All Comments on 'Turnabout Pt. 02'

by IntuitiveJ

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chytownchytownalmost 5 years ago
Thanks For The Read***

Nice finish.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Look dude if your so desperate to discover "forgiveness" just let us all know where you live so we can all fuck youwife and you can "forgive" her to your hearts content

imatrojanmanimatrojanmanalmost 5 years ago
Something is missing!

Not a bad story, not a great one, but overall pretty good. The thing missing is Bruce's ass whipping. Bruce walked away scott free. Not good! Just not good!

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago
Well ok

Well you certainly zig zagged a little on that one. There were a couple of twists in there that I wasn't expecting. After all was said and done, it was a story about a couple that didn't communicate. Carrie committed a crime and let her boss blackmail her for sex rather than tell Jim about the gambling. He waited almost three years to confront her about cheating. I like the reconciliation, as they both cheated and made many.mistakes. I thought it was a very good story, but I'm afraid you're going to catch hell from some of the readers.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
He’s a fucking jackass who

Needs to be called on his bullshit. At every opportunity, he blames Carrie. At no point does he accept responsibility for his actions, for his shit. Nope, all he does is blame his wife.

She fucked up and she owns her shit but he never does. Not once does he say sorry. Not once does he beat responsibility for his actions, all he does is say Carrie started it.

That’s not the words or action of a man...that’s the words of a coward and Carrie would be better off without him.

If the author doesn’t have the balls to write a good story then I suggest you don’t write at all.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
1 star

Stupid and a wasted time reading.

PowersworderPowersworderalmost 5 years ago

Ah, I thought Carrie was being blackmailed.

I wasn't too keen on the ending though. She willingly whored herself out to escape her debts... but it was totally unnecessary. If she'd just been honest with her husband, they could have threatened to reveal the blackmail and easily got her out of it. Even if the boss had still turned her in, she could claim it was all a mistake and start crying... the courts are notoriously soft on women.

While she might not have been cheating willingly, the pain and heartache she inflicted on Jim was very real. He suffered for 2 years, knowing the love of his life had fucked another man.

I think a better ending would have been Jim spending the last two years preparing for his divorce. He should have been squirreling away money to make sure he got better than a 50/50 split and started searching for an attractive younger woman to replace Carrie. I suppose at least he got to enjoy fucking Shelly and his wife actually saw them, so she'll be stuck with that memory forever and only has herself to blame.

tompo296tompo296almost 5 years ago
Thank You

Well! Thank you for putting the twist into this story, I was not expecting that. After reading so many 'cheating wife' stories it was good to see a different direction as to 'the why' the events took place in the first instance.

More power to your pen!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
This is pretty bad

1st of all the story seems very contrived. The husband the reasoning for not confronting his wife 2 years ago makes little sense given the age of the kids who are about to graduate high school . It comes across as a plot device So the story could be dragged on 2 more years and the husband and end up making a mistake in having sex with his coworker that 1 time.

2nd while it appears that the wife made a very bad decision regarding the 2nd mortgage and her gambling and not Telling him what she did... A reader going through this story Gets the sense that maybe the wife has a point as to why she would not tell him. Quite frankly he comes across as an asshol

Harryin VA

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Just wondering ...

In part one 1, Jim emailed people at Carrie''s work denouncing the affair between his wife and her immediate boss , Bruce .... and we know the resulting fallout .

I just wonder how or why her fraudulent expenses claim managed to remain a secret between herself and Bruce ?

ReedRichardsReedRichardsalmost 5 years ago
Well, you get some points for originality, but . . .

. . . Jim is as dumb as a box of rocks. He says that he’s going to divorce Carrie, but his heart isn’t really in for that, so he decides he’s going to hurt her. What kind of revenge is that? It’s as though he half wants a divorce and half not, but wants to have Carrie make that decision. That ain’t exactly manning up.

I’ve been excoriated for comments before that some cheated on husbands were acting as they were written out of foolish pride, but this story was written exactly that way. Jim was a good husband but still carry a major grudge, and finally decided to hurt Carrie the same way she hurt him, but he was still not planning on divorce. No matter how many times he said it, he was never really took any real action in that direction. If he’d wanted divorce, he’d have had the paperwork work ready the day of his revenge.

Huge plot hole: Jim got Bruce fired because he was fucking a subordinate, but when that happened Bruce would have revealed that Carrie had defrauded the company and she’d have been fired, too.

And how stupid was Bruce? He’d have gotten as much as he did by hiring a real whore, and not made himself vulnerable. Carrie should have known Bruce was a dead fuck; show me a man who says his wife isn’t interested in sex and I’ll show you a man who hasn’t made sex interesting for his wife.

kiteareskitearesalmost 5 years ago
Can you promise to be a one-woman man

So now he wants her to have a sex change?

Couldn't resist.

Was going with 4* until the very end, dropped it to 3* Oh yes kids we've been so solid...

how about, don't be fucking stupid like us, your mum fucked up but hid it from me which compounded it which made me do all sorts of crazy, sorry about that Carrie my apology is a little overdue, and nearly broke us apart.

You teach your kids what you learn, that way they can hopefully avoid the stupid mistakes you made.

Not a great fan of "did it because they were blackmailed" as often what they show is the person isn't comfortable enough with their partner to confide in them, that is the 1st point of disrespect and betrayal and potentially an argument for divorce in itself.

@Nony asking how her fraud didn't come to light.

Presumably Bruce covered it up or he would be caught up in any backlash from it. Further down the line he wouldn't admit to it or he would end up in front of the police too.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
What a let down.

He has two years to plan and act out some sort of revenge yet he didn't do anything really regarding finances and he changes his plan left and right several times. No divorce papers at the ready. Then he does screw his coworker and the benefit of that was she saw it. Yet she really didn't go over the top about it. The author didn't explain why or that it was because of her cheating with the boss it was just that she thought things were getting better? Now hubby had some type of revenge but for being so angry for two years he is satisfied? I thought he would have said he gets three more fucks to even the score and then still divorce her.

Blackmail, if true, doesn't make the cheating any less severe. She thought it over, planned it, negotiated the number of fucks, included blow jobs, did it, then came home to him and cut himont of sex.

Yes he is an asshole for holding a grudge but she is not a saint and someone to admire and defend. I know it would have been a totally different story but he should have confronted her day one and when she explained the blackmail he would still divorce. The kids would have been fine.

Two flawed characters.

Richie4110Richie4110almost 5 years ago
Well Done Loved It!

Communications are always the biggest problem in any relationship. You have captured it in this story and created the perfect example of how failing to address the problem rationally allowed it to escalate beyond control. Emotions are just and added problem in the solution.

Thanks for a wonderful read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
It improved, and it had lots of turnabout

I liked a lot about your story, but Carrie feigning outrage seemed silly.

I'm glad the husband called her out on it. "I didn't set out to hurt you."

I call bullshit. She set out to BREAK her marriage vows. Her goal was to cheat, and his goal was to cheat. The difference is the husband wanted her to find out. And I suppose in some warped way, that justifies everything for her. I'd ask her how it felt to 'always wonder if I was out with other women' if I was the husband. Because that's the hell she put him through by 'sparing his feelings'. And ask her how would it feel to stay in a marriage you felt was a complete lie, for the sake of the kids? Because that took a lot of strength. So hell yes! He cheated. He deserves a mistress.

I wouldn't be apologizing once if I was him. I noticed for some fucked reason he did most of the "I'm sorry". She seemed to avoid it, and only either attacked him, or justified herself. Not much for personal responsibility. Yea, two wrongs don't make a right. But Carrie was happy to take her cheating to her grave. She was happy 'not getting caught'. Maybe she told the whole truth, we'll never know. What she said might sound good in her head, but I'd divorce her in a heartbeat for what she admitted. Heavens only knows what actually happened.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Contrived doesn't begin to describe weakness of the plot

The wife literally whores herself out at 2K a pop, and she's an object of sympathy? Why doesn't this plot work? 1. A 10k gambling debt for a couple like this is annoying, but hardly a financial life or death matter. The eventually 8K balance was obviously even less so. As a motivation, this simply doesn't work. As problems go, this is Lucy Ricardo territory. 2. While it wasn't "extortion" (as per the author), the double bonus filing was theft, but the amount was 4k. Now, were talking peanuts for this couple. She preferred stealing to coming clean with her husband about the 4k balance on the 2nd mortgage? How very sympathetic and plausible /sarc/. 3. The boss was clearly blackmailing her, but they were negotiating over a period of months? Anyone in her position would have recorded the blackmail threats given the many opportunities that there obviously were. The boss would have also had a major sexual harassment problem. The tables were too easy to turn. 4. The children are practically out of the house, but we get the "For the sake of the children I have to create the deceitful appearance of a wonderful marriage until they are out of the house" cliche to string the story out. With a 16 and 18 year-olds this is hardly plausible. If divorce is in the cards, the waiting isn't really going to spare the children anything. 5. The "If only you had confronted me" line is one of the most absurd in all of LW. Let's see, the author somehow thinks that, yes, she betrayed her vows, husband and family by literally becoming a whore, showed a lack of respect for her husband in several ways, lied by omission about the gambling, the mortgage, and the affair, stole money from her employer, but if she had only "explained" this to her husband during a "confrontation", he would have said "Oh well, then, under the circumstances everything is "O'tay"? This is utterly ridiculous; it offends the reader. Moreover, and finally, the author throws in the "male ego and pride" trope. That's a bitch-slapping offense. Here we have yet another author who has internalized the feminist lie that is used to distract people from holding women accountable for their actions...don't pay attention to her whoring, stealing, lying, etc. or subject the cunt to punishment. No, the real problem is "male ego and pride". The author tried to do something "different" in this story. He succeeded. It's one of the worst jobs of plotting I've ever seen.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
"Carrie? Can you promise to be a one-woman man"

The guy gets the wife to promise to be a one-woman man!

AMerryman ***

dragonmann72dragonmann72almost 5 years ago
I can't buy it

first I'm glad the marriage was saved but your road there was not one with a lot of curves but one straight off a cliff.

I don't care what state you live in if she won $5000 at a casino she would have to report it as income and file it on their taxes. Next even for five years they would have wanted to claim the interest paid on the second as a deduction on their taxes.

You would have been money ahead if she had just gotten drunk and he took pictures of having sex and blackmailed her that way. Why would she think he would stop at just four times after the first.

I only have one thing else to say, "Oh look there's a shark lets jump it".

jasonnhjasonnhalmost 5 years ago

False moral equivalence to make all things even. She cheated, he cheated, all is equal, right?

Carrie made a LOT of bad choices and worked to conceal the cost of those choices from her husband, which was itself another bad choice. She gambles away money they can't afford. She steals money from her company to cover it up. She whores herself out to cover the theft. She conceals it all from her husband. It feels like she is a kid who did something stupid and is trying not to get caught.

Jim finds out about the whoring and does ... nothing about it. Because it would be too tough on the family if he did. OK. That was one option. Then he decides to get revenge by staging a fuck that turns into a real one. So, he fucks a woman one time vs. his wife's gambling, stealing, whoring x 4, and lying.

Carrie's implication is that she was "blackmailed" into being a whore. That's supposed to make it OK? She was blackmailed because she had a gambling problem and became a thief to cover it up. It was more palatable to betray her vows to her husband rather than be honest with him about her bad choices. This is how a drug addict behaves, lying their way around all the mistakes they make.

Jim's choices and behavior isn't exactly sterling but is nowhere near the level of Carrie's. The reunion at the end feels like they both apologized and forgot it all. Jim doesn't have MAJOR trust problems with Carrie that she was an out of control gambler and thief and whore and CHOSE to lie to him about it until she was exposed? All of it just went away and all is now Disney World?

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggalmost 5 years ago
Against All Odds: Venal Couple Wind Up Staying the Course & Arrive in Principled Providence

The story was a bit contrived and the characters veered to cardboard end of spectrum. Yet I credit the author for not getting mired in preachiness or vengeance mode. This was about cold blooded payback gone awry. IntuitiveJ swerved my expectations in a good way .

Minor characters and dialogue were pretty rote. The author has, however, good sense of pacing to climax.

Room for improvement, but credit is accorded for the offbeat conclusion.

I thank IntuitiveJ for sharing.

silentsoundsilentsoundalmost 5 years ago
Ok. Gave it 3*

It would have been 4 but when they were strolling down memory lane and Carrie was finally coming clean about all her shitty deceptions and whoring, she didn't give her side to the reveal at work. Your protagonist didn't flesh out his part in the transfer of Bruce either.

This was good writing even though I didn't sympathise with your protagonist or your whore.

Carrie was a manipulative, deceiving whore that absolutely shit on her marriage due to her own shitty behavior and never came clean about it or repented and never would have.

Your protagonist was a little too wishy washy for my liking but what knocked the story down was not fleshing out the ending.

The reconciliation did not make a lot of sense and there just wasn't a sense of balance or equity.

Carrie really didn't deserve her marriage and she wasn't allowed any device to redeem herself.

Shelley was an interesting, and kind of funny, twist but fucking co-workers has very serious complications that weren't addressed either.

There is far too much the feeling that the author just made a wonderful and complex trainwreck only to snap his fingers at the end and say "It's all better now so there."

I didn't realize the author had the infinity gauntlet.....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Revisionist history plus years-long revenge

Equals reconciliation!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
i can see this happening in real life

Carrie got caught padding a commission, because of a gambling debt. Bruce wanted sex as payment . She should have told her husband. He probably would have worked it out lit really wasn’t a affair. But her actions were so fucked up. she is portrayed as a loving wife and mother. He could have divorced .people always do stupid things. Both suffered , this was a good ending to a bad situation.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Not a raac at all as someone else mentioned. She didn't have a lengthy affair, she was blackmailed into the sex and he was able to get at least or him a little bit of revenge

GrimmerGrimmeralmost 5 years ago

That is the thought formost in my mind as I finished reading chapter 2.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Contrived is the perfect description of this.

Just a mess of stupid characters doing stupid things to advance a stupid plot. Surely the author can do better.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Adults acting like children

I guess these stories wouldn’t be so good if the characters acted like adults instead of children!

danoctoberdanoctoberalmost 5 years ago
Tough call

Besides the heartache, financials are a bitch in a divorce. Taking that in as a part of the equation, this was the correct conculsion. This woman wasn't evil, more like foolish. Still, could have fell either way. Very well written. *****

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Didn't hold together.

Gambling and Blackmail excuse was as acceptable as a Martian Slut Ray. The financials didn't add up either. And to MC missed mentioning his getting Bruce the lover fired. Very disappointing this turned out RAAC.

texxmantexxmanalmost 5 years ago

Jim is an idiot. There is an expiration date on confrontation as much for yourself as the other person. To hold a grudge and seek revenge over 3 years is a pretty miserable existence. By the time he gets off his ass to do something he looks like a fool and the bad guy. And in fact he cheats just as much. Waste of years for everyone.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
A great finish

You definitely stuck the landing.

blackrandl1958blackrandl1958almost 5 years ago
You're a nice writer, Mr. J

The language was clear, you write lucidly and your stories aren't disgusting. I thank you for that. The plot is not one I would choose, and the lack of marital communication was appalling, but that made your story. Keep writing, please. You're very prolific. Might slow down a bit and take a little more time with your plots. Thanks for posting, Randi.

johnadpjohnadpalmost 5 years ago
If we dissect why our spouse cheating hurts us, this resolution is very plausible.

1. The self-doubt that cheating creates. Was I not good enough. Was he a better lover. Is he or the affair more exciting and how can I compete with someone new. This case had none of that, and she loathed the other guy.

2. The lying aspect. This is definitely one of the bigger ones for me. I truly go out of my way not to lie. But I saw something recently said that the average person lies 10 times a day, most things as simple as saying you're doing well when in fact you're not, or when we say her dress looks good when it doesn't type of thing. So the reason one lies matters. She wasn't lying so that she can continue having fun on the side. She was lying to hide her shame (losing money gambling), and of course later on the shame of having to screw him because she was worried about losing her job, being black-balled from further good employment, and possibly going to prison (although I feel the author should have made the gambling amount larger). Yes, she was lying as much (if not more) to protect herself than him, but still the lie was not so she can have fun fucking around on the side.

3. The betrayal aspect. Again, was this betrayal? In Casablanca the French cop tries to coerce a woman to sleep with him for passports for her and her husband. Rick saves her from doing that. But if she ended up fucking someone she doesn't like to get her and her husband's out of death's way is it betrayal? This couple seemed like they weren't doing that well financially (she needed to get a loan to cover $10,000 in losses) how would her losing her job, being black-balled from getting good employment in the future (if charges were filed against her that would be public knowledge for future employers to see), and possibly going to prison and the costs associated with that affect the family and the kids he loved so much and was trying to protect? Would the kids have to forgo college?

4. Getting one over me aspect. I have a super competitive personality and it bugs me if someone gets something over me. So part of why reconciliation would be hard for me that even if I got over the short term stuff (emotions, feeling of self-doubt and betrayal, etc) in the long term it would bug me that she got away with something and I had to take it. In this case she wasn't trying to get something over him at all.

5. Now she has now known another man. Most of us in first world nations don't marry virgins anymore. So that aspect on its own is not that big of a problem.

6. He was able to see if the shoe was on the other foot how she would handle it. He saw that she would want to keep the marriage and fight for it. Even before she knew that he knew and she suspected he was cheating she didn't try to divorce him or even confront him. She wanted this marriage at least as much as he did.

I'm not a BTB guy, but in almost all the LW stories if it were me in that position I would very likely divorce and move on. However, in most cases if they are able to reconcile I'm happy for them, even if it's not the road I would have taken. In this case after 25 years of marriage, they seemed to have a truly good marriage and family, I'm happy they reconciled after why she cheated came out.

He could have very easily been in a similar situation and he would have wanted her forgiveness. The difference being that if his boss caught him the blackmail would have been to pay $100,000 hush money on the side to keep quiet. He would have had to "steal" from the family money to keep the boss quiet. And if he did take on a $100,000 loan (an amount that seems to have been devastating for this couple) to pay off the boss for the blackmail would he want his wife to forgive him if she discovers it? Her blackmail being sex, and not money, is only because she is a woman.

The first chapter had this intensity about it as I felt I was being pulled to this impending doom before he discovered her cheating. While I realize this was the resolution chapter, this one didn't have any intensity like the first one, and I felt the quality of the writing wasn't as good. But the first part was good enough that I gave both 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Rack'em up!

So "getting even" isn't such a good idea? But how does he sit and stew on her cheating for all those years and THEN decide to get even? Did he really think that was going to solve anything? I found the ending to be trite and unbelievable. They magically forgive each other, she loses her gambling problem and they have lots of grandchildren. The Disney ending. It just felt wrong.

2 stars

Tiger27Tiger27almost 5 years ago

Enjoyed the series! I do, however, think the Shelly thing was over the top. I think the author should have used something less extreme, like leaving on a Friday or Saturday night and not returning home until 3 or 4 AM. Being evasive like Carrie was or answering a question with a question etc. Then when Carries confronts our hero he lets it all hangout about her affair with Bruce. Just how I envision the ending, but then again it isn't my story.

All that said it was a great series and I hope to continue enjoying this authors stories.

5 stars.

PS Fuck the retards! They know who they are..........

neilnblowme2neilnblowme2almost 5 years ago
new excuse

a new excuse to put into the cheaters manual of excuses ... i was blackmailed

good one ... not

2 * for content and the 2 cheaters deserve each other ... may you cheat on each other again and again

the writing was great i enjoyed it til he cheated too ... then you lost me

abitshyoneabitshyonealmost 5 years ago
loved it

people make mistakes, , he managed to get over her mistake long before he fucked shelley, , he regretted that deep down I think, , a good story, well written , well thought out, thanks for sharing,, this was well worth a 5 plus

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Actually, it's kinda good they stay together

They're both assholes, and if they had split up who knows what damage they would have done to others.

ManoBlueManoBluealmost 5 years ago
Waist Of Time

This was a terrible story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Bad story

Terrible ending

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
It felt real

I agree with Tiger 27 about the revenge going too far, but I thought the stories were palpably human — and you maintained real suspense about an ending that could have gone either way. Really good work.

meganann10meganann10almost 5 years ago

Very interesting twist at the end everyone makes mistakes this couple made many but was able to get past them. Good story with a surprise ending

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Mmm not sure 4*

Please remember less is more. You set the scene well with his discovery but the rest was too far fetched. Good attempt though.

I gave 5* for first part.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsalmost 5 years ago
I knew some readers would hate this...

...but I admire the truth in the story. Victims of cheating spouses do stay married to see their children off. I'm not sure I buy her reason for cheating, although I do think it was honest within the confines of the story. I just think it was a ridiculous decision. People do heal, but it is hard and takes both. And it takes communication. Good story, if painful.

deblackbusterdeblackbusteralmost 5 years ago
That was a wild ride

I kind of loved it. I shouldn't have, but it was great.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Bruce's life however

was not a happy one'

After being sacked from his job he eventually found work, at a greatly reduced pay scale.

He tried the old blackmail sex again but this time he picked the wrong woman to blackmail. This woman told her husband immediately as she loved her husband totally. Her husband was a senior member of the local organised crime group. He was enlisted after he discharged from the Navy where he spent 9 years as a Seal.

One night Bruce was kidnapped, by 3 very nasty very large men and taken to a dimly lit warehouse. Several days later a badly injured Bruce was dropped off, outside the Municipal Hospital, with several pieces of his anatomy missing. Not only were all his fingers and toes in a plastic bag around his neck but his penis was missing. Add to this the multiple broken bones it was obvious that he was involved in something bad and was unlikely to survive.

Well survive he did and when the Police finally had a chance to question him he was unable to say much, as his tongue had been removed as well.

Bruce is seen shuffling around town these days unable to talk or relieve his sexual frustration (his testicles had been left intact). He has tried to end his life many times but without fingers he can,t use a gun, or hold a knife or even tie a rope. One day he will succeed though as he is planning on throwing himself from a tall building,

afanoffanlitafanoffanlitalmost 5 years ago

What a piece of crap story..... He could never be with a woman who disrespected him....and then he can because she was disrespecting him to cover up from stealing from their savings....this was horribly inconsistent. Get someone to pre-read your work and see if they can avoid these kind of problems the next time.

njlaurennjlaurenalmost 5 years ago
As they say

To err is human, to forgive is divine. Messy situation and neither of them handled it well, he didn't confront her and let it stew for years,she didn't trust him enough to confess whst happened with the gambling, and it blew up. Not so sure it would have been that easy, but in the end two wrongs sometimes make a (somewhat) right.

penneydog55penneydog55almost 5 years ago

Regardless of what people say it had a happy ending and that's what counts. ..5 stars★★★★★

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Not Great ...

Not bad either. The ending seemed to be rushed. The author did a great job of building the story to the climax and then it was 'they decided to work it out and they happily ever after.'

It would have been nice to read how they worked it out. Five stars for story development, minus one for mailing in the ending = a solid four star rating.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Uber hasn’t

Been around long enough for them to have used it ‘then,’ and be grandparents now. So much wrong with this that that is the least of your concerns.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
And the moral of the story is, . . .

never hesitate to confront a problem as soon as you are aware of it. Which in this case would mean they would have gotten divorced within months of her fucking her boss.

So, she's not only stupid, but also a liar, a cheat, a thief, and finally, a slut. And he should have stayed married to that because she was being blackmailed?

So, knowing she's a self admitted dishonest person, he believes the blackmail story why? Shouldn't be too hard for her to show the paper trail where she lost all that money then paid it back. And why wouldn't her embezzlement come out when her boss got fired? His wife must have heard that he was fucking Carrie. Carrie was distraught when her boss got fired, but she should have been happy. And if she thought she was going to get caught then, why didn't she preempt her husband's discovery with her predicament then?

It keeps coming back to Carrie lying and concealing and keeping her fingers crossed that her fucking around would never be revealed. Why difference does it make why she was fucking her boss, lust, love, or coercion? She still betrayed her husband and her children to do what she thought was in her own best interest, regardless of the lack of ethics, morality, or fidelity to her marriage vows.

A thought provoking story, and that's worth something. The way you ended it is an option, but not a very realistic one.

Thanks for the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

He finds out his wife stole from her employer, has no problem with it and even gets over the cheating because he banged some co worker with about as many morals as his wife. What a pair of assholes.

WhackdoodleWhackdoodlealmost 5 years ago

She stole money and was blackmailed. I guess in for a penny, in for a pound. Hubby discovers it, rather conveniently, and rather than confront or address it, he does his best to hurt her. Then he “accidentally” fucks another woman.

Basically, neither one of them is angelic and maybe that’s the point the author was making: that we all fuck up, the choice we make is whether to stand by your partner for better or worse or do you abandon ship, so to speak.

If this was the case, then well done.

moralcompassmoralcompassalmost 5 years ago

I enjoyed your story but the ending is a complete nonsense. I can understand a man living with a woman for the sake of his children after finding out about her adulterous behaviour. I did something very similar to this and for a lot longer than 2 years. What I find impossible to believe is he can regain love for her knowing she is not only an adulterous but also a compulsive gambler, a forger, a thief, an embezzler, prostitute and obviously a narcissistic.

1. Adulterous – She willingly had sex with a man who was not her husband.

2. Compulsive Gambler – People who are compulsive gambler always believe their next bet is going to be a winner. She obviously fell prey to this because she continued to gamble even after losing her original winnings. It was money she didn’t have to lose, the epitome of a compulsive gambler.

3. Forger – Forger her husbands’ signature without his knowledge, putting him $10,000 in debt.

4. Thief – Firstly, she robbed her husband then she stole from her employer.

5. Embezzler – Falsified a report for her own financial gain.

6. Prostitute – Sold herself to a man to cover her previous mistakes the same way a drug addict sells herself for the next fix.

7. Narcissistic – Throughout the story the wife showed no regard for anyone other than herself. Her actions were purely self-centred. She gave no thought to how her actions would affect her husband, her children, her extended family, her boss’s wife and children or her employer. Her only motivation was to not get caught, regardless of the affected it had on others.

The nonsense part is when the author said they held no grudge and mended their relationship quickly. The man must either be a saint or a total laughing stock. With what she put him through over several years (he might have only known for two but it all occurred before he found out) how could he continue to live with, to trust and to love Carrie? Let me assure once you have lost love the way it was described he’d lost his love for Carrie there is no getting it back. When he did find out the truth, she wasn’t less guilty she was even more culpable. This was not an accident it was complete and deliberate deception on Carrie’s behalf.

By not trusting her husband enough to tell him when she first lost the money or before she forged his signature or before she embezzled her employer was bad enough but not to confide in him once she was being blackmailed was abhorrent. That was the final straw displayed her lack of love, respect and appreciation for her husband.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Pretty Well Written.....but

I’ve commented before that I can’t get into stories where none of the main characters are at all likable and that’s what we had here.....a husband and wife that have few, if any, redeeming qualities.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Find a plot that makes sense, i.e., a scenario in which real people might find themselves, and then build on it. This story was a farce from the beginning, and it devolved from there in Part 2. That's a shame, because the writer has some skills that can be enhanced with additional writing experience.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Really I thought this was magnificent

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 5 years ago
@moralcompass Re: Gambling

Yes, some how I missed that! She was UP $5,000, was close to $10,000 (we don't know how close, let's say $9,000). She starts losing, loses the $9,000, and KEEPS playing until she's lost ANOTHER $5,000?!

BuzzCzarBuzzCzaralmost 5 years ago

The characters, as written, made decisions that were consistent. They aren't likable people but the author made them that way to fit his plot. All-in-all it's well done and I can appreciate the writing skill if not the storyline itself. Hence, the title of my comment.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 5 years ago

A happy ending is all that counts? Right and wrong don't matter as long as there's a "happy ending?"

bruce22bruce22almost 5 years ago
No Major Complaints

But the turnabout was not very convincing.

MightyHornyMightyHornyalmost 5 years ago
I asked only one thing from this author: ...

To not turn his MC back into a lovesick, romantic dumbass.

Well... fuck what I want, right? It's not my story.

However, the juvenile way Jim handled EVERYTHING about the dissolution of his marriage (he actually did absolutely nothing for one and a half years, but wait til his kids where out of the house, with no exit strategies planed at all... And, even worst, the first thing he came up with, when it was time to move on, was playing mind-games with her!? The hell, man?...) and the unrepentant RAAC ending that followed it pretty much guarantees that I will never bother re-reading this sadass tale ever again.

To believe anything that Carrie said about her affair is already a stretch; but, if you're OK with taking her words for it, boy does this woman lacks sense! Hey, how about admitting to your husband that you were blackmail into cheating if you're genuinely sorry about your actions, you silly cow? Of course not - it would be like saying that you've actually did something wrong.

In a nutshell: the MC is an idiot... who happens to be married to another idiot. So, honestly, those two idiotic characters do deserve each other. In the meantime, we all deserved a better story. Overall, not your best effort, author. Thanks anyway.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

I’m more of a btb guy but in a rare occasion the make up and stay together is the right thing, like in this story. I’d have added a more in depth look into her side of her story and definitely found the guy and his wife or ex at that point to get info from her . The guy even two years later would’ve definitely been found and had his balls kicked in at least once especially if the blackmail story is true. The problem with catching a cheater is you will never truly trust them again. There will always be a little doubt. Your whole lives together will be second guessed. I’d also would have liked to have her tell of the fallout when the got caught at work and everyone there knew they were married cheaters. I’d think at that point he’d fight for his job and calling her out on the money

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
That old saying comes to mind.

Two wrongs don't make a right but truthfully who's to say it does or doesn't. Jim and Carrie both cheated and even tho Jim did it out of revenge he learned how it felt to be in Carrie's position and vice versa.

Granted both Jim and Carrie got past this and came out stronger because of it,I just wish we had found out more about Carrie's boss Bruce,whether he ended up broke and homeless or what since he was the piece of shit that blackmailed Carrie into sleeping with him.I think instead of Bruce's Wife divorcing his ass,she should have pulled a Lorena Bobbitt on him and whacked his pecker off with a butcher knife while he slept and flushed it down the toilet for good measure.

Sorry prick deserved nothing less.As for the story I am like an optimist and that love can overcome anything if you work hard enough to fix it.Great story and great ending.

danoctoberdanoctoberalmost 5 years ago
Seems a reasonable conclusion.

Balancing the scales in a marriage is impossible. Especially as messy as this marriage went. I could see the husbands frustration. He wanted to kill her and he wanted to love her. So he compromised and decided to kill her with love the rest of her life. Ok, that's bullshit, but it's what happened in the end. Second chance? What the hell...why not?

SevMax2SevMax2almost 5 years ago
While I'm not partial to monogamy, I have to say

....this is one of the few RAAC stories that actually makes sense. Some say that revenge affairs are not the answer and that trite cop-out is brought out that "two wrongs don't make a right," as if justice could ever be a wrong. I think differently. I think that Carrie need to be forced to put herself in his shoes. Forced empathy. I don't frankly grasp why people get so hurt by sharing and cheating, but since it hurt him so much and clearly hurt her, the imposed pain worked. The scales balanced, karmically speaking. If that's what it took to get it out of his system so that he could reconcile with her, good. He could exorcise his demons that way. Sometimes, you gotta snap and vent before you can heal.

gardalmungardalmunover 4 years ago
I don't believe her.

Load of crap. If she was so sorry why hadn't she been trying to

make it up to him? It went on too long for it to have been only 4 times.

She had keys to her bosses car for fuck sake!

sanman52sanman52over 4 years ago

MC never brought up the Victoria Secret's purchases on her credit card. Purchases which he never had an occasion to see on his wife. Who were these for?

Wife needs to find some reason to repay the money she stole from her company. Bruce may be gone, but an audit or another anal-retentive boss of hers could still find her double-billed commission. By the way, I took her theft at a full 8K. Another commenter seemed to think it was only 4K.

One final thought, 'trust but verify'. Wife has had 2-3 years to refine her story if she needed to explain to her husband what she has done. Is she telling the truth, lying or partly lying and partly telling the truth? After all, what does she do for a living - she's in sales. MC needs to check her story out as much as he can before reconciling.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Should not have happened

I would have Divorced Carrie .. When I caught her Cheating ... She should have told him the truth from the start ..

xiluaxiluaabout 4 years ago

Not really. I hate it when authors make their male characters be so fucking dense that they border on mentally retarded. In real life men that stay for the kids are just pathetic wimps that don't have the balls, self worth, and dignity to be a man and do what needs to be done. When you divorce , you are divorcing the spouse, not the children. There are some situational cases where that is the recomended action but, not here. Think about this before you create another pathetic male character.

RuttweilerRuttweilerabout 4 years ago
Story was OK, "Love" the Comments

This story is a good illustration of the consequences of: 1) Not communicating, and 2) Jumping to conclusions. A marriage is a partnership, and partnerships require communication to allow the two parties to understand and agree on goals, policies and strategies, and to stay in harmony with one another. Stop talking and it *will* go off the rails.

I get that this genre is a safe place for men-who-hate-women to vent their rage and spew vitriol, both in stories and comments. Mostly comments, many anonymous. What is clear to me is that these women-haters see women only as things to possess and use, and not as independent human beings. I believe that a lot of what is wrong with our culture can be understood simply by reading the comments on these LW stories:

- If a woman you've married ("own") betrays you, you are entitled to destroy her in any manner you desire, up to and including mutilation and murder.

- Women are understood to be unable to learn from their mistakes, ("Once a cheater, always a cheater"). No woman is ever entitled to forgiveness, only unending suffering and pain.

- A man's love for a woman is based entirely on how she looks, fucks and stays in line, and can evaporate in a moment if she appears to EVER have been unfaithful to him.

It seems to be a really strange kind of "love", having more in common with owning a really nice car. If the paint gets scratched, ya don't love it any more. In this world, women (wives) are merely convenient, or, perhaps necessary possessions, never partners.

I'm amazed at how ignorant these men are about the emotional states of the women they claim to love. If they were really in tune with their mates, a lot of this cheating would never happen. But, of course, how can they be emotionally in sync with a possession they don't respect, and don't really believe (or care) is a full human being?

Boy, these guys REALLY seem hate women. I really do suspect, however, that the REAL target of their hatred -- is themselves.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Poor story

Just cliches strung together

jtwheelsjtwheelsabout 4 years ago
Long way to go nowhere


AlericAlericabout 4 years ago

Why didn't he just knock on the door when he was at Bruce's house? That would have been the only choice in my mind. Drag his wife out naked by her hair if he must, but interrupting them was a must.

I know a lot of you think an ass whooping is appropriate, but think about this. An ass whooping is temporary and will land you in jail, not them. Getting them fired, destroying their reputation, their marriage, and maybe putting them in prison carry unforseen consequences in the long term, and hurt a lot more. You are basically ruining them for life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
He needed to fuck someone else 3 more times.

Other than that, good story.

WargamerWargameralmost 4 years ago

A story, badly told with unsympathetic characters who are in essence fuckwits!!

What else can one say??


26thNC26thNCalmost 4 years ago

Ending was not what I was expecting. The old blackmail dodge. She should have told him, it would have saved a lot of grief.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
About 5 pages too long

Maybe 5 1/2 pages too long?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
The old blaming spreading trope

"My pride and ego have contributed to the damage, and for that, I am sorry."

She was 100% responsible for everything. Once she spread her legs - she created the situation and let herself be blackmailed - he had no obligation to be faithful to her. She deserved it all.

I don't object to a reconciliation, but the childish, feminized moral reasoning is an automatic 1.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I dont know, but I think the main character can be made a little more weak and pathetic. He has not quite reached rock bottom, but apologizing to his wife for her having an affair was a great stride in that effort.

Wh00sherWh00sherover 3 years ago

Good grief. Talk about a wimp husband.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I read many of the previous reviews & agree with some, but this the first story in a while that has a proper ending.

So many authors just stop after the discovery part.

I think the books were balanced & the time they had together waiting until the kids were in college gave them time enough for forgiveness.

His session with Shelly evened things out & let him forgive.

I liked this story & gave it 5 stars.


lujon2019lujon2019over 3 years ago

eight grand, which could be seen as a mistake isnt going to net jail time for a first offence, especially when couple with a blackmail rape scheme, odds are with a couple of recording she would have been paid to go away and could have gotten a job elsewhere assuming she even got fired

Dnvrdave58Dnvrdave58over 3 years ago

Wow a BTB and an RAC in the same story this is a great story and I appreciate it. Everybody got together in the end and it was a great way to end story. I also gave this a 5.

secretsalsecretsalabout 3 years ago

The blackmail part comes off a little flimsy, but well-written otherwise. They could have split up or stayed together at the end, didn't matter that much. Getting there was an interesting ride, though.

mattenwmattenwabout 3 years ago

No, your protagonist is not a wimp, he is a cuckold and an idiot! Children feel faster than adults when something is wrong between their parents. So what should the nonsense wait with the 18 months. And that you didn't give your protagonist a character, as usual in your stories, shows that he continues to have sex with this slut. Even fear of STD or HIV does not seem to deter him. And your way of letting the victim become the perpetrator in your stories is no longer alien to us. Your protagonists are sloppy tails! But as I said, we know your cuckold love by now!

MightyheartMightyheartalmost 3 years ago

Decent RAAC

By the end, I wanted a RAAC and not a BTB


kencorokencoroalmost 3 years ago

Yeah right. His pride and ego. Always blame the victim when the perp have to be forgiven.

To Mightyheart, there can be more than 2 different outcome to a marital conflict. The BTB(burn the bitch/bastard) and RAAC(reconciliation at all cost) are just the extremes. Reconciliation and forgiveness are supposed to be earned to be justified. If it's not, divorce should be pursued or the marriage should not survive if they stay married.

In some story, the reconciliation were gained by simply recounting the couple's love for each other and made light of the offense. This in my opinion is just bullshit romantic trope RAAC.

In most story though, the victimized spouse always have to be put down so that the first offender can be forgiven. Usually through bullshit marriage counselling. Still RAAC.

Very few reconciliation story shows how repentant the offending spouse is so they can be forgiven.

In this story the husband's cheating after their marriage was broken by the wife is compared to her 4 time cheating, embezzlement/extortion, mortgage document forging to pay her gambling lost, and her self-serving whoring to cover up her crime.

In the end, the husband is the one apologizing first for not communicating. She's the one who is supposed to apologize first for not communicating many times for more than 3 years. She only apologized after she asked about him fucking his coworker again. What a selfish woman.

At least add something that she did to earn forgiveness, such as sacrificing her job by confessing her embezzling to expose the blackmail by boss. And then resolve the issue of the stolen money. Maybe figure out if she have gambling problem and solve it. Develop a new character trait that corresponds with her improving self such as no more money-grubbing attitude.

There are plenty of things to do by the wife to justify them reconciling so please figure it out and show it. In this story, only the husband's thought and action are shown. They have children, and their moral will have effect on them.

If the author have to put down the victim or bring them down to the perpetrator level so the author can make them reconcile in the end, I have no respect for their story and its characters. If the author spent that many pages going through their offending action, please put at least that much on their act of contrition (by the offender, in this story, the wife). This story have an okay build-up but concluded weakly.

Most of us LW readers who hates RAAC are not just simple BTB lovers. We can accept reconciliation if they are justified. And in this story it is not.

MapleMilkMapleMilkalmost 3 years ago

This comment applies to the story as a whole. It could have been a 5-star story--but there are too many non-sentences where the reader has to guess the meaning, too many name screw ups, too many abrupt changes of mind for no apparent reason, too much chatty wishy-washiness, etc. I like your story lines, but all of the above make the stories annoying to read. An editor could probably help you clean up the problems. Thanks for writing.

SlamnukeSlamnukealmost 3 years ago

Lazy story writing, carbon copy of the other stories. You’ve written the same storyline 4 times now with almost exact reactions from everywhere. Oh the poor wife was blackmailed! Fuck that slut, she could have immediately told her husband but nope. Whatever your original career is, you should stick to that and let actual talented writers make stories. 1 star

hicountryriderhicountryrideralmost 3 years ago

Way too wordy, convolute, And by the way you generated the story this is one of the very few times I actually have a little sympathy for the chilling wife.

Yes she should have gone to her husband straight away instead of whoring herself out.

To her boss is guilty of extortion an extortion which she could have used to cancel out her crime in his eyes and thereby the whole thing would have gone by the board.

Last 2 years of planned retribution is just plain sick.

He should have just walked in on them while they were doing this and had the whole thing out right there right then.

The extortion plot would have been revealed and the whole thing resolved right there on the moment.

This is just another tale of a man who gets hurt and has no guts to immediately deal with the situation Has any normal man would.

No needs for violence just simply straightforward confrontation To resolution.

Remember the man was married and caught in the process of cause tend to be divorced. Don't you think you've forgotten about this Extortion plot?

You like many other writers try to get cute and make the story unbelievably complex and relatively unbelievable. It's just simply not necessary.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

you got to be kidding. He sees his wife screwing another guy and waits two years to do something?

desecrationdesecrationover 2 years ago

I don't think this story was too wordy; I think it moved along nicely. Then again, I like a full fleshed-out story, just not to Charles Dickens levels. I am unconvinced by the ending, simply because the device of her being blackmailed works in theory but not reality. In reality, she had lots of moments to rein herself in and stop the disaster, but she went ahead as if it was a snap decision she had to make one Tuesday night only.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I might have negotiated 3 more sessions with Shelly

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Not quite a 5, but a solid 4 1/2 stars. Good job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

sorry, still a cuck

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Amusing that all the "Alphas" choose to communicate anonymously. I gave this 3*, I liked most of it except for his cheating because it "just happened" which is horse malarkey. The whole blackmail plot is idiocy, how upset does she think her husband is going to be about the money? Was he abusive? It is ridiculous that she covered up her gambling by then having sex with her boss. There's no logical reason why she shouldn't just tell her husband about the gambling.

Richie4110Richie4110over 2 years ago

Well done, loved it! Thanks

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