What a Difference A Day Makes


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Hearing one of her pet nicknames for Patty, I knew she wasn't really mad.

Patty still didn't say anything and I was about ready to start gibbering when the rest of reality flooded in.

"Get your asses dressed, Mom's on her way home. We can talk about things later. Brooke, since it's Friday why don't you ask your folks if you can spend the night. You two will have some things to talk out and now is better than later."

Patty finally smiled and got up, gave her sister a quick peck. I got up much slower, still not sure what planet I was on. Cathy held out her hand and kissed me on the cheek. "I knew you two would discover each other eventually. It's really alright Brooke. Don't fret so."

I hugged her for a sec and turned to follow Patty down the hall to get dressed. Cathy was cool, but Elaine might freak. I glanced back and asked Cathy a question.

"Who took the pictures, Cathy?"

Cathy smiled her "I know something you don't know." smile and answered. "You are quick as well as cute. But Brooke, that's not my secret to tell, not without an OK. Now shoo and get dressed before Patty gets mad at me."

I looked puzzled.

"For making a play for her girlfriend."

I laughed, not taking her interest seriously. I caught up with Patty and we went into her room, arm in arm.

She collapsed on the bed like a huge load was off her shoulders. She took a deep breath and shifted as I snuggled to her. Her arms gathered me in close. "I can't believe this. You don't hate me and Cath seems OK as well."

I leaned over and bit her nipple. She jumped and looked shocked.

"Two things you need to remember, Patty-mine. We are friends, and we have always been able to share, talk, and be honest with each other. Don't ever worry yourself again on that score."

"What is the second thing?"
I leaned my head down and licked the nipple I bit before. She arched her back, pushing her breasts to my face. "The other is that since I will never have a perfect pair of breasts like these, I plan on having them as often as possible from now on."

"Oh Brooke, they are yours, anything I have is yours. My body, my things. You can live here with me, forever."

"Careful, Patty, that sounds like a marriage proposal."

"I will ask you to marry me someday! Count on it."

OMG, did she say what I think she said? Could life get better? Patty's arms relaxed as the relief from her stress made her sleepy. I got up on one elbow and studied her. Relaxed, she was so beautiful. Her face, still showing some of the emotions of earlier made her look vulnerable and more approachable than before. She was breathing slow and steady. Her breasts rising and falling in a gentle rythm. A tiny waist opening up to perfectly proportioned hips. Long legs meeting in a light patch of hair that made me think about the things to come. Being a virgin didn't mean I was ignorant, just inexperienced. Patty wasn't a virgin, well not where boys are concerned. Boys made me think of Tom and the shower. My pussy got hot again, I could feel juices starting to flow as I thought about Patty masturbating, and the feel of Tom's prick.

Without thinking, I pressed my hand to my own pussy and the feeling made me gasp. I was swollen and my hand felt better than ever right there. Pressing my hand flat and rubbing downward made me almost meow like a cat.

A knock at the door, Cathy's voice yelled to us. "Come you two finish changing, Mom brought home dinner."

Patty woke up and I blushed when she saw my hand. "No embarrassment now, Brooke-love." She got up and grabbed for my bottoms. I struggled, but like usual the more powerful Patty won after a brief tussle. She knelt down and looked right up my pussy. "I know what I want for dinner." With that she stuck out her tongue and touched me with it. She hit a nerve because I came instantly, harder and louder than I ever did from touching myself. My breath exploded out of me as all my muscles seemed to cramp. Patty pressed her face against me and I kept writhing like I was a loose power line. OMG, it was tremendous.

I collapsed back on the bed and Patty, with a wet face looked up from my pussy. "Wow, Brooke that was amazing."

Cathy slipped in the door, startling us both. "OK guys, I know you need to do this, but wait until after dinner. Mom's going out and you can do whatever you want then. Clean up your face and both of you get downstairs."

I caught Patty as she stood, kissing her, tasting me on her face.

"Oh you two better find some self-control or you might end up with more than you bargained for."

"Alright already, alright, we are getting up. We'll be right down."

As I swung off the bed, I swear Cathy winked at me, but when I turned back she had already closed the door.

Dinner was nice, but I kept getting distracted every time Patty brushed against me. My own body would betray me as it heated up and I would lose the train of the conversation.

Elaine was quick to notice. "Are you feeling OK Brooke?"

"I'm fine Elaine, just tired for some reason."

We did the dishes, no pots-I love take-out. Patty kept touching me, my back, my hip, my waist. Every touch like a small electrical shock.

What I didn't know at the time was that behind us Elaine raised an eyebrow at Cathy, who nodded slowly. Elaine smiled broadly and mouthed "Do you want me to stay?"

Cathy shook her head and pointed at me, then she shook her hand like a nervous twitch. Elaine nodded her understanding.

"OK girls, since you have cleanup, I'm going to grab a shower and go meet Liz."

Elaine walked out and ignored the noises from the kitchen. She paused when she heard Cathy's voice. "Knock it off you two. Finish up and meet me in the basement once Mom's gone."

Cathy came out and grinned at her mom. Elaine motioned her upstairs.

"So tell me?" She asked, stripping for a shower without a thought to being nude in front of Cathy.

"It was great. I found them on the floor of my room. Brooke in bikini bottoms, Pat naked. It looked like things came to a head and Pat finally opened up to Brooke."

"Sounds familiar, doesn't it?"

"I know Mom, I had the weirdest feeling of deja vue. At least I had enough self-control to keep my hand out of my pants."

"Good thing, little Brooke might have had a heart attack."

"You better quit thinking about Brooke or Pat as little girls anymore. They are older than Anne and I were when we became lovers, but younger than when you busted us . Oh yea, and they found the pictures."

"I forgot all about those. Just yours?"

"That's all I had in that box. The rest is downstairs."

"Pat and Brooke, I can't say I am surprised, not with the moon-eyes Pat has been looking at her with for months now."

"I know, I'm glad. I never did understand how Brooke didn't notice?"

"Brooke's problem isn't that she didn't see it, but she has a hard time believing in herself. She is such a lovely girl, but no self-confidence."

"Keep your hands off, Mom." Cathy said smiling. "You almost wrecked things for me with Anne."

Laughing, Elaine answered. "That was your own fault. You parade that lovely girl in front of your sex-starved old mother, then let me catch you two making love."

"Old my ass, Mom. That wasn't how it happened, and you know it."

Laughing harder, she turned toward the bath. "How much do you plan on telling them?"

"Everything, if it's alright with you, Mom? Anne's coming over as well. Apparently something happened at school today."

"Have fun and give the kids some time to absorb it all. I hate missing Annie."

She'll hate missing you too. She might need a shoulder."

"Not again."

"Yes, her period showed up three days late, another damn false alarm. She said it ended after only three days and was real heavy. No pain, just a heavy flow. She's seeing her GYN next week."

"How sad. She wants this so bad. She'll make a great mom too. Give her my love."

"I will. Now get out of here. Kiss Liz for me. Should I call and warn her she might have her hands full tonight."

"Cheeky girl!" Elaine exclaimed, chuckling as she closed the door.

Cathy went to her room and made a quick call to tell Anne to let herself in and come downstairs.

Patty and I were waiting in the basement, not very patiently. My favorite chair was a soft leather beanbag chair. Patty and were trying to share it, but we couldn't keep our hands off each other and it really looked more like a wrestling match.

Cathy came in and sat on the couch watching with an amused look on her face. "Mom will be gone in a few, so cool it, or will I have to separate you two."

Unabashed Patty paused to stick her tongue out at her sister, while I slipped my hand under her tee, attacking an unprotected rib. That started another round of squealing and we both missed Elaine yelling goodbye from upstairs.

Cathy looked at us, trying to figure out how to get our attention. A loud shrill whistle came through loud and clear.

"I expect you have some questions and I have a few things to tell you. So get comfortable for a few."

I sat in the beanbag, with Patty in front of me. She sat between my legs and I had my hands around her waist. She had her arms under my legs and her hands massaging my calves. We'd sat like this tons of times, but I was never so aware of her presence, or her scent.

Patty took the lead in the conversation. "I'm sorry I was in your stuff, Catty."

"No big deal Pathy. I shouldn't have had that up there."

More nicknames, Pat and Cat, Catty and Pathy. That told me more than anything that Cathy was cool with me and Patty.

"No, I am glad that you did. Otherwise..." Patty looked up at me and made me choke up with emotion. The sheer love seemed to engrave itself onto my heart. I couldn't look away. I leaned down to kiss her and her hands took mine and cupped her breasts with my hands while we kissed.

Cathy let us alone for a few minutes, but cleared her throat when I started massaging Patty's breasts. Oh how I loved her breasts!

I broke the kiss and looked at Cathy. My new found sense of Patty made something obvious about Cathy, she was turned-on as well. Could she want her own sister? That seemed sick. Then I remembered the wink and realized Cathy found me attractive. Could Cathy want to make love with me? No way. I guess she's just turned-on in general.

"Come on guys, you are making this way to hard."

Patty asked another question. "How did it start?"

"Anne and I? We started a lot like you too. You might not remember, it was about 10 or 12 years ago. Anne spent as much time over here with me as Brooke does with you. When we were 16, a girl, a senior, was labeled as a lesbian at school, and you know how nasty kids can be."

Patty and I nodded.

"Anne and I both thought she was cool, and had a hard time dealing with how she was treated after the rumor mill got a hold of her. Well I realized that I was always thinking about Susan, the girl labeled as a lesbian, and I was really curious. One day I got up the nerve to talk to her and somehow she realized that I wasn't asking out of idle curiosity."

"Susan, as in Susan Wright?"

"Yes, Susan. We became close friends, all three of us, if you were wondering. She helped me understand that it was OK to like, and even love a girl. She helped Anne and I in much the same way I hope I can help you two."

I looked at Patty. "Who is Susan?"

You know her, she's a friend of Mom's. I call her Aunt Suze."

"Oh her. She's a lesbian?"

"Yes, she is. She and her partner have been together for a long time. But she doesn't advertise it. After HS she is still sensitive about what people think."

"But you aren't just a lesbian, I saw you and Steve."

"Oh, spying on me as well as going through my closet?"

"It was hard to miss it. You two right here in the basement. I couldn't believe it when I realized what you were doing."

"Well depending on whose book you read, I am either a bisexual, or a confused lesbian." Cathy said laughing. "My own outlook is simple. I care about the people close to me, and if I am attracted, I don't mind getting closer. It just doesn't matter much to me whether it's a guy or a girl. Steve was pretty good, but he wasn't my first. Anne was my first lover."

"Wow. You and Miss T."

"But isn't she married?"

"Yes, as much as I love her, there was one thing I can't give her, a baby. She fell in love with her husband and got married - with my blessing I might add."

"How could you let her do that, if you love her."

"How could I stop her. She was in love, and while she still loves me, she wanted more. If I stopped her I would have lost her completely."

"Do you still...?"

"Yes, we do. Not very often, but we are still love each other very much. Someday I might find someone like her husband, but he better be very understanding of my relationship with Anne."

"Her husband knows?"

"Yes. She was totally up front about it, even though she was scared it would cost her. He doesn't always like it, but he understands."

"Wow, Miss T."

"Around here you can call me Anne" A voice popped in from the stairs.

Jumping about a mile in the air, we both turned to see Anne Terrance walking into the basement. She slid onto the sofa and hugged Cathy close.

"I guess from the conversation and seeing how these two were hanging on to each other, there is a reason to tell them all this?"

"Yes, as we guessed, they 'discovered' each other."

"That's wonderful girls. I am happy for you. As long as it prevents more scenes like this afternoon?"

Patty had the good grace to finally blush.

"What happened?"

"These two snuck over to the boys side and were gone long enough I was going to come looking for them. Then I found them together in the shower, Patty was masturbating and Brooke was trying to cover up for her. It was quite a delectable sight."

Patty blushed deeper for a change. I squeezed her breasts again, which caused her to give a little squawk.

Anne snuggled closer to Cathy and rested her hand on Cathy's thigh. The emotions between them were almost visible.

Patty got her voice back. "So what happens now?"

Cathy spoke, with a look of sadness. "You have some choices to make. I am not asking you if you are bi, like we are, or lesbian, but I do recommend you watch it out in public. While as a group it gets easier and more acceptable every year, it can still get pretty rough individually. And if you are interested in a guy, they tend to get real weird when they discover you also like women. Some of them will dump you like a rock and others want to watch or join in, like it's some kind of entertainment for them."
"How does your husband do it? I mean deal with you being bisexual."

"My situation is different, I no longer consider myself bi."


"I know strange. I don't go to bed with girls, I just go to bed with Cathy and a few very close others. He knew about it before we were married and he mostly understands. It was part of the package."

"He doesn't think of it like you are cheating on him?"

"He would think that if I was out chasing skirts. But I an only interested in a very few women. Mostly Cathy here, but a couple of others that have been part of my life for a long time. I also don't let it interfere with our life together. We are also very busy trying to have a baby."

Anne had a very sad look and Cathy snuggled her closer. "I know baby, not yet. But you will get there."

I guess she was having trouble getting pregnant. There was a girl at HS who didn't seem to have trouble, two kids and 3 abortions in 4 years. I felt bad for Miss T, or Anne, that something she wanted obviously so badly hadn't come true for her yet.

Something came over me and I got up from the beanbag, extricating myself from Patty. I went over to Miss T and knelt down in front of her. Taking her hand, I kissed it gently and put it to my face. "Just don't give up Anne. You'll be pregnant soon. I know it."

Anne smiled and stroked my face.

I went back to Patty and she was looking at me like I had grown two heads or something. I whispered to her. "Look at them, Patty-mine, she came to Cath for comfort."

With that she looked back over at Cathy and Anne. She saw more of the pain that was there. I guess sometimes she has to be hit with a brick. Anne, in pain, comes to the one of the people she loves most in the world, and the one who can't possibly give her what she wants, for comfort. Yes, Cathy and Anne were connected. Maybe someday Patty and I will share a similar bond. Holding her close, and resting my head on her shoulder, we waited until Anne was OK before the conversation continued.

"So we should be careful in public. How about at home."

"Patty, that's easy." I said smugly.

"Oh you figured that one out already."

"The clues were there." I looked at my Patty and asked "Who do you think took the pics?"

"I don't know."

"Go get the pics, let's look at them again."

Patty looked at me funny again. "OK, I'll be right back."

She went up to get the pics, and Cathy looked at me and smiled.

"You are handling things pretty well. I was worried about you."

"Don't worry about me. Patty is more fragile than I am about feelings. She has never had to hide anything, or cover her feelings while I am used to it. She might not understand the whole idea."

"I think she'll be fine, as long as she has you." Anne said to me. Miss T was a real sweetheart, more than at school. I guess I need to learn to separate Anne from Miss T in my brain or I might say something foolish at school. Another thought occurred to me. How does one get her name on Miss T's list?

Patty came back in and laid the pics out on the floor in front of us. Six pictures, all showing Cathy and Anne in various poses. The sixth one was the most erotic. Cathy on her back, obviously in orgasm, while Anne was between her legs tasting her. Like what Patty did to me earlier.

"Look closely Patty-mine."

"All I see are the two of them, no one else."

"Where were the pics taken?"

Studying the background, she said "I think here. They look like the way the house looked several years ago before that re-painting phase Mom dragged us into."

"Aunt Susan, your house, Cathy and Anne, and . . ."

"Mom, you think my mother took these pictures?" She looked accusingly at Cathy.

Anne answered. "Yes, your mother took those pictures and many others."

Looking at Cathy. "Have you and..."

"No Patty. I haven't been having sex with Mom. Come on, that would be awful. She's my Mom."

"Is Mom a lesbian?"

"Now she is. Her and Liz have been partners for a while. She kept it from you to keep from hurting you. She didn't think you would understand."

"Unreal. How..."

"When dad left, she was heartbroken. She didn't date for a very long time. She denied herself sex for even longer. Anne and I had been lovers for a couple of years, and one day she caught us, just like I caught you two today, on the floor on my room only we were doing more than kissing."

"I would have guess she would have flipped out."

"Well she sorta did. She saw us and instead of losing control, she got excited. I guess years of abstinence got to her and she started touching herself in the doorway of my room. At first I was appalled, but Anne seemed to understand her need. Anne and Mom made love on the floor of my room that day. It took a while to sort out, but she really opened up to the world. You wouldn't remember her to well before. She was very quiet, dark clothes, no laughing. It was like she had become a little old widow lady. When she opened up sexually, her whole outlook changed. She and Susan got very close, but she really came all the way back to life when she met Liz."