What a Difference A Day Makes


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Patty gave Anne a good morning hug, which also turned into a nice kiss. This was going to take some getting used to. Sitting at the far end of the table, to far out of the way to reach was a person I had heard a great deal about but never met. Liz was a striking woman, not an old soul, but a young one. Elaine stood next to her and you could almost see the link between the two.

"Hi Liz." Said Patty from her perch in Anne's lap. "Liz, this is Brooke, who I think you might have heard me mention once or twice."

Laughing, she replied. "Oh only once or twice. More like one or two thousand times. And that was just last weekend. Brooke, honey, this girl has been going out of her mind to get your attention for months now. It's nice to finally meet you."

"I heard a lot about you as well, just none of the juicy bits until last night."

Another very nice laugh. "Pretty and smart, now I know why Cathy and Elaine have always spoken highly of you."

Looking around the room. "No partner for you Suze?"

"No, Pam is out of town. She's a buyer for a large store and travels a great deal. I can't travel that often with my job."

"Is that hard?"

"Sometimes, but the reunions are well worth it!"

We all laughed, breaking the obvious tension. What had me worried was why the tension existed and where Patty and I fit in.

Even Patty caught the undercurrent and started looking around.

Anne noticed, and told us what was up. "Let's let them in on it, they think it has something to do with them." Looking at us, she continued. "Liz lost her job yesterday. We are trying to figure out why."

"Don't lots of people lose their jobs?"

Suze explained. Liz's boss may have laid her off because of her relationship with Elaine. If that's true then it's illegal."

"Can you sue him, Liz?"

"Yes, Patty, but it's not that simple. First I have to prove he knew and that was the only basis for firing me. That's hard, but what's harder is that my entire life may be under a microscope and my family may get hurt. That included my dead-from-the-neck-up ex, my kids, and all of you."

Suze continued the narrative. "Even with the laws in place offering some protection, proving it is difficult, and it frequent opens the accuser to recriminations which can stretch to anyone involved, even remotely."

Tossing in my own two cents. "It's like a rape case we studied about in school from 20 years ago. While laws made it illegal, proving it meant the victim put up with an incredible amount of harassment both in and out of court until the laws finally caught up. Even now it takes real courage to face down a rapist and get his ass tossed in jail."

Patty beamed at me.

"Very good, and also very right I am afraid." Suze said.

Liz summed it up. "The bottom line is whatever I decide to do, I'll let you all know so you can prep yourself in any way possible."

Elaine looked worried. "Brooke, you might have to talk to your mom and dad about this sooner than we thought.

"Oooo, I didn't think of that."

Anne lightened everyone's mood. "Yea, she has to figure out if boys are in her future. Like a certain Thomas W."

I think I blushed clear down to my toes. Even Patty was laughing and she was the cause for everything that happened yesterday. I saw Tom's penis, kissed it, and hours later I was making love with Patty, Cathy, and Anne. Still the kiss on the..."

Patty points at me, "She's getting redder, I bet I know what she's thinking."

"No you don't or you would be covering your ass right now!"

She took off running, with me in hot pursuit to the peals of laughter from the rest of my new family.

Catching her was easy, tackling on to her bed was easy, pinning her ass down was hard. I might be quick, but she was strong.

We wrestled around, losing the robes eventually. She finally pinned me down and looked down on me with a smirk. "Protect my butt, I don't see a threat to my ass."

I yielded, silently vowing revenge. She curled up with me and she brought up yesterday again.

"About Tom, that wasn't a set-up. I was just goofing and grabbed the opportunity when it happened."

"You grabbed more than an opportunity."

Giggling. "So did you, Brookell. You were so sexy."

"I was scared to death."

"Of Tom, he wouldn't hurt you."

"Partially of Tom, but mostly getting caught. I would have run if you hadn't held me."

"I'm glad I did. I have been looking for a way to get through to you sexually forever. You either ignore my comments, or make a wiseass remark. I couldn't get you to open up."

"I know Patty-mine, but you have me now, we are past it."

"Not completely we're not. You are still a virgin and I know you liked what happened with Tom."

I blushed again as I remembered the look and feel of his penis. My blush seemed to go right to my pussy which got all warm again. Patty looked at me with her 'mind-reading' look on her face. She put her head down on my chest.

"Are your folks home today?"

"No, they are in the city today."

"Why don't we clean up and spend the day over there, I wouldn't mind a little privacy."

"Sounds good."

She jumped up, suddenly a bundle of energy. She practically tossed me in the shower and went to scrounge up something for me to wear.

We made our goodbyes to the war council and headed to my place.

"Alone at last." Patty-mine announced. "My house was looking like Grand Central, no privacy."

"I was feeling like I was in a fishbowl, everyone looking and smiling."

She hugged me. "But they do mean well, they were starting to get on my nerves too. Anne and Cathy were pretty amazing last night."

"I know, Miss T is hot! I know a school full of guys who would kill to do what we did."

"I know, that was so cool. And you were hot to, sucking on Cat like."

"She tasted so good."

"Well you warned me you liked breasts. I know how much fun they are, Anne's are even bigger than mine."

"Mmmmmmm, yes, hers were wonderful."

"Yours are pretty nice to."

"Mine are nonexistent."

Patty got a sad look. "Brookell, you are gorgeous, and I love you, but quit griping about your titties. They are absolutely perfect. These monsters are annoying except when you are sucking on them."

She got on top of me and lifted up my tee. When her lips touched my breasts I knew I would never complain about them to her again. She made love to my breasts, lavishing on them all the love and attention they craved. She made me feel like a EEE, and it felt so good.

Her focus left me breathless, and so excited. Cathy's shorts, worn without panties, was soaking through the material. The light blue color was darkening in the crotch. My Patty, my perfect Patty, was making me feel so good. She loved me and she liked my breasts. When she looked back up at me, from my now wet chest, she pulled my top back down and gave me such a kiss, my toes curl just remembering it. She leaned back and looked me over, looking like the cat that ate the canary. I went to touch her face to pull her in for another kiss, when the damned doorbell rang.

Patty got up. "I'll get it, you are showing way to much right now."

She was right. The tee-shirt was all wrinkled, and damp across both of my breasts. The white shirt was almost translucent, showing my hard nipples. The shorts looked almost like I peed in them. More important, I might have torn off the head of whoever interrupted us!

Patty came back in. "Brooke, look who stopped by." She moved to one side and guess who, of course-Tom. I wanted to kill her, and him. I screeched and ran for cover, but he still got a good look at the state I was in.

Patty found me back in my bedroom changing clothes. I was steamed. "You called him, didn't you?"

"Yes, but I did it for you."

"For me?" I shrieked.

She grabbed me, holding me in spite of my struggles. Damn Amazon! How can she embarrass me like this.

"Brookell, calm down. You know he's been on your mind since the shower."

I hugged her, crying.

"It's OK Brooke, it's OK to be scared."

"I'm not scared."

"Yea you are. I know how frustrated you've been over sex, and guys, and your breasts."

I sniffed at her.

"I love you, and you would have never touched him without being pushed a little."

She was so right, but it hurt to face it.

"But I saw you when he stripped. You might have run, but I think you would have stayed anyway. You need this, Brooke-love."

I sniffed again. "But why, how?"

"Think of this as a gift. You made me repeat every second on my sex life, you hung on every word. Afterwards your nipples were tight and I could tell you were excited."

"I'm not scared, I am petrified. What if..."

"What if what? What if he doesn't like you. Honey he's here for you, not me. Oh he would fuck me, but he likes you, and you like him."

"What if he doesn't..."

"He will have no problem. He came to attention fast in the shower, and he wasn't looking at my tits, but at you. You didn't notice because you were staring at something else."

"What if I can't?"

"That's one I can only encourage you on, not twist your arm. I'll set some ground rules, but this really between you two."

"Patty, I don't know."

"Brookell-love, at least talk to him. We'll just go with the flow. Get presentable and come out when you're ready. But fair warning, if you take to long I'll either come in and get you or fuck him myself."

She hugged me tight and went back out there.

As I got cleaned up, I heard some loud words, Patty and Tom fighting?

I came out slowly, Tom looked angry, Patty looked like she was about to start laughing. She saw me before Tom did.

"So you made it." Tom's head came up. His eyes took me all in. "Tom is mad at me."

"About the shower?" I asked, looking at Tom.

"Oh god no, he thinks I set either him up for a practical joke, or you. I think he would be madder if I was doing something to you.

Tom glared for a moment at Patty-mine.

"Tom?" Addressing him directly for the first time. "Don't be pissed at Patty, She can be a pest, but she understands me better than I do myself."

Patty smiled at me, and Tom looked down.

"How did my conniving friend get you over here?"

"She said you wanted to 'see' me again." He had the good grace to blush at the emphasis on the word 'see'.

I smiled at Tom and sat down on the loveseat. Tom was on the couch, Pat in my Dad's chair.

I looked at Pat and shrugged asking 'OK, now what.'

Patty-mine took over. "Tom, here are the ground rules. My good friend Brooke really liked our brief visit in the shower and would love to continue the conversation. She's not sure exactly how far she wants to go, but rest assured you will leave here well taken care of."

He shifted nervously. "What about after?"

"If you two start dating, good for you. But if not, no whining, crying, or carrying on. Also whatever happens here stays here. One comment, one rumor, one stab in her or my back and I will make sure you regret it."


"No, a promise. There are a number of very nice girls who the rumor mill has tarred with ugly labels. Guys shoot their mouths off and girls have no defense."

Tom looked defensive. "I don't do that!"

"I know, but I want to make sure you understand."

"What would you do?"

"How quickly would it get around the school that Brooke asked you out and you broke her heart when you told her you were gay?"

Unreal, Patty plays hardball. Tom looked shocked.

"Suppose your little secret is that you are in love with Sean R."

"Fuck, the quarterback. The football team would rip me to shreds."

"Do you see how unhappy hurting Brooke would make me?"

I was in shock, this was another facet of Patty few even guessed about, let alone seen.

Tom looked nervous now. "Tom, you know me, and I shoot straight. I don't know what may happen here today, but no matter what it stays here."

"OK! But that goes for you two as well."

"Yea like us bragging would hurt you to much."

"Maybe, maybe not, but I like my personal life kept out of cafeteria discussions."

"Then we all agree?"

I gave a quick nod, not seeing Tom do the same. My clean dry shorts, even with the panties were feeling warm already. My overactive imagination was taking me places I never dreamed of.

"I do have a couple of questions." Tom asked. "Brooke, is this something you want? I mean it's not something Patty is pushing you into."

Patty snorted at that idea.

Tom was looking intently, like he cared about me. I could see it for the first time. Smiling at him, I answered. "No Tom. Patty can push me a little, but she knows how stubborn I can really be."

Patty was reduced to snorting again.

"Do you have any idea how strange this is?"

"Yes, but it should be fun."

We sat there kind of unsure, when Queen Patty resurrected herself and tossed a suggestion on the floor. "How about we pick up right where we left of on Friday."

I looked down at the floor, and Tom cleared his throat.

"All right, no getting shy now."

No one moved.

Patty laughed. "Fine, I will start things, again. She stood and slipped off her top. Her wonderful breasts still covered by her bra. She slid off her shorts, kicked off her shoes and socks in the process.

As Patty sat down, Tom's feet must have gotten colder. "What about your parents?"

"Not to worry, they are in the city at an estate auction and won't be back for a while."

My mom owned a small, selective, and very successful antique store and interior design center. She makes lots of trips to look at stuff. Dad and I travel with her all the time. I could be looking at antiques right now instead of hoping, and fearing, Tom and his penis. I think I'm in the right place!

Patty took her bra off, and it was hard to resist the urge to go over and taste them again. But no reason to give Tom more info than he needed. My pussy started feeling that wonderful wet feeling again.

"Your turn."

Tom stood, calmer I thought until I saw his hands shake. He took off his shirt. Not a bad chest, thin, but not really skinny, could use more sun.

He looked away from me and dropped his shorts, his penis was partially hard - making a strange looking lump in his underwear. He went to sit down, but Patty stopped him. "Drop the shy act and the briefs."

He complied a lot easier than I thought he would. His cock didn't look as hard, or as intimidating as it did yesterday. He sat and looked at me.

Swallowing nervously, I stood, refusing to look at Tom, I kept eye contact with Patty. I doubt her smile could get any bigger as I took off my top, no bra like usual. Trying to not throw up from the nerves. The shorts go down easily over my hips. I try and keep my panties on, but Patty wasn't buying it.

"Take 'em off as well, girlfriend."

I hesitated and felt someone touch and hold my hand. "Lay off, Pat, you are pushing her to far."

He held my hand and pulled me over to the couch. He sat down and pulled me next to him. I resisted, and found myself again on my knees in front of him, staring at his cock. It was so ugly looking, it was beautiful. Taking my hand he put it on it, I curled my hand around it, feeling it pulse. It got harder, just like it did yesterday. Was that just yesterday? So much has happened since then.

Tom whispered to me. "I've thought about nothing but you since yesterday."

I wish I could tell him the same thing, but it wouldn't be true. I was to amazed to say much of anything.

"You can hold it tighter, it's not glass."

I squeeze slowly, watching the tip expand. You know reading about this in sex ed doesn't have the same impact as seeing it, feeling it. My pussy was wet, soaking through the cotton of my panties.

My hand held him when his larger hand surrounded mine. He slowly moved his hand, making me stroke his cock. It felt so weird, the skin moving over the surface, bunching up under the tip, then smoothing to a silky feel. It felt larger, and the head was a darker red. His hand left mine, and I continued to stroke it, fascinated. Tom opened his legs wider and leaned back on the couch. I looked up at his face and he was watching me, suddenly I felt all self-conscious again. My hand stopped. He sat back up. "It's OK, Brooke, it feels wonderful, please don't stop."

Emboldened, I start stroking him harder. The head turned even darker as he leaned back again. On my own initiative I kissed it again. The tip was less rubbery this time. Remembering all the dirty books Patty and I shared, and seeing some porno’s at another friend's house during a slumber party, I knew about a blowjob, but thought the idea was pretty silly. I was smart enough o know that blow was only an expression. I guess sucking would be a better label. Sucking cock, eating pussy, just two sides of the same coin. I needed to try this!

I took his head in my mouth and kept stroking while catching my teeth lightly around the edge of the tip. Rubbing with my tongue I heard what had to be a satisfactory moan from Tom. He liked it! I guess I was doing something right. Alternating between sucking and licking, I watched the tip go from a dark, dark red toward almost purple. His hips were moving slightly in time with my stroking. In some ways he looking like Patty about to cum when it hit me that he was, cool!

He stopped me and told me he was about to shoot and that if I wasn't careful I would get it right in the mouth. Patty knelt down next to me and told me it was OK to go ahead and eat it. So I kept up what I was doing and after a few minutes, he started grunting. I felt the first bit move up his cock, almost feeling like a garden hose filling with water. The first bit hit me in the top of the mouth and I managed to swallow it without choking. Tom hands grasped my head and he seemed to be trying to force it further down my throat. I held him tight and felt his cum push into my mouth in a semi-steady flow. I tasted it then, a little sharp - maybe like over chlorinated pool water. Not very good, but the way he reacted I knew he didn't care what I thought at that moment. His cock seemed to be full as it kept me swallowing. I think I like breast-feeding better !

When he finally stopped, I released his cock and I could see his cum was all over the tip. A small amount still leaked out, so I licked the tip and swallowed it. It wasn't bad, but Patty tasted much better!

Tom fell back on the couch and I let go of his cock, it was much softer now. Patty hugged me and I was tempted to go down on her to get an immediate comparison. "That was great, you did better than I did my first time."

"Having you tell me about it helped, also those movies we watched at Kari’s."

"Oh yea, those movies. 8 girls all trying to finger themselves late that night while we watched. Each of us sure none of the others did something like that and would have died if anyone really noticed."

I thought about it and she was right. All the movements later after the lights when down could have only been masturbating girls. I thought I was the only one what got turned on by it. What a party that might have turned out to be if we had only known at the time.

I stood and Patty gave me a full body to body hug. That felt so good. Tom stirred and looked up at me. "That was terrific Brooke.!"

I actually felt pride. Pride because I could suck his penis? Silly, but that's what I felt at the time. I was also feeling so excited, so turned on. My pussy might have been a faucet left wide open because of how wet I was feeling.

Patty grabbed my hand and dragged me toward my bedroom. "Come join us when you are 'up' to it Tommy."