the process for me to comment but...

(You'll get the most from this if you sing along to the song "Everybody's Talking" by Harry Nilsson.)

Everybody's wondering why

Doris couldn't keep her legs from spreading

Poor Frank among them "OH WHY?"

This story's told from hubby's POV

Doris' excuses mostly declined

MOh how hubby suffered in Sir Semega's original

(at SOL I'll say nothing more)

This epiphany is Franks, his world view has changed

Past reasons, actions - raw and exposed

Some like our Harry and various anon-o-mice

See things in some ways black and white

I've been not graced with seeing things that way

Of my many failings that's just one

In many ways, Frank no longer cares

'bout the who's, the why's, or even the wherefores

He's in a new world, he has his own new rules

He may be making it up as he goes

If you want to know the why's of Doris's deed

Best write your own tale, I'm not inclined

Not saying I'm right here, so please don't fault me now

I'm just a writer nothing more

jasonnhjasonnhabout 13 years ago
Why - because she wanted to

I get the feeling that Doris simply does not want to be held accountable for her actions. Does she love Frank? Probably? But in her mind her actions are independent from her love and basically OK. She would do these things but keep them hidden. She didn't want Frank to know and be hurt but felt that it was OK for her to do them. It's like some movies about organized crime where the mob guys clearly think they are entitled to do what they are doing. They know there are laws against it but essentially don't believe in the laws. If they get caught they are unhappy about being sent to jail but undeterred in their attitude. They live by a different "moral" code. So does Doris. <br><br>

Frank is absolutely right, he cannot trust her because they don't share a common moral code. She might be a good fuck but she will never be a good wife for him. She doesn't understand his expectations and therefore cannot meet them. <br><br>

Frank's emotional gymnastics are interesting but in the end tedious to read about. I fully recognize that people can go through these kind of struggles. BUT, honestly, they are not good reading. Would you be interested in a story about mucking out a cow barn? The smell, shoveling the shit and urine, walking around in the slimy stuff? That's what he seems to be doing emotionally. This is a guy who has screwed up his own head in placing his wife's fidelity "out of mind" to the point of causing himself to be physically ill. Some people do that. It's a miserable thing to read about. Then he can't seem to break free of her. Sorry, divorces can not be held up forever. If one person refuses to cooperate the court starts setting dates and mandating solutions. All the person who wants the divorce has to do is propose a roughly 50/50 split. The court will jump on that and approve it. The judges are not matchmakers. They want to get through things in an equitable manner as quickly as possible. Most delays are because of child custody or large property negotiations that are not evenly split. That doesn't seem to apply here.<br><br>

Why should he stop fucking her? What would he do if she ends up pregnant? He'd be chained to her trust or not. Talk about things that can drive you crazy. <br><br>

This wasn't a bad story but I didn't find the characters or plot to be compelling.

LakesLakesabout 13 years ago
Author, I agree it is your story, and well done!

However, I agree with many commentors here that more on Doris (why and what) and less of the husbands emotional gymnastics would have made this an even better story. IMHO. Still five stars.

bobby9909bobby9909about 13 years ago
Enjoyable read...

This was just what I needed today. Thank you.

sirsemegasirsemegaabout 13 years ago
Well done!

My thanks to juanwildone for taking a stab at this. The main character here is a weak man, and the going back and forth for him in this story really shows that. Why might be a question we all want to know, but he simply cannot even get to that yet. These two don't seem to be the best at communicating on a good day, let alone the crisis that has befallen them now.

Scorpio44Scorpio44about 13 years ago
Very realistic...

and therefore sad. The described thinking is realistic, which is sad. Knowing she was a slut FOR YEARS without taking any action to resolve the internal conflict had to mess up his mind.

It wasn't trust that was left out. The title could have been "Indecision".

cageyteecageyteeabout 13 years ago
Oh Oh!!!!!!

I thought I was reading this for some kind of mindless amusement BUT DAMN DAMN DAMN !!!!!! There is an interesting issue at play here and Juanwildone has pushed me to think about it. I really didn't want to THINK. He writes good stories so I thought I'd take a few moments and enjoy! Damn! Now I've got to think about suppressing what you know, thinking you are doing the right thing to preserve a marriage you think you need to save. Oh well . . . thinking is what I do best as I'm far, far too old to worry about the sexual connotations, but I'd like to write stories that appeal to a wide range of audience, so . . . I've got to think about it!


digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichabout 13 years ago
Frank should have broken all contact with Doris,

The boy needs to grow a pair and look at his wife as a cheating slut that can never be trusted and just dump her worthless ass.

Doris is nothing more than a self-centered slut that is willing to jeopardize her marriage for a few fleeting moments of sexual pleasure.

Not much sympathy for either character.

The story is still open ended. Will the author put this story to bed?

m48gunnerm48gunnerabout 13 years ago

Make a decision.....let's wrap this story isn't easy, but it is life so either they end the relationship and move on, or they try to put the marriage back together. To leave it the way you did is maybe "real life", but it is not very satisfying for your readers.

bruce22bruce22about 13 years ago
Very Fine

and painful, as well as realistic. Since he did not seem to have a family among the objectives that he sought to reach, the new equilibrium, for the moment, is better than the old.

Truly trust is the bedrock of marriage.

jimh67jimh67about 13 years ago

I have to agree with jasonnh. It's fairly accurate portrayal of a weak man's angst-driven internal nasal gazing, but nothing HAPPENS. Not the kind of thing I enjoy, but that's just me.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 13 years ago
Really well done.

I felt this story was deeper and more thoughtful than most found in here. Juan kept his humor in check and gave us emotions, and did it well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
i felt his rage

well written. though i am not sure you "ended" it. but, you did great. thanks for sharing it w/ us.

MissouriUSAMissouriUSAabout 13 years ago
Jasonnh said most everything that I would have wanted to say!

And he said it better than I could have. I haven't read the prior story by the other author.

Ohio had a story a couple of years back based on a similar premise, but in that story there was a whole lot more info/development of the wife's character. The outcome was much different there.

In this story, all that we get is that Doris is a cheater who wants to sweep her indiscretions under the rug and forget about them. There didn't seem to be any real remorse or regret or accountability. There wasn't much likeable about her character at all.

To me it would have been more satisfying if the husband just made a clean break and moved on with out her in the end.

I enjoy reading Juan's stories though and I will look forward to the next one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Harry, Harry, Harry

I often wondered why Harry doesn't write stories of his own. It is because writing takes intelligence and creativity.

But, Harry reading your reviews only proves that you possess none of these qualities.

You remind me of someone who has no education, but thinks they are really smart and they are trying to prove it to others.

Just shut up!

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007almost 13 years ago
Too much!

I've changed since the first time I read this story. For some reason I gave it 4 stars. If I could vote again the score would be much lower. The husband in this story was a wimp throughout. He did manage to gain some semblance of balls at the end, but I can't get over that he would consider going back to his slut wife after her long term affair. I didn't like him or her. How he could put up with her cheating for so long is beyond my imagination. His choice to suffer was stupid and why didn't he inflict some pain on her boyfriend?

roscovichroscovichalmost 13 years ago
Pompous !!

Just.... pompous!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago


so what's the point??

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 12 years ago
This story was about him -

Not her or her explanation or rationale or anything else really -

It is about him and the final realization that without trust there is no marriage or real relationship of any value - he finally gets the real problem behind going back since he cannot actually move very far forward - he already suspects her everyiem she is out - they were arguing about her potential affair with anew guy when he exploded - there is nothing to commit to for him he can't believe anything she says -.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
cuckeye0007 wants to downvote

because something in the story is beyond his limited imagination? Bodes ill for any story beyond "See Spot Run" as far that cuck is concerned...

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

The moaning little troll with the pin sized dick is reading every single cuckold story on this site, poor little troll no one to play with?

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
did RandomHardon

ever get his creampie?

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
did RandomHardon

ever get his creampie?

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
did RandomHardon

ever get his creampie?

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Just mindless talentless and boring Prattle about nothing.

One of the worst on this here site !!

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

leads to malice afore thought. TK U MLJ LV NV

chytownchytownover 12 years ago
Nice Read

Thanks for sharing.

UndrApprctdUndrApprctdover 12 years ago
Writer makes a choice

to put a story on this site that is either erotic or thought-provoking. I think it's fair to critique the thought-provoking stories in a more serious manner.

In that sense, I think readers try to glean from these stories nuggets they can use to apply to parts of their own relationships. Having said that, is this really the message that you want to send to lost readers that are searching for ways to make sense of their damaged relationships? While I appreciated the writing, I question the message sent.

count2threecount2threeover 12 years ago
A well told Story.

That aside I likes Sir Semegas own ending better than yours. Not because he is a better Author or it was better written but because it gives a better sense of closure. In your ending it is completely unclear of what character the Wife is, so one cant help feeling as lost as the protagonist, which is of course what you intended. It is unsettling nonetheless.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
he was a cuck, is a cuck, always will be a cuck

until he slam dunks the bitch with a burn the bitch divorce and moves on in life.

trite_readertrite_readeralmost 12 years ago
Dude! Commenter below:

Fuck man, get over your obsession with that fucking word. You're sickening to read I tell you, and you're fucking ruining it for everyone. For fuck's sake, get a fucking life!!!! There are more things out there than just cucks and cuckolds! Really man, grow the fuck up!

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 12 years ago
A Marriage Without Trust

Is not a marriage. It's roommates who share expenses. Its an oxymoron. With marriage there is trust.

It's good he left the bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

he is suckling the spent dick, stroking the stiff one, betrayed!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Cheaters are worthless pieces of shit

Divorce her if you want to keep her around as a piece of meat to fuck treat her like it and kick her out of the bed when done but never stay married to them. They went out and spread their legs so that is all they are worth to anybody. Once a cheater always a cheater.

SingularMindSingularMindover 11 years ago
Another Poor Ending

This story is unfinished. The author just left the reader hanging. This is not the first time for this incompleteness. It seems that the author sometimes does not know how to end his stories.

BTTapBTTapover 11 years ago
Second time reading this.

I just loved the way the story was told. I bought the actions and words of the characters and the thought process of the hubby. It was something of a non-ending, which I typically don't like in anything other than a flash-story. But I can overlook that for such an interesting, emotional, cleverly-written story. Despite possessing a fair share of tragedy, there is a lightness, humor and positivity to it as well that the author does a great job of bringing forth. The narrator's unburdening of his secrets is cathartic for him, and the reader.

semofuncpl3semofuncpl3over 11 years ago
Don't know which of them is stupider.

The cunt for thinking she would get away with cheating or wimp for even thinking about taking her back, let alone keeping her all these years. Nuke her ass with the evidence.

robinhodrobinhodalmost 11 years ago
This story has been around for some time now so maybe all the comments are in:

As is often the case with thought provoking stories the comments are wildly varied. There are plenty of the usual BTB anonymous dribblers. There's Harry of course, (he's a special case, but the big benefit of seeing his name is that I can skip over his scribble).

Then there are a few comments from established writers, whose opinion I value. They liked it.

So did I (not that I compare with HDK - top bloke). The writer has created (alright, borrowed but that's OK) characters, and has made them act in accordance with those characterisations. It works very well. Some may not like it, but that's life, it isn't always neat and it doesn't always go as we would like.

Well done Author.

lance_spearmanlance_spearmanover 10 years ago
The original

by Sir Semega published in seems to be based on Visiting Richard Gronier by Ohio (or mayb its the other way around - I don't know).

This sequel started off well, but I think the ending was very very weak. Its almos like the author lost a train of thought and didn't remember where the story was going, so just wrapped it up. I was expecting much better.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago
Enjoyed it

Clearly unfinished, so I guess I will just say . . .

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Stupidity vs Hypocrisy

"We've since christened that room: the Office of Collegial Benefits. While I am surprised at my own hypocrisy, I confess that I am only human." I can't believe that anyone is stupid enough to equate a long term affair in the midst of a marriage to someone having sex in the midst of a divorce. Up to that point it was a better than average depiction of the turmoil of emotions during the demise of a marriage. Beware of crappy reasoning.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
The dumb fuck

Ather is so confused. There was no need for this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Nothing confusing about it

The last sentence is what matters without trust no relationship survives. That's the only question anybody needs to ask when confronted with a cheating spouse. "Can I ever trust them again?". No need to BTB just leave and STAY LEFT. Why put yourself through the emotional wringer?

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
and ending?

not really. If this was supposed to bring sirsemega's beginning to closure, it missed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
another no ending story

enough said

Tootight1Tootight1about 9 years ago

liked the concept, and timing. nice job.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

what a pile of shit.

if you read the original, this thing totally fails as a sequel because the main character is completely different here. and even if you didn't read the first part, this story is patetically unfinished.

stay away from this crap.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
comment not needed

1 star for nothing

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
5 stars for content

and effort. Fuck you annony you asshole

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
What was the point? 1*

It meandered. Neither of the characters were developed. They in fact regressed and became inconsistent to the point when the reader loses all empathy with them and is past caring.

Part 2 written by the original author was a much superior offering and at least finished the story.

Tootight1Tootight1over 8 years ago
2nd read

nice story, and seemed accurate from one perspective. from the story I can understand his position, but sitting on the fence only leads to getting it in the end. he should be thinking about the future events, and how they may unwind.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Piece of shit....


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Why live in this purgatory. Paying for a woman he no longer wants. Stupid beyond words.

Jay80Jay80over 7 years ago

Pages of the same words over and over, just really boring.......

tazz317tazz317over 7 years ago

a marriage sans these is in dire straits. TK U MLJ LV NV

Xzy89cXzy89cover 7 years ago

Same thing 8ver and over. N8thing change from first paragraph except she moved out

C_frommnC_frommnover 7 years ago
Read the Original

Liked your follow-up on the Story. as for Boring everyone has an Opinion.

I would have liked to see Him let Her see him with his Lady Friend. and feel the Pain.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

makes no sense. he already knew she had cheated and decided to live with that, what changed years later? no a real sequel.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 7 years ago
Enjoyed it

Enjoyable, but cliche ending.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

dumb cuck shit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Chatty, Catty, And Batty

This protagonist grinds his gums in a mealy-mouthed torrent of self contradictory garbage. What a sissy. Is that how you live when a woman shits down your throat? What a sick bastard.

The only story of the Wild One's that I've ever disliked.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
kevin fricks

Seems given her past history he would have been having kevin and wife followed

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
1 star

for the auto cuck bio, pathetic waste of human

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchalmost 6 years ago
Extremely well written

Lots of growth by hubby, including getting his Nads back

Deserves a much higher score. Get some JWO

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
One star for unfinished story

You took somebody else's story to finish it and then did nothing.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Not bad

Another very good, if a.little short, completion of a story. I prefer my bitches burned a little crisper though.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

don't give up your day job! You being a shrink and trying to write about it has failed. Gave this 1.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Very realistic

This story I've walked in real life. It's pretty accurate. My first wife hates me, my second committed suicide, my 3rd is extremely jealous of my first wife because I had a mistress for revenge fucking. We're still friends- the mistress- today and that infuriates the 3rd wife. The Mistress and I are both former Army; the 3rd wife is a silly-villain.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Whatever this "author", and I apologize to real authors everywhere for my indiscriminate use of the word, actually does to make a buck? Someone close to him should urge him to keep on doing it! Unenjoyable!

MormonJackMormonJackover 4 years ago
Wow... thanks for sharing

To me these were real experiences and real emotions. I've seen parts of this played out in real life and have felt these emotions. The way you laid them out was terrific.

KRD19254KRD19254about 4 years ago

So Doris decided to tease him with her new Paramour Kevin. they had an 8yr marriage where she CHEATED during the first few years with a co-worker Gerry until he moved out of town after Frank confronted him. Only then did Frank rate Doris's pleasures. Now she decides to teasingly name drop her new paramour, Kevin. With this reality hitting Frank full in the face, again," Her long hours, missed calls, and the drop off in our sex life were all dismissed as me being childish." Frank blew a gasket, can't blame him one little bit other than he tolerated Gerry's tryst.

I'm only surprised it took that long since she was again cutting Frank off sexually. 8yrs and no kids - this marriage had some serious issues that Frank was blind too.

Since Frank is too damaged to get married anytime soon, cut her off financially, live his own life - she will fade away. Better yet take a transfer away from this town/state, if possible - but don't take any $$$ losses to enact this new life.

WargamerWargamerabout 4 years ago

He is better off without her, she is a villain thru and thru.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 4 years ago
I've seen it before.

The story rings of truth well told. I'll never understand the cheater who loves their spouse, but I suppose it has something to do with a need to maintain distance between some and those they love. I've seen it before - relationships that are highly committed, but superficial. It's like some often unnecessary protection mechanism. He's better off. She can't change.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Dorris threw away every opportunity to grow up

She was a 'spin master'. There was never a moment she didn't try to avoid telling

the full truth. Manipulation was okay. Lying was okay. Disrespecting her vows

was okay.

He gave her millions of chances to come clean, and even a few during their final

confrontation. She hurt someone deeply she claims to love. Her love is cheap.

Her soul is cheap too because of it.

His soul, on the other hand, is only growing stronger with every day he lives without

trying to 'make it work'. She is not a small helpless child. He is not her father. If she wants to act out and be toxic, she can do it all by herself. He understands that now.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Why is every husband in your loving wives stories such wimps? Seriously, give them some backbone. Also the wives in your stories are the same as well, evil cheating sluts who have little remorse and seem to think their actions are forgiveable and their husbands should just get over it. I normally prefer reconcilliation endings but not here or in any of your other stories. These wives characters deserve to be burnt or huge dumpings.

lee5456lee5456almost 4 years ago
Take her back?

How fucking stupid can you get

lee5456lee5456over 3 years ago
What a stupid twat

If she didn't want to hurt him she wouldn't have done it in the first place

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Just the typical LW husband

passive, weak, needy...not recognizable as a man.

skruff101skruff101over 3 years ago

I’ve never understood the concept of staying with someone who doesn’t love you, anyone who cheats doesn’t love their partner (male or female).

How do we know this?

There is a simple logical argument progression that goes like this.

“If you loved me you wouldn’t have done did it ergo you don’t love me”.

Psychologists, psychiatrists and marriage counsellors do all in their power to brainwash vulnerable people into believing relationships aren’t that simple, whilst making an awful lot of money convincing couples to try again and everything will be fine.

Life is that simple, relationships are that simple but we are told by those professionals that complexity is healthy and helps us grow as caring human beings. They are practically yelling that it’s okay to cheat because there is nothing that helps a marriage grow stronger than a forgiving spouse.

Yeah right!

But I suppose if all the authors on this site used that logic progression stories would only be half a page at most and where’s the fun in that.

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

I understand this a little less than I did the first time. Really doesn't make much sense.

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To all the authors I've stolen from - ya caught me red-handed - at least that's all I'll admit to having in my hand. None of these stories ever occurred - except between my ears, which I should probably go and clean now.