Unbroken Ch. 11


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Suddenly a myriad of emotions took control of his body. He was being filled with a whole lot of them...anger being the least. He was angry and that anger kept on being filled up. He kept on staring at his reflection, carefully examining it.

"What?" He gasped as he saw just how he was looking. "This is not me. This is not Aidan." He clenched on the ground harder as the wind got stronger. "I will not allow this to happen to me..."

"You are nothing but..." Aidan nodded his head and stared into his own reflection. The person he saw in that reflection and the person he knew he was were so different. He was a really lively person that never cared about anything. He was the type of person that was fierce. He was not the type that was gonna allow to be broken like that.

Aidan nodded as he felt a tear dropped down his cheeks. He quickly rubbed it. "No...Aidan...you will not do this. You will not be broken...never...they have forgotten about you so...forget about them and move on."

With one final look in that lovely puddle, Aidan confidently got up and moved his eyes from side, trying to see where he was. "I will not allow this pain to control me. I will never allow this pain to break me. I have been fine on my own and I was fine the first time."

Aidan tried to see clearly but he couldn't do it as the wind was getting stronger each passing second. He couldn't see where he was. He tried everything but he couldn't do it. He moved his eyes to his body and looked at himself, carefully examining himself. There was so much anger deep within him that he couldn't understand. How could he ever be angry and in pain at the same time?

He tried to get rid of some of that anger but his mind was playing tricks on him. He couldn't forget what had happened between Luis and him. He couldn't get it out of his brain. It was like another part of him that he couldn't get rid of.

"Luis..." Aidan said confidently, clenching on his fists. "You have hurt me more than anyone else has ever hurt me in my life. You can live without me..." He hollered, feeling his mouth tremble. "Well, I guess it's time for me to do the same."

He was still in so much pain even though he was trying to encourage himself. If only he could get rid of that pain once and for all. "I am going to forget..." He said as a tear poured down his cheek. "I will totally forget about everything that has ever happened. All the memories..."

"I love you." He heard Luis' voice deep in his head.

"Fuck..." Aidan felt like a lightning bolt had just struck his body. That word hit him so powerfully that he felt weak. He fell to his knees and dropped his head on the ground. "I love..."

"No..." He gasped. He was gonna try to fight whatever it was that was hurting him. "I won't let you hurt me. I won't let you hurt my feelings."

Taking a deep breath, Aidan furiously rose from the ground and looked all around. Then he confidently moved his hand and gripped the necklace that was glowing on his neck. It was gonna hurt with what he was gonna do next but it was necessary. Taking his mind a little further, Aidan pulled on the necklace with all his might and then broke it.

He held it on his palm and took a really good look at it, feeling as if he had just committed a sin. "I always thought I could count on you." His hair blew even harder, revealing his angry looking face. "I trusted in this relationship so much that..." He paused and rubbed the tears which had just fallen. "...I gave my whole to you. I gave you my body...my soul...my unconditional love...my happiness and everything that makes people happy. I gave you everything..." He hollered through that wind. His voice sounded like a robot. "I never denied you anything." Tears were pouring down his face and this time he never even bothered rubbing them.

"You promised unconditional love...you promised heaven on earth...you vowed to never hurt me. But you still did anyway..." His face was really serious by then. "You never loved me..." He nodded in anger. "You just used me for your own sex pleasures. But I will not let you hurt me even though you are not here. I will stand strong and I will never allow anyone to hurt me again. I am stronger now. I have always been and I will always be."

He took in a deep breath and clenched the glowing necklace in his hand.

"I will rise again...I will never fall..." He breathed harshly, furiously opening his palm. Then he rubbed his tears away and sniveled, trying to be as confident looking as he could be at that time. "Everything is in my past. Everything is behind me now..." He furiously dropped his hands and threw the necklace on the ground. "Never again..."

Throwing the necklace, he moved his finger and stared at it for a really long time. He had his eyes on that beautiful ring...another thing that made him fume. He was really mad that he couldn't even handle anything.

"I will never get hurt again." He slipped the ring off his finger and clenched on it.

Then screaming as if he was in so much pain, he threw the ring away, far away into that wind. He didn't want to see it ever again. He didn't want to remember the past. He didn't want to dwell in the past. He wanted to forget even though it was really painful.

"I will never allow you to hurt me again." He vowed. "I will never be hurt like this again. This will not make me weak. I am Aidan and I am unbroken. There is no problem that I haven't been able to handle." He hollered. "I shall pass through this storm."

He moved his eyes from side to side, breathing in the beautiful wind that seemed to be getting stronger and stronger by each passing second. He clenched on his fists and then panted, feeling tears building in his eyes. He was really angry, angrier than he had ever been. He loved them and helped them and now they betrayed him and treated him like a criminal. He was really mad.

Aidan moved his eyes and just stared at the wind, feeling a deep energy suddenly surround him. Feeling all that powerful energy within him, he clenched on his fists hard and took in the deepest breath ever. He was trying to get rid of all the negative energy that had surrounded him. He was now alone and he was gonna make it alone.

"Never..." He exhaled loudly, letting out a deep breath.

As that breath left him, a loud swoosh of powerful wind could be heard. All of a sudden the strong wind just died down. Everything was suddenly calm, back to normal. Aidan looked all around and then saw the place.

It was not that beautiful but it was bear land. There were forests on both sides and they were really green.

Aidan took a quick glance behind, a place where he had come from. It was painful but he was gonna have to do it. Then with a final groan, he looked ahead and started going away. He just needed to get away from that place. He needed to be far away from the palace.


"Man...I am really sorry," Charles nodded, trying to hide his tears away from his friend. "I didn't know. I had no idea that had happened. It is all so...I can't even..." He sighed. Charles was really sad. Luis had just been telling him of the things that had happened to him. He had no idea that had happened and the most painful thing was that his friend was suffering. He could see it from his eyes.

"It's not your fault..." Luis muttered. He had his eyes dropped on the floor, remembering what had happened. "None of us knew he was...he was..." Luis trailed off when he felt tears in his eyes. He looked away and then suppressed those tears.

"Oh no...Luis..." Charles quickly rubbed his tear. "Please...don't do this. Rather than waste your tears on someone that doesn't deserve it..."

"You are right..." Luis chuckled bitterly. "He doesn't deserve my tears. He deserves punishment and..." He rubbed his tear off. "I can't help it. You don't know how I feel..." He shrugged. "I feel like...I feel like someone had just..."

It had been three days since Aidan had disappeared from the palace. No news has been heard from him since that time. The priest's body had been cremated the previous day as per custom of cremating priests in Angria. It had been a really terrible day for everyone in Angria. It had been an emotional and bad day for every person in Angria. But they pulled through and now...everyone in the kingdom knew about Aidan and what he had done and what he was. Posters were all over the kingdom. They wanted him dead or alive. Though all that had hurt Luis a bit...okay, a whole lot as he still couldn't get over Aidan.

Granny has been responding to the treatment really well and she hasn't really wakened up as the doctor had predicted but...they still visit her. In fact, Luis has been spending a lot of time with her just to get rid of his problems. It has really helped him a whole lot.

"It feels really bad..." Charles gave a gloomy sigh. "Who would have known that Aidan would..."

"Charles...please," Luis said softly. "Don't mention his name here. Please..."

"I am so sorry..." Charles apologized. "I won't repeat it." He then just remained quiet. He had no idea what to say next to his friend. "By the way, how is she? How is granny doing?"

"I don't know..." Luis sighed. "She is not doing really well but..."

"That's bad..." Charles muttered. "When are you going to..."

Before Charles could finish his sentence, Luis' phone rang and he quickly picked it up. He sounded a bit happy and his mood changed a little. He had just received a call from the hospital that granny had regained consciousness.

"We need to go to the hospital." He said with a fading smile. "Granny had just woken up."

"Really...Let's go."

Both Luis and Charles left the palace for the hospital. They probably had the most awkward drive to the hospital. They didn't even utter a word to each other. Luis was too preoccupied to even talk. He wasn't even himself that day. Aidan was on his mind and that time it was stronger. Things were really changing in his life.


Luis was seated on the chair, near granny's bed. He had his eyes on the old woman, staring at her and praying she gets up again, soon. She had woken up before he came and now he was only waiting for her to wake up again. The oxygen had been removed as she was able to breathe normally. It was great recovery for her and they were really hoping things would go back to normal. The entire family including Charles was in that room. They all had their eyes on the old woman.

Granny had been in pain the first time she had woken up but the doctor had sent her back to sleep. It had almost been five hours since he came to see granny and she hadn't woken up. He had his eyes on her and was not going to tear them away until she wakes up.

After what felt like hours, granny finally moved and then gave a weak groan. Luis moved his head and then got up from his chair to her. Reaching her, he held her hand and then slowly rubbed on it. The rest of the members surrounded the bed.

Granny moved her head and then groaned once again.

"Granny..." Luis gasped, feeling tears rolling in her eyes. "Granny..."

"Ai...Aidan..." Granny gave a soft groan as she moved her head weakly from side to side. "He is...a...war..." She trailed off and just groaned softly.

Hearing what grabby had just said reminded Luis of the painful secret he had just found out about Aidan a few days back. He knew that Aidan was definitely a warlock and a murderer but he had no idea why he seemed like that when he heard granny's voice. It sent pain throughout his entire body. He could feel himself trembling and he knew what was gonna come next.

"Don't speak...mother," The king said as he held her hand tightly. "We know what you are trying to tell us. We know that Aidan did this to you."

Luis felt like he was just unable to breathe right there. There was a sudden powerful vibration that made him feel a little weak. He slowly let go of granny's hand and made a quick turn, heading for the door. He was moving out real quickly.

"Luis..." The king called with concern. "Son...I..."

"I am just going to call the doctor." Luis said without turning to see his father's face. "I will be back." Without even getting any response from the king he rushed out of his room and felt tears building in his eyes. Aidan was not worth those tears but they just kept on coming and coming. He couldn't do a thing to stop them. He was acting like a fool.

Getting out of the room, Luis rushed to the men's room as tears made their way on his cheeks. Reaching the men's room, he looked into the huge mirror as more tears made their way down. His heart was pounding with pain. He couldn't understand a thing of what was going on with him. He never wanted Aidan back in his life, he swore he never did but why was the pain too much, he cried?

Lucky for him...no one was in the room and even if they did he'd make sure that he dismisses them. It was too fucking painful. The reflection in the mirror showed him that of a weak man and helpless too. Is that what he had become? It was really painful for him and he never liked it one bit. Things were going pretty badly for him.

Luis stayed in the men's room for some minute. He tried to encourage himself and also rub his tears but it was futile as his face got flooded again. He had never cried like that in his life before. He was crying for someone that didn't deserve it at all.

Luis cried out in pain. He was so lost that he didn't even realize that Charles had come into the men's room. The next thing he felt were two hands on his shoulder. He quickly rubbed his tears and then tried to smile but he knew he wasn't fooling anyone.

Charles sighed as he was overtaken by sorrow. "You don't have to hide your tears away from me, you know. It is good to cry it out."

"Charles...man..." Luis sniveled as he wiped his face clean. "What are you..."

"I am not buying that." Charles warned, pointing at him. "I know that you are crying. It is good to cry when it hurts..." He felt tears building in his eyes. "Especially with our loved..."


"Both of us can't deny the fact that he was part of your life." Charles pointed out as a tear made its way on his cheeks. "We also can't deny that you loved him. Cry it out...cry it all out until you feel better. We are men..." He paused and got closer to Luis. "But...we need to cry at times because we also get hurt."

Hearing what Charles had to say, Luis gripped him into a fierce hug. He abruptly felt tears making his face wet again. "Why?" He sobbed. "Why do I have to suffer like this, Charles? Why do I have to experience these kinds of things?"

"Shh..." Charles rubbed on his back. "You just have to cry out. I am all here. You can do anything just to get it out. I will always be here for you."

Luis thanked Charles before the two of them just held each other and cried softly. Luis cried of pain...he cried of betrayal...he cried of love...he cried of regret. There were just too many emotions attached to him at that time. They were all making him really weak. They made him feel worse but he did cry anyway.

Luis cried and then rubbed his tears after what felt like hours. Lucky for him no one came into the men's room otherwise it wouldn't have been too good for him, especially with Aidan's wanted photos all over the kingdom. He was practically a really wanted and dangerous criminal.

Luis and Charles opened the door and found the doctor assuring the family members that granny was gonna be alright and her healing was somehow faster. Just when he went back in...the doctor left and he just held his granny's hand, staring at her beautiful face. She was asleep once again.

"Ah..." The old woman was probably in more pain than anyone had ever imagined. She was an old woman and she got stabbed. It was his entire fault. He shouldn't have allowed Aidan to seduce him and make him fall for him. Fuck! He had been fucking a warlock. It was really painful.

"Hey...son..." The king gestured, looking in his direction. "It took you quite long out there. I thought you were about to go and call the doctor?"

Luis' heart jumped. "Well, err..."

"He was not feeling well all of a sudden." Charles lied. "I took him out for some fresh air."

"Oh..." The queen gasped, extending her hand. She gripped his shoulder and gave it a tight squeeze. "Why didn't you tell us? We are really sorry with the way things..."

"I am fine, mom..." He muttered. "I am really fine. You don't have to worry about me or anything like that okay? What matters is that...granny will be alright and we will forget about all this..."

Everyone remained quiet after Luis' statement. The queen squeezed his shoulder once more and smiled before she finally let go. There was a really long moment of silence in the room. No one uttered a word or even said anything to each other. They were sad but they were a bit glad that granny had survived it. Too bad the priest was gone.

Luis knew he had a lot of answering to do from the people, the press and the cabinet members. He was happy his granny was alright but one thing was still on his mind...he never wanted to set his eyes on Aidan again. It was better if he was gone already. He didn't want to see him for whatever reason.

Luis held his granny's hand tighter and then breathed in deeply. He prayed and thanked the almighty for saving his granny from the cold hands of death, in that case...Aidan. They had been saved from death too because Aidan could have done worse things to them.


Luis entered his room, tired and well spent. He had spent the whole afternoon with granny and also wanted to stay with her the whole evening but his mother had insisted he rested since he was also affected by what had happened mostly.

As Luis made his way into that room, he sat on the bed and buried his face between his palms, softly rubbing his aching eyes. Luis was staying in a different room. He was staying in a different room because he wouldn't bear to sleep in the same room where he had been sleeping with Aidan.

It was not as classy and elegant as the room he had been living in but it was perfect and it had everything that he needed. The other room had always reminded him of Aidan and his betrayal. It reminded him of all the lies that had been made up in that very room. He couldn't bear it. He just couldn't do it.

He was gonna have everything that belonged to Aidan gotten rid of and then he was gonna have the room renovated and refurnished. He was gonna do that and then he was gonna live in peace without some warlock ever disturbing his life again. What he couldn't understand was the way he was constantly thinking about Aidan. It was all so bad and it made him hurt a lot.

After what felt like hours, Luis raised his face and then stared around the room as he took a quick sigh. He didn't like being alone as it made him think about Aidan whole lot but he was not gonna allow that to happen.

"You had hurt the person that I love." He said angrily. "You had made me fall for you. You had lied to me. You had tried to take the throne away from me. You had even pretended to love me." He clenched on his fists as his anger took him to a whole new level. I will never allow you to control my life anymore." He vowed. "I can never love a warlock and a murderer. Aidan..." he sighed. "I will not allow you to affect my life. You are no longer a part of it and I hope you stay away."

Luis had no idea where that anger came from but he knew he was angry. "You changed my life but it was all for nothing. I will not be the same Luis..."

He clenched on his fists and then took a deep sigh as a tear made its way down his cheeks. He was not gonna allow it anymore. He had had enough of Aidan. He was gonna forget about everything and move on. That was a promise he made to himself and his family.

"I am gonna have to forget." He said confidently. "Aidan is a closed chapter in my life. That chapter will never open. I am gonna forget everything..."