Unbroken Ch. 08


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"Err...yeah," Luis confessed. "I haven't seen him for quite some time and..."

"He's fine," The prince said. "I just saw him talking to some people and taking pictures. I am sure he's enjoying himself. He's actually with your sister."

"Oh..." That was the only word that came out of Luis' mouth. He still couldn't look straight in the eyes of the man he was dancing with. It was either he was looking down or he was looking somewhere. He just wanted that dance to end. He was feeling really uneasy and there was that tingly feeling on his spine. He wanted to find his Aidan and probably dance with him and take pictures with him.

Thinking about Aidan, Luis heard William laughing softly. "You can look at me. I won't bite."

"No!" He quickly moved his eyes to the prince he was dancing with and tried to smile. But he was still feeling uneasy. "It's not like that, my prince."

"Hey, don't be too formal. My name is William and besides, I am not that old. We are probably of the same age."

"Yeah," That was the only word that came out of his mouth.

They danced silently without uttering a word even though the guy had a huge smile on his face. Luis tried to be confident and it seemed to be working pretty well. The only thing he was praying for was for that dance to end so that he could go away to find Aidan. That was supposed to be them dancing and not the other way around.

"It's really beautiful."


"The kingdom." William chuckled softly. "It is really beautiful. I have heard a lot about it and I must say...it is really amazing. My father told me about it and I think he might have left a little detail."


"You are welcome."

There was a moment of silence between them again. Luis was a great dancer but he could clearly see that Prince William wasn't bad either. The way he moved his body and steps was really beautiful but not as beautiful as Aidan. Only one thing was on his mind and that was to be done with that dance so that he could get out of there. Sure, the prince really seemed nice and all but he just wanted to be with his Aidan.

"Do you like adventure?"

"Err...sort of." Luis replied.

"Hmm, I love adventure." The prince breathed. "It is part of the reason why I came here. I came to visit the kingdom and just live my life for once. I am sure you understand right?"

"Yes..." Luis smiled brightly. "I do understand you perfectly."

"That's good," William chuckled. "This is a beautiful kingdom and there are many beautiful places too. I am sure that..."

"I know that, Prince Luis." The music was reaching its peak and honestly Luis felt like he was able to breathe again.

The music finally stopped and Luis let go of the man he was dancing with. He gave a nervous chuckle and slightly moved away from him, taking off his mask. His eyes were once again back to looking for Luis but he just couldn't see him. Anyway, he was really hoping Charles had found him already. As it was he was really missing him a whole lot.

"Thanks for the dance." William just gave about the brightest smile. "I really enjoyed it, Prince Luis. It was fun dancing with you and chatting with you. You are a great dancer indeed."

"Thanks. I have to leave you now because I have to find Aidan."

"It's okay, Prince Luis. We will see each other real soon."

Luis left immediately without even saying a word. He didn't even see the evil smirk that shot up on William's face. He was just too busy looking for his Aidan. Taking a deep breath of confidence, Prince William moved away from the dance floor.

Luis was hurrying, looking all around to see if he could take notice of his Aidan. He had to keep on smiling as many people, almost everyone were speaking to him and congratulating him. But he was hell bent on finding Aidan no matter what. He had been gone for almost an hour and Luis was missing him terribly.

Looking all around, he noticed his friend busy talking and chatting with some people. He had a glass of wine and there was a beautiful smile on his face. He quickly rushed to him and called him to the side, of course after excusing himself from the people.

"Have you found him?"

"No!" Charles said. "But I saw Hanna and she told me he is taking some photos with the photographers. They are actually moving from place to place so we won't have a chance of finding him. But he knows where Hanna is and he'll go back there as soon as he is done. Just relax." He patted on his chest. "Enjoy your party and let your mood be brighter. Aidan will be here in no time okay?"

"Okay." Luis said. He quickly picked a glass of champagne from a table near him and dug in. He smiled widely and in no time people had already surrounded him, talking to him about Aidan and his wedding. Things were really turning out to be okay and he was not missing Aidan that much. At least the boy was just out there taking pictures. He was gonna be back. Before that, Luis just enjoyed his night with the people or rather fans that had plenty of questions for him.


Aidan was walking in the party, going back to where he had been with Hanna earlier. He probably had the best night of his life but it was really tiresome. He had spent a lot of time with the photographers, taking numerous pictures for a magazine and social media. Of course, he had done it beautifully and they even congratulated him for it. Guess his confidence and fierceness really helped him out of that. It was really wonderful.

Even as he walked he had to maintain a really bright smile just to be friendly to the people. Many of them were smiling and others were waving. But he couldn't deny that they were probably admiring him. Phew! He really loved the feeling that he was having.

Aidan reached a certain table where there were drinks and he poured himself a glass of champagne before he continued going. He was really happy and he wanted to go to Hanna and tell her of his photo shoots and everything else. But he couldn't deny the fact that he was missing Luis and wanted a lot to go back to him.

Aidan slowly walked with a smile towards Hanna. He could already see her and he got excited. But just as he was about to increase his pace...he felt someone grabbing his arm, pulling him. He quickly moved his eyes to stare into the most beautiful blue eyes of his husband. His heart was already racing and he his breaths were becoming harsh. He was suddenly overtaken by a powerful emotional vibration that made him quiver in pleasure. Boy he had missed that man.

"Hey baby, where are you going?"

"I was actually going back to Hanna but now that I have seen you here I think I will stay with you." He gushed, staring at Luis' lips. They seemed delicious and they were calling out to him. "I missed you."

"Oh, God knows how much I missed you." Luis breathed in. His hands found Aidan's waist, bringing him closer to his body. He felt hot and a really powerful electrical vibration was moving up and down his body. It was a different feeling but it was amazing.

"Well, I am here." They were staring at each other like they were new found lovers.

"Yes," He breathed. "You are. Care for...another dance?"

"I would really love to."

Hearing Aidan's satisfying answer, Luis took the glass of champagne from his hands and placed it on the table. Then he placed his own glass on the table and took Aidan's hand, leading him to the dance floor. Once there, he held him tighter, making sure that he was glued to him. All eyes were on them again and once again, everything went dim. Then the spotlight shone on them once again. Everything was turning out perfectly.

Photographers, reporters, media people and others came rushing to the dance floor. They had their cameras ready, already taking pictures. Everyone else from the dance floor left, leaving only the two of them.

"Are you ready to start another dance?"

"Do you even have to ask?" Aidan chuckled.

The music suddenly changed into a beautiful waltzing music. Moving with the music, Aidan and Luis danced their hearts out. It was a really beautiful dance and they had a connection. Their eyes were on each other the whole time, getting lost in each other. They moved so passionately, following the music so perfectly, staring at each other so passionately and smiling at each other so seductively.

Everyone who watched that wonderful dance had their hands on their chest, watching in admiration and others in jealous and envy. And the people had thought they had seen it all on that first dance. That first dance was nothing compared to the way the two princes were waltzing on that dance floor. It was perfect.

Every person in that room stopped doing what he/she was doing and just stared at the wonderful couple. Their hearts were at the tip and they watched in silence and anticipation. They had never seen anyone look as beautiful as the couple on the dance.

The photographers had their cameras shuttering, taking every beautiful thing that was worth taking. In fact, everything was worth taking. It was the most beautiful and heartwarming romantic dance anyone had ever seen in their lives. From those gorgeous steps they could see that both the princes were pros at it. It was something worth watching and remembering.

"You are a great dancer." Luis breathed, looking deep into those wonderful eyes. They were really glowing but he loved them like that.

"Thanks," Aidan replied. "But it's because I have the best partner. You are the best at this."

"But they all have their eyes on you." Luis tried to speak normally but a soft moan came out of his mouth. "That only shows you how beautiful you are. You have stolen every heart in this party. They are all admiring you."

"You really have your way with words."

"It's the truth. I wouldn't lie to you. Can't you tell from the way they are looking at you? I am telling you these people really love you."

"We'll see about that."

Both of them smiled brighter than before and continued with their dances. It was amazing...it was romantic...it was captivating...it was hot...it was sizzling...it was magical...it was everything that Aidan and Luis had dreamed of it to be. Uh! That was really amazing.

The music didn't take quite long and they found themselves staring in each other's eyes again. They were so lost that they couldn't even see anyone or anything anymore. It was definitely just them alone in that room.

Luis' feelings were kicking in again. He had his eyes on those beautiful pink lips and he was dying to get a taste. Taking a really deep breath, he leaned down and captured those lips once again into the sweetest of kisses. He had never shared a kiss like the way he did at that time. It was passionately beautiful. By the time they broke free from each other they were breathing fast, panting. But they just wanted more of that wonderful and beautiful kiss. Boy it was amazing.

A loud clap and cheers from the watching people brought Aidan and Luis from their wonderful reverie. Getting to their minds they realized that all eyes were on them including cameras. Apparently, the photographers had taken each and every bit of that moment. But that was what Luis found hotter. He knew it was gonna be published in the magazines and newspapers and all over the internet. Everything was gonna turn out perfect.

"I love you so much."

"I love you so much, too."

Luis brushed Aidan with his nose and then kissed his wonderful hands. Then he wrapped his arm around his shoulder and both of them left the dance floor, to the cheers of the people. They owned the party that evening and the spotlight was only on them. Uh! That night was just too perfect for everyone.

As soon as they reached a table with drinks and food, Luis grabbed a chair for Aidan and he sat. Then he grabbed a chair and sat beside him, staring at him as if he wanted to devour him. They were soon joined by Hanna and her boyfriend and later Charles. They drunk...they ate...they talked and they joked. It was a really beautiful day. But photographers kept capturing every moment that was happening to them in that party. And everyone came to them and asked multiple questions. But Luis talked about his baby and he didn't seem to get tired.


The king was seated on his throne with a glass of champagne in his hands. He was sitting with his wife and his mother on either sides and he had his eyes on the people the whole time. He had never enjoyed a party as he did at that one. Everything was done perfectly and nothing had gone wrong since the party started. But most importantly, his son had never been as happy as he was at any party before. It was really amazing to watch.

"This is really a wonderful evening." The king beamed.

"Yes!" The queen said, taking a gloomy sigh. "I have never seen my son as happy as he is at this party. It is like a whole new him."

"My thoughts exactly," Granny chuckled nervously. "It is really nice to see him like that. It is almost too good to be true. But what do you expect? He is a married man now and he loves his groom a lot. That boy has really changed him and I love him so much for that. All credits goes to you though," She looked at the king.

"I just did that because it was what I thought at that time."

"But look where it got the prince." Ruby smiled. "It brought him immense happiness. And I couldn't have wished for a better son in law. I love him so much."

"I love him." The king smiled. "Not only is he fierce but he is also humble, kind and honest. He is the perfect boy for our son. I couldn't have wished for anything more than that for my dear son. He has the perfect boy and they are a perfect couple."

"Bless them." Granny prayed. "May their bond continue to be like that?"

"Amen!" Both the king and queen said.

There was a long moment of silence between them as each was busy looking at the people in the room. There was so much food and so many drinks. People were enjoying themselves with the food and drinks. They seemed happy and excited. Others were dancing to the soothing music on the dance floor. It was really beautiful music and it touched the soul of the king and his queen. They got lost with the music and just moved their heads, enjoying its soothing touch.

As the king was busy enjoying the music, he moved his eyes around and saw a young man coming towards him. He had a crown on his head and a beautiful mask. The king immediately fixed his eyes on the man and wondered who he was. The young man came in front, removed his mask and bowed down in front of the king.

"Hello, my king," He said formally.

"Hello," The king sounded not so sure. "Who are you?"

The young man bowed again. "My king, I am Prince William from Namary Kingdom."

"Oh!" The king gasped. "Prince William, yes, yes...please, get up."

The young man raised his face and stood up. He had a really handsome face and a beautiful smile.

"Thank you, your highness." William said softly. "Actually, I came here for the ball but I also came to explore the kingdom. I have heard a lot about this kingdom. But of course, I can't do this without my king's permission. It is great honor to be in the presence of a great king like you, my lord."

"Prince William," The king chuckled. "You are from Namary? Welcome to our great kingdom. I hope you are having fun at this ball?

"Yes, my king. This is a great party and I have enjoyed myself a lot. Your hospitality is great and so is everything."

King Julian was friends with the king of Namary, or at least they were old friends from long ago. They haven't quite communicated in a long while so...having his son in the palace was quite beautiful for him. He loved the way things were going. He loved it and appreciated it a lot that his old friend's son had come to visit and attend his son's party. It was something that he didn't even expect. But it was absolutely fantastic.

"Come and sit beside me." The king offered.

William grinned at the king as he made his way to the beautiful seat beside him. He sat comfortably and watched the party in full swing.

"So...how was your journey?"



The party went absolutely fantastic for Aidan and Luis. They totally enjoyed themselves with the way things were going. All eyes were on them that night and they couldn't have loved anything more. They had their hands on each other and had no intention of even letting go for once. They kissed...they hugged...they danced beautifully...they had a great connection with each that everyone admired. They talked to their fans and people and they had great photos together.

That evening photographers were after them everywhere they went. There was absolutely nothing that was private during that night. It was almost like anything they did was being captured but that was what Prince Luis found amazing. He just wanted to show the whole world that he had his Aidan by his side and nothing was gonna take him away. But most importantly he wanted to show that he was in love with the most beautiful boy on the planet.

That night they even had great photo shoots together. They were captured when they were kissing...they were captured when they paused and smiled at the camera. They did all kinds of poses which warmed that night. Fans were everywhere they went and they didn't get tired of smiling either.

The food was great and so were the drinks and everything. But they enjoyed the dances and the attention the most. After hours and hours of celebrating, the party came to an end almost at 2 in the morning. It had been the best party ever and many people said so. With a great thank you from both Luis and Aidan, the party came to an end with a bang. Everyone enjoyed it a lot but none enjoyed it like the royal family.

When the party ended, Aidan and Luis were absolutely tired from dancing, the talking, the smiling and even the eating and drinking. They were really sleepy and just wanted nothing more than a comfy bed and each other's arms. That was gonna be a dream come true.

They did a few final touches, made sure that the guests were all gone and then they finally felt like they were able to breathe again. It was now finally time to rest. That had been a great party and they sure weren't gonna forget it anytime soon.


Luis opened the door to his room, entering slowly with his arms on Aidan's waist. He was really tired and every part of his body was hurting too. The only thing he wanted to do was just rest. Reaching the room, he let go of Aidan's waist and threw his tired body on the bed.

"Oh my God," He breathed in. "God, I am really tired."

"You must be," Aidan said as he made his way to the huge dressing mirror. "It was a really tiresome party but it was fun and beautiful." He smiled when he remembered of the wonderful moments he had with Luis and everyone else. "I won't forget about it in my life."

"The feeling is mutual baby." Luis chirped as he rose from the bed. "Even though I am pretty tired, I just wish it had never ended. I had such a great time with the sexiest boy on the planet." He got up from the bed and made his way to the sexy boy. "I wish I could do that over and over again. It was simply the best party I have ever been to."

"I didn't go much to parties when I was in high school but..." He chuckled brought his hands up to his hair. "...I am sure that was the hottest party I have ever been to."

"Yeah," Luis breathed in between his teeth, giving a loud noise. "But do you know what made that party hotter?"

"No!" Aidan shrugged as he tried to remove the diamonds from his hair but he had no idea how they were placed. "What?"

Luis made his way to Aidan. "You." He gripped Aidan's waist and buried his face into Aidan's neck, kissing him softly.

"Luis!" Aidan moaned softly, dropping his head to the other side to give Luis access to his neck. "I thought you said you were..."

"I can never get tired of you." Luis groaned on Aidan's neck, making him quiver with pleasure. He gave a soft moan and just let go of himself. "You make me wanna lose myself each time I stare at you. Didn't you notice what was happening at the party?" Luis stuck out his tongue and licked on Aidan's neck's softly.