WBDP - Brianna Delivers Pt. 07


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"Honestly, I'm not sure. I surprised myself as well. I have to admit I was somewhat rattled when you started revealing your secrets to me. All this talk about domination and submission; that you were a dominant and Marcia was your sex slave and Brianna had all these other slaves obeying her. It just popped out of my mouth, and when no one said 'boo' about it, I got swept away. Figured you'd all start laughing and joking at this little old lady saying these outrageous things, but no one did. You treated it seriously and let it happen. I couldn't believe it."

"Part of the reason I let it happen is because I was curious what you'd do or say about it. I knew Marcia had sex with both Monique and Brianna before and had no moral objections to doing so again, except it was you doing the ordering. Probably gave her an extra tingle doing it in front of you and at your command, but she waited to see how I would respond. As I said, we convey a lot of information in a look anymore. If I had no problem with it, she wouldn't either.

"She was worried about damaging her relationship with you. It was a real fear, but in a way, we'd set up the possibility by entering into our lifestyle and it was time to find out. But I also didn't want something happening which could do irreversible harm. It's why I told her to refuse any command you gave where I wasn't there to confirm it. You could conceivably break a connection we've worked to create and maintain. She didn't want it to happen. She always has a safe word to fall back on, but shouldn't need to use it if I read her correctly. But I wonder, do you have dominant tendencies yourself? What you told us made us think there was a hint of submissive in you, being spanked and cuffed. Have you ever exhibited these dominant tendencies before?"

"Not like that, not that I can think of. I mean I had to boss you kids around, but it's normal parenting. I've never ordered my friends around, although I feel I'm persuasive. I frequently got my way, but I believe it was being more persuasive than they were. When I was a kid, I was nicknamed 'Scrappy' because I didn't want any boys pushing me around, so I stood up to them, wouldn't take any guff from any of them. I tended to be stubborn. Even when I was first married, I'd get in these moods and I'd be a bitch to your father, but he just let me get over it. He was awful patient with me. I didn't know the first thing about being married and a partner. He was better than me, but we learned over time."

"I certainly don't know if it was a one time issue born out of your surprise and confusion, or you have suppressed dominant tendencies, but it was picture perfect. You acted like a born dominant. You slapped her tit when she didn't answer you right away and slapped it again when she delayed. Those are Mistress traits. Anyone might have ordered her around or expected an answer, but a Mistress demands a response, an action, an order to be followed."

"I felt so guilty doing it. I cringed inside even as I did it. I hope Marcia doesn't hold it against me."

"But you did it anyway. It was Mistress behavior. And you've never done anything like it before, to a man or woman?"


"You're like most people and particularly women, indoctrinated since birth to be demure, self-effacing, modest and decent. If you've had no exposure to this life, I'd expect your programming to override any tendencies towards dominance. Perhaps having witnessed something outside your normal boundaries, never before witnessed, triggered a natural part of your nature you've been trained to suppress."

"I don't know. I wish I didn't feel so terrible about having done it."

"But it didn't make you refrain from ordering her again?"

"More's my shame."

"I'd almost like to explore this sudden tendency of yours, but I'm afraid to release you on Marcia and I have no right to make one of Brianna's slaves submit to you. Perhaps you'll have to get your own slave to practice on."

"Please, no. I'm embarrassed to have acted the way I did."

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm hungry. It's time for supper."

I got up and put John in his cradle, still sleeping soundly, then got Sarah from Mom and put her in hers. I walked her down to the dining room. Several others were already eating. Mom sat at the end of the table and I took a seat somewhere in the middle between Monique and Adele. I didn't see Brianna, Chantelle and my slave, so guessed they were still soaking in the Jacuzzi or each other. We were having California Mexican tonight, fish and steak tacos, chicken fajitas, a Mexican salad with a sriracha/lime/honey dressing. Like always, it was quite good. I was halfway through the meal when the missing women finally showed up, Brianna looking quite pleased with herself. I had no trouble guessing why. Marcia's face was glazed in girl cum.

Brianna explained why. "I left my cum on her face so you'd know she did as you instructed, Sam"

"Slave," I greeted her as she took her knees beside me.

"Master," she replied.

"You look particularly fetching with cum on your face. I would like to add to it," I said. "Under the table and serve your Master. Take my cum on your face, then you may join me at the table."

"Yes, Master." She smiled at me.

She disappeared under the table and I felt her hands on my zipper, opening my fly and releasing my cock just before her mouth enveloped me in her warm wetness, her tongue slithering over my flaccid length. I paused my eating, wanting to enjoy every second of the exquisite sensations of her superb cock sucking. In a few minutes, I was rigid, my shaft standing like a spear from my groin. Her head began to dance up and down my dick, eliciting deep groans from me as she worshiped it. My hand went under the table to caress her hair, stroking her head and cheeks. Every few dips of her head into my lap, I'd feel her lips and tongue caressing my balls as the crown of my cock was engaged by her throat, feeling every motion as she swallowed to take me deeper. I closed my eyes and slid to the edge of the chair, giving her more access to the root of my prick. Every time she slid off my shaft, her tongue was licking, searching for the sensitive locations she knew so well. Her hand slipped into my shorts and cupped my sack, waiting for the signal of my onrushing orgasm. It felt like a crime against humanity mine was the only cock which could feel this good. I felt myself reaching a cusp of satisfaction.

Her caressing hand felt my balls move within her fingers and she withdrew off my cock and waited patiently for my creamy release, slowly jacking my prick to encourage it's passage. I felt a jolt up my shaft and a spray of cum shot from the end of my cock to splatter on my slave's face, followed shortly by another, and another. The remainder of my sperm began to dribble from the tip, no longer propelled by the initial savagery of my climax. She rubbed my cock all over her face, smearing my milky discharge all over, before sucking the remnants of my spend from my dick. I felt her tuck my cock back in my shorts and my zipper get closed, then she arose from beneath the table. My glaze covered her face, masking what Brianna left before. One of her eyes were closed, a glop of white goo sealing it, but the other eye as open and sparkling with her inner beauty. I licked her eye, then took a napkin and wiped it better so she could finally open it. She wore my cum like a badge of honor. I kissed her lips and invited her to sit beside me and eat.

"Thank you, dear heart. You were excellent as always."

"Your slave lives to serve her Master."

"I know you do."

I instructed her to leave the cum mask on during her supper.

"As you wish, Master."

"You're a good little slave."

"Your slave, Master."

"I'm exceedingly happy you are."

We finished supper and like most evenings, went to the pool to wile away the evening hours. It was good to be surrounded by so many naked women, laughing and playing, their voices soft music. Adele and Monique brought out the twins. They were awake and looking around with their bright little eyes, understanding nothing but soaking it in like sponges. I took a towel and dipped it in the pool to finally wipe the cum from my slave's face. I kissed her again when the chore was done and I gave her leave to go in the pool with the others.

Mother sat down next to me with one of the babies, John by the blue color of his clothing, and asked, "Why did you make Marcia wear your sperm during supper. It seemed rude to me, although it didn't seem to bother her at all."

"A bit of a game between Dominants," I said. "Brianna didn't leave her cum on my slave's face to prove my slave was obedient to her. She left her cum there to show me she'd dominated my slave. I had to reassert control. Therefore, I covered hers with my own to show ownership and dominion over the slave. My slave understood and accepted the reason for the display. Any time I've allowed my slave to be used by another person, I will normally take her in some fashion to reconfirm my ascendancy over her."

"Games even between friends?" Mom asked.

"Those are the best kind of games, Mother. There's nothing at stake other than friendly jibes at one another. I've used both Brianna and Monique as my slaves. I'm sure when I'd finished with Monique, Brianna did much the same thing to re-establish her control and confirm she still desired Monique. That somehow my use of her hadn't ruined her for her Mistress. My slave is happy to know I still need her when she's been used by someone else. We've taken risks with our relationship by allowing others to have sex with us. By using Marcia so, I prove to her I still find her worthy and desirable despite her use by another.

"You've chosen a strange life, son."

"But a satisfying one, nevertheless. What about you, Mother. Have you decided who is going to share the bed with you and Brianna?"

"I haven't fully made up my mind, but I'm thinking variety. If I'm going to do this and don't expect to do it again, I should like to experience a wide number of women."

"An excellent decision. There is a wide selection of lovely females her of every persuasion. I'd be looking them all over closely if I was given the same choice."

"Since attraction isn't solely physical, I'd like to talk to all of them and know more about each of them."

"They're almost all here in and around the pool, Mom. Talk away. I'll hold John while you get to know them all more."

"You're right. Here." She handed me John and she went into the pool to begin her exploration.

I laid John on my stomach and held him there, letting him feel me breathe. He wasn't quite sleepy, nor hungry, but he was comfortable and happy with his current location. Sarah had started to fuss and was now suckling Brianna's breast for her dinner. I could hear her, slightly behind me, the slurping sounds of her tiny mouth sucking the large nipple. Mom was going from person to person talking for a few minutes with each. I don't know all she said, but I heard her ask for names and birthplaces a few times. It was what she did, get to know everyone. I could see at least two or three more people getting Christmas cards this year. I doubt she'd have sex with anyone without becoming more involved in their lives in some way.

Marcia got out of the pool and I made room on the lounge beside me. She put her hand on John's back and started cooing to him. John started gurgling and smiling at her so I passed him to her and she held him much as I did, though higher on her body. Little Johnny found a nipple and thinking it was supper time, latched on. He sucked happily for about five minutes before realizing his hunger wasn't being satisfied, then he started fussing and whimpering. Adele picked him up and carried him over and offered Brianna's nipple to him, which he realized was his normal food source. He clammed up as soon as the milk started to flow. Sarah was finished and Monique was burping her.

"How are you doing, little slave?"

"Well, Master. My slavery is being chopped up into little pieces by my job search. I'll have less than a day left when the next couple days are over. I would prefer it was all at once, but sacrifices have to be made, I suppose."

"I'd be willing to extend it just for you, little slave."

Marcia laughed. "Just for me, Master. I hardly believe that's true. No, I'm sorry, but we have to stick to the rules or there are no rules. Don't worry, though. I'll still be your naked, cum hungry wife. You won't have to worry about being taken care of."

"I know I won't. I spoke to Mom more about her exerting domination over you. From what she said, she's never done anything like it before; it sort of came out of the blue. I believe her. Maybe shy and demure was more ingrained in her generation than ours. Women were still not accepted into a number of professions they're common in now. Dominant traits were more discouraged in women. I told her she'd have to get her own slave if she wanted to explore her dominant side more."

"I can't see your Mom with a slave."

"Not even a male one?"

"A little easier, but it's something that probably needed to happen many years ago if it was going to happen at all. How does someone so old find themselves a slave."

"An ad on Craigslist?"

"I can see the ad now. '80 year old great grandmother seeks 30 year old stud bottom to explore dominant/submissive relationship. Serious seekers only need apply.' I'm sure it would go well with your family to have her serviced by person or persons younger than they are."

I laughed. "Damn funny ad," I admitted. "I wonder if she'd get any takers."

"Who knows. There's a lot of strange in this world, Master. Would you answer an ad like that if we weren't married and I weren't your slave?"

"Not as a bottom. I didn't even enjoy being yours for a couple days."

"What if an 80 year old granny was looking for a dominant?"

"Geez, I'd be afraid she'd break a hip if I hung her in suspension boots. And old people on heart meds bruise so easily anyway. Can you imagine the bruising from a decent spanking? No, I'd probably pass on that too."

"You don't want to be a Dom gigolo, Master," Marcia giggled.

"I guess not. It's a good thing I have you."

John had been fed and the children taken to the nursery. Brianna stood up and called Mom to her side.

She announced to all the others, "Jane Evans wanted to experience lesbian love for the first time in her life and I've invited her to share my bed tonight with a couple of different slaves of her choice. Jane, who would you like to have sex with tonight?"

"Dorinda, please."

I'd never met Dorinda or even been introduced, though I recognized her when she stood up. She looked to be Pakistani or Asian Indian, dark skin, full pubic bush, slightly plump, though in no way fat, large breasts topped by darker nipples. An interesting choice.

"Riyuki, too."

Riyuki was Japanese or Japanese American from the name. Slender, about 5'2" tall, small breasts with long nipples, she had narrow hips and a somewhat sparse, long, silky black pubic bush. She was one of the women I wondered was seeking to be pregnant. I'd been with a woman who I thought was Asian, and she could be her. She stood up, bowing slightly to her Mistress and my Mom.

"Am I limited to just two," Mom asked, "or does your bed have room for more?"

Brianna laughed and asked, "How many would you like it to hold?"

"Would two more be too many?"

"If we snuggle close, I'm sure we can hold six. Most of us are quite small, not like big brute males." She smiled at me. "Who are the other two?"

"Ingrid and Chantelle."

"I'm curious," Brianna asked, "what made you choose the slaves you did?"

"I suspect this might be the only time I would ever do this. I wanted to experience the full gamut of women. I chose Dorinda because she has a full bush and she's Indian, Riyuki because she's Asian and has a smaller amount of pubic hair. Ingrid because she's bare and I have a Scandinavian heritage like she does. And Chantelle because Marcia seemed to enjoy her so much this morning and she's Black and also bare. I wanted to try a wide assortment of women and see how they were similar and how they were different. I enjoyed speaking to and learning a little about each one of them."

"I think you've chosen well. All of these lovely slaves are well versed in the art of pleasing a woman," Brianna said. "You should enjoy yourself immensely. It would appear we have a full night ahead of us. Let's retire to the bedroom." Brianna led the way back to the house with a parade of slaves trailing behind followed by my Mother.

I hoped she would enjoy herself. If she was going to do it but once, she was going all in for the one time.

I waited until they were in the house before slipping out of my clothes. Mother would be gone all night and I needn't worry about exposing myself to her. I could finally go naked for a while. I got into the pool and did a few laps, enough to get my heart rate up. Monique was in the pool. She would be apart from her Mistress tonight. While I knew she would have somewhere to sleep; none of the slaves ever slept alone, I wondered if she'd like to spend the night with Marcia and I. Monique usually enjoyed any time she had with Marcia and was used to me being in the bed with her. I wouldn't force myself on her. I'd even considered someone else to share my slave, but if we were trying to limit ourselves to those who'd gone before, Monique was the only one free.

Of course, it was only me who didn't know about others I'd been with. Marcia had been with other women while William and I were hooded. She'd helped ease the breeding of those slaves wishing children for themselves. It made me wonder about the other women she'd been with, just as I had. There was a reason I'd been hooded though, so none of the others would likely become part of our menage. Monique it was then.

"Monique, as you won't be spending the night with your Mistress, would you like to spend the night with Marcia and I? I won't impose on you myself, but Marcia enjoys your attentions."

"Thank you, I would enjoy your company."

"Is there anything you'd like to do with Marcia you haven't previously done?" I asked.

"I've never used a strap-on with her. Would she mind?"

"I seriously doubt she'd mind doing anything with you, but she's a slave and has no choice in the matter. We could do a double penetration of her?" I suggested.

"As long as I get to face her and use her cunt, Master, I would enjoy it."

"I'm sure that can be arranged," I said with a smile.

"I'll get the strap-on I wish to use."

"We'll meet you in our bedroom."

"Yes, Master."

I collected my clothes and my slave and led her into the house and into our room. I told her nothing about Monique. Let her be surprised. I had Marcia lie on the bed on her back with her head hanging over the edge and filled her throat with my cock. Her head was away from the door, so when Monique knocked and I told her to enter, Marcia couldn't see who it was. I don't think she particularly cared. She was used to being fucked in front of others and enjoyed the experience. Monique got on the bed and spreading Marcia's legs, proceeded to dine on the finely tuned cunt unfurled before her. Marcia moaned. She could do little else with my cock filling her mouth.

Wondering whether I would be able to cum twice more today, I thought about putting off my ejaculation until Marcia's double penetration, but I felt good and imagined I wouldn't have too much difficulty getting hard again. Watching my slave with Monique or even using her mouth again should be sufficient incentive for a second erection. So I continued using Marcia's splendid mouth for my pleasure as she underwent two gasping orgasms under Monique's tongue. As she was panting through the second, I filled her mouth with my seed, which only seemed to enhance her climax, though Monique is so talented, perhaps it was her making Marcia tremble for so long. When I stopped spurting, I allowed her to lick me clean then pulled out. Monique continued licking my slave's pouting pussy and had her well on her way to her next orgasm. I lay down on the bed beside her and kissed her and fondled her breasts while Monique brought her to two more climaxes.