What are the Odds?


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The ever eager Logan said, "So, how do we start this?"

"Good question," Ryan agreed.

"Guess I can." Logan again. He leaned over to kiss Isabella.

She pulled her head back, stopping him and asked, "Out of curiosity, why start with me?"

That took him aback. He had to think about it. "I thought that was the point of this; to swap partners."

"Was that the point?"

"I thought that it started because we all had stagnating marriages, didn't we?"

"Yes," Ryan readily agreed.

"And that caused us to become involved with someone else, which led to us all together. I thought we all wanted to do it again. Is that not correct?"

"It is," Ryan again agreed. "But—and I don't mean this as a criticism—my wife is a psychologist and she has to psychoanalyze everything."

"I get that. Lindsey takes a PR approach to everything."

Lindsey merely shrugged.

"Okay. Maybe we do need to analyze it before jumping in. I think it's fair to say that when you've been with the same person for a long time, things become familiar," Logan reasoned. "Sometimes too familiar. And that leads to taking the other person for granted."

"And maybe boredom," Ryan put in.

"You were bored?" Isabella asked.

Before he could respond, Logan went on, "And to put a finer point on it, sex always seems to be the first casualty. Wouldn't you say, Isabella?"

"Yes, it frequently is."

He shrugged. "Maybe as a guy, after putting your penis in the same vagina all the time, the excitement is lost."

"Maybe even to the point of not attempting anything new," Lindsey added. "And for the woman, that same penis in her vagina just doesn't do anything for her any more."

Logan did a double-take at his wife over her revelation. "Then you innocently meet someone, and one thing leads to another and a new vagina—"

"Or penis," Lindsey interjected.

"—is just what you need. You feel rejuvenated. And to take it a step further, for me, with all that familiar sex, I only see it from one position—looking at her face in missionary or her back in doggy-style. Then I have the chance to see Lindsey having sex with another man and I'm seeing the entire picture. I'm seeing what she looks like while being fucked. And it's the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Call me weird or a pervert, but I want to see my wife being fucked!"

Lindsey was grinning ear to ear.

"Is that what you want, Ryan?" Isabella asked.

He merely bobbed his head from side to side.

Seeing no concession from the other woman, Lindsey said, "Isabella, if you don't want to do anything, just say so and we can just visit. There's plenty beer and wine."

"Can we just talk about something else for a while?" Isabella nervously requested.

And so, they did. They discussed a few non-sexual subjects. They also enjoyed Lindsey's pastries. At one point, the bulge in Logan's pants provided a moment of possibility for Isabella, but indecision prevented her from acting on it.

Finally, Lindsey yawned. "Can I get anyone anything else?"

Isabella took that as a cue. "No. It's getting late. We really should be going." As they were escorted to the door, Isabella apologized. "I'm sorry about tonight. I thought I was ready, but I guess I wasn't."

"It's okay," Logan said, as though it was the thing to say. "Call us if you change your mind."

* * *

In the car, Ryan said, "That sounded final."

"I'm sorry, Ryan. I just didn't feel right about this."

"I just wish you had said something before we went over there."

"I was hoping that once we got there I'd get in the mood."

"Well, maybe in time you'll change your mind."

* * *

"Well, I don't know about you," Lindsey remarked as they cleaned up, "but that wasn't a complete surprise."

"No. I had my doubts," Logan agreed. "She didn't sound completely certain at dinner last week. Maybe she'll come around."

"Wouldn't hold my breath."

"No, I won't." But he did intend to call her In a few days.

* * *

Both couples tried to resume some type of normal marriage over the next two weeks. That included regular sex a couple of times a week. They tried to recall and relive their better times. They wanted to believe they were succeeding, but not one of the four were certain they were.

Isabella continued to struggle with participating in another foursome. Given the sex she and Ryan were having, a part of her kept wanting to believe it would get better; the other part thought it only would with Lindsey and Logan.

Logan wanted desperately to call Isabella, talk to her, see why she really chickened out. Maybe she would be more comfortable with just him. After that first Friday, they had discussed an affair, even set a time to meet again—though that had come and gone. But he kept fearing further rejection, so he hadn't done it yet.

Both Ryan and Lindsey were just looking forward to their next business trip, which they had discussed that Friday after they finished but before running into Isabella and Logan. They had talked about meeting in the airport lounge again when they returned. Each wondered if the other would.

* * *

Their kiss goodbye actually suggested that Ryan and Isabella would miss each other as he departed for his business trip. More realistically, each wondered what the hell they were going to do for the week, what with having all the free time. Of course, they would both be working, but there was still a lot of unaccounted for time.

Even though the sex had been better, but not great, life had been more tolerable, and Ryan thought he might actually miss his wife. That is, until he boarded his flight.

"Is this seat taken?"

She looked up, a huge smile forming on her beautiful face. "What are you doing here?" a suddenly excited Lindsey asked.

"I'm on this flight," he told her with a big grin of his own. "And I guess you are, too."

It was an airline that didn't have reserved seats.

"You better sit down."

When he did, she lifted the armrest between them and took his arm in both of hers.

"I'm so happy to see you," Lindsey said in a tone that underscored her statement. "Hope you are, too."

"Why wouldn't I be?"

She shrugged. "After our last get together . . ."

"Wasn't your fault. I should be the one apologizing."

"Wasn't your fault, either."

"As I said that night, Isabella has to psychoanalyze everything, which often leads to unwanted conclusions."

"For what it's worth, neither Logan nor I had high hopes for that evening." They paused to listen to the flight attendant's recital of the safety rules, which both could do in their sleep. "So where do you and I stand? We had talked about meeting in the airport lounge after this trip."

"I'm pretty sure now I would have."

"So, would I. Does that mean things have not improved at home?"

Fortunately, there was no one in the third seat on the row, so Ryan explained, "Actually, it has in the sense that we've been trying, and even though the sex is a little better, it's still a long way from where it was or could be. You?"

"About the same."

"Should I hope you're staying at the Washington Marriott?" she asked.

With a grimace, he said, "Grand Hyatt."

Still her face lit up. "That's across the street!"


"So, you don't want to get together?" There was instant disappointment in her voice.

"Oh, is that what you meant?" he asked with a smirk.

"You're fucking with me, aren't you?"

"No. Hopefully, that will come later tonight."

"Bet your ass I better come later tonight!"

* * *

Oddly enough, the hesitancy that Logan had had in calling Isabella after that fateful Saturday disappeared once he knew his wife was off on her long-awaited business trip. Dialing Isabella's number suddenly became a lot easier.

He was encouraged when she answered on the first ring. They exchanged the customary "Hellos."

"I'm surprised you didn't call sooner after that Saturday night," Isabella told him.

"I wanted to," Logan admitted. "But I kept putting it off because I wasn't sure you really wanted to hear from me, so I gave you some time."

"And now?"

"Lindsey left on a business trip this morning, so I thought it would be a good time to try."

"She did? Ryan did, too."


"I wonder if they planned that," Isabella mused.

"I doubt it. She's had this trip planned for a while."

"You keep track of her trips?"

"I recently started."

"I used to know when Ryan's trips were, but then I got to a point where I didn't care anymore."

"Where was he going?"

"I don't know," Isabella admitted. "I never ask. Where was Lindsey going?"

"Washington, DC."

"Doesn't mean anything. So, why are you calling?"

"I wanted to know if you wanted to meet again at our favorite wine bar?"

"Our favorite?" Isabella repeated with a chuckle. "You mean the place we've only been to once?"

"That's the one."

"I would have thought you were mad at me because I backed out of that Saturday night."

"No. I had a suspicion you wouldn't go through with it. You just didn't sound all that sure when we went to dinner. So, what do you say, will you meet me?"

"When and what time?"

"Today. Four p.m. "

Isabella had thought about Logan a few times in the last two weeks. Mostly, it was after she and Ryan had had sex and she wondered why sex with Logan was so much better, even though it had improved a bit with her husband. Undoubtedly, meeting at the wine bar would be a prelude to going somewhere to have sex. Did she really want to restart that? She needed more time to think, so she said, "Guess if I show up, you'll have your answer."

"Okay. I'll be waiting." It wasn't the answer he was looking for, but neither was it a no.

"If I do," Isabella added, "it might only be for a glass of wine."

"Understood. I'll still be waiting."

Isabella mostly worked from home, but now, after Logan's call, it was difficult to concentrate on anything else. A part of her wanted to go because she probably would give in and have sex and that it would be good. The bigger issue was that if she went and they had sex, it would likely be the start of an ongoing affair. Did she really want that?

She attempted to perform small tasks around the house as she mulled over what to do. However, the decision was pretty much made for her when she was collecting both Ryan's and her clothes to drop at the cleaners. Going through his pockets, she came across a folded-up page that had his itinerary for this trip. He was going to Washington, DC and he had booked it after meeting Lindsey.

Wearing the same dress she had that Saturday night, Isabella arrived at the wine bar fifteen minutes early, and was not surprised that the ever-anxious Logan was already there. If she were to be early also, that would suggest to him an eagerness on her part, and though she kind of was, she didn't want to convey that message, so she waited in her car until 4:05.

He was all smiles when she approached the out of the way table he had selected, and he promptly slid from his stool to greet her. He made a move to kiss her, but he halted until he was certain why she had come. Isabella picked up on that but did nothing about it. Like him, the purpose of this get together had not been established. He did give her a token hug.

"Glad your answer was positive," Logan said by way of greeting.

Isabella offered her best smile.

"What would you like?" Logan asked when the server appeared.

"How about something bold?"

"I like bold."

She read the double meaning. "Turley Zinfandel."

"A bottle. And a cheese tray," he told the server.

"A bottle? Someone's feeling positive."

He grinned. "No, just bold."

"I want to apologize again for that Saturday night."

"Does this mean you've changed your mind?"

Ignoring the question, she showed him Ryan's itinerary. As he read it, Isabella asked, "Where was Lindsey staying?"

"She always stays in Marriott Hotels."

Isabella pulled out her phone and searched Washington, DC for Ryan's hotel. "The Washington Marriott is right across the street."

"Yeah, that's where she's staying. I wonder why they didn't stay at the same hotel?"

Isabella shrugged.

"They were on the same flight," Logan reported, seeing Ryan's itinerary.

Shaking her head, Isabella asked, "What are the odds that this is all coincidental?"

"Got to be pretty high. Does it bother you?"

Again, Isabella shrugged. "I guess I thought Ryan and I were really trying."

The wine was served, and they had to wait for the server to uncork it and pour a taste. Logan pushed the taste to Isabella, she approved.

After the server poured and left, Logan asked, "So, why did you come today?"

"Finding that itinerary made me want to find out where Lindsey was staying." She saw the instant disappointment on his face. "But I did want to see you again."


"Because when you and I were here the first time, I felt very comfortable with you. You were very gentlemanly, not pushy. The fact that both our marriages were not in a good place made me want to spend more time with a man who really seemed interested in me. It was easier than it should have been to go with you to the hotel. But it was also very spontaneous. If I had taken the time to think about it, I probably wouldn't have done it. And to top it off, the sex was great. Even though Ryan and I have been trying to get back to where we were, I haven't felt like I did that night."

"Nor have I," Logan agreed. "What about what we did with Lindsey and Ryan?"

She paused to sip her wine. "Running into, or being caught by, our spouses, and the fact that we were all cheating was surreal, as was all of us going to one room. And then, we all kind of dared each other to prove we were good. We wanted to see what the other person was like, how different he or she was from our spouses, and what he or she did with that made it so good for the other person. I don't think any of us really thought about what we were doing. We were just all caught up in the moment. Sure, it was erotic. Even to think we wanted to do it again. But it also was eye-opening knowing that my husband was as dissatisfied as I was and that he had sought the same solution, even though for both of us it started out innocent."

"I'm sensing you have no further interest in a foursome," Logan mentioned.

"I'm not sure what purpose the first one served. I saw that my husband could be satisfied by another woman and that I was satisfied by another man." She shrugged, munching on cheese and sipping wine. "But it didn't tell me if the issue with my marriage was me, or was it him, or both of us. And now, he's with her, I'm here with you; do we really not have the interest we say we do? And what about you and me? Was the great sex we had just a one-time thing? Did we just get lucky that night?"

"You know there's only one way to find out."

"Yes, I know. I want to feel like I did that Friday night."

"A hotel again? Or since both of our spouses are gone, one of our homes?"

Isabella considered the question. "Let's see how it will be at home. A woman might be able to sense if another woman has been in her home. A man, not so much. We'll go to my house."

Logan had the server cork the bottle of wine and wrap the cheese tray to bring with them. Isabella went on ahead.

When she arrived home, she did a quick walk through to make certain everything was in order. In the master bath, she checked herself in the mirror. She was mostly pleased by what she saw and was actually becoming nervously excited by what was about to happen. The dress she was wearing was nice, but she considered quickly "slipping into something more comfortable." She stripped down to a revealing bra and panties while rummaging through her closet.

And then, the doorbell rang. Again, looking at herself in the full-length mirror, in sheer black bra and panties and black heels, she wickedly grinned at herself and went to answer the door like that.

Logan's eyes nearly popped out of his head upon seeing her. And he couldn't have been happier to see her like that. He put the wine and cheese down on the nearest table, walked up to her and put his arms around her waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck and they engaged in a passionate kiss. He quickly removed his jacket, tossing it on the closest chair, and they moved on to the living room where he laid her down on an oversized ottoman. He kissed her neck, nibbled on her earlobes and kissed her breasts through her bra.

Spreading her legs, Logan knelt between them as their lips met again. Pausing a moment, he stood to remove his shirt, heaving it over with his jacket and again knelt. Isabella sat up and their mouths joined once more. Her heart beat with excitement as he laid her back down and pulled the cups of her bra down to expose her nipples so he could suck them.

He glimpsed the big smile on her face and it made him feel wonderful, more so than he already did. Reaching behind her, Logan deftly unclasped her bra, whipping it off. He took a moment to enjoy the magnificent sight before him. Isabella's beautiful face still smiling, the perfect mounds of her breasts standing up on her chest and the dramatic drop to her flat abdomen. He had to taste those lips again.

Lying next to her, he tilted her slightly on her side, but not so much that he couldn't still enjoy those succulent lips while allowing his hand to explore her soft tits, and ultimately, sliding it beneath the waistband of her panties. The contact of his fingers with her pussy had her sucking in her breath and purring softly as she was receiving what she had longed for. As his digits continued to dance over her vagina and clit, occasionally dipping into her hole, Isabella couldn't help but let herself go and have a delightful orgasm. As she writhed around, her hands latched onto whatever it could grasp, one being his hard cock through his pants.

Logan yanked her panties down as far as he could, and she kicked them off the rest of the way. While she did that, he rapidly undid his trousers, removing them and his underpants in one swift motion. Her hand was back around his cock instantly. She jerked him as they kissed another time. His fingers were playing with her once more, and it didn't take long for her to become aroused again. So much so, she wiggled her hips around above his cock to where she could guide him inside her.

Isabella was now in a fog of pleasure. Both were slightly on their sides, her leg was draped over his hips to open her pussy wide for his delicious cock to penetrate her, her arm was bent back around his neck, his hand cupped her neck while his other played with her breasts.

Isabella hadn't realized how desperate she was for a good fuck as he pumped her furiously. She took his hand from her breasts and held it. To her amazement, she came again in another mind-blowing climax. Her brain was so overcome with pleasure and desire, she immediately pulled out, got on her hands and knees and sucked his cock, slimy with her pussy juices. She'd never been big on blowjobs, giving them to Ryan only because it was necessary. But she wanted this cock so bad, she sucked him for all she was worth.

Logan moaned and groaned. It wasn't the best oral sex, but like her, his mind was in such a blissful cloud, it felt better than anything in the world.

As she mindlessly sucked, Isabella felt an itching in her pussy again. She'd already come twice, but her kitty wanted more. So, she mounted Logan cowgirl and she bounced while he pumped viciously, and they fucked like there was no tomorrow. So rough were they that he slipped out, and knowing he was ready to come, he held her abdomen against his cock and used one hand to rub his dick against her. She then grasped his rod and pumped it until he filled her hand with pearly, white liquid while groaning harsh, throaty sounds. She smeared his cum all over her belly.