Unbroken Ch. 13


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"Granny...help," Aidan cried as he felt the pain getting out of control. That was the worst pain Aidan had ever come to know in his life. It was nothing like he had ever experiencing.

"You will be fine," Granny breathed.

"My baby..." Aidan moved his hand to his baby bump, rubbing on it softly. "Please...save..."

"Nothing is going to happen to your baby." Justin assured. "You and your baby are gonna be fine okay. I just want you to do one thing for me before you start walking to the operating room."

"What?" Aidan groaned. He felt like something was moving inside of him, trying to rip his belly.

"Just take deep breaths. Breathe through your mouth. It will make you feel even better okay. Now breathe and follow my lead..."

Justin started breathing deeply through his mouth, showing Aidan just what to do. Aidan followed and then took really deep breaths through his mouth, drawing much air into his lungs. He didn't want anything to happen to his baby. He just wanted everything to go smoothly. He didn't care about what was gonna happen to him in that operating room. All he wanted was just for the baby to survive. That was the only thing he wanted to do.

He started taking breaths through his mouth and it somehow helped but the pain was still there. It was unbearable and he felt like his belly was gonna burst open.

"Save the baby..." Aidan said weakly.

"You both are gonna be fine." Justin reassured. "Trust me to save the two of you. Now I want you to start taking small steps okay?"

Aidan nodded in agreement.

As he tried to walk, Aidan's pain increased but he managed to start walking as the rubs on his waist helped out. He was somehow feeling better even though the pain was too much. Almost everyone held him and he felt at least safe. He was suddenly scared and prayed for his baby to be fine. He couldn't bear to lose them or anything so he slowly began walking to the elevator.

Reaching the elevator felt as if he had been walking for a number of years but he was happy he reached. Justin pressed the second floor and in no time they were already on the second floor, heading to the operating room.

Everything was prepared for that particular operation. Aidan had done everything that Justin had asked and provided all the equipment he might ever need just to save his baby. He even turned one of the rooms into a beautiful and cool operating theatre which looked like the one at the hospital. Justin had all the medicines he might need for that operation so he was cool. He didn't doubt himself. He knew that he was gonna be fine. He knew the operation was gonna be a success. He had confidence in his power and his abilities. He was fine even though he was all alone.

"We are almost there." Justin breathed. "Just a few more steps and we will be in the operating room okay. Just...tiny steps..."

"You will be fine." Granny was really scared but she wasn't gonna show anyone that. She knew she had to be confident for her grandson. "Just follow everything he says."

"Yes..." Aidan said just before a loud scream that filled the entire castle. A strong wind blew in the entire room, blowing everything. It was really strong, nothing like they had expected. They all knew that Aidan made that wind.

"Stay calm..." Justin said, rubbing on his waist softly. "You must not involve any of your powers."

"Let go..." Granny breathed. "Remember, this is for the safety of your child. The earlier we do this the better it will be for all of us. We will save the baby and you. Please..."

Aidan slowly felt calm once he heard his granny's voice. He got calm and the wind stopped. Everything was now calm. It was beautiful and they loved it like that. "Good..." Granny said. "Now start walking slowly so that he can start the operation immediately."

Aidan nodded and then entered the operating room. As soon as he reached the room, Ethan stripped everything off of him and put him in a hospital gown which was gonna help him. Then they slowly helped him lie down on the operating table. Justin examined him and then administered anesthesia to him and other drugs. He later changed into a gown, a mask and covered his head. He was now looking like a doctor, ready for an operation.

Justin took a quick turn. "You may now leave. I need to start the operation on him."

"Will you be okay?" Ethan gasped. He was really nervous and he couldn't hide it. "Are you sure you don't need any assistance?"

"I am fine." Justin smiled. "I will do this and if I need help...I will definitely call on one of you." He quickly turned to granny. "Have you ever been at a place where..."

"Yes..." Granny said, nodding her head. "I actually helped a traditional midwife in a village."

"Good..." Justin said. "I want you to prepare water and everything that we will need for the baby."

"okay." Granny rushed out of the room. Ethan followed her behind.

Once they left, Justin looked at Aidan and saw that he was looking a bit calm. He held his hand and then breathed in deeply. "You are gonna be fine. I will save you and your baby. I will never allow anything to happen to you. Never..."

Letting go of his hand, Justin took a deep breath. He had all the things he needed. He even felt as if he was in a real operating room, in fact, even better than a real operating room.

Luis gave a short prayer and then started his job.


Ethan was sweating...his body trembled in fear...his breaths were harsh...his heart was pounding in his chest, almost ripping out. He was really nervous and he was praying in his heart. He was moving from side to side, staring at the door each passing second.

Things were pretty bad for him. He had no idea what was happening in the operating theater. Justin hadn't come out and it was almost an hour and thirty minutes since he started the operation. Granny was also not with him. She had gone to make preparations and she was still not back. She was warming the water, preparing some food for Aidan and also some clothes as well.

Ethan had never been as nervous as he was at that very time. He was visibly trembling and had no idea what was gonna happen. All he wanted to do was just see his brother and his baby to be alive. His eyes were red and he hadn't taken a seat ever since Aidan was taken to the operating theater.

After what felt like hours, Ethan heard the elevator opening. He quickly moved his eyes to the elevator and saw granny rushing towards him. She was carrying a small wheeled table where there was a large food warmer and a large flask probably where there was hot water.

"Any news?" Granny breathed.

"No news..." Ethan said as he hit his head with his hands. "Justin has not come out of there since he entered. I am really worried, granny. This is really taking so long. I feel really scared."

"I trust Justin." Granny smiled brightly. "He will take care of him. Remember, he is all alone and the operation might take a little longer. Just trust him okay?"

"I hope so, granny." He sighed. "I need both Aidan and the baby. I really need them to be okay."

"Don't worry," granny squeezed his shoulder. She felt just how he was trembling. "Let me get this to the room."

Granny smiled and then took what she had to the next room. She prepared everything, making it ready. She knew everything was gonna turn up fine. Both her grandson and her great grandson were gonna be okay. There was no doubt about that.

After taking everything to the room, granny came back and started waiting with Ethan. That was when she felt just how nervous she really was. She was really scared and she couldn't even sit even when her legs were hurting. She just leaned to a wall and prayed for her grandson and the baby.

After almost another hour and forty minutes, a cry of a baby was heard. Granny and Ethan's hearts raced as soon as they heard that cry. They both stared at each other, realizing that they were actually crying. They were really happy with what they had just heard. They couldn't express it.

"Granny..." Ethan gasped as more tears poured down his face. "Do you hear that?"

"Yes!" Granny exclaimed, getting closer to the operating room. "I can hear the cry of a baby. That means that..."

"I am an uncle..." Ethan exclaimed. "I have a son. I am also a father." He cried. "I can't believe..." He couldn't even say anything more.

Both granny and Ethan rushed at the door impatiently waiting for Justin to come out. Just when they thought they were gonna die of suspense they heard the door opening widely. Both of them moved their eyes forward.

Justin came out of the room, smiling and really happy. He looked really tired but what caught their eyes was what he was holding. He was holding a calm baby. They couldn't hear its cries and they couldn't see it. Justin had it wrapped around in a towel.

"Is it..." Granny couldn't even speak properly. The happiness was just too much.

"Yes!" Justin said. "He has given birth to a healthy baby."

Justin extended his hands to give the baby to Granny. The old woman started trembling terribly. She had no idea why she was feeling like that. Maybe she was just too happy that she trembled from all the joy that she was filled with. She had never been as happy as she was at that time.

Granny took a deep breath and took the baby in her arms. It felt really wonderful in her arms and she couldn't help but chuckle. She had never been as happy as she was at that very time. Everything was just going well. She loved it.

"Take the baby and wash it."

"What about my brother?" Ethan gasped, getting closer to Justin. "Please, tell me he..."

"He's really fine. He's doing really great. But I have to go back in there to finish with him. It might take some time but please, take care of the baby okay? Make it warm and make sure that it is in perfect shape. I will be done with him after some time and then transfer him to a room."

Without even getting to hear their response, Justin rushed back in. He had not started with Aidan yet. After Justin left, granny smiled brightly.

"I have to go and wash the baby. Would you..."

"No!" Ethan said. "I need to be here. I won't leave here until he is out of this room. Take care of the baby for me."

"You know I will do that." Granny leaned up and then kissed his cheeks happily. Then she left for the room. She couldn't wait to see the baby in full. Her happiness was just intense. It emanated from her.

Ethan went into yet another painful and long wait. He had to relive every moment that had happened to him the past hours. He was trembling again even though Justin had told him everything was fine. His heart was racing and he was panting unlike before. He just wanted his brother to be okay. The baby was now fine...now it was time for his brother to be fine. He really prayed for it a lot.

After three painful hours of waiting, the door to the operating room opened and then Justin came out, removing his mask and his cap. Then he stretched his arms and leaned towards the door. Seeing him, Ethan rushed to him.

"How is my brother?" He gasped, trembling in fear. "Are you done with him?"

Justin took a really deep sigh that scared the shit out of Ethan. "The truth is that..." He paused and then nodded his head, staring at Ethan. He laughed when Ethan glowered. "He is doing great and nothing went wrong with him. He is absolutely fine." He hollered, happy and really excited.

"Oh my God," Ethan covered his mouth, gasping. "Oh my God," He jumped so high, beating on his chest. Then he gripped Justin into a hug and just chuckled excitedly. "Thank you so much. You've saved both the baby and my brother. This is really a lot. Thank you so much."

Justin responded to the hug, patting on his back. "Aidan is my friend. I never had any doubt about him surviving this. I had faith and that's what worked for me. This is my most successful operation ever. This is really great. He has a healthy baby and he is really healthy."

"Can I see him?" Ethan pulled away from the hug. He was literally jumping. "Please. I really need to see him."

"You will but right now I have to clean him up." Justin said happily. "I just came to get you out of your worry. I will have him cleaned and then transfer him to a room where I will be able to check on him 24/7 even though he is fine." He chuckled. "Right now...you can go and see your baby?"

Justin smiled and then watched as Ethan run to his granny. He nodded his head and happily went back to the room. He cleaned Aidan up and then changed him. Then he transferred him to a room nearby.


Aidan slowly opened his eyes, moving them all around. At first he couldn't see clearly but he was able to start seeing clearly after a few seconds. Moving his eyes around, he realized that he was lying on a huge bed but he was not in his room. He was just in one of the rooms in the castle.

Aidan took a deep breath. He was really tired and felt a little weak. But he wanted to see whether he had a child or not. Moving his eyes to the other side, he realized that his child was not there. He slowly tried to get up but a sharp pain below his stomach was able to send him back to the bed.

"Ouch!" He winced, slowly rubbing on his head. He remembered he had an operation and hence the pain. But he needed to see his child like so crazy. He needed to know if his child was okay.

"Granny..." Aidan called softly. "Ethan... Justin..."

Aidan opened his mouth to call again but before he could do anything, he heard the door opening and footsteps rushing towards him.

"Aidan!" It was Justin and he sure sounded happy. "You are finally awake." He rushed to him and sat on the bed, rubbing on his forehead while a wonderful smile brightened up his face. Aidan's hair was loose.

"Where is...my baby?" He asked. "I want to see my baby. Tell me..."

"The baby is fine." Justin smiled. "Your baby is really beautiful. Granny will bring it to you okay?"

"I need to see my baby now." Aidan demanded. "I just want to lay my eyes on..."

"Yes!" Justin cleared his voice, getting up from the bed. He came back with a glass of water and some pills. "Have this first."

Aidan stared at Justin. Then he tried to get up but Justin put a number of pillows behind and then made him rest his head there. Aidan took the pill and had it. Then he demanded for his child again. Justin just smiled and then went out. Aidan still had his eyes on the door.

About a minute later, the door opened wide, revealing granny who was holding the baby in a beautiful baby blanket. She had a beautiful smile on her face when she saw him. Ethan and Justin were behind her and they still had wonderful smiles on their faces.

Seeing granny coming with the baby who Aidan couldn't see the face, Aidan's heart suddenly began racing...his hormones were getting the best of him, making him tremble in happiness...his breaths turned into pants and his body vibrated rhythmically, sending powerful emotions to his body. He felt a deep shiver run down his spine making him tremble even more.

As they got near, Aidan's heart raced even more. He gulped and then took a deep breath.

"Here..." Granny leaned on the bed, handing the baby to him. "Here is your baby."

Aidan quickly extended his hands, getting the baby from her. Without even staring at the baby, Aidan smiled brightly, drawing chuckle from granny and the men in his room.

Tearing his eyes away from them, Aidan moved his eyes to his baby. Once he laid his eyes on his baby, his heart missed a beat for a second. The baby was really beautiful. It was wonderful. It was awake but it was not even crying. The baby melted Aidan's heart to the point where he felt like crying. He had no idea how to express his happiness.

"Congratulations, Aidan." Justin exclaimed. "You have a bouncing baby boy. He is really cute, just wonderful." He gestured.

"I have a son?" Aidan gasped, still staring at his son. He was really cute.

Aidan's baby was really beautiful...he was gorgeous...he was lovely...he was adorable...he was sweet. The first thing Aidan noticed was the baby's gorgeous deep green eyes that were even greener than his. They were really beautiful eyes. He had his eyes and he appreciated that a lot.

Aidan's son had really dark hair just like his. It was really a lot, just like him. The baby was really cute and a little big. But he was gorgeous. Aidan scanned his child really well and noticed that he looked more like...Luis. His gorgeous little face and his little nose resembled more of Luis than him.

He moved his eyes to granny and tried to speak.

"I know." Granny smiled brightly. "I know he looks more like him. But that doesn't change anything right?"

"No!" Aidan moved his eyes to his son. "He is really gorgeous. He is really handsome and..." He felt tears building in his eyes. "He is gorgeous. I can't believe I actually have a son. My little bundle of joy is finally here. My joy and happiness is finally here. Nine more long months I have been waiting granny," He chuckled happily, not even rubbing his tears. "I have been waiting for this day of my life, granny. Just look at him."

"He's gorgeous," Justin said happily. "He has so many of your features. I think he is going to grow up as handsome as you. He is going to look as cute as you."

Aidan smiled brightly at Justin. Even though he was smiling like that, he knew very well who the child was gonna look like. He was gonna grow up to look like Luis. There was no denying that. But he absolutely didn't care.

He just stared at his child. To say Aidan was happy would definitely be an understatement. The feelings that he felt were out of this world. He was on cloud 9 with the pleasure of holding his new born baby. He couldn't stop staring at him and he couldn't suppress the tears that fell from his eyes. Fuck, he didn't even care about the excruciating pain that he had felt a few hours ago when he had been in labor. He didn't even care that he had a surgical wound and was still in pain. What he cared about was holding his baby. He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss on his son's forehead and smiled. Now he was happy that he had a son. He could live happily with him and his family.

He couldn't stop staring at his son. He held him in his arms and soothed him. The way his baby was sucking his little thumb...the way he was breathing...the tiny smile on his face...the wonderful looks he had...the way he was even dressed. He was wonderful. Aidan was gonna be worshipping that baby for the rest of his life if he had to. He couldn't still believe he had given birth to that baby he was holding.

After over an hour, the child slept in Aidan's arms, still sucking on his thumb. He smiled brightly and chuckled.

"Sleep tight my son." He leaned down and planted soft kisses on his forehead and his little cheeks. Hmm, the baby smelled wonderful. Aidan couldn't bear to stay away from that boy. He loved him to the moon.

"Bring him here." Granny opened her arms. "He is resting and I think you need to rest too. You had undergone a really long surgery and you need to eat something too."

"No, granny. I..."

"No," Granny took the child away from him. Aidan felt really empty without his son. "You will eat and I will feed him to you. Let the men hold him and see him."

"Okay." Aidan nodded, still looking at his son.

Granny gave the baby to Ethan and then brought some food to Aidan. She fed him and made sure he was absolutely full. She then gave him some water and he felt better.

After eating, Aidan felt really tired and sleepy. He didn't want to sleep. He just wanted to look at his son but he couldn't help it. He slowly lay down on the bed with the help of granny. Before a minute even passed, he was fast asleep.

Granny slipped under the covers and then planted a kiss on his forehead. "I love you." She whispered. "Thank you for giving us this little bundle of joy. Thank you."
