Unbelievable Pt. 01


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"No... No more running from it," Katherine said, shaking her head. "No more worrying about if Johnny can't handle it. We've been so worried about making him relive it that we've failed to see he's hurting so deep that he won't let his own mother carry the load. Don't you see Brandan," she said, looking up to her husband. "We are the cause of it. The moment we brought him home, all we saw was the boy that we left there, not... him, not how strong Johnny had to become because we wouldn't listen to his pleas. He's suffering because of us," Katherine said matter-of-factly, her hands balling around Brandan's shirt her words finally reaching him.

"But... I thought we were helping," Brandan muttered.

"So, did I, but..." Turning her head as she heard footsteps on the wooden boards of the porch. Noticing how her son looked around at them as he silently stood in the doorway.

"Johnny!" Annie cried out causing Johnny to huff as she threw her arms around her little brother.

"What did you tell them?" Johnny asked, slowly clenching his hand as he stared down at his mother.

"Only what I know," Katherine admitted. "Only what you've allowed me to know," she said, her fingers ran beneath her eyes as she wiped away her tears.

"I'm sorry son," Brandan said, hugging his son by surprise.

"Umm..." Johnny muttered feeling on edge.

"It's okay Johnny, you don't have to say anything," Katherine said, getting to her feet. "Did you have a good chat?"

"Yeah," Johnny replied. This change in their behavior was totally throwing him off. Watching his mother slowly moving up to him. His eyes went wide as she thrust his face into her bosom.

"Good. Don't you ever hesitate to go out there and talk to him if you ever need it. But I hope that someday you'll come to me or one of us," Katherine whispered. Her hand gently brushing along his hair as she held her son close. One of the few times in the past three years she had been this close to her youngest child.

"Why don't you go up and read one of your comics, okay?" Katherine stated her hands resting on his shoulders as she pushed him a way.

"O-okay," Johnny said, confused, as his mother pushed him towards the stairs.

"I thought we were trying to get him out of those?" Brandan whispered to his wife.

"It helps him cope Brandan, it helps bring him some sort of peace," Katherine said, glancing over at him.

"Oh. Johnny!" Brandan called up to his son.


"The food will be done in an hour or so, you come down and get you something to eat, alright?"

"Okay," Johnny answered, shaking his head at the weirdness of it all.


"Baby?" Katherine's knuckles rasped on the frame of his door. "Can I come in?" Katherine asked, resting her head on the doorjamb as she leaned against it.

"When has my disproval stopped you," Johnny said, indifferently.

"Why I'm asking now," Katherine said, her eyes lingering on her son as he flipped the page he was on.

"What have I done now?" Johnny asked in a sigh, as he laid his comic down.

"Nothing baby, I just want to spend time with you. Is that so bad?" Katherine said, sweetly.

"I... guess," Johnny said, returning to his reading.

"Mind if I read some?" Katherine asked, nodding down to the cardboard file box that was smack full of comics. Arching an eyebrow at the near naked woman on the cover of the comic called 'Witchblade.'

"You. Want. To. Read comics, with me?" Johnny asked, in disbelief.

"Mmmhmm," Katherine nodded. Noting that he was reading the same comic as the one that was staring up at her.

"Okay..." Drawing out the word, Johnny didn't know what she was playing at, yet he couldn't learn her plans if he sent her away. "Which one do..."

"This one," Katherine said, bending down, snatching Witchblade #1 from the top of the stack. Shaking the cover side to side in front of his face. "Scoot over," she said, smiling down at him. "A little small... but," wiggling beside him as her head rested on his pillow, "its comfy and someone to read with is always nice, don't you think Johnny?" she asked, turning her head seeing her son blush. She had never seen him do that before. "So cute," she thought to herself. "Johnny? Do you like women like this?" Katherine asked, pointing at the female character's rather large breasts.

"Mom?!" Johnny groaned.

"What? I'm just curious, she does have nice," her eyes ran down the drawn woman's form, "tits, although I think mine are bigger," Katherine said, playfully lifting her right breast. Slyly noticing how her son eyes were on her breast as she did before glancing away. Pondering when she would see the effects of his new medication kicking in. Wondering just what it would do to him. Dr. Copper made it seem like she would enjoy it.

"Really?! It makes her clothes shred off her body?" Katherine asked, as she was halfway through issue one. "I can see why you like these," she said, teasing her son. Seeing his face becoming a light shade of red, however, that wasn't all she noticed. She tried to appear as though she hadn't seen his cock move in those pants of his. "You know it's okay to take it out Johnny. It's not good for a boy your age to have it bunched up like that in your pants," Katherine said, offhandedly.

"W-what...?!" His comic shaking in his hand at what his mother had just said.

"You heard me," Katherine said, turning the page. Rolling to her right, gently laying the comic on top of the box before picking up the second issue. "Go on," lightly tapping his right hip with the back of her left hand, "no one's going to come up here. They're too busy watching some sort of movie and your dad is still out manning the grill and the smoker. Plus, I've already seen it Johnny, so it's not going to shock me."

"You can't be serious?"

"I am," nodding slightly, "I just want you to be comfortable," Katherine said, laying the comic down on her chest. "I understand you don't see me right now in a good light. I get that baby, but I am your mother, and I just want the best for you," she said, looking over at him. "And this," her hand moved over his lap coming to rest on his bulge, "needs some relief, let's take it out okay," Katherine said, her voice light, her eyes watched his as she lowered his zipper. She wasn't going to do anything that Johnny wasn't ready for. She wanted to show him, that he could trust her, to confide in her of every trouble he had. That was her job, that was her purpose to insure that her baby was safe and happy.

"M-Mom..." Johnny's voice trembled as her nails lightly dragged up his cock once his mother freed it from his pants.

"What? Doesn't it feel better with it out instead of constricted in your pants?" Katherine asked innocently, removing her hand from his hard member. Which, in and of itself, was a herculean task. Returning to her reading, feeling her son's eyes on her as she leisurely read through the comic. While it wasn't her thing, it was a way to get her son to open up to her. Yet as she reached the last page, that head, that bulbous, round, red head stared at her. Taunting her, tormenting her, screaming that her lips should be wrapped around it, have it gliding through her mouth, filling it with his youthful cum. Her ears perked when she heard the sliding door rolling open. Knowing dinner would be ready soon since Brandan would never leave the grill when there was still food cooking. Her arm reached over dropping the comic on the box. She had ten maybe fifteen minutes. She could have him cumming for her long before then. "Relax," Katherine said, staring at her son as she hovered over his lap. "I'm only going to help. You don't want to walk down to dinner with this, do you?" she asked, waiting for him to utter a word as her hand wrapped around the base of his cock.

"What... the... oh!" Johnny gasped as his mother's lips slid down his shaft.

Katherine tried to keep the slurping to a minimum so the rest of the house wouldn't hear it as her hand worked in time with her mouth. Her head rocking on that hard pole as she took it as deep as she could. Running her tongue over every inch of it. Feeling every vein, every bump, every twitch of his cock as she pleasured her son. "God it's so big!" Katherine thought dreamily as her tongue ran up the back of his rod. Her eyes glancing at her son as she sank back down upon that root. Smirking inwardly, glad her son was enjoying her hot mouth. Her eyes fluttered as his seed flooded her mouth. Swallowing as slow as she could, so she could relish on the taste of each and every drop of his cum.

"See. That wasn't so bad, plus, your doctor told me to help you with this," Katherine lied, but she wanted to be as close to Johnny as she could. If letting him dump his load down her throat got him to open up to her, who was she to complain? Running the tip of her tongue along her lower lip tasting her son's cock upon it.

"Katherine!" Brandan called for her.

"Seems your father almost has dinner ready," Katherine said, easing his cock back into his underwear. Leaning over him, her hair dangled, her t-shirt hung open filling her son's eyes with the tops of her breasts as she placed a sweet lingering kiss on his forehead. "Now remember if this acts up, you come find me and I'll be more than happy to take care of it," she said, patting his groin before she rolled off the bed. "Coming dear!" Katherine called back, blowing her son a kiss, stopping as she neared his door. "Johnny?" Turning back to him so he could get the full silhouette of her figure. "I enjoyed this. You wouldn't mind if we did this again, would you? The comics, I mean?" she softly giggled as Johnny glanced down his body.


"Give me one more minute!" She yelled down the hall. "Maybe..." Looking back over to her son, her hips swayed as she approached his bed once again. "Maybe you would be interested in getting some... different kind of comics that you and I can enjoy together. Think about it okay? You come down when you..." her eyes glanced at his covered manhood. Rolling her tongue in her mouth, yearning to have another taste. "When you aren't so pronounced." Allowing her innuendo to hang in the air, waving to him as she left his room.


A few days later...

"Mom? Somethings going on," Annie said, stepping up to her mother as she stood over the sink. Taking the dish towel, plucking the plate from the dish rack, rubbing the surface dry.

"What do you mean dear?" Katherine asked, as the sponge moved along the pot, she was cleaning.

"I mean," the sound of the plate filled the room as it slid along the one below it, "John... Johnny's been acting strangely, I mean stranger than he normally does," Annie said, casting her mother a glance. Her eyes running down her body, wondering if they were secretly fucking. If that was true, then why wasn't she sharing him? They always shared. That was their agreement when they all started this.

"Is that so," Katherine muttered, she couldn't stop the smirk from raising the corner of her mouth as she remembered the events of the last few days, remembering the times she had simply jacked him off, her mouth only touching his cock to catch his seed, when they would lay side by side reading his comics. Then the few times he would allow her to suck on it. How she lavished that hard tool, knowing it was something special her son was giving her, though she wasn't about to scoff at the gift he was giving her. She made sure that cock of his was taken care of like only a mother could. "I wonder why?" Katherine mused. Their heads turned as they heard John shouting from the floor above.


A few minutes prior...

"Fuck! Why won't you go down?!" Johnny asked his rigid cock, as he stared down at it as he held his towel open in front of him. He had masturbated twice in the shower and still he was hard as a rock. He couldn't understand why. He never had this problem with his other medication. So why was it now, that regardless if he was horny or not his cock would always find a way to awaken.

"John, Ray asked me to see if you wanted..." Wanda's voice died in her throat as she walked into John's room abruptly. Mouthing the words 'Holy shit' as her eyes fell on that protruding member.

"Don't just stand there! Get the fuck out!" Johnny shouted, quickly covering himself up. "Great! Just what I need," he sighed as his brother's girlfriend quickly closed the door.

"Wanda what's all the ruckus about?" Ruth asked, as she walked down the hall from Bill's room as she waited on him to get back from his late class.

"You won't believe what..." Wanda leaned into Ruth, whispering into her ear at what she had just saw.

"No way, him," Ruth whispered low her eyes flickered to John's door. "There's no way he can be... than Bill?"

"I wouldn't lie about that," Wanda said, shyly biting her lip.

"What's going on?" Annie asked, once she crested the top of the stairs. Perplexed as to why those two were clustered around her brother's door.

"I accidently walked into his..."

"Oh. Yeah knock first, they used to barge into his room when he was in the hospital. You have to knock first if you want in. Otherwise, Johnny is liable to bite your head off," Annie informed them. "Johnny you okay?" she asked, reaching out knocking on his door. "You mind?" Annie asked, when they stood too close to his door. Arching an eyebrow when Ruth led Wanda hurriedly to Bill's bedroom.

"Just peachy sis!" She heard him answer through the door. Pressing her ear to the door when she heard him muttering low about something.

"Johnny I'm going to come in okay?" Listening to his loud sigh as she pushed his door open. Noting how he was fumbling with his towel in front of him as John stood with his back to her. Softly pushing the door closed, she wanted to know what's been going on with him and their mother for the past few days. Their mother was spending an awful lot of time with him. She could understand why her mother was trying to help Johnny, she wanted to do that too. Yet it seem to her that something more was going on. Something that her mother wanted to keep secret from all of them. "Johnny... tell me is something wrong?" Annie asked, reaching out, gingerly placing her hand on his left shoulder.

"Sis... just leave me alone," Johnny said, hiding his throbbing erection from her.

"You can talk to me Johnny. You know you can. You know I'm not going to hurt you," Annie said, sweetly. "Just tell me what's wrong? What happened?"

"She walked in on me," Johnny relented after a few minutes. Glancing down, noting how his cock unconsciously flexed at the soft touch of his sister's hand. Wondering if it was because of his mother's constant jacking him off that its become like this.

"It was an accident, I'm sure she didn't mean too Johnny. Wanda just needs time to get the hang of your... quirks," Annie said, feeling his muscles tensing as she stepped closer. "Johnny..." her 46DD breasts bulged out as they pressed into her brother's back, "talk to me, I want to help you," she said, in a loving, sisterly voice. Her lips brushing along his skin, smelling the fresh scent of his soap as she pulled him closer. "Come on, you know me..." She began to say as she peered around his arm. Her eyes falling on the raising and lowering of the towel. "I see," Annie said, plainly. "That's what you meant by her walking in on you. Were you touching it? No?" she muttered, as John shook his head.

"It just won't go down, no matter what I do," Johnny reluctantly sighed.

"Okay hold on," Annie said, lightly patting his shoulder. Her ass wiggled as she walked quickly to his door. Sticking her head out into the hall, making sure no one was coming to see him before locking it once she closed it again. Her fingers walked along his shoulder turning her brother towards her. "Now let's see what the problem is shall we?" Annie cooed as she reached for his towel. "Oh my... Johnny," her voice was caught in her throat as she stared down at her brother's manhood, "that's... umm... a very big problem," she said, feeling her mouth water at the sight of it. "Have you been using lotion or lube when you touch this?" Annie asked, the tips of her fingers slowly ran along his heated rod. Wondering why he wasn't freaking out on her when she did. Pondering on who... "Mother. She must be the one doing this for him. That has to be the reason why he isn't reacting the way I thought he would be," she thought to herself.

"No?! Why?"

"That's very bad, too much will cause your skin to chafe and rub your skin raw," Annie said, lovingly. "You shouldn't do that to... this," clearing her throat as her hand wrapped around his pole, "this hard cock," she whispered seductively into her brother's ear. "You should always come to your sister when it's like this," Annie purred. Her lips danced along his jaw as her hand slowly glided along his shaft.

"Why?" Johnny asked again.

"Because I want to take care of you little brother, don't you remember when I used to?" Annie asked, hoping that wasn't the one thing they took away from him.

"No," Johnny said, shaking his head. "The only I one remember is Buster."

"No wonder he treats us like strangers, we practically are to him." Her eyes quivered, her tears began to gather at the loss of what they had taken from them. "Then I'll just have to remind you," Annie said lovingly, the years before his hospitalization flashing in the forefront of her mind. "Do you mind if I... if I take this off?" she asked, slowly pulling on her t-shirt.

"Why?" Johnny asked, coming back to his mind. Backing away, covering himself with his towel.

"Mmm... Johnny," her eyes trailed up his body as her hips swayed alluringly as she closed the gap, "you shouldn't fear me, I am your sister," Annie purred, her stormy, hungry eyes peered up at him once she was full of drinking in her brother's naked form. "I would never hurt you," she sweetly cooed, her fingertips touched lightly on the underside of his chin, her soft supple lips an inch away from tasting his. Her eyes studied his hoping he believed her words - they were true after all. "As to why little brother," her smooth, soft skin brushed along his as their cheeks rubbed, "I don't want to stain my shirt in my brother's delicious cum, not when my mouth and skin are a far better place for it," Annie whispered impiously into his ear as her hand once again slipped into his towel. "You have seen a woman's breasts before, haven't you?"

"Yeah," Johnny said, his eyes cutting to her. The image of her riding her father flashed in his mind.

"Have you ever touched them before?" Annie asked, her lips lightly danced along his jaw as her nose ran along his cheek. "What was that?" she asked herself as something flashed across her brother's eyes. Something she'd never seen before. "You can touch mine if you ever need to know what they should feel like beneath your hands," she cooed, her voice was sweet like the ancient Sirens luring men to their doom as she watched John's eyes beginning to flutter. "Don't you like that little bro?" Annie asked, the tips of her fingers tickling his sack as she cradled his hard, hot cock in the palm of her hand. "Let me help you with this?" Her lips softly teased his before moving away leading him to his desk chair. Easing him down, biting her lip as that rod twitched. "We don't have to tell anyone about this if you don't want to Johnny," her shirt rose along her stomach, fine rouge colored silk lace capped her rosy areolas, supported with bands of two-inch matching satin to help cradle her mountainous orbs. Hinting how much she's changed since she was fourteen. "You just let your sister take care of you," peering down and over her breasts as she sank into his lap, "let me please this," Annie said, her breath hot in his ear as her mound ran down the back of his cock. Feeling how her leggings contoured to her labia as they parted, gliding along his length. Glad that she had the forethought to wear them.