Unbroken Ch. 08


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The people clapped louder and cheered.

"Before I introduce the prince to you," The king continued. "I would like the crown Prince to remove his mask to reveal his wonderful face to his people."

Luis chuckled and then moved his hand up to his face. He gripped the mask and carefully took it away from his face, revealing it to his people. As soon as that mask came off, a loud gasp was heard through the crowd and then they started cheering for him. He was looking absolutely handsome and girls were obviously creaming their pants over him.

"Yeah," Mostly the girls shouted at the top of their voices. "We love you Prince Luis."

Hearing those wonderful cheers and words, Luis raised his hand in the air and waved at his people, feeling the cheers get even louder. They surely loved him and admired him a lot. He couldn't have wished for anything more than that. He loved his people and fans too. But he loved his Aidan a whole lot more.

"Okay!" The king exclaimed. "Now that you have seen how your crown Prince is looking today, it is time to reveal and introduce the wonderful man standing beside him. To do this, I would like to call upon the queen, my lovely wife and your lovely queen to come and show this gorgeous face to you. I am telling you, you will be totally blown away by his beauty."

The queen rose and quickly rushed to the front, standing right in front of Aidan with her back to the people. She had his face blocked from them and boy was she happy.

"Alright, the queen is here." The king said excitedly. "Now it is time to reveal this gorgeous face to you. Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to your new prince and spouse of the crown Prince...Aidan..."

Immediately the queen heard what her husband had said, she moved her hands up carefully and gripped the mask. She took a deep breath and slowly pulled the mask away from his face. In no time it was off but no one could see him because she had blocked his face from their view.

"We are waiting!" The people shouted excitedly.

"Don't worry," The king said happily. "This here...is my son in law and your prince, Aidan Luis Carter."

Hearing her husband, Queen Ruby slowly moved away from Aidan and the people were now able to see him. As soon as the queen moved from Aidan, there was a long moment of silence. No one said anything or even moved. They sort of had their eyes almost popping out of their sockets while their mouths were wide open. They didn't even blink for once.

Aidan looked at the surprised faces with a bright smile. His eyes moved from side to side, looking at the faces that seemed surprised. They stayed like that, really quite for a long time that Aidan thought they didn't even like him. Then just when he was about to start getting nervous, a loud cheer was heard throughout the room. People began clapping and whistling at him. They were really happy and they literally admired him.

"Wow!" One of them shouted with a whistle at the end.

"Yes," Another one yelled. "He is really handsome. The prince is really lucky."

"He is just like an angel."

Aidan felt a strong wind blow on his face. He was immediately blushing and he dropped his eyes to the floor, feeling really shy. Those people were making him blush really badly and he didn't like it. He took a really deep breath and raised his face again. He raised his hand and began waving at them, feeling their cheers and claps get louder. He knew that some people knew him personally but most of them didn't know him that well. But they seemed happy though.

The people in the audience had their eyes on the boy whose mask had just been removed. Those who couldn't see from afar had their eyes on the huge screen where they saw him clearly as if he was near them. He was absolutely beautiful. He was too beautiful for a boy and his eyes were glowing. His face was beautiful, probably the most handsome boy they had ever set their eyes on. Many people had come to witness this grand occasion and honestly they were really surprised. Those who knew him couldn't still believe that he was still the same boy they knew. They were really happy for him.

Luis on the other hand felt a really warm sensation hit his heart. It was instantly vibrating in pure pleasure and it pounded rhythmically. He was happy...he was excited...he was dying to be with that boy in front of him and he loved him a lot.

Luis quickly moved his eyes to stare at the boy whose mask had been removed by his mother. Fuck! He was really beautiful, more beautiful than he had ever seen him. He was looking like an angel...his eyes were shining brighter like a bright morning star...his lips were to die for...his body was too sexy to resist...his beauty had Luis pinned to him.

"Oh my God," Luis thought as his eyes moved up and down Aidan's body. It was like he had never seen him before. He looked as if he had just arrived in the room. But the truth was that Luis had been dancing with the same boy a few minutes ago. It was really a turn on and he felt something powerful moving in his body.

"OMFG," Luis still couldn't believe it. He didn't want to tear those eyes away from the sexy boy. In fact, he couldn't do it. Aidan was too fucking sexy. Luis couldn't control his eyes. The only thing he knew was that he had to look at the boy no matter what happened.

"I can see that you are all excited to finally meet your prince." The king asked, followed by a happy and cheerful clap from everyone in the room. "I told you he's beautiful didn't I? Just look at my son," He teased. He knew he was a king but he couldn't help but tease his son. "He can't even tear his eyes away from him. He is caught looking at him."

"Yes!" The people shouted at the king. "He is really attractive. It's the reason the Prince can't control himself anymore,"

That was followed by a loud laugh that got Luis out of his reverie. He dropped his eyes to the floor and then raised them again to stare into the faces of the happy people in the room. They sure looked happy for him and he loved it a lot.

"You see, Aidan is a son to me." The king said happily. "He makes my son happy, happier than we could ever make him. Sure," He shrugged. "They might have kinda hit it to a bad start but this son of mine," He tapped on his shoulder. "He is very much in love with his Aidan and it is really good."

"Now, as I told you..." The king continued. "This marriage happened so suddenly and there was nothing like exchange of rings or vows so...in honor of that, the Crown Prince and his groom will exchange rings and vows in this place before we start enjoying the party. Then he will be allowed to associate with you and you can know him better. You can talk to him anytime you want and you...will be allowed to do anything that you want." He laughed. "But before that, let me first call to this stage some missing family members." He paused and chuckled. "May I call upon Aidan's brother and his grandmother?"

Aidan felt his heart pound when he heard what the king had said. He quickly moved his eyes around and saw his granny and his brother making their way to that stage, happy and excited. He felt really happy and he couldn't even explain his joy when he saw those wonderful people making their way to the stage.

Ethan was the first one to arrive and he gripped Aidan and gave him a beautiful hug and a kiss on the cheeks, warming his mood.

"Congratulations," Ethan said happily, giving him another kiss. "You are officially a prince of this great kingdom. Mother and father would have been proud."

Hearing Ethan's wonderful words, Aidan pulled him into a fierce and emotional hug. He knew his parents were dead and he didn't know much about them but it made him emotional. Right then he wished they had been arrive to see how happy he was at that very time. They would have surely been happy seeing him in that mood.

"Thank you so much, Ethan."

"You don't have..."

"No!" Aidan said softly. "You are the best brother in the whole wide world and nothing is gonna change that."

"You are the best too and I love you like crazy."

"I love you too."

The both of them pulled away from the hug before granny came to the stage. She was looking absolutely wonderful in a beautiful white dress and tied hair. She looked younger than her age but Aidan loved that a lot. He loved his granny a lot and when she came to the stage, he gave her a beautiful hug that left him even wanting more.

Granny planted a kiss on his forehead and then planted one on Luis' head before she said her magic words.

"I love you."

It was a really wonderful day for Aidan and he didn't want it to end. He just wanted it to continue for the rest of his life. Then he would stay happy always and never be sad again.

After granny and Ethan came to the stage, the king introduced them to the people and their relationship to Aidan. Then he talked more about Aidan, introducing him to the people and telling them wonderful things about Aidan. He sure loved the king's words and at times, they made him really emotional. Like the words which almost broke him,

"I know his parents are dead but the queen and I will be like his real parents. He is married to our son and that's what makes him our son. He will always be loved by us. And we know he will rule by our son's side."

Those words had really gotten to him but he just suppressed his tears and just smiled as bright as he could. It worked and the people seemed to love him a whole lot. It was really beautiful and Aidan wished he could rewind those words and hear them over and over again. They were really magical and he loved them a lot.

"So coming to the vows," The king continued. "The two princes will exchange vows here in front of you. But before that..." He gestured a maid behind to bring the glasses of champagne. "...I would like to make a toast to my son and my son in law who is my other son."

The maid brought the glasses and gave them to the royal family. The people and the cabinet knew what was happening so the waiters and waitresses served the people their champagnes. When the king saw that everyone had their glasses he began his speech again.

"I would like to make a toast to the two princes," He laughed. "May all your wishes be fulfilled and may you live happily together. To the two princes," He raised his glass in the air.

"To the two princes," The people followed his lead and raised their glasses in the air.

"To us," Luis whispered to Aidan, winking at him.

"To us," Aidan chuckled.

Everyone began toasting at each other, smiling and then they drank the champagne happily. Thereafter, the people began cheering once again. They were just too happy seeing the prince and his groom. Nothing could beat the way they felt at that time.

The introduction was done but there were still a lot of things to be done. Aidan and Luis knew very well what was gonna follow next. And to be honest, they looked forward to it because they were just too happy.


"You may now face each other and say the vows which you have made for each other." The King announced through a microphone with a wonderful smile. He was the king and he had every power to make people married. Now he just wanted them to make their vows in front of everyone in that room. He was really happy and looking forward to hearing those wonderful vows.

Aidan was now facing Luis and his breath seized as soon as he stared at him. The man was gorgeous and breathtakingly beautiful. He had never seen anyone as handsome and sexy as his Luis. The guy was so fucking sexy. They were standing in front of many people, thousands of people who had their eyes on them but Aidan couldn't care less. His eyes were only on his wonderful Luis.

Luis stared deep in those beautiful green eyes of Aidan. Truly, the eyes are the windows of the soul because Luis could see right through Aidan's very soul just by staring in those wonderful eyes. To Luis, there was no one he would have loved to spend the rest of his life with. Aidan was everything that he needed in his life. Aidan was more than just a husband to him. He was his life partner as well. Aidan had all the qualities that he could ever need

Luis took Aidan's finger and said in the most beautiful voice ever, that Aidan ever heard from him, "I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and every promise that I will make to you from this day forward. I Prince Luis Carter take you Aidan to be my husband. Before I met you I was a person who never believed in love and thought it was for fools." He chuckled. "There was a time when I never believed in soul mates. I never thought I could fall in love with someone and I promised it would never happen in my life. But when you came into my life, I woke up one day and realized that something was changing in me, something that was really powerful. I tried to fight it but it was just too powerful. Shocked and a little hurt I didn't think we were soul mates. But as time went by, your love made me believe. I feel truly blessed I have found a love that transcends and grows, despite state lines, early morning commutes, barking beagles and conflicting seasons. You have made me a better person and it can be reflected in the way I live today. Thank you for accepting someone like me."

Luis slipped the golden and diamond ring on Aidan's finger, his eyes locked with the wonderful boy's. It was so amazing and he felt like something had just entered him and multiplied his happiness.

Aidan's eyes watered at that and he almost cried but he suppressed those tears and rather smiled brightly. He was so overwhelmed at the intense joy that he felt at that time. To him, there was no one else in that hall but the two of them and nothing else mattered. He didn't even realize that tears were coming out until he felt Luis' hand on his face slowly rubbing his tears.

Aidan took the ring and slowly and carefully began sliding it on Marcos' finger, their eyes locked on each other.

"I give you this ring as a symbol of my love. I believe in you, the person you will grow to be and the couple we will be together.

With my whole heart, I take you as my husband, acknowledging and accepting your faults and strengths, as you do mine.

I promise to encourage your compassion, because that is what makes you unique and wonderful.

I promise to nurture your dreams because through them your soul shines. I promise to help shoulder our challenges, for there is nothing we cannot face if we stand together. I promise to be your partner in all things, not possessing you, but working with you as part of a whole.

Lastly, I promise to you perfect love and perfect trust, for one lifetime with you could never be enough. This is my sacred vow to you, my equal in all things."

Aidan slipped the ring on Luis' finger and smiled brightly, followed by a series of tears.

"I love you more than anything, Luis!"

"Oh," Luis reached forward and rubbed Aidan's tears off even though he was teary himself. He was so happy and that vow really got to him. He didn't know what to do at that point but all he knew was that he had to do something.

Quickly gripping the back of Aidan's neck, Luis leaned forward and locked his lips with Aidan, right there in front of his parents and the people. He didn't care who was seeing him or what they were thinking but that he was kissing the boy that he loved like crazy. The only thing he wanted was those lips on him and nothing more than that.

Immediately Luis locked his lips with his, everything around him disappeared. It was just him and Luis. He quickly closed his eyes and enjoyed the pleasure he was getting from Luis' lips. It was beautiful, intense feeling that took him to a whole new world. He felt like something was moving inside of him, making him really powerful. It was amazing.

Feeling Luis' tongue brushing on his lips, Aidan parted his lips and allowed Luis' slick tongue to penetrate him. And when their tongues met...oh...Aidan felt a deep electrifying effect take control of his body. He quivered and moved his hands to Luis' neck, urging him to kiss him even deeper. Everything was happening so fast and he didn't want it to go. That kiss was simply amazing.

The emotions he felt at that time were indescribable and electrifying. Their tongues were really at war as they kissed like they had never kissed before. Everything else seemed to have disappeared. It was just Aidan and Luis. They were even deaf to the gasps of the people that watched them as they kissed. They explored each other's mouths like never before.

Luis felt an intense feeling that he had never felt before as soon as he kissed Ramon. It was a feeling which were bonding them together, an unbreakable bond. Aidan could feel it too and it was such an intense feeling. He felt weak in the knees and just allowed Luis to devour his mouth in the sweetest of kisses.

What surprised Aidan was the deep powerful feeling that he was feeling deep inside of him. It felt really powerful and it made his whole body warm, making him to be filled up with energy. That powerful emotion made him really excited and he moaned in that kiss. Luis sucked on Aidan's upper lip, drawing a moan from him and then moved on to bite sensually on his lower lip as the guy drew more into the kiss. It was such an intense feeling. After what felt like hours, the beautiful kiss ended.

As their lips parted, Aidan still yearned for those lips to be on his, again. Apparently, they had been kissing longer than they thought it had been. Moving his eyes away from his husband's, Aidan realized that cameras were on them and everyone was up and applauding for them. Aidan moved his eyes to the crowd of people and blushed brightly. He felt really shy but never did he lose that smile which had brightened his face.

Aidan moved his eyes to the king and saw the happy and beautiful smile on his face. He smiled brightly and then chuckled nervously. He had no freaking idea that he had been kissing Luis in front of everyone. He had simply lost his mind when he felt Luis' on his lips.

Aidan looked at Luis and they both put their hands up, swinging them in their air, waving at the people that had attended their party. It was a grand party and it was gonna be in newspapers, magazines, social media, all over the world. Aidan couldn't have wished for anything more than that.

The shutters from those cameras...the applauses from people and their cheers...the smiles from his family members...the vibrations he felt each time Luis kissed him. That was probably the greatest thing that had ever happened to Aidan. He loved it a whole lot.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen," Hanna took over from her father. "Not exactly what you expected but you can't deny that it was...beautiful to watch,"

The people's cheers got out of hand and they whistled too. It was clear that they were really happy, especially after the kiss they had seen from their crown prince.

"I thought so," Hanna chuckled. "Okay. Now let's give it up for Prince Luis Carter and Prince Aidan Luis Carter."

The people cheered. "This has been great but the party is yet to start. I can tell that everyone is happy with the way things are going. Now that we have seen our lovely prince, let's get entertained and enjoy ourselves. I know you would like to meet Prince Aidan and talk to him...but...the dance floor is now open to everyone. Enjoy yourselves."

The music immediately started when Hanna said that. People were now dancing on the dance floor, enjoying their night. Aidan just stood and watched before the king finally came to him with the most gorgeous smile ever.

"Come son," The king smiled. "I will introduce you to all the members of my cabinet okay?"

"Sure," Aidan smiled brightly. He stared at Luis one more time before he finally let go of his hand and followed his father, the king. Luis didn't follow him but from that wonderful smile he could tell that he had wanted to.