All Comments on 'Well-Intentioned'

by NoTalentHack

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KumquatqueenKumquatqueenabout 2 months ago

Some rare wisdom on Literotica, in a beautifully constructed story.

6King6Kingabout 2 months ago

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Well done.

TheRedChamberTheRedChamberabout 2 months ago

Nicely done story - even if I'm not sure I totally buy the nice ending given the history, I was hooked all the way through the initial drama.

TajfaTajfaabout 2 months ago

In my opinion, there are around six truly great writers on Lit' and you are one of them. This was a great story and I thought the ending was quite believable. Loved it. 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Oh God, he ended up with a manipulative whore, and that's supposed to be a happy ending??!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

so he goes from one cheating whore to another? did all the writers forget what the definition of insanity is?!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

"We know you're a good man, Doug. Trustworthy. Loyal. That's why we didn't tell you, because we didn't want to put you in a position where you'd need to choose who to be loyal to."


The truth. Loyalty isn’t to just a person, even your spouse. If my spouse, or my friend is doing something wrong, my loyalty to the truth, and to what is right ranks higher than my loyalty to the people.


That’s what honor is. Integrity. Moral compass. Ethics. Character is what you are in the dark!


Do what is right, and let the consequences happen. What you want people to do to you, do to them first. Die Wahrheit über alles



AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Fuck you! How did you do that?

You got me to read the whole damn story, which is really good, by the way.


I'm really not mad at you, excellent novella.

Excellent character work and arcs, plotting and pacing, structure, and, lastly, authorial effort to actually support the ending.

A new relationship that is definitely and acknowledgedly different from what has come before, is informed from what has come before, is an excellent way forward.

You will probably get cynics with simpler, shorter, less-approving responses, but I will say something that is close to the best that can be said about a fictional couple:

Good luck to them!

Nice work, NTH, five for you

SDWargamerSDWargamerabout 2 months ago

Great story. At the beginning, it's true that it's easy to look at everything in black and white absolutes. Especially when you don't have to live with the consequences.

When Ella tried to seduce Doug, I began thinking she was only staying with Lance because she could have it both ways. That she could be Suzy Homemaker and have her dirty secret. Glad to see I was wrong.

NTH, you've touched on something I've thought of a lot. No is same person as they were years earlier. We change. That doesn't we don't maintain some or many of our personality traits, but even those go through shifts. It's why hate when someone points out something someone said or did years earlier but know nothing about the present person.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

"When it turns out that it really is just a stranger in a costume having a fun time with a willing wife and a reluctant but ultimately enthusiastic husband, there's that sense of relief there, too: you're glad it's just three people having fun"


So, that's just anothe fetish-cuck tales like almost all of the LW tales already published. What's so great ?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

It is a good story but like many it drags on and on.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

So, 8 long pages just for anothe unbelievable cheating-RAAC ? It would have been nice to see that tag in the proper section. These kind of femdom fantasies are always following the cheating-without-consequences line, that makes these tales totally unrealistic.

KeithW66KeithW66about 2 months ago

What a wonderful story in the end there is happiness for some, but at the cost of a lot of heart ache, by those directly involved, and people with others best interest at heart, but trust and honesty win in the end

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Psycho-manipulative tale with the usual brainless sheep-cuck husband, promoting the useless need for a Marriage: "what's a marriage ? just a piece of paper". Really ?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Too much psycho-blabbering for the usual fempov raac ending.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

In the end, this is simply a RAAC story, clothed a bit differently.

And like all RAAC stories, I'm disgusted. Sorry.

And this author likes to play "the husband works too much card" which I think is BS.

You're married until your not. You don't debase yourself by cheating. Is that SO hard to understand??

Before you cheat, before you wear that LBD for someone else, file the damn papers!

I often wonder how much of the writer can be seen in the shadows of these stories.

The MC ends up as big a jerk to Lance as all his neighbors in King's Forest by taking up with his ex.

Of course, knowing her nature, no way would any sane person marry Ella- so he just shacks up with her.

Oh, she's changed. BS. Deep down, Ella's still there waiting for the justification to act horribly...

MC settles for second best. Not able to have a real "wife", he settles for a eff buddy. Sad.

Corny1974Corny1974about 2 months ago

Loved every second. I read the first part elsewhere yesterday, so was delighted in finding in it's entirety here today. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Thanks for sharing...

This was a very good read, best in a while:). Thanks again 5*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Don't usually go for longer stories, but since I was up wrestling with insomnia, I kept at it. Was glad I did. You should be proud of this effort. It was very well done. Thankyou very much!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I don't know if Nora deserved such a happy ending. I also don't think she deserved Lance's forgiveness given just how much she cheated--and how remorseless she was as she cheated.

It's also weird that at the end Lance tries to put some of the blame for her cheating on, dude

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Welcome back, NTH. Yet another top quality piece from one of the finest authors on this site. Five stars, naturally.


AngelRiderAngelRiderabout 2 months ago

That first page was the most Midwestern "Waspy" text I have ever read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Read the recommended story " Crystal Lake". Not into wife sharing either consensual, submissive or cuckold. I really don't understamd anyone who gets off on the behaviour. But it takes all types and people have different kinks, each to thier own. Wish Literotica would created a cuckold etc section so I can avoid those stories. Or the authors are.clear.from the information that that is the type of story. Some do and I can avoid. As to this story I am a bit blah about it. Lance remarried but our MC doesn't. Our MC is the one who has the real trust issues and cant trust Nora but she didn't cheat on him. Not the basis of a long standing relationship although that is how you ended it. You either believe she will not cheat or you stop the relationship. In my opinion a relationship built how he has it is destined to fail in "real" life.

saccadesaccadeabout 2 months ago

Absolutely amazing story, well written, loved it!

WargamerWargamerabout 2 months ago

Now that was truly special story, one of the best ones l’ve read in years on this site.

Thank you, l’ve followed you since u started here and l’ve love the clear majority of your works, you have that indefinable talent that one rarely sees with authors today.

This story goes into my favourites where it deserves to be.

Scores 5/5, wish l could give it more.

AngelRiderAngelRiderabout 2 months ago

I guess I telegraphed the entire story with my comment. Kid should have moved to suburbia in New England. No one would have welcomed him and 5 years later, he wouldn't know most of the families on the block.

As God intended.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Well Mr No Talent Hack, you have talent coming out of every pore of your body. I love how globally your mind works coming up with extensive diverse comments while revealing your story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Another absolute banger. You’re a great writer when it comes to humans and our crazy emotions. It’s so easy to get inside the head of your characters. Great story! 5 ⭐️

Martyr2002Martyr2002about 2 months ago

Great job, probably one of your best to date.

Thanks for this

DrtywrdsmithDrtywrdsmithabout 2 months ago

Great story, well written. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

ttt59ttt59about 2 months ago

Interesting... have to chew on this one for a while.

Intrigued_byeIntrigued_byeabout 2 months ago

The best stories explore and delve into the emotions underlying the rutting, deceiving, lying, betrayal, et al. They become reflections that the reader can take into their own behaviors. It is not about the stroke but the stoking of the mental gymnastics that LW engenders.

Excellent story. Of possible consideration is how all those other couples could engage or not in such mental gymnastics to allow what happened to transpire. Somewhat explored but not deeply in this telling. Some of the best stories are not about the main actors in the story but how others around them act, think, react or not.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsabout 2 months ago

LW stories always have an element of suspension of disbelief, and this one is mine: roughly twelve couples, 24 people, knew about the affair, in a closely knit neighborhood, and the secret was kept from Lance for over a year?

Freddog6601Freddog6601about 2 months ago

Well done.

This piece is a rare treat for the LW category.

TajfaTajfaabout 2 months ago

Second comment. I see a lot of comments saying this is raac. The husband divorced her and married someone else. Our main character never had a relationship with her beyond friendship. So where is the raac? Yes there was forgiveness for something that happened 10 or more years ago and she had been celibate for a few years before the mc got involved. Also the mc never married her, so again I don't see the raac tags as being relevant.

qhml1qhml1about 2 months ago

One of the best written pieces I've ever read.

steeltiger01steeltiger01about 2 months ago

That was simply brilliant.

payenbrantpayenbrantabout 2 months ago


Very well done! The writing was good and believable. There is one piece that seems to be glossed over. Nora (Ella) accused our MC basically of trying to seduce her and put her in a bad position. So much so that her husband attacked our MC. Only his smart move of recording her saved his integrity.

The fact that he had a relationship that had any amount of contact either physically or even verbally is such an incredible stretch of the imagination that it actually destroyed the story for me. Anyone that falsely accuses someone to the point that they are no longer welcome in their own home in their neighborhood? I don't know, I am trying to think of someway that might work out but I just cannot see anyway to make that work. A false accuser would need to seriously show a massive switch in their character and try as I might I just don't see it in what was written here.

5 stars for the writing and the concept. I refuse to downgrade a story just because one little things does not make sense to me. So 5 stars all the way.



LWLover60LWLover60about 2 months ago

A most awesome and original story! Thank you.

demanderdemanderabout 2 months ago

An actual saga. Done so well. D

Bebop3Bebop3about 2 months ago

As always, a brilliant story.

peyskippeyskipabout 2 months ago

Five more stars...sheesh! I'm a fanboy!

DontPanic442DontPanic442about 2 months ago

Another amazing story. Thank you.

bruce1971bruce1971about 2 months ago

A really moving meditation on the things you lose with maturity and the things you gain. I LOVE that you didn't create any villains (with the possible exception of Tony!), but rather a lot of heroes who are doing what they see as the right thing, even if it ends up with the wrong repercussions. Just an incredibly rich story!

francemanfrancemanabout 2 months ago

A good story, as long as you put your brain down first.

Too many incongruities.

And finally, you easily mix form and content.

It doesn't matter what kind of relationship you have (married, friends with benefits, in coup

le, in partnership, in concubinage....) this is the form.

But form doesn't define the rules, rights, duties and obligations that you decide together to make this relationship work ........ and this is the content.

BlueFox007BlueFox007about 2 months ago

Wonderful. Well done. I’m going to be late starting a trip with my wife of six+ decades because I could not put it down. I’ll share this with her. Thank you NTH for sharing it with me.


Regguy69Regguy69about 2 months ago

Had the ladies not said that Lance didn't know, in his place, I would likely have believed Lance knew and just didn't want to talk about it. I mean, 10-12 neighbors knew, so one of them must have told him or maybe Lance somehow communicated to them he was aware but unconcerned. To believe a dozen folks were able to keep a secret for a full year is asking a lot, especially a juicy sex scandal. But then Ella confesses and the unbelievable becomes true. The dilemma of telling or not telling is very well done. It is a no-win proposition and inaction is the default setting for most folks. Thanks, NTH for another thought-provoking tale.

haltwhogoestherehaltwhogoesthereabout 2 months ago

I have to say, it was hard to power through the first page + of this to set the stage. But hanging in for the ride was worth the reward at the end! Thanks for the hard work and great, thought provoking story!

FabGMxFabGMxabout 2 months ago

I dont know what story some of the commenters read, this one its nor a RAAC and granted neither a BTB, however there is CONSEQUENCES for many of the involved.

Once again NTH give us a well crafted tale of miscomunication, take things for granted, hubris, arrogance and so... and even with that there almost no villains in this one. The logic and thought process are well made and compelling even if one as reader doesnt agree and we think is BS, thats except Bob and to a lesset extent Kathy, he carries alot of guilt about that incident of almost 30 years ago.

Some say that Lance and Doug take easy on Ellen now Nora. But seems to ignore that 1) She ended up divorcing Lance, a man that she still love after 12 years of separation, and more importantly 2) She DO take responsability for her fuckups, stop being a resenfult bitch and put the children first. No many cheating wives in LW are given that nuance and reprive.

And so when Doug reconect with them, Ellen/Nora its already a different and a better person, and she help him and her exwife to see that their divorce doesnt devolve in a fight from hell.

irinmikeirinmikeabout 2 months ago

Well done and a pleasure to read.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcabout 2 months ago

Wow - What a ride! Only complaint (because I almost always have one - LOL!) was I missed why she calls herself Nora now? The rest of the story was a wonderful ride of complex plot lines and basic human emotions. The neighborhood dynamics were well played and I see possible offshoots from this one in the future (hopefully). I've been married for over 35 years and I often quip, "I understand why people get divorced but I do NOT understand why they get remarried." Bravo Doug and Nora! 4.8*

FillDirtWantedFillDirtWantedabout 2 months ago

Took along time to get to the "meat and potatoes" of the story. Good story.

OverconfidentSarcasmOverconfidentSarcasmabout 2 months ago

Don't get me wrong, I love it!

...but I also kinda think you just wrote your first soap opera.

JoeBetterBNiceJoeBetterBNiceabout 2 months ago

Wow! This is likely my favorite NTH story, and that is a high bar. What sets this story apart from so many others is the realism. I did not have to suspend disbelief for any of the story. The characters were REAL people, w/ good qualities and faults both, and the people that make bad decisions, typically don't make the bad decisions b/c they are bad people, they just made mistakes. I see people every day make bad decisions (I'm a social worker) while hoping for the best, and this story was a really excellent portrayal of how well-intentioned people can go down the wrong road.

johntcookseyjohntcookseyabout 2 months ago

Is there any western better than High Plains Drifter? Not in my estimation. A couple that are equal, maybe, but none better.


Bob, the guilt ridden and morally ambiguous church deacon, is a not so subtle commentary on the misguided role religion too often plays in counseling ethical decision making.


An unexpected and delightfully gratifying resolution for Doug and Ella/Nora (and Lance too).


Thanks very much.

MwestohioMwestohioabout 2 months ago

Excellent story which exp!ained the rationales for everyone involved

SDN1955SDN1955about 2 months ago

Thought this was an excellent story that was told from a few pretty unique points of view.

H. JekyllH. Jekyllabout 2 months ago

A lovely, complex story that frankly makes a case that there aren't any perfect answers. You make choices and you live with the consequences. In this story there are bed outcomes and good ones, as there would have been if different choices had been made. Started slowly for me but built nicely. And there was a nice switch when the major point came from him /refusing/ her offer of sex instead of going full monte and getting caught. A good offering.

elizalooelizalooabout 2 months ago

Another favorite! As I said, you had me at 'spasmodically convulsing'....a character after my own heart. 5*

Chuckles1966Chuckles1966about 2 months ago

""What's a marriage?" She opened her mouth, but I answered my own question. "Besides the piece of paper, besides the ceremony and the flowers and the joint tax returns and all the other stuff? It's a friendship. It's a friendship that lasts your whole life, if you do it right."

A long time ago...25 years, 5 months, and about 20 days give or take...I pointed out that there's exactly two kinds of marriage. One is a state sanctioned legal contract. That's it.

The other is standing up in front of the people that matter to you, using whatever ceremony you seem appropriate, and saying "I choose this one!"

I said it 25 years ago, and I'll say it again now.

Well said, sir, and a good ending to a story that I wasn't sure where it was going.

shopratshopratabout 2 months ago

It really did feel lke High Plains Drifter in some ways. I think this is your best and that's saying something. You are amaxing wroter. Thanks so much for the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Excellent..... as always

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

very well written but in my small mind I don't see how being "friends" as you so well written solves the trust issue she raised. Married or not he is saying they will commit to each other and communicate as best they can. I agree 100% with that approach but again, how does that fix the trust?

I see the same results based on their effort in any situation of FWB, Married, Committed friends, etc. They are a couple just without a legal marriage license.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I was there when you started.

Thank you for doing this for us, especially with high quality.

I loved the part about being dissociative. Someone close to me is :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Superb, as usual from NoTalentHack!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Thank you for your hard work. Great story.

CamdudeCamdudeabout 2 months ago

What a great story!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Once again, you have proved that your pseudonym is a lie. Five stars

cookingwithgascookingwithgasabout 2 months ago

What qhm1 said! You never disappoint. 5*

Eir1kurEir1kurabout 2 months ago

You did a lot of good work here. You did what fiction is supposed to do but often doesn't.

I seem to agree with commenter ReedRichards that the conspiracy of silence doesn't have

enough organic support in the story. You don't show a near breakdown in it or what they do

to enforce the silence after a very close call. So, maybe something about how the strength of the conspiracy came about and how it strengthened (too much?) in response to near breakdowns. I say, "Don't fear making this work longer. It's good world to spend time in." l like the unspoken message that we are all human and deserve forgiveness if it's possible and earned. I was an absolutist (black and white morality) for a long time after my perspective on humanity was showing me that we shouldn't demonize people. Something like the safety checks on the path to executing a criminal should exist--but they'd have to be organic in the community, maybe creating a place for bad things to happen.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Well plotted and written, although I would have preferred marriage. But your story arc to the end works well. Five stars


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Why not just stay with his slutty ex if he was just going to turn around and date another slut?.. "nora" and Caitlin are one in the same... both cheated, both thought it was no big deal.. Ella or Nora, whatever the slut wnat to be called, cheated, manipulated and lied to her husband for a year.. she had no problem humiliating him.. the entire neighborhood knew what she was doing and condone it... that's what they were doing, Condoning it by not saying anything. Does this guy really think someone who was so disrespectful to her husband, their home, their children and their marriage is someone he should attach himself too?.. why not just stay with his own slut wife?.. he just dumped one slut just to get with another slut😂😂😂.. she can change her name to Nora, but it doesn't change who she is. It doesn't erase what she did. My problem with him getting with Nora is her ability to lie and place blame.. does he not remember her lying to her husband about him?. This slut was able to look her husband in the eyes and lie for a year, she was able to pretend to be this good wife when she was just a slut without a mind of her own and way too much time on her hands. She listened to a bunch of weirdos and ruined her marriage.. I don't think where Lance and ella moved was the problem.. ella was the problem.. she's too easily led, can't think for herself. Whatever neighborhood they moved to, the results would've still been the same. A airhead slut will always be a airhead slut..

NickTeeNickTeeabout 2 months ago

Well done. Whether one agrees with where the story went or not is irrelevant, the writing was top class; The story perspective was fresh and interesting. I'm not sure if I thought the hook up with Nora was justified but so what. In your universe two 'almost' lost souls found each other and gave each other something they both needed.

Well done, once more. Your writing is exemplary. - Nick T.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Thoughtful and thought-provoking. I wish I could dream up a story like this, but, since I can’t, I’m so glad I get to read a story like this. Very well done. Thank you.

offkilter123offkilter123about 2 months ago

Some parts of this story made me anxious which is a good indicator that you are reading something by a talented author. Good stuff. Easy 5* from me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

NTH strikes again with strikingly real suspension of disbelief. That's the sign of a great writer. 5 Stars all day.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Common NoTalentHack banger. Every story of yours I've read is simply fantastic. I think what separates you from the other good LW writers is that your characters are realistic, and that you humanise them by letting them being emotional. Compared to others where the guy was from the army, he "BTB", or he was white and the wife was black, yours feels like it was a story of someone in real life

DakotaTRDDakotaTRDabout 2 months ago

I always feel excited when I see you've posted a story - they are always unique / different - a meal of a story that I return to if I find it exceedingly rich. I find this story to be one of my favorite of yours.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

What qhml1 said. You never disappoint! 5*


Bluehorse64Bluehorse64about 2 months ago

This story was a bit of a roller coaster for me. I almost gave up on it a couple of times as I felt it covered some of the same old tropes I've read before. But you would always pull it out of the fire and take it to a new direction. That, if nothing else, kept my attention. I like it when an author has that "anything can happen" attitude and you certainly do.

Very well crafted story, believable characters, completely understandable situations and a fantastic solution. Everything I could have wanted in a tale.

Good job.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

So another well written story. A tad too long perhaps. And a fantasy ending you could only find in fiction. In the real world the complex mixture of wives, children and husbands glossed over in this story would certainly prove a much harder fix than "let's don't get married, live together and be happy" would provide.

CallmetrayCallmetrayabout 2 months ago

5 stars because that’s the most I can give.

Tomh1966Tomh1966about 2 months ago

How is this story not 4.6+?

I give 5.

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceabout 2 months ago

When Doug asked Ella if she'd help his future wife cheat on him, loved that "Fuck no, I'm not going to help you cheat" moment.

overwatcheroverwatcherabout 2 months ago

Strong main characters with good stories to tell. Thanks. 5.

Cringo31Cringo31about 2 months ago

This story has so many elements that make you step back and really digest all of the characters and their motivations. It does not fall into any of the usual LW categories and I think that is what makes it such a well written tale. You have to give this story a 5 due to the well thought out characters and for the thought provoking ending. Well done.

Sloburn38Sloburn38about 2 months ago

You are most certainly not a no talent hack

someoneothersomeoneotherabout 2 months ago

A lot of excellent insight into choices and consequences, held by real drama. 5*.

JohnAmalfi4104JohnAmalfi4104about 2 months ago

5 stars, another great story, I understood Doug's line of reasoning all the way through this. Liked the happy ending.

PowersworderPowersworderabout 2 months ago

This was great until the ending.

Getting involved with a serial cheater was a bad mistake. It's just too much of a risk to ever be worth it.

Not only that, but Ella was 8+ years older than him.

Ending up with a much older woman is never a win for the guy. Ella would've hit menopause just as they started dating, so he would've had to deal with that nightmare.


This should've concluded with him screwing Ella to get her out of his system, then meeting someone new who would actually be suited to staying at home to raise a family. After everything he'd learned from being in that neighbourhood, he could have avoided the potential pitfalls (overworking and neglecting his wife) and finally got a happy ending.

ImNotanAnonImNotanAnonabout 2 months ago

I'll pass on your story recommendation simply because it's not something that interests me at all. As for this story, you hit another home run.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

The character development is extraordinary. At a deeper level, replacing the childish notion of "love", a term so ambiguous and emotion based in English as to be useless as a serious basis for discussing a marriage commitment, with a specific form of "friendship" is a vast improvement. It would be even better if the author had drawn in "agape" to his discussion, but that would require familiarity with classical and coiné Greek. The general readership here won't appreciate how well done this story is. After all, there's no reference to a college fund, using video as a babysitter (especially Disney and Frozen) a strange car in the driveway, a cheating wife named "Traci", etc., or the use of phrases like "I love you more than life itself", "you have a strange way of showing it", " she's been a good mother", etc.

This is worth reading again because it touches on so many issues - the influence of group-think on decision making, the bankrupt of utilitarianism and relativism in crucially important, fundamental moral judgments, the nature of a truly committed relationship, etc.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

As per usual, NTH makes …., no…OFFERS ….. the reader the opportunity to THINK. About relationships. About love. About life.


How refreshing it was that Doug did what he did in the “Peyton Place” he was living in. How sad that his later marriage cratered because he married someone without his values. How interesting it was that he even bothered to look Lance up….and discovered that his actions years ago made things BETTER for Lance and even Ella/Nora.


One of the things that made it kind of difficult to enjoy his romance later with Nora was not really knowing their age difference. Was she 7 years older? 10? 15? I think that mattered. As well, it was confusing about how much time had expired between that 3rd fuck, and him giving his friendship talk. It seemed like a lot…but then not. Maybe someone can clear this up.


And yes…you want to have a successful marriage? You really MUST be close friends with your spouse. Best friends even. Because marriage is much more than what goes on in the bedroom. So. Much. More.


5 *****.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

The fact Ella/Nora tried to make him the seducer when the MC finally demanded she tell her husband the truth makes the possiblity of the MC ending up in an “unmarried marriage" seem nearly impossible. If he had not had the wisdom to record the conversation in which she asked him to become her new piece on the side, he would have been labeled a predatory POS for all time based on her lies. That is not an attack that anyone would reve recover from sufficiently to then trust that assailant with their heart.

lAnatomistelAnatomisteabout 2 months ago

What you do best is write stories that make the reader _think._.


gacorgacorabout 2 months ago

Easy 5*. One of the things that amazes me from your writing is how you are able to find new angles for your stories and keep them fresh. I’ve read most of your work published here and I don’t recall two similar stories, which is impressive when you have over 50 stories by now.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

lovely story with a lot of nice twists, a true classic worth the stellar 5.

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