Unbroken Ch. 13


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Things were better that day for the entire royal family. They were really happy with the way things were going. Luis made sure that he had fun with everyone. They played beach games...they swam in the sea...they had coconuts...they chased each other...they had great food. It was all just fun and games for everyone that day even though it was mostly just Luis, Hanna, Charles and Henry.

They played beach volleyball; they did all sorts of things together. They had a lot of fun and none of Luis' troubles ever crossed his mind that day. All he just concentrated on was just to have fun with each other. It was a great day for each and every one of them.

The day went absolutely perfect. Everything that Luis had planned went great even greater. They did everything just to have with each other. They even played hide and seek like little children. All those memories had Luis thinking about his childhood.

Luis used to have fun with Charles as a child. Too bad he couldn't get back those old days. If only he could that, he would choose to be as happy as he was when he was just a child. Things had been perfect then and he had no idea he would experience the problems that he had been experiencing.

After a great day, Luis and his family sat on the beach, enjoying the wonderful cold drinks while watching the beautiful setting sun. The breeze was really beautiful and the sound of the water current was just soothing to the soul.

"Isn't it beautiful?" The king said. "How I wish our lives would remain like this for the rest of our lives."

"Yeah..." The queen breathed in the cool breeze. "It would be the most wonderful feeling in the world."

"You are right."Hanna chuckled.

"It is such a wonderful feeling."

The royal family had a great day but the sun finally set and the wonderful moon was already rising. The beach was getting super cold. They knew it was wise to just go back to the beach house. They called the maids to take the stuff back to the beach house. They went back to the beach house to finally rest and forget that they were even tired.

Luis and Charles' flight was in the afternoon so they decided to spend the night at the beach house and then leave in the morning. They needed to spend time with the family as they didn't know when they were gonna be back in the kingdom.

After a great dinner, the royal family went to the balcony where there was a balcony fireplace. They talked mostly about Luis' journey and then just dived into telling stories and jokes. They forgot that time was running and hence went to their rooms when it was really late.

There were so many rooms in the beach house but Charles and Luis were gonna be spending their night at the beach house together. They first stayed in the Jacuzzi together while dropping jokes, well Charles did. Then they hit the shower before finally going to sleep.

The next morning they woke up and had breakfast. They didn't waste any more time as Luis and Charles had an early afternoon flight. They went back to town and then Luis had to prepare for his journey. The previous day had been such an incredible experience for him.


"I will really miss you." Hanna gave a sad sigh, holding on to her brother tightly. "You don't actually know how much I will miss you. I can't even think about it."

"Hanna," Luis held her waist tightly. "I thought we talked about this."

"Yes!"Hanna sighed. "But I can't help but get sad. You know how emotional I can get especially when it comes to you. We are just the two of us and you know that."

"I do." Luis said as they passed the huge exit door.

Luis was ready to go. In fact, his bags were already parked in the car and his parents were already waiting outside at the car. He had just remained to give himself a few touches but his sister couldn't let go of him. She was acting like a baby.

"But you were the one that refused to come with me, right?"

"I know that. But I can't just leave my Henry. He will really miss me a lot and I will miss him."

"I won't be long."

Hanna sighed. "Okay."

She held on to him as the both of them went to where the others were standing. Luis was dressed in a bright red designer's shirt which he had tucked in a bright blue, sparkly skinny jean which was stuck on his body. It was showing his perfect body in full. It made him look really wonderful and handsome. He had his shirt folded and then half way buttoned. His hairy but sexy chest was in full view for anyone to see. He loved how he was dressed. He loved it a lot.

Luis had his hair gelled and then pulled backwards, revealing his gorgeous but sexy face. His blue eyes were in full view and he looked younger for his age. He had bright blue, red and yellow striped fancy designer's snickers on. He was looking like a king rather than a prince. No one would guess that he was confused and his mood was not right.

"You look handsome, my son." The queen said as she pulled him into a big hug. "I will miss you very much."

"I will miss you too mother." He was trying his best not to lose his cool and just break down. "I love you."

"I love you too." She pulled away from the hug, cupping his sweet cheeks. The queen decorated his face with sweet kisses. She just wanted to let him go with the kisses that were gonna last until the day he comes back to the palace. "I hope these kisses will last until you return."

"They will." Luis smiled and then kissed her cheek. He let go of her and went to granny. "I am so sorry, granny. But I will come back and I will make it up to you."

"What are you talking about?"

"About your wound and your recovery..." He said. "I should have been..."

"Come here, you crazy boy." She laughed, pulling him into a big hug. "I will miss you a lot, my son. I will really, really miss you."

They hugged for quite some time before he went to his father. He gripped him into a great hug. The king patted on his back while trying his best not to cry.

"Now my son," he pulled away and just held his hands. "Please. Take care of yourself while you are abroad. I want to see that crazy son of mine when you return here okay."

"He will be here." Luis hugged his father once more before he pulled away. He kissed his sister and hugged her tightly. She actually cried but thank God the queen held her and soothed her. It was now time for Luis to go. He moved away from them and then went to the car where the door was already open.

Taking a deep breath, he looked behind and saw his happy but emotional family.

"I will be calling you every day." He promised. "We will be chatting more often. I just want you to promise me you will be happy even with me not being around here. I want you to promise me that you will always have fun."

"We promise." They all said.

Luis smiled and then chuckled softly. His heart was racing. "Goodbye."

Luis waved and then entered the car, still looking at them. The driver and bodyguard entered the car. There was a car in front of them and another behind where there were armed guards. His father had insisted the guards come with him. He couldn't argue.

The car started moving. Luis raised his hand and then waved at them, smiling and feeling extremely emotional. He watched as they moved further and further away from the beautiful palace. He couldn't see his family anymore but they didn't leave the premises because it was really huge. Once they left the gate, Luis took a quick glance at the palace, admiring its beauty. He felt his heart pounding painfully but he was absolutely fine. He was gonna be strong.

"I am going away now." He said softly, confidently. He clenched his fists. "But I shall return very soon. After that, I will finally forget you Aidan. Nothing is gonna bond you and I? When I return..." He said confidently. "There will be no more Aidan."


"You don't have to worry." Justin said, patting on his back. "You and your baby are doing absolutely fine. You are both in a perfect condition."

"Thank you." Aidan said, smiling at Justin. "You have really done a great job. You've really helped me a lot. Now I know why the almighty had sent you to me. It was to save me from all these troubles. Without you...I am sure I would have died okay?"

"You don't have to thank me." Justin said happily, smiling brightly. "This is just part of my job. Besides, we have become like friends right?"

"No!" Aidan frowned. "We haven't become like friends. That won't ever happen and don't you dare say that." He slightly raised his voice.

Hearing Aidan, Justin dropped his eyes and then breathed. Then he raised his eyes. "I am really. I thought we had become like friends...I...I didn't..."

"Yes!" Aidan nodded. "We haven't become like friends." Then he gave a teasing laugh and pushed Justin slightly. "We are already friends. We are not like friends. You are a great friend and I love you like that."

Justin smiled brightly. "For a moment I thought...you...you are even crazier than I thought."

"That's me." he leaned upwards and then kissed Justin on the cheeks. "I will be outside okay?"

Justin smiled sheepishly without saying a word. Aidan had never kissed him before so it just felt really beautiful to feel his kiss. He softly touched and then smiled brightly. Then he went back to his room to do some stuff.


Aidan came out of the castle, slowly walking towards the pool. He moved his hand and slipped his t-shirt to expose his belly. It had been two weeks since Aidan had found out that he was actually pregnant. Things had taken a great turn for him. He had helped Justin with the equipment that he needed and then transformed one room just for his examination.

Since that day Aidan had closed his mind from all those things that seemed to be hurting. He just accepted that he was carrying Luis' baby inside of him. But it was not Luis' baby, it was his baby and it was gonna be like that until the end of time. Luis no longer bothered him in his thoughts. He now felt like a free man. All he just concentrated on was his baby and his family plus Justin who had become a part of that family.

With the equipment that Aidan had helped Justin with, the last two weeks were kinda for him. Luis had done all kinds of tests of him. First he had scanned to see whether Aidan was having a baby in the abdominal cavity but that wasn't the case. He could still remember his words exactly.

"This is extraordinary," Justin had chuckled. "You really are something else. You are not a mere mortal. You are not carrying your baby in your abdominal cavity. It looks more like a womb but I can't even explain it. It's a special feature which you have. The almighty really works in different ways. You...are really special and unique."

Aidan had really been surprised at that. He couldn't understand a thing but he was happy that everything was going really well. He had even had a scan. Though he couldn't see how his baby was since it was early stage...he had been really happy that he did a scan. He couldn't take his eyes off that picture. Justin had told him that his body was somehow releasing estrogen so his baby was perfect.

Aidan couldn't even wait to see the sex of the child. He didn't even care about the sex. All he wanted was to just see his child growing in his belly. He wanted to feel the baby kicking. He wanted to know what it felt like to have a life inside of you. But he was already experiencing that. The only thing he couldn't wait was to see his belly really big. He couldn't wait to do that.

The past two weeks had been wonderful and his relationship with Justin had taken a great turn. They were great friends now. Now Aidan was walking near the pool, rubbing his hands on his belly.

Aidan could feel that his belly was starting to grow. He could feel it and even though it was just small, he could see it and he loved it like that. Rubbing his belly which was slowly growing felt amazing to Aidan, especially the smile it brought to him. He couldn't remember a day since he had found out he was pregnant when he didn't rub his tummy. It had become like a tradition to him. He really loved how he felt, especially the energy he felt around his tummy.

Aidan walked slowly to the pool chair and then slowly sat on it, just watching the wonderful water in the pool. He sat there for a number of minutes before he felt bored. He needed to do something just to occupy his mind.

"Oh, I know." He gasped.

Aidan moved his eyes to the water and then concentrated, slowly extending his hands. A small ball of water moved from the pool and then rose up in the air, looking like a foot ball. It was not huge but it looked wonderful.

"I know what can make this fun." He said, slightly moving from the chair.

Aidan took in a deep breath and then exhaled loudly, directing the air at the huge ball of water. A strong wind which looked like a rolling tornado started heading for the water. It wasn't much, just for the water only. Reaching the water, it mixed and then started spinning the water round and round. It looked really beautiful and fun too.

Aidan then moved his eyes to the small spinning ball of water, instantly freezing it in the air. The frozen ball of water looked like corn ice cream, just too big and too...glassy. He smiled and then chuckled nervously. He was really happy but he needed to do something else.

"Wanna watch something else." Aidan moved his eyes to his belly and smiled brightly. "Let daddy show you exactly what he can do, right?" He chuckled, still rubbing his belly.

Aidan moved his eyes to the frozen ball, instantly turning back into water. He dropped it into the pool with a splash. He smiled and then did something even better. He froze all the water in the pool, turning it into a huge ice that sparkled brightly.

He laughed and then tried to do another trick before...

"Ahem!" He heard someone clearing a throat.

Tearing his eyes from the huge ice, Aidan moved his eyes to the direction of the sound and then saw granny, standing on his side, holding a tray which carried a number of foods.

"Granny..." He gasped, quickly getting up. Without even looking in the direction of the ice, he turned the ice back into water. Then he just stood and chuckled nervously, wondering why his granny was looking at him like that.

"Why are you up?" Granny said as she came near him. "Please. Sit down so that you can have some food in your stomach. I am sure my great grandson is hungry. And you gotta stop jumping or standing up quickly. It's not good for the baby."

"Yes, granny," Aidan smiled as he sat back on the chair. "I promise I won't ever do that again. It's just that I didn't expect to..."

"Enough talking, more eating." Granny chuckled, getting a ball of soup from the tray. She took a spoonful and then brought it closer to his mouth. "Now open up."

"Granny," He chuckled nervously. "I think I can..."

"I said, open up." Granny demanded.

Hearing granny's demands, Aidan opened his mouth and the spoon slipped right through. It felt really amazing having that soup in his mouth. He had never had it before but it was amazing. It looked orange and yellowish but it was delicious. He couldn't help but yearn for more.

"Hmm," He said, nodding his head. "This is really wonderful."

"Do you like it?" Granny asked, giving him another spoonful. "It's a mixture of raw pineapple, raw mangle and lime juice. It is bitter but it is good for your pregnancy."

"It's tasty." Aidan chuckled softly. "I really, really love it a lot, granny."

"Hmm," Granny smiled as she passed her fingers through his long hair. "Guess I have to make you some more, right?"

"I would love that." He chuckled.

Granny fed him the soup and he had it all. It was bitter but it sure tasted wonderful. He wouldn't have loved any more food that he had at that very time. It was really special and kinda different too. Granny's food was always beautiful.

After the soup, granny gave him some raw mangoes which tasted wonderful too. He loved the zing he felt in his mouth each time he had sour and raw fruits. He wasn't a fan of raw foods and sour ones but pregnancy had changed that for him. He enjoyed it more than anything else.

"You sure eat a lot." Granny commented, rubbing on his cheeks. "Who would have known that you would be eating food like this?"

"Yeah..." Aidan sighed as he took another bite of that wonderful mango. "I can't help it granny. I feel hungry all the time."

"That's pregnancy for you." She chuckled. Granny was happy that her grandson was carrying a child. "You know...I never thought I'd see this moment in my life. I never knew that men could carry children. But I will tell you the truth," She gave him one of her killer smiles. "Instead of being surprised or shocked that a man is carrying a baby...I am rather too excited. I can't wait to have that child in my arms."

"Me too, granny." He said, taking a really deep sigh. His hands found his belly again and he carefully rubbed on it. "I can't wait to hold my baby. I can't wait to see its face when it's born. I even can't wait to see it talking and walking."

"That will be the happiest moment." Granny said. "I remember when I had my son in my womb. Very soon..." She extended her hand and then rubbed on his belly, drawing a wonderful smile from him. "Your belly will be really big. You will have a big baby bump. It will be real joy, especially feeling your baby kicking. That will be one of the best things in life."

"I can't wait, granny."

Granny smiled brightly. "Can you promise me one thing though?"

"Anything..." Aidan shrugged, getting closer.

"Can you stop using your...magic for now?" She asked.

"Why?" He raised his eyebrow. He had no idea why Granny was asking him that.

"We still don't know if it will affect your baby."

"But, granny..."

"Please." Granny pleaded. "Or just use it when it is on something really important okay? I don't want you to bring harm to your baby. It's better to stop using it for now or just minimize the use of it. I know what I am talking about and..."

"Okay." Aidan raised his hands in the air as if he was surrendering. He could see the worry on the old woman's face. He couldn't afford to make her more worried. "If that's what you really want...then I promise you, granny. I will not use it unless on something important. My baby is the most important thing to me right now. I know it is my duty to protect it and I shall do that."

"Thank you." Granny grabbed his hand and gave it a firm squeeze. "This really means a lot. And you don't have to worry about anything else here. I will always be here for you." She smiled when he beamed. "We are all here for you. Don't forget to tell me anything that you want. Anytime...any day...any hours...I will be here for you."

"Thank you, granny..." Aidan smiled as brightly as he could. "This means a lot. I love you so much."

"I love you too." Granny pulled him into a tight and beautiful hug. She embraced him, kissing his cheeks, his head and all over his face. He was more than happy that granny was around otherwise...things would have been really bad for him.

"I am really glad you are here. I wouldn't have known what to do."

"Yes!" Granny pulled away and kissed his hands. "Just tell me anything you want before I go inside to prepare lunch for you. I am sure you will be hungry real soon."

"That is all I need, lunch." He smiled brightly. "I will call if I need anything okay, granny?"

"Okay." Granny kissed all over his face. Then she picked up the tray and left him with some fruits that he loved a lot.

Aidan was happy with how things were going. Since the time he had come to know that he was pregnant, he was usually happy. He was happy because his child was growing. He was happy with how everything was going. Even though he was gonna his baby through c-section, he was perfectly happy with it. He wouldn't have loved anything like that.
