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"I let the maid have the day off. Domestic skills are not my forte. But I wasn't exactly expecting company. Sorry."

"Oh. No problem. How long have you been here?"

"Since I started. I've been going to summer school, to avoid going home so I'm already a Junior."

"Sam...look. I have really enjoyed being with you and you've helped me a lot..." Oh no! Not already? Her chest tightened. "But you're what? 18 or 19?"

"No! Almost 20!" In nine months.

"I'm 28. And, based on what I've been doing the last ten years it's kinda like dog years. You deserve to be with folks your own age and do all the college stuff... I don't know. And it's probably not right to stay here with you even on the couch. I mean....Your folks..."

"Holy shit, Walker. You make it sound like you're 85 or something. I mean, you are an jerk. First of all, it's not up to you to tell me who I should like. Guys my age are, I don't know, they're just too young for me or something. I've always preferred and dated older men."

Young, old, never mattered, they all shit on her she reflected. Fixer uppers. "Even old codgers like you. And you're saying you don't want to stay here to protect my honor and reputation or some crap like that?"


"Walker. This is college. People are shacking up and doing it all over the place. First date, second date, no date. I don't, of course, because I am a lady and have my principles, but it's going on all around us. There's no one to judge the appropriateness of it, or heck, no one will even know.

"But what about you? You're hot as hell and have been in the Navy for a decade? Girls love a guy in uniform. You must have had a lady in every port. You must have had...."

Looking down, "No one. Really. Well, no one I didn't...well, that I didn't pay for. And that was rare." Crap! She hadn't thought of that.

"You never had a real girlfriend?"

"No. Not even in high school. With sports and working there really wasn't time...And, well, then with what I did, there never really was a chance. And it wouldn't have been fair anyway since I had to go away for long stretches and never really knew how things might turn out. You know."

"Tell you what, Walker, my fine fellow, I promise not to soil your sense of honor." At least for tonight. "I'm going to take a shower and get into some jammies. You, well, look around and feel at home."

A half hour later, she came out of the bathroom. Tee shirt, no bra and shorty pajama bottoms. She usually just wore undies, but figured he'd freak. Shit! She noticed he was staring at her. Probably has been quite a while. Good? Bad? She couldn't tell. "OK. You're looking at me like one of those old guys who sit on the park benches and drool all day. What gives?"

"Oh, sorry. I....I...You're just amazing, Sam. I..."

"Need to brush up on your language skills. Contrary to popular thought, flattery will get you somewhere, at least with me. Now get in there and take your shower. "

She looked up from her bedtime tea and nearly dropped her cup. Walker came out in a towel. Solid muscle, but long, lean muscles. Like farmer muscles. Not weight lifters muscles. But there were scars and divots. Hell! In a lot of places.

"Now you're staring at me like one of those old men on the bench at the barber shop. What gives?"

She was a goner. She stepped forward and touched the scars, the holes and water filled her eyes. My God, the things he must have been through, she thought. She stepped in close and cupped his face. "My poor Walker. You've given so much. Sacrificed so much." But she decided he was in luck. She knew just the girl for him. Just the girl who could fill in the holes in his life. If he'd let her.

"And I happen to know a girl ...She's beautiful, witty, smart as the devil and loves guys in bib overalls. Especially Navy guys. I know we just met. And I've never done this before, never, ever, but, dang, Walker...there's just something..."


"Oh, screw your honor and stuff. Is that the crap you're going to give me? Is it honorable to disappoint a lady? Now I am going to kiss you and you are going to do the honorable thing, kiss me back, and at least act like you enjoy it. Can you do that country boy?" She kissed him and he froze. She forced her tongue between his lips. Nothing.

"Walker. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt. I assume you at least kissed a girl before you shipped out, right?" He nodded. "So just relax and do it. It won't hurt a bit." She kissed him again. His lips relaxed, jaw dropped some and she could slide her tongue in. He made some kind of noise in the back of his throat and pulled her hard against him. He squeezed hard enough to take her breath away. She could feel his need, his desire.

Her alarms went off. Maybe she was going to get more than she asked for. But he relaxed. Their tongues played tag and he made that noise again. Then suddenly pulled away. "Sam..."

"Yes, Walker. You ARE a jerk! What, are you afraid you're going to damage something? Remember, the Eskimos used to share their wives with visitors. They figured their wives were the only things they could loan to a visitor that they couldn't break or wear out. You won't break me, Walker. But I do hope you can wear me out."

He stood frozen, watching her. She moved away and stood up. "OK. I get it. I came on too strong. I'm crowding you. How did it go, 'What I did was out of line, unprofessional and totally inappropriate.' Isn't that what Mitchell said? I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I wasn't thinking.

"Help yourself to whatever I have. You're going back to biology, right?" He nodded. "Good. We can go together and you can help me get a good grade. And tomorrow we don't have lab so we are going to have a little chit chat and see about your money and get you squared away. I'm a psych major, but a finance minor, so I can help with this stuff.

"Night, Walker. It's been quite a day." And she hoped it's the first day of forever, but she scolded herself. What the hell, Sam? She'd just met him. And he had issues. Probably a lot of issues.

He needed mending. And she thought that she was just the girl to do it, but her alarms went off again. The fixer upper alarms and she always fixed them up so well they left her for someone else. Maybe things would be different this time.

"Good night, Sam. Thank you for everything. I'm....sorry. I..." She put a finger on his lips and then gently kissed him.

"It's fine, Walker. I understand, or at least I think I do." She understood that she going to have to friggin' pleasure herself with her trusty little helper. She just hoped the batteries would hold up.

Two hours later, "SHOOT! SHOOT! NO! NO! NO!" Shit! What the hell? She jumped out of bed and Walker was sitting up with tears in his eyes.

"Walker! Walker! Are you alright?" She sat beside him, held him and put her head on his shoulder. "It's alright, Walker. You're with me, here. Not there anymore. It's safe. No need to worry. We'll help you get better, together. OK?" Cripes. He's shaking. Hell, then she started crying.

She reached up, pulled his head towards herself and kissed his cheek. She cradled him for an hour before he fell asleep again. She stretched him out and made sure he was covered. Oh, Walker. Of all people, why you? Why was she hooked on him? She knew nothing about him. Who are you, Walker? Where have you been? She knew nothing. Nothing at all.

Placing a sandwich in front of him at her apartment, "Whew! Another whirl wind morning of class. Nothing like taking a semester and shrinking it to six weeks. The joys of summer school. God we have so much to read and look up. All those stupid articles. So how do we get to that pirate's chest of loot you were discussing?"

"I have to go to headquarters. And...I have a meeting I have to go to for about an hour. Not sure how to get there, exactly. Here's the address."

"Easy, peasy. We just take the Metro. I'll show you."

"No, Sam. You don't have to....but I have to change into my, how did you put it, 'old man outfit' before I go."

"Great. I'm coming. Is a dress alright? Or a business suit?"

"Sam, I..."

"Shut it, Sailor. Do we need to quick wash that shirt? Do you need an iron? I'm fresh out of spray starch to make you extra stiff....looking that is." He laughed. "So what is all this fancy stuff all over your jacket. They look like ribbons and medals."

"If you're in for as long as I was they give you a lot of decoration for your uniform. You know, to make you feel special I guess."

"Commander Jackson! Great to see you again, Sir. I heard you got a little banged up on your last, uh,' looking at Sam, "last trip."

"Yeah, a little. Is the Captain in?"

"Yes, Sir. He's ready for you. Go on in. Ma'am? May I get you some coffee while you wait?"

"Walker! Great to see you. Hard to believe after all the missions you'd been on that some kid...How are you making out?"

"Good, Captain. Healing fine, but won't be able to go back out. What with the knee and all."

"That's what I want to talk to you about. I know you're interested in studying animals and ecology and all that stuff, but we need your expertise, Walker. You've been there. You've lived it. The Admiral and I would like you to consider....."

"Alright, Sam. Sorry you had to wait. Gave you a chance to do some of that reading, I guess. Let's tackle the rest of those chores and transfer my money. Oh, and get some decent food for your place. You eat like a college kid," and smiled. "Good seeing you again, Lieutenant."

He took her arm and escorted her out of the building. She suddenly jumped to attention and saluted. "Cooh-mannn-derrr Jackson! Samantha Taylor reporting for duty. I can't wait to tell all my friends that I got kissed by a Commander." He laughed.

"Enough of your disrespect. You'll be demoted if you're not careful. And if you recall correctly, you kissed me. How do I get to Arlington?"

What a great day, she thought, just being with him was easy, natural, effortless. It was wonderful. "So, Commander Jackson, what would you like for dinner. Mac and cheese or I can make some noodles...."

"You don't cook much, do you?"

"I know you bought more stuff today than I have in a year but...Remember my statement about domestic skills? Well it's a pretty generalized lack there of."

She looked down. Damn. For the first time she felt kind of ashamed or embarrassed by the way she'd been raised. "We, well, my parents had maids, cooks, drivers, yard guys, and I never really had to or wanted to...." Until now. "What about you, Commander?"

"Dad's a contractor and assistant football coach. Mom teaches high school home economics and coaches the girls' volleyball team. They have a small farm, and there were four kids so tons of chores and we all had to work to keep things ship shape. Or entropy and chaos would have won out." He laughed and smiled to himself.

"Sounds like good times. Where were you in the four?"

"Youngest. And the runt. All the others are taller."

"Why the Navy?"

"Had to. Four generations before me. WWI, WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, and now the non-war wars."

"That's amazing. My family just works at getting rich and spending it. My brother and sister are both in the business with Dad. I'm the youngest and the disappointment, but not the runt. I'm taller than my brother and sister and look kinda different. Makes one kind of wonder about those paternal alleles you were talking about yesterday. But doesn't really matter much. So Mac and cheese it is."

"Nope. Barbecued chicken, with biscuits, peas, and we'll mix up the brownies. Here's all you have to do..."

"Walker, I...."

"Just kidding. I'll get it started. You can put the barbecue sauce on the chicken--annnnd you can watch or help or whatever."

"That meal was terrific, Sam. Great job on the brownies."

She laughed, he'd done almost all of it. "And don't forget I microwaved the bag of peas. And now I actually have something in my fridge other than boxes of leftover Chinese or pizza. Momma would be so proud.

"Well, actually she wouldn't be. Oh, well. Tell you what, this cooking stuff takes a lot more time than take out. But it did taste great. Thank you, Walker. Shower time, then study, study, study. Can't get behind in summer school."

She showered, shaved everything she could think of. What was it Katie Perry said, 'the only hair on a woman's body should be on her head?' Well, that's what she was shooting for. Teeth brushed, a little spritz of this, a little makeup, tee shirt and undies. "OK, Walker. Your turn. What? What are you looking at?"

"Sam, I...I..."

"Have no language skills. I know, my poor baby. We discussed that. Now get in there and let me study." She sat on the couch, legs up on the coffee table, shirt riding pretty high. But when he came out, once again it was she that was staring.

"Walker, if you keep looking like that I'm going to have to go to my room to get any work done." He flushed and looked down. "I'm sorry, Walker. Alright. Here's the plan. No more flirting or any of the other stuff until you want to. Deal? You set the pace, or whatever." She tugged on the hem of my shirt with no success.

"Uh, Sam? We need to talk a minute." Shit! Shit! Shit! Already? "I have to talk to Professor Mitchell tomorrow. I, uh, I'm dropping out of Bio. And school."

"But what about your elk and a master's and all that?"

"Sam, I was offered a job with Naval Intelligence....and I feel like I need to do it. I have a lot of on the ground type experience, so I could really add a lot." And looking down with a pained expression of remembrance, "And maybe get fewer men injured."

'I see. Makes sense. So...you're leaving, already?" She was fighting back tears. What the heck, she thought. She'd just met him yesterday. How was he having this effect on her?

"No. Naval Intel is just over in Maryland. Not far." Oh thank God! Whew! A look of relief filled her face.

She got up and kissed his cheek. "Congratulations. Excuse me a minute." She went into her bedroom and put on some scrub pants then returned and went back to studying.

"Time for me to turn in. Need my beauty rest so I'm bright eyed and bushy tailed for our quiz tomorrow. THE QUIZ I GUESS YOU ARE GOING TO SKIP. See you in the morning, Walker." Damn how she wished he were coming with her.

"Good night, Sam. And thanks. Thanks for everything."

No more than an hour later when she heard the scream. "NO! NO! NO!" She jumped out of bed. He was sitting upright with sweat on his face. His tee shirt soaked. Wide eyed and looking somewhere else. She grabbed him and hugged him tightly.

"It's alright, Walker. Just relax. I'm here to help. You're safe. Everyone is safe. Oh, my poor Walker. It'll get better. It will. It just takes time." Damn! She decided she was going to have to study the hell out of this PTSD stuff and get some help from the folks at the VA. Maybe there was a hotline. She felt she was in way over her head.

"Dammit, Commander. That's it. You're coming with me." She pulled him up and led him to the bedroom.

"Sam, I..."

"Am a brave man that needs help. We're just going to sleep together. Sleeeeep. Nothing else. Now take that shirt off. It's soaked, put a dry one on and get in there." He obeyed and she snuggled in next to him, turned on her side, put her arm across his chest and kissed his cheek.

"Now isn't this better, Walker?" She felt him nod in the darkness. "Now sleep. Relax. You're safe. You're home. Sleep." He did.

But about a half hour later her alarms sounded. She opened her eyes and he was staring at her. They were almost nose to nose. "Walker? What...." He leaned in and kissed her. Tentative at first and then stronger, tongues probing each other, both of them breathing hard. God she needed this man.

No time for slow and easy. Gentle exploration. They both knew where this was going and wanted to get there quickly. Lust, need, speed. She pulled back and yanked her shirt and thong off. He immediately latched onto her breast. Animal noises started escaping from the back of her throat and that 'fire down below' was a friggin' forest fire.

She grabbed his cock from the outside of his underwear. Already like a rock. Nice. Very, very nice. Started stroking, then shoved his shorts down and wrapped her fingers around it. She started stroking, fast, hard. No longer paying attention, she was lost in the sensations of his mouth on her breasts.

He put a hand on hers to slow her down. Then slid that hand across and probed her lower lips. She tightened with anticipation and he eased his finger into her. "Oh, Walker! Thank you. I need you Walker. Please?" She pulled him up on top of herself as she bent her knees, spread her legs and pulled his cock to her split. He slid the head in, then back. Further in, then back. Two more practice swings and he bottomed out, sliding easily along her moistened lining.

She groaned. "Walker! Walker! Walker! Holy crap." Hell, he wasn't even moving and her orgasm was building. She started thrusting up into him as it built. Frantic for the wave to crest and feel the release. She peaked, she groaned, she shoved against him trying to shove his whole pelvis in there. And collapsed.

"Shit, Walker. What the hell? What the hell are you doing to me? Phew! That's out of the way. Now move that ugly thing of yours in my beautiful little honey hole and make it happen again. For both of us."

He did. It wasn't long before she felt him alter his pace. A few deep plunges, a hard thrust and she felt his contraction, then another, and he started moving again, but slowly, evenly. And that was enough to set her off again, but instead of slowly she slid down so his cock would rub against her clit and started thrusting frantically. And then...and then. Oh, baby, a hummer. She groaned again and went limp.

She stared into his eyes and kissed him. "Thank you, Walker. That was...that was fucking wonderful. Thank you. Pun intended."

He kept looking into her eyes. "OK, Walker. You're freaking me out a little. What? What is going on in that sick little head of yours?"

"I...I...You're just so beautiful, Sam. I..."

"Yes, Walker, as I said, flattery will get you everywhere. The princess deserves praise. But you need to use words." He kissed her. "Or... that'll do too. Now, what say we try this again, but a little slower. Walker! Oh, shit, Walker!" She wanted to scream I love you. Don't let go. Don't leave, but she didn't. She was afraid she'd scare him off.

He slept peacefully.

"Last night was wonderful, Walker. Thank you."

"No, Princess. Thank you. It. Well, it was wonderful. We'll have to do it again some time."

"Count on it. Like tonight. Come on, we've got to head out if you're going to talk with Prof. Mitchell before class starts. Are we going to walk?"

"What? I thought you never walked? That'd be great. Then I'll Uber to Maryland."

She reached into her purse and handed him the keys. "Tell you what. You can drive me to school then take my car. If you feel guilty, put some gas in it."

"Emily! Let's go have some lunch before lab. I haven't had a chance to talk to you."


"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You have that glow....Fuck, Sam. You got laid last night. Who the hell with? You haven't even been dating. And I know how you feel about one nighters...Unlike me," she giggled. "Spill."


"Walker! Walker the killer? What the hell, Sam? You always play it safe and stay away from the bad boys. You just pick the nice losers."

"Don't call him that. He's...Damn, I don't know, Em. I've never felt like this before. He...it was wonderful."

"Holy shit, Sam. Where's he live?"

"With me."

"What? Don't you have things a little back asswards? You meet someone, date for a while, have sex, fall in love, date each other a long time and then live together? He moved in, what, the first day" she nodded. "And then you had sex?" She nodded.