WBDP - Brianna Delivers Pt. 09


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"Oui, Monsieur. I'm sorry."

I turned off her Vibe, removed it from her cunt and released her hands. "Run and ask your Mistress if I and my two slaves may have her permission to use her bathroom this afternoon. Hurry."

"Oui, Monsieur."

Though she tried to hurry, she seemed to be walking somewhat gingerly, as if she didn't want any part of her sex to be touching any other part. I walked to the other side of the pull up bar to face Marcia. I tweaked her nipple as she surrendered to yet another climax.

"How are you doing little slave? Do you know how many orgasms you have had since lunch."

She panted, "Was I supposed to be keeping track, Master?"

"Not necessarily. I just wondered if you had."

"I know I had six in the dining room. I lost track of the ones in here. More than twenty, less than forty, I'd guess."

"Are you doing okay?"

"Since most of my orgasms have involved the Vibe buzzing on my clit, it's become a little numb. There's usually more variety to my orgasms. I could withstand a few more if necessary, though I'd prefer not to, at least from my Vibe. If Master would care to fuck his slave in the cunt or ass, I would much prefer to cum that way."

I laughed and turned off the Vibe and took it out.

"Thank you, Master."

"Riyuki, please continue what you're doing until my slave cums again. I want to watch her face as she orgasms on your tongue."

"Hai, Sam san."

She grabbed Marcia's hips and buried her face in her cunt, using every skill in her repertoire to get Marcia off. It didn't take very long. Marcia had been undergoing climax after climax and been kept on the edges of orgasm for almost three hours. She started bucking against Riyuki's face and cried out her release, her eyes closing and body shivering as Riyuki's tongue sent her over the edge. It went on for nearly a minute, and Riyuki licked up every drop of her flowing pussy. So beautiful. When Marcia stopped trembling, Riyuki knelt back on her heels. I unsnapped Marcia's cuffs and she started flexing her shoulders to ease the stiffness from being suspended for so long.

"Riyuki, thank you for pleasuring my slave. If you desire your own orgasm, my slave will pleasure you."

She bowed. "That would be most desirable, Sam san. Arigatou, I would be honored to accept her attentions."

"Douitashimashite. When you are done with her, send her to Mistress Brianna's bedroom."

"Of course. Do you speak Japanese?"

"Only a few words I picked up while on a naval exchange cruise around the Japanese islands. They spoke much better English than I spoke Japanese."

"I will ensure she returns to you shortly, Sam san," Riyuki replied.

"Have a good time."

Riyuki looked at Marcia with heated eyes. "I will, Sam san." She led Marcia off, presumably to her bedroom.

I started doing some pull ups. Might as well do something while I waited. Chantelle returned a few minutes later and told me her Mistress had no problem if we used the Jacuzzi.

"Where's Marcia, Monsieur?"

"She's thanking Riyuki for helping her cum this afternoon. She'll be joining us shortly. We can start filling the tub."

"Why did you want to use Mistress' jacuzzi, Monsieur?"

"I thought it might help ease the discomforts of your multiple orgasms, slave. You've been worked very hard today."

"Merci, Monsieur."

We went to Brianna's room, went into the bathroom and started filling the tub, a very fast process given the uniqueness of her plumbing system. We were soon soaking in the hot water. I leaned back and Chantelle leaned back against me between my legs.

"Should we turn on the special water jets or would it be too much for you?" I asked.

"For now, it would be too much. Perhaps later, Monsieur."

"Just lean back then. You don't have to do anything more than relax."

"Oui, Monsieur."

It was about twenty minutes later when Marcia came in. She had a crust of girl cum around her lips. She was about to say something to me but I held my finger to my lips signaling her to silence. She saw Chantelle was asleep and mimed zipping her lips closed. She climbed into the tub and sat beside me on the seat. She laid her head on my shoulder and put her arm around my neck. I leaned over slightly so we could kiss.

"Did you properly thank Riyuki for pleasuring you this afternoon," I whispered.

"She didn't voice any complaints, Master, only moans of pleasure," she whispered back.

"How many times did you make her cum, slave?"

"I thought three would be sufficient."

I smiled to her and she smiled back. I used my wet hand to wipe the remains of Riyuki's cum from her face.

"Chantelle could not stay awake?" Marcia asked.

"She was up a good part of the night and forced to orgasm most of the morning and afternoon. I thought a brief rest in hot water would be good for her. She fell asleep. It's for the best. I intend to keep her up for much of the night as well, before she's returned to Brianna in the morning."

"Would you object if I took a nap before supper? I'm sure you intend including me in your plans for the night."

"Not at all. Do you want to close your eyes now, or go to bed?"

"I'd prefer the bed. I don't want to turn into a prune."

"Use Brianna's bed. I doubt she'd mind. I'll put Chantelle into bed with you."

"Thank you, Master."

She got out and dried off before climbing into Brianna's bed. I gently woke Chantelle and helped her dry herself off, then carried her to the bedroom and laid her down beside Marcia. They curled up together and promptly fell asleep. I pulled the sheet over them to keep them from getting cold from the ceiling fan.

I found Brianna in the nursery and told her my two slaves were sleeping in her bed, trying to recover from the days activities. I kissed her and helped her rock the twins to sleep. They'd both fed and were ready to be put down for a nap. I talked to her about my plans for her investments and my planned meeting with her former investment advisor tomorrow.

"Was he not good at his job, Sam?"

"I think he was too busy. He had multiple clients and couldn't devote the proper amount of time to only your investments. The only things I'll have to worry about are mine and yours. I'll probably be doing many of the same things with both our funds. We're both interested in growth at this point and our strategies will be almost identical. I probably won't spend more than three or four hours a day working on our portfolios, leaving plenty of time to gaze at all the beautiful nude women around here."

Brianna laughed. "You mean I'm going to be paying you 50 grand a year to work three or four hours a day, five days a week and spend the rest of the time staring at naked women?"

"And fucking. Don't forget fucking naked women. Hey, the job was offered to me. I didn't ask for it. On the bright side, the boss has the exclusivity of my financial services and by all rights, some nice profits from it. If it helps, just chalk a portion of that money to stud fees. I understand a champion race horse commands about 500 grand to cover each mare. I'm not as fast as a race horse, but when you're looking for stud services, you're probably not interested in speed as much as quality. I have it on good authority I provide quality stud service."

"What authority is that?" Brianna laughed.

"The boss. I understand she enjoyed my services so much despite being a lesbian, she wanted to fuck me even when she wasn't trying to get pregnant."

"How do you know it wasn't a veiled attempt to get to your beautiful wife?" Brianna giggled.

"Because she has that anyway. I don't require her to fuck me in order to fuck my wife. So when she fucks me without a condom, she must have enjoyed herself."

"You may be right, Sam," Brianna said, "I suspect the boss did enjoy fucking you despite her nominal sexual preferences."

"I appreciate the boss as well. She's a special lady." I kissed her again.

"I'll be sure and tell her you think so."

"I think she already knows," I said.

"I'm sure you're right."

The twins were asleep now. I'm sure our financial talk put them right out. We put them in their cradles and walked out of the room arm in arm. We both looked in on my slaves. They were both still asleep. Marcia was curled around Chantelle's back, holding one of her breasts. Brianna had a meeting with Zoe, Adele and Monique to discuss the business; the new shop and manufacturing facilities. With the money they'd already received from Thornhill, offers had been put in and accepted for all the properties. They now had to arrange for remodeling after the properties closed.

I went out to the pool and started swimming laps. It was generally quieter during the afternoons. Most of Brianna's slaves had work to do during the days, whether it be domestic or business related. It was a large estate without servants except the cook and groundskeeper, so cleaning the place, laundry and caring for bedding, towels; necessary food shopping, maintenance and all the other tasks were done by slaves. It kept everyone busy much of each day. Not like the evening after supper when most of them tended to gather. It was a good time to work out. The only one currently at the pool was Riyuki, and she was sunning herself, not swimming.

I left her alone. It wasn't my place to intrude upon her solitude. I did 50 average speed laps, not pressing, not particularly slow. When I finished them, I wasn't breathing too hard, but held onto the side of the pool while my heart rate slowed. While I was hanging there, Riyuki asked if she could speak to me.

"Of course."

"Sam san, Mistress said the rules have changed regarding your assistance to become pregnant. Is it true?"

"It is. It is not necessary for anyone to submit to me, nor do Marcia or I consider it necessary to maintain anonymity any longer. We realize I would know I've slept with someone if they become pregnant. If they don't the first time and are committed to having a child, I would be with them multiple times and as soon as a woman becomes pregnant, I would know who she is. We have decided we could avoid complications by not sleeping together with the same person. I will only 'sekkusu', you understand, have sex, for the purpose of procreation, not recreation. Marcia and I will avoid having sex with the same person."

"Sam san, I was one of the people who was trying to have a child."

"I suspected so. I realized I was having sex with a slim woman such as yourself with silky pubic hair. I guessed it was you or one other."


"I don't know her name. We haven't been formally introduced. I only know your name because my mother chose you to be with her."

"Guessing it was me, you still let Marcia go with me. Was this not what you wished to avoid, both of you having sex with the same person?"

"What Marcia does as a slave is different from what she will do when she's not," I explained, "and it will never be both of us together. If you do not become pregnant this time and you wish to try again, Marcia will not be present. Someone else will accept the responsibility of assisting your comfort with me, either Mistress Brianna, Monique or Chantelle. While Marcia is my slave, I'm in charge of her sexuality. I chose to send her with you because you pleasured her as my slave and it was reasonable she return your attentions. May I ask if she was sufficiently pleasing? She will be punished if she did not put forth her best effort."

"Hai. Marcia was extremely solicitous to my needs, Sam san. I greatly enjoyed her company. I would have kept her longer except I knew you were waiting for her, possibly Mistress too, as she went to her room. Your slave is very beautiful and many of us have desired to fuck her. I was grateful you honored me."

"You're welcome. I was honored you helped my Mother explore what it means to be a lover of women."

"She is very kind and curious. I enjoyed being one of those to teach her."

"Do you have more questions of me?"

"No, Sam san. Arigatou."

"Douitashimashite. I am honored by your interest."

I kicked into another 50 laps, pushing harder this time. By the time I was finished, it was time for supper. Riyuki had already returned to the house. I stopped by Brianna's room to see if Chantelle and Marcia were still asleep. They were still snoozing, though they'd turned over and Chantelle was curled around Marcia. I got on the bed and kissed Marcia awake.

"Get up, sleepyheads. It's time for supper."

Marcia got up fairly quickly. She hadn't been forced to orgasm as long as Chantelle. Chantelle was reluctant to get up.

"I'm still tired, Monsieur," she pouted.

"I could put a slave's Vibe back in," I said.

Chantelle jumped out of bed. "I'm up, Monsieur. It won't be necessary."

"Good girl." I kissed her. "You may have five minutes to take care of any business. If you are later than that, you may not like the consequences. You too, little slave." I swatted her bottom. "Five minutes and not a moment more." I looked at my watch so they'd know I was serious.

"Yes, Master."

I went to the dining room. It seemed most of the women would be eating at the same time tonight. Some folding chairs had been brought in and a few extra people were crowded at the table, and others had trays and were seated by the walls. I wondered why? They usually didn't eat as one group. The cook had prepared a savory beef stew. That and the ever present salads were the only items for supper, though there were several bottles of red wine opened and several of the women were drinking the wine with their food. Marcia and Chantelle both made it within their time limit. I invited them to sit at the table because trying to feed them both stew while they knelt beside me would likely be messier than I preferred. The twins weren't here and Monique was the only one I knew to be missing, so I assumed she was in the nursery with them.

As people finished eating, they didn't leave; everyone waiting around as if something was going to happen. If it was, I didn't know what, but I decided to wait with the others to see what was going on. When everybody was done eating, Brianna stood up.

"I decided to have this impromptu house meeting after supper tonight. We have a number of items I wished to speak to you all about as it impacts us all.

"First, Brianna's Baubles. We received our loan from William Thornhill as most of you knew. We put an offer in for the properties we wished to acquire, the store on Rodeo Drive and a manufacturing facility fairly close to the store. Our offers were accepted. We've contacted a company to remodel the store and one to convert the facility for our purposes. They will begin work as soon as the sales close. As soon as we're ready to go into the new plant, our guest house will be remodeled into a home for Sam and Marcia. They will be moving here as soon as they conclude arrangements in Florida. They will stay here in the house until the guest house is ready for them, although that won't be for a little while. They're going back in a couple days and it will probably be seven weeks before Marcia returns, possibly longer for Sam, depending on how quickly their house sells. Marcia will be attending a police academy in about two months having accepted a job with the Los Angeles Sheriff.

"Because we're moving our specialty manufacturing off the estate, those who continue to work making jewelry will have to commute and unfortunately, won't be able to go nude all the time as they've been accustomed to. We will also be hiring additional workers as the business has exceeded our current capacity. Some of those will be men. If this will present problems for you, I'd like you to speak to me sometime tomorrow. I know this is a change from what you've come to expect and may no longer meet your expectations. I'd like to accommodate your needs in this as best I can, either moving you to other duties or changing your compensation, but none of this may be enough and I may lose some of you. I'm sorry if this happens, but I'd like you to think of how this impacts you now.

"We've had some plans in place for those of you who wished to have children as I did, and those plans will be changing, though I think for the better. I'll let Sam explain what he and Marcia have decided to do."

Okay, this was catching me off guard. I wasn't really expecting to speak about this, but I'd already talked to Riyuki, so I knew what I wanted to say. I just told her. I stood up.

"Brianna surprised me a little here. I didn't know we were having a meeting, and haven't prepared, but I can tell you what's been decided. When Brianna first approached Marcia about my fathering a child, Marcia was insecure about granting permission. While Brianna was a lesbian, Marcia was concerned about her motives. She decided the only way she'd agree to allow this was if Brianna agreed to submit to me as her slave. Given her dominant tendencies, she thought it would negate any possible feelings she might develop for me in the course of conceiving a child. Most of you were here when it occurred and know what happened.

"Since then, Marcia and I have decided our marriage is strong enough to withstand almost anything and know Brianna and all of you much better than we did when we first agreed. When we were approached about doing the same thing this time, we thought initially if my sex partner remained anonymous, we could avoid expanding the people we have since found ourselves regularly having sex with. But we realize it's not really anonymous for long. If any woman became pregnant, I'd know who I'd been with. If any of you wants to have a child, you don't have to submit to me. I will have procreational sex only with anyone who wishes it, nothing more. I won't expect oral sex or anal sex or any kind of sex which would not result in a child. I will continue to include a woman to ease any qualms or fears you might experience in having sex with a man, but it won't be Marcia. It will be one of the three people we've already gotten involved with; Brianna, Monique or Chantelle. Marcia and I don't want any other regular sex partners. Our life is too complicated already and we don't want a truly open marriage. It's me for her and her for me, primarily. Since the sex isn't really anonymous, I will no longer be hooded and kept from knowing who you are. I don't need to know who I've been with in the past and if you don't want to continue under the new rules of openness, I'll understand, though I've made what I think were pretty accurate guesses already. There were enough differences in body types to make reasonable assumptions. I won't presume to bother you about my speculations unless you wish to tell me. These new rules were made with Brianna's and Marcia's participation and agreement." Both of them nodded to show their concurrence.

"A quick question, if I may," Adele said.

"Of course," I responded.

"You will only have sex with one of us when we want it, and only for procreational purposes. You wouldn't seek to have sex at any other time."

"Not any time you might want it, only when it's to specifically have a child. I won't have sex with anyone else at any other time whether you should want it or not. To me, it would be an act of infidelity to my wife. She's only allowing me to have sex with any other woman to allow them a child. That's her expectation, therefore it's mine. We are both having recreational sex with Brianna, Monique and Chantelle, and except for Chantelle, it's mostly Marcia they want to have sex with. I'm okay with that, but we want to keep it there. Riyuki pointed out to me today I allowed, no, told Marcia to have sex with her, but it's a part of her slavery for me to decide who and when she has sex with. Except for the three previously mentioned, she won't have sex with anyone else if she's not serving her slavery, and then, only when commanded by me, or perhaps Brianna. I recognize your sexual orientation and do not assume you would care to have sex with me for any other purpose than to have a child, but even if you're bisexual, I won't have sex with you unless you want a baby. It's the only way it can work for Marcia's and my marriage."