Unbroken Ch. 11


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"My lord...we..."

"Shut the hell up." He extended his hand and sent the three of them flying to the wall again. He had been doing that ever since they returned a few minutes ago. They could still remember how he had smiled when he had seen them. They could also remember the disappointment in his eyes and the fire ball that he had almost thrown at them. Fuck! Now he was just demanding explanations from them. It was really painful.

"My lord," They whimpered in fear. They were bloody and the pain was just too much to bear. "Please, you are hurting us. We tried..."

"Well, your best was not enough." He bellowed and then breathed in as if he was gonna breathe out fire. The three warlocks were trembling in fear and they had tears in their eyes. They knew that what they had done could cost them their dear lives. "For the last eighteen years I have been trying to find out how to summon those powers and now...now it is all gone." He furiously shouted, stomping his foot on the floor. There was a loud noise as one of the windows in the room broke into shards. "Eighteen years of planning going to waste."

"My lord, please listen to us. We tried our best but..."

"You are all useless..." He breathed in furiously, clenching on his fists. King Wyatt could feel his fists getting hotter each passing second. He knew he was already out of control and he could finish those men with his fire if he so wished.

Wyatt was madder than he had ever been. He was fuming and his magic was out of control. He was ready to kill the three idiots that had failed him. He was ready to kill them without thinking twice about it. He was ready to waste them right there. He didn't like failure, especially after waiting for two whole weeks. He was really mad. His plans had been ruined.

"My lord..." The three warlocks winced. "My lord, please try to understand us. It is not our intention to fail you."

"I had it perfectly planned." He seethed. "I could almost smell the power. I could almost smell victory and now..." He snarled as he clenched on his fists harder. "...you do this..." He released his fists and a fire escaped and aimed for the wall. It exploded when it touched the wall, leaving a gaping hole.

The three warlocks whimpered as they trembled in fear. The King was really mad and they could see it. Sure, they were powerful but what if that fire had been directed at them and what if the next one was gonna be aimed at them?


"Silence!" He raised his head as his voice echoed throughout the castle. "You are all a bunch of failures. How about I end you here and now?" He growled at the three trembling men. "How about I end your lives? How about you explode into a thousand..."

A loud cry was heard throughout the room. It was sharp and it was of pain. The three warlocks had their bodies on the floor, pleading with the mighty king. "Almighty Wyatt, greatest of the great, king of king, most powerful warlock whose name struck fear into the souls of..."

"Will you stop that foolishness?" He snapped, giving then angry eyes. "It seems I have no use for you. You have been useful until now. I am going to put you in your place." The three warlocks shook like leaves on a windy day.

"You still need us my lord. There is more..."

"Silence!" His voice sounded like that of thunder. "I sent you to get a scepter from the hands of a foolish king and you couldn't do it properly." He made a quick turn and stared at the man that had knelt down in front of him with his eyes on the floor, trembling like a leaf. That boy he saw really made him angrier than he had ever been. He was really angry. "And you..." He snapped, pointing his finger at the man that was in front of him, his son. "I thought I could trust you to do this job. But turns out you are worse than those three idiots that call themselves warlocks."

"Father," William bowed his head. "I know that I have failed you terribly. I should have had the scepter by now but..."

"Excuses-excuses-excuses-excuses..." He yelled, throwing another fire ball. "That's all that you are giving me and..."

"I am sorry father...we almost had it but there was this..."

"Silence!" He yelled. "You only know how to give excuses. I wonder if you are even my son. My son can never fail me like this." He bellowed. "Are you sure you are one of my sperms?"

William got hurt by his father's words. He was deeply hurt but he knew better than to show weakness in front of his father. That was like the greatest mistake he'd ever make in his life. "Father, something went wrong with our mission. We could have come with the scepter but that stupid priest has changed it. The one with the king is a copy. The original one has been hidden and we had no idea where. The palace was turning into a dangerous place so we...we had to return. Plus..."

"You are really a failure..." Wyatt nodded in anger, giving his boy angry eyes. "I never expected this from my son. I expected more than that. I had put the..."

"I am sorry father but..."

"Enough!" He yelled and extended his hand. William was ripped from where he knelt and thrown to the floor with a thud. He hit his arm hard and it hurt like hell. "Because of you four nincompoops I will not achieve my goal. That scepter was the final ingredient that I needed. But it is now impossible to do that and..."

"Please, father I beg you." William got up from the floor holding his arm. "We didn't mean to fail you. Give us another chance. We are ready to go back to Angria to find that scepter and we promise to bring it back this time. We will not fail you..."

"Oh, you have already failed me." He gave a bitter chuckle that put fear into everyone in that room. "You have already made the greatest failure in the history of my kingdom. And..."

"Please..." William was trembling as he knew exactly what was gonna follow. "Give us another chance and we will go back..."

"You know what I do to failures." He gave a soft sinister laugh as his face turned red. He clenched his fists harder. "You knew exactly what was gonna follow if you fail this mission. You knew the consequences. I can't just have failures in my kingdom and you call yourself my son when you can't even prove to me that you are my own flesh and blood."

"No!" William whimpered, falling to his knees. "I am your son and..."

"That doesn't exclude you from my wrath." His face was definitely red and the men in that room swore they saw smoke. "You know what I do..." He was getting really close to his son and the three warlocks that had failed him.

"My lord...no..."

"You are useless to me and I don't care whether you are my son or not." He let go of his fists and made an enchantment right in front of those men. "Now you are gonna feel my wrath and you are gonna regret ever failing a mission in your life again."

As the four men's cries filled the entire room...Wyatt's face turned evil as he extended his hand at the four men. He opened his palm and a small fire ball started forming. It was growing and it was turning bigger each second. Seeing that dangerous fire ball, the four men cried out in pain as they moved their eyes away. They couldn't bear to see as that ball grew and hit them. It was better to die without seeing it.

Wyatt's fire ball kept on growing until it became bigger. He took in a deep breath and thrust his hand forward to charge that fire ball but before he did...

"Stop, my lord..." He heard a voice fill out the entire room. "Don't do that."

The king groaned in anger and then charged the fire ball elsewhere, making yet another gaping hole in that room. He grunted and then made a quick turn to find the seer standing in the door way with a serious face.

"What were trying to do, my lord?" The seer asked as he got closer. "You were just about to kill your own son?"

"He failed me." The king said harshly in the deepest voice that echoed throughout the room. "I don't like failures even from my own son. He needs to learn to..."

"My king, that's not good." The seer nodded. "Don't harm any of them. Leave them all alone."

Hearing the seer's words, the four men felt as if life had just returned to them. They were able to breathe fine again and though they were still afraid they knew they were safe because the king always listened to the seer.

"Why should I spare these fools?" He snarled, trembling in anger. "They didn't get the scepter that I had sent them to get. Now they have just ruined everything and..."

"Nothing is ruined my lord..." The seer said. "All this is just...a delay."

"What am I supposed to do?" He demanded. "How do I get that scepter? That foolish priest has hidden it. The one..."

"Don't worry, my king..." He chuckled, rubbing his hands together. "You will get your powers. It is your destiny to get those powers, my king."

"How?" He hollered, breathing harshly. "They haven't brought the scepter with them. We still don't know..."

"It might take time...but real soon...you will have that scepter with you." He laughed manically. "Just be patient for a little while."

"Patience?" The king kicked the chair and sent it flying. "That is something that I don't have. These idiots are to be blamed for all this. I would have had the scepter by now and I would have been on my way to victory by now. But now I am back to square one. Give me a good reason why..."

"Their mission to the kingdom wasn't futile after all." The priest sniffed the air. "Currently there is no threat in that kingdom. The priest is dead. That scepter will be yours. You shall have it no matter what. We need a really great magical item to help locate that scepter, my lord..." The priest laughed. "These three will be useful to you." He bowed. "We might need quite a number of ingredients and we need the people that are skilled at it." He looked at the three warlocks. "They will help out with the spells. And you can't kill your heir, my lord." He laughed.

The king looked at the four failures. "Consider yourselves lucky." He warned. They all bowed. "This is your last chance or you will be ashes before I even snap my fingers."


"Now get out of my sight before I change my mind."

William and his three warlocks rushed out of the room, leaving Wyatt with the seer. They had thanked their lucky stars nothing had happened.

Wyatt and the seer discussed what was to follow next. It was gonna take really long for everything to work and for king Wyatt to take his powers but at least he was gonna have those powers so it was no big deal. And if the seer told him not to worry then he was definitely alright.


Luis was seated on a small chair, close to his granny who was asleep on the bed. She was looking really pitiful and he didn't like seeing her in that condition. She was on oxygen and her wound was bandaged. She had blood transfusing into her and she looked really pitiful.

As he stared at his granny, Luis felt tears building in his eyes, filling him up with so much pain. The rest of the family members were in that room and they were all quiet. Actually, Luis couldn't bear to drown in his sorrows so he followed everyone to the hospital.

Luis was just in a dark blue trouser, pink shirt and brown sandals. His hand was bandaged after he had cut himself with the glass from the mirror. As he stared at the old woman that had barely survived the stabs from Aidan, Luis drowned in his own pain. He might have stopped crying but he was still in so much pain and he was thinking about Aidan and where he was. He was also thinking about what he was doing. Fuck! It was just too painful.

Luis' eyes were red from crying and his heart was still weak. He knew he was gonna live with that pain for the rest of his life.

Luis felt a hand on his shoulder and then slowly moved his head and stared into his sister's eyes. She smiled faintly and then squeezed his shoulder. He smiled faintly and moved his eyes to the old woman. He didn't want to leave her side.

"Are you okay?"

"I am trying to be." He said in the weakest voice anyone had ever heard from him. When they heard his voice they couldn't help but feel sad. Their lovely boy was in so much pain. They couldn't bear to see him like that.

As they sat in that room, staring at the old woman, the door opened and the doctor slowly came in. Seeing the doctor Luis got up and just stood without saying a word.

"Your highness," The doctor bowed at the king. "I came to check on her royal highness."

Without saying a word, the king just nodded. The doctor went further and checked the old woman on the bed. It took quite longer as he checked everything carefully. Then he went and stood close to the king.

"She is responding really well," The doctor smiled. "I don't know how but her wound seems to be healing faster too. She will be well real soon. Everything is just perfect and she may wake up soon. We have to keep her under observation though."

After the doctor left, Luis sat back on the chair without saying a word. His granny was gonna be alright real soon but what about him? Will he ever be alright?

Will his heart ever heal?


The wind was blowing strongly, making it difficult for someone to walk to easily. The coldness of the breeze that time was really something else. It was a really cold day and anyone wouldn't have dared walk or stay in that coldness. Yet he was, cold and unhappy. He was holding himself tightly, sad and lost, Aidan.

Aidan was walking in the strong wind and the coldness of the breeze. His hair was loose, blowing backwards, revealing his once glowing and smiling face. He had his eyes dropped on the ground as his memory took him back to the things that had happened once in his life, a life that he had thought was perfect for him. He had no expression on his face and he seemed lost. He didn't even mind the coldness that he was feeling in his body.

Two days...two days has passed since he disappeared from the palace. He had appeared in a place where he had no idea he was. He couldn't recognize any of it. It was just a bare land with a forest on his right. He hadn't even minded doing anything. He had just started walking, going anywhere his feet had to carry him. His mind had been so occupied since the previous day that he hadn't even had anything to eat. He didn't even look where he was going. He could feel that he was not in the kingdom anymore.

"You cast a spell on me." Luis' voice rang through his head. "You killed the priest...you tried to murder granny...you will pay for your crimes...you are a warlock..."

Aidan had probably been in the worst pain since the previous day. What had happened was painful and it was still embedded in his mind. He couldn't seem to forget about any of the things...the betrayal...the anger...the pain and everything that added to that very pain. He had been quiet since he appeared in that land. It seemed no one lived in the land.

Aidan had his arms wrapped around himself, shielding himself from the cold wind that seemed to be preying on him. Everything that he felt on his body reminded him of what he was going through. He was so cold but God knows that he didn't care at that very time.

Aidan's heart was barely beating. It was beating weakly and his head was pulsing terribly with each image that slipped through his mind. He was slowly walking, trying to gather the little strength that he had in him. He wasn't planning on giving up or anything like that. He was gonna continue living.

Aidan continued walking, drowning in his own pain and sorrows. He didn't know for how long he had walked. It could have been hours...it could have even been a day but he didn't care at all. The pain he felt in his heart was sharp and super killing him. He was feeling like someone had pulled his heart.

He wouldn't have been able to hurt like that had his husband been supportive and trusted him but now...he was like a broken man...who had had nowhere to go. He had no idea what to do or where to head. So he just continued on going and going and going. He didn't want to stop. He wanted that pain to go away from him. He wasn't used to feeling like that.

"I will forget..." He whispered. "I will forget about everything that has ever happened."

But who was he kidding? He couldn't even feel any better. It was like that feeling had him pinned to the wall. He was so lost...so he just continued on going.

As he was going...walking slowly, Aidan tripped on something and found himself on the ground. He had hit the ground so hard that it hurt like hell but that feeling was nothing compared to the pain and anguish the people he had thought loved him had put him through. That one was a whole different kind of pain.

Aidan gave a low whimper as he tried to move from the ground. There was no tears on his face but the pain inside was too much. Balancing on his hands Aidan tried to get up before his eyes caught with the puddle of water that was on the ground. He saw himself...he saw how he was looking in the puddle. It was really clear to him.

For a minute he just stared into that puddle and looked at the person that he was looking at. His hair was a mess and it was still blowing back. It had reached all the way down to the ground. His face was blank. He looked lost, defeated and broken up.

Slowly moving his eyes to examine his reflection, Aidan caught the beautiful glowing thing on his neck. That had been the necklace that his husband had given to him. Seeing the necklace actually brought a lot of painful memories to him. He got up and sat on his butt, his eyes never leaving that puddle of water. Then he moved his hand to that gorgeous necklace and held it tighter, closing his eyes.

He tried to remember the wonderful memories attached to that necklace and maybe get rid of the pain. But once his eyes closed, all that came to him were the painful words that Luis had said to him. He gasped in fear and then opened his eyes wider.

Once his eyes looked into the puddle...another thing caught his eyes. The sparkling diamond and gold ring on his finger reminded him again of something, something really bad. He felt like crying when he looked at the two most beautiful and yet painful possessions that he had in his life. He had no idea how to act or even react. The fact still remained that Luis hated him and called whatever they shared a lie and full of deception.

Aidan stared into that puddle, feeling his emotions get stronger. His heart finally had the chance to pound deeper in his chest. He felt as if it was about to rip out of his chest. His breaths were getting harsh. His whole body vibrated and a powerful emotion took control of his body.

"You killed the priest..."

He remembered how his husband had chosen to hurt him and not believe him. He remembered how the people had reacted to him. He remembered how they had treated him like animal. With all those painful thoughts in his mind and heart, Aidan felt tears building in his eyes. They were so much that they were ready to explode right there.

As more memories kept on slipping through him...he felt a deep warm sensation that seemed to envelope his body and make him shiver. The more he remembered the more the sensation got intense to the point where he was feeling really warm. He couldn't explain that feeling.

"Tell me the bond that we share means nothing?"

"That vow meant nothing with someone like you. Why would..."

Aidan clenched on his fists as he remembered those painful words which had been uttered by no other than his loving husband, a person he now didn't even know how to view. His husband had been the person that he loved. That ring and that necklace were just a reminder of what he had gone through.

"No..." He gasped as that feeling kept on filling him up. He dropped his hands to the ground and clenched on them so hard, pulling the sand in his own hands. The feeling kept on getting stronger. He kept on staring at his reflection in that puddle. The wind that was blowing got stronger the more he stared at in that puddle.