All Comments on 'What!'

by PKenny5860

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WetheNorthWetheNorthover 2 years ago
Move along folks

Nothing to see here

Well maybe just a veiled advert for wasting money on counselors and drugs

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

that history was posted before

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This story, if it is indeed written by this Author is a word for word repeat of a story several years old. A story that I have read several times. Either it is a repeat or outright plagiarism of someone else's story. Come on Author which is it.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 2 years ago

people who are depressed especially women who are depressed do not have a normal sex drive. They lose interest in sexual intimacy.. I'm sick and tired of the idiot writers in the loving wife section constantly coming up with the depression excuse for the wives wind up cheating and destroying your families.

The other thing about the story which bothers me is the husband apologizing the very next day after hes taken actions to save his family and keep the other guy from seeing his wife.

Mac_LapuMac_Lapuover 2 years ago

Nice story of reconciliation.

The hisband was one loving and smart husband.

Quick thinking on strategies was a result of his great love for his wife.


The wife was remorseful enough...

But I do am having doubt she could resist another sexual predator but maybe she has learned her lesson as they lived a good life in the end.

Nice work PKenny5860

KarnevilKarnevilover 2 years ago

A standard tale without any surprises. After just a few paragraphs the ending was clear, perhaps with less revenge than normal. Things seemed to change with the confrontation between husband and her lover, it all became too civilised and we started to descover what a Saint the husband was, move over Mother Taresa.

The opening premise of the wife declaring she's going on a date is overused and quite rediculous, would that ever happen in a normal relationship? That leads to the other issue: assuming she wanted some excitement without losing her family, and we know that Steve didn't want his wife to find out either, why were they so open about it? Surely a secret tryst or 'night out with the girls' would have been more likely? So was the 'date' just an easy way for the husband to discover the cheating and thus saving him having to work on it?

In the end there were too many clichés and not really enough effort, leaving me a bit unfulfilled. Not a bad story, just not really a good one. One thing did occur to me: the more I read the more I was reminded of the wife in the film 'Pleasantville' and how her life was. If you've seen it you'll know what I mean, if you haven't, take a look, a good film.

lujon2019lujon2019over 2 years ago

He worked real hard to be a cuck

MightyheartMightyheartover 2 years ago


Good One PKenny5860

The MC acted like a 'Man.'

No over the top stuff but at least not a wimp who took out his phone and took photos instead of acting on it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Same old, same old. Just a rehash of a hundred other stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Sanctimonious, pompous, arrogant, insufferable asshole! No wonder she was looking to cheat!

looking4itlooking4itover 2 years ago

Alex sure does think quick on his feet. One thing that didn’t make sense to me was the confrontation between Alex and John in his driveway. Certainly, a heated conversation like that would become apparent to people in the house as well as neighbors yet, Amber didn’t seem to have come to the window or door. I wouldn’t think that she had had the opportunity to process the ramifications of her actions yet and that she would still be emotionally charged, if not more so for the things he had done to stymie her evening, to be contrite and not become involved in the conversation. I thought you did an excellent job of describing a reaction that was both calculated and spontaneous and allowed for the reconciliation to be credible. Thanks for an enjoyable read.

lukeshortlukeshortover 2 years ago

Good story but, trouble or divorce is probably in his future. Unless Winters' wife is an airhead, she probably suspects the reason for previous job losses. For the most part, women are much more perceptive than men and usually have built in lie detectors. 3*

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Seems like author strung together a series of standard motifs (wife unexpectedly goes on date) and clichés ("forsaking all others," "you don't own my body" etc). At least there was a reasonable ending, albeit a bit boring

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

He was guilty of nothing. That is not how a man reacts to be fucked over. Nice try but I suggest you talk to a male for his perspective next time 5* for writing talent 1* for plot line

amygdalaamygdalaover 2 years ago

I know I have read a similar story with almost the exact same story line on here already.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A well written story, with basically proportional response by the husband. Although I do think that Mr. Winters should have had a little heat in his retribution. He didn’t have the mitigating issue of depression and he’ll likely keep trying to seduce women outside of the company. It is basically like the slap on the wrist that courts give to unsuccessful rapists when their intended victims take them to court.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

old story

secretsalsecretsalover 2 years ago

Her turnaround felt a little sudden, but I guess that's hard to avoid with a standard story template like this. Still can't understand why he claims he did 'horrific things' in order to prevent the date from happening, when all of them felt like normal precautionary measures. Maybe he was just blowing smoke up her ass to cushion the severity of her actions. Decent story, even if it runs through the same checklist as most of the stories depicting this situation.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 2 years ago

Solid story with decent narrative and flow. I can imagine the BTB crowd here are about to explode, but I've long commented in the LW genre that when kids are involved, both spouses have a commitment to keep the family together. I would have liked to known the ages of the kids as that would've added context to what you showed us. I take issue that they were unaffected - I can guarantee in real life it would leave permanent mark on them. Maybe a good life lesson, however, for their future relationships. I also wasn't too happy with how quickly they reconciled, so that diminished my buy-in to your world. Maybe after the year of counseling the wounds would start to heal, but no sooner than that. 4*

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

She lied to the counselor. The lbd, perfume, etc all laid out… she planned on fucking the guy. As she is a hard core liar… dump the bitch!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Not a wimp, thoughtful of others, its too easy to see only your hurt in instances like this. The truth is that many get hurt and it hurts to the bone and at times, it ruins lives. I did 90 days jail and moved on with my life, we had no kids and i put her lover through the dining room window in front of the state police. I have a temper when i catch my wife fucking strangers.... who knew? Good story, well presented.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I stopped reading when hubby yelled “hell no”!

In my creative writing class, I made the same mistake and the teacher asked me to yell at the top of my voice.

The result was unintelligible and afterwards, my voice was hoarse and pained.

2nd point: my wife went to Dune with a male friend from work. I wanted to see it but for some reason, she went with Mike. Am I hurt? No. Am I worried that she was going to fuck around? No. She’s my wife and I trust her completely. Not a “Trust but verify” trust; but the kind of trust that says “She will never cheat.”

Now, maybe she is going to cheat on him. What does freaking out and making demands and forbidding her from going out going to accomplish? Nothing. So he has a choice: accept her actions or divorce her.

There are no other options.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is almost word for word a copy of another story.

Theakston58Theakston58over 2 years ago

Well written but you need to warn diabetics, this story could kill them!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Was this a joke?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It was OK.


It got very confusing starting at when he decided to take action until he went back home. He sure got an awful lot of info and things done in a very short time. And meanwhile…Amber just sits home and doesn’t even notice her kids are gone?


In the end…just another garden variety example of tne Martian Slut Ray hitting yet another dumbshit “good” wife.


3 ***

desecrationdesecrationover 2 years ago

"I moved home that afternoon mostly to reassure the kids that we were still a family." It's not a family. It's a husband babysitting his errant wife. He'll never trust her again. They're together for the kids, and once those are all in their twenties, this marriage will dissolve like a turd in a blender.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Total psychobabble bullshit! And in your world, everyone gets a trophy, butterflies are everywhere, and unicorns fly.

whateverittakeswhateverittakesover 2 years ago

Blah, blah, blah... he sure enjoyed climbing on his soapbox and hearing himself rant.

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 2 years ago

"I poured a mug of coffee with cream, two sweeteners, and yellow packet stuff for her." - Two sweeteners AND yellow packet stuff? Yellow packet stuff IS sweetener!


"I did horrific things in to stop last night from happening." - Nothing he did was "horrific."


Too many large blocks of one-sided dialog.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I do find it always strange how the husband is to blame and that he must work to build the marriage, communication, and closeness. Strange. So if I'm shot, I should worry about the shooters' feelings?

Dittybopper6989Dittybopper6989over 2 years ago

You've taken a over used theme and added way to many twist and turns. For a man filled with anger the steps taken to keep his wife and her potential date apart was amazing. I can see him waiting with baseball bat and meeting him when he came to pick her up, but all the preparation was unnecessary. She will do this again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

the problem here is not telling his wife, this guy will see a pretty skirt and eventually go back to chasing that women. as for yourself as written i guess the out come was understandable as the courts would rape you to the poor house till the kids turned 18. the wife gets the kids,you pay for the home, child upkeep. alimony as you earn more than she does. if you can forgive her.then get a postnuptial . no mater trust is gone and it will take years to find that again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Sorry but this was a stupid story. I guess you did not have anything else to do when you wrote this... *

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 2 years ago

Good story, but he may have apologized too much. His actions were quite restrained considering the circumstances.

SKHPSKHPover 2 years ago

Just a boilerplate "wife wants to date other men"-story. I hate psychobabble when used to justify reconciliation after cheating. ⭐⭐⭐

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I enjoy reconciliations but this story reads like a bunch of excuses for women to cheat and adulterers to get off basically scott free.

Regguy69Regguy69over 2 years ago

Many couples go through the “drift” that can occur when children are the central focus of our lives. We get so busy living life and being good parents and providers that we slowly disengage with our spouses. Most couples get through it and reconnect when the kids gain some independence. However, during the “drift” predators, both male and female, may seek to take advantage. Emotional affairs are very common, physical affairs are less likely, but do happen with men more than women. Seems the gals are more susceptible once the kids are of driving age and mom has more “me time.”

The MC fought hard to save his family by forcing his wife’s seducer to back off. I am of the opinion that a spouse should never have to FIGHT to maintain a marriage, beyond simply expressing disagreement with a spouse’s plans. If your spouse has so little regard for you that they would just say “deal with it,” then your relationship is hopelessly flawed and there’s nothing to fight for.

bribenkbribenkover 2 years ago

I've read this story before. Was it yours?

JustOneMansOpinionJustOneMansOpinionover 2 years ago

Excellent story, more realistic then most stories were the husband goes nuclear and burns down the wife, the lover, and the family. It takes a very strong personality to control the urge to rain hell and damnation down on the snake that would try to steal another mans wife just for his own pleasure. Snake maybe the wrong term, it's not fair to snakes to rate them the same class. By thinking of the pain that the slimes wife and two kids would suffer, if it all was made public he showed more class the husband showed more strength then most men. I do think I would have made certain that he was reminded of the error of his ways some night in a dark parking lot or ally. And of course if he wanted to try to have me charged with a crime the reason would have to come out in the trial and become public. 5 stars. Wish there were more stories like this one. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

OK, this Author knows how to write a Loving Wives category story. 5☆

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The fact that he didn't manage to stop her from leaving just shows how much of a pathetic, willing cuck this RAAC idiot is. She'll do it again, and again, and he deserves it for being such a miserable, self-loathing asshole. Your attempt at humor by naming the guy Jonathan Winters? Dated reference, and ineffective. Awful.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Warning to author : Many will hate the “wife suffering from depression” angle. My guess is that those men believe all woman to be evil. The only happy ending, for these guys, is the wife being sold off into slavery.

GrimmerGrimmerover 2 years ago


A decent plot and potentially some great characters. It just felt so … rushed!

tejmjm55tejmjm55over 2 years ago

Nice story .I felt the punishment fit the crime.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Standard stuff. Although I wouldn't have been as nice to Winters. His wife deserved to know the truth. Nobody is THAT nice.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I think I had read this story before .

thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreamerover 2 years ago

PKenny5860: Good story—I rated it a 5, but I do have one question; is this a re-edit and re=-submission?

By the time I read the first couple paragraphs I realized I‘d read this same story before, but I don’t remember the author’s name, so I assume it as you. Was it? cd

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Gave this a 4 and only a 4 because I've read this exact story before. But it had a different name - was it also by a different writer? Couldn't find the same story by PKenny5860 on his/her author's page, but maybe it was pulled down in place of this. But why? It's the same story? Or was this same story posted by another writer, or the same writer under another name? WTF?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Mystery solved - this is "She Said" by kenny8560 from 05/05/19 re-posted as "What!" by PKenny5860 today. PKenny5860 and kenny8560 are the same person, also having double-posted "What was She Thinking?" - site managers, you should pull down the earlier duplicates of both these stories to leave room for new stories, since LW is limited to 200 pages of stories.

BrentJWBrentJWover 2 years ago

Really well told and written. My only problem with this story, and many like it, is the apparently completely out of character for the wife to decide suddenly and unilaterally that it’s ok for her to start dating another man, and the husband should be ok with it. It would seem like she would try to do it deceptively or be prepared for the consequences if telling him before. Unless, there is some reason for her to believe the husband would accept it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I like the way the hub dealt with this. He went nuclear and it worked. Some niave ladies can be seduced by snakes like this guy, sort of grooming of a person that is totally trusting. Shame she didnt trust her hubby enough to save the pain


DanDraperDanDraperover 2 years ago

I don' t know he had to apologize for the so-called "horrific things in to stop last night from happening." He did what he had to do to keep his wife from going out with another man, even if it meant using his kids. Any guy would do what they have to do to stop something like that from happening.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A ridiculous rant. Stupid plot. Cardboard characters. Simply dumb all around. Not erotic either.

rnebularrnebularover 2 years ago

A double post by the same author, meh okay. This entire story felt like one long preaching sermon from the MC, and was stilted to say the least. All other characters said just a few words, but this guy gave whole speeches. 3* average story, thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

your wife a whore and you are a sad little wimp.

GrendelpuppyGrendelpuppyover 2 years ago

Why in the Heck do people keep posting these revenge porn stories on an erotic stories site?

Grow a brain and a pair of testicles or ovaries, whichever is gender appropriate.

1 star only because there is no way to vote zero stars.

GarySmith69GarySmith69over 2 years ago

Im okay with the couple staying married even the best of people cam make mistakes. Would I forgive the wife, maybe, would I forget? Possibly not.

iameaseliameaselover 2 years ago

"Alex, I won't be here. I'm going out tonight." Her voice gave away her excitement at the prospect.

"Who's watching the kids and where are we going? It won't take me long to get ready even though we're moving date night up a day."

EXACT SAME SHIT THAT IS WRITTEN IN EVER DUMB ASSED "IM GOING ON A DATE" story. Walked away. Nothing new, no effort to differentiate it from the other stories of its ilk. Cant tell one apart from the other. Solid 1 for this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

If this was an edit, it was a poorly done edit. The primary problem is punctuating dialogue. You write ever monologue as conversation.


When one paragraph ends with a quotation mark and the very next one starts with a mark, that indicates the character speaking has changed. This is not open for debate or opinion; that's how quotation marks work.


When one character is speaking and is not uninterrupted by narrative or another character talking, every paragraph starts with a mark, but only the last one has a closing mark.

JustOneMansOpinionJustOneMansOpinionover 2 years ago

I read some of your early story's and if this is your story then you seam to have found yourself. The story telling has greatly improved.

muskyboymuskyboyover 2 years ago

wife's remorse was not believable to me. She planned to continue to cheat.

WittonWittonover 2 years ago

Same old, same old ... and they all lived happily ever after.

Not only is the plot worn out from over use, the authors use of language is stilted and the dialog ... well, people don't talk like that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

No better than it was the first time under a different title. The wife's sudden and inexplicable change in character, values, ethics, faithfulness and common sense equate to serious mental illness. Is that supposed to be the "Depression" plot device? Anyway it reflects a marriage that is distant, shallow, and clueless. He never asks his wife how her day was, never drops by for lunch or asks her what she did for lunch that day? Or she just lies and he can't tell after years of marriage? Again, must not be a very close or intimate marriage. He's probably better off without her. Whatever. The entire story, including all the husband's regrets about getting angry was nonsense. I hope it made sense to other readers. Thanks for the effort.

chytownchytownover 2 years ago

***Thanks for the read.

tazz317tazz317over 2 years ago

and what could be the reasons. TK U MLJ LV NV

WargamerWargamerover 2 years ago

I’ve read this before, what’s new that you republished it?

The enjoyed the original and this version appears the same to me.

I’ll give it 4/5. I think that’s what l gave it last time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

sorry her love for you and she openingly cheated sorry time to move on.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I don't see enough in story for him to stay with her. And having him apologise for saving his family?

I don't think any guy would keep her.

You need to give enough in the story to enable the ending. You did to good a job making her vile.

MattblackUKMattblackUKover 2 years ago

I enjoyed this story. Anyone complaining about typos, etc? Just ask for your refund at the door.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Bitch AND Winters should have been destroyed, you wimpass cuck lover!

Monagamous_NowMonagamous_Nowover 2 years ago

I liked it. 5 stars from me!

Dcoppered270Dcoppered270over 2 years ago

I agree with Grendelpuppy. Why is this angry, vengful shit accepted and posted here?

What most come here to read would be something like her having her legs around his shoulders with those " fuck me pumps" still on while he pounded away at her pussy, not this kind of shit. Its a zero stars from me,

SikemSikemover 2 years ago

Constructive criticism.

This story needs two things. Something fresh. A believable wife.

This story has been told many times. And that is fine if you add something new. Something to distinguish it from the other stories.

Also the wife's behavior makes no sense and you never explain it. Why was she such a ball busting bitch in the first place making ridiculous demands and no sympathy for her husband? Then the next day she is begging for forgiveness and begging him to stay?

People, and women in particular are nuanced. The justify their bad behavior and are reluctant to admit being wrong. Married people have a history and tremendous social pressure to stay married. Sure, stuff happens every day, but there is either a gradual decline of a relationship, a major event or a failing in a moment of temptation. I just do not read any of that in the story. Instead a wife decides to ruin her life because a guy is nice and the next day admits it is all her fault?

Finally, everything works too well for the husband. Everyone cooperates. Employers are happy to give employees time off with no notice, and not likely consistent with the company's policy for emergency leave. Her employer transfers the dirt bag that day based on a jealous husband showing up in his office. I bet every traffic light was green for him. The character needs challenges to overcome. He also needs more flaws than yelling at his wife once.

I don't think you are a bad writer, but you do need to make a few changes to make your story interesting and believable.

Thank you for sharing your story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Dear Author,

Plot doesn't differentiate one story from another, especially in LW where there are only a handful of basic plots anyway. What sets a story apart is the characters, the people: there are no two alike. Since we still know very little about the characters by the end of this story, and we certainly don't know them, it comes off as same old, same old. For your consideration.

dark2donut2dark2donut2over 2 years ago

There is way too much talk in this story, talk to wife, to a creep, to boss, to counsellor yadda-yadda-yaddah. There are also many other minuses to it.

1. Unoriginal plot, used many times before, even the thing about wife of seducer coming in later since he had to relocate.

2. "Don Gordon." There is absolutely no reason in hell why he would keep the creep in his job when the guy is on the tenure. And there is no reason why the creep would admit anything to his boss. But just learning about his prior indiscretions and the current one he would be immediately laid off. Who needs a creep like that just to create legal problem for the company. You lose a job in a NY minute upon admitting sexual harassment nowadays in a business environment.

3. Talk again with some "marriage counselor." This is a typical cliché of LW and a nice way to waste money while accomplishing nothing. The psychobabble about "depression" is just plain nonsense. The wife is preparing to cheat, you wrote this:

"lacy black push up bra, and matching panties from Victoria's Secret"

Apparently this is for the purpose of undressing with full knowledge of hubby being aware where she is gone.

What exactly is marriage counselor going to advise here other than trying to find some excuse ("depression") for wife to reconcile. The fact that the writer uses this to rationalize reconciliation is pure bullshit.

I am not disagreeing with the guy trying to save his marriage but he needs to have his wife on board not a marriage counselor giving her excuses. There is a need to start separating finances, to discuss legal separation and see what is the wife's behavior upon a threat like that not to give her a chance to hide behind BS counselling. There is a pretty good chance that she has already left emotionally so the hubby needs to find that out as disappointing as it could be. You do not force people into marriage with psychobabble and moralizing sermons (LW specialty stereotype), you need to find out whether they want to stay or not.

Most importantly you need to come up with some ORIGINAL PLOT, using worn out clichés is really bad writing unless you have something interesting to offer and you have nothing here.

Rob5373Rob5373over 2 years ago

Although there are many issues in this marriage, the main issue is can he trust her going forward. She has shown that she can be easily manipulated and subtly coerced. Beware. Although this theme has been written about many times , it still works. And I enjoy reading them to see what outcome the author has in store. There are few themes that have not been written about in LW if any. So keep up the good stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

utter crap

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Nice work PKenny5860!!

Now, to the haters out there posting. Let's take the ones disappointed that there wasn't any sex. In the LW category there are 3 flavors of stories. RAAC, BTB, and cuck shit. Many of the readers out there fall into the category of 1 and done, BTB. There are some romantics that believe that love triumphs all and can find a way so they love the RAAC. Then there are the freaks that fantasize about their own wives' pussies imitating an ice cream dispenser. Solution is simple, if you are not smart enough to figure out from the title and description what you are reading, then you probably should not be on this site, or just learn to live with disappointment.

And for those bitching that this category of story has been overdone, you are forgetting that there are people who find this site every day. They come on see some of these stories, find a genre that they like, authors that they like and proceed to reading their libraries of submissions. Those libraries will not be found unless the author is active in doing submissions or one of the active authors throws a reference to those libraries where these literary treasures can be discovered.

Ignore the haters. Please keep them coming PKenny5860!!

Drgnmstr97Drgnmstr97over 2 years ago

The little black dress, push up bra and matching panties with the red lipstick SCREAM DATE. This was not a dinner with a coworker friend. She was going on a date and having her not acknowledge this in the story is a glaring hole. This genre has FAR too many offerings of this exact nature trying to pass off the wife as completely cluelessly seduced but not going to actually have sex. No woman wears their sexiest underwear under their LBD without intending to have sex. The story falls apart because of this juxtaposition.

Is there no way to tell this story without it not making any sense? This is a legitimate question. There isn't a single wife on this planet stupid enough to think they can go out on a date when they are married and it be "okay". You paint the picture complete with the other guy kissing her on the lips the last two lunches before the BIG DATE and yet she says she never intended to have sex and would not have agreed to it. There is no logic to wearing your sexiest outfit to go out for dinner and dancing without adding sex to that mix.

I don't know how you fix this glaring error but it always throws me off while reading the wife goes on a date stories.

juderboyjuderboyover 2 years ago

The world is a very unfair place and don't even think about things being equal. When a woman cheats, in any fashion, it is expected that he be the bigger person, to forgive, for the sake of the family. Yet the husband cheats, in any fashion, he is a bastard, son of a bitch, and should be shot. She cheats and he has to go without sex and attend therapy sessions to fix HER problem. He cheats and she bangs anything that moves and is still expected to take her back. And in this story, the attempt to be civil about it is so fucked up. Now, if the husband beat Winters ass first, then made a civil offer, I could understand that. It almost felt like he was about to say "the next time you want to fuck my wife, ask me for permission first". How fucked up is that

Prince020402Prince020402over 2 years ago

"She admitted that it was possible that she may have been charmed into sex but she was adamant that it wasn't planned and she believed that she would have resisted any such overtures of that nature."

Still lying to him, their counselor and to herself. She was going to wear an LBD with Victoria Secret lingerie underneath for goddsake. Don't see this ending well.

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 2 years ago

When a story has to devote 33%-50% of its space to explain the motives and characteristics after the main issue has been resolved (meeting with Sweetie’s boss and The Asshole) it is weak. Also, dragging in ‘depression’ (with no clear rationale to account for that diagnosis) is weak!

Prince020402Prince020402over 2 years ago

One other thing bothered me here. They had been maried 12 years. Their daughter was what??? 9,10 or 11? Old enough to have a cell phone.... In order for her to readily accept that Dad had just told her to lie to Mom and trick her multiple times woukd likely mean that there would have been prior instances where her mother did stupid things and she had to side with her dad to resolve them. Why else would a kid go along with deceiving her mother without question just because her dad told her to? Their would have had to have been more to the story for that to be a plausible reaction.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 2 years ago

The BTBAAC expected nothing less than Alex go full Tony Montana on JW and Amber! They have a hard time expressing that exact sentiment because most of them can't spell, 'cockroaches'. I think the first four letters stop them cold in their tracks!


Nice story. Very good, moderate, measured response from MC. No scorched earth. Blistered, yes, scorched, no. 5/5!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Utter garbage! Apparently, according to the author, women are possessions owned by their husbands. This was idiotic in the extreme.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I see Legio still has that little man, little dick syndrome thing going.

tralan69ertralan69erover 2 years ago


He worked real hard to be a cuck

No one was a cuck in this story. You should quit skimming and read so you don't look any worse than you already are.

tralan69ertralan69erover 2 years ago

@ sbrooks103

"I poured a mug of coffee with cream, two sweeteners, and yellow packet stuff for her." - Two sweeteners AND yellow packet stuff? Yellow packet stuff IS sweetener!

So she likes 3 sweeteners, 2 of 1 type and 1 of the yellow.


"I did horrific things in to stop last night from happening." - Nothing he did was "horrific."

He evidently thought something was horrific. Not for you to say, it's not your story.


Too many large blocks of one-sided dialog.

Again not your story.

penneydog55penneydog55over 2 years ago

Bloody-Hell. Majority of people want a Burning at the stake? She-it in real life a Majority of the male population would beg for the Wayward Wife to come back home . it's called Reality! 5 stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

No fking way take her back... without a post nup!

desecrationdesecrationover 2 years ago

Amber is sort of the John Hinckley of marriage destroyers: "I was depressed, so I'm not responsible for the choices I made, and also the other guy was a bit of a charming snake oil salesman." Yes, and? We all deal with this, all the time. I think John is right and that she cheated on him emotionally; she will do it again.

Grant_GlapsvidhrsonGrant_Glapsvidhrsonover 2 years ago

Grendelpuppy and the anons who don't get it are idiots. If they ever get betrayed by someone who is an oathbreaker, maybe they'll finally get a clue.

SexecutionerSexecutionerover 2 years ago

This writer obviously wants to be the next Ohio. Reed Richards, Carolina Dreamer as Literotica's spineless, wimpy, pathetic beta male.

News flash, it's not something to be proud of....

brian_scoobybrian_scoobyover 2 years ago

Enjoyed this story. You explained his thoughts and processes very well. Yes she stepped over a line. A line by most is excusable with the right reasons and scenarios. His actions were not at all as a cuckold; but as strong man making the best possible decisions and actions for his family. Looks like he was right. Thank-you for this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I find it very difficult to accept the oft repeated crap of excuses by authors regarding depression in females/ PMS/ that allows them latitude to go and act like sluts.. sorry don’t buy that! If that was the case no one would allow a female in higher manage to positions/ positions of decision making authority etc politics..

females are as capable of males to make controlled decisions at every stage! If she fucks around .. it was because she wanted to.. not because she had no control over a neurons! And psychiatrists are nothing but money makers using our own issues.. it’s better sometimes to sit infront if a mirror and talk to the person accross in the mirror! I’ll solve ur issues better and cheaply

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesover 2 years ago

Great story on the keeping a relationship together. Thanks for writing.

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