Unbroken Ch. 15


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"Huh?" He quickly moved his eyes to granny with worry on his face.

"Are you okay?"

"Err... I am fine but I can hear something." He said, looking all around. "It's a sound but..."

"Come on," Justin said happily. "You are probably just hearing things. Have some fresh fruits and enjoy the day. We are all here with you okay?" He picked up a piece of apple with a folk and fed it to Aidan. Aidan ate quickly and smiled brightly.

He chose to forget just like Justin had insisted and he did. He went back to playing with his son but he heard it once again but this time it was getting really close. He quickly moved his eyes to stare at everyone.

"Don't you guys here that?"

"Hear what?" Ethan shrugged, raising his eyebrow.

"I can hear something and its getting closer."

"It's probably nothing." Ethan beamed. "Just forget about it okay. I am sure..."

"Wait, I can hear it too." Justin said abruptly. "I can hear it."

"You can?" Aidan gasped. "Then there is something definitely coming and it's..."

"It's a chopper," Ethan pointed. "I can see it coming towards here."

"What?" Aidan jumped up from his seat and stared in the direction of the sound. He saw it too. It was a white chopper which seemed beautiful and expensive too. He couldn't tear his eyes off of it, not that he was admiring it but because he was just curious to know who was passing by. He hadn't seen any single aircraft since he started living in that place so why all of a sudden, he thought?

The aircraft was really fast and it kept on getting closer and closer till he saw the whole of. It started rounding the beach and he knew that it was landing. That got him really worried and somehow really mad. Who had the nerves to...

"Who is that?" Granny had to scream as the noise from the chopper was just too much.

"I don't know." Aidan shouted. He moved his eyes to the chopper. "But whoever they are should immediately leave this place. I don't want many people finding out about this place."

Aidan watched as the chopper slowly started landing, making him madder than he was he. "I wonder who it is that is in the chopper." He thought.

Immediately he spoke those words, there was a sudden flash of light that brightened on his face. He closed his eyes and when he opened them, he could actually see who was in the chopper. He gasped and took a few steps back, shutting the image from his mind immediately. His heart started pounding and his breaths became harsh. He clenched his fists as a frown appeared on his face. He quickly moved his eyes to granny.

"What is it?"

"You need to take Jacob inside." Aidan gasped, getting quickly to his son. "We all need to go inside now."

"What?" Ethan exclaimed, getting up. "Why?"

"Don't ask me questions." Aidan said impatiently. "Just listen to what I have told you and go back inside the castle and..."

"Son..." granny turned him quickly. "Why do you..."

"The king is here." Aidan gasped, handing the baby to her. She took him as a frown appeared on her face. "King Julian is here. He is actually the one in that chopper." The chopper had now landed and Aidan had no idea what king Julian wanted from him.

"What?" Ethan gasped, clenching his fists. "What does he want here? I'll..."

"No!" Aidan gripped his brother's hand. "Please. Go back inside. I will handle everything. You don't have to worry about anything else. Let's just go back..."


"Not now, Justin." He said. "We all need to go back inside. Now come on."

Aidan grabbed the plate of fruits and handed it to Ethan who seemed mad. They all started rushing inside but before Aidan entered the door, he made a quick turn, looking back. The pram disappeared and his worries vanished. He went in and shut the door. He rushed to his family.

"I want you to go up the stairs and..."

"Why?" Ethan bellowed. "Why should we hide from him? We hid in Angria like cowards but I will not.."

"Trust me." Aidan pleaded with his eyes. "Go and hide the baby up the stairs. Do not come out until I call out to you."

"I won't do that." Ethan shrugged. "I am staying right here." He sat on the staircase. "I will not run from him in my own castle. Why should we..."

"Who said I am hiding from him?" An evil grin appeared on Aidan's face. "You don't have to worry. This is my castle, it is my kingdom and I rule the way I want. Just go up the stairs and trust your Aidan to handle everything perfectly."

Ethan sighed. "Are you sure you are going to be okay?"

"I don't know how they found out about this place." He smirked. "But this is my place now. I shall not be treated the way I was treated back in Angria. This is my territory. Why shouldn't I be okay? I am absolutely perfect with it. Don't worry I will handle it."

"Okay." Ethan got up and kissed Aidan. He hugged him tightly and then started heading up the stairs together with granny and Justin. Aidan watched the baby, waving at him while smiling brightly. Once they were no longer in his view, Aidan lost his smile, replaced by a frown and unimaginable anger.

"Now to suit my mood."

He rushed to the center of the living room and took a really deep breath. "It is now time."


The king got out of the chopper once the engine stopped. He moved his eyes to the perfectly huge castle and gasped, gaping at the beautiful wonder. He stopped, staring at the beautiful diamond castle. It was surrounded by a huge gate which seemed to be made of ice but it was sparkling brightly.

The diamond castle was magnificent unlike anything that he had ever laid his eyes on. It was sparkling brightly, almost burning everyone's eyes. The elegancy of the castle, the design and even the view was a beauty to behold. There was nothing like gold or bricks like his palace. It was made of pure diamonds and it was really tall. He couldn't even imagine how that diamond castle had been made.

When he looked at his cabinet members they all had the same expression on their faces. He cleared his voice and they all started walking towards the castle while admiring its beauty. Reaching they gate, they entered and then got caught up in what they saw. God! It was freaking amazing. Almost everything was made of diamonds. The pool chairs, the tables, the garden stakes, the doors and everything else. The whole compound was huge and everywhere was diamond or shining glass. They couldn't help but admire and appreciate the beauty of the whole place. It was magnificent and out of this world.


The king and his cabinet slowly walked towards the huge glass door watching everything in awe. They didn't even believe a place like that would exist in this entire world. It was just magnificent and unique. Not even Julian's palace was as beautiful as the diamond castle. For a moment they thought they were in heaven. Julian had no guards because he didn't need any for that mission and he had taken none. It was just his cabinet members.

Reaching the huge glass door, Julian felt just how his nerves got the best of him. His tummy rumbled and he rubbed his hands together in fear. He took a deep breath, staring at two men. The he clenched his fists and moved them forward to knock on the door.

Before he even reached the door, the door opened wide on its own showing them the elegancy of the whole place. They slowly entered the place, still looking around. The door shut when they entered. They were still looking around the place.

Everything except some furniture was made of diamonds and they sparkled. That was probably the most beautiful place in the entire world. It was probably the most expensive place in the entire world. It was just beautiful. Whoever owned it was really rich.

The king and his members slowly walked in the castle. The whole living room was really huge. They were moving their eyes around and when they stared near the window on the far right, they saw that the curtains were open. They simply froze when they saw him standing on the window, staring outside while the shimmering diamond curtains were pulled apart. They stared at each other and then started getting closer. The man was dressed in a beautiful shimmering diamond clothe.

"What do you want?" they heard the voice. It was familiar and it was clearly Aidan's. "What do you want in my castle?"

The king looked at his men and then just stood still. The king was nervous. Aidan took a quick turn and he had a serious expression on his face. That was when they actually saw how he was looking like.

Aidan was dressed in a shimmering diamond tight trouser that showed his sexy body. He had a beautiful shimmering shirt which he had tucked in the trouser. His shoes were made of perfect diamonds and his long robe was made of diamonds too. He had a beautiful but big shiny diamond crown on his head which was perfectly curved. His hair had strands of red, pink, purple and a filled with diamonds which was all tied in a ponytail. His whole face was glowing and someone would have mistaken him for an angel.

"Err... um..."

Aidan raised his eyebrow when he heard the king stammering. He chuckled softly, shaking his head. Then he started laughing softly all of a sudden. "I am really sorry King Julian. Pardon my manners. Welcome to my great castle and my little kingdom, Aidana. Why don't you take a seat?"

The king cleared his throat. "We actually fine right here, standing..." he actually tried to sound as confident as he could but seeing Aidan brought all those memories back. He knew he had to be confident and tell him the reason why he had come. "We will have a seat maybe later."

"Suit yourselves," Aidan shrugged, slowly moving. He swung his finger in the air, pointing it to the floor. Out of the blue, a small white substance left the floor which started growing. Before they even had a chance to take a breath, a beautiful, big pure diamond throne formed, surprising all of them. The two members looked at each other in awe.

Aidan sat on the throne which seemed softer on the middle. "So... what brings you to my castle?" he crossed his legs elegantly. "To what do I owe this unexpected and unwanted visit?"

The king cleared his voice and got a little closer. "You see, Aidan, I actually came here to..." he paused when he felt a really huge lump in his throat. He just stared at Aidan without uttering another word. He felt really stupid for speaking to Aidan in the condition he was in. He had surely changed.

"I am all ears," Aidan raised his eyebrow. "Surely, a great and mighty king like you didn't come all this way just to... stammer."

Hearing him, the king got really nervous. The first Aidan, he was able to deal with but this one was treating him with no respect at all. He was treating him as if they were mates.

"I am sorry," The king said. He took a really deep breath. "Everything has been solved at home so I came here to beg you to come home with me. Please. We really need you. Your people really need you. Your husband really needs you."

Hearing the king's words, Aidan lost whatever happiness he had in him. Even the smirk he had on his face faded, replaced by a huge frown that showed his displeasure. He looked at the king, remembering all the words that had been uttered. His heart started pounding deep in his heart, making him even angrier. His breaths turned into harsh ones and his lips started trembling. He clenched his fists harder, gripping on the throne as hard as he could while trying to keep himself calm.

After two whole years of suffering and trying to build his life, his past was brought back to him. He didn't appreciate it one bit. He was mad. He was really mad. So the truth has finally come to light, uh, he thought as his anger got the best of him? He kept on staring at the men while his anger got out of hand. He was supposed to be happy the truth was out but he was mad.

"Will you..."

"Get out!" Aidan roared, clenching his teeth. "Get out of this castle if you really know what's good for all of you."

"What?" One of the cabinet members gasped. "Didn't you hear..."

"I am not deaf." He snarled, clenching on the throne. "I want you to leave this kingdom and this castle right now."

The king felt as if his days had just found him. He was now trembling after hearing what Aidan had to say about the issue at hand. He had to do everything that he could to take Aidan back to the palace or his kingdom was gonna be in ruins. He was gonna lose his throne.

"Please." The king put his hands together. "I am pleading with you. We really need you at the palace. We need you in our kingdom. We now know that it was William that had mimicked your body and then does all those things. We also know that you saved our kingdom and our throne. Right now our kingdom might be in grave danger. Come back. You are..."

Aidan gave a really bitter chuckle, staring at the king. "So now you need the warlock back. Oh let me think," he put his hand on his temple, dropping his leg. "You are also in the castle made by the warlock. This land belongs to the warlock so I suggest you leave before this warlock," he pointed angrily at himself. "...casts a spell on you."

"Please." The king could feel tears building in his eyes. "We already know that you are not a warlock. We know it's a gift you were born with straight from the..."

"No, it's not..." he shrugged, giving a bitter chuckle. His anger was about to overflow. "This is a curse, remember?"

The king remembered his words and it just made him feel worse than he was already feeling.

"Nothing good comes out of a warlock so why do you need me back in the palace?" he asked angrily, slightly raising his voice. "You don't want warlocks in your kingdom so I want you to turn back the way you came from and leave..."

"We can't..." the king felt like crying. "Please. Have pity on us. All of us are really sorry for everything that we have done. We regret our actions. We shouldn't have acted like that. We should have trusted you and..."

"And what?" Aidan snapped. "What else should you have done? Whether I am here or at the... what am I even saying?" He chuckled bitterly. "You've found out the truth, so what? It makes no difference to me. Hadn't you found out the truth would you have been here?"

The king dropped his eyes to the floor at Aidan's question. Aidan was pretty tough and he was making things really difficult for him. How was he going to convince him to go back to Angria where he belonged in the first place?

"Just go home and pretend as if you didn't find out about this. You never came here and you never saw me."

"I can't do that." The king pleaded. "William has already stolen the scepter. The kingdom needs someone like you. It was instructed to us that we should come here and take you with us." The king gulped. "I am only following the orders of the..."

"I don't care." Aidan furiously rose from the throne and yelled. "I don't care who sent you here to pick me up. I am not moving an inch from my castle or my kingdom. Why would I live a place like this..." He gestured with his forefinger. "...and go back to Angria? Have you forgotten what had happened?" he yelled. "Did you forget that easily? Well! I am here to remind you. Two years ago I was called a warlock. All I ever did was just save the throne and it brought down hell on me. You all hated me and hurt me. You called me a criminal and you treated me like trash. I was nothing to you. You vowed to deal with me and..." he shook his head in anger. "...I would have been six feet underground by now. Where was my so called husband when this was happening? Why should I care about what is going to happen in Angria when I no longer live there? I have already found my permanent place of living. I am happy with my family and..."

"We are your family." The king said impatiently. "Your people might be in danger."

"Ha ha..." Aidan actually laughed loudly at the king's words. He looked at him and laughed even louder, filling the whole living room with his laughter. He dropped to his throne, still laughing out loud. Then out of the blue he got a serious face and stared at the men. "Did I actually hear you say family? Don't you remember what..."

"It was in the past and..."

"There is saying, there is no future without a past." He said harshly. "You are no longer my family. We might have been family but that Aidan died long ago. The weak and hurt Aidan was killed the moment you hurt him. This Aidan you are seeing is not coming back to the palace. I promised never to return to Angria and I am sticking to it."

"You once called me..."

"And you once called me a son." Aidan said as he tried so hard not to remember any of the pain. "But you broke that. What did you say?" He remembered his words. "You can never have a son like me. What did I ever do? Was serving the throne a crime?"

"Please." The king dropped to his knees right in front of Aidan and the cabinet members. The cabinet members looked at each other in surprise, wondering why the king had done that in front of a child. But the king didn't mind at all. If it meant Aidan would come back to Angria then he was ready to do just that. He didn't care what others thought of him. "I will apologize to you as many times as you want. I will even kneel before you in front of my people. I am ready to even do anything that you ask. A great danger is coming to my kingdom. If you do not return then... there will be chaos. Angria shall be brought to its knees. You are the only one with the power to change everything. I am pleading with you to follow us. Take your entire family and come with me." Tears built in the king's eyes.

Aidan looked at the kneeling king in front of him. Something in him was telling him to get the king up and tell him everything was alright but the stronger part was telling him not to be a coward. Finally after two whole years the truth had finally come out to the light. Aidan was now vindicated and he had no idea how to express it. But the pain and anger took control of him more than any other emotion. He couldn't even feel anything. He was just sad Luis hadn't come with the king because he would have shown him salt and pepper. He would have dealt with him.

"I don't care about Angria." Aidan said it short and sweet so that it could get in the king's ears. "I am not coming back to it and..."

"How could you do this?" One of the men said. "The king is kneeling down right in front of..."

"I didn't tell him to kneel down, did I?"


"And please, I told you to leave already. I want you out of my castle. I don't want you here."

"Please." The king sobbed. "Have mercy on all my people and come back. You are the only one that can end all this. There is more at stake..."

"They are not my people." Aidan said harshly. "I don't care about Angria. I still stand firm on my ground. I made a promise and I will not break it. I am not coming back to Angria. You have found out the truth so learn to live without me just like you have lived without me for the last two years. Why am I suddenly so relevant in your kingdom and your lives? Besides, I am still the same warlock. Your kingdom sees me as an enemy. You had pictures of me all over the..."

"It was a mistake." The king sniveled. "It was a grave mistake that..."

"It was a grave mistake which had hurt me." Aidan said harshly, getting up from his throne. He looked at the king as if he didn't even realize he was on the floor. "But I have built my life here. There is nothing you can provide for me in Angria. I have everything that I need in this castle. I even have more than what you have altogether. I am never going back. The past is in the past. I have let go of everything." He walked to the window nearby and just stared out. "I think you should leave right now."

"Don't you understand?" One of the cabinet members asked. "What else do we have to do to prove that we are sorry? The king is already on his knees, pleading with you to come back to the kingdom. We all made a mistake and we are regretting it now. Come back to the palace. Your husband needs you and he still loves you."
