Unexpected Love Ch. 03

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Our relationship is revealed.
3.7k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/24/2016
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"Don't get mad," Ron said one afternoon. We were home together for a rare lazy day.

"What is it?" I hated when he said that. It always meant he was about to say something he knew I wouldn't like.

"I think Dylan should get his own place."

"Oh." While I wasn't happy to hear him say that, I had known it was bound to come up. Dylan had been with us for about a year now and his lawn business was doing very well. Even though we were in the middle of December, he still had plenty of work to do because of the climate in Florida. Not having to pay rent or any other substantial bills, he had been able to save a nice bit of money. As much as I wanted him to stay, I couldn't justify an argument to keep him. "You're right. But how about we give him until the end of January? That way he can get through the holidays and have enough time to find a decent place he can afford."

Ron nodded his agreement. "Sounds good."

"Okay. I'll talk to him."

The next evening, I took Dylan outside to talk while Ron watched TV.

"I figured it was coming," Dylan said. "I'm surprised it took this long."

"I wish I could come up with a good reason to keep you here but this is probably for the best."

Dylan began to play with his cup on the table in front of him. Though his eyes were not looking in my direction, I could see the sadness in them.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He said softly, "I'm going to miss this, being with you."

"We'll still see each other."

"But it won't be the same."

"You're right." I took a deep breath about to say the one thing that I had been hesitant to voice. "But when you love someone, you make the time for them. We'll find a way to make this work."

Dylan looked back at me with anger in his eyes. His voice was low and harsh. "Don't use that against me. Don't you dare. I know you don't feel the same and I can accept that as long as you --"

"I do, Dylan," I said cutting him off. "I love you."

He narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips giving me a wary look. "You're just saying that."

"If I didn't, I wouldn't have taken the chances that I did to be with you. We've always been open and honest with each other, why would I start lying now and jeopardize that?"

"What about Ron and Luke?"

I took a moment to gather my thoughts. It was a valid question that had been nagging at me for some time and I was now being forced to acknowledge the consequences of what we were doing. "After being with you, I realize it's been over between me and Ron since before whatever this is started. We're friends and there is love there, but we're not in love. We haven't been for a while. As for Luke, I know eventually it's going to hurt him but I want to protect him for as long as I can. Ron and I might be heading for a divorce but it can't be because of us. Luke would be devastated by our break up and this would just be salt in his wounds."

Dylan nodded. "You're right. It just really sucks," he said with some force.

"I know." More than anything, I wanted to take Dylan into my arms. Full of emotion, I wanted to hug and kiss him, tell him we would be fine but couldn't. Instead, I gave him a thin smile and patted his leg as we let the silence of the darkening night take over.

Dylan found a place and moved out shortly after the New Year. His apartment was not too far from my house, located close to the route I took to get to my salon. He told everyone that it was so he could be close to the lawns he worked but I knew otherwise. Even though he now had his own place, when Ron was out of town, Dylan essentially lived with me.

A month to the day after Dylan moved out, Ron asked me for a divorce. Though I was calm as we talked, inside I was beyond pissed. The divorce itself didn't upset me because I knew it was coming. Even when Ron admitted that he had met someone, it didn't bother me. As I told Dylan, I had made peace with the end of my marriage long ago. What angered me was the fact that Dylan had just moved out. I had just kicked out my lover in order to make my husband happy who then turned around and said he was moving out himself.

I learned Ron felt much the same way I did, that essentially we had simply grown apart and had separate lives. With no animosity, our divorce would be quick and simple. I got to keep the house, though I insisted on paying him for half its value. I didn't want that to be an issue in the future.

Luke, on the other hand, was devastated. Though he understood when we explained it to him, it felt like it would have been easier for him if Ron and I fought and hated each other. Even months later when the three of us had dinner with Ron's girlfriend, Nancy, Luke was uncomfortable. I did everything I could to assure him I was okay with Ron and Nancy -- I really did like her -- but Luke, understandably, needed more time to get adjusted to things.

The day after I had my talk with Ron, I took the day off from the salon and drove over to Dylan's place.

"What's so important that I needed to take the day off?" He asked as I entered. Because of my request, he hadn't dressed yet and was still wearing only the boxers he had slept in.

"I'm getting a divorce," I said happily.

Dylan didn't hide his shock. "What?"

We sat on his sofa as I recounted my conversation with Ron. I knew my happiness looked odd in conjunction with my words but I didn't care. I was about to be free. Though there was still the issue of being in love with my nephew to face, at the moment it seemed like a minor inconvenience.

"So what does this mean for us?" He asked after I finished.

I moved to straddle him and hooked my arms around his neck. Between peppering his face and neck with kisses I continued our conversation. "It means you are no longer going to be seeing a married woman."

"I know that. I mean 'us,'" he said with emphasis. His hands had moved to my ass and were massaging it. Beneath me, I could feel his dick slowly growing. "It's not like we can get married as soon as you're divorced."

"No," I acknowledged. "But in the short term, I think it means you move back in. We'll see about getting you out of your lease or maybe subletting. I don't want you to feel like we're a secret, something to be ashamed of, but I thought we'd just tell everyone I didn't want to live alone. Or maybe I need a man around. Some bull shit like that. I love you but you're still my nephew."

He nodded as one of his hands moved under my shirt to release the clasp on my bra. After moving it to knead by freed breasts, he said, "There is that, 'Aunt' Jane. Dad would flip."

"Jake's always been a bit high-strung. He'll get over it. If not, oh well. And not that this isn't an important conversation to have," I said as I raised myself slightly and helped Dylan remove his boxers. "Let's finish it another time. Thinking about my brother right now is not helping."

As he lined up his dick and slid into me, Dylan agreed.

Even though it had only been a week since we last fucked, it felt like our first time. It was obvious both of us felt the anticipation of freedom that was about to be bestowed upon me. I rode him slowly, enjoying the feeling of fullness he gave me like never before.

"Let it out, Jane," he whispered into my ear an unknown amount of time later.

I hadn't known how close I was to orgasm but almost immediately began to climax. As my body tensed and shook, a sob left me and tears began to run down my face. Dylan held me and kissed me through my emotional release while continuing to gently thrust into me. That this young man, five months younger than my son, could read me and affect me in a way my soon-to-be-ex-husband of 24 years never could brought both sadness and relief. I was sad because, though Ron was a great guy, in our time together I don't think we ever truly connected. But having Dylan in my life now, no matter the obstacles we were soon to face, made everything better.

"You okay?" Dylan asked softly after easing me through my orgasmic high.

"I will be once you fuck me." Though my legs were still a bit shaky, I began to ride him with more force. "I'm all yours, Dylan."

With a devilish smile, he held me to him as he stood and turned us so I was now laying on the sofa. Bracing one of his legs on the floor, he began to slam into me with abandon. A few times before, he had been forceful with me but it was nothing compared to this. As he grunted, I could hear the furniture scraping across the floor from the force of his movement. With something akin to a howl, he began filling me with his seed, only slightly slowing the pace and power of his thrusts.

We cleaned ourselves then went out for lunch before returning for another, long fuck session.

Even though Ron was in the process of moving to a hotel, Dylan and I agreed it would be best if he didn't spend the night until the divorce was final. Nancy, Ron's girlfriend, lived in another state and Ron was waiting for a transfer at work to go through before moving in with her so he'd still be in the area occasionally.

It would be at least three months before Dylan could move in as I waited for a court date. For that first month, I would visit him on my way home from work. Sometimes we'd fuck, but mostly it was just to talk and see each other. After that, Ron's transfer went through and Dylan began to spend more time at the house, though he still didn't sleep over.

Just before the court date I began to feel out of sorts. Not wanting to risk a delay, I went to my doctor for medication but received some shocking news.

"I'm pregnant," I told Dylan.

Dylan stared at me in disbelief. "Are you serious?"

"Why would I joke about this?" I asked harshly.

"Sorry, that didn't come out right. I didn't think you could...," he trailed off seeing the increasingly angry look on my face. Admittedly, I had thought I was beginning menopause but I didn't need him to remind me of my age. "Shit. I'm not doing so good here. I'm happy. I really am. I'm just surprised."

"So am I." Luke had been my only child because Ron and I had much difficulty conceiving. I hadn't been on the pill for decades because of it and, until now, never considered that the issue might have lay with Ron and not me.

Dylan and I sat in silence staring at each other for a few moments before I saw a smile spread across Dylan's face.

"I'm going to be a dad again!" He jumped up off the couch and pumped his fist into the air a few times before sitting again with his face beaming. The action reminded me just how young Dylan was.

Though I was scared and uncertain, I realized how lucky I was with the timing. My divorce would be finalized in a few weeks and it would be of no business of Ron's if I were pregnant or not. The biggest concern was how to tell Luke and the rest of the family. I didn't want to out my relationship with Dylan like this but also didn't want to deny his paternity, either.

With the paperwork signed, I waited a week before telling Luke that I was pregnant. Needless to say he was shocked. Dylan and I had agreed not to say that it was his just yet so I simply told Luke that I was seeing someone.

Dylan moved back in under the guise of assisting me during the pregnancy. He was the perfect partner, helping me around the house and doing things for me that I couldn't do myself. When our son -- named Dylan James after his father -- came home, Dylan was a devoted father and things were good for the three of us. The name Dylan was a family name, so that didn't raise any suspicions. Luke was supposed to have carried the name as well but Ron had vetoed it.

Two months after the baby's birth, Luke was finally able to come to visit. Though he was obviously awkward around the baby, he loved the idea of being a big brother and treated DJ, as we had taken to calling him, with nothing but love.

I had gone upstairs to take a nap, leaving the boys with the baby out back.

"He's really cute," I heard Luke say through the open window.

"He is." I had never seen Dylan happier than he was with his son. "He's such a good baby."

"How's it feel to be a dad again?"

There was a slight edge to Luke's voice and I felt a stone settle in my stomach. Even though I couldn't see them, I could feel the tension in the silence that stretched between Dylan and Luke.

Luke spoke again, his voice slightly louder. "So you're not denying it?"

I barely heard Dylan ask, "How did you know?"

"I've had my suspicions for a while." Luke then listed off the clues that led him to the conclusion, the last of which being the fact that DJ had the same eyes as Dylan. "Was she the married woman you were seeing?"


"I don't believe it!"

Hearing Luke yell, I went back downstairs to talk to him. When I walked outside, he spun toward me with rage on his face.

"And you," he pointed at me. "How could you? How many of my other friends have you slept with? Did you fuck anyone else in the family?" Then his face dropped. "Is that why Dad left?"

"No," I said calmly. "He doesn't know. No one except you knows about this."

"Lucky me."

"Luke, honey --"

"Don't," he said, cutting me off. "Mom, how? He's my cousin, was my best friend. He's your nephew."

"It just happened. We didn't plan it but we fell in love."

Luke screwed up his face in disgust and his mouth moved as he searched for words. Suddenly, everything stopped then he shook his head sadly. Without another word, he walked into the house. A short time later, I heard the front door open followed by the sound of his car starting.

I went back up to my bedroom and cried myself to sleep.

For weeks I called and emailed Luke but received no response. Wanting to give him the space he obviously needed, I reluctantly stopped.

To his credit, Dylan supported me as much as he could while also mourning the loss of Luke's friendship. I could see he was hurting but there was not much else that either of us could do.

Time seemed to pass quickly and before we knew it, DJ's first birthday was upon us. We had a small party for family and a few close friends. Though we got some looks, no one said anything upon seeing how much DJ resembled Dylan.

A few days later, Jake, my brother and Dylan's father called me.

"Is that my nephew or grandson?" He asked tightly.

"Both," I replied and almost immediately heard the phone disconnect.

After that, our family broke off contact with us. Though Dylan and I were saddened by it, we had enough of a life that, in time, we moved passed it. Because out town was fairly small, we decided to sell our businesses and move away to start over, only letting a handful of understanding friends know where we were going.

After a bit of planning, I was able to start another salon while Luke got hired to manage a landscaping team. Despite my age, we eventually had another boy, Derek Jacob.

One afternoon, I was in our new home with DJ and Derek, who were four and two, when there was a knock at the door. Upon opening it, I stood in shock seeing Luke.

"Hi, Mom," he said with a forced smile.

It had been nearly four years since Luke walked out of the house and I broke down.

"What's wrong, Mommy?" Derek asked as I pulled Luke into my arms.

"Nothing," I eventually said around my sobs.

When I finally calmed, I introduced Luke to his younger siblings. Though he was surprised, he was gracious.

Sending the kids off to play, Luke and I talked. Eventually he told me that though he didn't understand it, he couldn't deny the fact that Dylan and I obviously were happy and loved each other. Short of giving us his blessing, he said he was no longer angry and missed us.

We were still catching up when Dylan came home. Though he was happy to see Luke, he still carried some anger at the way Luke left things. Lowering his voice so the kids couldn't hear, he said to Luke, "I don't care how you feel toward me but that's your mother. As your cousin and the man who loves her, if you ever treat her like that again, I will fucking kill you. You don't know what you did to her when you walked out."

"I'm sorry," Luke said contritely. "I was angry."

"I don't care. I'm angry, too, but you don't see me storming out of here like a spoiled brat."

I stepped in knowing this could easily get ugly. In their youth because they were so close, when they fought they did so passionately and without restraint. "Dylan, thank you but let's move passed it. He's here now. Okay?"

"Okay," he said grudgingly.

It took a bit longer before the two of them were civil. Seeing that they were no longer going to be at each other's throats, I left them alone for a moment to grab drinks and snacks. When I returned, they were all on the floor rolling around playing. I couldn't help the tears of happiness that began to run down my face seeing all of my boys together.

"You've got that look," Dylan said as I closed the kids' door after putting them down for the night. After spending a few days with us, Luke had returned home with the promise of visiting soon with his family.

Trapped between him and the door, I asked, "What look?"

"Peaceful. Like all is right with the world."

"It is." I let out a relaxed sigh. "Luke is back, I have you and the kids. What else do I need?"

"I can think of one thing." Dylan pulled me into a kiss. Against my hip under his jeans I could feel that his dick was already hard.

"You are insatiable," I said with a laugh as I moved a hand to stroke him.

"It's your fault," he whispered against my neck as he continued to pepper it with kisses.

"How is this my fault?"

"Because you're so beautiful." He opened my shorts. "You are the ultimate MILF. And every time I see those kids, I think about how lucky we are that we have them. How much I enjoyed seeing you pregnant with them."

With the knowledge that fertility was not the issue for me that I thought it was, I was excited to be able to have children, Dylan's children. However, I also realized that because of my age, each subsequent pregnancy became riskier. Though Dylan worried as well, I still wasn't on the pill and neither of us wanted him to wear a condom.

I began to open Dylan's jeans as I said, "We can have sex without you hoping to knock me up."

He pressed me against the wall and, after hooking one of my legs over his arm, guided his dick into me. "I know. But I like you pregnant, knowing that it's mine. It's great being a dad and you're the perfect mother."

"You're such an animal." I let out a soft moan as he slid completely into me. Even though I had become used to his size after all these years, Dylan's dick still produced a pleasantly painful stretch inside me. "All you can think of is sex."

"I think about food, too," he said with a smile. Despite my complaining, he knew I enjoyed sex with him as much as he did. "But breeding you is my favorite."

Dylan moved his hips against mine with a gentle determination. After a few minutes, he raised my other leg and held me off the floor. Holding my ass, he kept me braced against the wall as he continued to thrust up into me.

Feeling my position slipping, I wrapped my arms around his neck. I loved when he fucked me like this. I was completely in his control, at his mercy. All I could do was hold on and wait for him to finish using me.

Too soon, he began to fill me with his seed. I was nowhere near my own orgasm but knew it didn't matter. When he was in a mood like this, he'd keep going until we were both exhausted.

After catching his breath, he carried me to the bedroom still impaled on his semi-hard dick. He laid me on the bed and began kissing my lips and breasts while he resumed slowly moving his hips against mine until he was hard again.

When he finally brought me off before filling me a second time, I knew that we'd have to come up with a name for another baby soon.

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cockedandready69cockedandready697 months ago

What an incredibly written story !! You have a great talent for creating these amazing storylines!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Hi, you can add a final chapter where, now that Jane is going to be pregnant again make it a girl and then make Dylan’s family (i.e. his father, mother and sister) is ready to accept them, accepted their love and relationship. Show that for the last 5 years or so they were angry at Dylan and Jane but as time passed they are willing to forgive them and be a big family. Wherein Dylan’s mother talked to Dylan’s dad and made him see his son’s side i.e. love. Make it a fact that since he is the only son of his father so he is ready to forgive them and embrace them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

If i was the son Luke, i would have crippled Dylan and made the mother abort the freak. Or I would have devoted my time, effort and resources to making their lives so difficult and painful they would regret doing such a vile thing to the son.

The author just made Luke out to be a sissy loser that has no balls as shown when he just left the first time without any normal action any guy would have in that position. The author further made Luke look like a loser when he said sorry to the tramp and his cousin

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Nice story, with a great ending. Would like to see more from you in the future.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Asshole comments for a shit story

I would've beat the crap out of both of them with a bat. The pussy just drives away.?! You need an enema. When you do it, stick it in your ear to flush out your brain.

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