Unexpected Turn of Events Ch. 12


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Cullen stepped back and shifted back to his human form. "That's a lesson many of you will need to learn—how to read your opponents next move. It will take a lot of practice, but it is something that you must learn."

Cullen stepped back, as Gavin and Brom walked to both his sides. The three now started to watch as the rest of the fighters began to practice. This is one of the reasons why the MacAllister pack was so strong. They would have practices to teach many of the pack members how to fight and train with them to be strong members. There weren't any territory wars with other packs for a very long time, but Cullen always wanted to be ready just in case. He needed to know that his front line pack members were in perfect shape and had the ability to defend the compound.

"It seems like this training is progressing quite nicely," said Brom as he was watching the members before them.

"Much better than last week," agreed Gavin.

This lasted another hour. By the time practice was done, everyone has worked up a sweat and was exhausted.

After showering, Cullen walked to his office to try and finish the rest of the meeting, as well as some paper work. He was a bit agitated that the meeting with the MacNares was left unfinished. Lysander's received a call that needed to be handled quickly. The meeting would continue perhaps tomorrow.

Cullen gritted his teeth at the thought of having the MacNares stay with them another day or two. Cullen looked down at the paper work before him. He knew he was lacking a bit, so he HAD to finish this by dinner. Cullen looked up as he saw Gavin walk in, and pour him a glass of brandy as well for himself.

Gavin walked then to the desk and handed Cullen a glass. "I thought you would need this since they will be staying with us a couple days more," said Gavin, while grinning.

Cullen nodded his thanks and he threw the liquid at the back of this throat. He really needed that.

Gavin chuckled slightly, as he refilled Cullen's glass and sat down.

Cullen stared for a while at the brandy before looking up at Gavin. "How is Glynis doing?"

Gavin smiled, "You mean Angel? She is out in town with Glynis and Eilis. And before you blow a gasket, two other members went with them for protection. They should be back before dinner."

Cullen nodded. As much as he didn't want to admit it, but he knew that Angel had to get away from the compound for a little while. Cullen tried to resume with his paper work, while Gavin filled him in with the rest pack news.


As soon as Angel saw the compound coming back into view she sighed. She wished her time out in town wasn't over. She had so much fun with Glynis and Eilis. But Angel knew that it was time to go back when the sun started to set.

As they pulled up, both Brian and Cole exited the car. One opened the doors for them, while the other went to gather all the bags from the trunk. As Angel got out, she couldn't help but stretch. Then she just laughed as she saw Brian struggling with all the bags.

"You know, I believe you have a shopping addiction Eilis," said Angel while smiling. She walked to Brian quickly, to help him out.

"It's not all my fault! You bought stuff too!" said Eilis.

Giggling softly, Angel said, "Yes, but where I have just two bags, you have how many?"

Eilis quickly blushed seeing about eights bags.

Cole smiled and helped them all into the house. "Next time warn us Eilis so we can get the fork lift ready to bring all this stuff inside."

"Hey!" Eilis slapped Cole's arm slightly. "That's not funny."

Everyone was smiling when Gavin walked to the group.

"It's good to see you all back. I'll get a couple omegas to help with the bags," said Gavin while looking astounded at all the stuff.

Smiling, Angel said, "no need. We will manage Gavin. I just have my two bags that I can bring up quickly, but it seems that Brian and Cole will have to help Eilis."

"Very good. Just wanted to tell you all, that dinner will be ready in about half an hour. So that should give all of you time to clean up—especially Brian and Cole after the work out you will get carrying all that stuff up."

"No fair! All of you are picking on me," stated Eilis.

Angel walked to Eilis. "It's easily done Eilis." Angel laughed as she pulled her into a hug and whispered, "thank you for taking me out. I really needed it."

Eilis hugged Angel back tightly. She was glad that she was able to take a few things off of her mind for a while. She watched Angel head up the stairs with Glynis following close by. Eilis than turned to look at Brian and Cole and said, "Well? Lets get these bags upstairs, so we can get ready." Smiling, she just grabbed one bag, hearing the two of them groan.


Once Angel put away all the new items away, she looked at Glynis. "So I take it, we can't skip dinner?"

"Now lambie, you should know better than that. You can't hide forever. Besides you had a nice afternoon away from everything, and it is time you face everyone. Show them all, that you are much stronger."

Angel smiled slightly. She knew Glynis was right. Angel walked to her closet and started to look for something to wear. She then smiled when she found the perfect outfit.

Glynis smiled when she saw the outfit that Angel pulled out. "It would seem that you will show them all something..."

"That's the point. No more being a push over. Angel is back, and won't be taking any crap again."


Cullen was sitting at the table, talking with some of his betas, waiting for Angel to come down. He knew where she was because Gavin reported that Glynis and Angel were going upstairs to change. The room was very tense. Everyone wasn't sure how things would play out this evening.

Cullen saw his stepmother entering the room with Layla. Many conversations stopped. This seemed to pull a smile from Layla. She always loved being the center of attention. Cullen looked away, going back to paying attention at his betas and still once in a while looking toward the door to see Angel.

Once again, when Cullen was in a deep conversation about the supplies for the hard winter, there was a hush that fell in the whole room. Cullen didn't have to look up to know it was Angel. Once he did, he was utterly shocked. Angel?

Cullen even heard Gavin choking on his drink at the sight of her. Cullen couldn't believe it. Angel looked so different, yet she wasn't. Cullen noticed how tight her black faded jeans were, forming like a second skin to her. But then, her top was a midnight coloring—again a very tight fit, showing off her ample assets and the perfect body she has. She looked like a dark avenger walking in with her knee high black leather boots. Angel looked like she had a mission—a mission she was going to win.

Cullen noticed right away all the attention she was getting from the males. He growled slightly. She was HIS. Cullen watched as she talked with a few members here and there, smiling every once in a while during the conversations. He knew he shouldn't be having these thoughts, but the sight of her was bringing the wolf very close to the surface.

Gavin on the other hand enjoyed how astounded at first both Edana and Layla were—soon turning into a glare as their eyes narrowed. It would seem that they never thought Angel could look like this...so...in charge....so very dominant? Gavin shook his head smiling. Leave it up to Angel to have the tables turned.

Angel felt nervous as hell. She tried very hard to keep a straight face when she entered the room—showing no emotions. When she started to talk to a few members who genuinely asked how her day was, she let herself smile here and there. There was no need to take it out on all the members...they didn't do anything wrong. Angel would be lying if she said she didn't like the looks that crossed Edana's and Layla's face when she first walked in. But she didn't bother looking at them again. She will deal with them later.

Angel heard Glynis clearing her throat. She knew right away what that meant. Angel wrapped up the conversation she was having with a few members and began to walk slowly toward her table. She saw right away Gavin's stupid grin, and had to really fight hard not to smile at him. Angel noticed right away how Cullen was staring at her. She couldn't even read his expression—but she noticed how very close it seemed his wolf was. She was able to detect that much from his eyes.

Soon all the food was brought out for dinner. Angel watched the pack members enjoying the food heartily. She really needed to go and speak with the cook sometime soon—just to see how she is fairing and if she needs help, etc.

Angel began to eat the meal that was on her plate. She savored the way the chicken just fell apart in her mouth. So juicy! Mmmmm.

"How was your day in town Angel?" asked Cullen. He really did hope she had a good time.

Angel finished chewing and swallowing before turning her head slightly to look at Cullen. "I had a very nice afternoon, thank you. Was your meeting a success?" asked Angel. There was no point in completely ignoring him. Besides, having a simple conversation wasn't going to kill anyone—hopefully.

"We made a bit progress, but it seems it isn't over. Unfortunately the MacNares will still be staying with us for a couple of days," stated Cullen. He looked over at the tables where his members were seated, and saw Lysander and his pack. As if Lysander felt eyes on him, he looked up and smiled at Cullen. He then looked at Angel, and smiled even more devilishly.

Cullen was about to growl loudly, when Angel put her hand on his arm.

"Quit it Cullen. Don't let him aggravate you," stated Angel softly. She saw the looks that Lysander was giving to her. While it annoyed her, that Lysander was looking at her as if she was a new conquest or a new toy to play with; he sometimes gave her looks that made her want to move closer to Cullen. There was definitely something wrong with him.

Both Angel and Cullen continued with their meals. Cullen was happy to see Angel grabbing a seconding helping of steak this time.

Angel felt a pair of eyes staring at her, and when she looked up, Angel noticed both Layla and Edana staring. Angel just simply lifted her brow at them. She definitely had enough. She tried to be nice to Edana...but it seems like she will always think lowly of her. And Layla? Well screw that bitch. No point in ever trying to be nice to her. Angel noticed how Layla turned her attention slightly and smiled sweetly, and knew right away that she was looking at Cullen. Angel growled slightly—something she never done before—but then felt Cullen's hand on her arm.

"It would seem you should take your own advice Angel," said Cullen while smiling at her.

"So it would seem," agreed Angel as she smiled up slightly at Cullen. She then smiled at Layla and Edana—but the smile didn't reach her eyes.

"Angel, I know that look. Is there something I should know before you take action?" asked Cullen.

Still smiling at both of the bitches, Angel slowly shook her head. "All in good time Cullen...all in good time."

Cullen couldn't help but smile. This is the Angel he remembered. The feisty, strong willed Angel he first met at the hospital. He knew she meant business, and had to just be ready for it.

When the meal was over, many members still sat in the dining hall talking with many members. When it was a little bit quieter in the hall, Angel's voice raised slightly. "Edana, can you please come here?" Once again the room became so silent that you can hear a pin needle drop.

Edana was not expecting to have Angel call her. But she still stood gracefully, and walked with her chin held high. "What is it Angel that you needed?" asked Edana in a very snobby way.

Angel smiled and frowned slightly seeing Layla following behind Edana. "Layla, I did not call upon you."

Layla scuffed at that. "No you didn't. I don't need to wait for you to call upon me."

Angel smiled deviantly. "So it would seem Edana that you have a lost little puppy following you constantly, I will not waste your time further." Angel held up her hand when Layla was about to make a retort back. "Tomorrow, perhaps late afternoon/early evening, before dinner is served, I will ask for you to meet up with me...alone," said Angel as she fixed Layla a stern look.

"And what will be the purpose of our meeting?" asked Edana.

"Do I need a purpose to meet with you?"

"Well I am sorry Angel, but I have a lot of things that I must take care of tomorrow. You know, with running the compound...and seeing everything is done. I know you wouldn't know anything about that," explained Edana.

"That is exactly the reason why I wish to meet with you tomorrow. Some things will be changing," stated Angel as she continued, "And I know I will have permission from Cullen," said Angel as she looked at Cullen, "am I right?"

When Angel saw Cullen nod once, she continued, "Great. So you will meet with me tomorrow. That is all."

Edana walked away right away heading toward the door, grumbling about how she won't be wasting her time waiting for Angel.

"Oh and Edana?" asked Angel loudly, catching Edana before she exited the room.

Edana just turned around to look at her, narrowing her eyes.

"You will find time tomorrow. This is not a request."

Edana just turned and walked out of the room. Everyone had watched what just happened.

Angel just smiled and turned her attention back to the dessert that is now on the table.

"Should I be worried Angel?" asked Cullen.

Smiling, Angel shook her head. "Nope, no need. All will be good in time."

With that said she stood up and turned toward his betas'. "Goodnight Gavin, Brom, Brian and Cole." Angel took a step or two closer to Cullen. She leaned down and placed a kiss on his cheek. "Goodnight Cullen. But don't think this is over."

Angel turned and exited the room with Glynis and Eilis. All the men at the high table just stared at the future mistress.

"Um, Cullen? Should we be worried?" asked Brom.

Cullen just continued to stare at the door where Angel went through. He shook his head. "I don't know. I really don't know."

Gavin was the only one that was smiling. "With Angel, we can never be sure. But it seems like we will find out very soon." Gavin went and put his hand on Cullen's shoulder. "Be careful my friend. You are dealing with fire now, but it's clear that the two of you will be alright after all. Be happy about that at least. If I may Cullen, I would really like to give you a helpful advice. Don't...screw...this...up...again!"

Cullen nodded his head. He knew that he still had to make up for his mistake, but at least they will be together—he will make sure of that. At least his Angel is speaking to him. But now he will need to find out what was going on in her mind...she is definitely up to something.


What did you think? Did you all actually think that Angel would be meek all the sudden? Think again! lol. Like I said in the beginning, I am already writing chapter 13. I should be submitting it in about a day or two. Don't forget to comment! I love reading them!

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dairetodairetoover 10 years ago
I am enjoying this mostly

But it still seems to be all over the place in spots

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Unlike some of those boring author's I find your originality awesome. I love a bitch fight

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
misled readers

i think we have all been fooled, thinking this story was a dramatic romance; based on the misused words ("ideological" ), unrealistic "plot", characters with no real character, our author has instead presented us with a "tour de FARCE" (sic). maybe she should have a contest at the end of each chapter to determine who among the readers can find the most errors.

bad_girl69: "sic" means "spelling is correct" --that the writer meant for it to be that way. your many errors are just errors.

i'm going to finish just so i can find some more jewels of hilarity.

RhomanovRhomanovover 11 years ago
Nice but ...

Getting bored with the continual portrayal of the males (excluding one) being a bunch of wimp assed pansies. When are you gonna have them grow a pair?

You are becoming predictable.


reader018reader018about 12 years ago

Angel has a 5 point score!

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