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Right then I was so turned on even that statement didn't sound corny. I did, however, make one last attempt at being faithful, but even I admit it was a weak one at best. "But...but, what about Jack? My pussy is supposed to be his..." My protest trailed off, both arms wrapped around his neck, and my pelvis seemed to hump against his hand of its own accord.

The last word I remember was his saying, "Don't worry. We'll be sure to leave plenty for him, but while he's gone there's no reason you and I can't have fun, is there?"

When He explained it like that, it all made sense. I would be just the same as always when Jack got back to claim me, so why not enjoy the moment?

Somehow—amidst raging storm—the howling wind, the flashing lightning and the rolling thunder—outside the house, and the storm of passion that was raging inside me, I realized Ross was sitting astraddle my chest, holding my breast together while rubbing his cock between them. I watched in fascination as the foreskin rolled back over the mushroom head on the forward strokes, which were almost touching my lips.

"Stick out your tongue," He said. I did and he hunched forward a bit more and I could lick the pre-cum off. It had a slightly salty, yet sweet taste—it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. If I'd known a man's thing could taste that good, I'd have long ago been giving Jack the blow jobs he wanted.

I guess my inexperience must have shown, for he asked, "You don't do this much for Jack, do you?" as he tried to put as much as he could down my throat, making me gag and push it away.

"Never! I don't know anything about sucking on a cock—I always thought that was for queers."

Ross laughed. "Don't worry, Honey, we'll have to remedy that. Before this weekend is finished I'll have you licking cock like a pro, but for right now we need to get back to familiar territory for you."

Saying that, he slipped down to kneel between my legs, then lifting both so they were propped over his shoulders. I watched in fascination as he rubbed the glans up and down my slit, which was so wet I could see the sheen from my juices, before he placed it at my entrance.

Realizing I was about to take my first cock that didn't belong to my husband, I tensed up. At that moment, just as Ross tried to be gentle entering me, Lightning struck a tree just outside our window. The resulting flash lit up the room, the thunder was deafening, I jumped, pushing upward at the same time a startled Ross hunched his hips and sank in me to the hilt.

He was no larger than Jack, but it felt different and as we started working back and forth against each other, I forgot about everything except the man above me and the hard cock that was driving me to distraction.

Someone somewhere was moaning and chattering about how good something felt and after my first small orgasm I finally realized it was me making the noise. Ross wasn't making a sound—I guess he didn't have the breath, for he was panting like he'd just ran the two minute mile and the sweat was popping out over his face and upper body.

After two more orgasms, each building a little stronger than the last, I could feel the 'big O' approaching while Ross' increasing pace told me his wasn't far behind. Finally, with one last mighty jab, he shoved it in just a far as he could get it.

"C'mon, fill my cunt full on cum!" Locking my legs around him, I pulled him as tight against me as I could while his pulsing cock pumped my pussy full cum. (Funny, I'd never use these words with Jack, but locked in an illicit embrace with Ross they seemed perfectly appropriate and normal—like something I should just naturally do.)

We stretched out on the sofa; Ross with his back against the sofa, me with my naked back against him. "You've made an old man very happy, Honey."

WE lay there a while, quiet, each thinking our own thoughts—mine was all about how ashamed I was for cheating on Jack—wondering how I'd ever make it up to him and knowing he must never find out.

The last thing I remember was thinking the storm was finally dying down and him cupping my breast with both hands and planting little nipping kisses on my neck, while whispering sweet nothings in my ear...and then I opened my eyes to a bright, fresh new world—a world where a hard cock was poking me, trying to revisit its playground from last night.

Ross' big glans found my moist spot and immediately all my guilt from the last night disappeared. Lifting my leg in order to offer easier access, I welcomed this, by now familiar old friend, home, and we were off to the races.

He'd promised to "teach me some new tricks" and I must admit he was a man of his word. For the rest of the time, until twenty-four hours before my boys were due back, we tried positions and he did things to me I didn't know existed. He squirted an awful lot of 'K-y' lube on my vagina to keep me from getting too sore and god knows how many of those blue pills he must have taken, but we had our fun.

In fact, we only stopped to eat—during one of those times he did call for tow truck to take care of my car—and the necessities of nature. It was the wildest few days of my life, but then it was time to pay the piper.

"This was great, I'm glad we did it, but we can never do it again," I said as he dropped me off at my house.

"Never say never, Honey. By the way, a friend of mine will drop your car off in a couple hours. Don't worry about the bill, it's paid."

I had moved around to stand beside his window for our final good-bye and after our lips touched briefly, he eased forward—our fingers slowly sliding down each other's arm until final contact was broken.

I used most of the remaining time to scrub away any trace of my cheating from my body, and pray away my sins from my soul. I tackled both tasks earnestly and by the time the boys returned I felt the body scrubbing had been successful, but the jury was still out on the soul bit.

Girls, no amount of sex, no matter how good it might have been, is worth the stress I went through waiting to see if Jack would notice.

"Did he?" Gale asked.

"NO, thank God, he didn't seem to notice a thing; of course I distracted him by stepping up our sex. I'm telling you, I tried to screw that man so much that when he looked a plate of bacon and eggs in the morning, all he'd see was a pussy."

"So he never did catch on?"

"At least he never indicated that he did."

"I'm surprised Ross gave up that easily. I'd have thought he'd be constantly trying to hit on you."

"If he had, it would have been a lot harder," Leah Ann replied, "But he was a gentleman about the whole thing. He did try once, and to be truthful I almost gave in...

"Why didn't you?"

"Hard to say, really. Jack and a couple of his buddies were planning a big weekend of seining for shad. Somehow Ross got word about the weekend fishing trip, so earlier in the week trying to convince me it would be the perfect time to explore the idea of us making more than a one-time thing of it.

I'd told him I'd have to get back to him on that one, so Friday before Jack got off work, I called Ross promising we'd meet for dinner and see where it went from there.

Anyway, as soon as I'd kissed Jack bye and saw him off, I hurried inside to get ready for my date with Ross. I had just enough time to shower and start dressing when my bedroom door swung open.

"I was standing there in just my panties and a bra I'd just got in from Victoria's Secrets when Jack walked in."

"What did you do?" Judy asked.

"What could I do? I pirouetted a bit, pretending to be showing off an outfit I'd bought especially for him."

I had their undivided attention by now. "Did he buy it?" Gale always had a way of digging just a little deeper than the others; very little got past her sharp mind. "What did he say? My husband would have probably had me stripped and stretched out on the bed in nothing flat."

"Hard to answer your first question. At least he didn't call me a liar on the spot. I didn't like his expression, though. He remarked how it must have been a fancy girl's night out for me to dress so sexy. Then he held the LBD, I'd laid out, up against my body and nodded approvingly.

"Have fun," he said , walking out without kissing me goodbye. I knew for sure he suspected something because that just wasn't like him."

"Wow! What did you do then?"

"What did I do? I saved my marriage, that's what. After phoning Ross to tell him I'd just couldn't take a chance with my marriage, I pulled on jeans and one of Jack's shirts; then dressed suitable for fishing, I grabbed what I'd need to make hushpuppies and was at the fishing camp by the time they'd made their third haul.

"You should have seen Jack's face when he entered the cook shack. It was his night to cook and here I was, having already cleaned the fish, with a batch in the fry pan and the hushpuppy batter ready to drop in the grease as soon as we finished with the fish, his eyes were popping. Since Jack hates cooking, I was a godsend to him.

"'Hope you got a private cabin, Jack," I said, "Cause I plan to have you take that stuff you saw when you sneaked back early today off me—with your teeth"

"Anyway, he had the cabin, and he almost tore the flimsily underwear off and proceeded to give me the loving of my life. Ross may have been forbidden fruit, but he had nothing on Jack, which was verified the next morning by the looks and snide comments of the other men. I was embarrassed, but I guess I deserved it; someone remarked they thought Jack had a wolf in the cabin."

Leah Ann poured herself more wine, looked each of the women eye to eye before saying, "And that, ladies, is the end of my story."

"Gosh, how long has it been? And you are still together!"

"Yep, Rebecca, twenty two years; we have a flight booked to Honolulu next week, so I guess you could say we're together."

"Damn right! We're still together, but we just might have a few things to discuss." A deep male voice came from behind Leah Ann—a voice she knew very well and it shook her to the core.

"Jac...Jack, I thought you were playing cards for the night."

"Was...Playing em right here—in fact playing in that little nook just behind you. Lost my limit early and decided to come around and join you..."

"How much did you hear?" Leah Ann interrupted him.

All this time the other women were stumbling over themselves and mumbling apologies in their hurry to leave. Leah Ann was speechless; just nodding and looking like she wished she had a hole she could crawl into.

"Now you ladies have a nice night—I'm sure Leah Ann will see you as soon as we get back." He left Leah Ann's question unanswered. Instead he said, "I caught a ride here, so I'll just ride home with you."

The ride home was a strange one; with Leah Ann studying Jack's face hoping to determine just how mad he was and Jack only seeming to have his mind on their upcoming trip.

Once home Jack popped open a Bud Lite and offered her one but she ask for a cup of caffeine free coffee instead. Finally she could stand the suspense no longer.

"Well, aren't you going to say anything about my little speech tonight? I know you had to have heard it."

Jack took another sip before saying, "Why? I didn't hear a thing I haven't known for years."

"You knew! How? All of it?"

"Not all the details, of course—but back when me and Jack Jr. returned from that White Pines trip I knew something was wrong; you were trying way too hard to please, so I went by Radio Shack and picked up a gadget to bug our phone and a couple listening devices just in case you didn't use the landline.

"Remember my fishing trip when you came to the camp and cooked for us? Remember how I came back home soon after leaving and caught you getting all dolled up? Well I set that up on purpose—I'd heard you making plans with that guy, Ross. If you'd gone through with em I had a lawyer all set to hand you divorce papers when we got home.

"Instead you changed your mind and came to the fishing camp—by the way, the guys ragged me for years about you not trusting me and about the way you howled that night—I had the lawyer hold up on the papers but kept watching you. You never again seemed to do anything out of the way and I really loved you, so I let bygones be bygones

Leah Ann threw a dishtowel at him SAYING, "You SOB! All those years you let me worry that you'd find out and you knew about it all along! Why? "

Jack scooped her up and headed for the bedroom; dropping her on the bed he said, "Sure got me a lot more pussy, and I'm a man who likes pussy."

Minutes later they were naked and laughing. As Jack pushed her legs apart so he could get to her not so little nubbin, he said "Honey, being married to you has been quite an adven..."

He couldn't finish the sentence because Leah Ann's hands were wrapped in his hair and pulling his head to just the spot she wanted his tongue.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

She really did NOT have remorse for cheating…or wanting to cheat. It was only tne prospect of blowing up her marriage that restrained her from a second fuckfest. If she thought she could get away with it, she would do it repeatedly.


Hubby finding out and NOT confronting her was a mistake…unless this guy who “likes pussy” decided getting more was a fair trade off. Sounds like he didn’t really love her all that much….


4 ****

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"This was followed by a three way discussion about how sex wasn't like it used to be with their husbands and how they'd like to have the thrill of a young lover again. "

Recent scientific research has shown women are more likely to cheat than men and also explodes some of the myths as to why they do. Women struggle more than men when it comes to staying faithful in relationships and the myth that women cheat for emotional reasons while men cheat for sexual reasons is also being overturned.

Research participants were noted as committing on why the cheat in a relationship when they are quite happy and stratified with the relationship over all. Comments were along these lines: "Even when your marriage is good, you still miss that rush of feeling so excited you can’t eat or sleep when you’re having such an intense time emotionally and sexually with a new person. That’s what I kept going after, and what I couldn’t say no to."

Women crave the rush or high they attribute to having sex with a new partner. No matter how loving, supportive , attentive their long term relationship partner is and no matter how advanced their partner's seductive bedroom skills or sexual prowess are, women lose interest in sex with their partners the longer they are in a relationship. Women simply become bored and want the excitement of a new partner they've never experienced before. Women equate "new: with "excitement". They are prone to become addictive to the high of a new relationship and once the newness wears off and they lose interest they'll seek out a new partner of a new high.

In other words.....Men are very good at wanting what they already have...women not so much.

"he said "Honey, being married to you has been quite an adven..."

At this point the only lesson Leah Anne learned is that Jack would accept her cheating also long as she kept him well fucked. This will come back to bite Jack in the ass. Previously he held the power in the relationship. Not that he's told her he knew all along he's turned his power in the relationship over to Lee Anne and I'm sure she'll exploit it to her advantage. Jack's a fool and a half to let her know he tolerated her cheating. He's a self admitted cuck now.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Unrealistic story for a real man who'd accept to be a cuckold rather than harming both of them. Not even half a star.

lbeachamlbeachamalmost 2 years ago

How many years after cheating enables forgiveness?

skruff101skruff101about 2 years ago

Paraphrasing dear old Bill Paxton in Aliens ‘It’s a cuck hunt’. Which is mostly all this author ever offers.

Please save us from delusional authors.

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