Werewolves and Indians Ch. 09

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The aftermath of the fight.
10.8k words

Part 9 of the 13 part series

Updated 10/11/2022
Created 09/27/2013
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Welcome back,

Lionel's gone and the pack deals with loss. Betty has a hard time and Logan is still unconscious. Sunnet gets great news about the case.

All characters in this story are above the age of consent.

There will be one more chapter written for this part of the series, but don't despair, the story will continue.

Happy reading. IR2R


Jacob knew Ja'Mal and Marcus would be busy, so took care of basic things in the den. He made sure the families were returned to their homes. He checked on the families of the fallen. He called Chief Joe and gave him an update. Last, he checked the perimeter and arranged for groups to work on repairs.

It was hard on the beta for in a few hours a madman had done so much damage. He feared they would not recover. Then his thoughts fell on Logan. He had not checked on his friend in hours. He knew he needed to, but seeing Logan so near death was difficult. He faced the medical center, a part of him longing to go there, but the other part of him paralyzed in fear. He needed to gain some perspective; had to get his emotions under control. Closing his eyes, Jacob comforted his beast. His wolf was so on edge that he feared if he let go a little, his animal would go on a rampage.

He monitored the repairs that were being made, and decided to check on Marcus and Ja'Mal. Marcus was in the man cave, but Ja'Mal and Kerri were up.

"Alphas" Jacob greeted them as he walked in.

Ja'Mal stood. "Jacob, I'm so sorry..."

Jacob stopped him. "This isn't your fault. You stopped him."

"Jacob, how's Logan?" Kerri asked hugging her pack member. This night had taken its toll.

"He was still sleeping when I stopped by earlier. Betty is still there." He explained. Kerri nodded, and sent to her mate. She will be ok. Logan will be fine. Ja'Mal nodded, concerned for his mother. He had a chance to rest but right now he needed to see about her.

Baby, I'm going to the medical center. Go with Jacob and get something to eat. Ja'Mal suggested, returning her mental hug. Kerri moved to her mates side and hugged him. Ja'Mal wrapped his arms around his mate, and leaned into her to inhale her scent. As he held Kerri close and talked with Jacob, Marcus and Patricia joined them.

"Hey," the next couple spoke. The three men were still pretty shaken from last night's events, and they knew this would be imprint on their psyche forever. Marcus held his woman as close to him as he could. After last night, he never wanted to be away from her again. He thanked Luna that she was safe and he swore he's be the best mate and father he could be. Kerri smiled and moved to hug her friend. Ja'Mal released her reluctantly , as Marcus also released Patricia. The women talked quietly, both worried about the remaining pack members.

"I need to check on Logan and Momma," Ja'Mal explained to Marcus and Jacob. Marcus nodded. He too wanted to check on his friends. Jacob was silent, which did not get past his friends. Neither male spoke, but Ja'Mal mad a mental note to speak with Jacob privately.

"Marcus, I need to report to the dining hall, breakfast." Patricia told her mate. Marcus nodded, because she was right. Life went on and they still had jobs to do. Kerri stood and spoke, "I'm going with Patricia. I can help cook and serve." She stated.

"Alpha Madam, you don't need," Patricia started to speak when Kerri spoke.

"Patricia, don't. I need to do this, to help in some way. Please don't refuse me." Kerri asked.

Patricia looked at Marcus and he smiled, Sweetheart, she might be our Alpha Madam, but she needs to feel like she's helping. It's OK. Let her help you. He sent.

Kerri and Patricia hugged their mates once more. Then the women left to start breakfast. Patricia explained to Kerri what she wanted and Kerri listened intently. Kerri nodded, submitting completely to the older female. The new Alpha Madam would be different, because unlike other female alphas, she was willing to listen. Patricia was impressed.

After the women had left, he males headed to the medical center to check on Logan. He was in bed, still unconscious, and Betty remained right by his side. She was exhausted, Her body slumped forward, as she leaned with her head resting on his chest. Logan's face looked peaceful as the beep of the monitors chirped letting everyone know he still lived. Ja'Mal spoke to his mother, Momma! She didn't respond.

Marcus' heart broke for Logan and Betty. He failed. He should have taken other precautions to protect the them. Yes, he submitted to Ja'Mal, as he should have, but before things came to a head, he should have taken actions to protect the den as soon as he realized Lionel was a viable threat. He could have asked the other packs to send in their betas, or he could have told everyone to hide until he and Ja'Mal returned. Either way, Logan should not have had to fight without him being by his side.

Ja'Mal felt Marcus' guilt and he knew he failed as alpha. He left Logan there to face that bastard alone. He should have stayed or at least ordered Marcus to stay. But he honestly thought Lionel had harmed Jacob, and he needed to rescue him. Now he'd fucked up once more. The old alpha was right, I'm a curse on all those who love me. He degraded himself.

Marcus knew Ja'Mal would blame himself and he had to stop him. Ja'Mal, we have to be strong. If we break, they will have no one to look up to. You stopped him. That's what's important," Marcus reminded the both of them.


Vivienne Nance was the pack doctor. She became the pack doctor decades ago when Alpha Jermyo called her to come check on his mate. Madam Alpha became ill, and the pack had no working healer. Vivienne's original pack had four healers and she gladly took up the post at Kingsley. However, in all of the years she had been here, she'd never witnessed anything like the carnage from last night. She worked herself to the point of exhaustion trying to save the severely wounded, sadly some didn't make it through the night. Many did, and she'd do her damndest to make sure they survived. Her Alpha and her friends were counting on her.

Marcus asked to speak with her and the Logan's nurse sent for her immediately. Ja'Mal and Marcus waited as Vivienne was checking on her patients. It was too many wounded wolves, she feared she'd have to call for a healer form another pack to come in and assist. Right now, everyone was stable, so she'd wait. She left a wounded wolf, one that lost his right front paw, and went to meet the alpha. She wished she had better news, but Logan didn't die, so that had to count for something. She had checked on Logan earlier, and he was still critical. He was healing, but slower than normal. Her thoughts drifted to Betty, Logan's mate. She was afraid for her, and she'd tell her alpha.

Vivienne approached the two men that waited outside of Logan's room. She approached then slowly, cautiously. "Good morning Alpha, Beta," she greeted. Ja'Mal stood tall as did Marcus. They had no time for niceties,

"Doctor, how are they? The wolves, will they be alright?" Ja'Mal asked. He was concerned about Logan, but Logan wasn't the only wolf that was hurt last night. Vivienne stopped and took a deep breath. "Honestly, Alpha, the wounded wolves are doing as well as could be expected. Last night, we lost three. There was nothing we could do." She stated sadly. Marcus hissed and paced the hall. Vivienne picked her head up and faced the young alpha. "They are fighters, and will survive." She concluded.

Ja'Mal sighed and looked into Logan's room. "What about him? What about Logan?" he asked.

Vivienne was simply honest. "Beta, his wound is deadly. The thing is it wasn't a clean cut. A wolf could heal from a clean cut, but in his case Lionel had some type of secretion on whatever blade he used. As we worked on him we found a strange residue. Lionel injected him with a toxic bacteria. We're treating it with butycamin, an antibiotic, but the next twenty-four hours are crucial."

Ja'Mal could not take anymore. If what the doctor said was true, Logan might not survive. Lionel had poisoned him. Lionel found a way to hurt them after all. He remembered what Keamon said before the fight. "Someone will be sacrificed." Ja'Mal closed his eyes. So many wolves died last night, he could not lose anyone else. He could not lose Logan.

Vivienne continued, "If we see significant changes with this new treatment, and he regains consciousness, we can conduct further testing. Look, two of the wolves that were attacked had the same exact infection as Logan and the medicine worked. They are slowly regaining consciousness. Hopefully, Logan will awake soon." She then looked at back into the room where Betty sat beside her mate, her body showing clear signs of fatigue. Vivienne was worried about Betty, and her concern was etched in her features.

Marcus walked into Logan's room with Betty. Vivienne and Ja'Mal watched as Marcus approached Betty. She stood and the two embraced. Betty sat right back down next to her mate. Vivienne looked at Ja'Mal and spoke candidly. He needed to understand that this was a dangerous situation. "Alpha, she needs rest. She has not slept all night. It's too much. Please try to get her to go home." she pleaded.

Ja'Mal nodded and thanked her. He walked into Logan's room to talk with his mother. "Momma, look, you're tired. You've been here all night. You need to rest." He whispered.

"No, I won't leave him Ja'Mal. I'm not leaving until he wakes up and I know he's going to be alright." Betty insisted. Betty looked at her lover. He looked as if he was sleeping, but he wasn't. Tears began to flow once more and she sobbed. He promised me that we'd be together; we'd be a family, and now he might leave me. I won't live without him. I can't let him go.

"Momma" Jamal tried once more. Betty turned on him furiously, "No Ja'Mal! I'm not leaving and you will not make me. He's mine. He's my heart. I can't..." She cried.

Ja'Mal hated seeing her hurting like this so he stepped out. Marcus stayed with Betty, but she ignored him focusing only on Logan. Ja'Mal vowed to protect his mother, and right now he was failing. He closed his eyes, sighing, knowing this was not good for his mother. Logan needed to wake soon. Marcus stepped out to check on Ja'Mal when alarms rang out. Betty screamed and nurses rushed into Logan's room followed by Vivienne. Betty was forced out as the doctor and her staff worked to stabilize the injured wolf. His pressure dropped drastically and he went into cardiac arrest.

Betty collapsed and Ja'Mal held her. Marcus cried fearing the worse would happen. Jacob, get here, now, Marcus sent and within minutes Jacob, Kerri, Patricia and Larry rushed in. Everyone stood terrified as the doctor and nurses worked on their friend. Betty sobbed loudly and uncontrollably. Ja'Mal held his mother close and Kerri held both of them until her father pulled her into his safe embrace. Patricia held on tightly to Marcus. Jacob stood, alone wishing there was some way he could trade places with his cousin. Logan finally finds his mate and has a chance to have his own family, and this happens. Luna, why? Why did you allow this? he sent furious with the fates.


Meanwhile, in the spirit realm the spirits of old chatted. Someone new joined them and he had one purpose, he wanted to talk with Logan. Logan awoke and found himself in a magical forest. In his dream, he stood transfixed as a big grey wolf approached him. Within seconds the magnificent beast stood before him and Logan reached out to touch his shimmering fur. The wolf chuffed and then shifted into a tall dark-haired man that look so familiar. Logan started to speak when the man spoke, "Come with me." Logan complied and they floated to a small cottage where they sat to talk. Logan waited, and the man spoke.

"She is special. She deserves all of the happiness life can bring. I had no choice and I left her too soon. She had to raise our son on her own and she has done a wonderful job." Carl smiled as it dawned on Logan who this stranger was.

"Carl" he croaked.

"I won't keep you, but I wanted to meet the man that would love and cherish her for the rest of her life. She loves you Logan and when you wake up, you need to join with her." Carl stopped.

Logan looked at Ja'Mal's father, Betty's former mate and he was no longer intimidated by him. The revelation surprised Logan; he had no idea he felt so insecure. He smiled. "She is my life, and if she still wants me, I'm never letting go." He whispered.

Carl smiled and stood. He spoke once more, "Good, now I can finally rest. Tell them I will always love them, and tell my son, my little peanut, that I'm rooting for him." Then Carl faded.


Pain unlike anything he'd ever felt shot through his body and he convulsed. He heard someone yell, "He's back. We got him." Then the pain eased. Soon the people left the room, and he drifted off to sleep.

Soon Vivienne and two of the nurses came out and Ja'Mal rushed to them. "He's stable. His body reacted to the butycamin. I adjusted the dosage and he should be fine." She explained.

"What do you mean adjusted the dosage? You gave him too much. You're trying to ..." she went after the doctor. Ja'Mal grabbed her, stopping her from attacking. Betty struggled against her son's embrace. Kerri joined her mate and talked to her trying to soothe her irrational beast.

"Momma, please," he pleaded as he wrestled to hold her back from the doctor, but she wasn't listening. STOP IT! he commanded. Betty still resisted, but her wolf complied, forcing her human to calm down.

She glared at her son. "You're ordering me." She growled, disbelief lacing her voice.

"Yes, and I'm ordering you to go home. You need to eat and rest. You're not doing anyone any good stressing yourself out like this." He explained knowing she may feel disrespected but no longer caring. She was teetering on the edge and he could not lose her. He swore to protect her and he would, even if he had to use an alpha command to do so.

She wanted to refuse, but her wolf would not disobey an alpha command. Glaring at her son, who right now felt like a traitor, Betty allowed Kerri and Patricia to help her. She complied. Kerri moved to her mother-in-law, but Betty pushed her away. Not one to give in, Kerri grabbed on to her left arm and Patricia stood on her right side. The two women walked her out of the medical center.

Kerri called for a theta to drive them back to Marcus' home, but her father, Larry told her he'd drive them. At first she wasn't sure where she should take Betty. She wanted to ask Ja'Mal, but he shouldn't have to make every decision. She'd figure out what to do herself. So she asked her Dad to take them to Marcus's house. Betty could sleep in their bedroom.

The women arrived at Marcus's home and Betty refused to get out. This was not where she stayed. She wanted to go to the town house. "Well take you, but you must rest." Kerri explained. Patricia was silent. This was the alpha's mother, and she was not about to cross any lines. Besides, right now she was worried about Marcus. He was hurting and there wasn't a damn thing she could do. She sent him a mental hug and reminded him that she loved him. Soon she felt his love in return. She felt as if she was slacking. She needed to perform her duties, but her new leader needed her now more than ever.

Larry drove them to Logan's townhouse and the three women went inside. As soon as she entered, she collapsed. Patricia went down beside her, holding her, comforting her, trying to show her that she wasn't alone.

"Luna, please. Decades ago, my father disowned me. I never complained, but accepted it. My own mother wants nothing to do with me, just because of who I loved, and I have not asked you to intervene, not once. You took Carl, my mate, the one man that dared to love someone like me and I accepted it. I stayed strong as my child and I suffered mistreatment because we are dark, and I never spewed a hateful word. We were forced from our home for no reason, and I never once blamed you. I have not asked for much, but I'm asking now, please don't take Logan. He's my heart. He is my other half. Please don't take him from me." Betty cried.

Patricia sat with her; her heart breaking for this woman that was so strong, so caring. Hearing her prayer shattered Patricia's heart. True, she wasn't really friends with her, but she got to know her as they hid in the safe room. Betty's calm demeanor helped keep the pack members calm. Knowing she was there, and her compassion helped them make it through the night. Patricia looked up as the door opened.

Kerri entered with a glass of water. "Betty, here drink this. You need it. Come on lay down." She suggested. Vivienne had given her a mild sedative to help Betty sleep. The two women helped her in bed, and sat with her until she slept.

Patricia and Kerri shared a look. If Logan didn't survive, Ja'Mal would lose his mother. They didn't know a lot, but of that fact they were certain.

Larry knocked and wanted to know how Betty was. The women explained that she was finally sleeping. He offered to stay with her so they could check on their mates. Kerri searched her mate bond and a sense of despair enveloped her. Ja'Mal needed her. She and Patricia thanked her father and rushed to Marcus' home.


Betty slept fitfully and Larry never left her side. He talked to her, "Betty, you are one of the strongest women I've ever met. You have survived impossible odds, mainly because you were taking care of your son. You have to rest, rebuild your strength because he will need you now more than ever as will my Kerri. I've known Logan my whole life." He chuckled. "I was here when he was born decades ago. That boy came here fighting and he still is fighting. He won't leave you. Not if he can help it. You just have to hold on until he wakes up. OK. Now, rest my friend, we have to stick together here, especially if we want grandpups anytime soon." Larry concluded. Betty did not respond at first, but she heard him. Her wolf chuffed and Betty moved. Larry smiled. Ja'Mal's mother would be fine.

Kerri needed to stay busy. She wanted to go to Marcus's home, but the men need to talk. Daddy was with Betty and she was resting, so she went with Patricia to check on lunch. Kerri and Patricia entered the dining hall and the staff assured them that they had everything in hand. One of the older females, smiled and hugged their new alpha bitch and then her friend, Patricia. "You two, go be with your family. They need you now. We can take care of everything here." She advised them. Patricia was surprised. No one had ever been so openly affectionate towards her before, but the women here were genuinely concerned about her. And through their sister bonds, she could feel their love. She nodded and thanked her friend. She then left and went to her apartment.

She was mated now and she needed to take her place by her mate. So she had Kerri go with her to gather her clothes. The two women had a chance to talk as Kerri came to the realization that she and Ja'Mal needed to find someplace to live. Her father would go back to the ranch, so she figured they could live at his small home. She would not worry about it right now. They'd find a place.

Jacob stayed at the medical center with Logan. True, he was worried about his case, but there was nothing he could do. The nurse came in, checked Logan's vitals, and told Jacob things looked good. Jacob nodded, but he would prefer that his friend woke up. He closed his eyes and for a brief moment, the deep sun-kissed face of a certain raven-haired beauty appeared. Sunnet, he whispered. Jacob relaxed and the nurse saw his features soften and she smiled. Jacob Kingsley was a handsome man. Whoever he was thinking of, and she suspected it was a woman, was a lucky girl. Smiling, the nurse quietly left the room.