Unbelievable Pt. 01


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"Don't want to go," Johnny muttered, looking up as Annie plucked his comic from his hands.

"Don't care Johnny, Mom told me to pick you up and I'm going to do just that," Annie said, putting on a sweet face for her brother. Feeling how her bra was straining to contain her 46DD as she bent over in front of her brother. Wondering why he didn't look at her like their brothers and father did. No, that wasn't the case as those cold, calculating eyes peered up at her. Wondering what had happened to him in those two years inside that place that had killed the little brother she knew before his hospitalization.

"Fine," Johnny huffed irritably, snatching his bag as he rose. Taking the roundabout way to the front door to avoid his sister. "Well, come on, you want me to go to this damn thing, not waiting on you to finish your little chat," he said, as his sister exited the shop.

"Drop the attitude," Annie said, feeling her anger rising.

"Hey, you're the one that came interrupting my private time," Johnny said, argumentatively.

"God, you're such an ass," Annie huffed, stomping around the rear of her car.

"Chalk it up the electroshock," Johnny said, waiting for her to unlock her car. His fingers drumming on the roof of the car as his sister just stared at him like he had spoken Klingon. "Well?"


"Save it, I really don't care," Johnny said, indifferently, as he stared out the passenger window.

"Alright, if that's how you want it," Annie said, switching on the radio, killing the awkward silence as she pulled away from the curb. Knowing how strange their dinner was without him there, then the argument she heard between Johnny and their parents. She started to speak as she pulled to a stop in front of his doctor's office only to have the passenger door slammed in her face. Flipping off her brother before pulling away, knowing if she was fast enough returning home, she could have three cocks all to herself.

"Hello John," Katherine said, flipping through a magazine she'd been reading while she waited on Annie to drop him off. "The doctor will see us in a few minutes, why not come sit beside..." Her voice stilled as Johnny walked to the other side of the room. Her index finger ran along her upper lip as she leaned on her elbow as her blue eyes studied her son. Remembering how his big, long, hard cock felt in her hand. Knowing how much better it would feel deep inside of her cunt. She hadn't told anyone about his size. Katherine wanted that all to herself. The two and a half inches he had over his other male family members she knew, would be blissful. She had to figure out some way to get her son to stay home, had to find some way to get him to open up to her once again. Katherine knew that was her first hurdle. Her eyes darted over to the door as it inched open. Hoping this new untested method would help her son and bring back the boy she knew.

"If you have any problems with the medication, please don't hesitate to call me," Dr. Copper said, as she spoke to the departing mother and son. "Hello John, Katherine, please won't you come in," she said, gesturing them to enter her office as her front door closed. "John? What do you say when someone addresses you?" Dr. Copper asked, assertively.

"Hello," Johnny grumbled.

"No, no, no. Try again John, this time without the attitude," Dr. Copper said sternly, placing her hands on her hips.

"Hello, Dr. Copper," Johnny said, with the creepiest smile he could muster.

"Lose the smile John," Dr. Copper said, trying not to allow the chill she felt crawling up her spine get to her. She had read his medical file and knew, given what was done to him, that with John earning his trust would be a very hard thing to achieve; and after what his mother told her this morning about their fight last night, she knew it would be only a matter of time before someone pushed a little too hard and caused John to snap. "Please, why don't we step into my office."

"Thank you for seeing us today," Katherine said, sitting across from Dr. Copper. Glancing over at her son who sat beside her only separated by a small table between them.

"I'm more than happy to pencil the two of you in," Dr. Copper said, smiling warmly at Katherine. She wondered if this new, untested method she had mentioned to Katherine would actually work with John. However, they would have to take it slow with him, too fast and she knew it could lead to trouble. "So, John..."

"For the last time it's Johnny," he said, narrowing his eyes at the doc. He hated his given name, it reminded of the boy he was no longer was, and everything they tried to bring his old self back just rightly pissed him off. That boy died when his parents stuck him in that hellhole for two years.

"Tell me why didn't you go with your family last night? From what I hear it was to celebrate your brother's engagement. Didn't you want to celebrate it with him?" Dr. Copper asked, making a quick note not to use his given name. She would have to ask him why he disliked his name.

"Some reason I should?" Johnny asked.

"Bill was very upset that you didn't attend last night," Katherine said, looking over at him.

"He'll get over it," Johnny said, offhandedly.

"Johnny what was your reasoning for not going?" Dr. Copper asked, writing down how the two of them interacted with one another.

"I just didn't feel like playing nice to a woman that dislikes me, why should I? I'm not the one that has to fuck her," Johnny said, casting his mother a look.

"Johnny don't use such language in this office," Dr. Copper said sternly. "Well, how do you feel about her joining your family?"

"Like I said, I'm not the one that's going to have to deal with her attitude. So, I don't really care if Bill marries that woman," Johnny said, indifferently. Looking down his chest wondering how long this session was going to go on for, it was already getting tiring.

"Baby, you know Bill stuck up for you. Why can't you do the same for your brother?" Katherine asked, reaching across the table resting her hand on the armrest.

"Then where was he when you left me stranded in that shit hole of a hospital?" Johnny retorted.

"Baby, talk to me, I want to help but I can't do that if you close me out," Katherine said sweetly, her blue eyes pleaded with her son to let her in.

"Since you brought it up Johnny, tell us just how bad was it in there. I've read the news articles, and the file they had on you... as light as it is for someone in their care for two years," Dr. Copper said, laying her pad on her lap.

"You really want to know? How about the memories they took from me with the electroshock treatments. How about when they withheld meals when the other patients, or should I say inmates, since they ran that place like a prison, got out of order. How about the times they stuck me in a six by nine cell with only a bucket to go in..."

"John... why didn't you tell us?!" Katherine asked, her lip trembling as she saw the hate in his eyes as those cold eyes cut to her.

"I did," Johnny growled, "you didn't believe me, remember? You and Dad chalked it up to my condition," he sneered.

"I see," Dr. Copper muttered, wondering how she was going to get past the anger she saw. To go through all of that and not have your own parents believe you when you tell them the truth of what you were experiencing. She pondered if he was ever going to trust anyone given what those so-called doctors put him through.

"John, I'm sorry, I thought you were just trying to get out of that place," Katherine said, tears reamed her eyes.

"I was. It just took the deaths of five patients and two years to do so," Johnny said coldly.

"John why don't you wait outside while I talk privately with your..." Dr. Copper began to say after an hour only to watch as Johnny surged from his seat.

"I'm sorry about that... John doesn't like it when his routine is broken," Katherine sighed as the door closed.

"I understand," Dr. Copper said, with a warm smile. The papers rustled as she flipped through her pad, her eyes scanning the notes she had taken since she started seeing Johnny as a patient. "I think we are going to have to be really careful about how we move forward with this new treatment," she said, looking up. Unknowing that what was she was about to state wouldn't be too strange for Katherine to handle.

"I just hope it helps him. It feels like I'm losing my boy," Katherine said, holding back her tears. She never knew her son had suffered so much because they wouldn't listen to his pleas. Never knew how much hate and anger he had inside because he felt like they had abandoned him. The scorn he had for them while they had their own beds, he was left all alone in that place with no one to turn to.

"Well... I hope we can change that. But first," Dr. Copper said, reaching into her right jacket pocket. Pulling out a small bottle of red and white capsules that were still in the testing stage. She just failed to mention her patients were being used as the test subjects. She wouldn't have agreed if she knew there were any serious side-effects. Plus, she didn't see a raging hard-on as a downside to it. Dr. Copper just wondered if Katherine could actually follow through with it. "I want you to add this to the regimen Johnny is on," she said, placing the bottle in Katherine's hand. "It may take a few days to see any results of it, but he needs to take one every morning and night. Also, try not to use his given name. I don't know why he hates it so much. It seems to be a hot button with him, so from now on refer to him as Johnny that includes the rest of your family. As for the new drug, once you start seeing results be sure to always be there with him. This way, I hope, it will build trust between the two of you. Yet that trust is going to be one of the hardest battles you are ever going to fight for given what's been done to him."

"What do you suggest on doing to earn it?" Katherine asked, intently. She wanted this to work. Wanted to keep her son home with her always. Wanted to show him how loved he was, when he felt they were all against him. She was sure what he saw yesterday didn't help matters.

"Hmm..." Dr. Copper thought for a moment. Her eyes falling on the notation she made when Johnny rambled on about comics for ten minutes. "Comics seem to be an important part of his psyche. From what he described they seem to ease his mind. Does he have some at your house?"

"Yes," Katherine said, drawing out the word.

"Well... see if you can't get him to let you read some with him. Take him to a store that sells them or the one he buys from. Maybe see if there's a convention in town or close by. Make it a day for the both of you, maybe the family... hmm, that one is tricky. You might have to play that one by ear. For now, just focus on building that bond," Dr. Copper said, laying the pad on her lap, leaning forward, bringing her hands together as her elbows rested on her thighs. "And for god's sake, show him where his dog is buried. You do realize a reason he is so cold to you and the others, is, in his mind, Buster was his friend, a very good friend, and to him you're his enemy for keeping his friend from him. John knows his dog is dead. It's the not knowing where he is buried. Where his friend lies. I know why you haven't. I agree with you, that could be... dangerous... but," she muttered after a long thoughtful pause, "John isn't the same boy. Something in that hospital changed him. Something dark. Something that tore at his heart so much, nothing - and I mean nothing, and no one could ever hope to take his grief away. Another reason he hates you. Irrational? Yes, but in his mind," Dr. Copper said, her finger tapped her temple three times. "I don't know what this 'event' was, I doubt he'll open up to me about that, given that I'm a reminder of his time in that place; but whatever happened he wouldn't have had to face if you had listened. Maybe he'll open up to Buster... and maybe, if we're lucky someone in your family; because he needs to get it out. He needs to face it. How? I can't say," she said, leaning back into her chair. "Just go slow, alright?"

"I understand," Katherine nodded. Her fingers curled around the edge of the seat cushion of her chair, as she tried to keep a straight face. Her heart wept knowing her baby was hurting and she had failed to notice. She had always feared bringing up his time in the hospital. Feared that her sweet baby would break down if she did. She wasn't blind, she did know her son was hurting. That was plain for her to see, yet every time she tired, he would close himself off. Now, now she can understand why he does. Why would he trust such private information to her when he saw her as an enemy?

"How does Friday at nine sound to you?" Dr. Copper asked, the click of her pen drew Katherine's attention, as she looked through her date planner. "Just know this isn't going to be fast," she said, her eyes glanced up as Katherine rose. "And please, call if anything goes wrong," tearing off the new week release code for the standing order with the pharmacy a block away. "I'll see you Friday," her hand covered Katherine's as she took the small slip of paper, "it's going to be okay. I promise. Give it a chance."

The door latch clicked into the striker as Katherine closed the door. Her eyes quivered as she watched John rising from his seat. Her legs carrying her hurriedly towards her son. Feeling him stiffen up as her arms wrapped around him, "Forgive me Johnny," Kathrine whispered into her son's ear. Peering at the bottle in her hand wondering if it would work.

"Mom?" Johnny asked, suspiciously. Instantly on guard when she called him by that name.

"I never meant to hurt you," Kathrine whispered motherly, holding her youngest child tenderly. "Everything will be okay," gently rubbing his back, "come. Let's go home."


The next day after lunch...

"Johnny!" Kathrine called up to her son. Looking into the living room as both her sons and their girlfriends were watching TV. Her eyes darted to her daughter as Annie peered at her.

"Yeah," Johnny called back, as he flipped through a comic as he hid away.

"Come down here, please. I have something to show you." Placing her hands behind her back, her nose wiggled as she caught the scent of the sauce Brandan uses when he smokes his tender, juicy ribs. Hoping there would be enough to go around with two extra mouths in her house. Knowing it's going to be a good dinner; she didn't want her son missing out on the ribs.

"Okay," John said in a monotone voice.

"Come on," Katherine said smiling, gesturing him down. "This will only take but a minute and I'll leave you be until dinner."

"Are you feeling okay? Did the pod people come? Mom are you a pod person?"

"Words hurt you know," Katherine said, innocent-like.


"Hmm," Katherine hummed as they neared the back door.

"Seriously, have you been sampling?" Johnny asked, weirded out by his mother's change in behavior.

"Shh!" Playfully slapping his shoulder. "I learned somethings yesterday, things I hope you'll forgive me for, but I also learned something else that at this point in time you won't let me help you with," Katherine said, her hand danced down John's forearm as they stepped off the porch. "Baby, while I might not be able to comfort you right now. I thought Buster could," she said, seeing the shock playing across her son's eyes.

"Where?" Johnny asked, seriously.

"Look for the small yellow frog," Katherine said, pointing in its direction. Placing a soft lingering kiss on her son's right cheek. Whispering into his ear to take his time.

"Mom, what did you do?" Annie asked, stepping up to her mother's side.

"Helping Johnny the only why I can right now," Katherine said, her right thumb brushed along the back of her left hand as she watched her son looking around near the corner of the fence. Praying the doctor was right and this would indeed help her sweet baby.

"But... I thought we weren't going to tell him?" Annie asked, looking at her mother.

"The doctor said it might help Johnny. That it might help him to get whatever is paining him off his chest," Katherine said, a signal tear ran down her cheek.

"Mom? What's wrong?!" Annie asked, worried.

"Johnny's hurting so much," her tears glistening as she looked at her daughter, "he's hurting so much and I can't help him," Katherine said, laying her hand on the glass as her son sat in the grass.

"What do you mean?" Annie asked, laying her hand on her mother's shoulder. Seeing her father too looking over at her brother as he sat in their backyard. She wondered what Johnny was talking about as his hands flew around.

"I don't know, he won't speak about it," Katherine sighed as she hung her head.

"Hmm..." Bill's voice hummed as he stood behind them. "Well, it has to be something bigger than what happened to Buster."

"What are you thinking?" Ray asked, looking over at his brother as their girlfriends stood between them.

"Wait?!" Ruth said in a tired sigh. She couldn't believe they were falling for it. "So, he's being a rude little..." Her voice stilled as Katherine peered at her daring her to say the word. "Because he's hurting?!"

"Would you tell your enemy your most kept secret," Katherine said, turning her attention back to son. "Would you really let anyone in when they constantly look down on you?" she asked, casting Ruth a glance.

"Can we help him?" Wanda asked, looking at Ray.

"I... don't know, Johnny is a hard one to pin down," Ray muttered.

"Did he say anything that hinted at what this pain was?" Bill asked, looking at his mother.

"No," Katherine stated. Pressing her forehead against the glass, hoping now that he knew where Buster was it would truly help him to heal. "But I agree it had to be something greater than what happened to Buster while he was hospitalized."

"Bill, you can't possibly be falling for this!" Ruth huffed.

"Do you even have an idea what my son went through at that place!" Katherine yelled. Not seeing Johnny and her husband looking towards the house as her voice was carried through the walls. "What they did to him?! Do you!" Thrusting her arm out, cutting through the air sideways, as shock played across Ruth's face. "No, you don't, you weren't there yesterday. You didn't hear him speaking of the things they did to him and the others under their care. You don't know the horrors he faced all alone..." Falling to her knees, her face falling into hands, weeping loudly as her emotions poured out.

"What do you mean: what they did to my son," Brandan said, darkly as he stood in the doorway of the sliding glass door. "What did they do to my son?!" he asked, in a growl.

"Oh Brandan! They hurt him so bad, they took his memories!" Katherine wailed through teary eyes. The rest of her words were garbled as she tried to speak through her sobs.

"How?" Bill asked, incensed. At those that he hoped to be one day soiling the name of the profession that was meant to help instead of harm.

"He..." Annie began to say looking out onto her brother in the backyard. Hearing Johnny actually laughing, something she hadn't heard him do for years. "Said something yesterday when I picked him up about electroshock," looking over at her brother, "does that mean anything to you?"

"Unfortunately, it does," Bill nodded, "it's a therapy, and I use that word loosely, that was mainly phased out in the '70s, although it is still sometimes used. It just isn't the same barbaric way it was done during that time."

"Well..." Brandan held his wife as she wept into his chest. His eyes darting to and fro wondering if that was why it felt like he always had to arm himself when he spoke to his son. "Now we know why he's been like this. Or a reason for it," Brandan said, looking down at the top of Katherine's head as she nodded. "We need to make sure we don't..."