Unbroken Ch. 15


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Luis was feeling really weak but he needed Aidan by his side from that moment. He didn't want to lose the person that he really loved. He never hated Aidan since he left. He just hid those painful feelings that he had for him. Now they were back, stronger and even more painful than before. He felt as if a heavy load had been put on him.

"I need to find him..." He slowly started moving towards the doors. "I need him back in my life. I need to..."

"Luis..." Charles rushed to him and gripped his arm. "Take a deep breath and..."

"Get your hands off me," He yelled. Then he started crying once again. "I need to find my Aidan." Everyone else just watched him as they dwelled in their own pain. Hanna was so lost that she couldn't even make any movements. She was really lost.

"I have to find him." He cried slowly moving. Then he was hit suddenly by dizziness that made trample. He tried to move again but the dizziness was making things worse for him. His headache just went to another level as so many words were ringing in his head. He thought he was going crazy.

"I need to find him." He said in a trembling voice. "I need him to... to..." he moved his hand to his head when his dizziness got out of control. Then he started falling before he felt arms wrapping around him.

"You are not okay." Charles was definitely worried. "You need to take some..."

"No..." he cried weakly. "I have lost him and I need to do this."

"We will find him but we need to..."

"No!" Luis pulled away from Charles' grip, staring at him as if he wanted to eat him alive.

Then all of a sudden, thing started spinning all over. The voices in his head got out of control and his headache just became something else. He felt a sharp pain which originated from his brain travel to the rest of his body. He then got dizzier as the spinning intensified and the headache. His vision blurred completely and he couldn't see anything. He tried to move but he was just too weak to do anything.

He moved his hand to his head, trying to massage his head. With a final painful groan, he dropped to the floor. He had passed out from all the pain that had taken control of his mind.

Seeing his best friend on the floor, Charles rushed to him and held him in his arms carefully. He moved the hair from his face and carefully rubbed on his cheek. His friend was surely in pain. A tear dropped to his cheek. He couldn't bear to see him like that ever again. He quickly rubbed Luis' tears off and held him tightly in his arms.

"Luis..." The queen knelt down in front of him. "What is happening to you my son?"

Charles stared at the queen and sobbed. "He has passed out. I think he is in so much pain. I can't bear to see him like this." He cried. "It's really painful seeing him broken down like this."

"I know," Granny said as she knelt down. "I still can't believe we actually did that to Aidan. Poor Luis is probably in more torture than any of us here. I think he needs to rest for now. There is no guessing what will happen once he wakes up."

Charles nodded and gripped Luis' arms even harder. "I will take him to his room."

Granny and the queen nodded. Charles carefully wrapped his hands around Luis' neck and legs, raising him from the floor. He carried him carefully in his arms, not even minding that he was heavy. He rushed to the elevator and took him to his room. He made sure he stayed with while he cried.

"I feared this day was gonna come sooner or later." Hanna cried, sitting down on the couch. "I warned Luis about it too... but look where it has landed us all."

Granny sobbed. "Who knows what that poor boy went through when he left here? Who knows the emotional torture he got from not having his husband support him? I can't even imagine the pain he went through."

"Now I know the reason why I wasn't completely mad at him." The queen cried. "This is really painful to even think about. Just look at the state we are in just by finding out. Who knows what he had experienced at that time."

Granny raised her hand towards the heavens and cried. "I curse that William and his three warlocks for causing us all this pain. He came here pretending as if he was a saint but he was just after destroying us. They shall die horrible deaths."

Granny dropped her hands and just started crying loudly with the others. None of them even talked to each other. They just cried in pain and anguish. They had no idea what was gonna happen. Aidan had suffered for what he had no idea of. It was really painful for them.


The priest pointed his trident towards the temple door, opening it instantly. Light spread everywhere, brightening the whole place up. He then started walking inside, hitting the trident on the floor as hard as he could. The king was following behind with his head low and drowning in his own sorrows.

There was a lot that was on his mind that time. He had a lot of thinking to do. First he had chosen Aidan for his son and had also hurt him deeply. He still remembered the day Aidan pleaded with him and called him father. He also remembered the painful way in which he had answered. The priest was also mad at him and it was eating him up.

Raising his face, Julian looked around the whole temple and his pain just got worse. His guilt was eating him up and he couldn't do a thing. Aidan was gone and it was his entire fault. He had no idea where to find him and apologize to him.

He was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn't even realize that the priest had stood still and made a turn, looking straight him. The only thing he heard was the powerful pounding of the trident on the temple floor. He quickly moved his eyes to the priest and sighed.

"You very well know what had happened in this temple two years ago."

The king slowly nodded. "Yes!"

"You also know that the one that killed him was William and yet you still welcomed him and gave him much more importance than the person you vowed to be your son."

"I am really..."

"And you even broke that vow the very time you turned your back on him."

The king dropped his eyes to the floor and took a sad sigh. "If only I could turn back the hands of time then I can do it. I made a really big mistake and I wanna know how to rectify it." He breathed nervously. "I am ready to do anything that the almighty demands from me."

"Good!" The priest chuckled. "Now you have decided to heed to his call that you know your kingdom might be in ruins. If you don't take things..."

"I am ready to do anything. Just tell me of any solution even if I have to sacrifice myself to save my people. I will do anything right now. I am ready to give my own life for the sake of my people."

Hearing what the king had just said, the priest gave an inward chuckle, raising his trident high up in the air. There was a sudden gush of really cold wind that blew all over the temple. Thunder rolled and then lightning stroked. But the king was too preoccupied to even care about lightning.

Then the trident started glowing right in front of them. The priest let go of it and it started floating in the air, moving slowly. The priest took a deep breath and then exhaled loudly, chanting the almighty's name. He took another deep breath and held it for some minutes before he released it.

He quickly held out his hand and the trident found its way back into his hand. The priest quickly sat down the cold floor and put the trident beside him. He crossed his legs and then sat quietly with his eyes closed. He put his hands on each leg, opening his palms widely. Then he started meditating.

Julian watched impatiently as the king meditated quietly without making a sound. There was little cold but quiet wind which was blowing all over the place. The king had his eyes on the priest the whole time without even moving an inch of his body. He was just praying for the priest to find a solution for him.

After almost half an hour of waiting, the priest breathed out loudly and then got up, picking up his trident with him. He made a quick turn, facing the anxious king. He laughed when he saw the worry on the king's face which just made him even more worried than he already was.

"What do I have to do?" The king said impatiently. "What solution do you have for..."

"The only way for this kingdom to remain in peace and for you not to lose your throne is..." He paused, staring at the worried king.

"What?" Julian gasped. "I am ready..."

"You must bring back Aidan into the kingdom." The priest hollered, hitting his trident on the floor. A strong wind blew all over the temple. "He is the only one that holds the power to defeat the evil seeker."

The words from the priest hit Julian like flames of fire. His heart started pounding deeper in his chest, causing him nothing but pain. He gasped, taking a few steps back, away from the priest.

"What? But how..."

"Those are the words from the almighty." The priest emphasized. "There is no other way. Aidan must be back in this kingdom and really soon." He sniffed the air, chuckling manically. "I see a great storm heading to this kingdom. Your kingdom will be in sorrow. You will lose your throne to the evil king and your people will suffer. This kingdom shall be brought down to its knees if that power is unleashed on it."

"I can't let that happen." Julian was really worried and scared. "I will do anything to..."

"There is nothing you can do." The priest pointed out. "It's either you heed to the almighty's words or forget about saving this kingdom. You had the solution with you and now you made a great mistake by not following it."

King Julian took a deep sigh. "I don't know where to find him. I don't even know if he will agree to it. He made a promise never to step foot on this land. Can't you do..."

"I am powerless against any form of dark magic." He confessed. "Only the wizard of good cause, Mang's successor has the power to stop all this and destroy evil once and for all. That's the reason why you must bring him back to this kingdom. I don't have to remind you of the consequences of not finding him and bringing him here. Get ready..."

"No..." The king fell to his knees and sobbed. He had never thought he would be as vulnerable as he was at that very time. His kingdom and his throne were in grave danger and the solution was the boy he had hurt so much. "Why is the almighty doing this to me? I don't know where he is and..."

"Your majesty," The priest raised the trident high in the air. "You don't have much time. You need to start your mission as soon as possible. The enemy is already planning his move now. Lord Ming's successor is already planning his moves. The more time you spend..."

"This task is impossible..." The king sobbed. "Even if I actually find him, it will be too late. Where do I..." Then he got up from the floor and rubbed his tears. Something had just crossed his mind and he knew that his mission was gonna be a success. "Why don't you be my guide? Show me the right path. Come with me. I am sure that he will even agree to come if he sees..."

"I am sorry my king," The priest said with a sad sigh. "You have to embark on this journey without me. I gave you the solution to this calamity which is about to befall on this kingdom. The almighty wants you to correct your mistake."

The king felt as if he had died. He gaped and stared at the priest, wondering why the new priest was really difficult. He didn't need to do that with the old priest. He could even command the old priest and tell him what to do at times. This new one was really difficult to handle.

"However," The priest said. The king felt as if he had just lived again. "I am going to help you locate him."

"Thank you." The king smiled brightly. "That will be really helpful."

The priest took a great sigh. "Come with me. We don't have much time. We need to hurry it up."

The king nodded and followed the priest into a small room in the temple where important religious stuffs were kept. The priest seemed to know his way everywhere even though he was new. But that was not bothering him because he knew that priests didn't need direction. He was just praying to find Aidan and bring him back.


"Alright," The king rushed in the living room, chatting on the phone. "Hurry it up okay. We need to leave as soon as possible."

He cut the call and rushed to the living room, finding his mother, wife and daughter all sitting quietly and sadly. Their eyes were red and their faces seemed as sad as ever. A great tragedy had hit the royal family indeed. It was extremely bad.

"Where is Luis?" He gasped, looking around.

The queen sobbed and then rubbed her tears off. "He had passed out a few hours ago. He is with Charles in his room." She said in the most painful voice he had ever heard from him. "What did the priest say?"

"I have to go out and look for Aidan."He said as if he was in a hurry. "The only solution is to find him." He sat on the couch and then rested his head on his folded fist, wondering what exactly was gonna happen once he finds Aidan.

"Is the priest coming with you?" Granny asked softly, trying to rub her tears off.

The king sighed, nodding his head. "He is really angry with me. I am going with two of my cabinet members."

"But..." Hanna rushed to her father and knelt down before him. She was still in so much pain. "How will you find him without the priest's help? He could be anywhere in the world."

"I have..." he slipped his hand through his pocket and brought out a strange looking compass with an arrow but without any directions. It had been made by the priest with the trident. It had a little button on top which he was gonna press when he begins his journey. Then the arrow will guide them. "It will show us the direction. We will be directed there."

"I think that's good," Hanna gasped. She sobbed once again. "It just hurts to see how everything is happening in our lives. I can't believe William could do that to us. He is not even from the kingdom he said he comes from."

"Don't worry," Julian squeezed his daughter's shoulder. "I am pretty nothing is going to happen."

Hanna cried and then gripped her father's leg, burying her head in. "I am really scared. I just want everything to be okay."

Julian extended his hand, rubbing on his daughter's back. He had nothing else to say. He moved his eyes and stared into his queen's eyes. She had red eyes and they were really swollen. It was hurting him to see her in such a state. She was always so lively and so cheerful but now... it was different. Aidan had been wrongly accused.

"Why don't you go get changed before..."

"I am fine," Julian nodded. "Don't worry about me because..."

"Do you need extra clothes or..."

"No... I will go just like this." The queen nodded.

The king waited impatiently for his two cabinet members. He soothed his daughter as he waited for the two of them. Then after an hour, he saw them both rushing inside, looking really worried. He hadn't told them anything. He just told them he needed to go somewhere with them but it was rather urgent. Both of them were looking really handsome. Mr. Jones, the dark haired man in his mid fifties was dressed in a beautiful light blue designer's suit.

Mr. Jay, the blonde haired man in early fifties was dressed in a dark brown designer's suit. They were all rushing to him and he could see the worry in their eyes and their faces. When they saw the state the royal family was in, they stared at each other.

"What's going on here, your majesty?"

The king quickly got up. "We need to leave right now." His eyes were red too. "The private jet is waiting for us. I will tell you on the way. Let's go..." He quickly took his crown and his scepter, heading for the door with his cabinet members.

"Bring him back with you." Granny said in a weak voice.

The king made a quick turn and then nodded. He stared at his wife and daughter and said, "Take care of my son." The queen nodded. The king turned and then left the palace with the cabinet members right behind him.


Aidan came rushing down the stairs smiling brightly with his billion dollar smile. He had just been from his room to take a quick hot shower and now he was rushing outside to meet with grandmother and his son. They were out, just exploring the garden.

Aidan was putting on a bright blue ordinary t-shirt without any diamond sparkles. He had a beautiful designer's skinny jean on and blue sparkly sandals on his legs. He just wanted that day to be really special and he knew it was gonna be special.

As he was coming happily down the stairs, Aidan put his hand on the stair head and...

"Ouch!" He felt something cut his finger. It was really sharp and painful. He quickly moved his hand, losing his smile.

When he looked at what it was, he realized that he had so much blood on his hand. He saw the cut on his fore finger and it was really sharp. It was really deep and there was just too much blood coming out. Aidan moved his eyes to stare at what had cut him but couldn't see a thing. There was no sign of anything cutting him.

Moving his eyes from the stair head, Aidan stared at his finger. "God... how did I cut myself? It hurt really badly. I think I need to treat it."

Continuing rushing down the stairs, Aidan slipped his left hand through his pocket and got out a small cloth which he wrapped around his finger as he rushed down. Reaching down, he started heading for the kitchen before he almost bumped into Justin.

"Whoa!" Justin held his arm and looked at him with a gorgeous smile. "Why are you in a hurry?"

"Thank God I have met you." Aidan exclaimed, holding the cloth tightly. "I need you to attend to my wound."

"Wound?" Justin gasped, losing his smile. Aidan could see that the guy really cared for him. "How did you hurt yourself?"

"Relax..." Aidan chuckled. "I had just cut my finger badly and I need you to bandage it for me."

"Let me see." Justin said, staring into Aidan's face. "It could be really serious."

Aidan chuckled at Justin's concern, nodding his head. He raised the hand which had the cut finger. Justin quickly but carefully held the hand, slowly removing the piece of cloth. Aidan sighed and then moved away. His worry was now gone as he knew Justin was gonna help him out.

Nodding his head softly, Aidan got surprised when Justin started laughing softly, rubbing on his hand. He moved his head and stared at the laughing guy. Their eyes met and he just laughed even more. Aidan frowned.

"You really know how to get people with your jokes." He laughed. "For a moment I thought by the way you were acting that you were actually hurt. You got me, really."

"What?" Aidan couldn't believe what he was hearing. "What are you talking about?"

"Your wound," He laughed. "You should have just told me it wasn't real."

"What?" he raised his hand? "This wound is..." He trailed off when he looked at his finger and realized that there was no cut there. It didn't even leave any scars. He looked at the laughing guy and then checked his hand carefully. He frowned. "I swear it was there."

"Yeah, right..."

"I am not joking." Aidan said in a serious tone. "If you think I am lying then you can check the cloth which was covered here."

"Please, you don't need to fool me anymore. You've..."


"Okay." Justin raised his hands as if he was surrendering. He raised the cloth high up in the air.

"See..." Aidan chuckled, pointing at the cloth. "There is fresh blood on that cloth. It is my blood."

"Yeah, there is..." Justin laughed. "What did you use, nail polish?"

Hearing Justin's words, Aidan stamped his foot on the ground and groaned. Then he walked away from Justin's presence and went outside. He was still wondering how he could have hurt himself and then healed in a matter of seconds. It was impossible even if he had magic. He still remembered the time he cut his finger with a knife. It took him the normal healing time but now he couldn't understand anything else.
