Vampires Don't Sparkle Ch. 04

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Emily helps Ben heal from his injuries.
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Part 5 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/26/2016
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Ben was on the floor on one knee naked holding a ring at the woman he loved. Her shocked look and stunned silence as she stared at it was making him a little nervous. He also was starting to feel silly as he realized he was still naked and covered in bruises and dried up blood. Had he put more thought in to this he probably would have tried to make it more romantic but he just wanted to ask and get it out there while he could.

"You don't know what your asking." She said.

"Maybe not, but I don't care. I was kidnapped and almost killed, I spent the full moon at your mercy only to come out the other side in pain but still happy to see your smiling face. I will always be happy to see you smile and I will always be here after the pain. I know its crazy, and I know there will be problems but I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy."

Emily stood there with tears in her eyes. She still was silent as he kneeled there in his current condition. She then suddenly busted out laughing to Ben's surprise as she looked at him. He looked like he had just gotten out of a boxing match or attacked by a wild animal and he was still there begging her to be a marry her.

"You're an Idiot." She said with a smile on her face. "You know I'm probably going to be the death of you right?"

"In that case, till death do we part... so is that a yes? Its a little cold down here."

"I noticed."

"Ouch! Kick a man when he's down."

Her face suddenly went back to serious for a moment. "Ben, look at you, I can't... its hard seeing you suffer like this."

Ben stood back up saying an "ouch" or 2 and walked closer to her taking her by the hand. "Emily, I'm still here, through it all and I'm not going anywhere."

"But... someday you will die whether by time or by me, I will have to watch you leave me."

"Then why are you with me? We've been together so long now, you knew all that when this started, you don't want to be alone and no matter how much you fight me on this you know I'm right, and you know what you need to do."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean turn me."


"Turn me! Make me a Vampire like you."

"No, that's out of the question."


"Because you don't know what you're getting in to, it's a hell that you can't escape from."

"Then lets walk through Hell together. Look it's not my first choice but if it means staying with you forever and never having to leave you alone than its worth it! You are worth all of this! I love you and you shouldn't have to be alone anymore!" He said putting his hand on her cheek as tears filled her eyes. "We can even do it after the wedding if you want, so even if you refuse to change me I still want to be your husband."

"I hate you!" She said burying her head in his chest as she sobbed. "Why, why couldn't you just be another asshole! Why couldn't you just leave when you found out I was a Vampire or after that first full moon."

"Would you really have wanted me to?"

She looked up him for a moment before she shook her head "No! Of course not."

Ben held her for a few moments until he felt a little light headed and started to stumble falling to his knees again. Emily tried to catch him but her still fell before shekneeled down with him.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"Yeah just... still a little weak, but I'll be alright."

"I was getting you breakfast but then you had to do something stupid like get out of bed and ask me to marry you."

"What can I say, at least in this case the stupidity hurts like Hell."

"Shut up you idiot!"

"Yeah, but I'm your idiot."

"Yes you are... fine!"

"Fine?" He asked surprised.

"Lets get married."

"Really? Fine? That's all I get? I got kidnapped, beat up, drained of blood and when I say marry me I get fine?"

"Are you done?"

"Not sure yet! Maybe I should take this ring back and try again another time."

"Will you just shut up and marry me already!" She said trying to shut him up.


"I hate you!"

"I know." He said before he placed the ring on her finger thanking the gods it actually fit.

He kissed her again as they laid on the floor for a few minutes before she finally said "we should probably get you some food, if we're getting married I need you alive." She pulled him to his feet grabbing another robe for him to cover himself with. "After breakfast we'll put you in the hot tub."

"You have a hot tub?"


"And why have we never used it?"

"Good question? Forgot I had it."

"Well then... I think your place is too big for one,... and we should use the hot tub."

"Your delirious, you still gonna want to marry me after you eat?"

"Hope so."

"God you suck!"

"Wait a minute."

"I know I know, poor choice of words! Shut up."

She made him some bacon and eggs for breakfast as he sat at the table trying to make the room stop spinning sipping his OJ. She started keeping food in the house after he started staying there more often. The fridge had mainly been used for blood storage before that. After he ate and he started to feel better and asked Emily a question that had been on his mind since last night.

"Emily, back at the bar... they all seemed afraid of you! Why?"

"Oh... that's a long story."

"Well I have the time."


"Can you give me the cliff note version?"

"I'm... kind of... their Queen."

"Wait what?"

"My father used to be leader of a coven here in Boston years ago. He was a very powerful Vampire."


"Yeah it used to be a Coven but my father was burned alive."

"Oh?... wow!"

"Yeah! So I'm kind of a Queen! Or princess maybe? Never actually received an official title."

"Um... what do you mean he was burned alive? how?"

"They had a hostage, My mother, when they captured her he surrendered to the towns people and they destroyed him, and then her."

"I'm so sorry! So wait you weren't bitten were you? You were born a Vampire?"

"Yes, I'm a pure blood! That's why I'm so much stronger than them."

"Wow! That explains a lot. So what happened next?"

"After their death I... kind of went on a rampage."

"Really? what kind of rampage?"

"I'm not proud of it but... I killed everyone involved in their death."


"It was after that I decided not to kill a human ever again. As angry as I was at loosing my parents it wasn't until I saw the crying women and children after what I had done. I had taken their family away from them just like theirs had done to me but it didn't make me feel any better, it made me feel worse! So I vowed never to kill again, it took some time to figure out but... here I am."



"That's the most you have ever told me about yourself."

"Yeah, I guess it is."

"So should I start calling you your majesty?"

"I will rip your balls off!"

"Ouch! Little extreme don't you think?"

"Try me."

"Noted, so they all know who you are then?"

"Well it's kind of an alpha thing, even if they don't know who I am they can sense it! Comes in handy."

"Ok then! So are you in charge of them?"

"Yes but there are those below me who manage everything, I have no time for politics, its like England! I'm the Queen but there is a Prime Minister so to speak."

"Well then, I suppose you want me to sign a prenuptial then?"

"Shut up!"

"Wow you've said that a lot today, I can see this is gonna be an abusive marriage."

She stood up and walked around the table before putting her arms around his neck and sitting on his lap. "I hope this doesn't change things. I always loved how you looked at me like I was just a regular girl."

"Nothing you tell me will ever change the way I look at you!" He said before leaning his head against her chest and looping his arms around her.

She rested her head on his for a moment before she looked at the beautiful diamond ring on her finger. "Hot damn, do I want to know how much this cost?"

"Had to go to a loan shark, they beat the crap out of me, see the bruises?"

"How about I take care of him for you?" She said giving him a wink.

"haha! I put it on my credit card, 10 more payments and this baby is yours."

"10 more payments? Good luck to whoever tries to take it back from me."

"Yeah well, you're wor..."

"Stop saying I'm worth it! Its getting annoying."

"Ok... then... I love you."

"Better." She said and gave him a kiss before saying "ready to try the hot tub?"

"Ready when you are."

She led him to the master bathroom where the tub was in a room off to the side. He had seen the door before but had just assumed it was a closet or something. She grabbed the first aid kit and started to clean up his wounds. She poured hydrogen peroxide on his back and shoulder as he clenched his fists in pain. She always bit him below the neck line so he could hide it under his shirt but the bites were a little larger this time. Luckily none of his injuries were too severe, the tub was more or less to relax his muscles so that they wouldn't hurt later.

He stepped in to the tub as the warm water and jets relaxed his muscles. She slid off her robe and stepped in with him. She had him move forward so she could get in behind him and rub his shoulders but she was careful not to touch his scratches as she helped him relax.

"Ben can I ask you something?"


"Have you ever asked yourself what would happen if I ever did lose control?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like what if something happens and I lose myself and attack you, maybe even kill you?"

"Has that happened before?"

"Well no but I'm a Vampire, haven't legends or movies of my kind made you a little ...afraid of me?"

"No, Twilight ruined that for me."

"Seriously! mention that film again and I will kill you."

"To be honest I was afraid, the first night we met and you revealed what you were I was scared to death."


"Yeah I thought I was gonna die for a second or two."

"Then why were you so kind to me?"

"Because when you showed me what you were it took me only seconds to realize you could have killed me whenever you wanted. If you were evil or couldn't control yourself I'd be dead."

"Well that's true I guess."

"Plus another thing... and I've never admitted this to anyone before but... I've always had a thing for Vampires."

"Your just being a dick now!"

"No seriously, ever since I was young I've always just wondered what that would be like? What would sex with a Vampire be like, and of course every movie would be show the seduction and before anything good happens she's biting the poor guy and killing him."

"Innocent blood had a good Vampire sex scene in it."

"Yeah, took me years to find that one."

"Are you honestly telling me that the night we met you were just so horny that you thought offering me your blood would get you laid?"

"Um... well maybe?"

"You asshole!" She said dunking his head under the water for a second. When he came back up he had turned towards her. Her arms were crossed and she had a pissed off smile on her face.

"Hey you could have drank and ran but you left me your number and you came back the next night."

"Yeah well, maybe you just tasted good! And maybe I'm still just using you for your blood." She teased.

"Any time Babe." He said leaning in and kissing her pulling her in to the center of the hot tub. He began kissing the side of her neck while his hands were all over her body under the water.

"Wait, your still hurt." She said stopping him for a moment.

"Worth it." He said as he began kissing her neck again.

She was enjoying his touch and was getting very turned on. "Ugh, I'm gonna make sure it says that on your tomb stone." She said before pulling him close and kissing him again. She could feel his swollen member under the water as she rubbed it with her pussy lips a few times before it slid inside her.

The water helped him support her given he was still in pain but he didn't care. He loved the taste of her soaking wet skin as they splashed around the tub. She whined and moaned as she straddled him. He loved hearing her moan as it just turned him on even more. He pushed her towards the edge of the tub for support as he thrust his hips going as deep inside her as he could. Her eyes rolled in her head as his cock pushed itself inside touching all of her sweet spots.

She yelled out as she had her first orgasm which was shocking to him as they usually went at the same time but he still had a ways to go. Once she realized he had not climaxed she climbed off of him and leaned over the edge of the tub sticking her ass out of the water. She looked back at him and spread her legs begging for him to enter her again. He positioned himself and slid between her lips again. Her ass shined still dripping with water as he grabbed it shoving his aching cock in and out of her. She moaned even louder as she laid her body on the floor next to the tub.

"Oh fuck yes!" She said as she arched herself back. He reached around grabbing her breasts squeezing them as he continued his thrusts. Maybe it was the pain he was in that was making him last as long as he was but she was enjoying it and he loved watching her enjoy herself. It wasn't long until she yelled out and came again as he could feel her pussy clamp down on his cock and she let out a very loud whine.

Ben was very sore still and it was making it hard for him to cum but after making her cum twice he decided to give up. He let go of her sliding himself out and lowering himself in to the water.

"That was so good!" She said still reeling from it.

He kissed her again before he grabbed a towel and pulled himself out of the tub handing her one as well before they put their robes back on and headed back to the bedroom. He moved gingerly as he was still very sore but was also trying not to show how much pain he was in to her. He walked in to the bedroom and opened her dresser looking for clothes. She looked over and noticed his cock sticking out through his robe still hard as a rock.

"You didn't finish?" She asked looking at his member.

"No, its fine, it's just I'm sore so it was hard to get there, but its ok, you seemed to enjoy it so its all good."

"No its not! That's not how it works around here." She said putting her hands on his shoulders and pushing him gently down on her bed opening his robe.

"Really its not that big a deal!" He said but she ignored him and began gently stroking his cock with her fingers. Ben laid back as it felt really good.

"Now just relax, I'll take care of you." She said as her gentle caressing continued. She leaned close to it as she started playing with his balls making him moan out at her touch. She stuck her tongue at and lightly touched his tip before slowly working her way down his shaft.

"Holy shit!" He said.

"I said relax, sometimes the most gentle touch gets the best results." She said as she continued to lightly caress him. He felt all her fingers touching him but there was no force behind it, just a light caress that made his whole body jerk from time to time.

She placed her lips on his tip teasing his hole with her tongue and sucking on him a a little and then taking his cock in to her mouth slowly going deeper with every suck. It was too much, he wasn't sure how she was doing it but it was working and he knew he wouldn't last much longer. She tickled his balls more as she continued to suck him off and he could feel the pressure building.

"Oh shit, I'm gonna... I'm gonna!" He tried to warn her but she just moaned and continued to suck him off. His cock erupted making him arch his back as her lips locked around his member and she swallowed every last drop of cum that shot out of him.

Once his cock finally stopped she let him go still lightly caressing him. His member was bright red and still twitching. He laid there catching his breath before he looked down at her smiling while still caressing him.

"Don't you ever think for one second I would get off without getting you off with me."

"Good to know!" He said still laying there as she crawled up on the bed next to him resting her head on his chest while he wrapped his arm around her. They both fell asleep together as he was still exhausted from his injuries and she didn't want to leave his side.

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SatyrDickSatyrDick4 months ago


I looked up 'Innocent Blood' and now I want to find it's John 'Schlock'/'An American Werewolf in London' Landis with music by Ira Newborn.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Great story so far. I agree with another comment about some of the dialogue sounds a little mundane and generic.

However, what's more distracting are the grammar errors. This series is the only one of yours I've read so far, but looking at your list, it's clearly not some of your earlier work.

So since I'm not sure about the accuracy of your most recent work, I will suggest investing in a subscription to something like Grammarly as the free version can still miss many things. It also gives suggestions for many overly generic words.

phoenix23ninjaphoenix23ninjaabout 3 years ago

"Worth it." He said as he began kissing her neck again.

She was enjoying his touch and was getting very turned on. "Ugh, I'm gonna make sure it says that on your tomb stone."

that had me dying laughing.

AnubismarkAnubismarkover 7 years ago
Plot Hole

Loving the story so far, its almost impossible to find a good vampire story these days never mind one where the male is human. At least not with out going into the gay section. That said back in chapter 1 when she revealed she was a vampire one of the things she said was that she could not get pregnant, now you're saying she was born a vampire, and thus able to get pregnant. Either its a plot hole and you changed your mind, or its a species thing and only another vampire can get her pregnant. Either way you wrote it in a confusing enough manner that it is even a question. Still a good tale though, 4 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Bad Dialogue

Pretty good story so far, but you need to work on your dialogue. It's very awkward and staccato. Too many exclamation marks, short sentences, and "Wow!"s. For example, she reveals after a year of dating, a near death experience, and a proposal that she is basically royalty and a mass murderer. He says, "Wow!". You can do better than that.

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