Tuscany Ch. 04


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Lori, tired of being everyones bitch snapped at the young man, "You want, well speak up young man, I do not have all day!" her voice was much more harsh than needed and rather than intimidate the boy it empowered him. He was not about to be yelled at by a slut.

"I was going to wish you a nice day, Cunt, but I think it best we go inside, away from my father's eyes, " the boy pulled from his pocket and swung the medallion from the Kennel Club in front of Lori's eyes.

The realization this boy saw her used and beaten by Bruno, strangely excited her. The fact he was given permission to order her around and play with her, like a puppy or common whore made her even more intoxicated with lust.

"I am sorry, uh, uh, I am sorry I do not remember your name," she stuttered.

"My name doesn't matter now. Get into the house!" he pointed towards the back entrance. Lori knew she had no choice and walked back to the house. John followed, wanting to be sure this boy stayed within the rules Bruno had set forth.

Once inside the home the boy walked up to her and roughly squeezed her breast. John stepped forward and said that was not part of the deal. Bruno never said anything about contact between Lori or any of the men there that night. He threatened to confirm this with Bruno. The boy continued to hold her boob, contemplating his options. Bruno was explicit about no touching and he is the last person the boy wanted angry. He let go of her and stepped back.

"Strip. Take off your dress and everything but your heels. Now!"

Lori suppressed a smile when the boy realized all she had on was the dress and heels. She let the garment slide to the floor and stood directly in front of the young gardener.

The boy was frustrated, he had a beautiful older woman naked, a few feet from him and he could not touch her. His cock ached but he was too embarrassed to pull it out in front of this couple. He made her turn around, had her jump so her tits bounced and finally had her open her pussy up for him to see. It soon became awkward and he told her he was looking forward to seeing her at the kennel again. He added he would not be so easy on her in the future. The boy stormed out of the room. John handed her the dress and she slipped it on, feeling somewhat unsatisfied with the turn of events.

They drove into town and as John expected, Lori pretty much ignored him. When they returned she went directly to the bedroom and John spent another night on the couch.

Early on the morning of the third day Lori received a call from Bruno, She spoke very little, just occasionally acknowledging something with a 'yes'. After the call she turned to her husband and told him Bruno was taking her to Rome for the next three days. He was to drive her to the train station now. She said she was told to wear what she had on and not to bring anything with her but her purse, passport and a toothbrush. John said he'd throw together some items when Lori explained John was not going.

"Bruno said he only wants me on this trip. I will explain each detail, " Lori emphasized the last word, "to you when we get back." She could tell John was going to protest and stopped him with a movement of her hand and for the first time in awhile a gentle voice, "John, we have no choice. I know him enough to feel he will not go further than our fantasies. I will get through this, don't make it harder on me than it is....Please."

John shook his head in agreement, hoping to God Bruno didn't believe all he was told. He drove his wife to the train station and watched as she boarded with Bruno. John could see how Lori clung to his arm and seemed to relish the fact he was caressing her ass in front of all at the station. John worried that she was becoming to comfortable with this man and his control.

The three days dragged by so slowly for John. He hoped for a phone call, an E-mail or some communication. He traveled into the town for some supplies and on the second day he ran into Officer Campisi.

"Ah, Signore Evans" he waved his hand in greeting, "so nice to see you. Are you enjoying your stay in Tuscany?"

John, a bit surprised answered, "Yes, thank you. This is a beautiful region."

"Speaking of beauty, where is your lovely wife?" The corpulent officer's eyes stared directly into John's.

"She, she..wasn't feeling well. So I came into town to get some groceries."

"I see, then perhaps I was mistaken," he raised his eyebrow in a questioning look," I was told she was seen boarding the train to Roma, with Bruno Tattalia. Is that not so? From what I understand her and Bruno seemed very close. My friend, a conductor on the train, said they seemed very close when he checked their ticket. Very close."

Not sure where this was heading, John decided to end it now, "Officer, if I am not mistaken, an affair between consenting adults is not illegal. We are far from home and enjoying some games with Bruno. Nothing more."

"Well, actually, adultery is illegal in Italy. Not enforced but illegal. I warned you about this man. I was hoping you would have taken me seriously. Enjoy the rest of your stay." The man turned before John could reply and walked into the early morning crowd.

John figured the policeman was jealous of Bruno for seducing his wife and was trying to make things difficult. John had an uneasy feeling and tried Lori's cell phone. It immediately went to voicemail. John left no message; there was really nothing to say.

On the third day John was up early and anxious to see his wife. He had no idea when they were to be back so he paced the empty house nervously. After a few hours he found himself sitting in the living room. His mind was replaying each chat he had with Bruno and was wondering if he had reenacted them with Lori. He was angry at himself for what he had done and even more so that he now sat with an erection. He heard the sound of tires on the gravel driveway and jumped up.

John looked out the window and saw a taxi parked in front of the house. The driver was sitting back in an empty cab. John thought maybe Bruno had ordered the cab for him, so he grabbed a jacket and headed out. Once he opened the front door he stopped in his tracks. From behind the steering wheel a head popped up. It was Lori! She sat up and John noticed her hair had been cut and blond highlights were streaked throughout. But something else seemed different about her. His wife licked her lips smiled at the cabby and got out of the car. She was wearing black stiletto heels and a short black dress. A dress more suitable for a cocktail party than early afternoon wear. As she stood it was obvious the driver had been playing with her tits. Her right one was sticking obscenely out of the dress. Lori nonchalantly eased it back into her dress and walked towards her husband.

John then recognized what was different. Lori's lips were much bigger than usual. Almost twice the size. He looked at her and said, "Lori, my god what happened to your lips?"

"Collagen. They will shrink back a bit more over the next few days. Bruno says it gives me that Angela Jolie look," she smiled and ran her tongue over the top lip, "they helped pay for the train and cab ride home."

John remembered telling Bruno about the desire for a makeover. Turning the conservative mother and wife into a slut. John had added tattooing and piercing her body. These were two things Lori truly hated and if Bruno mentioned them John was sure she would refuse, knowing it was John's fantasy not hers. John wondered if Bruno had gone there. He walked into the house watching his wife's ass sway from side to side.

John started to ask her what had happened but she motioned him to be quiet. Standing next to the counter in the kitchen, Lori reached up and pulled the spaghetti strap from each shoulder and let the dress fall down her body to a pile at her feet. She has lost weight since we arrived, John thought to himself. She looked hard, not the body he was use to but leaner and harder.

He focused on her tits and on her left nipple hung a gold ring. She noticed him staring at it and quietly said, "I wear your wedding ring on my left hand," she paused, "for now. I wear Bruno's ring on my left nipple....forever. Bruno was surprised when I told him it was not my wish to be ever marked or pierced. His answer was it must have been John's then but either way it was going to happen."

She took her hand that was idly playing with the ring and slowly moved it down her stomach until her finger pointed at a tattoo about the size of a silver dollar above and to the right of her pussy. In block letters were to initials, BC. Lori looked at John with sadness. She had always loved her skin and body. Now it had been defiled. She turned around and on her ass was a paw print. A large paw print, just like the one on the medallion.

She looked over her shoulder, and said, "The initials are for 'Bruno's Cunt' and the paw print says I am an unofficial member of his club. He said because I am his pet, his bitch. It is so big and ugly, but it makes him happy. That is what I do, make Bruno happy."

She stepped out of the piled dress on the floor and walked into the kitchen to get a drink. She was comfortable with being nude. John remembered when she was embarrassed even in front of just him.

John cleared his throat, " Did, did it hurt, I am so sorry Lori I..."

She cut him short, "Fuck yes it hurt. I was stripped down in a tattoo parlor, paraded around. My nipple was pierced without any anesthetic and a tattoo of the size on my ass usually is done in three visits. It was all done in one day. Then I had to blow the tattoo guy and the pierce guy and a couple of other guys!! Yes it hurt, but you know what? I liked it!"

She stormed out of the room, leaving John, mouth agape, dumbfounded. He knew what the paw print really meant and knew this had to stop now. He picked up the phone and called Bruno.

"Listen, you bastard. It is over. We are leaving and if you want to send the pictures, let it be. I will not let this continue!"

From the earpiece, the calm voice of Bruno replied, "John, be careful of what you say. Threats only work if one is willing to follow through with them."

"Bruno, I am not kidding. I know what you are planing, it will kill her if you go through with it."

His laughter echoed thru the earpiece, "I will have the tattoo finished once she is an official member. We will have her membership proudly displayed below the paw. It will say 'KENNEL CLUB' and all will know she is my bitch in the truest sense. Do not threaten me again John. I have made a lot of arrangements and spent a lot of money. She will preform Thursday night at the club. Then you may leave. By the way John, I offered her to return all the pictures and video. To end it all. But your wife refused. She enjoys it too much. In some fucked up way she wants this to happen. Oh, yes I told her about the kennel club and how she will serve three four legged masters. Just as you told me she wanted to." The line went quiet.

John put the phone down and slowly walked to the bedroom door He gently opened it and there on the bed was his wife of twenty three years. One hand buried between her legs and the other cruelly twisting the ring in her nipple. She either didn't see or didn't care John had entered the room. She continued until her body shook in orgasm. He left the room as she drifted into a much needed sleep.

John decided Lori was too far gone now to think rationally. He must handle this on his own.

After about a three hour nap John heard Lori stirring in the bedroom. It was a little after three in the afternoon and John did not know if Bruno had any plans for tonight. He looked up when he heard the now familiar click of her heels on the tile floor. Still naked she walked into the room and sat across from her husband in a wooden armless chair painted a lime green.

Her legs stretched open and the tip of each heel slid under the front leg of the chair. This opened her and John felt uncomfortable looking at his own wife with her cunt so openly displayed.

"John," she started, "I know where this is going with Bruno. I have no will to refuse him and as long as I keep taking the pills he gave me I sort of enjoy it. Listen to me John, I will not let the kids find out about me. So please do not threaten him again. Bruno called and told me what you said. If you leave, you leave alone."

John stood and walked away from his wife so he could not see her open legs, "Lori, he has despicable things planned, things you do not understand, maybe because of the drugs or lack of sleep but things you will hate yourself for doing..."

She interrupted him, "He may be a bastard but he hasn't done anything with me that wasn't discussed before with you. So if it is so despicable why did you say I wanted it. Not just one, but three dogs, my god John."

"I am so sorry..." for the first time since the birth of their first child, Lori witnessed he husband crying. He walked across the room and sat with his head in his hands and sobbed.

Once he was quiet, she told him she needed to get dressed. Bruno would be by at nine to take her into town. Angelo and some college friends were having a party and she was to be the entertainment. She said it so matter of fact. As if she were bringing chips to the party, not her body. She said it might be best for him to stay home. She preferred he no longer witnessed her debasement.

A little before nine Bruno arrived. He was cautious as he entered the house, unsure of what John was capable of. Lori was dressed as instructed but John was still in his shorts and Polo shirt.

Bruno smiled, "What, not joining us John?" I thought the scenario where your wife was the prize at a poker party was both of yours favorite fantasies. Or was it only yours John?"

At this John jumped up and began to rush at Bruno, who pulled out a pistol. "Easy, don't do anything silly Johnny boy," the gun was pointed at John. "now sit down."

Lori begged Bruno to go, to leave John alone, but the Italian smelled victory and wished to savor it. He turned towards Lori and quietly asked, "Who does your cunt belong to?"

"You, Bruno"

"Your mouth, your ass?"

"You Bruno, I am yours. Please may we go?" she eyed the gun, wondering if he was capable of using it.

Pointing to John, Bruno smiled and spoke to Lori, "tell him. Its his fault all this has happened, tell him." Bruno waved the gun in the air.

Lori looked at her husband, devoid of emotion. "I am his, John. My cunt, my ass, my tits, my mouth. They all belong to him."

Bruno reached into his pocket and pulled out some pills, " here baby, be a good girl and take these," she opened her mouth and Bruno stuffed both pills in her mouth. "A little Percodan for the pain and some acid to get her flying high."

"Lets show Johnny here how hot those lips he paid for look wrapped around a cock" he motioned with his hands to his waist, "come on cunt, on your knees."

Lori dropped quickly to her knees and struggled with the buttons of his chinos. She pulled his pants off after he kicked his sandals away. He was hard, his cock engorged with blood as much from the anticipated sexual excitement as from the power he felt he had. His eyes never left John as he felt her lips wrap around his member and slide up and down the shaft.

"Look at her John, she was born to suck cock."

Soon the only noise was the sounds of her working his cock in and out of her hot mouth. She was forcing it down her throat then pulling back until she held just the tip in her mouth. John could not help but marvel at how she was able to fit the entire cock in her mouth.

Bruno lifted one leg and placed it on the bar stool at the counter. His grin could be termed demonic as he spoke. "the only thing she does better than suck cock is tongue fuck ass. Go ahead Lori, get your tongue all the way up there for me. You know how much I like it."

Lori grabbed his balls and pulled them gently away as she raised her head. Her tongue snaked out of her beautiful mouth and began working its way up his asshole. Bruno was grunting and began to stroke his cock as she worked feverishly on her rim job. His body went rigid as he started to come. Each shot of cum shot from his cock onto the tile floor below. After he finished he patted the woman's head as if to tell her she was through. Lori pulled away from him and saw the puddles of cum on the floor. She looked at Bruno and he nodded his head. Lori dropped down on all fours and began to lick his discharge off the floor.

"I taught her from the start, a cunt never lets cum go to waste," he laughed as he slipped his chinos back on. "I doubt you will ever kiss her again, but at your son or daughters' wedding, when you see their mother kiss her children, I want you to remember where her tongue was tonight. Don't fuck with me and this will be over in a few days."

Bruno agreed John should not come so the two of them left on the Vespa. John sat alone for a long time. Staring at the floor where the traces of her saliva and Bruno's cum could be seen in the glare of the lights.

John decided at that moment there was only one chance of freeing Lori from this spell. Bruno must die. He knew the road up to the house was windy and steep in a few areas. Was he brave enough to go through with this?

John had left a note to Lori saying he would be staying in town. He would come for her when Bruno said all was over and they could go home. John went into town and secured a room at a small inn. He drove the Fiat to the hairpin turn and pulled to the side of the road behind some bushes. He turned off his light and waited. John knew there were too many variables, that he hadn't thought things out. What if someone else brought her home? What if Bruno stayed the night? What if they didn't come home until morning? What if John couldn't find the pictures and videos? What if.....?

Around three in the morning the Vespa's headlight could be seen coming up the hill. John could make out Lori on the back of the motorbike. The driver was definitely Bruno and he passed the Fiat without a glance towards it. John waited, wondering if Lori was servicing Bruno again. Or was he laughing at the note, feeling victory and letting down his defenses? John waited what seemed like hours but actually was only ten minutes before he saw the headlamp of the small bike heading down the hill. He started the engine, all lights off. His hands felt sweaty on the wheel and he quickly wiped them off on his shorts.

He figured the bike would be turning the corner in a few seconds so he shifted into first gear and held the clutch. The car was wanting to go, the gravel was crunching as he held it in check. As soon as the light crossed the corner John popped the clutch and hit the gas. The Fiat took off and before Bruno realized what was happening John ran the front of the car into the rear wheel of the bike. It was over very quickly. At impact the small bike spun and both driver and bike went off the side of the road. John righted his car after the hit and slowly brought it to a stop. He stepped outside and listened.

He heard nothing. He looked down the ravine and saw the red brake light glimmering from the gorge. Was Bruno alive John wondered. It was too dark to try and go down the gorge to check on him. John knew he was done for. The police will match his broken headlamp to the Vespa and they will find the photos of his wife. There is so much motive and proof, John acknowledged his days of freedom were over. Yet, he somehow felt relieved. Hopefully Lori can whether this and survive to care for the kids. The kids, he really hadn't thought about them. How will he face them?

John knew only one thing: Bruno was gone and he had killed him. He drove back into town and spent the rest of the night in the darkness of the room. In the morning, he made sure the desk person recognized him as he left the room to head back to the villa. When he passed the area of the accident he fought the urge to stop and look for Bruno.