Werewolves and Indians Ch. 09


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Marcus and Ja'Mal went back to his office. Ja'Mal sat as Marcus made a few important calls. He was no longer alpha, but he was still the person that needed to deal with this situation right now. He called the packs that he'd contacted earlier to let them know the issue had been resolved. He also informed the alphas that Kingsley has a new alpha and he'd be in touch once things were settled.

The packs thanked him and told him they'd wait on a call from him when the new alpha was ready to meet them. When he hung up, Jamal spoke. "Marcus, so many died. How do I face their families?" the young man asked his mentor. "Look, I don't want this; it's too much." he began to say, when Marcus stopped him.

Marcus waited and then he spoke, "You are alpha. It's your destiny. Ja'Mal, this is hard on all of us, but you have to keep it together. The pack, your mother, hell even I need you. You are strong, Ja'Mal. I know this. Your heritage, who you are makes you strong. I know you have gone through things that would have crushed an average werewolf, but you didn't fall. You are a dark Were, and that alone has given you a strength that surpasses everyone around you. Cry if you must, grieve if you have to, but stand up and lead. That's what we do. That's what we always do. We don't have the time or luxury to feel sorry for ourselves.

I know it's hard. I hurt too. The pack needs you to be strong. So Ja'Mal, despite the fact that your world feels like shit. You cannot crawl into a hole and hide, and neither can I. The pack needs us, and we have to lead. You are alpha and I am right behind you. You just have to tell to the pack how you feel. Encourage them to stay strong, stay together. Be honest, but let them grieve. They may lash out and that's understandable. Just remember you did not cause this. Neither did Kerri. The monster that did this is gone."

"I know that, but still sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, and mates died last night. It's awful and nothing I can say will fix it." Ja'Mal stated solemnly. Marcus nodded. Ja'Mal was right, but one thing Marcus knew about his new leader was that he was honest and honorable. He would do whatever needed to be done to keep them safe.

"I'll stand with you, as will Jacob. You don't have to face this alone." Jamal sighed and then he felt a strong mental hug from Kerri. He returned her embrace as Marcus then grimaced.

"Lionel just had to mess thing up for us didn't he. I just found the love of my life. You now have Kerri in your life, and Logan and Betty just found each other." He looked so downtrodden. "He has to wake up soon Ja'Mal. He's one of my closest friends, more like a brother. If I lose Logan, I don't know..."

Ja'Mal thought of Momma. She lost father and barely survived. She stayed strong for him. If Logan didn't make it, he'd stand strong for her now. Then he shook his head. The doctor said he was healing and the swelling was going down, right. He'd wake up. He had too. Ja'Mal surmised.

Kerri walked in. She needed to see him. Patricia soon followed. As they held their mates, the phone rang. Marcus answered. It was Keamon. He was worried and wanted to know how Logan was doing. Marcus told him nothing much had changed.

At the medical center, three of the wolves that were sedated from the fight had awaken. Their families were overjoyed. This was great and inspiring news for Jacob. He sent a message to Ja'Mal and Marcus. They were relieved. They would check back at the medical center later.

Soon someone knocked and Marcus called for them to enter. The wolf walked in with a serious look. He had assessed the damage and was ready to report. At first he didn't want to report in front of the women, but then realized that Kerri was an alpha and Patricia was the mate of their former leader. He reported that the losses were severe. Over twenty wolves were killed, and quite a few were injured. Of the ones that were injured, only five suffered life threatening injuries and that number included Logan.

Ja'Mal took a deep breath. "We need to address our people." Ja'Mal told his mate. Kerri agreed and held him close. Marcus took action and called in a few of the betas. He had them to have everyone gather in the dining hall for dinner. Ja'Mal and Kerri would address the group then. They thanked the beta for his report and he left. Marcus held Patricia in his lap, so tight and so close, and she smiled. Love, I moved most of my clothes to our bedroom. I still need to clear my apartment. I'll finish clearing it later. she sent. Marcus smiled and kissed his woman.

Realizing the two needed time alone, Ja'Mal and Kerri decided to leave. Once again Kerri thought about them getting a place of their own. She needed to tell Ja'Mal.


Ja'Mal and Kerri left and Marcus had time alone with his woman. "So, my mate, you moved your things to our bedroom, right?" he teased kissing her as his hands caressed her delicate skin.

Patricia moaned. This man excited her beyond reason. Even now, with so much going on, she wanted him. "Yes," she whispered, barely able to contain the moans that hid her desire.

Lifting her, Marcus laughed, "Well, Mrs. Kingsley, let's explore our bedroom."

Patricia moaned. Her body ached for his touch. She needed to be possessed by this man, her man. So much pain and destruction surrounded them. She was tired of feeling hurt. Right now she wanted to feel pleasure and to give him pleasure. She needed to show him that despite everything that happened, they had a connection, a closeness that no one could destroy.

Marcus carried his new mate into their bedroom, where they both took pleasure in exploring each other. Her man was a perfect specimen, and she could not believe he belonged to her. She needed more than sex, she needed a true connection. She needed her mate, her Marcus. He stood before her naked in his glory and she was awed. Reaching forward, she grasped his member, and he groaned. She needed to taste him. So with a little encouragement, and a gentle shove, she pushed him onto their bed, and leaned over him. His glorious cock stood tall and thick and her mouth watered at tasting him. She leaned forward and took him in her mouth. Marcus groaned. He was not new to this, but having his mate worship him in this way was heavenly. However, he needed more.

"Baby, stop." he whispered. Startled, Patricia looked up, fearing she'd done something wrong.

"No, let me taste you." Marcus suggested.

Patricia smiled and they moved to the center of the bed. Re-positioning her body, Patricia placed her legs on each side of his head, giving him complete access to her heat. Marcus inhaled her scent as Patricia once again began to lick his shaft. Marcus groaned as she pleasured him. He found her flower and feasted on her juices in return. It was heavenly and both were at their peak within minutes. Marcus was so close and he knew he would blow. The hotter he got; the more viciously he would bathe her clit with his tongue. Patricia had never been so wild, so wanton before. She could tell from his moans that he was near the edge. She wondered and then tried something she'd never done before. She took him all the way into her mouth, forcing him into her throat. Her gag reflex kicked in and she pulled back. Marcus yelled.

No woman had ever driven him mad with uncontrollable desire like this. He focused on her. He needed to please her as no one ever had. However, she was driving him crazy. Then she did something with her tongue, and he lost it. With a loud shout, Marcus came deep inside of his woman's mouth. Patricia had never tasted anything so sweet as her man's cum, and she greedily drank every drop.

She collapsed on top of him as he continued to lick her. Soon they both were spent. "Baby, are you OK?" he asked, as she turned to lay on his chest.

Patricia laughed, "Marcus, I love you." She replied. Then she drifted off to sleep. He soon drifted as well and they napped together holding each other close.


Kerri held Ja'Mal's hand as they walked to Logan's and Jacob's. Ja'Mal wanted to check on his mother. Kerri explained that her dad was there. Still, he had to see her. When they arrived, Larry hugged his daughter and son-in-law. He was reading downstairs and Betty was upstairs sleeping. Ja'Mal and Kerri went into the bedroom to see about her.

Betty was in bed, snoring softly. It was clear she was exhausted. "I gave her a mild sedative. The doctor said it would help her rest." Kerri explained. Ja'Mal nodded, but decided that if she didn't wake in the next hour, he would wake her. They left the room and joined Kerri's father.

"Ja'Mal, you saved us. Thank you. If no one else ever says that, I want you to know I appreciate what you have done for us." Larry expressed. Ja'Mal didn't feel he deserved praise. He killed a man, and because of him a child would never meet her father.

"He has a child. He asked me to find her and tell her that he loved her." Ja'Mal exhaled. "Because of me that little girl will never see her father."

"No, that is not your fault. Ja'Mal, he tried to kill you and he killed so many others. He wasn't thinking about her then. I'm sure he just said that to hurt you. He knows you'll blame yourself." Kerri exhaled, becoming angry at the monster that even in death was still trying to destroy her love.

"If he has a child, we will find her Ja'Mal." Larry promised. "It shouldn't be hard to figure out. Who did he date? Who was the last female that he spent time with?

Ja'Mal appreciated the support. Knowing that his father-in-law believed in him and supported him, Ja'Mal took a calming breath. Kerri nodded her head, agreeing with her dad. "We will look for her later."


Sunnet awoke at her father's home. She got up, showered and dressed for the day. She called her office and explained to them that she was taking an extended leave, at least five weeks. They told her that she had time and take as long as she needed. She thought about the situation with Jacob and the other wolves. She thought about this case. Jacob was innocent and she had to prove it. Sunnet sighed. She needed to talk with Tasha. She knew the girl was not being truthful. Some things in her story just did not make sense. She thought about Seth and Raymond. Hopefully they would regain consciousness and one would tell the truth about what really happened at the old house.

DA Chase White, allowed her use of a small office that was empty in his offices to prepare her case. Daniel was still here, and would help her as much as he could. Daniel made her a bit uncomfortable. His questions last night put her on edge.

She explained the situation as best she could without revealing Jacob's true nature. She stayed with Daniel for a few hours and they talked. After a few hours, she told him she needed to go. He asked her to come get him the next day. She agreed, and then returned to her father's home.

That morning, Chief Joe waited for Sunnet to join him for breakfast. "Daughter, you are up early. I must speak with you. That man, your boss, has feelings for you. You must tread carefully. If you have no interest in him, tell him. However, if you return his affections, then make your relationship known." He advised. He knew Sunnet would eventually end up with Jacob but right now the fates had not intervened. She was still young, and had some growing to do.

Sunnet looked at her father, and acknowledged what he had said. She realized last night that Daniel wanted more than a working relationship. She liked Daniel, but one thing she really liked was his serious nature.

He didn't mess with women in the office, not that he could not. The man was model good-looking. He chose to keep everything in his office professional. His father had a law firm and Daniel worked for him when he finished law school. He made the mistake of dating one of the paralegals. She was possessive, moody, and extremely jealous. The constant drama from the relationship with this female made his work environment uncomfortable. He branched out and opened his own office. He had one rule, no fraternizing in the office. Last night caused her pause. She knew he was interested in her, and from his questions about Jacob, she had to figure out how to handle this situation.

Her phone rang and Daniel told her that he'd catch a ride to the DA's office. He paused and Sunnet knew he wanted to say something more. "Um, Sunnet, the press is out for blood. Wait for me, OK. I don't want you to face that mob alone." Daniel added. Sunnet sighed and thanked him for his concern, but told him she'd report to the office when she was ready.

Daniel mumbled, but reminded her to be careful. Then he hang up. Sunnet sighed, and then reported to the small office. She had four weeks to prepare a defense. It seemed open and shut. What happened was clear self-defense. The problem was the media. They were determined to make this a race case. She was glad Jacob had gone back to the den and the reporters had no idea how to reach him.

Because of this case, life in the small rural town was disrupted. Chaos rang out that morning when Lionel, the banker, did not open the bank. The sheriff started inquiries and Sunnet witnessed as several people came forward. A detective found his car abandoned out from town. His coworker reported that he was upset about something the day before but he didn't say what. The media found out and it provided fodder for them: a black man killed, two blacks injured, and a prominent Native American citizen gone missing.

In order to keep the hungry hounds at bay, DA White hosted a quick press conference and assured the public that these two cases were not related in anyway. Of course, since he was DA, his conference inspired even more conspiracy theory. Sunnet felt a chill and she knew. Lionel's disappearance had something to do with the attack on the wolves. Was Jacob's family alright? She'd call when she was alone. Daniel joined her and the two stood together. Pictures were snapped, and eventually the activist groups complained.

There protest began and of course, race was an issue. Daniel quickly blocked the reporters and escorted Sunnet into the safety of the DA's offices. Chase followed them leaving an angry group of people and the reports outside. "UM, Daniel, excuse me. I need to call Jacob." Sunnet explained removing herself from his grip.

He let go. "OK. I'll just wait in your office." He turned and walked right into Chase. The two men exchanged pleasantries, and went to grab a cup of coffee. He knew she had to check on her client, but he wished ... Well it didn't matter. She'd take this case to court and in a few weeks they'd go back home. Jacob Kingsley would be a distant memory. Chase was speaking but realized that Daniel was distracted.

"I'm sorry DA White..." Chase cut him off.

"Call me Chase, Daniel." Chase interjected. Daniel relaxed. Then Chase smiled. Daniel's interest in Sunnet was obvious, but she didn't seem to return his feelings. Too bad, Daniel seemed like a nice guy. The two men talked sports until Sunnet could join them.

Earlier, Sunnet dialed Jacob's number. At first it went to voice mail. She dialed again, and he answered. "Hey, is everything ok. Keamon, Oman, and Isla reported to father." she explained. Her voice helped calm his animal.

"Sunnet, I got here and there were some many that were killed. Logan is fighting for his life. Lionel tried to destroy my family. He ripped them apart." Sunnet gasped.

"Jacob, where is Lionel?" she asked then she changed her mind. "Don't answer. They found his car, but they have no idea he had a issue with anyone in your family. We do not need this case tainting ours. So stay hidden. Jacob, it will be alright. We will need you to come by the office at some point, so we can prepare our defense. But for now take care of your family." Sunnet promised.

His wolf whimpered, and for some reason she felt his hurt. It shot though her almost paralyzing her. That's strange. she thought. I'll talk to father tonight maybe he can help me figure out what's going on here.


Soon the wolves trickled into the dining hall for lunch. Betty had not woken up, so Ja'Mal went to wake her. "Momma, Momma!" he called softly. At first she didn't answer, and then a soft sigh.

"Momma, please wake up. You need to eat." He whispered. "Momma," he called.

Slowly Betty opened her eyes and realized she was in Logan's bed, her heart hurt and she whimpered. "I need to get to the medical center. I need to get to Logan." She announced moving.

"He's resting, Momma. We'll go over there after lunch." Ja'Mal explained. Betty's stomach rumbled, and she agreed. She accompanied her son to the dining hall for lunch. With Patricia out, the cooks prepared a simple lunch. Salad and sandwiches along with iced tea. When they entered, everyone was silent. Their silence did not go unnoticed. Ja'Mal and his mother chose a small table to sit and eat alone. The pack members gasped.

Soon one of the she wolves brought sandwiches over to the alpha. "Alpha, you don't have to sit over here. Your head table is available," the small woman suggested. Ja'Mal smiled and thanked her, but told her they were fine. She smiled back and soon in returned to the kitchen. Betty ate quickly, and was soon ready to go to the medical center.

Betty watched the interaction of her son with the pack member earlier. He didn't put on airs. The wolf didn't walk away defeated, but proud to have served them. Jamal and Betty finished their lunch and she was ready to get to the medical center. As they prepared to go, Kerri called.

Ja'Mal dad wants to check on the farm. I'm going with him. We also want to check out town. We'll be back. she sent.

Kerri, go and be careful. I'm walking Momma to the medical center. he replied.

Love you. Kerri concluded and Ja'Mal sent her his love.

As soon as they finished eating, several pack members approached. They were curious about how this new guy that was their alpha would run the den. Marcus had led them for so long and they wanted to see if this guy was like him or different. Ja'Mal was almost overwhelmed because he shared a bond with every person in the room. He could feel their anger, curiosity, and for some relief. He could also sense their fear. Instinctively, he sent a wave of encouragement to each of his pack members. Many relaxed, but a few still seemed skeptical. He'd address the pack before dinner, and maybe he would be able to alleviate their concerns.

Larry and Kerri drove past them as he and Betty walked to the medical center. He waved and instantly missed his mate. Soon they entered the medical center and received good news. Logan was responding to his treatment and should awake soon. Overjoyed, Betty hugged the doctors, nurse, Jacob, and anyone else that was present.

She and Ja'Mal walked to Logan's room and were happy to see he was now breathing normally. Betty sat beside him as Ja'Mal stood on the other side of his bed. Logan, I know you can hear me. Wake up, soon. Momma and the pack needs you, he sent.

Logan twitched. Betty sat up straight. He would wake soon. She could feel it. Ja'Mal smiled and sent to Marcus that Logan was doing fine. Marcus hated to leave his mate in their bed, but duty called. "Baby, I need to go to the medical center." He whispered.

"Is Logan?" Patricia started to ask, fearing bad news.

Marcus smiled and kissed her, "Baby, Ja'Mal said he is doing well. He might wake up soon. I need to check on him and the others, OK." He explained and she relaxed.

"Now, Mrs. Kingsley, I want you to rest, OK. Stay in bed. I'll be back." He promised her with a kiss. Patricia smiled but reminded her mate that despite the fact that she'd love to lounge around, she too had duties. He kissed her once more and they redressed and went on about their day. Marcus met Ja'Mal and Betty at the medical center. He was glad to see Logan doing so well.