What are the Odds?


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"You think you'll get tired of me?"

"Hope not."

"And does your not staying married option include us remaining together?"

"Is that what you want?"

"Truthfully, I don't know what I want." Lindsey clarified, "I mean, I don't think we're far enough into this to know what we really want. After all, this trip was a complete coincidence. So, we wouldn't otherwise be even thinking about these things. But I guess I need to amend what I said. I don't know what I want long term. For the immediate future, I do want us to continue. And I would hope that if we reached the point of not wanting to stay married, it would be because we've fallen in love and want to be together permanently."

"I agree. And when I said reaching a point where we don't want to stay married, in the back of my mind, I was thinking it would be because we fell in love."

Lindsey smiled. "I'm glad to hear that, and that we're on the same page."

They fell asleep in each other's arms and woke up not caring that they had actually slept together. Ryan returned to his hotel to get ready for the day and pack, went for the day's business, and he and Lindsey met at the airport mid-afternoon. They sat very close on the flight home and their moods were subdued knowing it would be some time before they saw each other again.

As they stepped off the plane, Lindsey asked, "Can we have one last drink together in our favorite lounge before going home?"

"I think we need to."

* * *

"Buy me a drink?"

Sitting at the bar, Ryan turned sharply to his right.

Lindsey was about to do the same when a man asked, "Can I buy you a drink?" So, she swung to her left. "Logan?"

"Isabella?" Ryan said.

Logan was still nervous about what Isabella's motive was. When she drove to the airport and he questioned her, all she said was, "Trust me."

"Imagine finding the two of you here," Isabella said. "But then, we did imagine it because we did find you here."

Both Ryan and Lindsey were completely stunned.

But Ryan thought he gathered himself quickly enough to say, "This is not what it looks like." Then it occurred to him how lame that old line sounded.

"It looks like the two of you are sitting in a bar having a drink," Isabella flippantly observed. "So, I would say it's exactly what it looks like."

"I meant, it's a coincidence," Ryan corrected himself.

"Oh, a coincidence." Now, Isabella's tone was one of mockery. "And you left and returned on the same plane and went to the same place. Was that a coincidence too?"

"And why did you stay in separate hotels?" Logan threw in.

"Because it was a coincidence," Lindsey stated firmly. "We did not plan this trip together. I repeat, we did not."

"Okay. I'll give you that for the moment," Isabella allowed. "Now, tell me you didn't see each other while you were there."

"We saw each other," Ryan admitted. "But can we not have this conversation here?"

Isabella made a show of looking around. The lounge was only half full, but she really hadn't intended to go this far here, anyway. "Sure." She pretended to think. "I know. How about going to our favorite hotel?"

"What?" they, including Logan, chimed in unison.

She handed Ryan and Lindsey a key.

"You planned this?" a stupefied Ryan asked. "What are you up to?"

"You didn't want to talk about it here," Isabella reminded. "So, you'll just have to wait. See you there." And with that, she walked off.

A dumbfounded Logan was at a loss for what to do, but he turned and followed Isabella since he'd ridden here with her.

"Do we dare?" Lindsey asked.

"This is very strange behavior from Isabella," Ryan noted. "I've got a bad feeling about this, so I need to see what she's up to. And since she's gotten Logan involved, I would think you'd want to see also."

"You're right. Let's go."

* * *

Ryan and Lindsey were even more surprised that Isabella had secured their exact same room from four weeks ago.

"Alright, Isabella, what's going on?" Ryan demanded upon entering, Lindsey in tow. They found their spouses sitting on the sofa, each with a glass of wine.

"Isn't this cozy?" Lindsey remarked.

"There's beer on the counter," Isabella offered.

There was a bucket with ice and a six pack of Stellas being chilled.

Now, even more confused, fearing what was to come, Ryan opened a bottle each for he and Lindsey figuring they were going to need it.

"So, where were we?" Isabella asked rhetorically.

But Logan answered anyway. "Coincidences."

"Yes," Isabella agreed, though she really knew. "So, was it also a coincidence that you ended up in each other's hotel room?"

Seeing no point in denying it, Lindsey said, "How did you know that?"

Isabella wanted to smirk, but she didn't. "I didn't. You just admitted it."

"Isabella, what's the point of all this?" Ryan again demanded.

"Despite the two of you being so coy, I'm admitting up front that Logan and I have gotten together while you were gone." Here, she stretched the truth. "It was really just to have a glass of wine, but when we compared notes and discovered that the two of you were together and likely sleeping together, we felt that if you were doing it, no reason we shouldn't. And since you're still together after returning, I'm guessing it was good and that you want it to continue. So, do we. So, I'm sure you came to the same conclusion that we did."

"How can that happen without our spouses knowing." Lindsey said, stating the obvious.

"How, indeed," Isabella agreed.

"Well, now that we all know," Ryan said. "What's the issue?"

"What's the issue?" Isabella repeated. "What are you gonna do? Come home one night and say, oh, I'm going out with Lindsey and we're gonna to fuck our brains out? Or better still, you don't come home, you just call and say, I'll be home late. Gonna meet Lindsey."

Ryan was about to say something.

But Isabella cut him off. "If so, then why stay married?" She didn't wait for an answer. "But I suspect that neither of you are quite ready for such a drastic step. Nor are we."

"Isabella, it feels like you're leading us by the nose to the chopping block," Lindsey said.

"Chopping block? No," Isabella said with a smile. "I am leading you to the solution. And it is right here." She gestured around the room.

They all glanced around as though the answer was tangible.

Seeing nothing obvious, Logan's face formed a wide grin. "You're ready for a repeat of four weeks ago in this very room."

Both Ryan and Lindsey were taken aback.

"Is that right?" Ryan asked.

"It is," Isabella confirmed.

That surprised her husband. "Wow. Who would have guessed that?" And it quickly turned into a frown. "Then why did you put us through this interrogation?"

"That wasn't my intention. But the two of you were so coy and defensive, I felt we needed to put this all in perspective. I'm sorry. I was ready to tell you the real purpose at the bar. That's why I have refreshments all set up."

"So, that's it?" Lindsey asked. "You expected us to just come back here, strip down, and fuck?"

"I didn't expect anything. I hoped. And I thought this was what you all wanted."

"It is," Logan answered. "Right?"

"Yes," Ryan agreed. "It does solve our . . . dilemma. Don't you agree, Lindsey?"

She considered it for a second. "Yes. I guess it does. And after tonight, what?"

"Then, if we all want to continue this, we can get together whenever we all want to."

"Are you going to want to?" Lindsey questioned.

"I will if we all promise to be completely honest with each other going forward. That's the only way this can work."

The ever-eager Logan started unbuttoning his shirt. "Sounds like a plan to me. I'm in."

"I don't think anyone thought you wouldn't be, you horny bastard," his grinning wife told him.

Isabella and Ryan chuckled.

After a moment's thought, Ryan agreed, "I think it'll actually work." He also lifted off his Polo shirt.

Having been giving it consideration, Lindsey finally smiled and said, "It's actually a brilliant plan. I knew there was a reason I liked you from the moment I met you, Isabella. Now, I think I like you even more. Let's do this." And with that, she disrobed.

Not wanting to be left out of her own party, Isabella stripped down.

Within minutes, all four were completely nude and stood facing one another. No one knew how or where to start. Since she had been the wild card in all of this from the beginning, Isabella thought they might all be waiting for her to take the lead, so she did.

Dropping to her knees, Isabella grabbed Logan's cock and pulled him to her. After a couple of sucks, she reached for her husband's dick and did the same. With a grin, Lindsey went down on her knees also. Isabella relinquished Ryan for the other woman, returning her lips to Logan. After a few moments, the women switched again. They continued alternating, with each stint lasting longer.

Logan's knees were getting weak from being sucked and from watching his wife suck Ryan. He pushed Isabella to sit down on one end of the sofa, spread her legs and went to work with his mouth on her pussy. Lindsey didn't wait for Ryan to do the same thing, she took charge, sat down and pulled him between her legs.

For several minutes, all that could be heard was the slurping sounds of men eating pussies. Gradually, moaning and whimpering joined in from the ladies. Unexpectedly, Isabella momentarily lost her concentration of the pleasure of a tongue on her pussy when Lindsey took Isabella's hand that had just been resting beside her on the sofa seat. The two glanced at each other, Lindsey offering a warm smile. Isabella returned the smile.

"Can we be friends?" Lindsey whispered.

"Of course. That's the ultimate goal."

"You like shopping?"

"More or less."

"Maybe one Saturday we could just do that?"

"Tomorrow is Saturday."

"Perfect. What time?"

"We'll probably want to sleep late after tonight," Isabella surmised. "Let's meet for lunch first."

"I like that." She tightened her grip slightly on Isabella's hand.

"Are we not doing a good job," Ryan asked, "that you two are carrying on a conversation?"

"You're doing a terrific job," Lindsey complimented. "Now, lick my ass." She giggled.

Ryan looked up sharply. "What?"

Sensing the other woman's jocularity, "You mean you didn't get your ass licked in Washington?" Isabella playfully asked.

"No. But I did four weeks ago. You?"

"Nope. I'm ashamed of you, Ryan," his wife said.

"I did four weeks ago?" Ryan questioned.

"Yes. But just now, I was kidding," Lindsey clarified.

"I'm not," Isabella said, maintaining the rouse.

"Really?" Now, Logan looked up.

"By the time we're through with you two men you'll be begging to lick our asses," Isabella said.

"Isabella, what's gotten into you?" Ryan wanted to know.

Instead of a comeback, Isabella got on her knees on the sofa, her hands on the arm, her rear aimed at Logan. Reaching back, she spread her cheeks.

"Really?" he asked, trying to hide his distaste.

"No, you fool. Stick your dick in my pussy."

Breathing his relief, Logan quickly complied.

"That looks good," Lindsey said. So, she got into a similar position and Ryan followed suit.

Once again, the room quieted to the soft squishing sounds of fucking.

The women couldn't see Logan tap Ryan on the arm. He mouthed, watch this. "I'll lick your ass if you kiss my wife. And not just a peck."

"I'll take that bet," Ryan agreed, thinking he knew his wife.

The two women exchanged looks of pity for their husbands. As though of one mind, they leaned into one another, cupped each other's necks and kissed as passionately as they knew how. Ostensibly, it was to call the bluff, but it turned out to be much more. The longer they did it, the more they got into it causing them to snap open their eyes and see each other with revelatory looks. Each also felt the cock inside them swell.

When the women broke it off, they continued to watch each other.

"Damn!" Logan exclaimed.

"Yeah, but now we have to kiss ass," Ryan reminded.

"Lick," Lindsey corrected. "There is a difference. And besides, you've already done it."

"Shit, I don't care," Logan said, "That was worth the price of admission."

"The kiss was actually very nice," Isabella informed them.

"Yes, it was," Lindsey agreed.

"I had no idea it could be so nice."

"Want to try it again while they lick our asses?" Lindsey asked.

"I think I do."

Logan didn't hesitate to drop to his knees and spread Isabella's cheeks. With his tongue sticking out, he timidly touched it to her anus. Not knowing what to expect based on what one normally expects from the rectum, he was pleasantly surprised that his reluctance was unfounded. It wasn't bad at all. In fact, he was tickled when she puckered, and so, he took a healthier swipe.

"Mmmm!" Isabella throated with her lips fixed to Lindsey's.

Apparently, four weeks ago he had been so intoxicated with alcohol and sexual fervor that he had done what Lindsey claimed without realizing it. Now, seeing his partner in crime willingly paying up, Ryan knelt and did it all at once. The distraction of watching his wife and Lindsey kiss masked any distaste, not to mention the arousal factor of both the kiss and the lick.

A similarly throaty sound came from Lindsey.

"Plus, a kiss," Ryan said, bestowing one on her derriere, "to show I'm not a sore loser."

"Ditto," Logan agreed.

The men then sat on the carpeted floor. The women, now breathing heavy from their heated kiss, came up for air and joined their husbands.

"Well, this evening is full of surprises," Ryan commented.

"And it's just the first of what I hope will be many," Logan added.

"We have to keep it fresh and exciting and that means trying new things, as we just did," Lindsey pointed out.

"Yes. So far, the new things are pretty nice," Isabella agreed. "I wonder how sucking a dick that's been in another woman's pussy is." With that, she eased onto her side and sucked her husband's cock.

"I'll give that a try," Lindsey said. She did the same to Logan.

As he actually enjoyed his wife sucking him, Logan realized that he could lay on his side and tongue Isabella's pussy. So, he did.

Seeing Logan, Ryan figured he could do the same with Lindsey. So, he completed the daisy chain.

Isabella looked up from Ryan's cock, saw him licking Lindsey's pussy and anus, and followed the circle to her sucking her husband, and felt his tongue on her pussy and her anus. Isabella smiled because her plan was working. Of course, she realized it was her fault in the first place for backing out of that Saturday night. But that was water under the bridge.

For the fun of it, after several minutes, Isabella called, "Switch!" The others stopped and looked at her perplexed.

"What for?" Ryan asked.

"The hell of it."

Lindsey giggled.

Isabella made a rotational gesture with her finger, then turned around toward Logan. He got the idea and wheeled around to his wife's pussy as she turned toward Ryan, who now addressed his wife's snatch.

The room again yielded to sucking, slurping and licking sounds.

Ryan sat up on his haunches, squirmed forward, and drove his cock slowly into his wife's pussy.

"Mmmm," she purred.

Logan twisted to suck on Isabella's nipples while her husband fucked her. Not wanting to be left out, Lindsey squatted behind Ryan, caressing his balls and stroking his shaft that was coated with the other woman's juices on the out thrust. Lindsey was strangely stimulated knowing she was using Isabella's secretions to lube her lover's cock.

Ryan groaned his pleasure over having a woman play with his dick and scrotum while he fucked another woman.

Feeling the presence of Lindsey's hand between their legs, Isabella was becoming amazed with herself that she was immensely enjoying such things as this that she would never have imagined herself even doing. She was so glad she had come to her senses about doing a foursome. She was experiencing levels of arousal she never thought herself capable of. And she wanted more kink. Remembering something Lindsey had done four weeks ago, she reached around and grabbed Lindsey's arm, pulling her hand from behind Ryan and redirected it above. She hoped the other woman also recalled when she placed Lindsey's hand on her clit.

Lindsey was likewise rising to new heights of stimulation from this renewal. It seemed that the things she would never have considered, such as kissing another woman, and now, touching another woman's pussy were the drugs that were feeding her new sexual addiction. Willingly and excitedly, Lindsey rubbed her fore and middle fingers on Isabella's labia and tightened them to feel Ryan's cock rub against them. She wrapped her fingers around his cock, stroking him on the out thrusts in between touching his wife's pussy where ever she could.

Seeing what was going on, Logan moved from sucking Isabella's tits to positioning himself behind his wife. With her ass up in the air, he gave her a good licking before stuffing his cock in her pussy.

Isabella was able to reach out underneath Lindsey and play with her pussy and Logan's dick in similar fashion.

Sounds in the room crescendoed to passionate moans, groans, whimpers and cries.

Isabella was first to start feeling the beginnings of her orgasm. The tingling of nerves in her pussy spread throughout her body followed by her muscles tightening.

Sensing her new friend was about to come, Lindsey focused her fingers on the woman's clit. That elicited moans of pleasure from Isabella. But Isabella wanted more. Withdrawing her hand from between the other couple, she cupped Lindsey's neck and pulled her face down for a kiss. Lindsey willingly succumbed.

That was the final stimulation Isabella needed, and with her lips locked with Lindsey's, she came hard, emitting throaty sounds as she clasped her legs around her husband. Seeing what was happening really stirred up Ryan, so he pumped faster driving his cock as far into his wife's pulsing pussy as he could. He could tell she was having a massive orgasm as her body tensed all over. It caused his balls to start churning, and within seconds, he was blasting his wife's pussy with massive amounts of cum. That seemed to extend Isabella's climax.

Feeling the other couple's explosion, and with their mouths still pressed and having escalated to full French kissing, Lindsey's climax started building. She felt the spasms begin in her vagina with electrical impulses lighting up her nerve endings. The feeling was overwhelming. She sucked Isabella's mouth even harder wishing she could drive her tongue deeper into the other woman's throat.

Likewise, Logan witnessing the others all climaxing quickly brought him to his own orgasm. He felt his balls tightening like never and he thought his cock expanded to twice its size. Through her own orgasm, his wife's pussy was gripping his cock and that brought him over the edge and he shot a hefty load inside her. He continued to pump for a while until Lindsey fell forward and he popped out. She lay flat on her stomach. He sat back on his calves.

Isabella had stretched out on the floor while Ryan sat like Logan.

While panting, Lindsey said, "I have an unusual request, Logan."

"Anything," his love-intoxicated mind had him responding without considering what unusual could mean.

"Would you lick your cum out of my pussy?"