War is Not All Bad


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The alien took his virgin ass hard and with little consideration for Jake's pain. And, of course, the alien lasted a long time. At least fifteen minutes into the fuck, the alien made a squawking sound and had an orgasm into Jake's ass. Jake felt the hot fluid squirt into his ass. It was a lot of fluid and it burned. The alien pulled out and said "That was very good, human. I'll let everyone know how good it felt. I'm sure you will have a line tomorrow." An assistant untied Jake and put him up on a large wooden "T" ass out. The alien cum was running out of Jake's ass and down his legs. It burned as it rolled down his leg. It must be acidic or something. It certainly felt better on his legs than in his ass.

The big alien went to a cabinet and pulled some sort of whip out. "Now I'm going to whip you until you pass out. Enjoy!" He began to whip Jake all over the rear of his body but concentrating on his ass. Jake took the whipping fairly well although he did scream quite a bit.

Jake was hurting the next morning. He was given water and allowed to piss. He was then dragged to the spanking bench and tied down. Over the next eight hours, Jake was anally raped by fifteen aliens. By the time they were finished, Jake had a massive amount of alien "semen" rolling out of him. And his ass was on fire......not literally though. The alien cum burned.

An hour later, the big alien came in, grabbed the smaller cane and began to hit Jake's ass. Jake started screaming after the first few hits. The alien beat him until he passed out.

Jake woke up and he was laying on the floor of his cell. He groaned loudly. He was hurting so much. He twisted his body and looked at his ass. God, his ass was a mess. It was black and blue and covered with welts.

Jake spent the next forty wake cycles as an anal fuck doll for the aliens. Everyday after he was used, he was whipped or beaten by the big alien mostly on his back and ass. Jake was getting use to the beatings and whippings. As a matter of fact, they didn't hurt all that much any more. By the end of the first month, Jake was no longer passing out from the pain. Every day he managed to go into some kind of zone where the pain didn't get to him.

7. A Different Kind Of Hell.

Of course, the big alien was becoming angry and frustrated that the beating and whippings were not affecting Jake much anymore. Then one day the alien came into the cell and Jake's penis was hard and standing high and away from his body. He asked Jake why that body part was erect. Jake was embarrassed. Jake explained "I was dreaming of a good friend of mine and fellow pilot who is female. We were very close before I was captured."

The alien remembered that Jake's genitals were very tender and Jake would probably feel a lot of pain with attention to those parts. As he was thinking about that he noticed that Jake's erection had disappeared. How to get this....this erection back so he could use the whip on it? One of the captured females, maybe.

Jake was hanging around....literally. Arms tied together and hanging from the roof of his cell, toes barely meeting the floor and naked as a jaybird. Jake hadn't had clothes on for almost two months now. Suddenly, a naked human woman is pushed into his cell followed by his alien nemesis. Jake noticed she was dirty but she had a very hot body. "Go!" The alien tells the woman.

She approaches Jake and starts to dance around him. She whispers "I'm sorry. He's making me do this."

After a couple of minutes of her dancing around him, Jake is hard as a rock. The alien grabs the woman and flings her into the corner of the cell. He then pulls out a whip and begins to whip Jake. Most of the hits strike him on his hard penis and tight balls. He's screaming. The woman tries to stop the alien and is slapped really hard. She falls on the floor unconscious. The alien continues to whip Jake until Jake passes out.

When Jake opens his eyes, he's alone. He's in great pain. He looks down and his penis, ball sack and most of the area around them are red and there's lots of bleeding. Jake's shoulders are killing him and he can't feel his arms. The alien walks in and walks over to a bucket. He picks up the bucket and throws the contents onto Jake.

Jake screams again as every cut is punished again. He tastes the water that was thrown on him. It's very salty. The alien says "We have a wonderful well here. You can't drink the water but it makes the punishment cuts sting. I enjoy it a lot. The woman who danced for you was also whipped today because she tried to stop me from whipping you. I enjoyed whipping her. I had her hung from her ankles with her legs spread wide. Her genital area is nearly as red as yours."

This same scenario was reenacted every other day. Just as he was starting to heal a little, the woman was brought in and made to dance around him naked. Jake couldn't control himself. Every time she showed up, he started to get hard. The alien was getting way too much enjoyment out of whipping Jake's genitals. Every whipping ended with Jake passed out. Then the alien used the salt water on him when he woke up. He was then tied to the bench and anally raped by several aliens.

After ten day-night cycles, the alien noticed that Jake was no longer getting fully hard. The woman was made to rub all over him and touch his cock and balls. When she was first told to do this she said 'no'. She was immediately hung up by her legs and her genitals where whipped. She was left in the cell with Jake after she was whipped. She received the salt water bath afterward just like Jake was receiving. She relented the next time the alien told her what to do. She danced around Jake and rubbed all over him. She whispered she was sorry and she was crying. This lasted only a couple of days because Jake was not getting hard anymore, even when the alien order her to stroke him.

Jake was worried because he was hoping his new erectile dysfunction wasn't permanent. The next time the woman was introduced into his cell, she was made to take his penis into her mouth and suck on it. Nothing happened. The alien was mad. The woman was whipped again and then roughly removed by two other aliens. Jake then was whipped again. He noticed his penis and balls basically tried to shrink up inside of him when the whip started to hit him.

Jake was still getting hit occasionally with the whip on his genitals but it wasn't constant. The alien was super mad. Jake smiled when he stomped out of the cell. But every day numerous aliens came in and raped his ass.

Finally, the woman was left in the cell with Jake. They were both sprayed down to clean them up. This was unusual. Jake had only been cleaned up once before. The woman introduced herself. She was Lorie Miles and was a geologist who was capture from the Tau Ceti 4 colony. She'd been here for a while. She didn't know how long. Jake introduced himself. She apologized again for the cruel punishments he had to endure. She hated getting him hard only to see him whipped.

The first night they started out sleeping in opposite corners of the cell. Two hours into the night, Lori crawled over to Jake and shook him awake. She told him she was cold and asked if she could cuddle to share his body heat. Jake invited her in. Jake enjoyed the cuddling. In the morning the alien walked in and woke them up. Jake had a partial hard-on. The alien immediately hung him up and whipped him. The hard-on didn't last long. The alien was again pissed off.

They cuddled the next night also but when they were awakened in the morning, Jake's penis was flaccid. Lori was confused. On one hand she was relieved that Jake hadn't gotten hard but was also concerned that he was unaffected by her naked body. She was starting to really like him. She even dreamed that they were rescued and had an affair.

Lori was finally removed from Jake's cell twenty two wake cycles after she was first introduced to his cell. The big alien didn't come to hurt him either. He kept waiting for the bowl of gruel or whatever it was to be put into the cell. It never came. At least he was given drinking water.

Ten more wake cycles later and Jake was starving. He would have eaten insects if there was such a thing on this damn rock. He hadn't seen the big alien since Lori was removed. He was guessing that they were going to let him starve to death. Then one day, a bowl of gruel was pushed under the door by a human hand. He walked over to the door and Lori said, "Jake, eat it then pass me the bowl back. I will try to bring you some of this food every day at this time. It's not easy but this time of day they are praying or something." Jake ate the little bit of gruel and it never tasted better.

Lori managed to sneak him enough of the alien food to keep him from starving. He thought he was still losing weight but at least he wasn't real hungry.

This continued for another forty one wake cycles. Jake was using a rock to make marks on the wall. He hadn't started to make the marks early on so he wasn't really positive how many days he had been there. His best guess was something like 100 days. Looking at his own body, Jake thought he must have lost close to half his body weight. When he looked down, he could see nothing but skin and bones. Most of his muscles had atrophied. His body was literally eating itself. He was having trouble standing up and walking now.

8. The Rescue.

The following wake cycle, near the end of the day, there were several loud bangs. The ground shook constantly. Jake wondered if the planet was having quakes. Then there were what sounded like explosions. Jake decided to stand next to the door since he'd always been told to use a door frame as a safe place if there was an Earthquake. It took him a few minutes to get to the door. He leaned on it for support. The place was going nuts. Aliens were running up and down the hallway outside his cell and the explosions continued. It had to be explosions because it went on too long for quakes. Jake eventually noticed that the aliens were all running to his right now.

Soon no more aliens were running by. Jake tried to look out but couldn't see much. Then he heard loud footsteps and armed human troops began running by his cell. He yelled out and a couple stopped. Lori was soon outside his cell with another woman. She gave one of the guys the keys and Jake was soon out of the cell. He had to be helped because he was so weak. One of the troopers called for a medic and soon Jake was on a stretcher being taken the other way. Lori and the other woman were following.

Jake and the two women were helped into pressure suits and Jake was carried into a lander with the two women following. The lander didn't take off though. They were waiting for the team to return. Over a half hour later, the team of fifty returned. Several of them had been wounded. One of the troopers leaned over Jake and said "The aliens are all dead."

Jake said "What about a tall alien?"

The trooper said "Dead."

Jake smiled and said "Good. That asshole tortured us and I think he was the leader."

The trooper smiled and strapped in. Soon they lifted off. Twenty minutes later they docked with a carrier. Jake was take out of the carrier on a gurney. He was taken to the infirmary and soon was in a hospital bed on the carrier. He was out like a light really soon.

9. The Recovery.

Jake was eventually transferred to an Earth hospital. Jake was feeling much better. They were feeding him four times a day with a high protein diet. They wanted to put weight back on him and it was working. Jake was gaining a couple of pounds a day. His cuts and bruises were almost gone. He still had a lot of scars though and he couldn't feel a lot on his backside. There were also a lot of bruises and cuts on his genitals. The doctors were concerned with the damage done to his penis and balls.

Because of his weight loss, Jake was still confined to the bed. He was allowed to stand up next to the bed but he couldn't walk but a few steps before he had to lie down. The doctors told him once he put on some more muscle weight he would be able to start walking more and that would help him put more muscles on.

Jake was still in diapers. He hated that but his anus was so stretched out from the alien penises that used his asshole for months. He was scheduled to undergo plastic surgery to reconstruct the area around his anus. He couldn't wait until the operation was completed and he could go without diapers.

His fellow captive, Lorie Miles was in an adjoining room. She was in a little better shape than Jake was but she suffered with similar problems. She was raped as much as Jake was. Her vagina and anus were both stretched out badly. Her vulva was scarred also. Her bruises had pretty much disappeared. She had a few left which were now yellow. She was also ambulatory unlike Jake.

Lorie was in diapers also. She was also scheduled for reconstructive plastic surgery to repair her vagina opening and her anus.

She came to visit Jake several times a day. She had told him that she loved him and wanted to date him after he was fully healed. Jake told her that he liked her a lot but he wasn't sure they could make a go of it socially. Whenever Lorie was near him and touching him, he felt a revulsion to her. She was beautiful and had a great body, but every time Lorie was near Jake flashed back to the cell on that planet and became very squeamish.

Two week later, both Jake and Lorie had come through the plastic surgeries well. Within a week of the operations, both were now out of diapers. Jake's bruises were all gone and he had gained thirty pounds. He still had about fifty to go though. He was walking now and he was taken daily to exercise his limbs. The exercise period had started at five minutes and he was now up to fifteen minutes. He felt much stronger. He was walking now with a cane but he was coming along.

Lorie still visited him several times a day. He had talked with a doctor and told her about his feelings when Lorie was near. She had set him up with a psychiatrist. He would have to start psychiatric sessions soon anyway to help him with the post traumatic stress disorder. Lorie was seeing a psychiatrist also for PTSD.

Jake talked with the psychiatrist about his feelings he still had when Lorie was around. The doctor told him the feelings he was having was expected considering what had happened to him whenever Lorie was brought into his cell. The doctor advises him that he should try to think of the Lorie in the cell as someone else. Jake said he would try but didn't think it will work. The doctor said the only other thing he can do would be to use hypnosis.

Jake attempted to do just what the doctor said. However, he still had nightmares about his captivity and they all had Lorie's face involved.

One night, Lorie sneak into Jake's room. Jake was sound asleep. Lorie went to his bed, slipped her hand under his blankets and eventually found his penis. She really wanted him. She started to stroke him. Nothing seemed to be happening though. The only reaction Lorie got was Jake started to moan and toss and turn. However, his penis was still flaccid. She pulled back the blankets and leaned down. She took his penis in her mouth and began to suck him.

Still he wasn't getting hard. She spent over five minutes working on him trying to get him hard. Nothing. She was becoming frustrated. She kept it up but the only reaction from Jake didn't come from his genitals. Eventually, he said "No, no, please, don't whip me!" and then sat up in bed with a terrified look on his face. He woke up and looked down at Lorie. He pushed her away and told her to leave him alone.

Lorie started to cry. She said "Jake, please, I love you. Don't push me away."

Jake said "I'm sorry, Lorie. Every time I see your face, I think of being tortured by that alien. I don't know if I'll ever get over that."

Lorie left the room crying. Jake laid back down in his bed and began to cry also. He thought to himself "Is my sex life over? Will I ever be able to maintain an erection again?"

Lorie told her psychiatrist what had happened. The two psychiatrists talked about it and Jake's doctor decided it was time for hypnosis. The next day Jake went through a hypnosis session and was programmed to not connect anyone touching his genitals with torture. He was also told that Lorie Miles was not the enemy and he should be attracted to her.

Lorie's psychiatrist told Lorie to try sex again with Jake. That evening, Jake was asleep when Lorie sneaked into Jake's room. She pulled his covers back and pulled his penis out of this hospital gown. She started to lick the head. After a few minutes, it was starting to get hard and Lorie was getting excited. Before it got fully hard, Jake woke up and saw Lori. He immediately lost his erection. Lorie ran from his room crying.

The next day, Lorie told Jake's psychiatrist what had happened. Jake went through another hypnosis session and the doctor told Lorie to try again. She did and the exact thing happened. The psychiatrist told Lorie that the hypnosis wasn't working and it didn't look good for a relationship between her and Jake. Lorie cried most of the day and night.

She was in love with Jake and she was a trigger to kill any erection he ever got. She finally realized that she'd have to give him up. She went to him and told him that she was going to ask for a transfer to another hospital. Jake was sad too. He really like Lorie and knew down deep inside that she wasn't responsible for his problem. There was just something in his head that linked her face to torture.

10. Deliverance. Jake received word of another battle. Many pilots were coming in with really bad injuries. He finds out that Maddie was admitted. He slowly walks down to Maddie's room with his cane. He finds out that Maddie has been severely injured. Her Scorpion was shot up badly and she managed to eject. She was rescued but she has a badly injured leg and is missing an eye. The eye will be replaced by a prosthetic and the leg should eventually heal after several operations. Jake is over 150 lbs now but still weak. He enters Maddie's room and looks at Maddie in the bed. He starts to cry. The bandage over her missing eye makes him sick.

He sits there for a while and suddenly he hears "Jake? Jake, it is you!! I thought you were dead!"

He stands up "Hi, Maddie. No, I'm alive. How do you feel?"

She says "Like Hell. How are you?"

He says "Weak but getting better slowly."

She says "I thought you bought it at the first attack at that enemy base. I'm so glad you survived. Maybe we can masturbate together when I get out of this bed."

Jake laughed and says "I got shot up and had to land. I was captured and spend I don't know how long as a guest of our enemy. I lost half my body weight and I'm not sure my penis works anymore. It's a long and painful story."

"Oh, I'm just glad you are alive. When you want to talk about your time with our enemy, I'm here."

"Okay, Maddie. I'll be around every day to see you. They've got me walking to help my leg muscles develop. I've also got weight lifting daily too."

"I'm sorry, Jake. They've got me on pain killers and they make me sleepy. I just can't keep my eyes open."

Jake says "Okay, Maddie. I'll let you rest. See you tomorrow."

Maddie was already asleep.

Jake did a couple of turns around the ward for exercise and went back to his room.

He spent fifteen to twenty minutes a day talking with Maddie. A week later, she asked him about his POW stay. She was feeling much better and wasn't very sleepy.

"Well, Maddie, I was captured and put into a prison. There were two other humans there. Two women from the Tau Ceti base. I was tortured, whipped, beaten, starved and beaten again. For a while I was one continuous bruise. Then I started to develop some kind of resistance to the pain. My back and ass have some nerve damage and I'm numb over pretty much all of my back and butt. It really pissed off the big alien who seemed to enjoy my pain. Then one day, I had a dream about you and ended up with an erection which the alien noticed. I mistakenly told him that I was dreaming about a female friend. He made one of the captured women come into my cell and dance naked in front of me. When I got an erection, he would beat me hitting my erect cock and my balls until I was black and blue there."