Wet Cinnamon

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He just wanted to relax in the shower...
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"So, who are you thinking of?"

I was standing with my arms and legs braced against the walls of the half-glass walled shower, trying to relax after one bitch of a day at work. I looked over my left shoulder, but my vision was partially obscured by the cascading spray of hot water from the shower head, so I shook my head to clear it.

"Man, my brain is sooo fried . . . who said I was thinking about anybody?" I asked.

The stall's front wall was made of clear glass, so anyone standing in the bathroom could see clearly through the water and steam inside, The current 'anyone' at this particular time, was Jaycee. My sister's college roomie. An exotic name for a very exotic looking young woman; skin the color of warm cinnamon-chocolate,with straight, jet black hair tied back in a pony-tail, and dark-jade colored eyes that had just enough of an upward tilt to speak of her half-Asian heritage. Covered in a white silk robe, left open in front just enough to show off her tummy and parts of her breasts, she was leaning against the open doorway with her arms crossed.

Jaycee nodded towards my body. "If you aren't, I'd say the 'little man' is clearly thinking of someone."

I glanced down, and blushed. My dick was standing at attention; all six-inches soaked by the water pouring down my body. "Sorry, Jay," I said, using the usual nickname Jaycee had been tagged with since we met.

Jaycee made a clucking sound. "What for? Doesn't look like something I would apologize for . . . if I had a dick, that is."

I had to smile. That's Jay for you. Frank, open and never one to mince words. "Yeah, but I don't usually go showing mine off to just anyone." I ducked under the spray to soak my head again. "Why are we even having this conversation? Where's my sister and, for that matter why are you nearly naked yourself?"

Mentioning my sister wasn't an odd thing to do, considering that she lived here as well. What we had was somewhat of a unique arrangement for us -- being a brother and a sister, living under the same roof. We did it in part to appease our parents, since costs for paying for her own apartment would make for a tough crunch for Mia (my nineteen year-old sister). The other was that it saved me some cash, since we both contributed towards the rent together. And I needed every scrap I could save -- if I was going to put down a major payment towards my own auto-shop business one day.

"Oh, she's in her room, passed out like a light." Jaycee said. "Poor kitten, stayed up late studying and then burned through four classes today." Her tone was fond and very warm, being Jaycee and Mia were fast, best friends since Mia's first orientation day. There wasn't a time that I hardly ever saw the two of them without the other one being present. "Took one look at her stumbling out of Hardaman Hall and I just piled her in my car, drove her here, then dragged her to bed." I could hear her chuckle. "Doing so, I missed my shower after my workout today, so I was hoping to snag one here."

I smiled under the spray. "Only I got here before you, hm?"

"Yeah, just my luck." Jaycee was silent for a bit. "Rough work day, Ray?"

"More or less." I hunched my shoulders, feeling the tension in my muscles. "Four new clients with busted cars, which makes for long, hard hours." I groaned, leaning forwards to get more of my back under the hot spray.

Jaycee was quiet for a few more moments. Then, I heard the sound of the shower door's latch opening, and the door sliding back a bit before closing again. I was about to ask what was going on . . . until the feel of a pair of hands gripping my shoulders made me close my mouth with a soft click! of my teeth. Then, I couldn't stop the deep groan of relief as those hands began kneading my shoulders and the taut muscles leading up to my neck.

"Oooah, mannnn . . . geez!"

Jaycee's deep chuckle was right behind me. "Feel better, Ray?"

"Oh, you have, no, Godly, idea, Jay!" I rolled my head, raising up a bit to pull my head out of the spray while Mia's best friend continued to work magic deeply into my sore muscles. I glanced to the side, down to the bathroom floor . . . and tensed just a bit when I realized the only thing on the floor was Jay's robe. Just that, and nothing else; no shorts, no panties, nothing!

Jaycee took my slight start for a reaction to her reaching a sore spot. "Easy, Tiger," she said, her tone rich with good humor.

"Yeah, well Rawr! to you, wench." I said. Tiger had been my nickname from Jaycee since we first met; since she likened me to a big pussy-cat, or so Mia told me. She also said Jaycee had an affinity for cats; sort of explains why most of the time her talk is peppered with feline word-play.

Jaycee laughed and moved down my spine, rotating her thumbs and spreading the work all along each slab of muscle. "Aww, big kitty-cat's in a mood," she teased.

"Well," I muttered, turning slightly to allow her to keep contact with those knowledgeable hands of hers, "you work on a couple of engine blocks . . . Ow! Mmmmm, and see how spry you feel, Jay."

"Nah, I like what I do, so I'll leave the manual labor to you, Tiger."

I couldn't stop another deep groan as she worked out a really good knot near my tailbone. "Aaah, well right nooooow-woah! Mmm, I really like what you're doing to my back!"

Another rich chuckle, and Jaycee tugged on my torso, backing me away from the spray. "Ah, thank you, Ray. I do so aim to please."

For a while, there wasn't much more the two of us said. In fact, the only sounds in the bathroom were my continued groans and sighs of relived contentment and the hiss of the water from the shower head. Eventually, the water started getting tepid, so I braced with both arms and reached out to flip the water off with an outstretched foot.

Jaycee saw what I did, and giggled. "My, you have a hidden talent, Ray!" She was closer now, having moved in to keep from getting totally soaked by the spray.

"I'm available for all parties, weddings and bar-mitzvah's," I quipped, even though I was feeling so good, my voice sounded drowsy. Truth to tell, I must have drifted for a bit, because the when I next opened my eyes, I was staring up at the ceiling in the stall, my body leaning back at an angle with my arms still braced against the shower walls.

I started to ask Jaycee if she wanted the shower -- my mind reasoning she had stepped out to let me relax -- when two things brought my mind back to instant focus; one was that I wasn't leaning against the smooth, hard tiles of the shower wall, it was warm, firm yet pliant flesh. The other, was that a pair of hands were now smoothly running along my sides, with fingertips drifting over my ribs in soft touches.

I jerked my head down, startled to see that it was Jaycee's hands. It couldn't be anyone else. Besides, she wore her old high school ring on her right ring-finger; the silver and ruby-stoned ring standing out against her cinnamon skin.

The sight of those hands -- dark against the lighter hue of my own skin -- flowing down my chest and belly in a slow caress was more than enough to further the 'interest of my cock. My racing heart and stonewalled mind kept me from saying anything at first. Then, I managed to make my throat work past the sudden, nervous knot to suck in a quick breath. "Jay?" I asked. " What, um . . . what are you doing?"

Jaycee's voice was thick and sweet, like a smoky shot of good sipping whiskey. "What does it feel like I'm doing, Tiger?" Her body was pressed in against my back; the curve of her groin molding to my backside, her nipples drilling twin points of head into my back. All the while, her hands drifted up and down, dragging across the panes of my muscles like a blind woman reading braile.

"Ummm, do you want me to be honest?"

"Oh, honesty is always the best thing, Tiger."

"Well . . . it feels like you're trying to seduce me," I said softly. That sudden thought crystallized in my mind; my baby sister's best friend is trying to seduce me!? Jaycee had always been friendly and affectionate, but she'd never once before shown any carnal interest in me.

Jaycee leaned in close and purred in my ear. "And your baby sister said you were slow to catch on." She chuckled and nipped my earlobe. One hand ghosted down across my abs to thread her fingers through the small thatch of hair that formed above my dick. "Mmm, are you scared of me?"

I swallowed and shook my head. "N-no . . . but, I don't think Mia w-will like this, Jay. We're just friends a-after all. Right?" I half-turned my face towards her, expecting . . . what, I didn't know, really.

Jaycee wasn't upset, nor was she showing any sign of losing her lusty expression. "Oooh, I think you'll find that Mia wouldn't mind one, little, bit about me doing this." She smiled in that playful-frank way of hers, before she shocked me further by gently curling her fingers and hand around my rock-hard prick. "Mmm-yesss-sir, I don't think she'll mind at all." Holding me in a firm, easy grip, Jaycee began to stroke my turgid dick, which was dripping with precum -- having drooled down my length, now that the shower was off.

A new groan slipped from my throat, as the action of my sister's best friend spread my leaking juice all over my cock. The slick sensation made rivers of fire fly outwards from my groin, spreading all over my body. I should have stopped her, but the feeling made me weak, and all I could do was drop my head back to rest against Jaycee's shoulder.

"That's a good boy, Tiger," she said. Her voice was still lustful, but now there was a tenderness that made my libido soar, quicker than any aphrodisiac could ever affect me. "Let Jay treat you right. Let me show you just how much fun we could have together." She curled her other arm up in front of me, playing gently with my nipples, while she shifted so her breasts could press more firmly into my body.

I couldn't help myself after that. I kept myself upright by spreading my legs to prop my feet against the sides of the built-in tub. My one arm shot up to brace against the stall's ceiling, which left my free hand to reach around to touch Jaycee's near-leg. Without prompting, I curled my hand around that firm thigh, relishing in feel of her smooth, cinnamon skin under my touch.

Jaycee smiled wide. "Yes, touch me, Tiger. Touch with your new goddess . . . your Cinnamon Goddess," she purred. Leaning in close to my ear, she ran the tip of her tongue along the curve of its 'shell'; making me jerk and grow harder in her closed fist.

"Oooh, geeez!" I gasped, feeling as the friction of her hand on my dick, the feel of her body and the flavor of her words sent my pleasure sky rocketing. As I sucked in more air to feed on my racing passions, I let my breath out in a low growl that was all feral and feline.

Jaycee squirmed against me, clearly aroused by my sounds. "Mmm, purring like a big-kitty already!" Delighted, she reached up with her one hand and tipped my face towards hers. Eyes like dark, green pools of heat and comfort stared back into mine. "Oh, Tiger, you are going to bring soooo much pleasure to both of your new Goddesses." With that, she dipped forwards and captured my lips in a soul-scorching kiss.

Unable to reply with words, I let my roaring passion answer as I kissed Jaycee back. Lips parting, we speared each other's tongue and sucked on them. Drawing out the kiss with each circuit, I was lost in the total moment of lust with my new, cinnamon-skinned lover.

So lost in the moment, when we finally broke apart for air, I gasped as she cupped my cheeks with both hands. "Jay! God, you are . . . oh, fuck! You're going to drive me crazy with the way you're touching my cock!"

At that point, I expected more sex-talk. What I got was a mischievous giggle. "Oh, Tiger, you may be going crazy, but . . . ." She moved her hands in front of me briefly, wiggling her fingers, before she put them on my shoulders and leaned in to lick the tip of my nose. "I'm not the one stroking your cock, honey."

The realization hit me like a ten-pound sledgehammer to my chest. If Jay wasn't stroking me--? I snapped my head around, looking down towards my crotch . . . where I nearly had a heart attack at what I saw!

Looking up from where she was kneeling, one tiny hand wrapped around my cock with the other braced on my tummy and naked as a jaybird in the tub under us, Mia smiled in that pixie-ish way of hers. She flipped her platinum hair to the side and stared back into my startled eyes, her copper-penny colored ones now smoky with an emotion I never had seen in her before. Lust.

No, not just lust. There was a caring, loving glow there as well. This wasn't Mia, playing some sick trick on her older brother. That much I knew when she caressed my belly and leaned up on her toes to place a smooch just beneath my navel.

"M-Mia?!" I finally got her name past my gaping mouth, only to nearly swallow it in the sudden intake of air that came, when my baby sister leaned in and dragged the flat of her tongue around the bell of my cock head. Once. Twice, and then she slipped her lips around it and began to suck. "Oooo! M-M-Mia?" I tried to ask further, but the sudden rush of pleasure that followed -- when a third hand snaked down from behind, between my legs and cupped my rolling balls -- robbed me of further speech.

"How is it, kitten?" Jaycee said, her rich voice directed at her best friend, who was now slowly slurping and moving up and down on my dick. "He's good? Is that cock everything you dreamed about?"

Mia moved off my cock for a moment, smiling at Jaycee. "Mmm, everything and more. My brother's cock . . . it tastes soooo good!" She popped it back between her lips, and began working her jaw, lips and tongue in slow, measured motions. Munching on my prick, she sent new gouts of pleasure soaring through my body.

From where she was now crouched behind me, now at hip level with my sister's face, Jaycee moaned, looking up to grin at my still-shocked expression. "Don't worry, Tiger," she said, blowing me a kiss. "I'll get my turn, but first . . . Kitten needs to get her first taste of your cream." Seeing my face grow slack as the pleasure mounted and grew higher in me, she reached up and stroked the flexing planes of my tummy, all while keeping her caressing grip on my nut sack. "You just enjoy this, Ray. All will be explained, later."

Any other words that I might have cared for, ended up quickly lost as my focus drew down into a long, slow tunnel. At the end of which was the sight of Mia, working my cock like an expert slut. She cooed, hummed and sucked my dick like it was the most delicious piece of flesh she'd ever tasted. My dick was pouring out seemingly unending buckets of precum, which Mia relished with equal zeal as she pumped me with her mouth.

I almost couldn't believe it. I had to be dreaming, but this wasn't a dream I'd ever though I'd have; Mia on her knees, her pale, nude body with its svelte curves and apple-sized breasts bobbing with each motion, while her best friend, Jaycee, exhorted and encouraged her on. All while keeping her dark-skinned dancer's body close at hand, while rubbing my body to further my rising pleasure along.

Eventually though, that pleasure and my body had its limit. With growing tension, I felt the first spark of orgasm ticking off inside my groin. It fed along the whole circuit, getting bigger and bigger with every passing second. Sucking down lungfuls of air, I felt like my heart would hammer my ribs aside and burst out into view. With a jerk and a lurch of my hips, I tried to gasp out a warning to Mia; "S-sis! G-gonna--! Gonna--!"

Jaycee gave my balls a loving squeeze, before she murmured, "Yes. Cum for us. Cum for your two Goddesses, Tiger! Give little Mia her first taste of that sweet, sweet cream!"

I was that close, and then Mia pulled off my dick with a POP!, and asked me in a whisper, "Cum for me, Ray. Will you, in my mouth? Please?"

The love and affection and lust in those words . . . it was my complete and total undoing. With a yelp, I thrust my hips forwards, feeling the lightning bolt of my climax arc along my prick. Mia barely got it back inside her sucking mouth, before the first thick, hot splash of my cum splattered against the insides of her cheeks. Groaning with release, I felt both the squeak of delight and the steady, determined pump of Mia's lips and tongue as she coaxed more spurts from my erupting dick.

All the while, Jaycee cupped and caressed my dwindling nut sack, murmuring her own words of pleasure as she watched her best friend suck her own brother off to completion.

Eventually, my climax ended. Dazed, weaker that I'd ever felt before, I slid down the shower wall and landed with a plop in the tub. Head spinning, I could only gaze in wonder as Mia crouched before me. Her eyes were closed, and her mouth looked slightly funny as her cheeks bulged a bit before she made a soft swallowing sound. A moment after, her body shivered with delight, as her tongue snaked out to lick her baby-soft lips. "Mmmmm!"

From her place next to us, Jaycee asked with delight, "Kitten loves her brother's cream, hmmm?" She was softly stroking my sated and relaxed body with her cinnamon hands, while she watched Mia with me.

My baby sister smiled deeply, before hugging herself. "Ummm, yes! Oh, that was the absolute best!" She then opened her eyes -- her copper-colored orbs filled with excitement and love -- as she slipped towards me and wrapped my still-sensitive body with both arms. Pressed naked flesh to flesh, she gazed into my eyes and, with a surprisingly shy expression, said, "I can't wait to do it again . . . and, maybe share it with Jay, too?" She darted forwards and softly kissed my mouth. "Do you think you can do that, Ray? Huh?"


AUTHOR'S NOTE : This was just a one-shot that was an experiment of mine, to try to write a story that went to climax -- to satisfy the reader's who complained about my Cliffhanger-style of writing -- and to get these characters out of the way so I could focus on other stories that need my attention. Hope you enjoy this little dabble from my writing exercises! -- SRS

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RodimusMikeRodimusMikealmost 4 years ago
Boy Toy?

Legally Sane commented that Ray was nothing more than a Boy Toy to Jaycee and Mia,but from my POV Jaycee was actually attracted to Ray,and the last remark from Mia implied she has bisexual feelings for Jaycee along with her brother Ray.

Besides even if it is just lust Jaycee has,she could eventually fall in love with both brother and sister,and they could all three have a threesome relationship and be happy triangle lovers.Also I agree this story should go on to atleast resolve how they all end up,and have Jaycee sit on Mia's face and 69 each other for Ray so they can give him the best show before they fuck his brains out.That would be a dream come true.

LegallySaneLegallySanealmost 4 years ago

Jaycee said "that's a good boy, Tiger", I was all in. Couldn't read the rest. He's a "boy toy".....FUCK!!!

MarshallaMarshallaalmost 7 years ago
"... to get these characters out of the way ..."?

Are you out of your ever lovin mind?!?

I don't give a rat's ass about readers bitching about cliffhangers or length, unless a story is too short. They will seriously have to find something else to bitch about!

More about these 3 characters and their story needs to be told, dammit! So please, tell it.

Waiting with bated breath!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Wowzers Batman!!

Absolutely. Fucking. Awesome!! ;)

I loved it, little surprises start to finish, hehehe! On one hand Im glad you said it was a one shot so Im not left hanging waiting for the next chapter... On the other hand Im dying for brother to get deep inside both of these hot gurls ;)


happyhusky3happyhusky3over 9 years ago

I meant that I didn't like mia being in it. I really liked the seduction of jay. Not a fan of threesome. Don't take this into offence

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