Tucker Fuller's Borderline Hotel


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"That's Big Tony Moore?"

"In the flesh," she moaned, still looking away, "Oh my goodness."

"Oh my badness," I looked at Tony's double wide ass.

Carla moaned.

"That's the guy you divorced?" I watched Big Tony shift his considerable bulk on the stool. The metal pipe that supported his seat cushion groaned and popped as the flange that kept it bolted to the floor creaked. I looked at Carla, "Holy shit."

"Did he see me?"

"No," I said and looked back at Tony. He was staring back in our direction, his thick brows furrowed into one broad uni-brow.

"Really?" she asked hopefully.

"No," I shook my head, "He's coming over here."

"Fuck," she hissed and then sat up straight and fixed her hair. She looked at me, telling me to play it cool. She said, "Follow my lead."


Big Tony arrived like one of the alien starships in "Independence Day", slowly rumbling up to our table and casting a dark shadow as his mass blocked out the over head lights. He wasn't just broad and thick, he was also quite tall as he loomed over us. His beefy face was shiny with sweat despite the air conditioning. He looked like a mobbed up, forty five year old cherub. His mustache had caught some of his dinner as he glared down at us.

I smiled stupidly.

"Carla," he said. It wasn't "Fee Fi Fo Fum," but it still sounded imposing.

"Anthony," she smiled and looked up at him.

He glowered at me for a moment and then said, "You look beautiful, Carla."

"Thank you," she replied and straightened out her dark blue dress. It was the same version of the black dress she had been wearing earlier and had the same tantalizing effect on her body. Big Tony noticed me looking at her and coughed. I looked at my menu.

"Would you like to join me?" he specifically asked her.

"Actually, I'm here with my boyfriend," she said apologetically.

"Boyfriend?" he frowned, "Already?"

"It's been a year and a half," Carla reminded him as I looked over the wine list, "And yes, a boyfriend."

"Where is he?" Big Tony boomed. I was wondering how she was going to pull this off.

"Right here," she grabbed my hand and squeezed.

My eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as she stroked my hand with her thumb. She looked at me desperately as the giant processed this new development. We only had moments before Big Tony achieved comprehension. I smiled and nodded, grabbing her other hand. I said, "Oh yes, hi. My name is Tucker."

"Tucker," he said blandly and held out his gargantuan hand. I reached out to meet the shake. As he enveloped my whole hand in his palm I seriously considered if Tony might actually be the missing link between humanity and the primates. He released my hand from his after giving me a bone-crushing squeeze.

"Tucker Fuller," I said as the blood rushed back into my hand. Somewhere in the back of the dining room, the hired music began to play some soft, generic incidental music that was so grossly misplaced to our little conversation I almost laughed. I think it was a jazzy little interpretation Menudo's greatest hits on piano and guitar.

"Nice to meet you," he growled.

"The pleasure is all mine."

"Would you like to dance?" Big Tony asked Carla. His disrespect for me, her new fake-boyfriend was staggering. She looked to me, her mouth open as she tried to find a way to say no.

"Actually," I said sternly and stood up against Big Tony. I swear to God, my face only came to his right man-titty. I looked up at him and said, "Mind giving me a little room, pal?"

He looked down at me and I knew he was going to break me in half like a bread stick. And then Carla grabbed me and took me to the dance floor, leaving the wall of human chub that was Big Tony Moore alone by our table. She put her arms around me and held me way closer than I had ever dreamed possible. Her breasts pressed against me in a wonderful pressure as she linked her arms around my neck. I held her by her hips and we began dancing. Her perfume was lavender and it only served to make feel as light as air.

"What was that?" I asked, inhaling her.

"That was saving me from him," she said quietly and smiled broadly, "Smile, act like you're having a good time."

"Shouldn't be too hard," I shrugged. I looked over and saw Big Tony return to the bar. He glared at me, his eyes asking me, 'So, do you like your knee caps Tucker?'


"Yeah, really," I said as her fingers ran over my neck back and forth, "I haven't been a boyfriend in a long time."

Carla laughed. "I find that hard to believe."

"Seriously," I insisted, "I really have not had a date in two years until tonight."

"Why not?" she frowned.

I shrugged. "There's no fun in dating unless there's a risk to your health from gigantic, jealous ex-husbands."

She looked at me for a moment, her eyes concentrating on mine as she bit her lip a little and said, "You don't mind dancing with an old woman like me?"

"Are you kidding me? You're thirty eight, not eighty-eight."

"Pull me closer," she said as she stepped up to me and closed what little room there was between us. Her body was undeniably rubbing against me now, and I knew she could probably feel the erection in my pants against her hip. She pulled me into a full hug and laid her head against my shoulder. I slipped my arms around her and just went with it. She said, "Make it look like we're really into each other."

'No sweat,' I thought. From across the room I saw Denise and Mariah enter the dining room. They looked beautiful as always, dressed in nice evening gowns and immaculately groomed. Denise looked around and then saw Carla and I dancing. Her eyebrows raised up, thoroughly surprised as she nudged Mariah. Mariah looked and smiled broadly, as though she had predicated this would happen. I wondered if she had known something would happen.

Was something happening?

"He's watching us," Carla whispered, "Tony is going to come over here in a minute..."

"What do we do?"

"Grab my ass," she said quickly.


"Grab my ass, Tucker," she repeated.

I slid my hands down the small of her back and rested my open palms on her full buttocks. I didn't know what to say or do. I was so thrilled at the reality of my actually touching her ass that I could hardly think. As we turned and the bar came back into view, I saw Big Tony walking over to us. Even the way he walked was huge and slow.

"He's coming," I said out of the corner of my mouth, "I think me holding your ass is pissing him off."

Steam was literally rising from his bald spot.

"Shit," she muttered.

"I think-" I began to say but never finished.

Carla put her hands to my face and kissed me. Her lips felt like velvet against mine as her tongue darted into my mouth. My heart stopped for a minute as I rolled my tongue against hers. Our breathing picked up and became urgent. Even though I knew Big Tony was going to crack my head like an egg, I felt that certain death was worth this perfect kiss from Carla Moore.

Then a huge hand fell on my shoulder like fifty-pound lead weight. Big Tony grasped me and lifted me into the air like rag doll. My stomach flipped, a move reserved only for when I'm on the rollercoaster. My glasses flew off my face and I was suddenly airborne. I sailed over two or three tables before coming to hard rest against an elderly couple. Luckily, there were resilient and had been leaning against the partition for support. I grazed them and crashed to the floor, hitting the back of my head again and covered in a fine spaghetti meal.

I heard people screaming and yelling before I blacked out, and the brief sound of Carla yelling at Big Tony.

And then all was silent.



I mumbled something.

"...Tucker?" echoed a soft feminine voice.

I shifted my weight a little, my head throbbing.

"... I think he's coming around..."

I felt a soft pillow behind my head.

My vision slowly came around as stars orbited my vision for the second time in an hour. I blinked and saw Carla first, her face pinched with worry and unnaturally white. Next to her were Mariah and Denise. Denise was shaking her head sympathetically while Mariah supported my head. The snotty manager was standing off the side talking to some cop. I could hear the mumbling of many people talking all at once.

"Tucker?" Carla asked softly.

"I had the most wonderful dream," I whispered and looked at Carla, "You were there..."

I glanced at Denise, "And you were there Tin Woman..."

Mariah rolled her eyes.

I smiled at her broadly, "... and so were you, Cowardly Lion..."

"He's okay," Mariah said unimpressed.

"Big Tony really threw you," Denise said.

"Can't slip anything by you," I grunted as Mariah helped me sit up and looked down. The pasta had ruined my shirt and pants. I looked around for my glasses, but they were nowhere to be seen. "Where is he anyway?"

"Took seven police officers to haul him out," Denise laughed.

"I believe it," I said and then looked at Carla, "You all right?"

"Now that you are," she smiled and squeezed my hand.

"I don't get it," Mariah spoke up, "What happened?"

"I had Tucker pretend to be my boyfriend when Tony showed up," Carla explained, her guilt over what had happened to me so thick it nearly fell off her in rain drops, "Tony got pissed and tossed Tucker."

"Oh," Mariah said unconvincingly, "Pretending to be?"

"Pretending," Carla repeated.

"Right," Mariah shrugged innocently.

"You know," I rubbed my forehead, "I think I'd just like to go lay down."

"Come on," Carla helped me to my feet, "I'll get you settled in."

"Sure you will," Denise whispered under her breath.

The walk back to the room was silent and filled with a pensive energy I couldn't shrug off. I knew Carla felt bad over what had happened to me, but I didn't really know what to say. She shouldn't have felt bad. I enjoyed every minute of our farce, and the kiss she had laid on me was worth the unscheduled flight Big Tony gave me. Part of me wished that Carla had been truly interested me. In truth, all of me wished it.

"Tucker," Carla said softly as she unlocked the door, "I am so sorry."

"Don't sweat it," I smiled, "A good beating lets you know you're alive."

"Tucker," she shook her head.

"Okay," I said and sat down on the bed, "Seriously though, it's okay."

"You're not mad at me, are you?" she asked as she went into the bathroom and ran the water in the sink. I watched her from the edge of the bed as the steam curled up from the basin. God, she was beautiful.

"Carla," I said, "You ask me that one more time and I'll scream."

"Sorry," she said and frowned. Her face seemed pinched, like she was holding back something she wanted to say but couldn't.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She nodded, "Yeah, I think so. It's just that Tony is such a cluster fuck."

"Well, we did egg him on."

"I thought if he saw me with someone else he'd leave me alone," she sighed and dipped a washrag into the water, "It's my fault."

"Mine too," I added, "No one forced me to grab your ass."

Carla looked at me and smiled a little. She rang the rag out and shut the water off. She walked over to me and offered the damp cloth. I took it and wiped my face off. The hot water felt good against my skin. I suddenly found myself wondering what Carla might taste like, what her sex might feel like against my lips. Was she as hot and soothing as the washrag? I felt an erection beginning to swell in my slacks again.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," I said.

"When we kissed," Carla said awkwardly as she sat down beside me, "Did you, you know, enjoy it?"

I tossed the rag over to the dresser and said, "Yes, I did. Very much."

Carla looked away as she blushed. I had never seen a grown woman blush before, but here was Carla of all the people in the world turning red. I asked, "Did you enjoy it?"

A little smile crossed her lips, "Yes."

I looked away, feeling butterflies going crazy in my stomach as I considered the possibilities here. We were on the verge of a revelation, and I knew that if we only pushed it a little bit further, we would be having sex together before the night was done. I didn't know how I knew that. I'm not very intuitive and I don't know jack shit about women in general, but something was telling me she was as interested in me as I was in her. After all that happened in the dining room earlier, she had to be.


"Yep?" I breathed as my cock hardened into a concrete pillar.

There was a moment of excruciatingly wonderful anticipation.

Finally she asked, "Would you like to kiss me again?"


Carla moved closer to me, so close I could smell her perfume again. I faced her, not wanting to show my nervousness or eagerness to tear her clothes off and fuck her until the sun came up. For once in my life, I wanted to play it cool. Her eyes were locked on mine as she leaned forward a little, breasts pressing against my arm. She placed her hand on my upper thigh, and I knew for certain she had more in mind than just kissing.

Her lips met mine and she shivered.

"Would you like to touch me?" she asked, her voice offset by a small quiver.

I swallowed hard as my heart pounded in my chest. I raised my hand and cupped her left breast, gently massaging it through her dress. She took a deep breath, her eyes locked with mine.

"I meant everything I said to you tonight," I rubbed her hardened nipple.

"It's nice to hear every now and then," she said.

"It's the truth."

"Would you mind if I said I wanted to do more than just kiss you?"

"Not at all."

Carla ran a finger over the bulge in my pants, "Would you mind if I took your clothes off and fucked you?"

"I thought you'd never ask," I managed.

"It's been so long, Tucker," she said, "And the way you've been with me tonight..."

"I can't help it," I shrugged, "Beautiful women just bring it out of me."

Carla licked her lips.

"I want you," she whispered in my ear, "Right here, right now."

She leaned into me, staring into my eyes hypnotically as her lips parted. Our mouths connected and we shared a kiss that was so slow and deep it made the one we had shared on the dance floor seem like a peck on the cheek. We kissed like that for a while, my hand massaging her tit as she slid her hand over my crotch and began rubbing back and forth. I could feel our body heat radiating in waves as we kissed.

"You're sure about this?" she whispered as she kissed my neck.

"Absolutely," I said.

I French kissed her and pulled the straps of her dress down around her shoulders. Her skin was so smooth, like silk as I rolled the material of her dress down and exposed her massive tits. I realized that I was going to be the guy who found out how big Carla's tits actually were. Her brown nipples were visible through the flimsy red transparent material of her bra, erected and excited at the prospect of being licked and loved.

"This is going to sound juvenile," I said as I looked at her chest, "But what a set of tits."

"42 Triple-D," she said and kissed me again, thrusting her tongue into my mouth. I reached up to unfasten her bra at the front, my fingers fumbling with the clasp for a moment. Finally, it popped open and her huge tits were released from their confines. I couldn't help but lean back and take in the view.

"Carla" I whispered, awed by her big, pear-shaped tits. "You're so sexy."

Carla blushed again at my passionate approval of her breasts. She smiled at me and cupped them in her hands, lifting them so they formed a perfect line of cleavage.

"You like them?" she asked

I leaned forward and tongued one of her nipples before sucking it into my mouth. Carla arched her back, her silky smooth breasts pressing against my face. I sucked on one nipple and then the other, all the while kneading and massaging her breasts. She leaned back on the bed and relaxed. I followed her down, kissing and suckling on her breasts. I sucked and played with her tits for as long as she would let me. Carla uttered small moans of approval and desire as her hips squirmed underneath me.

I slid my hands down her thighs and then up under her skirt. The sound of my palm against the nylon stockings made a barely audible zipping sound as I boldly felt my way to her pussy. Carla opened her legs slightly as I leaned to one side, still kissing her nipples as my hand found the moist delicacy beneath her nylon panties.

"Don't be shy," she whispered and raised her hips a little.

I kissed her again, sucking on her tongue. She moaned into my mouth as I pushed my palm flat against her panty-covered pussy. Carla was getting extremely excited and I felt her juices seeping through her panty hose, invitingly warm and wet to the touch. Carla took her hand and placed it on my erection and began giving me long sensual rubs. She worked her hand up and down on my bulge as she breathlessly kissed me.

"I could make you cum with my hands," she breathed.

"You could make me cum with a look," I replied, rubbing her outer lips through the material of her pantyhose.

"Let me jack you off," she said huskily.

I nodded and let her push me back on the bed. Carla unbuckled my belt, unbuttoned and unzipped my pants all-the-while never once letting her eyes fall from mine. I shifted slightly as she pulled my pants down over my hips. She smiled wickedly and then pulled my underwear aside, allowing my eight-inch cock to spring to attention in front of her. She made a soft sound in her throat and licked her lips as she eyed me. She gripped my cock in her hand and began to jack me off, pulling down tight and firm as my head turned purple.

"Just as big as I imagined," she said and glanced appreciatively to my throbbing member.

"You've wondered about my size?" I asked, honestly surprised.

"How many times have you wondered about the size of my tits?"

I watched her work her hand up and down along my shaft of my cock, tenderly yet forcefully commanding me. Her tits were jiggling and swaying with her jerking motions as she licked her lips again. Carla leaned forward and began rubbing my cock around on her breasts, teasing her nipples with it, leaving a small snail-trail of pre-cum across her flesh. She pressed my hard dick between her cleavage and began jacking me off with her tits. Carla tucked her chin in to look down at the big, swollen purple head of my cock protruding from between her milky breasts. If ever I were to die, I hoped it would be like this. The world was shaking for me as she tit-fucked me, treating me like some sexual idol to be worshipped.

'I don't deserve this,' I thought almost incoherently, 'Sexual idol? Please...'

"Would you like me to suck on it?" she asked, releasing my cock from between the heavenly confines of her cleavage.

"Please," I groaned and reached up to the back of her neck, pulling her down towards my cock. Carla gripped my cock tightly as I guided her.

"I swallow," she looked up at me, "So give me something good to eat."

"I think I can do that," I said as she pressed her lips to my cock.

"I love a strong cock," she teased me as she licked and rubbed my head around on her face, sliding it across her sultry lips.

"You're amazing for the ego," I said, her arousal of my cock so intense that I felt like I might explode right there.

"I mean it, Tucker," she breathed, "You have a gorgeous cock."

"God, Carla," I smiled.

At that point, I didn't care if she meant it or not. Her touch was like being jolted with a pure, hot strike of erotic lightning. Carla ran her tongue over her lips, moistening them before pressing them to the head of my cock, making it pulse and throb in her hand She licked my head again, a long slow purposeful lick that lasted too short an eternity as she prepared me. She kissed it several times, moving her lips around on the head, sliding down the shaft and back up again.