Unintended Consequences Ch. 03


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Because of that very possibility -- neighbors overhearing our discussion -- I held back the comment that had come to my mind. She was quite right to want this discussion held in private. Discussion of Dad's adultery couldn't have gotten either him or Mom arrested and sent to prison. We couldn't say that, in regard to the incestuous activities in which Zane and I had been engaging.

While she gathered some final things into her minivan, I finished packing the boxes in my room. When she was done, I followed her over to a decent looking extended stay hotel. She was on the third floor and it had a view of downtown Richmond in the distance. When we topped the stairs, she opened the first door.

She'd practically run up the stairs and was a bit winded when she got there, but she showed me in saying, "I'm increasing my exercise, to get back into shape."

"You look fine to me, Mom."

"Well, I'm doing it for me. Although I know, subconsciously, it's because your Dad rejected me."

I wondered what to do, then. She was mad at me, but almost acting like she wanted some kind of approval. I never had any lusty thoughts about my mother, like so many stories you hear about younger moms. I'd never even lusted for Zane until sometime after the incident when I'd inadvertently seen her nude. Mom snapped me out of my gaze with a question that was probably being repeated in a louder tone. The door was closed and the room somewhat darker now.

"Well?" she asked again.

I guessed she was asking about Zane, and went with that. "Mom, you know I love her, right?"

"But you're her brother. You two have your whole lives ahead of you."

"I don't think we're hurting anyone or each other."

"So, you've thought all this through? You know what your answers will be about children? You realize what this means about choosing friends, going places, getting jobs and living life? You understand how difficult any future together will be? You --"

I interrupted her stream of questions saying, "No, we don't have all the answers, but we do love each other."

There was a very long silence. I wished I could have heard the conversation between Mom and Zane. This didn't feel anything like what Zane had described to me about how her revelation to Mom had gone. Mom looked distant and deep in thought.

I heard myself saying, "Zane said you were kind of 'okay with it', but I don't want to put those words in your mouth. Can you tell me what has you concerned?"

"Adam, you are both brilliant and I'm certain that y'all know a baby would change everything."

"Zane and I are being careful. We've discussed using dual protection during her fertile times. We don't want any unintended consequences."

I could see the concern in her face relax a bit. She was clearly mulling something over but not expressing whatever it was she was thinking. Finally, she just asked, "Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why are you doing this?"

That felt very accusatory and I couldn't respond right away. I wanted to be very careful how I phrased what I said. I walked over to her, took her hands and looked her directly in the eyes. "Mom, I didn't choose to fall in love with Zane. It feels like I've been in love with her forever, and just finally admitted it to myself." I didn't want to throw Zane's initiation into the mix, but I wanted to let Mom know Zane had also pursued me.

In the pause I'd created, Mom pulled away with her eyes tearing up. She was mumbling something, "I can't -- this can't... oh, god; why?" Sitting on the edge of her bed, she began to sob.

Women crying is one of my weaknesses. I'd do almost anything to have them stop. My instinct had me sitting beside Mom stroking her back gently. I was thinking how to tell her how sorry I was. Sorry we'd hurt her. Sorry we'd given her something else to worry about. However, I couldn't regret whom I loved.

"I'm so sorry it happened this way, Mom. I never meant to hurt you. We just don't get to choose who we love. Zane and I fell in love, together," I said as I tried to assure her Zane felt the same.

Minutes passed and her crying finally diminished. After what seemed like an interminable time, she ended my tortured inquisition as quickly as it had begun. She took my head in her hands. "I know sweetie. I've experienced something like that, too. It's just such a very difficult path that you're taking. It's unconventional, socially taboo and you are so very young. Promise me you will not hurt your sister."

"Jeez, Mom! You must know; I'd never hurt Zane! I'd move heaven and earth to prevent her being harmed in any way. I'd die before I let that happen!"

That seemed to be the thing she'd needed to hear. "I know, dear one. I know. I've been so wrapped up in my own problems. I never saw this coming -- hadn't even thought to worry about this. When Zane called me for help, and then revealed your involvement, I was stunned. I thought talking to you would help me understand. Instead, I'm left wondering why this has happened and who's to blame."

I didn't really know the answer. I thought I'd started it, but Zane initiated contact. No one was to blame. "I don't know how it happened, Mom. We'd grown apart during college but then started talking more as I was doing well in college the last couple of years. These past few days we were kind of supporting one another without realizing it and everything we'd lost came back like we'd never been apart. Being here now, away from Zane, is nearly too much for me to endure. I've never loved anyone like this."

After a long pause, she seemed to suddenly come to grips with everything. "You need to go back to her, tonight, Adam." Another pause as my mouth dropped open. "She feels the same way. I don't understand it but, clearly, you two belong together, for now."

"Have you spoken to her again?" I asked slightly confused.

That whole 'for now' had me worried that this acceptance was merely an intermission of her resistance to be followed by a more forceful rebuttal at a later date. However, Mom's next words validated what I knew in my heart was true.

"No, she texted me earlier this afternoon. She was begging me to let you come back, this evening." Then, Mom was hugging me tightly. "She needs you," she whispered.

Zane needed me. I couldn't help but feel relieved and, in addition to that, it felt like Mom was giving me her belated, but sincere, acceptance. I didn't want to rush out, but that statement about Zane begging made me tense with anticipation.

"Okay, I'll be back tomorrow to help finish up what's left," I said, as I walked to the door.

"I'll be fine either way, sweetie."

"Well, I've got to go to NC State for the campus visit Wednesday, so I won't be around for a while. I definitely need to come back tomorrow -- I still need to collect my stuff and there's graduation, too. Zane had her appointments with prospective advisors today, but maybe she'll be finished and I can bring her tomorrow, as well," I said, as I thought about that glimmer of resistance Mom might still be holding onto.

"You can collect your stuff any time before the house is sold. Don't worry, Zane and I'll work getting to your graduation. Don't press her coming back too forcefully, we've gotten most of it done and I've already caused disruptions for both of you. You're both making life altering decisions about your education, and all this topsy-turvydom can't be helping. I'm relying on my strong willed son to take care of both of you," she said, joining me at the door and hugging me tightly. "Good-bye, honey. I love you."

"I need to go now," I told her, as she finally released me from the most forceful hug I could remember getting from her. "I love you, too, Mom. Bye," I said.

I began rushing down the stairs to my truck, when Mom said, "Take your time and get there safely."

Mom's words calmed me and confirmed what I knew was true; I could feel it deep in my gut. Mom loved me still, Zane needed me back with her and I needed to focus on getting there alive.

~ Zane ~

I awoke suddenly, to find Adam beside me. I had cried myself to sleep in an empty bed, but the spot next to me was empty no longer. Wonderfully, miraculously, Adam was there, holding me -- his arms strongly around my waist and his head upon my tummy. I could feel the love pouring forth from him.

"I've been being silly," I whispered. "It's all happened so fast and I just don't understand all the things I'm feeling."

"You're not silly; I'm here and I love you. You should go back to sleep."

"I can't go to sleep," I said. "I'm just so glad you're here with me, again."

I hugged him tightly and he brushed my hair back from my face.

"What am I going to do, with you?" he asked.

"Just hold me, and tell me you love me," I pleaded.

"I did tell you, and I'll tell you as often as you need to hear it -- as often as it takes, for it to become firmly and indelibly etched on your heart and soul," he assured me. "I do love you, my darling Zane. Why don't we get you out of these clothes so you can get back to sleep?"

I'd fallen asleep in my clothing, not bothering to change into a nightgown. Adam assisted me out of them. After he put them aside, he returned, offering me my nightgown in his right hand. I smiled and brushed it away.

"I don't want to put on anything but you," I informed him, grinning mischievously. "I don't want any stupid clothing between your skin and mine!"

"You need to get some sleep, Zane," he suggested.

"Adam, please; I need you. Could we --"

"It's pretty late --"

"I've been missing you all day," I pouted.

"Don't you need to be back at the university tomorrow?"

"I just had appointments today," I said, as I reached for his hand. "Please?"

I was desperate for him to join me. I could feel my nipples tightening and a slickness developing. I lightly pulled his hand and he acquiesced. He released my hand to shed his clothing. I could smell the scent of the hard work Adam had done, earlier in the day, as he joined me in bed. I sniffed him all over and his aroma was just making me want him more.

"Sorry, I should go shower," he said, as he attempted to get back up.

I pulled him back saying, "No -- it's nice -- I like how you smell." He rejoined me at once. "Now kiss me," I pleaded, as I leaned back onto the pillows.

Adam kissed me deeply and his strong arms wrapped me in a comfortable embrace. His lips were soft in contrast to the muscles of his upper body. My hands roamed across his broad shoulders and down his upper arms as we continued to kiss. How could it be that I'd missed him so much over the course of just a day? My cheeks brushed against the day's soft stubble he'd grown as we moved into more of a hugging position. The blonde facial hair he had was very fine and soft. It had tickled me as our faces touched and when he went between my legs. Then it sent shivers all over my body as it touched my thighs while he licked at me.

He was always so gentle with me, and the contrast of his strength made me appreciate him all the more. When his tongue snaked inside my vagina, I could feel the beginning of a little climax escalating inside me. My tummy began to quiver and Adam placed his hand upon me there to soothe me. His long outstretched fingers comforted me, reminding me of the way he felt when he was on top of me.

"Oh, yeah -- umh -- right -- there, right there," I panted, repeating 'right there' until I felt myself squirt a little. It seemed to happen every time he ate me. I didn't know if he simply had that effect on me, or if he knew what he was doing, but it felt incredible; like a pressure that has been released and the most relaxing calmness followed. The calm was short lived as Adam hungrily slurped most of it and me into his mouth. His strong hand grasped my hips to pull me closer and allow him to press his tongue further inside.

His hand massaged the fleshy parts of my hips and buttocks while he continued his laving of me with his tongue. He had full command of me and my body responded to every button he pushed. When another orgasm had fully bloomed his hands reached for my aching nipples and tweaked them gently. The pulse between my clit and teats was like an electric shock and I went into full multi-orgasmic overload.

I became conscious of him looking down on me with concern. He'd moved up so he could look into my face. No one I'd ever been with had given me anything like I was experiencing and Adam seemed to be able to do this to me with his mouth at will.

"You're quickly becoming a very cunning linguist," I smiled up at him, then had to wait for the fraction of a second it took for the chuckle to come as my pun finally registered in his brain.

"What can I say, Zane?" he shrugged, flashing me the silly grin I adored so much. "You inspire me to excellence in so many ways."

"Please, I need you inside me," I said at last. "I need you to complete us."

The adoration that shone in his eyes told me how much he loved me and cherished what we had together. Slowly he positioned himself atop me and bent his head to kiss my lips that longed for his. I could taste and smell my wetness on his face. It was weirdly erotic and I wanted to taste him too, but his mouth was hungry for my tongue. They dueled between us as we each chased the other's. When my need to have him inside me had built to a nearly intolerable level he was suddenly there. He'd slipped inside gently and pulled back to spread the moisture.

I was in heaven as his thick member tightly slid in and out of me. The angle of penetration rubbed him along my clit as he entered and exited. There was forceful calm within him as his strokes progressed. I could feel myself gripping in response to undulation his thick veins caused as he entered and my labia seemed to cling tightly as he exited. Soon the sound of further liquid squirting out met my ears as the pressure released again. His wet mouth took my nipple and suckled upon it gently as his thrusts continued. The room echoed softly with the noises of our coupling and I closed my eyes as he continued to ride into and out of my cunt. If it could have sung it would have been a long and deep note that shook us both to our cores! How had I done with out this bliss for even a day? It was like having pure energy deposited within me!

I was approaching another orgasm and began quivering. It occurred to me that he never took his climax until I made him and, when the first wave was over, I reversed our positions and pushed him flat. I mounted him, so he could suck at my nipples as he went into and out of me. I pressed the tip against my slickened slit and wiggled it across me teasingly. Then I pushed him in, inching him a little at a time, until I was fully seated upon him and he let out a little gasped 'fuck'.

"Okay, we are," I teased and began lifting and lowering myself on his rigidness.

His hands were soon on my hips helping me, guiding my angle and speed, his fingers grasping at the fleshy parts of my butt. He kneaded me gently as I continued to ride him into and out of myself. The sadness that had plagued me, earlier in the day, was gone, banished to some other plane of existence. I knew in my heart that Adam would always come back to me, even if he went to another university. Up and down, in and out, I repeated the motions. The slip of his flesh against mine was driving us both there together. Then he was slowing me, to make it last, and thrusting upward to meet my downward motion.

I pivoted to mount him in reverse, my favorite position, so Adam's cock rubbed against the front of my vaginal opening, seeming to work my g-spot. My slickness allowed him to glide against it on every thrust. Soon I was undulating on him telling him how good it felt and how I wanted him to feel this.

"Fuck me Adam, fill me with it," I begged him.

"You like how crazy you make me, don't you?" he asked.

"Yesss!" My movements answered his urgent upward thrusts. "I love it! I adore you!"

After several minutes of this Adam made a move that spun me around back beneath him. I found myself crying out in pleasure as his thick cock pounded me furiously. Adam's thumb thrummed my trough thoroughly through his tough thrashing pelvic thrusts, throughout our session, the tumult threatening to thump my head into the wall.

"Oh, god, Adam! Cum inside me -- oh fuck -- oh shit -- oh my god -- I never knew -- I can't believe -- you're so good."

My orgasm came quickly, quaking, my quim clutching about Adam tightly until his suddenly throbbing cock threatened to fill me to overflowing. Blast after blast of hot ejaculate pulsed inside me as I grabbed his trembling butt cheeks and pulled him firmly against me. Spasms of my climax undulated through my body as sloshing sounds of our combined fluids filled the sparse room. His strong form froze rigidly atop me with his final thrust and, ultimately, he allowed himself to relax. I hugged him tightly and pressed him deeper into myself, my legs locking behind him.

We rolled onto our sides with me still impaled upon his hard erection while our breathing returned to normal. Our mouths joined to kiss again. It was heavenly.

I awoke the next morning with Adam shaking me gently. "Hey, wake up," he whispered softly. "Let's get up; we need to go to Mom's. You don't have to do anything at the university, today, plus you and she never really got to talk."

Stretching and yawning I replied, "Yeah, I guess I should go."

"Come on, you can help me pack my stuff into my truck, there's hardly anything left in the house. We can help her get it ready for the work she's going to have done."

I heard his words, but didn't comment on them. Moving his stuff into my apartment would essentially mean he was moving in with me. I hadn't really thought this part through. Mom was having all of this work done to the house to sell it, so their stuff would need to be out. It was a fact I seemed to have overlooked; both Adam and Mom would need a place to stay.

"Mom hasn't sold the house yet; where's she staying?" I finally asked.

"She's in an extended-stay hotel. I don't know if she's really thought this whole thing through, though, Zane. She's planned a bunch, but there are gaps that she wouldn't normally have missed."

"We should help her with that too," I said, as I crawled out of bed.

I headed toward the shower with Adam right behind me, his hand playfully cupping my bottom. I glanced backward and saw that he was very erect, again. Inside the shower he was even friskier. I'd been the aggressor, several of the times we'd coupled over the past few days, but Adam was taking the baton for that morning. While I was under the shower-head, shampooing my hair, he was beneath me, slurping at me wantonly with his tongue and lips. The water cascading down into his face made the sounds even sloppier, and the effect was driving me wild.

When my hair was rinsed, I raised him up to embrace him. The light coming from the frosted window above the tub made the light blonde hairs on his face appear. Looking at him -- his wet form, his wet blonde hair and the twinkling of his blue eyes -- it just melted my insides.

I turned to press my backside against him and he was quickly inside me from behind, slipping in and out with the water running over us. We couldn't seem to get enough of one another, but this time had to be quick, so we could get ready and go. I encouraged the pace, as I met his thrusts pressing backward and clinching him. Within only a few minutes Adam gushed inside me as I came a second time. Our fluids dripped from me and washed down the drain as we finished washing one another playfully.

When we were finished showering and goofing around, we got out to dry with the two terrycloth towels hung side by side on the bar. I handed one to Adam and he dried standing in the shower while I dried standing on the bath mat. He was so cute, so handsome, so perfect.